Ballots are dropping soon. I feel fine for whoever wins Seattle mayor and city council. As far as partisan races go: If you vote for any Republicans, you’re on team there are some good Nazis.
“President Donald Trump on Monday said he is looking for ways to reduce government spending heading into the next budget season …. ‘One thing we’re going to be looking at very strongly is welfare reform,’ Trump said, adding that ‘people are taking advantage of the system.’ … He did not reference which specific programs he would seek to overhaul.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like Trump hasn’t given up trying to rob the poor to pay the rich. Gotta pay for corporate tax cuts somehow, and this is what’s left after raiding Medicaid didn’t work.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I think at this point Team Fuckface is paying very close attention to polling and other data coming from the racist hillbilly zip codes that put him over in 2016. These are the jobless, aggrieved, and in particular, profoundly ignorant Social Security and disability pensioners who believe that “everyone else” relying on gubmit assistance is a cheat. At least half of the Team Fuckface communications apparatus is devoted to pandering to these trailerdytes. I see it as mostly white-trash noise targeted at producing the big rally turnouts that Fuckface seems dependent upon to tamp down his raging insecurities.
@3 Trouble is, if they trash welfare, they trash THEIR welfare.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump Presidency, Status Report, GOP Headquarters Edition
“Look, all I can tell you is many of the people I talk with are getting freaked out. … They’re worried as hell … about … all the ignoramuses he’s stirred up. … Trump’s not just a moron. He’s a despicable human being. And he’s getting crazier. Paranoid. Unhinged. Everyone knows it. I mean, we’re in shit up to our eyeballs with this guy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s not me talking, that’s a GOP insider talking. At least there’s still a flicker of rationality among GOP poobahs, even if they collectively don’t have a single vertebrae among them.
@ 6
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s not me talking,
Actually, it is you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re sharing what a dKos libbie shared from what Robert Reich shared from what he claims someone told him.
It’s you spewing information you received third-hand.
Menendez D-NJ moved for acquittal today.
Nope. It’s goin’ to the jury.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
How reassuring to see that Doctor Dumbfuck is still on board the Team Fuckface Express Train to the Racist Fringe. Madly shoveling Russian drug-dealer hashtags into the Hillbilly Hate-boiler.
I see the markets are registering their displeasure with the president yet again.
“As noted as October began, if the SPX can make it through next Monday, Oct. 23, without a big drop, it could break the record for consecutive days without a peak to trough 3% decline. The 1995-1996 period of 241 remains in first place for now,” he said.
Which budget is the US still operating under? What changes were made to extend the debt limit?
Roger Rabbitspews:
President Bullshit stood in the Rose Garden today and falsely asserted that Obama never called grieving military families. Yertle, standing next to him and listening to this, didn’t say a thing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lying about something doesn’t make it true, but plenty of dumbfucks will seize on it to stoke the flames of their hatred for Obama.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “‘The support for the market is centered on improving economic conditions worldwide and on growing expectations for tax relief,’ said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird, in a note to clients.” — CNBC
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump doesn’t have much to do with either of those things. Anyone who thinks Trump’s tax scheme, which taxes the middle class to give tax relief to the rich, has a snowball’s chance in Congress is high on something. Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck thinks that’s a wonderful idea.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I just Googled “is Trump batshit crazy?” and got 408,000 results in less than a second.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “It’s you spewing information you received third-hand.”
Sure, it’s hearsay, but it’s plausible hearsay. Now, if you had posted that a dKos libbie shared that Robert Reich shared that a GOP insider shared that the Republican poobahs are still confident that Trump will make America great again, one would have to wonder about the reliability of that information.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 (cont.) How much of your spew is first-hand info? Would you elucidate on that?
@12- Given the behavior of the Trump Crime Family enriching themselves at public expense, calling anyone else crooked is amusing.
Mark Adamsspews:
Meanwhile real NAZI’s are threatening Belgium and Luxemburg. Just di it today. Or at least they threatened Japan and Australia, and South Korea at the very least. And any other participants in the United Nations Command.
