Portland curmudgeon/blogger Jack Bogdanski on the difference between health care protestors now and anti-war protestors then:
The Democrats were protesting killing people, and the Republicans are protesting healing people.
Sometimes simple observations are good.
What a disingenuous comparison.
no you fuckhead. i want my doctor to heal me without one fucking bit of input from the government or rahm emanuel.
dammit they are anti-care, just as HA’s Lee is pro-drug.
It’s quite simple!
It’s typical with liberals, that they learn too late, when the truth comes along to bite their ass. Not that I care what happens to liberals. I wish they would all die.
The only problem is, the rest of us have to pay the price of their stupidity. Being liberal, is a mental illness. It’s destroying America.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Liberal Seattle School Board Candidates lie about their degrees?
One says she didn’t think it was a big deal to lie about having a degree she didn’t have. So to you liberals, telling the truth isn’t a big deal?
And that’s because fiscal conservatives don’t ideologically flip-flop based on party lines. I hammered Bush and the Republican congress for their out-of-control government spending. I went hard after Dave Reichert for his fiscally irresponsible vote on the cap-and-trade bill.
Allow me to translate Munson’s blabberings…
And that’s because fiscal conservatives don’t ideologically flip-flop based on party lines. You should have SEEN that mean blog post I made about Bush and the Republican Congress and out-of-control spending!
Point me towards one teabagger protest by conservatives during Bush’s reign and I’ll reconsider my belief that Dori Munson is a lying sack of shit.
Ahhh, well… you’re always a stupid fucking hypocrite, Troll. Guess this is just par for the course.
How clever!
And you KLOWNS use polls that talk about REFORM to justify single payer.
No sale!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Democrats (totally in power) will lose the war of words in attacking citizens in the minority. Real simple.
So you prefer insurance companies telling your doctor what to do. They have done such a good job of it too.
– 12,000 Americans a day loose health insurance coverage.
– Insurance rates going up 10% or 20% per year.
On CNN right now,
Woman in to have her defibrillator battery replaced. In one day, out the next. Preplanned. Non emergency. $196,000.
This is the Republican health care plan we have right now. What could possibly be wrong with it.
Bogdanski’s statement makes a fine sound bite or bumper sticker slogan (wingnuts: when did those ever have to be accurate?), but from a factual standpoint there’s a couple things wrong with it.
First of all, Republicans aren’t against healing people. They’re fine with the idea of anyone who can afford health care having a doctor. What Republicans are all about is an every-man-for-himself attitude; if you don’t have a job, or your employer doesn’t offer health insurance, or you don’t make enough to pay for medical care — screw you. They just can’t stand the idea of a community where people accept collective responsibility for each other, that’s all. And they don’t much like the idea of pooling resources and risks — you know, insurance principles — either. They like the “every man is an island unto himself” concept of social organization, even though it’s horribly inefficient (from the economic standpoint) and results in uncomfortable insecurity and uncertainty for everyone (from a social standpoint).
The second problem with Bogdanski’s statement is the anti-war protests of the 60s didn’t break along Democrat-Republican lines, they broke along young-old lines. It was the WW2 generation that sent the Vietnam generation to war (and turned their backs on Vietnam veterans when they returned home), and it was the 60s youth who balked at having their lives sacrificed in a questionable war.
This does have to be qualified somewhat with the observation that, within the pool of draft-eligible youth, there was indeed a socioeconomic split. To wit, children of affluent families could buy their way out of military service by going to college, thanks to the student deferment (see, e.g., Five Deferments Cheney). As a result, the burden of the draft, of fighting, and of dying fell largely on the poor and working classes (althogh it should not be overlooked that a considerable number of middle class volunteers like Roger Rabbit also helped fight the war). Thus, Vietnam has been aptly called “America’s working-class war.”
But the point here is that many Vietnam vets came from traditionally Democratic-voting working class families but the war turned them into Republicans. And a great many of the 60s protestors, through some weird transformation, became today’s neocons.
