Last week’s performance at the Washington State Republican Convention wasn’t the first time Rep. Dave Reichert laughed at the thought of Hillary Clinton plummeting to her death from an airplane; as the TNT’s Niki Sullivan reported back in March, he delivered the same “joke” before the Pierce County Republicans at their annual Lincoln Day Breakfast in Tacoma. But that wasn’t the congressman’s only questionable quip of the day:
At one point in the speech, he reminded people that Barack Obama may seem friendly and electable, but he’s a liberal, “and he will steal money out of your wallets and purses.”
The crowd was silent.
So… a famously former sheriff warns the crowd that a black man is going to steal their wallets? Yeah, I can imagine the stunned silence. (Though personally, I always cross the street whenever I see Barack Obama coming toward me on a sidewalk. You can never be too careful.)
(Sigh.) And this is best Washington’s 8th Congressional District has to offer?
UPDATE [Lee]: Matt Stoller posts about Reichert’s sexism.
Can we please have Congresspeople from this area who don’t make us question whether or not they needed help to advance out of Middle School?
I always cross the street whenever I see Barack Obama coming toward me on a sidewalk
Well, to be fair, so does his grandma.
Under a President Obama, our taxes will surely go up, not down – Hell, they won’t even stay the same.
To many – most? – Americans, a tax increase equates to stealing money our of our wallets.
When Walter Mondale ran in 1984, he promised the Democrat National Convention that he would raise taxes, and the crowd groaned – the race was over at that moment – Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus proceeded to squash Fritz like a bug! He barely carried his homestate of Minnesota.
Among 8th CD voters, the distinction Reichert draws will draw him votes and will force The Darcy to go on the stump and either repudiate tax increases or defend them.
If she repudiates them, she copies Reichert and pisses off the HA Happy Hooligans. If she defends them, she hammers one more nail into her typical liberal coffin.
For The Darcy, it’s a lose-lose-lose deal. Dave Reichert scored on this one.
The Piper
Goldy drools in eager anticipation of getting a ‘lil lick on ditzy Darcy’s love wallet….
Piper – Why do you refer to Darcy Burner as “The Darcy”?
Under a President Obama, our taxes will surely go up, not down – Hell, they won’t even stay the same.
For the rich (top 1 percent), they’ll go up to same level they were under Clinton. The poor 1 percent, they did so badly in those Clinton years.
For the middle class and poor, they’ll go down or stay about the same. The middle class is tapped out, haven’t had a raise in 30 years.
After all, there’s a mountain of debt to pay down, i.e. the mess the Republicans left behind.
“Under a President Obama, our taxes will surely go up, not down – Hell, they won’t even stay the same.”
Newsflash to those living in fantasyland: the global economy isn’t going to be improving anytime soon and our massive debt isn’t going to go away. Taxes of all kinds are going to have to go up to pay for it. That’s reality.
The days of borrowing from the future of the children of this nation must come to an end.
5 Daniel, you can take your pick of the following two answers:
(1.) Because he knows it’s irritating.
(2.) Because he’s an idiot.
Big Hair knows about raising the cost of government since he was part of the Bush Regime that did more to increase the cost of government than any other administration in history. But Pooper doesn’t want you to know that. He wants you to think it’s all downhill from here when in fact, it’s BEEN all downhill since AWOL Bush stole the White House.
President Obama can’t do any worse than Bush/McCain.
I propose Goldy and the other moderators delete the pooper’s comments until gets the name of the party correct:
the DemocratIC party
the DemocratIC National Convention
If he refuses, he can take his Segretti/Rove tactics elsewhere.
@3 “To many – most? – Americans, a tax increase equates to stealing money our of our wallets.”
Letting the Bush tax cuts expire is not raising taxes. Even McCain agreed with that one before he flip-flopped like he has on everything else. Paying for the costs of our gub’mint is not to have our money stolen. Perhaps your beef is where the money goes. Perhaps you don’t like your money going to programs you don’t support. Does that leave me off the hook for the costs of the failed war in Iraq? No, it doesn’t. Fork it over, Piper, pay your share and quit your damned whining.