Carl all the positions being voted on technically are partisan there fore there are no Republican’s or Democrats being voted on, just those who lean a certain way. Could mean they are bi and part Democratic and Republican. The bigger questions is whether they support growth or non growth. Are corporatists.
And calling anyone who votes for any of these candidates a NAZI is just repugnant.
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 Wonder if they are including the possibility of North Korean missile and bomb taking out certain zip codes. And how that could change a states or regions demographics. Without Seattle and Tacoma does Washington state become red.
This could corrupt the decision to maybe do something before a nuclear attack if all the likely targets are Democratic bastions. After an attack of course he will be able to respond as he see fit, just like after Pearl Harbor or 9/11.
Guess we are bone if the theory you are putting up here is true. (And you all keep claiming he’s a lousy politician or President yet you are attributing a pretty sophisticated scheme here. So he isn’t really the dumb ass you claim?)
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Sounds like what some Republicans said about Reagan especially during his first term. HIs second term he was an old man suffering dementia, so perhaps they were able to control him. No Russian’s involved, just good old fashion American political corruption.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 Hold on maybe RR was speaking with White House door mouse. Perhaps he will share his source. Then again he could say he’s a journalist. Deep Throat would be just too much for a Door Mouse, but lets call his source Deep Throat anyway, as it may irritate his wife.
Mark Adamsspews:
@17 And what did you do after getting the results. Did you start going through those 408.000 results. Look at the first page of results and think your effort a great big waste of time as most people won’t look past the first page or two of results. Or improve their search if what they are looking for isn’t there. Or were the results even a real answer to your question. As you probably got results for each individual word. Just Trump will get you a bunch of results. Did you use “” and if so how. Are you now rating your results for anything useful. Have fun. Let me know if you meet Sisyphus.
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 If your an attorney you know what a judge would tell you on what you are trying to pull here. It’s hearsay counsel. Please call the originator or we are done here, The court will ignore the counsels comments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 People who march through our cities carrying swatiska flags and giving Hitler salutes aren’t Nazis? Trump calls them “fine people.” What do you call them?
Mark Adamsspews:
The entertainment value of voting for a Republican in any of the upcoming elections is invaluable, if you can find one.
Please vote, my pamphlet is really thin, It’s a yawn. I may have to go with the dart board and dart. My dart could be a NAZI.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Jesus fucking Christ. I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say to such stupidity.
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 Wrong; guess again, maybe take a look at todays head lines.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 More likely I simply read the article I posted the link to, but that’s probably too complicated for your two brain cells to figure out. After all, anyone who would post a comment like #22 above can’t possibly have a whole lot of computing power.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
racist hillbilly zip codes that put him over in 2016.
Once again the BULLSHITTIUM spewed by Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom AKA the Oregon Moron doesn’t fit the FACTS! So Puddy visits libtardland to deliver the latest REFUTATION!
@34 Yeah, that’s a real laughing matter. Just make sure you’re out of town when Trump pushes the button. (I have no doubts about who’s going to shoot first.)
Mark Adamsspews:
@29 What, I’m just drawing a conclusion based on the previous post. If the only zip codes that matter to Republican’s are Republican ones, then zip codes that are Democratic may not receive the same treatment, and not count as much in an era of nuclear brinksmanship. One well placed nuclear bomb on Seattle could make Washington state a red state, though I think it would have to include Tacoma. A well placed thermo nuclear device may do that, but we don’t know if the North Koreans could place such a device in their missile.
If Seattle were hit though that would change the states demographics, and could change the state from blue to red. Still I think Tacoma would have to be taken out as well, putting circles on a map makes that a bit difficult with a single bomb.
I’m using something called science in my statement. And some political science. And some math. However it has nothing to do with the fact RR lives in Seattle and might be in the circles. And if the North Korean’s miss and hit Wenatchee, then the state just becomes more Democratic, except for the Pearl Harbor effect, and everyone supporting the President in his response to this vicious attack on the US. At this point I’m thinking the North Korean leadership is believing its own propaganda.
