A lot of older Jews changed their names because it made it easier for them to land jobs and integrate into a Anglo-Saxon world (my grandfather also changed his name when he became a salesman). It’s just the invisible hand of the free market doing its thing. :)
Politically Incorrectspews:
Jon Stuart Lebowitz – what’s wrong with that? Why pretend to be Anglo-Saxon when you’re not? I’m a decendant of Celtic and Germanic barbarian tribes myself, but I ain’t ashamed of it.
Politically Incorrectspews:
38,000 years ago, somebody I’m genetically related to painted those bison and horse pictures on the walls of those caves in what is now Southern France. Of course, most of Europe was under about a mile of ice during that time.
Rick D.spews:
@ 2- Older Jews?
Last time I checked, Jon Leibowitz wasn’t that old.
thehim/Lee: (my grandfather also changed his name when he became a salesman).
Hmmm, some variance in age with the ‘comedian’ isnt’ there?
Happy Heathenspews:
I expect those who tend to lean somewhat to the right will no get past the first 5 sec. of this. But then, the truth hurts doesn’t it?
You tell me, I have no idea. But back in the day, agents and other show business folks would often tell young Jewish entertainers to change their names in order to make themselves more marketable.
Why pretend to be Anglo-Saxon when you’re not?
It was done in order to maximize one’s earning potential. For just about everyone it was just a bottom line decision.
I’m a decendant of Celtic and Germanic barbarian tribes myself, but I ain’t ashamed of it.
Who said he’s ashamed of it? It’s not about shame, it’s about being able to make money.
This is a direct product of the Pimps of Poverty..Jesse Jackson and the enabling Democratic Party.
Connect the dots.
This guy Frazier wants us to believe he is a “victim”??
Go ahead KLOWNS…pony up and pay for this.
There are plenty more like it…so save your nickels.
Stewart nailed them!
But, I doubt it will matter. 75% of the country knows the right-wing noise machine is full of crap and the other 25% are, pretty much, incorrigible.
For example, look at what righty blogger Sergeant B. thinks is going on, on the Mexican Border.
when the government of Mexico, and its military and police forces come over our borders on missions of drug running and people smuggling, the balance changes, and if there is a single Mexican soldier stepping over our southern border illegally, then there should be a few American soldiers (or Marines) waiting for him…
Lots of people change their names. Big deal.
Teabag=Douchebag :)
Hey wait a minute. All those tornados hit the Bible belt today? Doesn’t that mean God hates right wing swill? I hope so. Good riddance asswipes. Hope that part of the country gets wiped off the map.
Rick D.spews:
20. BiBiGrOPer spews:
Hey wait a minute. All those tornados hit the Bible belt today? Doesn’t that mean God hates right wing swill? I hope so. Good riddance asswipes. Hope that part of the country gets wiped off the map.
…and Goldy wonders why his blog doesn’t generate any meaningful web traffic.
there’s always a kike under every rock
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 I share your concern about rising taxes. This wouldn’t be happening if the tax dodgers at the upper end of the income scale were paying their fair share. It’s absurd that poor people pay nearly 6 times as much of their income in state and local taxes than the affluent pay. We need tax reform now!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Bullshit! I’ve kicked over a lot of rocks over the years, and I’ve found tons of bugs and beetles under rocks, but I have yet to find a kike under a rock.
Don’t believe anything a wingnut says. They’re all full of shit.
oh by the way BYEBYE..i hope new york, palm beach and hollywood get wiped off the map too…u kike
funny roger, they’re the ones who are going to steal your pension, just like the jew maxwell did in england. of course the jew owned media didnt play it up.
Hey Goldy,
Can we kick the anti-semite hater off the blog?
can we also kick out the one who wants the bible belt wiped off the map also?
The GOPP confirms Faux Snooze is fair and balanced:
The fifth thing that Republicans have to do is understand the problem of communicating in a world where much of the television media, particularly, is hostile…If I had to recommend one single thing that the Republicans should be doing to help articulate the message, it is to acquire another television network so that there is not just FOX, but multiple sources of alternative information that will do a much better job than we did in 2008 to keep things honest.
Of course Faux is “fair and balanced” by the GOPP’s definition – they’re saying THEY OWN IT!
