Oh, sure. You carry around bagpipes and sing Scottish folk songs, but we all know it’s really about donning the dress and adding just a little colour to your cheeks.
And I wear a kilt, which is a man’s garment, nae skirt! Only men brave and confident enough to not have to hide that what God gave them wear the kilt.
Liberals, because they have nothing worth hiding, seek to hide their nothingness in the wearing of trews.
Blog on that, why don’t you.
The Piper
Lucy: I may disagree with Piper, but he is respectful and doesn’t call people names – unlike some other trolls on this blog.
Piper has fairly entrenched republican views but is able to make some arguments for them. I often disagree – but at least Piper is willing to have an honest disagreement and debate.
@4: I could make a snarky comment about how Piper “knows” that liberals have nothing up their skirts – but I will refrain :).
Ahhh, Rowdy Roddy is taking the blue-states tour. They’re good places to be, aren’t they?
headless lucyspews:
re 1: Blog in a way that: “…attracts comments.”
I believe that is what I did, Pipe.
As for the children’s museum, I think it’s horrible that you would take your kids to see a bunch of stuffed and mounted children — some even wearing those manly kilts that sure resemble skirts.
Ah, Piper. Glad to have you around. Having someone from the right that can actually discuss issues without consulting the talking points is refreshing.
“Bagpipe” is the singular? I didn’t know that. I’ve always heard people speak of “playing the pipes”. Somehow, speaking of someone “playing the bagpipe” just doesn’t sound right.
As for your kilt, good on you. My mother was Irish, and like many folks that are three generations removed, she tried to be more Irish than the Irish. If she could have gotten me into a kilt, she would have. (I think that my Italian father objected.)
Of course, there’s the old joke about “what is worn under the kilt”. Mine’s just fine too, thanks.
So, why are we discussing this on a thread about the Times’ “new” blog? Because nobody is talking about much of anything over there.
The Seattle Times has been unable to find any news worth discussing over the past week? Why am I not surprised?
tartanry is sassenach royalist bullshit.
headless lucyspews:
See, Piper. Even though you are a purple-prose spewing mental lightweight, you have the respect and admiration of our own. You can both pump each other up and feel significant.
I know you’ll both watch your potty-mouths without any prompting.
Nope the pooper has written things in these comment threads that are utterly reprehensible, lifted straight from that knee-jerk, Limbaugh, Sean Insanity sort of mentality. Nothing resembling thinking going on there.
I’m not even mildy curious to wonder if recent events have caused some questioning of those talking points.
Stay away pooper. Right now there’s a bit of a circular firing squad going on in your party. Take your place in the circle. May your party stay irrelevant for a long long time.
In the meantime the adults are going to do what adults have to do. Clean up after the mess left by wayward children (yes, adult children) who could never grow up.
Daddy Lovespews:
Kilts facilitate Scotch buggery.
headless lucyspews:
re 16: Why do you think the Pipe loves to wave his saucy little derriere in front of the citizens of our fair state?
Typical vitriol from you. You’re like a TV soap opera – tune in every few months or so is all one need do since the dumb plot and dumber dialogue never change.
I’m still pissed at the Times for pitching most of its editorial page overboard, especially the LTEs.
Those of us who play one refer to the instrument as a pipe. It’s a unitary item, with the chanter – the long flute-like thing we finger – the only thing that produces a variable tone. What makes the instrument what it is isn’t the drones, but the single music making portion of it.
What’s worn under me kilt? Me shoes and stockings.
You won’t find me supporting any form of bailout of any kind. Bugger the lot of those freeloaders irrespective of where they sit on the income redistribution scale.
And let the car-making morons file Chapter 11, then let them reorganize.
I’ve been extremely busy with a new venture, one that keeps me from posting any and everywhere, save on the blog for which I now write professionally.
The election results didn’t surprise me – they did disappoint, especially since Christine Gregoire’s appeal flat escapes me.
What was her track record again? Ballooning the budget like most of you balloon the balance on your VISA cards? And a total failure to address critical transportation infrastructure issues – had she really wanted to, she could have gotten a new 520 bridge built in less than two years – it took but 339 days to rebuild and reopen I-35W in the Twin Cities.
And look at who BHO is bringing into his administration: cast off Clintonistas, and now HRC herself, or so we’re being told.
Change like that is putting a pre-soiled diaper on a baby – cuts out the middle poop.
At least and PTL, we won’t have The Darcy’s whines to annoy us. Must be tough to come to grips with the fact that she did considerably worse this time than last. Something about coming across as petulant and defensive.
So, it’s your sides turn to spin the political Wheel of Fortune. Care to wager how soon before the wheel stops on Bankrupt??? And you lose the cash, the Chevy Caprice, the washer/dryer combo, and the four-days/three-nights at Sandals?