Mark Adamsspews:
@31 Actually I just thought doing such a search was a waste of time, and now you are confirming that you wasted your time. If you were going to do some kind of statistical analysis of the data you recovered that would have been interesting. Though such scud work is usually done by graduate students.
Mark Adamsspews:
@33 Was that to Senator or Representative Sisyphus?
Mark Adamsspews:
@35 All them negative waves Moriatry; all them negative waves.
And just another sign you spent a lot of time in the prosecutors office. And should know your comments on hearsay would just piss off a judge. Glad your admitting cons know more about inside of a court room than you.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Roger senile idiot wabbit’s hero Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion. His parents were not seen in the rose garden today!
Mark Adamsspews:
@36 I grew up in Indiana, and that guy is a stupid Hoosier. There are some entertaining Democrats there, and play an important role in the states politics. Hopefully they will get a chance to be top dog in the politics of Indiana, which is unfortunately more likely than here in Washington state. A one party state anywhere is unhealthy, not just for the state, not just for the party out of power, but especially for the party that is in power. When the wheels fall off it takes that party decades to have a shot, and usually another party steps in. Kinda like what happened with the Whigs.
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 I’m surprised at the plea. It could be a gamble for the second part of a trial. The court accepted the desertion plea. Now it’s the sentencing phase, and he only pleaded guilty to the one charge, one that arguable the jury can find him guilty of, and now he and his defense can put in mitigating and the court will have to decide whether to try him over the other charge. The other charge may have pretty much forced the defense team to plead guilty to the first charge.
I’m surprised at the plea, but it maybe a reasonable gamble, as he may basically walk. As technically the court may find he was not guilty of desertion due to the short period of time between when he left his post and was captured. The judge could determine he should have been charged with AWOL and the government erred in charging him with desertion, and handling the manner as a general court marshal.
Mark Adamsspews:
@37 If Trump pushes the button. That is not an accurate description. If the President orders the US to do an attack on North Korea he issues an order to the Secretary of Defense, and the appropriate order goes to the appropriate forces to carry it out. Such an order may or may not include nuclear weapons. The question is North Korea’s capacity to respond. So it would be Kim who would have to hit the proverbial red button that Puddy would need to worry about. And just how many warheads does he have on operational missiles able to hit anything? Does he hit military targets such as Anderson Air Base, Yakota, or civilian targets? At the moment Puddy maybe perfectly safe from any response North Korea could make. In six months or a year he maybe much less safe.
The military reality is North Korea is like a light weight boxer taking on a heavyweight, and that is if they just fought South Korea.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
It is all first hand information from boob as he either pulls it from 1) his ass, or 2) his horses’ ass!
Collaborating with foreign espionage services and now promoting nuclear conflict as voter supression.
Little wonder. Hillbilly Traitors deprived over 200,000 Loyal American citizens in Wisc. of their Constitutional right to vote in 2016 in order to give the Russian Puppet his 20,000 vote margin by erasing their names and telling them to fuck off and die.
A spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation told that the group will not return Weinstein’s donations, which totaled between $100,000 and $250,000.
Enablers will be enablers! The easy entree into dirty political money to the “Defender of All Women”! Just remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, #CrookedHillary still won’t address her own husband’s victims in anything but dismissive terms!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Did you know Rutgers University has refused to return a $100,000 Harvey Weinstein grant for its feminist studies program? Maybe they are studying new ways to make those unique pink Pussy Hats!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Hillbilly Traitors deprived over 200,000 Loyal American citizens in Wisc.
FACTS… Those pesky things that smack DUMMOCRETINS side their head!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
What do Harvery Weinstein and Kathy Griffin have in common?
Lisa Bloom was their lawyer!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
What do Harvery Weinstein and Kathy Griffin have in common?
Lisa Bloom was their lawyer!
Till Next Time!
Wow, the barking loon can link to “Townhall” as “facts” but can’t think of a single thing to say about White Supramacists murdering?