Ronald Reagan rose taxes 5 or 6 times. Most of the burden falling on the middle class.
We had the right level of federal taxes under Clinton. Our federal budget got balanced, and it was even threatening to show a surplus, before George W. Bush started spending like crazy and cutting taxes.
Daniel K is entirely correct. We must stop borrowing. ALL the candidates this year were guilty of demagoguery when they talked about lowering taxes. McCain more so, since he wants to lower more taxes (even the federal highway gas tax). Obama much less so, since he talks less about lowering taxes and more about wealthier folks paying their fair share. And probably all of the eliminated candidates from both parties promised somebody lower taxes.
@8: You forgot
3) Because he’s a sexist old fart;
4) He talks that way to everyone and everything – he even refers to his member as “The Little Piper.”
Oh, and I second what Richard Pope says @13.
YLB @ 10
Should we buy Peiper Scott an ICee? They do sell ICee’s at a few places around here. I think Target stores have ICee machines.
Unfortunately, several candidates this year are running as “Prefers Democrat Party”, instead of “Prefers Democratic Party”. Including Jim McIntire (longtime D legislator) for State Treasurer.
However, it appears that Sam Reed is letting “Democrat Party” candidates correct the grammatical mistake on their filing forms, without requiring a new form and new filing fee.
If my primary ballot has a choice between “Prefers Democratic Party” and “Prefers Democrat Party”, I will pick the candidate who knows the correct name for the party!
Papers reporting that Ruby Chow died this morning.
Actually Goldy, it’s a big government, most Liberal US Senator that we ought to be afraid of stealing money out of our wallet!!
O-blah-blah talks nice…but he’s a Socialist.
It appears any & every time a comment is made, you will try to twist & spin it so the speaker is portrayed as a racist.
Folks will get sick of this real soon…and overplaying the race card will be his demise.
Taxes go up? Why not spending go down, down, down???
Your admission is closer to the truth than YippeeLilBoy who thinks middle and lower income taxes won’t go up.
Total bupkis!
Every governmental fee increase is a tax increase – every raised fee for service, every higher percentage differential, every unfunded mandate – everything is a tax increase.
Hell, we’re still paying phone taxes to pay for the Spanish-American War!
YippeeLilBoy’s taxes will go up, up, up, and his quality of life, such as it is, will go down, down, down.
Why do I call The Darcy that? About the same reason Donald Trump, bombastic gasbag he is, is called The Donald.
The Darcy and The Donald – a match made in heaven!
The Piper
O-blah-blah is naive and doesn’t understand basic economics. Apparently his Econ Prof was Karl Marx.
A near doubling of LT Capital Gains Tax to 28% will certainly tank the stock market.
Especially on Dividends which are after-tax dollars Corporations have already paid taxes on.
O-blah-blah can read speeches well.
That’s about it.
You have no clue what a socialist is. Obama is most certainly not a socialist.
18 “Taxes go up? Why not spending go down, down, down???”
Uhhhh….yeah. Why not indeed. Saint King Dumbfuck presented himself as a paragon of frugality eight years ago. His pal Grover was all for cutting spending and “drowning government in a bathtub”, right?
Doesn’t seem to have turned out that way.
And I dunno about the rest of you folks, but inflation has taken a helluva lot more out of my net income in the last few years than Bush’s much-heralded tax cuts were supposed to put back.
@18 “Taxes go up? Why not spending go down, down, down???”
Sure, let’s end the war, NOW. That’d save a few bucks. Got a better idea, Piper? Let’s hear how you’d cut spending. Remember, you’d have to cut an awful lot for spending to go “down, down, down”.
Oh, by the way, Piper…when you lose your cool and lapse into calling people names from the Michelle Malkin Official Slogan and Label List, it makes you seem almost as much of a fool as Bill O’Reilly did the other day when he tried to take on Scott McClellan.
But it was under Republican administrations that the deficits were piled up – thereby requiring a future need for higher taxation. By your logic, Crackpiper, there’s no problem with stealing your wallet as long as it only had credit cards in it.
Let’s see. Mr. C seems to be working off the “socialism and surrender” charge. Not that that’s what Obama would bring us, but even if he did it’d still beat the green runny shit out of incompetence and failure.