@26 My state pension checks have been coming for several years. Just like clockwork. Never missed one. Never got one late. Sure glad I didn’t retire from a corporation. All the corporations are hiring fancy-pants lawyers to help them wriggle out of their contractual pension obligations to their workers. A lot of private sector retirees are getting 40 to 60 cents on the dollar. And can you imagine what would be happening to the old poor folks if the Republicans’ scheme to turn over social security to Wall Street had succeeded?
My Left Footspews:
Just about had it with pussyoflies.
Dude, I am 52 years old. Ready to meet you anywhere for a beer. Lets see if you allow your mouth to overload your ass in the same way your fingers do. I would like you to use that word to my face. Won’t happen though, no courage to come out from behind your keyboard.
You have no proper upbringing, no education, no honor and no integrity. Your parents must be so proud.
You are simply wasting oxygen that rest of us could put to good use.
What a fucking douche bag.
The Libertarian Guyspews:
Okay Lee I was thinking of going to one of the Tea-bag things because I am sick and tired of paying taxes to keep U.S. troops in some 130 countries around the world. That probably costs $100 billion annually. I’m sick and tired of paying for corporate welfare that runs another $100 billion annually. I’m sick and tired of paying to arrest people for using what they damn well please to use in their own private life, which cost another $50 billion annually.
So if I go to protest these things am I some rightwing rube?
i feel the same way.
just about had it with….
the media bashing sarah palin and her daughter
the whitehouse lying “it wasnt a bow”
asking us to pay more taxes and then confirming giethner the tax cheat
barney frank flipping out on a college student because he asked him a question (and the meltdown is all barneys fault)
robert gibbs lying every night and then bringing up the name of limbaugh or fox news, as if reporting anything is thew issue
and a milion others
so go fuck youself
Fine by me.
by the way myleftfoot, since you are challenging me to a fight, is that the reccomended way to deal with people you disagree with? so when jon stewart ridicules christiasns, should i call him and challenge him to a fight?
janet sspews:
Nice to know your guy is busy fiddling with whatever while an American is held hostage. Would it be so awful for Obama to say “We will not tolerate the aggression against an American citizen.”
He didn’t say it. He hasn’t made any comment in that direction.
He is signaling to the world that we are weak. We will talk to whoever threatens to kill our people. We want to find common ground with barbarians who want to kill and rob anyone who crosses their path.
Obama’s actions will lead to a terrorist attack on our soil.
Hope you all chuckle when it happens. I’m sure you will find it amusing.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 36: Yeah. He should be on it like Bush was catching Osama.
T.R. said walk softly but carry a big stick. But you seem to be saying open your yap and make threats that you are incapable of backing up. A la GWB
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 35: There would be no fight because you wouldn’t show — just like your heroes Bush and Cheney never showed for Vietnam.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 32: What’s the matter? Don’t you support our troops?
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
“I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.” Howard Dean
Looks like Howard got in the way of your 1000 year Republican Reich. Newsflash. No one’s buying your BS anymore.
Chris Stefanspews:
Are you fucking stupid or what?
Do you not understand there is a hostage situation? That the FBI hostage rescue team is trying to secure the captain’s release? Obama is doing the right thing by not shooting his mouth off.
I mean sure the President could be saying we don’t negotiate with terrorists and order the lifeboat sunk. But that would just result in an US Citizen being killed. Better to let the pros do their job and try to get the Captain to safety.
@15 I share your concern about rising taxes. This wouldn’t be happening if the tax dodgers at the upper end of the income scale were paying their fair share
You mean like Obama’s Cabinet Appointees???
Broadway Joespews:
Honestly, hostage negotations are going no-fucking-where. I say create a 1:1 ratio of SEALs to pirates in that liferaft on the next cloudy night, say about 4am local time. Hostage situation over in about 10 seconds.
You then finish the job by moving the international fleet of naval vessels (IIRC, American, British, Russian, Indian and Japanese vessels are currently patrolling the area) to about 3 miles offshore every suspected pirate base (reasonably out of RPG range) and intercept, search, and destory every pirate vessel coming in or out. I figure it’ll take about a month to do the job. Another option is organizing shipping in the area into convoys to be escorted by vessels of said fleet while more subtle methods are used to eliminate the pirate bases.