So, what it boils down to is that the 60s youth were against being drafted to fight and possibly die in a war that didn’t make much sense to them. Most of those kids didn’t really have a party affiliation or political orientation; remember, 18 to 20 year olds couldn’t vote back them. To the extent they identified with the parents’ party orientation, as many people do at that age, the kids from Republican families had less incentive to protest because they were unlikely to be drafted because they were protected by student deferments. But I’m sure that if you were to track down the 60s-era protesters and see where they are today, you’d find that politically they’re all over the map.
@8 “The Democrats (totally in power) will lose the war of words in attacking citizens in the minority. Real simple.”
Yeah, we saw that last November, and now you’re reveling in your election victories …
GM announced today that preliminary tests indicate its new Volt electric car will get about 230 miles per gallon of gas. This vehicle is designed to run 40 miles on its battery bank, then a small gas engine kicks in to generate electricity and take it another 260 miles before recharging is needed, for a total range of 300 miles.
The prospect of cars and trucks that get anywhere from 10 mpg to 25 mpg being replaced by a vehicle fleet that gets over 100 mpg or runs entirely on electricity raises a fascinating question about how we’re going to pay for roads because obviously the gas tax revenues that currently finance our road system will take a hit when these technologies kick in.
In short, we’ll have to find some way of taxing drivers that replaces the fuel tax. The logical approach, of course, is to tax vehicles according to their size and the number of miles they drive.
At present, a few hobbyists who refine their own biodiesel from waste vegetable oil are driving on our roads for free (except for the modest license fees they pay), but while this is unfair to the vast majority of motorists who pay fuel taxes, there aren’t enough of them to make even a pinprick in fuel tax revenues. However, this will change as more people acquire commercially manufactured electric and hybrid vehicles. While the reduction in oil consumption these vehicles will bring is good for the economy and environment, it will force government to redesign the tax system that supports our road network. Let us hope that’s done in a rational and fair way.
@4 “The only problem is, the rest of us have to pay the price of their stupidity.”
That’s pretty hard to do, considering you freeloaders don’t pay for anything to start with. After all, the whole point of being a Republican is to make other people do the work, fight the wars, and pay the bills — so you don’t have to.
Wow. We found a good bumper sticker phrase and that got the conservative shills ALL riled up. I think we found an effective phrase, if their scrambling to distract is any indication.
“Republicans are protesting healing people”
No, I think the protestors (Republican, Libertarian, etc.) are just protesting a government takeover of the health care system. At least, that’s their perception of what Obama and the Democrats are trying to do. That scares them. I say let’s give Obama’s plan a try for a decade and then have a national referendum as to whether or not we keep it.
One thing I’d like is to have a no-kidding comprehensive system. That is, it would cover everything – health, dental, vision, chiropractic, natural healing – the whole nine yards. No more os this fragmented crap.
Special for Cyn…
“Rasmussen Consumer Index
Consumer Confidence Reaches Another 2009 High
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Rasmussen Consumer Index, which measures the economic confidence of consumers on a daily basis, rose less than a point on Tuesday to 79.3, its highest level yet in 2009 and the highest level measured since September 17, 2008, just days after the Lehman Brothers collapse and the start of the financial crisis. The index is up four points over the past week and 13 points over the past month. Consumer confidence is now up 19 points from the beginning of 2009.”
Come 2010 when we all have some form of health coverage, there’s a chicken in every pot, the market is up, unemployment is down, people still have and are able to continue buying guns, what issues will the right run on?
I got it. Vote for us! We’ll take you back to the glory days of disappearing 401ks, War, FEMA letting cities fester after disasters, rising unemployemnt with rising corporate profits. Come back to the Republican party. We’re the brand you know. We’re the brand you trust. Oh by the way, did we mention we oppose gay marriage.”
At least the union thugs sent in by your democrat rulers will be facing a judge… at least until the obama pardons them or holder will decide that “nigger” is not hate speech when said by a union thug.
Breaking– Kenneth Gladney Will File Hate Crime Charges Against Leftist Thug Attackers
5 people were arrested. Hhmm, I wonder how many were thugs sent by your democrat rulers to “hit back harder.”
