President Bush is coming to Seattle today to raise a stunning $800,000 for Rep. Dave Reichert, and I urge all of you to join a rally 11:30 AM at Westlake Center (400 Pine St., Seattle) to send a message to Bush that his failed policies and his rubber-stamp Congress are not welcome in Washington State!
Democratic challenger Darcy Burner will be there to fire up the crowd, along with a host of other local elected officials. Please show your support.
The Pretender In Thief himself, in all his bumbling glory is coming here to rescue Dapper Dave and keep Kongress in the grip of the Bush Krime Family.
We should bring signs that show a picture of Sheriff Davie with his nose firmly planted up Bush’s ass. It’s funny how Sheriff Davie’s advisors were hedging their bets at the last minute as to whether or not Dave should even be seen with the Chief Chickenhawk.
wish i could be there. gotta go to the day job.
just juggled things so I can!
I’m not in the Seattle area, yet if gas weren’t $3 in my neighborhood I’d be there in a minute. GO SEATTLE!
Who, by the way is paying for this trip? Or is Bush attaching a governmental agenda to his visit? I consider this a campaign trip. Are the barrels of gas used by Air Force One paid for by tax payers?
Last year, Cheney visited our little town for 1 hour. Air Force One parked in our airport along with a military cargo plane carrying 8 black SUV’s for his entourage. The Republicans had security so tight and the protesters were blocked off in obscure places that the motorcade completely avoided. I happened to be front and center in my little car at an intersection stopped by 8 police officers (my local taxes paying for Cheney’s security) as the eight, black, gas guzzling SUV’s drove by. I protested with my middle finger through my sunroof.
I repeat, GO SEATTLE!
We taxpayers pay the full $57,000-an-hour cost of flying Air Force One regardless of the trip’s purpose. The government also pays for most of his entourage and for the military and communications gear and evacuation helicopters that travel ahead of him.
When people need a President with low approval ratings to give them a political boost, sounds like things are going to hell in a handbasket. :)
C’mon…it’s cheap! Look at the influence this chump change buys!
Rubber-stamp Richert asks the president: “Where are we going, and what are we doing in this handbasket?”
Why can Darcy Burner figure out how to hug a rabbit in 2 seconds, but Rubber Stamp Reichert can’t figure it out in 2 years?
… Probably for the same reason he needed 20 years to close a murder case — he’s not very swift upstairs, and other people have to do his thinking for him.
BUSH: I want this and this and this.
REICHERT: Which hand do I rubber stamp it with, my right or my left?
BUSH: Ask Karl Rove. He’ll give you your instructions.
Did Saddam Hussein’s inner circle and the Taliban rulers in Afghanistan actively court each other in hopes of forging an anti-American alliance in the region? Ray Robison, a former member of the CIA-directed Iraq Survey Group (ISG), examined efforts by Saddam Hussein to build and hide weapons of mass destruction, and supervised a group of linguists to analyze, archive and exploit documents and materials of Saddam’s regime.
I will tune into cbs, nbc, abc and cnn for their in depth story on this….
They will explore the connections and interview kerry and murtha for their reactions that they were wrong all along…
“Rubber stamp Reichert!”
I like it — because I thought of it first!
Rubber stamp Reichert! That will stick!
We won’t enough notice Bush is in town, except for the traffic tie-ups when the cops halt all movement in our fair city for half an hour until the Chump in Chief zips by.
We sure as hell won’t see him. This guy needs an army between himself and his own people. He gives speeches only on military bases (to captive audiences; a soldier would be court-martialed if he booed the C-in-C) and inside sealed-off mansions in gated communities.
He doesn’t dare show his face in public, because he’s as unpopular as a third world dictator.
Wait — he IS a third world dictator.
Craig, you do have a talent for constructing rationalizations out of thin air. Too bad you don’t use your gift for a beneficial purpose.
re 11: Nobody doubts Saddam Hussein’s “intentions”. After all, he did gas thousands of his own people with poison gas provided to him by the U.S. ( Can you say: Rumsfeld? I knew you could!)
But over ten years of stern sanctions and UN searches, there was nothing left of his “intentions” but a gleam in the neo-con’s eyes.
12, 13
I like it, too, and it’s definitely going to stick! I’ll even help promote it. We should have bumper stickers printed and wallpaper Bellevue with them.
I’ll drop by at 11:30!!
WASHINGTON – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, drawing on her experiences as a young Watergate lawyer who decades later was investigated as first lady, urged creation of a “privacy bill of rights” Friday to protect people’s personal data.”Modern life makes many things easier and many things easier to know, and yet privacy is somehow caught in the crosshairs of these changes,” Clinton said in a speech to a left-leaning legal group. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Classsic!!!No mention of Hillary’s 800 raw FBI fills on Republican political opponents.]
LeftTurn >”We should bring signs that show a picture of Sheriff Davie with his nose firmly planted up Bush’s ass…”
Here is the sign for Rubberstamp Reichert which says it all
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact….Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” –
Rep, at # 11 we see yet another examle of Rove Tactic #1: When an embarrassing topic appears, immediatly change the subject by telling a big lie. Usually it works because the opponants get so distracted by dissecting the lie, the average independent listener gets bored and quits listening halfway into the argument on the peripheral topic, and often the discussion never gets back to the real topic.
Another example of the topic: with all the big issues facing the U.S. – drug use, huge budget deficits, immigration reform, corporate malfeasance and stock manipulation, goverment bribery, the House took last Wednesday (Flag Day) as an opportunity to debate a flag-burning amendment. Now, aside from images on the news from foreign countries where American flags were burned in protest, I have never seen an American flag burned in the U.S., except for a picture in the paper recently, showing Boy Scouts destroying old flags by burning them. Of course, this is the proper way to destroy an old flag, as set forth in the U.S. Code.
Be careful … Saddam’s intentions were not what the neocon liars say they were (in order to justify their global imperialist schemes).