My Left Footspews:
Dumbass, I was asking you to meet me for a beer. There was no mention of fighting. I just said, and correctly so, that you lacked nerve, honor and the balls to spew your hateful, vitriolic nonsense to my face.
Just wondering what it is you might be afraid of?
For over 5 years I have read this blog and for that same amount of time everyone who has posted similar rhetoric has suffered from the same lack of character as you do.
Must be a family trait.
My Left Footspews:
The bitch is back. Janet, try reading the news. You are making nothing out of even less. Quite a talent you have there.
@36 “Obama’s actions will lead to a terrorist attack on our soil”
Wing-nut wetdream. They’re actually hoping that it happens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What qualifies Susan Hutchison to replace Ron Sims as King County Executive? She has zero political experience; she’s never run for public office before, hasn’t even served as president of a homeowners association, and unlike Darcy Burner she doesn’t have a degree in economics from Harvard either. Yet GOP state chairmen Luke Esser absurdly asserts that her blank resume “might actually be a plus with many voters.” (Source: Ron Judd, Seattle Times) Who is he trying to kid?
I fully expect to see the trolls who attacked Burner as “inexperienced” to dismiss Hutchison for the same reason. If they don’t, they’re flaming hypocrites.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 This is a tired wingnut meme that’s been parroted by local traitors, e.g., this repulsive comment on a local seditious blog:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. … Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
What’s even more disgusting is that “FullContactPolitics” is a Republican candidate!* Yes, it’s true, a phony flag-waver and chest-beater of the Scumbag Party hopes terrorists kill innocent Americans to boost his party’s chances at the polls! No wonder the GOP’s electoral fortunes are in the gutter in our state. With candidates like that, they deserve to be.
* Richard Pope’s forensic work identified FCP as Mark Griswold, who got 15% of the vote against State House Speaker Frank Chopp. Which makes you wonder what the 15% were thinking; or if they’re even capable of thinking. Do dogs vote in that district? He sounds like someone a fucking dog would vote for. All dogs should be rounded up and incarcerated in pounds! Dogs are dirty, disgusting, and useless.
Hey Woman of Lies – but the tornados didn’t hit New York or Hollywood, they hit smack dab in the middle of the right wing-infested Bible belt! Not only did we kick your cowardly asses on Nov 4 and wipe you punks off the political map, it looks like your God is ready to do away with you cum-drunk cowards too LOL!
Hey the chief dicksucker JanetS is back. Hey Janet S – why weren’t you clucking when AWOL Bush allowed hostages to be held in Africa? Could it be you’re a right wing hypocrite?
Hopefully you are right about one thing. Hopefully there will be an attack on America and it’ll be limited to your house and you and your ilk will be wiped off the map so the gene pool won’t be further corrupted – you lying piece of shit.
When is someone going to go after Joe (who’s not a plumber) for failing to pay his taxes?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Why are left wing-nuts so scared of the tea protests?
Unlike the protests by the left, this is a protest by the people.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. My Left Foot spews:
Just about had it with pussyoflies.
You have no proper upbringing, no education, no honor and no integrity. Your parents must be so proud.
Show some tolerance you violent hater. You are acting just like bush.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. Roger Rabbit spews:
@26 My state pension checks have been coming for several years.
Good thing you have the government to take care of you.
You do realize that many people are able to take care of themselves and don’t need the government to be their mommies.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
47. Steve spews:
@36 “Obama’s actions will lead to a terrorist attack on our soil” Wing-nut wetdream. They’re actually hoping that it happens.
Just like the HA weasel faithful who hoped Bush would have an attack before he left office 1-20-2009? Not too many HA weasels would answer the question Steve. Not too many HA weasels would answer the question of they were part of the 10% Bush haters on 9/12/2001 either. Too em-bare-ASSed?
What was that shit you were spewing about rescuing the hostages JanetS/AKA Puffybutt?
List of questions for you.
a. Does it hurt to be that stupid?
b. Did your parents have any children who lived?
c. Are all the parents in your family also brother and sister or just yours?
Fuck you asshole.