Have you seen this video of hillary?
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton snapped on a Congolese student over a question mistranslated about her husband’s views on foreign policy, saying: “My husband is not secretary of state, I am.”
What a disgrace.
I can only imagine the outrage from the left if condi rice would have acted that way.
Lucky for hillary she’s a democrat.
Rog @ 12–
Actually Obama played the victim card quite well…his 1/2 minority race to the max!
However, now it is clear who has the majority and the hot Nazi, Brownshirt rhetoric by the majority won’t fly Rog.
The Lunatic Left has forgotten they are in charge.
To retain power, you must take the high road.
Obama, Pelosi and others fell into the trap.
They were baited and took the hook, line, sinker and whole pole!
Hell, Pelosi even swallowed the boat!!
She gave Baucus and other Red State Dem Senators lots of cover….foolishly.
Walk & talk SOFTLY when in power.
Just vote and avoid hot rhetoric.
The Dems have blown it.
Of course the pro-obama free government healthcare is from the grassroots.
That explains why people are being paid to protest for free government healthcare.
Now is our chance to make health care work.
America’s health care system is broken. Health care costs are spiraling out of control, throwing families, businesses and government into financial crisis. Families are worried their health coverage won’t be there when they need it. Our country can’t afford to wait for health reform that keeps costs down and protects consumers.
Earn $4000-$6000 this summer.
The left isn’t even trying to hide it, to pretend the pro-free government healthcare is from citizens. The left has to pay to get protesters, which explains why the pro-free government healthcare has all those manufactured signs.
@18 See Marvin, this is why you’re stupid. Do you ever question ANYTHING you read on a blog?
“Kenneth Gladney will file Hate Crime Charges against Leftist Thug Attackers.”
Oh really?!? He’s perfectly within his rights to file a civil lawsuit. Part of that suit can even allege that he’s the victim of a hate crime. But ONLY the local D.A., State Attorney, or a Federal Prosecutor can CHARGE anyone with a hate crime.
Your grasp of the fundamentals of our legal system is stellar!
Thanks for the chuckle this morning though. Always nice to see a rediculous right wing meme in its infancy.
@20 Let me get this straight, Republican rioters are disrupting citizen-participation meetings to discuss a health care reform bill that’s still taking shape, and you’re accusing us of being the “Brownshirts”?
Fucking goats is scrambling your mind, Klown. You need to find yourself a sturdy Montana woman. But if you can’t find one of those, then ANY woman you can find is still better than your goats. Seriously.
@20 (continued) “Walk & talk SOFTLY when in power.”
Like you guys did?
Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it, Klown? We warned you it was coming, and this is only the beginning. We’re gonna REGULATE you! We’re gonna TAX you! Just pull your pants down and bend over, because it’s your turn to be the “girl.”
@21 Whaddya wanna bet the guy running that Rent-A-Riot business is a Republican?
@19 If someone asked me a question like that, I’d respond exactly the way she did. In my family, I wear the pants! Mrs. Rabbit’s job is to cook and wash dishes and …
[clattering noises]
Roger Rabbit is temporarily out of commission. He’ll resume posting when he gets out of the animal hospital.
[more crashing noises]
So instead of commenting on the fact that a union thug called someone he beat a “nigger,” the best you can write is about the blogger that wrote he was going to charge someone was inaccurate in his wording.
Good job.
Maybe next time you could find something nice to say about a victim of a hate crime that was perpetrated by someone of your political persuasion.
Let me get this right, union thugs are being organized to “drown out opposing voices, isn’t that un-american?
Like pelosi and hoyer wrote-
Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.
A screenshot from the seiu union webpage before they changed it AFTER the event.
Notice the words, “come out in strong numbers to drown out their voices.”
Does that make the seiu “un-american” or does pelosi, like all democrats have a double standard.
What? Not going to cut costs?
Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise — Not Cut — Costs
In yet more disappointing news for Democrats pushing for health care reform, Douglas W. Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, offered a skeptical view Friday of the cost savings that could result from preventive care — an area that President Obama and congressional Democrats repeatedly had emphasized as a way health care reform would be less expensive in the long term.