@20 Those dumb fucks on the right can’t make up their minds whether to call us commies or fascists.
Some of them are so dumb, they don’t even know there’s a difference.
@25 “incompetence and failure”
Hmm, there ought to be a few words we could come up with that could put what these bastards have done in a nutshell. The above, while good, doesn’t quite cover the crimes committed and their disregard for the constitution – that “goddamned piece of paper”.
26 and 27
I think we can accurately describe Cynical and some of his cohorts as mysogynistic, xenophobic, and hypocritical luddites. Cynical, of course, would likely see such as a compliment.
Well, I guess Piper would rather keep the money in his wallet for the time being, and continue to pass the bill for the Bush tax cuts on to his grandchildren, for them to worry about.
Despite Republican propoganda, it was indeed under the Clinton administration that we almost had a balanced budget. Under the current Republican administration, with the full support of a Republican Congress for six of those years, spending increased dramatically, even while tax cuts were targeted primarily at those in the highest income brackets.
And the higher spending wasn’t all because of 9/11, or even the Afganistan or Iraqi wars. The Bush administration showed a pinchent for ignoring basic goverment administration, starving necessary departments, and then trying to fix the “public relations” problem resulting from the catastrophie.
Despite Republican claims that Carter was responsible for out-of-control spending, the first thing the Republican administration did was actually INCREASE spending. They didn’t like the cutbacks in office janitorial service and government-paid meals which Carter had imposed upon his own administration (read Stockman’s book).
There is a WIDE discrepency between what the Republicans SAY there position is on spending, and what they actually practice.
Maybe you have to cross the sidewalk when you see Obama coming towards you cuz the secret service wouldn’t let a shmuck like you close to him.
Geeze Goldstein, why do you have to play the race card already ? Reichert did not say “a black man” will steal your money, he said a liberal will…
But you have to pull out some sort of stereotype or whatever crap. Inclusiveness, healing my ass…geeze, when will you grow up
Cynical @17,
A sitting congressman and former law enforcement officer talks about a black man stealing your wallet. He could have used a different metaphor, but he didn’t.
Appearances are appearances.
@30 “spending increased dramatically, even while tax cuts were targeted primarily at those in the highest income brackets.”
Not to mention the small matter of a failed, ill-conceived war that’s off the books.
You mean like you did in @21?
I do it how?
And how many times have I been the target of name calling, perjoratives, and even worse?
Please…you’re killin’ me here! The joke is too rich!
Still contend that under BHO, the taxes of each and every one of you will go up, the government will bloat like a dead animal, and your freedoms and liberties will be eviscerated.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
Want to know where to cut first? Every earmark starting with the pork Patty Murray leeches out of the federal budget, followed by every one of Ted Stevens’ hunks of junk.
See…I’m bi-partisan when it comes to fraud and waste in government, of which there’s more of it than value.
Frankly, military spending gets us more bang for the buck than almost anything.
BTW…no law says you can’t pay more now…the federal government accepts donations, so why don’t all the HA Happy Hooligans step up to the plate and show your commitment to more government waste and profligacy by pledging over and above what you pay in taxes now.
In other words, put your money where your mouths are – pony up…ante up…put up or shut up.
Who will pledge 5% of his/her income? 10%? Who will cut a check today for $1,000? $5,000? $10,000?
If you all say it’s so necessary, then why delay – start today!
The Piper
Bush has spent the money for the next 100 years. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU PROPOSE THAT WE PAY IT BACK?
Pooper, you are a complete and total ass. Where is your bellyaching over the spending of this administration? Now you you want to cry about taxes. The fucking truth, you monumental asshole, is that no matter who is in charge they will have to collect more money to pay for George’s fucking folly of a war. That one item has ruined the budget. That money comes from taxpayers.
Shut the fuck up, you disingenuous empty headed, bullshit spewing anti-American hate monger.
And to save you the speculation….I am not angry, I am not mad. I am simply calling like it is.
The truth hurts Pooper. You are a fucking idiot.
Why must the race card keep getting played???
“So… a famously former sheriff warns the crowd that a black man is going to steal their wallets? Yeah, I can imagine the stunned silence.”