Just a reminder.
It has been 66 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
66! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
For Fucks Sake. You forgot about $2BILLION?!?
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, the $2 billion he left off of his financial disclosure report
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
At the moment Puddy maybe perfectly safe from any response North Korea could make.
Puddy don’t live in Seattle Mark! So Puddy safe!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
@60, Direct from PMSNBC. Well nothing changes from flat beer froth even when he posted as checkmate-252!
The loon’s comments have been the most spectacular loon head explosions ever. And I’m so glad to have witnessed it. It’d be OK with me if the guys in white coats came and took him away again.
Funny thing is, the moron in the White House is even more batshit insane than the loon. It’s true and it’s a very sobering thought!
Once he and Putin are done snickering at what’s coming down in America, Doctor Dumbfuck and his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags will be back with a nice turn of phrase taking offense at being called a fucking traitor.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“At the moment Puddy maybe perfectly safe from any response North Korea could make.”
Keep thinking that you silly lawn jockey. Unless you live completely off the grid you are vulnerable to a cyber attack from NK, either directly or indirectly.
The loon is really getting off on the idea of North Korea nuking America’s cities.
So the loon is with Kim Jung un and Doctor Dumbfuck sides with Putin. Heh. Nothing treasonous about that!
@65 Well, now we know whose payroll he’s on when he’s working out of town.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Enjoy feeling stupid Hillbillies?
56 obviously does.
He’s the closest thing you have to a math whiz.
Just look at him go!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Puddy don’t live in Seattle Mark! So Puddy safe!
No. Not safe. Not safe at all.
Remember sweetee. You will not replace them.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
shitstain steve is really getting off on the idea of North Korea nuking America’s cities.
Remember shitstain steve, Puddy didn’t bring it up until a libtard did first.
Chronological order… Not one of shitstain steve’s best posting topics!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @68 caught lying again. Well it did post as a Liar a few times!
Oh Lying Liar, Puddy don’t do hidden links!
Sweetie? You are really confused. Your sweetie is roger senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
L Garouspews:
They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin’ great big lies
(Don’t want no short people Round here)
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
We will now observe brief troll radio silence as they furiously scan every available lunatic source to discover some potential instance of Two-Term, Popularly Elected, African American President Barack Hussein Obama failing to personally console grieving family members of a fallen hero…
even if they have to settle for the sandwich.
I was a kid. I have kids. We all know when someone hasn’t started their homework and is stalling for time.
“I’ve written… letters. They’ve been sent, or they’re going out tonight.”
I see it now. kneeling for the anthem is disrespecting the troops. Lying about whether or not you care about dead soldiers that’s patriotic.
Our trolls are still defending 45.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
They’re pimping for a 1000 year Treason/Reich.
In multiple posts above they are hailing the vote suppression benefits of nuclear winter. They repeatedly argue that it’s “okay” for a President to be indebted to foreign espionage services. They promote Nazis and pedophiles. The Republican Party has become an active nationwide enterprise to destroy the United States. They do not defend. They attack – every good thing the United States has ever stood for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 What do you expect from people who think it’s dishonorable for black athletes to protest against white cops killing unarmed black people? Hillary was right, the GOP is a “basket of deplorables,” a leaking container for the toxic dregs of American society.
Check your grammar in the last sentence, Carl.
“President Donald Trump on Monday said he is looking for ways to reduce government spending heading into the next budget season …. ‘One thing we’re going to be looking at very strongly is welfare reform,’ Trump said, adding that ‘people are taking advantage of the system.’ … He did not reference which specific programs he would seek to overhaul.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like Trump hasn’t given up trying to rob the poor to pay the rich. Gotta pay for corporate tax cuts somehow, and this is what’s left after raiding Medicaid didn’t work.
I think at this point Team Fuckface is paying very close attention to polling and other data coming from the racist hillbilly zip codes that put him over in 2016. These are the jobless, aggrieved, and in particular, profoundly ignorant Social Security and disability pensioners who believe that “everyone else” relying on gubmit assistance is a cheat. At least half of the Team Fuckface communications apparatus is devoted to pandering to these trailerdytes. I see it as mostly white-trash noise targeted at producing the big rally turnouts that Fuckface seems dependent upon to tamp down his raging insecurities.
