From Kos:
The big DC rumor is that Rehnquist will announce his retirement tomorrow between 10-11 a.m. ET.
If that happens, would Bush split the difference — Gonzales and some winger to pacify the Dobson brigades?
And if so, which one would be nominated as Chief Justice?
Well, we will see if the rumor is true or not. I expect if it is we will see the liberals go into a tizzy again and Goldy repost his rant about how all women will die if they all don’t kill their babies.
Maybe he’ll pull a President Bartlett and nominate both a righty and a lefty. Nah, that would be too magnanimous of him.
Lets hope to hard corps conservative jusges, this way the can offset Ruth Bader Ginsberg
If Bush wanted to put an interesting, good judge who is conservative on the bench, he could do much worse than Alex Kozinsky of the 9th Circ. I would also think that Judge Posner and Easterbrook are good choices if he wants an old fashion conservative.
My dark horse appointment would be Chuck Colson as a stick it in your eye choice. The former far right wing solicator general for Bush, he could wrap himself in his wife’s death during 9/11 (she was in the plane that hit the Pentagon). That seems like a normal Bush move.
I think there is a 20% chance of a reasonable conseravative, 30% chance of a virtual unknown (no papertrail), and 50% of a James Dobson approved candidate. If he gets two, there is some chance that he might nominate a moderate, buisness oriented Republican, but I have a feeling that he goes ideological/social conservative and we get to see lots of fireworks over the next three months or so.
Please name one decision where Ginsburg has to be offset? This is a conservative court, after all.
Chuck Colson!?!?!
Gee, can convicted felons serve on the Supreme Court?
Reagan Dunn for justice!!!
I think JDB meant Ted Olson, former Solicitor General. He’s probably too old, and given his participation in the Florida 2000 election proceedings, too controversial. I’m sure Bush wants someone young and very conservative, but without too much of a paper trail for the left to complain about. If they are minority,even better so that he can claim some sort of bias on the part of Dems opposing him or her. If Rehnquist does resign, and Bush picks two Scalia-clones, you can expect gridlock in the Senate. The Dems will filibuster, the GOP will threaten the nuclear option, and the question will be whether the moderate GOP senators, who realize throwing out the filibuster here would end it as an effective tool of the minority party, will go along with the right wing.
And there’s always the idea that he might nominate Thomas or Scalia to be Chief Justice, and nominate two others to be Associates…
Would be piling on a third fight on top of the other two, but with his “respect” of Scalia and Thomas, this is a real possiblity.
Wayne is right, I had the wrong name stuck in my mind. Ted Olson.
He is old, but he has such a stick it to the Dems quality that I think Bush will be tempted. And, heck, why not throw in FLA 2000.
Al Haig! Put Al Haig in control! One of my heros!
Bush better use some of his polical capital the voters gave him last election. One of the major reasons many people voted for him was to keep the judiciary out ot the liberal hands. Bush dont drop the ball on this one and put a moderate on the bench. We are the majority now… it time that we start acting like the majority.
I have been trying to think of a word for you Goldy. You are a
pussy, and I want to puke.
so mark, if Goldy is such a pussy you must mean that you’re a big burly he-man. So why don’t you go start your own blog and start taking all the shit Goldy has to take. Who’s the pussy now?
pbj @ 1 “I expect if it is we will see the liberals go into a tizzy again and Goldy repost his rant about how all women will die if they all don’t kill their babies.”
repost? can you cite any instance where Goldy (or anyone) ranted about women killing babies?
Didn’t think so.
You are an insignificant gnat on the nutsack of humanity.
You know Bush with all his political capital he earned in the last election he should just sink it into a credit card. I can see it now… after weeks of relentless bombardment by NOW and the other donks it comes to crunch time. The heat is on for him to select a justice and just before they pounce GW pulls out his “Capital Won” card and the donks go home. Oh how I love happy endings. Hey donks what is in your wallets. Hehe.. Good night
RUFUS @ 17
Of course, the problem has been that Bush has put everything on a credit card. The man spends, spends, spends like a crack addict with a pile of stolen credit cards.
Who is the only fiscal conservative in the oval office recently? That’s right: Bill Clinton.
WhyTF do you guys come around here anyway? If you don’t like us and what we are saying just what the fuck are you doing here!
It’s obvious that we are not going to change your mind.
It’s obvious that YOU are not going to change ours.
So please tell me, just what is the point. Why are you even here.
Oh I get it…YOU GET PAID for trolling lefty blogs spewing this over the top horseshit that no sane person could really believe! Hey, I can spout stupid right wing talking points as well as you creeps…how can I get on this fat-cat gravy train? The Cheney administration is all about getting paid…so how can I get mine?
OK, either that or…some of you are like either really mean drunks or so seriously deranged (although I guess you wouldn’t know it, huh) that you would threaten the PERSONAL safety of some regular guy like Goldy who runs a little web log in a little corner of the country.
Real true Americans, you guys. Yes Sir. You people are the worst kinds of cowards and traitors to truly American ideals. So rattle on. You just look more pathetic with every post.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Show me a threat?
Saying we wish the guy were dead is not a threat. It’s free speech, something you leftist scum live by
BTW, Rujax, you should keep in mind that Goldy has a well documented past of embellishing on these “threats” against him.
Go back and look when the Seattle police made a phone call to him about the possibiulity of his being a child molester.
They called him via phone.
His translation? He was in an interrogation room being beaten with phone books due to a right wing conspiracy.
The guys a frootloop. You should stop listening to what he says.
Ka-ching, ka-ching, prr
I think Rehnquist will put off announcing his retirement for a week or so. It isn’t the right time today, with the horrible tragedy and outrage in London dominating everyone’s minds.
How do you know all this…can you cite sources or do you pull this shit out of your ass. Do you know Goldy personally? Have you ever even met the guy and had a face to face conversation…either as youself or as some “lefty-in-disguise” agent provocateur? Are you a member of the Seattle Police Department or a King County prosecutor?
Are you a licensed psychologist in the State of Washington? Do you have sources? We know an awful lot about Goldy…but we know nothing about you…except you write like an intolerant, malevolent, ignorant prick who cares for nothing but his own VERY narrow self interest, and the agenda of a corrupt, amoral political organization.
How would you feel if serious unsubstantiated allegations were leveled against you that carried very serious consequences? Has that ever happened to you in your personal life or in business?
You’ve got to be getting paid to think this crap up…no one can really be as stupid as you seem to be.
We need Teddy [the swimmer] Kennedy [D-Chevas] to decide who is “ethical” enough to be on the Supreme Court. [Mary Jo was not available for comment.]
except you write like an intolerant, malevolent, ignorant prick who cares for nothing but his own VERY narrow self interest, and the agenda of a corrupt, amoral political organization.
How would you feel if serious unsubstantiated allegations were leveled against you that carried very serious consequences? Has that ever happened to you in your personal life or in business?
Rujaxs… are you talking about Dan Rather? You just described Dan Rather perfectly. Shit it is almost surreal!!
I was talking to prr, you fucks. So unless you can answer the question…STF UP.
Well rujaxass… The republican in me says hey you might have a point. But the donk in me says prove the allegations are falsee. Remember that it is the seriousness of the charge we are talking about.