I hate Reichert, BUT he did not say a “black man”…he said “liberal” (according to the quote you, Goldy, provided) YET Goldy tries to make this a race thing??
Enough is enough! Obama WON!!! GOT IT??? Get off Hilary’s ride and let go of the race card!
@31 “Reichert did not say “a black man” will steal your money, he said a liberal will…”
Geez, Dutch, I can understand the confusion as “liberal” for you guys is usually used as a code word for “Jew”.
BHO isn’t a black man running for president, he’s touted himself as a man running for president who happens to be black.
He’s not going to be able to keep that up if his surrogates – namely, you – slap the race card in an attempt to sully any criticisms of his candidacy, ideas, or policy proposals.
White or black, one standard for all – what’s good for the goose better be good for the gander.
Reichert could easily have made the same statement about HRC had she emerged on top, and he probably would have.
You don’t get it both ways.
The Piper
Geezus fucking Kerighst…… Why don’t you lay the blame where it belongs, asshole?
George Bush and the REPUBLICAN controlled congress. He spent and spent and spent…..
Your attempt to blame Dems is laughable. It is also sad. Indicative of “my party can do no wrong” blind faith and blame others strategy. Ted Stevens bridge is a blip on the spending. How many children go to bed hungry every night in the country while Bush’s coercive democracy strategy takes this country hellbent toward financial disaster?
@34 “step up to the plate and show your commitment to more government waste and profligacy by pledging over and above what you pay in taxes now.”
You’re so full of shit, Piper. How about you stepping up to the plate and paying for the misbegotten fiasco in Iraq that you support? I’m sure that your share of that mess will be under six figures. Cut the Fed a check, you cheap bastard. Or do you plan on passing that one off to your grandkids too?
37: huh? what does this have to do with Goldsteins Quote or his “making up” stuff. I bet Reichert would have said the same if Hillary would have won. Would Goldstein then have modified it to “Reichert said a B…. comes and steals your money” ?
As I said above: What does Race have to do with any of this and why do you have to bring it up ? Black, Brown, Jew…it’s all irrelevant.
Goldstein are you now believing your own stuff ? First you quote Reichert, then you put words in his mouth, then you use that as “proof” that you are correct. Talk about delusional.
Indeed, wars are expensive, so let’s cut other stuff since it will be way more expensive in the long run to cut and run from Iraq and Afghanistan.
And for the past two years, Congress has been in Democrat hands, so go whine and moan to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi – they control the purse strings.
Sucks when you have to take responsibiity for your own party’s inability to adhere to its campaign promises, doesn’t it?
The Piper
Goldy is right. Let me put it in other language you might understand…
If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it is a fucking duck.
Reichert could have used other language. He did not. He knew what he was saying and, absent that, he is a sitting US Congressman and he damn well should have known better.
President Barack Obama. Congresswoman Darcy Burner. Get used to it, Pooper. You are about to get steamrolled while we get out of Iraq and the trials start. HRC for Attorney General. How does that sound? Think she will refuse to prosecute Republican criminals? Think she will say that torture is just fine?
@41 “Black, Brown, Jew…it’s all irrelevant.”
Yes, to a progressive mind. Are you not familiar with right-wing code?
45: Pathetic
@42 “First you quote Reichert, then you put words in his mouth, then you use that as “proof” that you are correct.”
The usual right-wing MO. How’s it feel to be on the receiving end these days?
Question, let’s say Hilary said this exact sentence….
“Barack Obama may seem friendly and electable, but he’s a liberal, “and he will steal money out of your wallets and purses.”
Would that be changed to her saying a black man will steal money?
The defense budget is the single largest item in the budget. The war is the single largest line item in the defense budget.
That the war continues because the president controls that decision.
The cut and run strategy is dead. 70% of Americans want out of Iraq and see leaving as getting out of a quagmire. Guess what? This is still a democracy and that is what is going to happen.
President Barack Obama will end this folly and bring our troops home.
@46 “Pathetic”
I take it then that you are familiar with the right-wing use of code words. What’s pathetic here is your state of denial, Dutch.