“She’s too ugly to rape” or words to that effect.
@3 Trouble is, if they trash welfare, they trash THEIR welfare.
Trump Presidency, Status Report, GOP Headquarters Edition
“Look, all I can tell you is many of the people I talk with are getting freaked out. … They’re worried as hell … about … all the ignoramuses he’s stirred up. … Trump’s not just a moron. He’s a despicable human being. And he’s getting crazier. Paranoid. Unhinged. Everyone knows it. I mean, we’re in shit up to our eyeballs with this guy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s not me talking, that’s a GOP insider talking. At least there’s still a flicker of rationality among GOP poobahs, even if they collectively don’t have a single vertebrae among them.
@ 6
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s not me talking,
Actually, it is you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re sharing what a dKos libbie shared from what Robert Reich shared from what he claims someone told him.
It’s you spewing information you received third-hand.
Menendez D-NJ moved for acquittal today.
Nope. It’s goin’ to the jury.
How reassuring to see that Doctor Dumbfuck is still on board the Team Fuckface Express Train to the Racist Fringe. Madly shoveling Russian drug-dealer hashtags into the Hillbilly Hate-boiler.
Fuckface frequently mocks Pence’s religiosity. Fitting. The “conservative” debasement continues unchecked.
@5 Won’t make any differences. They’ll just holler about how it’s all Obama’s doing. Or Hillary’s. Or sumpin’.
Maybe Chevy Chase is available to play #CrookedHillary this Saturday night.
I see the markets are registering their displeasure with the president yet again.
“As noted as October began, if the SPX can make it through next Monday, Oct. 23, without a big drop, it could break the record for consecutive days without a peak to trough 3% decline. The 1995-1996 period of 241 remains in first place for now,” he said.
The markets have made their unhappiness with Trump known dozens of times since the election.
The Dow has set 64 new record closing highs since the 2016 presidential election.
65, now. The preceding was written 10/13/17.
Thanks President Obama.
Which budget is the US still operating under? What changes were made to extend the debt limit?
President Bullshit stood in the Rose Garden today and falsely asserted that Obama never called grieving military families. Yertle, standing next to him and listening to this, didn’t say a thing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lying about something doesn’t make it true, but plenty of dumbfucks will seize on it to stoke the flames of their hatred for Obama.
@13 “‘The support for the market is centered on improving economic conditions worldwide and on growing expectations for tax relief,’ said Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird, in a note to clients.” — CNBC
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump doesn’t have much to do with either of those things. Anyone who thinks Trump’s tax scheme, which taxes the middle class to give tax relief to the rich, has a snowball’s chance in Congress is high on something. Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck thinks that’s a wonderful idea.
I just Googled “is Trump batshit crazy?” and got 408,000 results in less than a second.
@7 “It’s you spewing information you received third-hand.”
Sure, it’s hearsay, but it’s plausible hearsay. Now, if you had posted that a dKos libbie shared that Robert Reich shared that a GOP insider shared that the Republican poobahs are still confident that Trump will make America great again, one would have to wonder about the reliability of that information.
@7 (cont.) How much of your spew is first-hand info? Would you elucidate on that?
@12- Given the behavior of the Trump Crime Family enriching themselves at public expense, calling anyone else crooked is amusing.
Meanwhile real NAZI’s are threatening Belgium and Luxemburg. Just di it today. Or at least they threatened Japan and Australia, and South Korea at the very least. And any other participants in the United Nations Command.
Carl all the positions being voted on technically are partisan there fore there are no Republican’s or Democrats being voted on, just those who lean a certain way. Could mean they are bi and part Democratic and Republican. The bigger questions is whether they support growth or non growth. Are corporatists.
And calling anyone who votes for any of these candidates a NAZI is just repugnant.