Saddam’s ambition was no less (and no more) than Arab hegemony. He wanted a unified Arab world — with himself running it. His weapons were pointed at his Arab neighbors. His message was, “We’re all Arabs, we’re in this together, and this is how we’re going to do things — or else!” His primary tools were intimidation and threats, although he was prepared to use military force to bring other Arab countries into the fold and into line. Once this Arab-nation league was in being, he intended to govern the Middle East with an iron fist, and to erase Israel from the Middle East map if he could.
He was also in it for the power, wealth, and ego gratification that absolute power brings.
Make no mistake, Saddam was a bastard, but there is no evidence he had global ambitions or terrorist designs like bin Laden. He wanted to dominate his region, but there is no evidence he wanted to fight the western powers. Saddam was no Alexander the Great who would perpetually look for new worlds to conquer. He was a small-time tinpot dictator with medium-sized ideas.
Saddam also was a product of his culture and national history. Iraq is not, and never has been, a country. It is a space on the map occupied by three tribes who don’t get along. Its boundaries were arbitrarily drawn by Europeans for their own convenience. It had no tradition or understanding of democratic governance, or for that matter, of accomodation among its disparate ethnic and religious factions. Because only a strongman could hold it together, it was inevitable that a strongman would emerge from its murky politics.
Saddam did what all strongmen do to prevent the disintegration of their countries into chaos and civil war: He eliminated rivals and killed some of his own people to bully the rest into line. The death toll under his rule may actually have been less than what the death toll might have been if Iraq had a weak leader or no leader, and the Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites had waged open and continuous warfare against each other. This is not an apologia for Saddam; it is simply a historical perspective to set the stage for discussing the wisdom of the United States trying to remake this society by means of military occupation.
In a phrase, it can’t be done. Overthrowing a dictator and defeating his army is the easy part — deceptively easy. You can’t erase several thousand years of history, tradition, culture, and religion by stationing your troops in someone else’s country. For one thing, you’ll never have enough troops, blood, and treasure. Of course they will fight you — in every alley, on every street corner, from every ditch and behind every tree. And they will never stop fighting. You either have to kill them all (impossible to do) — or leave their country and let them wallow in their own problems.
The reason we’re in Iraq, of course, is oil. Modern civilization can’t live without it, and unfortunately, the only place there’s enough oil to get civilization going is in the Middle East. It’s not complicated — a ninth-grader could see this. There are worse dictators than Saddam, and deadlier genocides (Darfur, for example), but we don’t intervene in those. Why? Because they’re not sitting on top of a commodity essential to the world and U.S. economies.
Bush went into Iraq because the oil under their sands is a vital U.S. interest. And it’s also a vital interest of Europe, China, India, and nearly everyone else.
I read an article a couple of days ago that said, in essence, that the war on terror will last until the oil runs out. The war on terror is merely cover for an imperialistic oil grab. Bush is merely a front man for immensely powerful corporate interests that have decided upon a policy of taking control of the world’s increasingly precious oil reserves by any means necessary. These means include military force and rigging U.S. elections to assure their cabal has a firm grip on U.S. government decision-making. They see it as a matter of survival — not only for their power, wealth, and privilege, but for the United States and civilization itself. They believe only they can run the world — and they’re determined to run it.
That’s why the troops will not come home from Iraq. Not this year or next year or in 10 years or even 30 years. Not unless and until corporate power itself is overthrown. They don’t believe there is any alternative to fossil fuels, at least not for the next 100 years. They mean to control the world’s supply of fossil fuels — which will constitute them as a permanent ruling class. They understand it can be done only by force, and they have decided that, from now on, we will all live in an Orwellian world of perpetual world — a new age of imperialism.
Welcome to 1984.
NYTimes has an analysis of the burb districts andBush’s visit to Bellevue starting on front page this morning. Picture of Darcy on A8
And what do the redneck neocons get out of this? Certainly not a piece of the power, wealth, and position. Or any say in what happens. They’ll get gas for their pickups. Not cheap gas. Just gas.
The silver lining behind all this is that when Bush’s regime and the neocons’ imperialist ambitions collapse, corporatism may collapse with them.
Good point (14) Roger…about Bush not being able to come face to face with his own people. TV Land makes is so easy to believe he is out their with the commoners, yet every single appearance he makes is a set-up. What does that say about our nation when its own people can not come into contact with its “leader”?
And to #6 — where did you come up with the $57K figure per hour for the cost of Air Force One, out of curiosity? When the nightly news is showing it’s price per gallon averages across the nation, wouldn’t it be a hoot to add how many miles the President flew in his cushy jet and SUV entourage that day and how much we paid for his trips??
We taxpayers pay the full $57,000-an-hour cost of flying Air Force One regardless of the trip’s purpose…
That’s not the whole cost. Whenever the Prez goes palces, they use the Air Force’s cargo planes to haul a lot of the crap around with him, like bullet-proof limos, some of the Secret Service guys, comm gear and their maintainers, etc. Plus thre’s the flight crew, and I have to admit I flew a few of these boondoggle mission myself. Mea cupla! The cost is a hell of lot more that $57,000 per hour!
Back in ’92, I voted for Ross Perot preceisely because he wanted to scrap that gold-plated 747. Hell, 14 years later, and that’s still a good idea!
Sorry about the minor spelling gaffs above, but I think everyone gets the picture.
(22) — You make excellent points with your analysis here. Having lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for 10 years (been back in the states for 5), you hit the nail on the head with this–
“You can’t erase several thousand years of history, tradition, culture, and religion by stationing your troops in someone else’s country. For one thing, you’ll never have enough troops, blood, and treasure. Of course they will fight you – in every alley, on every street corner, from every ditch and behind every tree. And they will never stop fighting. You either have to kill them all (impossible to do) – or leave their country and let them wallow in their own problems.”