Sorry guys…I am just PISSED that someone once again has to throw the fucking race card out in play and twist things! I am FURIOUS!
I saw and heard enough of this bullshit from Clinton, and Obama overcame it all, Thank God!
Now I have to continue to hear it from people that need to be supporting Obama and from people claiming to be democrats??? SICK SICK SICK!!!!!
50: A lie is a lie is a lie, it makes no diff who uses it. I sure like the fact on how you classify people in your simple mind.
If they agree with me…great…progressive
If they disagree with me….great…right wing scum
Makes life so much easier, I guess. No thinking required, no trying to understand your fellow man/woman/child, no need to actually work together for the common good.
@49 “President Barack Obama will end this folly and bring our troops home.”
Thank goodness for that! Bring our troops home!
Yep, Hannah, you are absolutely right. But it’s all in preparation for the big day.
Obama or any other candidate should be measured on his qualifications and his accomplishments, not on the color of his skin.
That’s how I will vote. Who is the candidate, who are his/her advisors, who is he/she working with and what has/he done in the past couple of years. People might vote for a person, but in reality, you vote for a group of people all trying to have/give input.
And should Obama, Goldstein and others will claim that he lost because of his race, etc. trying to stir up trouble.
No he won’t – the costs and risks are too great, and if he gets in then he’ll be held responsible for outcomes, and there will be no mercy.
He will be controlled by events, not the other way around.
The Piper
Reichert may have, or may not have, been subtly bringing race into his comment. The point is that if he wasn’t, he should be more careful with his words. If he was, well then, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
You can get pissed all you want. The fact is that there are going to be people who will gladly make an issue of his skin color. I prefer to vote on the issue of who is going to be the best man to lead this country.
That man is Barack Obama. The next President Of The United States Of America.
“Why do I call The Darcy that? About the same reason Donald Trump, bombastic gasbag he is, is called The Donald.”
So I guess that’s why you also call yourself “The Piper”.
It all makes sense now.
My Left Foot @ 56 – Agreed! You say “The fact is that there are going to be people who will gladly make an issue of his skin color.”
And that person here today is Goldy, the last person I expected to bring race BACK into the race to the WH! Now had Hillary said this, no one would claim she meant it as a race issue (because she is a democrat, if she were a republican, it would be an issue) We have enough BS going on in the current admin of this type, yet some people seem to think it’s ok to continue the games and name calling.
Out of Iraq is a win. You just can’t face it. The consequences could hardly be any worse. What, oil prices going to go up? ROFLMAO.
You are seriously lacking any understanding of what it takes to believe you can be president, to want to be president. Some men run for ego and personal reasons (GWB). Some are called (Kennedy). The latter group, of which Obama is a member, are stronger that the first group.
Obama’s mandate will be to get us out. The troops will be met with cheering crowds and grateful families. President Obama will be forever known as the man who fixed Bush’s greatest foreign policy blunders.
Keep trying Pooper, we will make a believer out of you before we are done.
Hey Lee!
You gonna crawl all over Obama for calling that woman reporter, “sweetie?”
One standard for all…
The Piper
@55 Either way, Piper, you don’t want to pay for the damned war you’ve supported.
I’ve read that book…it’s in the fiction section of your local library.
The Piper
Hannah, Goldy simply pointed out there COULD have been a racial reference. He did not put it there. He was watching and saw it. Reichert chooses his words more carefully and there is no problem.
Goldy is just playing watchdog. (Besides the fact that this time he is right)
Watchdog? More like hyena.
The Piper
Richard Pope @13:
Agreed. And funny that the Reichert quote itself is just a hilariously ham-handed attempt to quote George H. W. Bush, from 1992 debate #3 (which, as I recall, didn’t work then either, when the speaker actually knew what he was saying):
The Iraqis will greet us as liberators. Saddam has WMD. Saddam supports terrorists.
These books are fiction. I see you now have trouble defining fiction from non-fiction. Ergo you have demonstrated trouble with truth and lies, right and wrong, etc etc….
Pooper, you are fighting a losing battle. Just like Bush and McCain. You are not the Piper, Pooper, you are one of the lemmings.