I know of some prominent libs who are already predicting the failure of the Obama admin – kid you not! Heard it in person with my own ears from a name you would all know, albeit not a local yokel.
Ask nice, and I’ll say who and where.
The Piper
headless lucyspews:
re 26: That’s a surprise. You predicting that Obama will fail.
So, what you are saying is that there will be no change, after all.
You dime-store Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. schtick is wearing very thin.
Re-read my post: I didn’t say that I predict BHO’s failure, I said a nationally prominent lib Dem who served in a prior Dem administration predicted his failure in a speech where I was in the audience – the three other name Dems on the panel didn’t dispute his contention either.
One would almost think you’re glad to see him on the way out. The chimpmeister I mean.
“Failure” is a big word, which depends upon the expections and definition of success. You could argue that the war in Iraq is a success in that it kicked Saddam out of power, if you are willing to ignore that it’s taken 5+ years to get to the point where the existing government still needs our troops to keep it in power.
So if you say that Obama’s goal is to eliminate the budget deficit, return the national debt to the level it was at in the end of the Clinton administration, withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq and Afganistan while leaving behind stable goverments friendly to the U.S., and cut taxes and increase government benefits, and do it all within four years…. yep, Obama will fail. After figurativly burning down the house, it’s going to take a while to rebuild it. It may take more than one term, and it might take more than two terms – Obamma’s successor may have to finish the work.
But at least by Jan. 20th we will be heading in the right direction.
if you are willing to ignore that it’s taken 5+ years to get to the point where the existing government still needs our troops to keep it in power.
And burn through a trillion or two or three of treasure when all is said and done.
Rick D.spews:
Kilts facilitate Scotch buggery. ~ daddy Love
Apparently, Daddy love has some experience in this department.
And do so in a way that attracts comments.
Greetings from Greensboro, NC.
The Piper
Hi Piper!
re 1: Yes. Hi, Piper! You skirt wearin’ freak….
Oh, sure. You carry around bagpipes and sing Scottish folk songs, but we all know it’s really about donning the dress and adding just a little colour to your cheeks.
Very bracing, wot!
It’s a bagpipe – singular. Bagpipes is a band.
And I wear a kilt, which is a man’s garment, nae skirt! Only men brave and confident enough to not have to hide that what God gave them wear the kilt.
Liberals, because they have nothing worth hiding, seek to hide their nothingness in the wearing of trews.
Blog on that, why don’t you.
The Piper
Lucy: I may disagree with Piper, but he is respectful and doesn’t call people names – unlike some other trolls on this blog.
Piper has fairly entrenched republican views but is able to make some arguments for them. I often disagree – but at least Piper is willing to have an honest disagreement and debate.
@4: I could make a snarky comment about how Piper “knows” that liberals have nothing up their skirts – but I will refrain :).
Not true! I believe I called you Festus once…or was it JoeBob?
Not entrenched Republican (capitalize, please), but eternal truth – there is a difference.
Off to take my grandsons to the Greensboro Children’s Museum. Thursday, it’s up to Appomattox Courthouse, VA.
The Piper
“It’s a bagpipe – singular. Bagpipes is a band”.
Then why do I hear pipers say they are going to “play the pipes”?
Nice to hear from you again. Were you keeping your head down until after the election?
Hey Pooper! How’d the right wing bullshit work out for ya?
Been railin’ against those “librul gubmint checks” that chimpie’s been writin’ lately?
Ahhh, Rowdy Roddy is taking the blue-states tour. They’re good places to be, aren’t they?
re 1: Blog in a way that: “…attracts comments.”
I believe that is what I did, Pipe.
As for the children’s museum, I think it’s horrible that you would take your kids to see a bunch of stuffed and mounted children — some even wearing those manly kilts that sure resemble skirts.
Ah, Piper. Glad to have you around. Having someone from the right that can actually discuss issues without consulting the talking points is refreshing.
“Bagpipe” is the singular? I didn’t know that. I’ve always heard people speak of “playing the pipes”. Somehow, speaking of someone “playing the bagpipe” just doesn’t sound right.
As for your kilt, good on you. My mother was Irish, and like many folks that are three generations removed, she tried to be more Irish than the Irish. If she could have gotten me into a kilt, she would have. (I think that my Italian father objected.)
Of course, there’s the old joke about “what is worn under the kilt”. Mine’s just fine too, thanks.
So, why are we discussing this on a thread about the Times’ “new” blog? Because nobody is talking about much of anything over there.
The Seattle Times has been unable to find any news worth discussing over the past week? Why am I not surprised?
tartanry is sassenach royalist bullshit.
See, Piper. Even though you are a purple-prose spewing mental lightweight, you have the respect and admiration of our own. You can both pump each other up and feel significant.