For the most part, the middle eastern people I knew for 10 years through work, life and travel were lovely people. They were not anti-American, just deep in their beliefs, lifestyle, religion, heritage — which is much older than our 200+ years. I came to see my own country as a bully interfering with beautiful lands that didn’t want to be messed with regardless of how 3rd world we thought they were. People so poor yet they would share anything they had with you — and proudly — taught me a lot about myself. After years of internal struggle, I finally found myself accepting their differences and understanding their problems, and realized that they simply wanted the same things I did — a roof over their heads, food on the table for their family, loving relationships and especially peace.
The ‘radicals’ are those who come after people like us who try to cram democracy, materialism, consumerism, etc. down their throats. They are protecting their very essence.
22 – Nice essay Roger. Of course these wingnuts will call you a “Saddam lover”.
Only thing I would add is that the better course would have been a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict first followed by a multilateral effort to drive Saddam from power. This would have been the Gore approach.
Only the Iraqi people themselves have the legitimate right to remove their own dictator from power.
“Rally for Darcy Burner
by Goldy, 06/16/2006, 7:52 AM
President Bush is coming to Seattle today to raise a stunning $800,000 for Rep. Dave Reichert …
I urge all of you to join a rally 11:30 AM at Westlake Center (400 Pine St., Seattle) to send a message to Bush …
Democratic challenger Darcy Burner will be there to fire up the crowd …”
That is the key for winning election in the EIGHTH congressional district.
Never mind that none of SEATTLE is in the 8th district, nor is President Bush in SEATTLE today.
Guess the Democrats didn’t figure they would get too many people to attend today if they held their campaign rally in MEDINA or even BELLEVUE.
At least there are two decent Democrats in the Washington Congressional delegation – Adam Smith and Rick Larsen. Both of them voted YES to H Res 861 (Declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary)
(27) — YES! I would never had known this until I drove by our teeny-tiny airport the day Cheney was in town for 1 hour and saw through the chain link fence with my own eyes the massive cargo plane with the SUV’s and limos exiting. I thought, “What the hell is that?” And it was then that I saw Air Force One parked nearby and remembered Cheney was in town. Most everyone I spoke to about this did NOT know or care about this enormous entourage.
Richard @ 32:
I live in Norm Dicks’ district, and he appears to be an OK guy.
“At least there are two decent Democrats in the Washington Congressional delegation – Adam Smith and Rick Larsen. Both of them voted YES to H Res 861 (Declaring that the United States will prevail in the Global War on Terror, the struggle to protect freedom from the terrorist adversary)”
Thank God for empty gestures.
“22 – Nice essay Roger. Of course these wingnuts will call you a “Saddam lover”. Commentby For the Clueless— 6/16/06@ 10:20 am
They’ll have to lie to do it, because I most definitely am not a “Saddam lover,” or friend, supporter, or admirer of that guy. When they hang him, I’ll be happy to spring the trap myself!
I’m not so sure he’ll swing, though. These Republicans are so fucking incompetent I doubt they can even get that little task done. They couldn’t deliver food and water to Katrina victims, or get body army to our own soldiers. Now Cher is raising funds to buy helmets for our troops in Iraq because the Republicans running our country have failed to supply them with helmets that can protect against IEDs. Have you noticed that Saddam’s trial has bogged down, and Saddam is running it? This guy is, if nothing else, a clever bastard and the Iraqi government will never get around to hanging him unless the U.S. government takes control of that situation. We’ll have to hang him ourselves, or it won’t get done.
The only thing Republicans are good for is running off at the mouth. As they say in Bush’s adopted state, they’re “all hat, no cattle.”
Too bad the infantrymen who found Saddam in that spider hole didn’t drop a grenade into the hole first, before they looked in to see who might be hiding there.
If that had happened, it would have been a perfect time to declare vistory and leave!
Pope-A-Dope we wanted to have the Darcy rally in Medina but the Pretender & Thief declared the area a “free speech zone” which means no one can say a word about the Prez for a 15 mile radius.
As for campaigning in Seattle….if that’s what it takes to win, who cares? Your boy McGavick spends all his time campaigning in ALASKA and that doesn’t seem to bother you. Of course it wouldn’t since your ethics are situational at best.
I hope I’m wrong, but it appears that the judges in the Saddam trial are trying to buy time. They don’t want to render a verdict until they are sure who will be in power once the Americans go home.
They have seen how resilient Saddam can be, they are justifiably concerned that within a year the Americans will be gone, the Sunnis will regain control, and Saddam will be looking to punish (with a vengence) all Iraqis who cooperated with the Americans, along with their families. They will want to argue that they were responsible for sparing Saddam’s life by dragging out the trial until his release could be engineered.
I never have figured out why Bush & Co. thought it was a good idea to have the Iraqis try Saddam. With all their problems in establishing a stable government, this was a distraction they just didn’t need. Bush was naive enough to think that it would be a rallying point for all Iraqis who hate Saddam to come together against him. Shows how little he knows about world history, and Iraqi history in particular. Iraqi politics is very complicated, and complicated issues just aren’t his strong suit.
The best approach would have been to get him out of the country in a hurry, turn him over to the Kuwaitis, who would then try him for murder and crimes against humanity committed during the invasion of Kuwait. They could sentence him to death, and then either execute him right away, or hold him until the Iraqis could try him (but hold the trial itself in Kuwait).
I think the Kuwaitis are still trying to get an accounting of several thousand Kuwaitis who were shipped off to Iraq during the occupation.
Looks like the republican culture of corruption knows no end. Looks like the moral majority is neither!
“Rubber stamp Reichert!”
I just like saying that!
Hey Green Living I love your salute to “Duck” Cheney through your sunroof. ROFLMAO. :) I only wish I had been there so I could laugh and capture the photo :). Priceless.
Duck Cheney was last seen ducking into a limo but not fast enough so he hard a call out from another patriotic American “Fuck You Cheney”. No wonder they cannot walk among the people. They are so loved, they are greeted and bombarded everywhere they go with epithets of love :)
Looking out the window of my office and watching the rain come down.
I question the wisdon of people, gathering in the wrong congeressman’s district, with soggy shoes and soggy paper protests signs, outside of the presidential travel route.
The phrase, “to dumb to come out of the rain comes to mind.”
