Walter Cronkite – March 1, 2006:
As anchorman of the CBS Evening News, I signed off my nightly broadcasts for nearly two decades with a simple statement: “And that’s the way it is.”
To me, that encapsulates the newsman’s highest ideal: to report the facts as he sees them, without regard for the consequences or controversy that may ensue.
Sadly, that is not an ethic to which all politicians aspire – least of all in a time of war.
I remember. I covered the Vietnam War. I remember the lies that were told, the lives that were lost – and the shock when, twenty years after the war ended, former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara admitted he knew it was a mistake all along.
Today, our nation is fighting two wars: one abroad and one at home. While the war in Iraq is in the headlines, the other war is still being fought on our own streets. Its casualties are the wasted lives of our own citizens.
I am speaking of the war on drugs.
And I cannot help but wonder how many more lives, and how much more money, will be wasted before another Robert McNamara admits what is plain for all to see: the war on drugs is a failure.
I’m not old enough to remember Walter Cronkite as an anchorman, but the post above made me understand the kind of man he was – someone who put truth above everything, regardless of whether or not his words would be uncomfortable for people to hear. As he approached the age of 90, he never lost his willingness to question authority or his ability to see through the lies. Even today, it’s almost impossible to find a news anchor who would say the things that Cronkite wrote in that post. And even if one of them did, I’m not sure we’d be smart enough to recognize how important it was.
UPDATE: Greenwald has more.
UPDATE 2: David Borden has another Cronkite piece on the drug war from 1995.
Are we talking about the same walter cronkite that took clinton and his wife out on his yacht to help bubba relax from the attention to the woman he didn’t have sex with, monica.
Of course walter isn’t one of those liberal biased reporters. :)
Stay classy, Marvin.
In the spirit of Walter, I suggest anyone here interested in learning more about politics attend:
2009 KCGOP Picnic
Sponsored by
King County Councilmember
Reagan Dunn
The King County Republican Party is proud to announce its 2009 KCGOP Picnic sponsored by King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn – 9th CCD. This annual event will be held at Homestead Park on Mercer Island from 11:00am to 3:00pm on Saturday, August 8th.
Bring your picnic blankets, sunscreen and family for an old fashioned summer picnic where hamburgers and hotdogs will be served by your favorite GOP activists. There will be family activities like bouncy toys, tennis courts and a softball tournament, as well as many Republican candidates and office-holders.
Don’t miss this annual event. Register today so we know that we know you will be there!
Booth Vendors – Space is available! Call the KCGOP office for more information 425.990.0404 or email.
Directions from I-90 to Homestead Park: – Take Island Crest Way Exit #7 – Go south on Island Crest Way. Turn right onto SE 40th St. Homestead Park will be on the left side of the road, a block and a half down. – Volunteers will help guide you to parking.
I’m so happy the fucker is dead. So delirious with joy! Hope he’s roasting in HELL where he belongs!
4 C
We know Marvin is a sick party-line spouting fuck, but what’s your deal?
I really mean, why don’t you give us the factual basis for your determination? I’m guessing that you know that your ignorant WND-fed opinions will not withstand scrutiny. Why not tell us why, instead of what. Unless you’re scared.
Ah, Junior Troll Crusader is out of his mother’s basement again, I see. Even Nekulturny had nice things to say about Cronkite, but did anyone really expect anything other than pathetic insults from the Junior Troll?
@1: To answer your query, “no”.
Now go fuck off and die.
@4: How would you know what hell is like? Better morons, please.
ProudandanASS: Wrong again fool.
“At the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Clinton family was trying to have a vacation at Martha’s Vineyard. Walter offered them sanctuary on his yacht and they were free of the press pressure. When it was over, the press was all over him, offering him obscene amounts of money to talk about what they talked about.”
“Cronkite was there in 1998 when the Clintons made their first joint public appearance in the aftermath of the president’s confession about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. They sailed together on Cronkite’s blue-hulled, 60-foot yacht Wyntje, named for the first woman to marry one of Cronkite’s paternal ancestors in the New Amsterdam colony in the 1640s.”
EPIC FAIL Fool! Take you own suggestion @7 and implement it.
I cannot believe that anyone would diss Walter Cronkite. Those that do have no concept of objectivity, of truth. He was a great man. As a child, on our black and white tv, we received one channel–I’m reaching back, but I believe the call letters were KVOS. We lived in rural Whatcom County, and CBS was the network we watched, that a Bellingham station transmitted. “And that’s the way it is” always concluded Mr. Cronkite’s newscasts. He was right. He performed as a journalist should perform–giving the news truthfully. Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh fall so short compared to Walter Cronkite. Rest in peace, old soldier of truth.
Well, Lee, I’m sure that’s all well and good — but my father — one of the ‘best generation ever’ (Tom Brokaw said so!)found that Bill O’Reilly resonated with him very well.
That’s the real sorrow — it was all pearls before swine.
There was never a “best generation.” Tom Brokaw got that wrong. And, I am quite sure, neither you nor your father were part of the best generation.
That was unnecessarily rude.
re 13: He didn’t understand what I was getting at. I’ve done that myself, not as frequently as Proud Leftist, but often enough to blow it off when it happens to me.
Perhaps I did not make my meaning clear.
Damn. I must really have pushed your button.
The answer is yes, it was the same walter.
Funny, republicans want terrorists dead, you want your fellow americans dead.
What does that say about you?
Besides the fact your parents obviously failed their job.
Variety Issue November 4, 1970 Walter Cronkite said he was a ‘true liberal.’
Nuff SAID Suckas
It’s rather ironic that Cronkite played a significant part exposing the Democratic Party to public disgrace in Chicago in 1968. As a result, Richard Nixon became President.
11/12 Sadly, many of the “best generation” who are still alive are in the depths of Alzheimer’s.
In addition to fighting Hitler and the Japanese, they and their parents elected Roosevelt President. Four times.
See, Puddy, we can agree on some things.
Walter Cronkite a ‘true liberal’ and “THE MOST TRUSTED MAN IN AMERICA!!”
Truth and Liberalism go hand-in-hand.
Corruption and Conservatism also go, hand-in-hand.
Nuff SAID, Suckas. Nuff SAID, indeed.
To be liberally biased as a news reporter is the exact same thing as saying a “truthful” news reporter.
Fidelity to the truth, that is the biased liberal news you so often hear railed against by conservatives.
Naturally, conservatives disagree with this biased view of the world because it runs 100% contradictory to their political agenda.
If they assassinate the news it only helps their political cause. And the sheep, go happily along with whatever propaganda they put out.
But, hey, if conservatives want to purposefully be ignorant, they have every right to believe any dumb, damn thing they want to. And, vote accordingly. Freedom has an Achilles Heel and it’s called ignorant, conservative voters.
Go Gov.
PalingQuitter for Prez in 2012!!Cuz, that beeee-otch gots mo’ Executive Experience ‘den Barack Obama. **SNAPS**
Hmmm….in less than half a century, broadcast journalism as exemplified by Ed Murrow and Walter Cronkite has been replaced by the likes of Glenn Beck and Katie Couric.
Things are just getting better every day, aren’t they?
Hating on Walter just goes to show how far out of touch these batshit-crazy wingnuts have become.
I’m surprised you didn’t say that the obama is on welfare.
When I said I was on welfare you assumed I was black.
Why do racists always think black when they hear the word welfare?
Why did you assume I was black? Is it because you’re a racist or like your “faggot” comment, did you ignorantly believe I would be insulted?