My Left Foot – as I asked before, IF Hilary said this would everyone be up in arms and claiming she MEANT black man instead of liberal?
This is just a complete assumption, we all know republicans say democrats (liberals) only want tax money, so to me when I read it, it makes complete sense that he had no “black man” intention in his comment, but rather the whole republican bad mouthing the democrat. Yet, as usual, someone has to come along and throw the race card! Sickening and sad that it comes from someone who claims to be a full fledge democrat.
@67 “it makes complete sense that he had no “black man” intention in his comment”
I suspect that’s likely true in this particular instance.
Are you married to Pooper?
Racism is evil. Reichert’s words gave the appearance of racism. HRC did not say those words, she brought up “white working class”. It was the same tactic.
All you do is masquerade as a moderate liberal, when in truth you are moderate (at the least) conservative. You are fooling no one here.
Steve @67 – Glad someone can see through the filter!
MLF @ 69 – I am just sick and tired of double standards…if that makes me a moderate conservative, so be it, I know I am definately not a full fledged democrat or a full fledged republican. But have voted dem across the board. Won’t be this year though, for president, yes for Obama. But definatelty will not vote across the board as I did in 2006 after seeing the failures of those I voted for! Those people were all talk…no walk.
Hmmm. Hannah’s back.
I wonder if PuddySilly is just around the bend.
@71 – How many times does Darryl have to tell you Puddy and I are not the same? Besides he was on here last weekend when I was out of town, no where near a PC.
Hannah has a bit of a point, but there’s no question Sheriff Dave was out to pin some kind of label on Obama, and to tar the rest of us in the bargain. An obvious racial slur would have been even more disgusting, but for the purposes at hand any of the old, shopworn winger epithets sucks…take your pick:
“tax-and-spend liberals”
“bearded, unwashed hippies”
“surrender monkeys”
“effete snobs”
“nattering nabobs of negativism”
“welfare chiselers”
“latte drinking Volvo drivers”
Whatever. The purpose was clearly to play on the prejudices and fears of the dwindling ranks of the Republican party faithful.
You gonna crawl all over Obama for calling that woman reporter, “sweetie?”
You can’t possibly be dumb enough to equate those two things.
Actually, on second thought, you can…
typical race baiting. He said it in context, that being because Obama is a liberal democrat. Grow up people.
Here is a serious question dude:
Can Obama win without his supporters constantly pulling the race card and deflecting any criticism as being racist?
Apparently not.
Don’t forget:
“purveyors of San Francisco values”
Oh, yea, I forgot about “Nattering nabobs of negativism”. A Spiro Agnew favorite, that one.
I’m going to have to pull it out when the Republicans start attacking Obama on Day 2 of his administration for not fixing all of the Republican-built problems fast enough.
Darryl have to tell you Puddy and I are not the same?
Darryl or Darrell? (snicker)
I believe PuddyFool knows his way around a proxy server, just like mmmm…
Tell Pudge you’re free to interpret my comments any time, any where. You were spot on getting my message to Pudge regarding Cindy Sheehan.
Pudge, you’re a moron.
Cindy Sheehan is right and a far superior American than George W. Bush could ever even fantasize about being. Bush “shaded the truth” and used propaganda to intentionally steer our nation to war.
NO true American patriot supports those kinds of people or actions.
Please list for us what Rep. Reichert’s legislative accomplishments are and why his track record of success should allow him to continue representing the 8th CD of WA.
BTW, as I’ve asked numerous times previously, please leave out the rhetoric regarding Darcy Burner. Just the positive results that easily demonstrates what Rep. Reichert has accomplished in his role as a congressman.
Thanks again.
@80 Why stop with Reichert? We can ask that question of any Republican candidate running in 2008.
79 – GBS, thank you. I appreciate that.
Steve @ 81:
Good point. I’m just trying to pin Piper down on a specific point regarding the Burner / Reichert race.
The only way, so far, that Piper can elevate Reichert is to tear down Burner.
Zero substantive arguement. Which is funny because that’s what they say they want from HA but never give when directly and politely confronted.
Just a sanp shot of things to come when Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain have their town hall debates.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Hey! I gave you two!