I know you’ll both watch your potty-mouths without any prompting.
Nope the pooper has written things in these comment threads that are utterly reprehensible, lifted straight from that knee-jerk, Limbaugh, Sean Insanity sort of mentality. Nothing resembling thinking going on there.
I’m not even mildy curious to wonder if recent events have caused some questioning of those talking points.
Stay away pooper. Right now there’s a bit of a circular firing squad going on in your party. Take your place in the circle. May your party stay irrelevant for a long long time.
In the meantime the adults are going to do what adults have to do. Clean up after the mess left by wayward children (yes, adult children) who could never grow up.
Kilts facilitate Scotch buggery.
re 16: Why do you think the Pipe loves to wave his saucy little derriere in front of the citizens of our fair state?
You know it’s saucy because…???
The Piper
Scotch is whiskey, Scots are people, Scottish is ethnic or cultural.
The Piper
Not quite, but you’re close…
The Piper
re 19: Now that’s………..SASSY!
Typical vitriol from you. You’re like a TV soap opera – tune in every few months or so is all one need do since the dumb plot and dumber dialogue never change.
The Piper
I’m still pissed at the Times for pitching most of its editorial page overboard, especially the LTEs.
Those of us who play one refer to the instrument as a pipe. It’s a unitary item, with the chanter – the long flute-like thing we finger – the only thing that produces a variable tone. What makes the instrument what it is isn’t the drones, but the single music making portion of it.
What’s worn under me kilt? Me shoes and stockings.
The Piper
You won’t find me supporting any form of bailout of any kind. Bugger the lot of those freeloaders irrespective of where they sit on the income redistribution scale.
And let the car-making morons file Chapter 11, then let them reorganize.
Not a dime – not a stinkin’ dime!
The Piper
I’ve been extremely busy with a new venture, one that keeps me from posting any and everywhere, save on the blog for which I now write professionally.
The election results didn’t surprise me – they did disappoint, especially since Christine Gregoire’s appeal flat escapes me.
What was her track record again? Ballooning the budget like most of you balloon the balance on your VISA cards? And a total failure to address critical transportation infrastructure issues – had she really wanted to, she could have gotten a new 520 bridge built in less than two years – it took but 339 days to rebuild and reopen I-35W in the Twin Cities.
And look at who BHO is bringing into his administration: cast off Clintonistas, and now HRC herself, or so we’re being told.
Change like that is putting a pre-soiled diaper on a baby – cuts out the middle poop.
At least and PTL, we won’t have The Darcy’s whines to annoy us. Must be tough to come to grips with the fact that she did considerably worse this time than last. Something about coming across as petulant and defensive.
So, it’s your sides turn to spin the political Wheel of Fortune. Care to wager how soon before the wheel stops on Bankrupt??? And you lose the cash, the Chevy Caprice, the washer/dryer combo, and the four-days/three-nights at Sandals?
I know of some prominent libs who are already predicting the failure of the Obama admin – kid you not! Heard it in person with my own ears from a name you would all know, albeit not a local yokel.
Ask nice, and I’ll say who and where.
The Piper
re 26: That’s a surprise. You predicting that Obama will fail.
So, what you are saying is that there will be no change, after all.
You dime-store Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. schtick is wearing very thin.
Think about it, lout.
@26 “Ask nice, and I’ll say who and where”
Will telling you to fuck off shut you up?
@27 He seems a little full of himself.
Re-read my post: I didn’t say that I predict BHO’s failure, I said a nationally prominent lib Dem who served in a prior Dem administration predicted his failure in a speech where I was in the audience – the three other name Dems on the panel didn’t dispute his contention either.
The Piper
Steve @ 28,
Apparently not.
25 – Hey pooper – you voted for him twice.
I didn’t.
One would almost think you’re glad to see him on the way out. The chimpmeister I mean.
“Failure” is a big word, which depends upon the expections and definition of success. You could argue that the war in Iraq is a success in that it kicked Saddam out of power, if you are willing to ignore that it’s taken 5+ years to get to the point where the existing government still needs our troops to keep it in power.
So if you say that Obama’s goal is to eliminate the budget deficit, return the national debt to the level it was at in the end of the Clinton administration, withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq and Afganistan while leaving behind stable goverments friendly to the U.S., and cut taxes and increase government benefits, and do it all within four years…. yep, Obama will fail. After figurativly burning down the house, it’s going to take a while to rebuild it. It may take more than one term, and it might take more than two terms – Obamma’s successor may have to finish the work.
But at least by Jan. 20th we will be heading in the right direction.
if you are willing to ignore that it’s taken 5+ years to get to the point where the existing government still needs our troops to keep it in power.
And burn through a trillion or two or three of treasure when all is said and done.
Apparently, Daddy love has some experience in this department.