The Seattle Times reports today that the US Chamber of Commerce is lying on Dave Reichert’s behalf in radio ads that falsely accuse Darcy Burner of supporting “higher taxes on families with children.” Imagine that.
The radio spot, which started airing Friday in local markets, is part of a $20 million national ad buy with which the U.S. Chamber is supporting some House and Senate candidates.
And that’s on top of the hundreds of millions of dollars the Chamber has spent over the past half decade or so, backing conservative, pro-business candidates in local judicial, executive and legislative races nationwide. We’re talking maybe half a billion dollars from the US Chamber alone.
One of the criticisms I’ve heard of Darcy’s 2006 campaign was her failure to effectively fight back against the many lies that were told by Reichert and his surrogates, but the 2008 campaign seems much more responsive. In fact, they’ve already cut a new radio ad that will start running tonight on both KOMO and KIRO:
[audio:]It’ll take of lot of work for Darcy to win in November, but job one is refuting the lies before they have time to take hold.
Regarding Republicans, Democrats and taxes in general, y’all might be advised to take a squint at and think about whether some of the phrases dissected therein sound just like what you hear your Republican friends, neighbors and relatives declaring with absolute certainty.
The Internet can be used as an instrument for truth or bullshit with equal ease.
How would one find out what Darcy’s plan is? I looked on her site and this is all I found:
On Tax Fairness:
I support tax relief for the middle class, and I would require that profitable corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share of the tax burden.
Where is the plan?????
Goldy ..
Reichert’s campaign is about what i expected. Darcy has left herself open to this because she has come across as a one issue candidate.
The only way to fight back is not just be denial but by attackign Reichert on areas where he is weak.
My own guesses are:
immigration there area lot of high tech immgrants on the Estside who are pissed. Did you know that MS has a ghost campus in BC where folks who shold be in Seattle wait out their visas?
education the east side is BIG on education. Obama is as well. He suports ideas that sell well in Bellevue .. charter schools!
science I have been here before, the Eastside is very dependent on tech but R has no record in this area. Support for the NIH and NSF budgets. Support for infrastructure projects that can keep Boeing jobs here. She could even call it a “plan”. Doesn;t hurt that McCain now loks like a luddite.
Palin also presents a challenge that she should get out n front of by attckin g Palin’s tax policies .. that is Palin’s tax on oil companies RAISES prices in WASTATE.
In a fit turn around of the R death tax trick, If I were Darcy I would attack her (and therefore Reichert) for supporting the Alaska tax.
SJ: So are you saying that Palin’s tax of the oil companies is bad but the proposed windfall tax the oil companies are supposed to pay (and supported by Obama) is good ?
Even Darcy wouldn’t be so stupid to propose that ….but then…she just might.
Hey speedo – maybe you should ask John Mccain how to use the internets, here is a quote from the Burner website:
The funny thing is that the republicans lied about Darcy Burners tax plan in 2006 also. Just like McCain is lying now about Obama’s tax plan. Can’t the republicans run on the issues and not lie?
That is why I am no longer a republican. Republicans lie. Republicans can’t balance the budget. Republicans get us into unnecessary wars. Even Palin starts off her first major speech with a lie: She was for the bridge to nowhere and kept the money. Her town has one of the highest per capita pork/earmarks ratios in the US and she wrote a memo cheering the federal largess. I am so tired of GOP liars.
Somehow, the idea of pitting the educational needs of the children of Alaska against those of the children in Washington leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
Might there however be a difference between taxing crude at the wellhead (which basically is where that $3000 per person “petroleum benefit” to Alaskans comes from), and specifically taxing excess profits derived from what we all get gouged for when we buy the finished product? Even if the end result is that the oil companies bury the money in exploration or research, it’s better than just letting the executives line their pockets.
By the way…if some troll tries to garner sympathy from all of us for the pooor, suffering oil company executives, I swear I’m going to puke.
Hey Dutch – a windfall oil tax taxes profits from a monopoly industry. Palins tax shifts money to alaska from the lower 48 – good for Alaska but bad for consumers everywhere else.
so yeah, Palin is an idiot, left a budget deficit in her town where she got all of 600 votes, is under investigation for corruption for trying to fire her ex-brother in-law, fired his boss illegally, hired a sexual offender in the boss’s place, attended two conventions for the AIP party (platform: succede from the US) and was a keynote speaker (I call that being a traitor to the US), thinks abstinence only education works ( when studies and her own daughter prove it doesn’t), thinks creationism (debunked as completely lacking any scientific basis) should be taught in the public schools, does not believe global warming is real and caused by humans (again a real flat-earther that denies scientific evidence) and also has been quoted as saying “Sambo beat the bitch” about Obama and Clinton – so she is racist and sexist too.
What a great package McCain picked – guess we know where the “so-called moderate” will go once he is elected.
I would require that profitable corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share of the tax burden.
Yeah! Who has profited the most during the last 30 years of Republican rule?
That’s where the money is. That’s where you go to pay back the debts incurred for all the horrible mistakes, incompetence and corruption of what passed for Republican governance.
