Every time I search “Rob McKenna” in Google or Google News, I get a sponsored link to King County Councilman Reagan Dunn’s campaign website at the top of page.
Of course, Dunn isn’t up for reelection in 2010. Or 2011, for that matter. Or even 2012.
So why is he spending money now, buying sponsored links on searches on our current attorney general’s name? Figure it out for yourself.
Hmm, maybe Google has linked up Rossi’s foreclosure sales seminars with Reagan Dunn’s McMansion.
Do you really think AG? I have always thought he would run for his Mom’s seat.
That is also interesting in that Dunn has been widely rumored to by in line for a run at the 8th and that Reichert would be eased out of the job should he win re-election this time around.
Frankly, I think this says something about Republican fears at holding the 8th CD if Dunn would rather take a shot at the AG job.
Reagan Dunn – the AG Who’ll KEEP Getting Things Dunn.
In fact, we’ll even have an Attorney General’s Mansion at ZERO cost to taxpayers: http://horsesass.org/?p=26758
All the more reason to support Reagan Dunn for Attorney General AND Rob McKenna for Governor!
Also running for Lt. Governor is Janelle K. Guthrie, who will teach the brats in the Senate how to be… adults!!!
Nindid @3,
I think if Reichert were to lose in 2010, Dunn would seriously consider challenging DelBene in 2012, depending on the political climate. But barring that or an open 8th CD seat in 2012, he’s clearly focused on AG.
Nice catch Goldy!
Goldy, what interests me is the potential 10th Congressional District the state might get in 2012. Most of the population increase in Washington has been in the Puget Sound counties along with Clark. So I could see WA-03 giving up some of Lewis County to WA-08, and WA-10 being centered in Bellevue, Kirkland, and Redmond.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see Auburn being in the northern portion of Reichert’s district? Sure, that would cement that district as a Republican one, but it would create a blue WA-10.
Hmmm, Maple Valley (site of the Dunn McMansion) probably belongs in that south King/east Pierce/north Lewis district too…
I’m not a tech whiz or in the industry, but I don’t think the sponsored ad rings of a campaign announcement. Why wouldn’t Dunn want to be associated with the most popular/successful Republican in the state? I don’t think this is any clue into the 8th CD v. AG future of Reagan Dunn saga. Aren’t these ads really cheap anyway?
Ha Here’s a guy who gets the new media. Way to go Reagan.
If Reagan Dunn became AG, what would be the difference? Republicans have no policy, no platform, no plans, no solutions, just anger, paranoia, insecurity, and partisan hatred.
My favorite? “Activist judges.” You see, one thing a Republican cannot stand is a judge who is willing impose social change rather than leaving this issue to the democratic process.
Unless, of course, the democratic process leads to social, political, medical, regulatory, or fiscal change with which they don’t agree, in which case they head to the courts (like Robby McKenna and the Affordable Care Act) to impose change rather than leaving this issue to the democratic process. Simple, right? And oh so consistent.
The other thing that tickles me is that the ACA will lower our deficits by more than $1 trillion, and Republicans want to repeal it! They’re a swell bunch of paranoid, insecure, partisan louts.
I understand that Dunn’s colleague Bob Ferguson might be interested in the AG job as well. Check out this post on the Red County blog http://www.redcounty.com/bob-f.....axonomy=20.
If Dunn and Ferguson match up, ole Bobby boy is going to get creamed. He is a mousy looking lawyer who has never seen the inside of a courtroom.
@Big Dog – I’d have to agree on that potential head-to-head, Ferguson would get smoked. Dunn’s resume boasts way more law & order chops, while Ferguson seems to be taking it to the left at every turn as council chair. His ACA motion, the sanctuary county ordinance, it’s all low hanging liberal fruit for him to pimp to the usual Dem suspects in ’12… I’m more interested in what a D primary for the AG spot will look like and if Ferguson could even clear a potentially loaded party field…
Daddy Fool thinks the AG makes policy..lmfao..
Daddy Fool thinks the WA State AG has in impact on the national deficit.
hahahahhaha…keep rambling on foolio…
I’ve been saying that for a while now. Being pro-choice, Reagan’s political career looks better on the state level than the national one.
Still, AG could be a path to either Governor or Senator. It’s a better path to Governor, and probably as good a path to Senator.
If there is a redistricting, Reagan will probably wind up in a district that is considerably more conservative than it is now. The eighth will likely move geographically north, lopping off the reddest portion of the district.
So Congress doesn’t look as plum as AG.
There is absolutely no doubt that Reagan will run either for Congress or AG in 2012. And he’s thinking really big. Either one is a stepping stone.
Reagan Dunn would be a really great Attorney General, having called in a “no confidence” resolution in Dean Logan before anybody else on the Council did. I’m sure the pro-bureaucrat people really have a hard-on of hate for him – especially since he’s a RMK/Rob McKenna protege.
Oh and Bobby FergCain (pronounced Fer-GIIIEE-Ka-iiin) had his chance to yank out the howitzer, but didn’t. Enuf said.
“Get Things Dunn”, I say.
Sombody say bob ferguson is running for AG? Please this
guys a lawyer on paper only. Never been in a coutroom
except on field trips in college. I understand
though that his favorite show is Law and Order
maybe he picked up some “lawyern’ from reruns.
Dunn should look at the 8th. Hell of a fit. He’s got
the tools and the talent. Skies the limit for him
Awesome! I love Regan Dunn. He has been twice the member of the Council as my own member Julia Patterson. (At least as far as trying to help me with county problems). I am suprised at this choice I figured he would run for the 8th CD seat when the incumbant retieren in a few years. Oh well. Man this is great.
If Dunn and Ferguson match up, ole Bobby boy is going to get creamed. He is a mousy looking lawyer who has never seen the inside of a courtroom.
Bob has the exact same background as McKenna, worked for him, why not Bob?
I tried both your search links and didn’t see any Dunn ads.
I meant the 8th will be considerably more LIBERAL after redistricting.
I’m rethinking my claim Dunn will be less appealing on the national stage. His name is Reagan. He was named after Ronald Reagan, and his mom is still highly regarded in Congress.
So I take that back. The guy is a rising star either way.