On the one hand, Sarah Palin’s whole “refudiate” tweet fest is kinda funny. On the other hand, George W. Bush’s moronic malapropisms seemed to endear him to voters in that it made him look more like one of us (you know… unqualified to run the nation). Scary.
If Shakespeare was a hillbilly …
You’ve got to admit – mis-spelling or grammer aside, Palin has a unique talent at getting her message across without actually saying anything intelligable, much less intelligent.
Is this the new media I keep hearing about? What amuses me is that Obama is so heavily criticized by the Right if he says um in the middle of a sentence….
My fav response tweet (so far):
Much more, here: http://palingates.blogspot.com.....mbass.html
Aw, it makes her so non-threatening! I think she just winked at me.
Some great ones from #shakespalin:
Sorry, I just don’t get her. WTF is her point?
When I read the words she’s written I’m always reminded of monkeys at typewriters.
Emphasis mine, here: http://www.gallup.com/poll/141.....s-GOP.aspx
She outpolls the supposedly “serious” R cretins by 10 points. This underscores that the Rs (or more correctly folks willing to ID as Rs) have devolved to the Insane Klown Party.
Mitt Romney is in the top 3? Er…how many votes did he get the last time he ran for the nomination? Sarah Palin is “interesting” but wouldn’t get anything near a fraction of the needed votes to win a general open election. Only Sarah and Newt have a higher unfavorable opinion than favorable. That doesn’t bode well for a national election. Fred Thompson did well in “some polling” and that was also (like Mitt) a campaign that never went anywhere.
Sarah is an interesting “character”. She’d make a semi descent regional political/social commentator (in Arkansas or Mississippi or such). But national office? I just can’t see it.
@9: More incredibly, Mittens, at #3 is 20 points down from Mooselini Also.
Also note that T-Paw doesn’t even make the list.
As you sort of allude, the real nugget here is that O has no credible R opposition in 2012.
PalinGates was the first with the Screen shot. They deserve the credit.
Hmmm…seems some Democrats were naive enough to think the same thing about George W. Bush prior to 2000.
Their mistake was to think his brains were inside his skull. Instead they were encased in a fleshy transport mechanism labeled “Karl Rove”.
Chris @ 6: Well done, I’m still chuckling.
Geeezzz……..I’ll bet HA posters were the ones who devotedly and eagerly waved their hands when teacher forgot to assign homework…..
You guys are so desperate to trash Palin you’ll resort to a typo. Nervous about 2012? Maybe it’s because EVERY repub. candidate mentioned has loads more leadership experience than Obama, whose only real skill is reading me (teleprompter). Painful given the challenges our great country faces.
Here’s to anybody BUT Obama in 2012.
We trash Palin because she makes a wooden post look wise in comparison and because, despite her idiocy, wingnuts like you have raised her to a position of power, which gives her an opportunity to cause great harm to this nation.
Sarah Palin’s like a car wreck. You know you shouldn’t look but you can’t help it.
# 14: Actually, it’s not a typo. I know that, because I’m very familiar with typos. You can observe that for yourself, I regularly insert typos in my posts, just because I like them and I want them provide them with something to do.
What she did was confuse two similar words, and in doing so made up a new word. She confused “refute” and “repuidate”, ending up with “refudiate”. She was reaching for something she knew was there, but came up short.
That’s the problem with twitter – and to a lesser extent, blogs in general. If you spend the time to edit your post and put it through the spell-check and grammer-check, the topic has already progressed to another topic. But twitter does match Palin’s reasoning skills quite well – she really can’t manage an idea much beyond the limitations in the number of characters a twitter message can send.
She makes Dubya look smart.
If only Samuel Johnson had said “I refudiate it thus!!!”
Sarah Palin: SILF (Smokescreen I’d Like To [Fondle]).
We laugh at her because she didn’t just misspell a word. She made it up. Then she chose another word but, whoops, wrong word. Then she tried to cover it up with a reference to Shakespeare (who is now officially rolling in his grave).
She’s an idiot and a funny one at that.
Gee, Palin was in the news again today for a couple of other gaffes: She called Kodiak the largest island in the U.S. (the big island of Hawaii is larger), and in endorsing New Hampshire candidate Kelly Ayotte, she claimed that as state attorney general Ayotte had “won” a case before the Supreme Court. In fact, the case was remanded back to the trial court, and the law she was defended was repealed before it came to trial again.
Palin erroneously calls Kodiak largest US island
Well, in every election cycle, there’s always a Republican politican playing to ignorant humanity’s basest instincts.
yeah let’s not overlook the great things Obama has done um um um SPEND