Great minds think alike…
Rally at Rossi’s:
Where: Rossi HQ, 330 112th AVE NE (corner of 112th NE & 4th, in Bellevue)
When: Tomorrow, Sunday Dec 19, 3PM
Why: Do you really need to ask? The bastard’s trying to steal this election by stopping KC from counting votes!
Come join me and other concerned voters from around the state, and tell Dino Rossi that we don’t want him turning Washington into Florida. Express your outrage, mug for the TV cameras, and then maybe we’ll all go out for a beer.
Christine turned us into Florida when she demanded the hand recount. I know, I know, it’s legal to do so. Just because it’s legal doesn;t mean it’s good for the state. Thanks, Christine!
Typical of Goldy and his ilk–
Let’s have a rally to be against something! Against Eyman, against Rossi, against Christians, against accounability. Maybe someday you can actually have a rally for something. That would be novel.
There is no doubt where this election is going friends. Dean Logan is hardly apolitical and the Canvassing Board has plenty of power. Larry Phillips should recuse himself as should Logan because they have both publicly shot their mouths off. Canvassing Board members are supposed to be objective.
As usual, the neobrigade is getting scared, look at the two loosers above. Starting to shake with the reality that they are on the wrong side of this election. Don’t it make your red eyes BLUE? lmao
Yes, and why would a rally to count all the votes be AGAINST
something? It’s clearly a rally in favor of counting all the
votes. I had a nightmare after the election that my vote
hadn’t been counted (it appeared in my dream being returned
to me in one of those “undeliverable” envelopes from the
post office). So far, I haven’t found my name on any of the
lists. But, if my name was one of the 700+ (published in the
newspaper) I would be livid beyond belief. COUNT ALL THE
VOTES. Yup, I think I might have a bracelet made that says
“What would Tom Delay do (WWTDD?)” It’ll only apply to
politics, though.
It is actually a rally FOR something: FOR legitimate votes to be counted. And you Repubs should been ashamed of the message you’re giving the citizens of WA.
Hey, Goldy, I didn’t write comment No. 4. How come it has my name attached?
jim p : FYI I have been consistent with the above message since the day your hero Christine demanded the recount. And filed the lawsuit that she wasn;t aware of.
No matter who wins, the recount degenerated into where we are today and the state loses because public support for govt. sinks lower. Christine had a choice, she made her choice and we are left watching attorneys argue over King County’s screw ups. This is worsethan Florida 2000 and she caused this. Go ahead and count every vote it doesn’t matter who wins, the damage has been done. Watch Eymans next initiative, when it sucks the last breath out of the state govt you will know who to blame. Loser.
So why does Goldy use the heading RALLY AGAINST ROSSI.
Sounds like it is against something or someone to me. But I suppose your type can even twist a heading that states
RALLY AGAINST ROSSI and try to convince us it isn’t against something, it’s actually for something.
Clearly it is this type of reasoning why I’m a Republican and you bj are a Democrat. Your comments pretty much tells it all.
bj you are obviously out of control. Try again.
zip–well said.
Someone else pointed out a while back that Eyman is licking his chops and will undoubtedly be more successful than ever. I have voted for a couple of his Initiatives, very reluctantly but the Governor wasn’t listening. Eyman got everyones attention, that’s for sure. I was kind of hoping he would be heretofor irrelevant. Not a chance. Ms. Gregoire as Governor will assure another 4 rounds of Initiatives.
Hey, Cynicalmotormouth —
My take on the rally was from an announcement I got from the Sierra Club, NOT from Goldy
Rally for Every Vote to Be Counted
Sunday, December 19, 2004
330 112th Ave NE in Bellevue
3:00 p.m.
Voice your support to count every vote! Join the Democratic Party as they rally with disenfranchised voters this Sunday, December 19 at 3:00 p.m. at Rossi Headquarters located at 330 112th Ave NE in Bellevue. For more information please contact the Democratic Party at 206-328-2969.
Good luck and success to all rallyers FOR each vote to be counted — Texas enviros who love Washington are with you in spirit. As you shake angry fists and mug for tv, thinking of reasons to fight, remember the words of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Christine Todd Whitman in the Outside Magazine interview duel: “The reason environmentalists get nervous is because balance to us means date rape. The environmental regulations that exist today—the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act—are already the product of balance. Industry had its say when we passed these regulations. The statutes themselves were a compromise. If anything, a lot of them are already weighted more toward industry than the public. Then we get public officials who come into office, stop enforcing the laws, and say, “Well, we have to balance it again.”
And your point is bj??
I was talking about Goldy’s header.