@3 Wonder if they are including the possibility of North Korean missile and bomb taking out certain zip codes. And how that could change a states or regions demographics. Without Seattle and Tacoma does Washington state become red.
This could corrupt the decision to maybe do something before a nuclear attack if all the likely targets are Democratic bastions. After an attack of course he will be able to respond as he see fit, just like after Pearl Harbor or 9/11.
Guess we are bone if the theory you are putting up here is true. (And you all keep claiming he’s a lousy politician or President yet you are attributing a pretty sophisticated scheme here. So he isn’t really the dumb ass you claim?)
@6 Sounds like what some Republicans said about Reagan especially during his first term. HIs second term he was an old man suffering dementia, so perhaps they were able to control him. No Russian’s involved, just good old fashion American political corruption.
@7 Hold on maybe RR was speaking with White House door mouse. Perhaps he will share his source. Then again he could say he’s a journalist. Deep Throat would be just too much for a Door Mouse, but lets call his source Deep Throat anyway, as it may irritate his wife.
@17 And what did you do after getting the results. Did you start going through those 408.000 results. Look at the first page of results and think your effort a great big waste of time as most people won’t look past the first page or two of results. Or improve their search if what they are looking for isn’t there. Or were the results even a real answer to your question. As you probably got results for each individual word. Just Trump will get you a bunch of results. Did you use “” and if so how. Are you now rating your results for anything useful. Have fun. Let me know if you meet Sisyphus.
@18 If your an attorney you know what a judge would tell you on what you are trying to pull here. It’s hearsay counsel. Please call the originator or we are done here, The court will ignore the counsels comments.
@21 People who march through our cities carrying swatiska flags and giving Hitler salutes aren’t Nazis? Trump calls them “fine people.” What do you call them?
The entertainment value of voting for a Republican in any of the upcoming elections is invaluable, if you can find one.
Please vote, my pamphlet is really thin, It’s a yawn. I may have to go with the dart board and dart. My dart could be a NAZI.
@22 Jesus fucking Christ. I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say to such stupidity.
@27 Wrong; guess again, maybe take a look at todays head lines.
@24 More likely I simply read the article I posted the link to, but that’s probably too complicated for your two brain cells to figure out. After all, anyone who would post a comment like #22 above can’t possibly have a whole lot of computing power.
racist hillbilly zip codes that put him over in 2016.
Once again the BULLSHITTIUM spewed by Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom AKA the Oregon Moron doesn’t fit the FACTS! So Puddy visits libtardland to deliver the latest REFUTATION!
FACTS always suck to DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
@25 “And what did you do after getting the results.”
Sent an email to Congress suggesting someone look into it.
Imaging if Kim Jung Un attacks all those west coast DUMMOCRETIN cities! Who will then vote DUMMOCRETIN?
Till Next Time!
@26 I can’t visualize you in a courtroom except in handcuffs.
@28 If you find Republicans entertaining, maybe you should move to Indiana so you can vote for this guy,
now that we don’t have Low Tax Looper to kick around anymore.
@34 Yeah, that’s a real laughing matter. Just make sure you’re out of town when Trump pushes the button. (I have no doubts about who’s going to shoot first.)
@29 What, I’m just drawing a conclusion based on the previous post. If the only zip codes that matter to Republican’s are Republican ones, then zip codes that are Democratic may not receive the same treatment, and not count as much in an era of nuclear brinksmanship. One well placed nuclear bomb on Seattle could make Washington state a red state, though I think it would have to include Tacoma. A well placed thermo nuclear device may do that, but we don’t know if the North Koreans could place such a device in their missile.
If Seattle were hit though that would change the states demographics, and could change the state from blue to red. Still I think Tacoma would have to be taken out as well, putting circles on a map makes that a bit difficult with a single bomb.
I’m using something called science in my statement. And some political science. And some math. However it has nothing to do with the fact RR lives in Seattle and might be in the circles. And if the North Korean’s miss and hit Wenatchee, then the state just becomes more Democratic, except for the Pearl Harbor effect, and everyone supporting the President in his response to this vicious attack on the US. At this point I’m thinking the North Korean leadership is believing its own propaganda.