Taxes: Reichert lower, The Darcy higher – I never vote for people who raise taxes; taxes are too high as is.
Party support: The Darcy would vote to re-elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, Dave Reichert wouldn’t.
I also like Dave’s support of free trade with Columbia and support of the Iraq surge. The Darcy is clueless about Iraq – never been there, wouldn’t understand it if she went, and does nothing more on this issue than parrot the netroots/DailyKus/MoveOn/HuffPo blather.
She’s a robot, not a real person.
I’ve said before that Dave Reichert is more liberal than I would like, but between the two? Hand down Dave Reichert.
The Piper
@83 I just can’t see what they could possibly do to sell their candidates. “Vote for me and I’ll keep on fucking things up”? I bet they’re cranking up a wave of negativity unlike anything we’ve ever seen before – and that’s saying something, considering what they’ve pulled in the past.
“Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa”
Hey, nice laugh. I like that.
Piper – You should really stop being such a bombastic gasbag.
@ 85:
Negative? Yeah, we haven’t seen anything yet. The American people won’t stand for it.
Laugh track credit goes to Roger Rabbit. Uncompenstated of course and used under the fair use act or whatever thingymajig RR quotes.
he’s a lawyer you know. Glad he’s one of us!!
@84 “Taxes: Reichert lower, The Darcy higher – I never vote for people who raise taxes; taxes are too high as is.”
You’re gonna open your damned wallet and pay for that fucking war!
“support of the Iraq surge”
One definition of “surge” is ” a heavy billowing”. I suspect that’s the only surge going on with you.
Hmmm. Did Reichert use the “steal your wallet” reference because of Senator Obama’s race, or just because he’s sending out the tired and discredited Republican talking point about Republicans being the party of fiscal responsibility?
The poor schmuck is about to lose his job, after being declared the 401st most effective Congressman. He doesn’t even appear to be smart enough to realize that he has simply been a finger puppet for the Bush administration, which has no further use for him and is now kicking him to the curb.
It just isn’t in me to kick him when he’s that far down, no matter how much he may deserve it.
Oh, Piper? About those taxes you’re so concerned about. I’d actually like lower taxes too, but since my choices seem to be paying for the debacle you Republicans caused, or borrowing the money from China and letting my grandchildren pay for it, I’ve got to go with paying more now.
And no, I’m not willing to say to my fellow Democrats that we should voluntarily pick up the tab while you folks that got us into this mess continue to get off scott free. You get to pay your share of the cost. Don’t like that? Tough.
Hey! When the country goes to war, we all go, not just Republicans.
And there’s plenty of pork out there to be cut, earmarks coming quickly to mind.
Democrats are junkies for high taxes, big government, and dependency. Thank you, no…I’ll pass.
The Piper
@90 No rebuttal? Just blather? You know, when you don’t have anything intelligent to say, you might consider saying nothing at all. It’s not that I’m asking you to stop posting, but you might try raising the bar a notch or two for yourself.
You flatter yourself – In order to get the bar to your level, I’d have to bury it in a pile of dung.
All you have is vitriol, insinuation, name calling, and surly meanness.
What you don’t have is a sense of nuance or differentiation, but you do have a lot of racist slurs to toss out.
And you continue to hide…
The Piper
@92 Umm, thanks for making my point. Drink much? Maybe that’s your problem.
Actually, I’m not one to use racist slurs except in private around my friends of color. I’d be surprised if I said anything of the sort on this blog. I do call you a bitch and it’s possible that some person here other than you might take offence to my using that word.
Yes, like it or not, we go to war as a country. That’s why I’m not advocating (tempting as it may be) that only you Republicans pay the bill. My taxes will go to paying for it as well, and I’m not even ducking my responsibility as an American for the deaths of so many young Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, along with unknown numbers of Iraqis.
On another thread, you advocated having Democrats voluntarily pay more, and I decline. Even though I opposed the war from the beginning, even though I voted against President Bush twice, I’m still responsible for the war, and for paying for the war.
But you’re not going to get away with having my unborn grandchildren pay for the war, and I’m not letting you out of paying your share of the cost.
As for your comments about earmarks. Congressman Reichert had no problem with earmarks, as long as he was in a position to “bring home the bacon”.