And you keep calling me Cynical to what end. I think Cynical is an ass. He beats things to death. He also knows a lot of technical procedures and isn’t simply a cheerleader to Count All The Votes like you. You have no insight bj. I am leaving for Mexico torrow AM for 5 days and I’m sure when I get back I will be reading the same Democrat talking points from you and your ilk.
any chance you’d stay in Mexico, motorwaster?
There… I changed the header. You nitpickers happy now?
BJ… it was another BJ. Since you came first, I edited his comment to make a distinction.
Saying that Gregoire is responsible for Rossi laying the groundwork to contest this election is like saying the US is responsible for Osama bin Laden flying airplaines into buildings. You know… bin Laden would stop attacking us if only we did what he wanted us to do.
The law provides for a hand recount. Gregoire availed herself of the law. The fact that Chris Vance threatened to create chaos if Gregoire called for a recount does not make this Gregoire’s fault.
I applaud the WA state Dems for standing up to the GOP bully. (Unlike the DNC.)
I feel much better now Goldy. It is important for you to be positive and for something for a change. One of the biggest problems in our State is the Growth Management Act being used as a weapon by the anti-growthers. Now I’m not saying all Democrats are anti-growth. It’s just that all anti-growthers are Democrats or Greenies. They want to regulate heaven on Earth. The problem with that is all the unwanted consequences. I feel the same way about anti-business people. They create one unproductive Government bureaucracy after another with layers of unproductive people enforcing unproductive Legislation. And they all seem to vote Dem. So it is good that you distinguish yourself Goldy from the anti- crowd whenever possible. Why if you start being for more things and positive, you may actually become a Republican.
All I want for Christmas is ROSSI FOR GOVERNOR! Can’t wait to have a thinking man in charge! Oh the teeth gnashing and wailing we’ll all hear from bigbad King County. And right about NOW the very best idea ol’ Tim could come up with is one that would break up bigbad king County. Where are all those Cedar County leaders? – Let’s get a county government that represents THINKING people and more importantly, let’s get a county government that denies bigbad King county our tax dollars! And by the way, this side to side thing this comment box has going on is annoying as … well …. KING COUNTY!
oops — didn’t notice that there was another bj when I posted
before (btw, I’m a her).
Will be at the rally – pass on the post…….Thinker…..that old canard, more likely King will annex Pierce and Shohomish, maximize the clout……as in light rail…..regional projects.
Not after MissyChrissy thief-in-chief steals this election (and of course we all know she will don’t we, wink! wink! Mr Logan? How many votes WERE you able to hide in your pant legs again?)with her koolaid swilling robominions. You can watch the King county angst (more angst than usual for the oh so tender sensitives of KC) when they lose our east side tax dollars. Enjoy your rail to nowhere babe!
Goldy, Hate to miss the rally but I’m headed out of state for a few weeks. So I won;t be able to beat the same message across the keyboard over and over for a while. Once more for the record:
Christine had a choice, she made her choice and we are left watching attorneys argue over King County’s screw ups. She knew this would be the result and did it anyway. And, contrary to what you posted above, she laid the groundwork to contest the election with the lawsuit (that she knew nothing about). So there. respond all you like, I won;’t be here to read it. It feels great to get the last word!
Thinker – please separate you political ranting from any clear proposal. The Whole Eastside, for which you certainly speak, all of it, is going to withhold tax dollars from The State, King Co, City of Medina, City of Clyde Hill????—–guess I don’t understand the proposal anymore.
I grew up in Bellevue. So don’t treat me like a downtown rube. What are you trying to say betswen the frenzied garble.
Not the STATE dear Bob, (who made need to check out Eats, Shoots and Leaves) – just Kiev County – all those county property taxes put to uses of OUR choice; all those COUNTY sales taxes used for purposes of OUR choice, all those politicians working hard to NOT ignore the will of their constituents. As I said previously (and with correct grammar, I might add) don’t discount the anger of non-Seattle Kiev County after your ChrissyMissy thief in chief steals the governorship (aptly aided and abetted by Kiev County).
*may -Good grief- I hate the way this little comment box works!
Thinker? Please leave. You want to rant without information and made childish ad hominem attacks – go to SoundPolitics or
And you might want to leave your precious east side for somewhere more friendly to your line of thinking, like eastern washington. Everything I read shows the east side (especially the closer-in suburbs, like Bellevue & Kirkland) trending democratic.
Yeah, isn’t that a bitch? I was planning to make it bigger, but now that I know it annoys you so much, I may just leave it this way a while longer.
Thanks so much – what a perfectly smallminded and mature action!