“looking out the window of my office”
I didn’t think they let you sex offenders have offices?
nooo, sex offenders can’t live in public housing and they can be put to death if the live in South Carolina.
People ought to go to Rubber Stamp Reichert’s political meetings with little tape players that play the noise: BOIIIIIIING!!
Wouldn’t that make an effective “sound Byte”? BOIIIING!!!!
We ought to do it nationwide to Republican candidates. I want a YES or NO vote on this BOINNNG! issue. No confusing amendments!! BOING!
It is rather illustrative that most of the support Burner is receiving comes from people living in the 206 area code (and I’m not talking about Mercer Island). Contrary to what you folks so fervently believe, Burner will receive a nice political black-eye being seen with unwashed protesters in Westlake; at least in the minds of most 8th district voters.
Just as a thought though. With all of her Seattle-based grassroots and netroots support she should really think about moving to Queen Anne or Wallingford in order to compete for Democrat primary in the Seventh Congressional District. She would be a much better improvement to your current congressman.
The House of Representatives has voted to boot Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson off the Ways and Means Committee while he is being investigated on bribery charges. This immediately follows a vote by House Democrats recommending that such action be taken. The way in which Jefferson has handled himself during this episode, and the support he has gotten from a number of his Black Caucus colleagues, is an embarrassment and demonstrates, once again, the sore need for a new kind of black leadership in Washington. […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….I support the Black Caucus. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are racist.]
Just as a thought though. With all of her Seattle-based grassroots and netroots support she should really think about moving to Queen Anne or Wallingford in order to compete for Democrat primary in the Seventh Congressional District. She would be a much better improvement to your current congressman.
Commentby Reporterward— 6/16/06@ 12:38 pm
That would enable Darcy Burner’s most fervent supporters to vote for her for Congress.
Republicans will maintain control of congress. Start working on your conspiracy theories now so they will be ready the day after the election.
An Associated Press story about a routine whistleblower case — i.e., a government contract stole relief supplies, two employees who squealed lost their jobs and received death threats, and prosecutors took no action against the crooked contractor — contains this stunning statement:
“The lead investigators for the FBI and the Federal Emergency Management Agency told AP that the plan to prosecute (the contractor) for those thefts stopped as soon as it became clear in late summer 2002 that an FBI agent in Minnesota had stolen a crystal globe from ground zero. That prompted a broader review that ultimately found 16 government employees, including a top FBI executive and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, had such artifacts from New York or the Pentagon.”
The news media isn’t covering Darcy Burner’s silly campaign rally in Seattle.
darcywho the sacrificial donkette hasn’t fallen far from the braying bitch tree… she has and agenda, she just doesn’t quite know what the hell it is!
“I’m even hard put to say what our agenda will be when we win.” —House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
And “Nutroots Endorsed” just isn’t getting Darcy Burner a lot of money. Only $2,936.48 to date. Less money than the average attendee at today’s Bush fundraiser is giving to Reichert. And there are several hundred of those attendees, who will enrich Reichert’s coffers by $800,000 or more.
That has “right wing lie” written all over it. Democrats know very well what their agenda is, and it’s hardly a party secret: Job creation, raising the minimum wage, balancing the budget, extricating the U.S. from Iraq, expanding access to health care, protecting the environment, etc. — have you been sleeping under a rock for the last 5 years?
Yeah, Richard, you guys have lots of money — and all the congressional seats that dirty money can steal.
“Nutroots Endorsed” may yet do some good. The largest share of their money is going to Ned Lamont, who is running against Joe Lieberman in the Democrat primary in Connecticut. Senator Lieberman may very well leave the Democrat Party as a result. He can easily be re-elected as an Independent. Getting Lieberman away from the Democrats would be a much bigger coup for the GOP, than what happened for the Democrats in 2001 when Senator Jim Jeffords left the GOP.
Oh … and, Richard, the news media did mention the anti-Bush rally in Bellevue and Burner’s rally at Westlake. Obviously they didn’t give these rallies as much play as the president’s visit — after all, he IS the president — but the mention of counter-rallies is there if you bother to read the entire articles.
I seem to recall a Clinton trip to the Rainier (or columbia tower) club back when I worked downtown. I am sure there was an “official” purpose for the trip… I suppose his gas guzzling convoy of black SUVs was OK ’cause gas was cheaper then??
JCH (John Craig Herman) @50
“The House of Representatives has voted to boot Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson off the Ways and Means Committee while he is being investigated on bribery charges. This immediately follows a vote by House Democrats recommending that such action be taken.”
Yes, they did, didn’t they? What a welcome relief from how the GOP responds to scandals — they lie, deny, cover up, block investigations, repeal ethics rules, and promote the miscreant to a bigger chairmanship.
Ratard Rabbit you lying sack of dung. Donald Rumsfield was inside the Pentagon when it was hit. Unlike Bill Clinton who was getting his knob polished, or John Kerry who sat stunned for 2 hours, Donald Runmsfield was on the battlefield. Only a coward like you who makes up lies about ever having served in our military could stoop so low. Traitor.
Rabbit @ 60
And this is all the news media had to say about it:
“In addition to his supporters, more than 100 protesters gathered at a downtown park in Bellevue, a few miles from Neupert’s Medina estate, to demonstrate against the president and the Iraq war. Among the signs they carried were some saying “The War Is A Lie” and “Real Medicare R-X Now.” Bush’s motorcade also passed through an intersection where protesters stood on all four corners, waving anti-Bush signs and banners. The state Democratic Party also held a rally in downtown Seattle.”
If Darcy Burner had appeared personally in Bellevue or Medina (instead of Seattle!), they would have probably mentioned her by name in the news media stories.
Retard Rabbit,
Democrats had to vote the guy out. He didn’t have the personal character to step down. At least Tom Delay had that strength of character to step down – he didn’t have to be voted out. Democrats cling long an hard to their power. You don’t get them to step down from anything because they are immoral powerhungry scum.