@56 “Just like the HA weasel faithful”
Good of you to admit that you’re hoping for a terrorist attack. What’s a few hundred or thousands of dead Americans as long as you Republicans score a few points, huh? You were probably hoping that the cargo ship captain would be killed, too. Just another casualty in your war on human decency. As far as your “”1-20-2009” remark, looks like you’re making shit up again. Puddy pulls most of his Puddyfactoids from his ass. And 10% Bush haters on 9-12-2001? Just more unsubstantiated rubbish pulled from the Puddy butt, I’m sure.
@54 “Show some tolerance”
Marvin wants us to show tolerance towards Jew-hate. Not here. Not us. But we’ve seen nothing but tolerance for that hate from you troll asswipes ever since that twisted fuck manoftruth showed up here.
Fucking Republicans.
Puddybud, Hey it's the new year...spews:
Steve, you are a moron. Puddy don’t play snippet games ASSWipe. Where did Puddy infer anything of the sort.
Just like the HA weasel faithful who hoped Bush would have an attack before he left office 1-20-2009?
“Good thing you have the government to take care of you.
You do realize that many people are able to take care of themselves and don’t need the government to be their mommies.”
What a idiotic thing to say! A pension is a job benefit provided as part of most full time professional jobs. It is irrelevant whether RR worked for government or in the private sector.
See…this is the problem with you high school dropouts. You don’t understand the first thing about money, professional employment, financing, economics, etc.
And you’re too stupid to know to keep your mouth shut!
Rick D.spews:
Wow!! Darryl Holman earned an “overall quality” mark of 1.3 from his students.
Nice going, Champ!
…and thanks for the link Marvin
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn @ 55
See…this is the problem with you high school dropouts.
Did you ever see that page on “rate my professor” about you? Lazy, unprepared, easy-grader (which is codespeak for teacher doesn’t care), completely unorganized.
Jon Stewart won’t even use his real name. Is he ashamed of Leibowitz and his Jewish heritage?
A lot of older Jews changed their names because it made it easier for them to land jobs and integrate into a Anglo-Saxon world (my grandfather also changed his name when he became a salesman). It’s just the invisible hand of the free market doing its thing. :)
Jon Stuart Lebowitz – what’s wrong with that? Why pretend to be Anglo-Saxon when you’re not? I’m a decendant of Celtic and Germanic barbarian tribes myself, but I ain’t ashamed of it.
38,000 years ago, somebody I’m genetically related to painted those bison and horse pictures on the walls of those caves in what is now Southern France. Of course, most of Europe was under about a mile of ice during that time.
@ 2- Older Jews?
Last time I checked, Jon Leibowitz wasn’t that old.
Hmmm, some variance in age with the ‘comedian’ isnt’ there?
I expect those who tend to lean somewhat to the right will no get past the first 5 sec. of this. But then, the truth hurts doesn’t it?
Jon Stuart Lebowitz – what’s wrong with that?
You tell me, I have no idea. But back in the day, agents and other show business folks would often tell young Jewish entertainers to change their names in order to make themselves more marketable.
Why pretend to be Anglo-Saxon when you’re not?
It was done in order to maximize one’s earning potential. For just about everyone it was just a bottom line decision.
I’m a decendant of Celtic and Germanic barbarian tribes myself, but I ain’t ashamed of it.
Who said he’s ashamed of it? It’s not about shame, it’s about being able to make money.
Last time I checked, Jon Leibowitz wasn’t that old.
He’s almost 15 years older than me.
Politically Incorrect @ 3,
“Jon Stuart Lebowitz – what’s wrong with that? Why pretend to be Anglo-Saxon when you’re not? “
Are you fucking retarded? Stewart doesn’t hide the fact that he is Jewish.
I like the name Jon Lebowitz.
But I can see him having a stage name.
Nothing wrong with that.
The only thing wrong with Lebowitz are is far-left political views.
I find him humorous though.
@3 “I’m a decendant of … barbarian tribes”
That explains a lot.
re 1: What do you think of Whoopi Goldberg’s name?
I know for a fact her name’s not really Whoopi.
re 4: Defacing private property!!! You are descended from criminal communists.
