Join U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, along with Rep. Jay Inslee, 11-year-old Marcelas Owens and others at a rally in defense of health care reform, this Sunday, March 28, 3 p.m. at the Machinist 751 Hall, 9125 15th Place S., Seattle.
Rob McKenna, the Teabaggers and other opponents of reform don’t believe this fight is over, and neither should we, so I urge you all to turn out to thank our elected officials who passed reform, and show the media that we’re just as passionate as the angry rabble on the other side. Hope to see you all there, and then maybe go out for a beer afterwards.
So where, exactly, did the idea of mandatory health insurance come from? Er, um, Republicans dreamed it up.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sometimes I think Republicans would be against capitals gains and dividends if, you know, the black guy was for them.
They would deffinitely be against them if they thought the black guy was going to get any credit for implementing them.
Remember, they want him to fail; period, no matter what he’s trying to accomplish.
Why do they hate our country so much?
marcelas loves cigna!
Spot on. No one likes flip floppers.
I like this.
The lawsuit, as much as we don’t like it and think it is frivolous is part of how our system works. Yes, it’s just groundless political grandstanding. Because it is groundless political grandstanding it will fail. McKenna will fail along with it. The myth of his moderation has been stripped away.
So, ignore the lawsuit and support HRC. I hope we get a big turn out.
No, don’t ignore the lawsuit!
Laugh at it heartily.
There ya’ go!
Someone should sue McKenna for doing politics, instead of his job. This is total bullsh*t. And the Seattle Right Wing Times. I think I will buy some ads in other media calling the Times out on their unfair reporting calling for people to cancel subscriptions. Maybe start a facebook firestorm. CancelYourTimesSubscription.
Healthcare run by government wouldn’t work if Obama was fucking orange. Nobody cares what fucking color he is so quit bringing it up. A moron is a moron whatever color. It ain’t gonna fly. Besides, a big percentage of the doctors are just going to quit. You tards are living in a dreamland.. It’s quite amusing.
“Healthcare run by government wouldn’t work”
then why would you subject our soldiers to socialized medicine?? Says alot about how you feel about our men and women in service if you feel that govt run health care sucks.
I’m sure you would love a private insurer to claim pre-existing conditions to a soldier who was injured during combat. Insurance companies knows best.
@9 “Healthcare run by government wouldn’t work”
Right. Medicare, which has 1/20th of the A & O costs of privately-run health insurance, is so unpopular it was repealed years ago.
Yeah it doesn’t work at all so if you’re ever in a car wreck and in need of a trauma center just tell them to forget about sending you to Harbor View. That’s government health care!
Can Everyone Here Spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?
It’s beyond strange to hear Mark call other people “morons,” but I’ll get to that in a minute. First, I have another matter to deal with.
I may soon have to quit using the word “hypocrite” on this blog. The term is so closely identified with the Republican brand that they’ve effectively trademarked it. But now I hear some leading Republican politicians are filing for a patent on hypocrisy so no one else can use it. Goddamn Republicans, they want a monopoly on every fucking thing.
So, I’d better get my licks in before it becomes illegal for anyone except Republicans to milk Old Miss Hypocrisy for all that old cow will give.
“President Obama’s decision to bypass the … Senate and … appoint 15 nominees has produced … cries of outrage from Republicans.
“Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) pronounced himself ‘very disappointed’ with the move, charging that it showed … the Obama administration has ‘little respect for the time honored constitutional roles and procedures of Congress.’ …
“Were these the words of a principled opponent of presidential recess appointments, or of a politician in a tough primary jumping at an opportunity to bash President Obama?
“Well, here’s how McCain reacted in 2005 when President Bush was considering a recess appointment for John Bolton, the controversial nominee to be United Nations ambassador: ‘I would support it. It’s the president’s prerogative.’ Indeed, just a few years earlier, McCain had succeeded in a one-man crusade to persuade President Bush to install a favored nominee using a recess appointment. Here’s how UPI described it in 2002: ‘Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain prevailed in his fight with the White House to have Ellen Weintraub, a former Capitol Hill attorney, named to … the Federal Election Commission as a recess appointment. … [She] will have a lot to say about how the regulations governing the McCain-Feingold campaign legislation will be written and implemented.’
“Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell also joined in the protests of Obama’s recess appointments on Saturday, calling them ‘stunning’ and ‘yet another episode of choosing a partisan path despite bipartisan opposition.’ But back in 2005, … [w]hen asked by a Fox News host if a recess appointment of Bolton would make the atmosphere in the Senate more poisonous, McConnell … pointed out, ‘typically senators who are not of the party of the president don’t like recess appointments.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Okay, so now that we’ve established McKenna is just posturing by lending Washington’s name to a lawsuit that Florida’s wingnut attorney general can’t possibly win — for the purpose of pandering to the teabag crowd — it’s time to acknowledge that he’s been outdone by the hypocrisy of McCain and McConnell criticizing recess appointments, which are bad only when Democrats do it, but not bad when their party does it. Under the circumstances, nobody should take anything in the Republican Clown Act seriously.