Democrats are the culture of corruption and treason. And the only house to whch Pelosi will ever be speaker will be a house of ill repute. And if by some disaster the traitors gain control, it certainly will be a house of ill repute and Pelosi the head madam.
We have seen how Democrats suppor the troops – by blocking the protective equipment they need from leaving the Port of Olympia. And their spokesman is Lt Watada, traitorcrat extrordanaire.
Retard Rabbit,
We know what th traitorcrat plan is to undermine the troops – block their equipment at the Port of Olympia.
Yeah Roger. The GOP way is much more effective. Just refuse to pay for the equipment the troops need in the first place.
So which is it Pope? Which lie should we believe from you? First you say the media isn’t covering it and then you say it is? As if often the case, you just make shit up all the time and anyone who believes ANYTHING you say is retarded.
By the way, your fixation on Darcy probably isn’t very healthy. It will make “Rubber stamp Reichert!” jealous!
8th District STILL not ready to elect a woman who belongs to a group that boos when asked by one of their own to support the troops.
Failed policies? The tax cuts have worked quite nicely, thank you. How many of you here gave back your tax cut??
(still waiting….)
WASHINGTON – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, drawing on her experiences as a young Watergate lawyer who decades later was investigated as first lady, urged creation of a “privacy bill of rights” Friday to protect people’s personal data.”Modern life makes many things easier and many things easier to know, and yet privacy is somehow caught in the crosshairs of these changes,” Clinton said in a speech to a left-leaning legal group. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Classsic!!!No mention of Hillary’s 800 raw FBI fills on Republican political opponents.]
“And to #6 – where did you come up with the $57K figure per hour for the cost of Air Force One”
According to CNN, “the actual cost of running the presidential fleet … is classified.”
Technically, “Air Force One” is the call sign of any Air Force aircraft carrying the president. However, most of the public thinks “Air Force One” is the president’s specially equipped Boeing 747. Actually, there are two such planes. Both are heavily modified 747s with a total delivery price of $650 million.
As a practical matter, the president travels in a fleet of aircraft. When he goes overseas, there are at least two C5A cargo planes in the entourage, carrying bulletproof limousines and other equipment, including sometimes a presidential helicopter. There usually are additional aircraft carrying Secret Service agents, military personnel, staffers, and reporters. The president’s travel entourage may be as large as 1,000 persons.
According to Boeing, a 747 burns 5 gallons of fuel per mile. This translates into roughly 3,000 gallons per hour. According to media sources, in September 2005 the government was paying $1.57 per gallon for aviation fuel. That would peg fuel costs at just under $5,000 per hour.
Other costs include maintenance, hangaring, cleaning, purchase or lease amortization, crew and aircraft operations support staff salaries and expenses, food and beverages, communications, and so on. The presidential planes have their own building complex and staff at Andrews Air Force Base.
Give the large number of personnel required to prepare for and carry out presidential flights, the planes’ high capital cost and very complex communications and security equipment and operations, $57,000 an hour to fly these planes probably covers only direct operating and support costs and most likely does not account for all of the costs of presidential travel.
Do you anti-American reds really think Darcy Braburner has a chance? Are you so out of touch with reality that you think her leftwing agenda (amnesty for illegal aliens, homosexual marriage, partial birth abortion, etc.)will sell? Dream on. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
One thing we of the 8th District know; We can’t stand Bush (and did not vote for him in 2004), and Rubberstamp Reichert is going to be forced into retirement this year!
Darcy is OUR LADY!
Failed policies? The tax cuts have worked quite nicely, thank you. How many of you here not noticed the largest deficit spending in history ?
“Back in ‘92, I voted for Ross Perot preceisely because he wanted to scrap that gold-plated 747. Hell, 14 years later, and that’s still a good idea!” Commentby Libertarian— 6/16/06@ 10:13 am
It’s certainly gold-plated, but scrapping the presidential planes is not a good idea. They are, in fact, military aircraft and are operated as military command and communication centers. Air Force One is literally a flying bunker. Its most important function is to preserve a functioning government in the event of a nuclear attack. Our military is powerless if it can’t communicate situation reports to the president or receive his orders. The cost of the presidential fleet is far less than the cost of a single aircraft carrier task force, and not much more than a couple of ICBMs. It would be foolish not to invest in command-and-control survivability.
When wingfucks like you start calling us commies, it’s a sure sign you’re out of arguments and have nothing else left in your tool kit.
“Too bad the infantrymen who found Saddam in that spider hole didn’t drop a grenade into the hole first, before they looked in to see who might be hiding there. If that had happened, it would have been a perfect time to declare vistory and leave!” Commentby Libertarian— 6/16/06@ 11:28 am
But it’s so much more fun for the politicians to capture him alive, isn’t it? Then they can keep the crowing going for the months or years it takes to kill him judicially.
The tax cuts that ruberstamp Reichert supported have worked perfectly! We have voted to raise the debt ceiling 5 times in 5 years!!!
Huzzah for the Tax Cuts! Hoorah for spending the hard earned money of future generations!
You guys just can’t fucking stand the fact that it’s all working out.
Economy on a roar because of tax cuts
Tax revenues UP 14% last quarter because of tax cuts
Zarqawi’s laptop full of documents where he says we’re winning.
“Failed policies”???? WTF???? Really? Name one…
When I leave Iraq, I am gonna plug Saddam, and then help the Iraqis topple a statue of Bush.
““Failed policies”???? WTF???? Really? Name one…”
You cannot buy prosperity with a kited check.
But then you know all about that, don’t you, Mark The Welsher.
Hey fuckturd, I don’t make the news or even report the news, I only relay the news? Did you read the article? No, of course not. It says the investigations of a private contractor who stole relief supplies came to a grinding halt when the investigators realized that high government officials, including Rumsfeld, were in possession of stolen property.
If you have an issue with my relaying that information to HA readers, why don’t you talk to Rumsfeld about it. It wouldn’t be in the news if he didn’t have the looted artifacts in his possession. Obviously he doesn’t possess them in any official capacity, or it wouldn’t be a problem for the investigators, or a news story for the media.