@31 Actually I just thought doing such a search was a waste of time, and now you are confirming that you wasted your time. If you were going to do some kind of statistical analysis of the data you recovered that would have been interesting. Though such scud work is usually done by graduate students.
@33 Was that to Senator or Representative Sisyphus?
@35 All them negative waves Moriatry; all them negative waves.
And just another sign you spent a lot of time in the prosecutors office. And should know your comments on hearsay would just piss off a judge. Glad your admitting cons know more about inside of a court room than you.
Roger senile idiot wabbit’s hero Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion. His parents were not seen in the rose garden today!
@36 I grew up in Indiana, and that guy is a stupid Hoosier. There are some entertaining Democrats there, and play an important role in the states politics. Hopefully they will get a chance to be top dog in the politics of Indiana, which is unfortunately more likely than here in Washington state. A one party state anywhere is unhealthy, not just for the state, not just for the party out of power, but especially for the party that is in power. When the wheels fall off it takes that party decades to have a shot, and usually another party steps in. Kinda like what happened with the Whigs.
@42 I’m surprised at the plea. It could be a gamble for the second part of a trial. The court accepted the desertion plea. Now it’s the sentencing phase, and he only pleaded guilty to the one charge, one that arguable the jury can find him guilty of, and now he and his defense can put in mitigating and the court will have to decide whether to try him over the other charge. The other charge may have pretty much forced the defense team to plead guilty to the first charge.
I’m surprised at the plea, but it maybe a reasonable gamble, as he may basically walk. As technically the court may find he was not guilty of desertion due to the short period of time between when he left his post and was captured. The judge could determine he should have been charged with AWOL and the government erred in charging him with desertion, and handling the manner as a general court marshal.
@37 If Trump pushes the button. That is not an accurate description. If the President orders the US to do an attack on North Korea he issues an order to the Secretary of Defense, and the appropriate order goes to the appropriate forces to carry it out. Such an order may or may not include nuclear weapons. The question is North Korea’s capacity to respond. So it would be Kim who would have to hit the proverbial red button that Puddy would need to worry about. And just how many warheads does he have on operational missiles able to hit anything? Does he hit military targets such as Anderson Air Base, Yakota, or civilian targets? At the moment Puddy maybe perfectly safe from any response North Korea could make. In six months or a year he maybe much less safe.
The military reality is North Korea is like a light weight boxer taking on a heavyweight, and that is if they just fought South Korea.
It is all first hand information from boob as he either pulls it from 1) his ass, or 2) his horses’ ass!
Now this is amazing… Puddy already reported this truth earlier this year…
Just ax the crazed clueless databaze cretin!
Till Next Time!
Now we learn this was a lie too…
Till Next Time!
Roger senile idiot wabbit using Daily Kooks?
Till Next Time!
Collaborating with foreign espionage services and now promoting nuclear conflict as voter supression.
Little wonder. Hillbilly Traitors deprived over 200,000 Loyal American citizens in Wisc. of their Constitutional right to vote in 2016 in order to give the Russian Puppet his 20,000 vote margin by erasing their names and telling them to fuck off and die.
When the full truth tape of how much an ASShole crazy DUMMOCRETIN Larry O’Donnell comes out; you get fired.
When the Billy Bush – Donald Trump tape is leaked to the WA Post opinion buddy of the NBC News president; no one is fired!
When the full truth tape of how much an ASShole crazy DUMMOCRETIN Larry O’Donnell comes out; you get fired.
When the Billy Bush – Donald Trump tape is leaked to the WA Post opinion buddy of the NBC News president; no one is fired!
Till Next Time!
She is sad her ASShollery is busted!
Till Next Time!
Now this was EPIC and DAYUM FUNNY…
A spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation told that the group will not return Weinstein’s donations, which totaled between $100,000 and $250,000.