Which brings me back to our friend and troll, Mark, who assures us that “nobody cares what fucking color” Obama is, which no doubt explains why some of the teabaggers in the nation’s capital this weekend called black Democratic congressmen “niggers.” After informing us that “a big percentage of the doctors are just going to quit” — to do what, drive garbage trucks for $15 an hour, just because they’re now making $500,000 a year instead of $1 million a year as doctors? — and that “You tards are living in a dreamland” which Mark finds “quite amusing.” Goddamn. I couldn’t put that much absurdity into merely 20 words if I tried, so I gotta admit, the guy has a certain circus talent. And that on top of telling us that government-run health care (see, e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, V.A., Public Health Hospitals, etc.) “doesn’t work.” How does anyone follow an act like that?
Mark reminds me of the guy who makes poodle dogs jump through hula hoops in the outside ring while everybody in the audience is watching the trapeze act over the center ring. The only reason anyone watches the dog act is because of the babe in the sequiny costume holding up the hula hoops. Except Mark doesn’t have a sequiny babe in his act, he’s the whole act. What I really want to see is the trapeze guy miss and fall 60 feet and go splat in the center ring. Well, no, I don’t want to see that happen, but if it does happen, I wanna be there when it does. So, I’m gonna mostly watch the trapeze guy performing up in the rafters, but from time to time I’ll glance at poor little Mark jumping his dogs through the hula hoop he holds up by himself — just to make sure he doesn’t kick one of the dogs when he thinks no one is watching his act.
Why would they do that? HCR brought them 32 million new customers!
@13 (continued) Click here for photo of circus babe:
So many people are attending teabag rallies it’s hard to find a parking space, but where there’s a redneck, there’s a way:
Rabbit @ 13
Markie is pathetic. We should feel sorry for people who are like him. He is a bitter, thoughtless, mean-assed piece of dung. But, his vote counts as much as yours or mine. I don’t have a problem with that, though I suspect he would do all he can to deny my vote from counting. That’s just the way wingnuts are. They are not terribly fond of democracy. They are such darlings, aren’t they?
@17 “But, his vote counts as much as yours or mine.”
Personally, I think it was a mistake to extend suffrage to people with single-digit IQs, as well-intentioned as that was.
How To Destroy The GOP
Easy, get rid of people like David Frum:
“I see the G.O.P. diverging into two main tendencies. One is Karl Rove’s G.O.P., in which short-term partisan gain trumps all other considerations, electoral politics tops policy, and pumping up the base is the instinctive reaction in every contest. …
“The alternative is David Frum’s G.O.P., which operates from a clearly defined set of conservative principles, believes in a longer-term strategy focused on building the party back to something approaching a plurality, and is committed to finding a modus vivendi with Democrats that allows the G.O.P. to accomplish at least some of its objectives when it’s out of power. Frum has presented a very compelling case for his views, and were he to prevail, it would produce a G.O.P. that pursues most of the same objectives as before, but behaves differently as it pursues them.
“But … Frum was fired from … the American Enterprise Institute. That decision tells us a good deal about … the current dynamics within the Republican camp … policy experts aren’t there to do analysis and give advice — they’re there to serve as … propagandists. Differing views are not wanted.
“This is reinforced by Bruce Bartlett’s report in a post entitled, appropriately, ‘The Closing of the Conservative Mind’:
Since [Frum] is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI ‘scholars’ on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.
“… Paul Krugman notes that Bartlett must be right about this. He flags a 2003 Heritage Foundation health-care report that endorses a position suspiciously similar to the bill that Obama just signed into law. And Heritage is generally reckoned still further to the right than AEI.”
On the other hand, don’t you think it was a reach extending suffrage to rabbits? For God’s sake, man, I think you got lucky there.
@20 Rabbits have a demonstrated record of responsible voting. Can’t say the same for half of you humans.
Is GDP Obsolete?
GDP, as an economic indicator, is used as shorthand for how well the economy is doing. But critics say it’s not a reliable measure of our well-being. For example, an unsold new home shows up in GDP, but isn’t doing anyone any good.
“GDP does not … reflect the waste of … effort and … natural resources that went into building something … one wants. Moreover, it misses many other aspects of our existence. Strip-mining a picturesque mountaintop, or clear-cutting a primeval forest, shows up in GDP only as a boost to output. Meanwhile, in India’s national accounts, all of Mother Teresa’s labors among the poor would have had only the most minimal possible impact. GDP can record how much money we spend on health care or education; it cannot tell us whether the services we are buying are any good.”
For a discussion of this issue, see:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This article, written by a conservative commentator, also contains what may be a fair criticism of the World Health Organization’s ranking of national health care systems, which perhaps should give us liberals some pause before we too quickly lean on those rankings to support our points:
“Take the World Health Organization’s infamous ranking of national health systems, which in 2000 put the United States below such health-care luminaries as Oman, Colombia, and Morocco. Would you really rather get sick in Bogotá than in Berkeley?
“The WHO analysts heavily weighted somewhat murky estimates like equality of access, knocking us down to two places above Cuba, where antibiotics are scarce for everybody.
“This is so bizarre that conservatives don’t sound entirely crazy when they voice suspicions that the WHO chose its weights to produce just this result.”
correction @22: “GDP does not … reflect the waste of … effort and … natural resources that went into building something … no one wants.”