But the real story here is that crimes are going unpunished because investigators and prosecutors realize top government officials — their bosses — are among the wrongdoers.
Richard – your post @54 said, and I quote, “The news media isn’t covering Darcy Burner’s silly campaign rally in Seattle.” Based on your own post @64, you have to admit that isn’t true, don’t you?
Working OUT?
Not for the 2500 dead SOBs who got shot for Bush’s war for oil. Not for the 90,000 poor fools who got wounded for Bush’s war for oil. Not for your ignorant inbred grandchildren who will be paying the bill for this mess.
Thanks for the laugh, pbj — I needed that.
War for oil? What war is that?
Or is it a war for Halliburton?
Geez, get your kooky lines straight dumass…
How do you know those protesters are “Democrats?” I doubt any of them are. If they have any party affiliation at all, they’re probably connected with groups like the Socialist Workers and Greens.
Rove’s out doing his thing, calling Kerry and Murtha cowards. Where the fuck was he during Vietnam? What a bunch of fucking liars, cheaters, crooks.
If Bush believes in keeping this Iraq occupation going, he ought to send his daughters. Bush is the coward.
91 – Is there a difference?
Support the troops, send the Bush twins to provide “comfort”
Democrats know very well what their agenda is, and it’s hardly a party secret: Job creation, raising the minimum wage, balancing the budget, extricating the U.S. from Iraq, expanding access to health care, protecting the environment, etc. – have you been sleeping under a rock for the last 5 years?
-Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/16/06@ 1:07 pm
Dear dumbbunny, that’s not an AGENDA, that’s a wish list… and there is a difference.
An AGENDA would require an actual plan with which to accomplish the wish list.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: “KILL” PATRIOT ACT: Democrats Have Voted Against The PATRIOT Act At Least 5 Times In The Last Year.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: INCREASE TAXES: Democrats Would Allow Tax Cuts To Expire, Allowing A $2.4 Trillion Tax Increase
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: IMPEACHMENT AND INVESTIGATIONS: Rep. John Conyers Introduced Impeachment Plan; Dem Leaders Will Not Back Away From Possibility Of Impeachment
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: ETHICS: As Leader Of The Abramoff Democrats, Sen. Harry Reid Is Marked By Ethical Problems; Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) At Center Of A Bribery Scandal
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: HIGHER SPENDING / PET PROJECTS: If He Becomes Chairman Of The Appropriations Committee, Rep. James Moran (D-VA) Promises His Constituents Earmarks
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: OBSTRUCT ANWR (seerefernce to gas prices, above)
IN THE INTEREST OF FULL DISCLOSURE, when attempting to link the D’Rats ‘agenda’ {snicker} @ we get tne message “The page cannot be found”… which really is the perfect description of their ideas, plans and ‘AGENDA’!
It’s a good thing Rove wriggled out of indictment, otherwise there’d be a missing link in the Bush circle jerk
“We know what th traitorcrat plan is to undermine the troops – block their equipment at the Port of Olympia.” Commentby PBJ_SAYS— 6/16/06@ 1:25 pm
Well, it’s true as you say that a group of people staged an anti-war protest at a port terminal where military equipment was being shipped, although I’m sure they didn’t really expect to block any military shipments. It was purely symbolic, and had no effect on the troops or war effort — unlike the Republican president’s military blunders (refusing to listen to generals who told him that he would need 500,000 troops to occupy Iraq) or refusal to pay for individual and vehicle armoring so he could give more tax breaks to billionaires.
You’re the fucking traitor for supporting him.
Don’t get me wrong — I don’t support what the protesters did, and neither does anyone else on this blog. Your attempt to tar all Democrats with the actions of a couple dozen people is beyond lame, and you can shove it up your ass.
“Yeah Roger. The GOP way is much more effective. Just refuse to pay for the equipment the troops need in the first place.” Commentby wayne— 6/16/06@ 1:33 pm
Sadly, you are SOOOOOO right. And you and I know who the terrorists’ real friends are: The Republicans who refuse to pay for protecting our country from terrorist attacks.
Nov. 14, 2001: Senate Democrats propose $15 billion for homeland security; the White House warns against “permanent spending on other projects that have nothing to do with stimulus and that will only expand the size of government.”
Dec. 4, 2001: Senate Appropriations Committee votes 29-0 in favor of $13.1 billion for homeland security; the next day, Bush threatens to veto it.
Dec. 6, 2001: Senate Republicans reduce homeland security funding by $4.6 billion.
Dec. 19, 2001: Under pressure from White House, House-Senate conferees eliminate another $200 million of funding for airport security, port security, nuclear facility security, and postal security.
June 7, 2002: Senate votes 71-22 for $8.3 billion of homeland security funding; the next day, Bush’s advisors recommend a veto.
July 19, 2002: Under White House pressure, homeland security funding is further reduced by cutting money for food security, cyber security, nuclear security, airport security, port security, drinking water security, coordination of police and fire radios, and lab testing to detect chem-bio weapons.
Aug. 13, 2002: Bush decides not to spend $2.5 billion appropriated for homeland security on the grounds of “fiscal responsibility.”
Jan. 16, 2003: White House reacts to Democratic efforts to increase homeland security funding by stating, “The Administration strongly opposes amendments to add new extraneous spending.” Later that day, Senate Republicans vote against funds for smallpox vaccine.
Jan. 23, 2003: Senate Republicans cut security funding for the FBI, FEMA, INS, TSA, Coast Guard, and National Nuclear Security Administration.
Feb. 3, 2003: Bush submits a 2004 budget cutting homeland security funding by nearly 2 percent.
Feb. 14, 2003: Senate Democrats request money for smallpox vaccine, police and fire radios, and public transportation security; no Republicans support it.
March 21-25, 2003: Republicans defeat 7 amendments to bolster homeland security.
April 2, 2003: Senate Republicans reject Democratic amendment to provide $1 billion for port security.
