Boy, the lead guitarist makes sure he has a lot of face time.
Thanks for reminding me why I hate Abba.
Chris Stefanspews:
The Republicans were right, health care reform is Obama’s Waterloo. However they didn’t realize they were the French and Obama was Wellington.
Alki Postingsspews:
So….when do the death panels start? Are those immediate, or is that part of the benefits that start in 2012? Sarah? Rush? Glen? Fox News? Does anyone know? I’m trying to kill off my grandma and need to find out?
ROTFLMAO. Now everyone will see the Republicans for the head in the sand obstructionist liars they are.
Alki Postingsspews:
Or maybe the death panels start NOW! And Obama and his secret Muslim Kenyan Army will outlaw Christianity and steal our guns starting next week! Or not….
4 – Indeed. We’re celebrating a political victory here. Not a policy win.
This is the best that our corporate compromised political class could give us. So let’s organize to fix this thing.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
abba looks like they would fit into a modern day pride parade…
@4: They did not have the votes for a public option. They can add that next. However, they did get universal coverage, tax on the rich and no pre-existing conditions.
The glass is half full and Sirota won’t drink unless the cup is full. Even Kucinich realized the importance of at least passing this bill.
Chris Stefanspews:
Great! the next step on ourour secret communistfascistmuslim agenda is to shred The Constitution the rest of the way, repeal the Bill of RIghts (except for Unions), and start nationalizing all industries and passing out equity in them to welfare recipients. Then, we need to get going on making Christianity illegal and go ahead and drop all support of the military. Then we can install our true leader, Hugo Chavez, and start building the new, free abortuaries, preferably next to McDonald’s, once we require organic hormone-free meat for all their products. Synergy! Health care was just the foot in the door, let the real agenda begin.
proud leftistspews:
Don’t forget the provision for mandatory same-sex marriages for everyone. That’s one of our top priorities, as you know.
@13 At last our plan unfolds. Our resident KLOWN must have woke up to discover that he’s now a Kommie-fascist like the rest of us. Poor sap. No wonder his head exploded.
Now’s the time to unleash the storm water stormtroopers on the BIAW headquarters. Hit them now, hit them hard, and take no prisoners.
AP – Tampa Bay, FL.
In a stunning move today the Obama administration via Executive Order has begun building Nazi style Death Camps for all seniors over the age of 67 who’ve ever had any type of pre-existing medical condition.
The move is expected save the federal government $83 billion dollars this year as part of the cost-cutting procedures to Medicare that was passed in the HCR legislation.
This move brings true the predications of Republicans who gathered on the steps of the US Capital building last summer under the banner of the infamous Nazi Dachau Death Camps. The bodies of senior citizens are already beginning to pile up high on the site where President Barak Obama will hold a news conference and break ground on the new federal facility.
Soylent Green snack crackers and kool-aid will be served afterwards.
Is that John Boehner, Palin, Michelle Bachman and Eric Cantor, in drag?
and here…
I already linked to a better version here.
i’m with sirota
Boy, the lead guitarist makes sure he has a lot of face time.
Thanks for reminding me why I hate Abba.
The Republicans were right, health care reform is Obama’s Waterloo. However they didn’t realize they were the French and Obama was Wellington.
So….when do the death panels start? Are those immediate, or is that part of the benefits that start in 2012? Sarah? Rush? Glen? Fox News? Does anyone know? I’m trying to kill off my grandma and need to find out?
ROTFLMAO. Now everyone will see the Republicans for the head in the sand obstructionist liars they are.
Or maybe the death panels start NOW! And Obama and his secret Muslim Kenyan Army will outlaw Christianity and steal our guns starting next week! Or not….
4 – Indeed. We’re celebrating a political victory here. Not a policy win.
This is the best that our corporate compromised political class could give us. So let’s organize to fix this thing.
abba looks like they would fit into a modern day pride parade…
@4: They did not have the votes for a public option. They can add that next. However, they did get universal coverage, tax on the rich and no pre-existing conditions.
The glass is half full and Sirota won’t drink unless the cup is full. Even Kucinich realized the importance of at least passing this bill.
Great! the next step on ourour secret communistfascistmuslim agenda is to shred The Constitution the rest of the way, repeal the Bill of RIghts (except for Unions), and start nationalizing all industries and passing out equity in them to welfare recipients. Then, we need to get going on making Christianity illegal and go ahead and drop all support of the military. Then we can install our true leader, Hugo Chavez, and start building the new, free abortuaries, preferably next to McDonald’s, once we require organic hormone-free meat for all their products. Synergy! Health care was just the foot in the door, let the real agenda begin.
Don’t forget the provision for mandatory same-sex marriages for everyone. That’s one of our top priorities, as you know.
@13 At last our plan unfolds. Our resident KLOWN must have woke up to discover that he’s now a Kommie-fascist like the rest of us. Poor sap. No wonder his head exploded.
Now’s the time to unleash the storm water stormtroopers on the BIAW headquarters. Hit them now, hit them hard, and take no prisoners.
AP – Tampa Bay, FL.
In a stunning move today the Obama administration via Executive Order has begun building Nazi style Death Camps for all seniors over the age of 67 who’ve ever had any type of pre-existing medical condition.
The move is expected save the federal government $83 billion dollars this year as part of the cost-cutting procedures to Medicare that was passed in the HCR legislation.
This move brings true the predications of Republicans who gathered on the steps of the US Capital building last summer under the banner of the infamous Nazi Dachau Death Camps. The bodies of senior citizens are already beginning to pile up high on the site where President Barak Obama will hold a news conference and break ground on the new federal facility.
Soylent Green snack crackers and kool-aid will be served afterwards.
More to follow on this developing story.