I heard that Whoopi Goldberg got her start in the Catskills and she changed her name to be more Jewishy — a money-making strategy in the 70’s.
Lee, people who are concerned about rising taxes and want to voice their concern over it are “nutbags” in your eyes? Why?
Here is precisely why Bill Cosby was trying to instill in Black Americans–
This is a direct product of the Pimps of Poverty..Jesse Jackson and the enabling Democratic Party.
Connect the dots.
This guy Frazier wants us to believe he is a “victim”??
Go ahead KLOWNS…pony up and pay for this.
There are plenty more like it…so save your nickels.
Stewart nailed them!
But, I doubt it will matter. 75% of the country knows the right-wing noise machine is full of crap and the other 25% are, pretty much, incorrigible.
For example, look at what righty blogger Sergeant B. thinks is going on, on the Mexican Border.
Lots of people change their names. Big deal.
Teabag=Douchebag :)
Hey wait a minute. All those tornados hit the Bible belt today? Doesn’t that mean God hates right wing swill? I hope so. Good riddance asswipes. Hope that part of the country gets wiped off the map.
…and Goldy wonders why his blog doesn’t generate any meaningful web traffic.
there’s always a kike under every rock
@15 I share your concern about rising taxes. This wouldn’t be happening if the tax dodgers at the upper end of the income scale were paying their fair share. It’s absurd that poor people pay nearly 6 times as much of their income in state and local taxes than the affluent pay. We need tax reform now!
@22 Bullshit! I’ve kicked over a lot of rocks over the years, and I’ve found tons of bugs and beetles under rocks, but I have yet to find a kike under a rock.
Don’t believe anything a wingnut says. They’re all full of shit.
oh by the way BYEBYE..i hope new york, palm beach and hollywood get wiped off the map too…u kike
funny roger, they’re the ones who are going to steal your pension, just like the jew maxwell did in england. of course the jew owned media didnt play it up.
Hey Goldy,
Can we kick the anti-semite hater off the blog?
can we also kick out the one who wants the bible belt wiped off the map also?
The GOPP confirms Faux Snooze is fair and balanced:
Of course Faux is “fair and balanced” by the GOPP’s definition – they’re saying THEY OWN IT!
@26 My state pension checks have been coming for several years. Just like clockwork. Never missed one. Never got one late. Sure glad I didn’t retire from a corporation. All the corporations are hiring fancy-pants lawyers to help them wriggle out of their contractual pension obligations to their workers. A lot of private sector retirees are getting 40 to 60 cents on the dollar. And can you imagine what would be happening to the old poor folks if the Republicans’ scheme to turn over social security to Wall Street had succeeded?
Just about had it with pussyoflies.
Dude, I am 52 years old. Ready to meet you anywhere for a beer. Lets see if you allow your mouth to overload your ass in the same way your fingers do. I would like you to use that word to my face. Won’t happen though, no courage to come out from behind your keyboard.
You have no proper upbringing, no education, no honor and no integrity. Your parents must be so proud.
You are simply wasting oxygen that rest of us could put to good use.
What a fucking douche bag.
Okay Lee I was thinking of going to one of the Tea-bag things because I am sick and tired of paying taxes to keep U.S. troops in some 130 countries around the world. That probably costs $100 billion annually. I’m sick and tired of paying for corporate welfare that runs another $100 billion annually. I’m sick and tired of paying to arrest people for using what they damn well please to use in their own private life, which cost another $50 billion annually.
So if I go to protest these things am I some rightwing rube?
i feel the same way.
just about had it with….
the media bashing sarah palin and her daughter
the whitehouse lying “it wasnt a bow”
asking us to pay more taxes and then confirming giethner the tax cheat
barney frank flipping out on a college student because he asked him a question (and the meltdown is all barneys fault)
robert gibbs lying every night and then bringing up the name of limbaugh or fox news, as if reporting anything is thew issue
and a milion others
so go fuck youself
Fine by me.
by the way myleftfoot, since you are challenging me to a fight, is that the reccomended way to deal with people you disagree with? so when jon stewart ridicules christiasns, should i call him and challenge him to a fight?
Nice to know your guy is busy fiddling with whatever while an American is held hostage. Would it be so awful for Obama to say “We will not tolerate the aggression against an American citizen.”