April 3, 2003: Republicans reject protection of commercial airliners from shoulder-fired missiles and four other pro-homeland security amendments.
June 2003: House Republicans reject Democratic proposal to raise $1 billion for homeland security by reducing tax cuts for 200,000 millionaires by an average of $5,000 each (from $88,000 to $83,000).
Source: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003), pp. 41-43.
“8th District STILL not ready to elect a woman who belongs to a group that boos when asked by one of their own to support the troops.” Commentby 8th— 6/16/06@ 1:37 pm
On the other hand, maybe they’ve had enough of a congressman who belongs to a group that refuses to buy helmets, body armor, and vehicle armor for the troops.
“The tax cuts have worked quite nicely, thank you. How many of you here gave back your tax cut??” Commentby 8th— 6/16/06@ 1:41 pm
In what way? Do you really think that $300 rebate you got cost you less than several times that amount in inflation, unemployment, rising interest rates, and the other costs that deficit spending inflicts on the economy?
I again challenge Richard Pope to explain why he hasnÕt apologized for calling Logan ÒA LYING SACK OF GARBAGEÓ in this thread He is apparaently, a very small man that can’t admit when he’s made a mistake.
I’m home from the Westlake Center rally. Darcy gave a rousing speech, as did Dwight Pelz and several others. The crowd of several hundred all clapped and cheered and waved Darcy Burner and Maria Cantwell signs. There were four people (representing Rice, Bush, Cheney & Rummy) dressed in striped prision garb and shackles. I thought there was one heckler in the audience when a lady yelled “Where are you?” but when I turned to look, I saw she was just talking on a cell phone.
The rain held off until the rally was over.
From back at my house, this is Emily, reporting.
Tax cuts without reduced government spending is always a formula for short term economic growth and huge deficits. Welcome.
Total tax receipts by the IRS increased 87% from 1992 to 2000. From 2000 to 2005, tax receipts increased 8.2%. This is using data from an IRS website.
No, Welsher, Bush’s policies are not working out. The 14% resulted from an upswing in the economic cycle, not Bush’s tax cuts. The best you can say for Bush’s economic policies is that his deficit-financed tax cuts mildly stimulated the economy, causing a small uptick in employment in consumer spending. However, it was really the federal reserve’s low interest rates that are responsible for most of the economic growth and jobs in the Bush years. And the Bush deficits will create bad problems down the road — inflation, unemployment, higher interest rates, falling stock prices, and worsening trade balances.
Even worse, when deficit-financed tax cuts are made permanent, future presidents will not have the option of using temporary tax cuts to stimulate the economy during recessionary periods. Bush has removed an essential tool from the government’s recession-fighting toolkit.
I’m not going to get into a silly argument with you, Mark.
“Dear dumbbunny, that’s not an AGENDA, that’s a wish list”
Is that your best comeback? C’mon, even YOU can do better than that.
106 – Folded like a house of cards…
Tom Delay stepped down, all right. AFTER he was indicted. A virtuous man, that.
AF 1 is not the only airplane capable of providing command and control. The Air Force has the E-3 which can do the job nicely without the “Cadillac” amenities. Having such an ostentatious aircraft as Air Force One is like having a luxury sedan when all you really need is a good Toyota Corolla!
..still waiting: WHICH of you has given back the tax cut that President Bush gave you? I would expect that you would give it right back, if your money is where your mouth is. Waiting……
All I can say is I am glad that the economy is FINALLY doing a little better (though not growing as fast as under Clinton, which, of course, was not due to anything he or the Democrats did). We’ve been waiting four years, through the slowest recovery in US history (which, of course, was not due to anything Bush or the Republicans did) to this time of modest (3.4%) growth (which, of course, is totally due to the actions of Bush and the Republicans). It’s too bad that housing starts have fdropped for three striaght months (which, of course, was not due to anything Bush or the Republicans did) and I hope that this does not signal the a popping bubble (which, of course, would not be due to anything Bush or the Republicans did). Who knows, maybe we’ll survive (which, of course, is totally due to the actions of Bush and the Republicans).
Ass — thank you for offering me the opportunity to take apart your wingnut talking points, one by one.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: “KILL” PATRIOT ACT: Democrats Have Voted Against The PATRIOT Act At Least 5 Times In The Last Year.
Many Democrats voted for the Patriot Act as rammed through Congress by Republicans, and those who opposed did so because of a small number of provisions — again rammed through by Republicans — that violate fundamental rights of law abiding American citizens and can be misused for political harassment.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: INCREASE TAXES: Democrats Would Allow Tax Cuts To Expire, Allowing A $2.4 Trillion Tax Increase
You’re going to pay for Republican spending one way or another. If you don’t pay direct taxes, you’ll pay an “inflation tax.” Nothing in this world is free.
The only way to achieve real (in economic terms) reductions in the financial burden on citizens of government spending is to cut government spending. Instead, Bush and the GOP Congress have grown spending over 12% a year — three times the rate of the Clinton years. That commensurately increases the burden of government on citizens. In addition, because nearly all of the tax cuts have gone to the rich, at the same time spending has increased drastically, the burden of government spending on average Americans has actually increased under the Bush administration compared to what Democrats would have done.
This is perhaps the most ridiculous of all your assertions! Gas prices have more than doubled under a GOP president and Congress. How is that the Democrats’ fault?