It ain’t with the middle class who has shrunk and suffered during that time.
@8 Like so many other Republicans, Palin has email issues.
Palin isn’t an “idiot”…she’s just another corrupt, corporate-friendly, morally sanctimonious and ultimately self-serving neoconservative white-collar criminal.
In fact, the problem with Palin is that she isn’t at all stupid. It would appear that througout her political trajectory, she’s been highly focused on getting her way, and has in fact been extremely effective at it, no matter how many groins she had to kick, how many rules she had to break, or how many self-professed principles she had to “adjust” to do so.
She’s a lot easier on the eyes than Dick Cheney, but underneath they’re birds of a feather.
@10 Steve:
the payoff quote from the MOJO article is below:
Yup – that is the republican definition of accountability. Someone else, but not themselves.
Palin and foreign policy experience. The Palin-McCain campaign says Palin once visited Ireland, turns out it was only a refueling layover. They respond by claiming that she once visited Canada. Hmm, was that was just a flyover?
@4 No, iam simply pointing out that Palin’s Alaska tax benefits Alaskans at the cost of the rest of the nation. A national tax would benefit the entire country.
Or do you want to pay taxes to supprt Alaskans?
DOWN with the Alaska Tax.
@6 ArtFart
Right on .. except the Alaska Tax does not go to schools or infrastructure, it goes as a cash giveawy to every Alaskan to .. drink, byt Chinese TVs, or burn more gas.
DOWN with the Alaska TAX.
How about “no taxation without representation?”
Steve @ 14
Refuckingmarkable. Further proof that Republicans are incapable of feeling shame. They have no honor, so any notion of shame escapes them. There oughta be a bounty on the fuckers.
Lying is the Republicans’ stock in trade. And if gullible voters fall for it and put Repubs back in power, they’ll deserve what they get.
Republicans lie as a matter of habit. Palin, in her first major speech, lied about earmarks and the bridge to nowhere. Her resume is so thin she needs to lie about what she has done to make it look better. Trying to illegally fire her ex-brother in law, hiring a known sexual harasser, writing memos on how much she loves earmarks, the e-mails she won’t divulge, the lawyers who stall investigations – yup, she is a true republican and would fit right in with the Bush idiots.
We need fewer H1B immigrants (21 century indentured servants) and more hiring of folks already here and qualified for those jobs.
Charter schools? So now being a ‘liberal’ means being against public schools?
Burner’s public service resume was thin two years ago and is thin now. That’s the real problem. She can raise money and is therefore considered viable, but her position on Iraq, for example, has been all over the board following the DCCC’s whims.
Kirk91 @ 22:
Well, I guess we can cut back on H1B immigrants, like the ones who are working at Microsoft. Of course, Microsoft could just open up an offices in India, Pakistan, and Russia and have them do the programming there. That’s the thing about software programming – you can do it just about anywhere. If it works out well enough, Microsoft could then lay off all but a small headquarters staff and outsource all of the work overseas, saving a ton of money in the process.
Of course, Gates hasn’t wanted to do that. He could have relocated somewhere cheaper years ago, but he really likes the U.S. and the Seattle area. What will happen now that Gates is gone from Microsoft is anyone’s guess.
But maybe we should do what he suggested all along: upgrade the U.S. education system so that it produces enough programmers to fill the need.
Typical with HA postings re: the Darcy – the opinion thread starts straying off topic after about five comments. Nobody cares about Darcy and this congressional race. Burner’s resume is still empty, her positions are still DCCC dictated and she’s the same candidate as ’04 when she lost to Reichert in the biggest democrat sweep in decades. No excitement in this race. Reichert by 6%
There are plenty of programmers, but they get paid more than the folks from India, and they can leave MS if they want to.
How about we slap a fee on companies that want to sell in the US and benefit from stuff like strong copyright laws, if they don’t employ a certain number of US workers?
I see that Goldy is emulating the P-I and other Obama “tankers” by starting off with a mis-leading headline. “Reichert Lies…”, then he shifts to saying it is actually the U.S. Chamber of Commerce doing the talking.
correction to #24 – Darcy’s loss in ’06, not ’04.
Did The Darcy get mad over a measly tip someone left her at the coffee house or something?
Goldy thanks for taking care of that awful sockpuppet. You know I’m a pretty tough guy. I support torture and killing infidels; but I will not tolerate my good name being sockpuppted.
As a reward tomorrow I’m going to write a lengthy post demeaning you for your religious beliefs, your liberal beliefs and being such a pussy. After all do you think a conservative blog would tolerate leftie versions of Me, Puddy, Mark, Marvin, etc? Of course not! Righties fight. Lefties are spineless. That’s why McCain will kick Obama’s Muslim ass in November.
And as a bonus I’ll tossin a little psychological insight into why you are a slef-hating Jew. And that I, a compassionate Christian loved and valued by Jesus Christ am a better human being than you are. See ya tomorrow.
Has Ha! That’s telling them Mr. Cynical.