Obviously successful preventive care can make Americans healthier and save lives. But, Elmendorf wrote, it may not save money as Democrats had been arguing.
The obama better tell these people he won and he’s going to ram this through. No need for facts to get in his way.
After all, other countries have free government healthcare, shouldn’t we be more like the other countries.
Which side of this ‘debate’ do you suppose the insurance industry is backing?
Oh no, another democrat speaking out against the obama… better send the union thugs after him.
How the White House’s Deal With Big Pharma Undermines Democracy
But I also care about democracy, and the deal between Big Pharma and the White House frankly worries me. It’s bad enough when industry lobbyists extract concessions from members of Congress, which happens all the time. But when an industry gets secret concessions out of the White House in return for a promise to lend the industry’s support to a key piece of legislation, we’re in big trouble. That’s called extortion
How soon until big industries and their Washington lobbyists have become so politically powerful that secret WhiteHouse-industry deals like this are prerequisites to any important legislation? When will it become standard practice that such deals come with hundreds of millions of dollars of industry-sponsored TV advertising designed to persuade the public that the legislation is in the public’s interest? (Any Democrats and progressives who might be reading this should ask themselves how they’ll feel when a Republican White House cuts such deals to advance its own legislative priorities.)
We’re on a precarious road — and wherever it leads, it’s not toward democracy.
He made a good point…
Any Democrats and progressives who might be reading this should ask themselves how they’ll feel when a Republican White House cuts such deals to advance its own legislative priorities
We know that the democrats live under a double standard. If this happened under a republican president the liberal media would be all over it 24/7.
At least he understands that “We’re on a precarious road — and wherever it leads, it’s not toward democracy.”
You good little comrades better inform your supreme ruler that someone is dissenting. flag@whitehouse.gov
Which side of this “debate” do you suppose the socialists and communists are backing?
But Marvie…
You want the explosive headline. It wasn’t written that way by accident. Your blogger wants you to think that there is a serious charge involved.
When the reality is, there’s a civil lawsuit.
So is your blogger misinformed, or lying to his audience? (BTW, by my understanding of hate crimes Gladney would have to prove by a preponderance of evidence that he was attacked SOLELY because he is black. Since he make numerous public statements that he was attacked because he disagrees with Health Care policy, that makes him a: uninformed of the law b: a liar.)
Let me know the next time you want to talk about tort reform since Galbright’s lawyer, if he tries to file a hate crime lawsuit just filed a charge that he has no legal standing to bring, AKA frivolous.
The rhetoric of your own side over the past 20+ years is a bitch when it applies to you.
A chicago paper write an article abut how much the illegal immigrant population suffers because they don’t have free government healthcare.
Buried on the second page comes this little disclosure…
Asked about returning to Mexico or other homelands to receive more comprehensive care, the group broke into laughter.
“Over there, it’s a thousand times worse,” said Juan Zavala, a legal immigrant from Mexico and a transplant recipient who started the informal network. “Here, you may get treated poorly by some nurse or doctor. There? They’ll give you a kick and tell you you’re out of luck.”
Yup, let’s look to other countries to make the right decision about free government healthcare.
You gotta love the hypocricy of the left.
The left objects to requiring photo ID to vote.
But if you want to come to a towwnhall meeting of a democrats you better be prepared to show photo ID.
verifying residency by requiring photo identification.
While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents
So it’s important to have voter ID to get in a townhall for safety concerns but there’s no concern for needing photo ID for voting.
You gotta love how democrats can “do as I say, not as I do” and their sheeple blindly follow orders.
For you lefties that like to cry hypocrite when ever a republican does something he votes against, you can prove you’re not hypocrites yourself and speak out.
Gene voted NO on requiring voters show ID.
Voted NO on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
37 – Heh. More dumbassery.
Photo ID laws for voting are designed by Republicans to supress the votes of people who often don’t have current ID like the Catholic Nuns of Indiana that were turned away.