Enablers will be enablers! The easy entree into dirty political money to the “Defender of All Women”! Just remember HA DUMMOCRETINS, #CrookedHillary still won’t address her own husband’s victims in anything but dismissive terms!
Till Next Time!
Did you know Rutgers University has refused to return a $100,000 Harvey Weinstein grant for its feminist studies program? Maybe they are studying new ways to make those unique pink Pussy Hats!
Hillbilly Traitors deprived over 200,000 Loyal American citizens in Wisc.
23,252 is 200,000? Really?
Till Next Time!
FACTS… Those pesky things that smack DUMMOCRETINS side their head!
What do Harvery Weinstein and Kathy Griffin have in common?
Lisa Bloom was their lawyer!
What do Harvery Weinstein and Kathy Griffin have in common?
Lisa Bloom was their lawyer!
Till Next Time!
Wow, the barking loon can link to “Townhall” as “facts” but can’t think of a single thing to say about White Supramacists murdering?
Just a reminder.
It has been 66 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
66! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
For Fucks Sake. You forgot about $2BILLION?!?
At the moment Puddy maybe perfectly safe from any response North Korea could make.
Puddy don’t live in Seattle Mark! So Puddy safe!
@60, Direct from PMSNBC. Well nothing changes from flat beer froth even when he posted as checkmate-252!
The loon’s comments have been the most spectacular loon head explosions ever. And I’m so glad to have witnessed it. It’d be OK with me if the guys in white coats came and took him away again.
Funny thing is, the moron in the White House is even more batshit insane than the loon. It’s true and it’s a very sobering thought!
Once he and Putin are done snickering at what’s coming down in America, Doctor Dumbfuck and his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags will be back with a nice turn of phrase taking offense at being called a fucking traitor.
“At the moment Puddy maybe perfectly safe from any response North Korea could make.”
Keep thinking that you silly lawn jockey. Unless you live completely off the grid you are vulnerable to a cyber attack from NK, either directly or indirectly.
The loon is really getting off on the idea of North Korea nuking America’s cities.
So the loon is with Kim Jung un and Doctor Dumbfuck sides with Putin. Heh. Nothing treasonous about that!
This president is a liar®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
But we all know that.
@65 Well, now we know whose payroll he’s on when he’s working out of town.
Enjoy feeling stupid Hillbillies?
56 obviously does.
He’s the closest thing you have to a math whiz.
Just look at him go!
No. Not safe. Not safe at all.
Remember sweetee. You will not replace them.
shitstain steve is really getting off on the idea of North Korea nuking America’s cities.
Remember shitstain steve, Puddy didn’t bring it up until a libtard did first.
Chronological order… Not one of shitstain steve’s best posting topics!
Till Next Time!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @68 caught lying again. Well it did post as a Liar a few times!
Oh Lying Liar, Puddy don’t do hidden links!
Sweetie? You are really confused. Your sweetie is roger senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin’ great big lies
(Don’t want no short people Round here)
We will now observe brief troll radio silence as they furiously scan every available lunatic source to discover some potential instance of Two-Term, Popularly Elected, African American President Barack Hussein Obama failing to personally console grieving family members of a fallen hero…
even if they have to settle for the sandwich.
I was a kid. I have kids. We all know when someone hasn’t started their homework and is stalling for time.
I see it now. kneeling for the anthem is disrespecting the troops. Lying about whether or not you care about dead soldiers that’s patriotic.
Our trolls are still defending 45.
They’re pimping for a 1000 year Treason/Reich.
In multiple posts above they are hailing the vote suppression benefits of nuclear winter. They repeatedly argue that it’s “okay” for a President to be indebted to foreign espionage services. They promote Nazis and pedophiles. The Republican Party has become an active nationwide enterprise to destroy the United States. They do not defend. They attack – every good thing the United States has ever stood for.
@76 What do you expect from people who think it’s dishonorable for black athletes to protest against white cops killing unarmed black people? Hillary was right, the GOP is a “basket of deplorables,” a leaking container for the toxic dregs of American society.