He didn’t say it. He hasn’t made any comment in that direction.
He is signaling to the world that we are weak. We will talk to whoever threatens to kill our people. We want to find common ground with barbarians who want to kill and rob anyone who crosses their path.
Obama’s actions will lead to a terrorist attack on our soil.
Hope you all chuckle when it happens. I’m sure you will find it amusing.
re 36: Yeah. He should be on it like Bush was catching Osama.
T.R. said walk softly but carry a big stick. But you seem to be saying open your yap and make threats that you are incapable of backing up. A la GWB
re 35: There would be no fight because you wouldn’t show — just like your heroes Bush and Cheney never showed for Vietnam.
re 32: What’s the matter? Don’t you support our troops?
“I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.” Howard Dean
Looks like Howard got in the way of your 1000 year Republican Reich. Newsflash. No one’s buying your BS anymore.
Are you fucking stupid or what?
Do you not understand there is a hostage situation? That the FBI hostage rescue team is trying to secure the captain’s release? Obama is doing the right thing by not shooting his mouth off.
I mean sure the President could be saying we don’t negotiate with terrorists and order the lifeboat sunk. But that would just result in an US Citizen being killed. Better to let the pros do their job and try to get the Captain to safety.
Rachel Maddow on teabagging
Too damn funny.
Happy Easter!
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
You mean like Obama’s Cabinet Appointees???
Honestly, hostage negotations are going no-fucking-where. I say create a 1:1 ratio of SEALs to pirates in that liferaft on the next cloudy night, say about 4am local time. Hostage situation over in about 10 seconds.
You then finish the job by moving the international fleet of naval vessels (IIRC, American, British, Russian, Indian and Japanese vessels are currently patrolling the area) to about 3 miles offshore every suspected pirate base (reasonably out of RPG range) and intercept, search, and destory every pirate vessel coming in or out. I figure it’ll take about a month to do the job. Another option is organizing shipping in the area into convoys to be escorted by vessels of said fleet while more subtle methods are used to eliminate the pirate bases.
Dumbass, I was asking you to meet me for a beer. There was no mention of fighting. I just said, and correctly so, that you lacked nerve, honor and the balls to spew your hateful, vitriolic nonsense to my face.
Just wondering what it is you might be afraid of?
For over 5 years I have read this blog and for that same amount of time everyone who has posted similar rhetoric has suffered from the same lack of character as you do.
Must be a family trait.
The bitch is back. Janet, try reading the news. You are making nothing out of even less. Quite a talent you have there.
@36 “Obama’s actions will lead to a terrorist attack on our soil”
Wing-nut wetdream. They’re actually hoping that it happens.
What qualifies Susan Hutchison to replace Ron Sims as King County Executive? She has zero political experience; she’s never run for public office before, hasn’t even served as president of a homeowners association, and unlike Darcy Burner she doesn’t have a degree in economics from Harvard either. Yet GOP state chairmen Luke Esser absurdly asserts that her blank resume “might actually be a plus with many voters.” (Source: Ron Judd, Seattle Times) Who is he trying to kid?
I fully expect to see the trolls who attacked Burner as “inexperienced” to dismiss Hutchison for the same reason. If they don’t, they’re flaming hypocrites.
@47 This is a tired wingnut meme that’s been parroted by local traitors, e.g., this repulsive comment on a local seditious blog:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. … Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
What’s even more disgusting is that “FullContactPolitics” is a Republican candidate!* Yes, it’s true, a phony flag-waver and chest-beater of the Scumbag Party hopes terrorists kill innocent Americans to boost his party’s chances at the polls! No wonder the GOP’s electoral fortunes are in the gutter in our state. With candidates like that, they deserve to be.
* Richard Pope’s forensic work identified FCP as Mark Griswold, who got 15% of the vote against State House Speaker Frank Chopp. Which makes you wonder what the 15% were thinking; or if they’re even capable of thinking. Do dogs vote in that district? He sounds like someone a fucking dog would vote for. All dogs should be rounded up and incarcerated in pounds! Dogs are dirty, disgusting, and useless.