I actually hope that you Republicans keep a close eye on spending. We probably won’t always agree on which programs are important, and which are “waste”, but I’m a big fan of openness in government, and I recognize that Democrats aren’t immune to temptation.
So, hopefully you’re actually one of those “smaller government, fiscal responsibility” Republicans that have been horrified by the borrow-and-spend policies of the last eight years. I know and respect a few folks that honestly believe in the stated positions of the Republican party, and even when I disagree with them on particular positions, I understand and respect them.
At this point, you Republicans have some choices. You can continue to advocate more of the same, where you throw money away at well-connected corporations and get little or nothing in return, or you can clean your own house, and actually practice and demand fiscal responsibility.
But for now, at least, Republicans have little credibility on fiscal matters, while we continue to hear about hundreds of billions of dollars that have been sent to well connected corporations and cannot now be accounted for.
@94 “I know and respect a few folks that honestly believe in the stated positions of the Republican party, and even when I disagree with them on particular positions, I understand and respect them.”
I know what you mean. My gal-friend is a staunch Republican, and there are many other Republican friends. Some are people of color. Heck, if it was still Goldwater’s party, I might be a Republican today. My truly liberal days seem far behind me. People can disagree without hating each other. I know that a lot of the conversation on blogs can be terribly vicious and I’m quite guilty of that. On the other hand, the trolls who show up here are a horse of a different color. They’re not the kind of Republicans I have the pleasure of knowing. And that’s a fact. These trolls come from the darkside.
Pssst. John McCain wears Depends.
Wow Goldy. I never knew you were such a racist.
Not Racist, Race Baiter…get it right.
Meanwhile: Goldy still has childhood wet dreams, and visions of the day when ditzy Darcy finally gives him the chance of a licking of her smelly cooch; which in reality, is all he really wanted to do all along– all politics aside. I guess bald guys really do have a chance….been awhile huh Goldy? It’s called an erection son.
32. Goldy spews:
Cynical @17,
A sitting congressman and former law enforcement officer talks about a black man stealing your wallet. He could have used a different metaphor, but he didn’t.
Appearances are appearances.
I think it is a horrible mistake to take a quantum leap from criticism of O-Blah-Blah to criticism of a “black man”. Overplaying the race card this way WILL grow on White America and backfire…especially with Rural White American and Blue Collar voters. But keep doing it! Like an experiment when your Mom told you not to put your hand on the hot stove!!
Guilting folks to vote O-blah-blah for fear you KLOWNS will deem him or her a racist if they don’t is a bad experiement.
Too bad O-blah-blah has no real plan to help build a strong America.
All he has is the race card…and the most Liberal Voting Record of all 100 US Senators.
’10. YLB spews:
I propose Goldy and the other moderators delete the pooper’s comments until gets the name of the party correct:
the DemocratIC party’
And I propose banning YLB until he becomes an employed, tax-paying member of society.
Wow, dude. You have some very serious sexual inadequacy issues.
@99 Given how you people can’t seem to control projecting your own shit onto “the other”, your post reveals far more about you than I would ever want to know. In the future would you please keep your wet dreams to yourself?
@99 – This is really ByeByeGOP posting under a new name isn’t it?
It’s gotta be! It sounds EXACTLY like his writing every single day! No doubt guys! That is ByeByeGOP in disguise!
Pudge, you’re a moron.
Cindy Sheehan is right and a far superior American than George W. Bush could ever even fantasize about being.
Being as you are, literally, an idiot and incapable of judging these things, I won’t even bother to respond except to say that I keep far better counsel on such matters than you.
Bush “shaded the truth” and used propaganda to intentionally steer our nation to war.
NO true American patriot supports those kinds of people or actions.
Yeah, those fascist anti-American assholes like John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, who supported the invasion of Iraq — both before and after the invasion, with just access to the intelligence Bush himself had — should be strung up, along with the party that put them up as nominees for the Executive Offices (granted, Hillary hasn’t been nominated yet, but give it a few hours).
Pooper is appropriately named since nothing but shit ever comes from his mouth. Your wife says hi Pooper!