Note to jiminycricket: Your boy James clearly had you in mind babe: “He seems to not appreciate the glory of the unspoken thought.” -James Carville
Let me get this straight: The election-stealing Democrat machine need to protest against the Republican candidate – because the Republican candidate is asking for the law to be adhered to by the Democrat Election Supervisor – in other words, do what we say or you are subverting the will of the machine, which (we Democrats say) has the best interest of the people always. Goldy, have you so deluded yourself as to think that people buy that anymore? Have you seen the polls? Are you a Rove plant? Look, there’s a bulge under Goldy’s jacket. And now he’s calling for us to go make further fools of ourselves, to drive home the point about these tactics – Goldy are you some kind of frigging double-agent? Because… speaking as a Republican, you are a dream come true!
Comment by ThinkerInSeattle— 12/18/04 @ 8:58 pm
Comments like that only fuel the flames of the Gregocrats…
It is gettoing so tiresome to have the R’ zombie people telling us how the election has been stolen when Rossi is ahed 50, and the final bell has yet to ring.
It really is amazing that Gregoire supportrs are blamed for his poor campaign. Shrill, over the top, all their life frustrations venting against other citizens and against an opposition candidate. I feel like a time warp– into a movie of the 60’s called Breakdown at Political High.
This lady is never going to drive over the floating bridge again to enjoy baseball, football, the art museum, first run movies, the real Nordstroms, Tiffnany’s— simply glower in the woods of the Eastside, hissing Chrissy, Chrissy, hissss.
And on top of this moment, I am sure she thinks Donald R. is doing a good job of running the war, even as we send more fine American Kids into the poorly equiped killing fields.
Somene who has never voted Democrat in her life, thretening the Democratic party. It is so logical. HEY, angry, take you anger and sit on it. And, honey, you can post here in shorthand, typos, so-so grammar. For Christ sake, it is an online blog…..for ideas, opinions, review of the issues of the body politic, which same puts us both in King county. …not a job application resume. The teachers who did not teach you courtesy ae not grading here.
P. Scott – FYI, the last KING 5 poll I saw, 63 per cent responded, count the votes.
Given the polarized sense of this election, that means DINO ROSSI supporters agreeded to some degree…..onward to the truth, even if it hurts, lets the votes speak – not any propaganda machine.
Just a very close election with a lot of Republicans falling apart before our very eyes. Like a cult of some sort.
Rossi is a newbie, he can run agaist Gregoire again in 4 years, or take out Brad Owen as lieutenant gov…. all is not gone. You have a rising star compared to Ellen or John.
Zip why don’t you zip it! Christine is a Democrat with a backbone–the rest of them are pretty much wimps! I’d say that Rossi is going to lose now, and his side of the isle is running scared. Since errors have been found on the part of the state election officials (King County is not the only county that made some pretty hefty mistakes) doesn’t this mean the Demos don’t have to pay for the recount? The public’s support of government has sunk lower because of government’s actions not because of Christine’s. How can we have an election process that is as screwed up as ours is, and I mean across the whole state! Eyman Smyman, Timmy is in his death throws, or his latest initiatives would not have failed, people are tired of paying less taxes in order to receive less services.
Motorhomeman, I’m sick of you positive gurus, have to put a positive spin on everything or you criticize it, talk about negativity! If we weren’t against things we’d never change what’s wrong with our lives. Oooh, smoking is good, it keeps the mosquitoes away!!! Duh, Duh, Duh.
Now why do you ask Thinker to leave? I want him/her to think about what his/her tax money is used to do in King County. Since Thinker wants to withhold their taxes, so they can stay home because they won’t be able to get anywhere on the highways, so they can’t check any books out at the library, so the fire truck won’t come, so the police won’t answer their calls, and everything will keep spiraling downward because their education system’s lacks funding, making the taxes paid less and less because people are not educated well enough to get good paying jobs. Some people are so selfish that they cut their own throats. God will getcha in the end.
If Gregoire wins- Dems are refunded their $730,000, state pays the cost. I have assumed some good old numbers/elections folk mapped the count we just saw before they told the party to spend.
Not Excel work, and not Voodoo with lots of elector savy and experience in this stae.
See you there. Sure you can buy me a beer, or maybe the Dems march will result in some arrests. That’d be a shame. I hear while the Dems. are busy trying to make new law in all this shit, that there’s also a new proposal for a law banning sore losers in public. Thanks. See you there.
we need wimps in office, our politicioans have immense power, we do not need some thick though guy telling us what to do, and not being fraid to ttreat us badly, we need wimps, like fdr and truman, we do not need a m,ussolini, or a rnie, or a idi amin, or a pol pot,. or a scum like thaty