Hey Woman of Lies – but the tornados didn’t hit New York or Hollywood, they hit smack dab in the middle of the right wing-infested Bible belt! Not only did we kick your cowardly asses on Nov 4 and wipe you punks off the political map, it looks like your God is ready to do away with you cum-drunk cowards too LOL!
Hey the chief dicksucker JanetS is back. Hey Janet S – why weren’t you clucking when AWOL Bush allowed hostages to be held in Africa? Could it be you’re a right wing hypocrite?
Hopefully you are right about one thing. Hopefully there will be an attack on America and it’ll be limited to your house and you and your ilk will be wiped off the map so the gene pool won’t be further corrupted – you lying piece of shit.
When is someone going to go after Joe (who’s not a plumber) for failing to pay his taxes?
Why are left wing-nuts so scared of the tea protests?
Unlike the protests by the left, this is a protest by the people.
Show some tolerance you violent hater. You are acting just like bush.
Good thing you have the government to take care of you.
You do realize that many people are able to take care of themselves and don’t need the government to be their mommies.
47. Steve spews:
Just like the HA weasel faithful who hoped Bush would have an attack before he left office 1-20-2009? Not too many HA weasels would answer the question Steve. Not too many HA weasels would answer the question of they were part of the 10% Bush haters on 9/12/2001 either. Too em-bare-ASSed?
See teabagging done Obamamerican style
The founding fathers are rolling over in their graves as we speak…
What was that shit you were spewing about rescuing the hostages JanetS/AKA Puffybutt?
List of questions for you.
a. Does it hurt to be that stupid?
b. Did your parents have any children who lived?
c. Are all the parents in your family also brother and sister or just yours?
Fuck you asshole.
@56 “Just like the HA weasel faithful”
Good of you to admit that you’re hoping for a terrorist attack. What’s a few hundred or thousands of dead Americans as long as you Republicans score a few points, huh? You were probably hoping that the cargo ship captain would be killed, too. Just another casualty in your war on human decency. As far as your “”1-20-2009” remark, looks like you’re making shit up again. Puddy pulls most of his Puddyfactoids from his ass. And 10% Bush haters on 9-12-2001? Just more unsubstantiated rubbish pulled from the Puddy butt, I’m sure.
@54 “Show some tolerance”
Marvin wants us to show tolerance towards Jew-hate. Not here. Not us. But we’ve seen nothing but tolerance for that hate from you troll asswipes ever since that twisted fuck manoftruth showed up here.
Fucking Republicans.
Steve, you are a moron. Puddy don’t play snippet games ASSWipe. Where did Puddy infer anything of the sort.
That’s what Puddy wrote fool.
Puffybutt is an Oreo.
Marvin Stamn @ 55
“Good thing you have the government to take care of you.
You do realize that many people are able to take care of themselves and don’t need the government to be their mommies.”
What a idiotic thing to say! A pension is a job benefit provided as part of most full time professional jobs. It is irrelevant whether RR worked for government or in the private sector.
See…this is the problem with you high school dropouts. You don’t understand the first thing about money, professional employment, financing, economics, etc.
And you’re too stupid to know to keep your mouth shut!
Wow!! Darryl Holman earned an “overall quality” mark of 1.3 from his students.
Nice going, Champ!
…and thanks for the link Marvin
Did you ever see that page on “rate my professor” about you? Lazy, unprepared, easy-grader (which is codespeak for teacher doesn’t care), completely unorganized.
Marvin Stamn @ 64
Uh huh…and if you’re looking to invest in transportation infrastructure, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Gullible fuck!
Hey…its our Little Ricky Dipshit coming back for another thrashing!
Hey Ricky…are you a high-school drop-out, too?
Nope. I’m educated, unlike yourself, Darryl.
A 1.3 rating from your students? It takes some sorry sack of shit to get that kind of score.
Congratulations Darryl!
Rick D @ 68
Hmmm…a high school diploma and STILL that gullible, eh? That make you plain stoooopid!!!
Rick D @ 69
And…and a birth certificate denier too, eh? That pretty much qualifies you as a gullible idiot!
Yup, your students are right. That was a lazy response. Very unprepared.
@68 “your students?”
A few flunky wingnut whiners mixed in there, no doubt. Always complaining. Always somebody else’s fault.