I wish you wouldn’t have posted this. I was reading the Seattle Times thread last night and was disgusted with some of the comments.
This isn’t the time or place for nasty attacks on Reichert.
I am curious as to the source of the head injury.
So, my point is, play nice, everyone!
“So, my point is, play nice, everyone!”
Fuck that.
“I am curious as to the source of the head injury.”
Perhaps an intelligent thought finally popped into his head.
My Left Footspews:
They say if you don’t use it, you lose it!!
I wish him a speedy recovery.
My Left Footspews:
“I am curious as to the source of the head injury.”
Rep Cantor says it was an attack by the left wing media.
I made a cheap joke in another thread, but recanted. I’d feel pretty bad about it if it turned out bad for him.
Indeed! Best wishes for a speedy recovery Rep. Reichert.
Daddy Lovespews:
And here I thought they said “hair injury.”
Well, even if Dave makes a full recovery, Patty Murray will easily win re-election as our state’s senior US Senator.
Alki Postingsspews:
IF it’s not serious, it’s kinda funny.
“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
— Mel Brooks
Sounds like Reichert’s very lucky that the problem was caught and dealt with in time.
It probably is fair to point out that he’s also lucky to be the beneficiary of excellent government-provided health care.
Anyhow, best wishes to him for a speedy recovery.
One of the things which concerns me is that this is an overly long hospitalization for the symptoms as described in the press. Perhaps it’s more serious than we think? (My own insurer would cut off my benefits before it became an overnight stay, insisting that the doctor should just tell me to go home and take aspirin if it bothers me again).
It’s awfully premature to speculate, but what if Reichart decides not to run again, for medical reasons? A wide-open seat in the 8th would create a big scramble among the local politicians.
And don’t forget, after the census Washington may have yet another Congressional seat. It likely won’t be in any of the red counties, because they generally have had population declines over the past ten years, not an increase like we have seen in the Puget Sound area.
I really hope your insurer wouldn’t want you to take aspirin for what Reichart has, it’s contra-indicated I believe.
I wish him a speedy recovery and am glad that the government-ran and sponsored health care was able to give him such incredible care.
Broadway Joespews:
Regardless of my feelings towards him, I wish him a speedy recovery. Even the most (seemingly) inconsequential accidents can be deadly, like what happened to the actress Natasha Richardson. She faceplants on a ski slope in Quebec (a minor fall by all accounts), gets up, finishes the trip down the hill, and is dead the next day. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
Joe@13, this is slightly off-topic, but Natasha Richardson apparently suffered more than a “minor fall by all accounts”. Ski patrollers accompanied her to her room and an ambulance was called to the slopes, but then sent back without her. I have suffered hundreds of minor falls on the slopes and, even if I had been a celebrity, none of them would have led to such a response. I’m not saying anyone did anything wrong — we don’t know all the facts — but what we know suggests it was a major blow to her head whose effects appeared to be temporary.
i hope he didn’t bump his head coming up from under a lobbyist’s table at a dc eatery over a power lunch.
Best of luck, Dave. Speedy recovery.
I am not a fan of yours (politically) but you are at least a decent human being and deserve our best wishes to get better soon.
Robert Odellspews:
He had a chronic subdural hematoma. If it was caught early enough, he should be fine, and not too long a recovery. Richardson had an epidural hematoma, much more fragile and dangerous. Hey everyone, some class please…I have worked and spent to get Reichert out of office, but no one should wish him anything but well. Wishing the worst on someone is strictly a teabagger tactic. But let’s remind Dave that his brush with death or disability was saved by immediate health care he will pay little for, and he had better think twice about ever denying or delaying it for others.
I wish you wouldn’t have posted this. I was reading the Seattle Times thread last night and was disgusted with some of the comments.
This isn’t the time or place for nasty attacks on Reichert.
I am curious as to the source of the head injury.
So, my point is, play nice, everyone!
“So, my point is, play nice, everyone!”
Fuck that.
“I am curious as to the source of the head injury.”
Perhaps an intelligent thought finally popped into his head.
They say if you don’t use it, you lose it!!
I wish him a speedy recovery.
“I am curious as to the source of the head injury.”
Rep Cantor says it was an attack by the left wing media.
I made a cheap joke in another thread, but recanted. I’d feel pretty bad about it if it turned out bad for him.
Indeed! Best wishes for a speedy recovery Rep. Reichert.
And here I thought they said “hair injury.”
Well, even if Dave makes a full recovery, Patty Murray will easily win re-election as our state’s senior US Senator.
IF it’s not serious, it’s kinda funny.
“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
— Mel Brooks
Sounds like Reichert’s very lucky that the problem was caught and dealt with in time.
It probably is fair to point out that he’s also lucky to be the beneficiary of excellent government-provided health care.
Anyhow, best wishes to him for a speedy recovery.
One of the things which concerns me is that this is an overly long hospitalization for the symptoms as described in the press. Perhaps it’s more serious than we think? (My own insurer would cut off my benefits before it became an overnight stay, insisting that the doctor should just tell me to go home and take aspirin if it bothers me again).
It’s awfully premature to speculate, but what if Reichart decides not to run again, for medical reasons? A wide-open seat in the 8th would create a big scramble among the local politicians.
And don’t forget, after the census Washington may have yet another Congressional seat. It likely won’t be in any of the red counties, because they generally have had population declines over the past ten years, not an increase like we have seen in the Puget Sound area.
I really hope your insurer wouldn’t want you to take aspirin for what Reichart has, it’s contra-indicated I believe.
I wish him a speedy recovery and am glad that the government-ran and sponsored health care was able to give him such incredible care.
Regardless of my feelings towards him, I wish him a speedy recovery. Even the most (seemingly) inconsequential accidents can be deadly, like what happened to the actress Natasha Richardson. She faceplants on a ski slope in Quebec (a minor fall by all accounts), gets up, finishes the trip down the hill, and is dead the next day. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
Joe@13, this is slightly off-topic, but Natasha Richardson apparently suffered more than a “minor fall by all accounts”. Ski patrollers accompanied her to her room and an ambulance was called to the slopes, but then sent back without her. I have suffered hundreds of minor falls on the slopes and, even if I had been a celebrity, none of them would have led to such a response. I’m not saying anyone did anything wrong — we don’t know all the facts — but what we know suggests it was a major blow to her head whose effects appeared to be temporary.
i hope he didn’t bump his head coming up from under a lobbyist’s table at a dc eatery over a power lunch.
Best of luck, Dave. Speedy recovery.
I am not a fan of yours (politically) but you are at least a decent human being and deserve our best wishes to get better soon.
He had a chronic subdural hematoma. If it was caught early enough, he should be fine, and not too long a recovery. Richardson had an epidural hematoma, much more fragile and dangerous. Hey everyone, some class please…I have worked and spent to get Reichert out of office, but no one should wish him anything but well. Wishing the worst on someone is strictly a teabagger tactic. But let’s remind Dave that his brush with death or disability was saved by immediate health care he will pay little for, and he had better think twice about ever denying or delaying it for others.