Oil prices are skyrocketing because demand increased from 77 million bpd when Bush took office to 84 million bpd today. There is no excess production capacity left anywhere in the world. Bush’s policies took Iraq’s production off-line, and at the same time, his war in Iraq is consuming enormous quantities of petroleum. Bush’s policies that encourage buying imports from India and China, selling increased government debt to those countries, and sending American jobs to those countries have given them the wherewithal to compete with us in world markets for oil, driving up demand and prices. Finally, mankind is encountering a fundamental structural problem, namely, civilization runs on oil but the planet’s oil resources are dwindling and we are approaching the time when the planet will no longer be able to supply enough oil to maintain civilization in its present form. Bush has done nothing to facilitate the necessary coming transition away from oil to next-generation energy sources and technologies. He has adopted a policy of asserting U.S. control, by military means if necessary, over the world’s remaining oil resources or as much of them as he can grab — which doesn’t put one more drop of oil into the ground.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: IMPEACHMENT AND INVESTIGATIONS: Rep. John Conyers Introduced Impeachment Plan; Dem Leaders Will Not Back Away From Possibility Of Impeachment
It is true that many Democrats want to impeach Bush. Why not? He has committed impeachable offenses, and impeachment is the only remedy the Constitution provides for constitutional violations. But even so, in a Democratic-controlled Congress, Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker, and she has made it clear impeachment is not on the party’s agenda. There’s no advantage for Democrats to impeach a president who will be out of office anyway by the time impeachment proceedings could be concluded.
Now if you want to talk about bullshit impeachment proceedings, let’s talk about Clinton, whose only offense was to lie about a private sexual affair that was nobody else’s business. If that’s a crime, then half this country’s adult males belong in prison.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: ETHICS: As Leader Of The Abramoff Democrats, Sen. Harry Reid Is Marked By Ethical Problems; Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) At Center Of A Bribery Scandal
No Democrat got any money from Jack Abramoff. Abramoff is a Republican, and his job was to raise money for Republicans.
Democrats responded to the Jefferson scandal by kicking Jefferson off his committee assignments.
Republicans responded to the countless scandals their congressmen and lobbyists are embroiled in by lying, denying, covering up, gutting the ethics rules, putting a do-nothing congressman in charge of ethics oversight, and protecting the crooks in their own party.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: HIGHER SPENDING / PET PROJECTS: If He Becomes Chairman Of The Appropriations Committee, Rep. James Moran (D-VA) Promises His Constituents Earmarks
It would be hard to spend more money than the Republicans are spending, but Democrats certainly want to spend money on different things. Instead of killing people and enriching already rich corporations, Democrats want to spend money on things that help ordinary people, like health care and education.
Democrats have wanted a prescription drug benefit for senior citizens longer than you’ve been alive. This country doesn’t have one. We do, however, have a $700 billion giveaway of taxpayer funds to drug companies and HMOs.
Democrats have blocked only 3 of Bush’s judicial appointments. Republicans blocked over 100 of Clinton’s judicial appointments. When Clinton left office, about 1/3 of all federal judgeships were vacant, and it took years to resolve cases in federal courts. As for what constitutes a “qualified” judge, Bush has nominated people who would have a hard time getting selected to judge a moot court exercise in any reputable law school.
THE REAL DEM AGENDA: OBSTRUCT ANWR (seerefernce to gas prices, above)
ANWR is one of the world’s most important natural refuges. The oil there will not make a significant difference to the world’s oil supply or world oil prices. It would take 10 years for the first ANWR oil to reach market, and ANWR production would peak about 10 years after that at 850,000 bpd. Current world consumption is 84 million bpd, and expected to reach 120 million bpd 20 years from now. Thus, ANWR would never provide more than about 1/2 of 1% of the world’s oil supply. That potential supply needs to be balanced against ANWR’s value as a “species bank.” In that respect, the wildlife refuge is irreplaceable. From a biological point of view, it’s one of the most valuable patches of ground on earth.
We Democrats do disagree among ourselves. It’s called “democracy,” and democracy is messy. We have a bottom-up party, not a top-down party like the GOP. Your party’s leaders tell you what to think. In our party, ordinary citizens tell the party’s leaders what to do. I like our system better than your system.
Argument with ideologues like you is utterly pointless. When facts make no difference (which is a fundamental attribute of neocons) and reason is treated as silliness, dialogue is impossible. The distinguishing characteristic of the rightwingers like you on this blog is that there is no independent thought. Rather, all of you simply say “rah, rah” to whatever the Bush Administration does. Progressives do not march in lockstep to a leader like that. Progressives are free thinkers, willing to take issue with anyone, including each other. Neoconservatives search out those comforting dogmas that permit them to turn off their brains.
Repeat wingnut talking points on cribbed from lunatic right-wing web sites.
Proud Left – You hate arguing with me because I so easily take you down. The fact of the matter is that librulism is a failed ideology. It has NEVER worked and NEVER will because it CAN’T. True Conservatism (and GWB is certainly no conservative) ALWAYS works. Always has; always will.
BTW, nice use of Gingrich’s words… calling me an “ideologue” while you are a “progressive”. No you’re not… you just another hate filled intolerant kook.
Just for the record. MTR is a weasel and a punk. Pope is a liar. Reichert is a piece of shit and all republicans should (and probably will) die of AIDS!
RES – Weasel and punk? Do tell. How so? Do you hate me because I poke holes in librulism with such ease?
How’s that chi squared analysis coming on global warming?
How’s the “gouging” analysis coming on gas prices?
Give me even one example where socialism has EVER worked.
Don’t know much about Scandinavia do you, ‘Tarded Redneck ?
Redneck @ 117
“The fact of the matter is that librulism is a failed ideology. It has NEVER worked and NEVER will because it CAN’T.”
Do you believe that a statement such as that passes as reasoned argument? Spare me. The history of Western Civilization is the history of the triumph of liberalism. We are presently suffering through a little spell of hiccups with the Bushites, the religious right, and neoconservatives. We will, however, get through it, and liberalism will once again become ascendant here in the United States.
“The history of Western Civilization is the history of the triumph of liberalism”.
LMAO… that’s a good one.
Really? Give me an example? USSR? Com China? Cuba? Canada? France?
..that’s pretty much what I thought. EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU KEPT YOUR TAX CUT AND NO ONE SENT IT BACK. yet you complain about it, when you could have sent it back.
I love Bush and you should love him too.
You don’t want to hang your head in shame when your grandkid asks you, “Grandpa (or Grandma) why didn’t you love president Bush back then? Were you a pinhead liberal who couldn’t see past his belly button?”
Unable to meet your grandchild’s eyes, you will have to mutter into your chin, “yes, I’m sorry, I was.”