Photo ID at townhalls are so that constituents could come to the townhall to hear their representative no matter what their party – instead of screamers bused in by astroturf outfits funded by the insurance companies.
36 – We don’t have an illegal immigrant problem in this country.
We have an illegal EMPLOYMENT problem. The employers being cheap labor right wingers.
Why shouldn’t the undocumented get health care? It’s pretty obvious their labor keeps the costs of many things you enjoy lower than they could be.
Of course, only right wingers would employ illegals. (wink wink)
Strange, living here los angeles I see all my liberal friends with illegal immigrants as housekeepers, nannies and gardeners.
Let’s arrest EVERYONE that employs an illegal immigrant. Why isn’t the obama pushing for that? Well, unlike you, he knows that liberals also partake of cheap labor.
Might as well give them free room and board too. And since they are working, let them collect social security. You don’t mind if some of the money your wife pays into social security goes to someone else do you?
re 34: If they are really trying to topple the U.S. economy, they’ll be backing your side — because you stand for corporate socialism.
You’ve never turned an honest dollar in your life without the backing of some large corporate enterprise. You are incapable of standing on your own two feet.
As Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Cheat knows, we have a Welfare fraud problem.
Hey Marvie, is the Welfare fraud you are committing a misdemeanor or a felony?
I’m not sure, being a high school dropout and all.
Between all my different aliases, I collect around $15,000 a month in cash payments. I trade my food stamps (@$1000 month) for drugs, alcohol and internet access. Does my section 8 housing count? If so, add another few thousand dollars. I even rent out one of my apartments that is funded by section 8 housing to make a little cash on the side.
Why does it bother you?
Still bitter your 3 chord guitar playing career didn’t work out for you?
Not that anyone believes a racist like you, but for those that do, how do you know I’ve never turned an honest dollar in my life?
Marvie the Welfare Cheat @37,
This is to keep out Brownshirts. You know, agitators from outside the district. This will allow weak minded and fear ridden Republican constituents of the COngressman a chance to participate in the town hall.
By the way, Marvie, is the Welfare fraud you are committing in California a misdemeanor or a felony? Inquiring minds want to know.
This sucks, I actually agree with you.
If they keep the agitators (union thugs) out, the republican constituents can have a chance to participate. Kudos, you finally got something right.
I said I didn’t know in #43.
Sorry I used so many big words, it’s obviously turned you off from reading it.
If you have a problem, be a good little comrade and turn me in flag@whitehouse.gov
It’s amazing how much the obama lies.
It’s almost as if he doesn’t know youtube exists, or like he knows that democrats aren’t smart enough to understand he’s lying.
Here’s video of the obama saying “I have not said that I was a single payer supporter“.
And here’s video of obama saying he is.
Words, just words.
Obama talking about how private companies can compete with free government healthcare he brings up the comparisons between the postal service and fed-ex/ups.
But it’s funny that when he was comparing them he said it was the post office always having problems.
Exactly the point the anti-free government healthcare people have been saying.
But it’s even funnier…
At around 20 seconds the obama talks about the free government healthcare will be “self-sustaining, meaning taxpayers aren’t subsidizing it. But it has to run on charging premiums”
Don’t be bothered by all the ums and ahs, he doesn’t have his teleprompter with him.
You mean the pro-get-sick and its a trip to the poor house people.
If you sell stuff on e-bay, I find the post offices’ three day priority mail is a decent deal. I can track the package, it gets there on time and the price is less than the competition.
It’s amazing how idiotic the stamnster is. Obama has laid out that the future of health care in this country will still be heavily based on private health insurance but greedy insurance executives will no longer pay for their mansions by denying care on pre-existing conditions and other abuses. He also is heavily pushing greater efficiency in the delivery of health care. Too much of the health care dollar goes to satisfying greed and wasteful overhead – $6000 per person higher than the next country.
He definitely should be stronger on the public option because that’s the only thing that will keep the ugly bastards honest. That’s why they’re fighting it tooth and nail.
Obama is on video contradicting himself.
And your reply is to express your hate for people that you don’t agree with.