It’s so awesome how we continue to get petulant lectures (from the people who nearly destroyed capitalism) about how capitalism should be. They drove us off a cliff, and now they’re complaining about the airbags.
Waste Management and Allied Waste say they’ll continue service if a strike is called.
“We’re committed to hammering out an agreement,” Waste Management spokeswoman Jackie Lang said of the contract talks. “In the meantime, we are working on the details of our contingency plan to take care of our customers. We have an opportunity to call in a large and highly trained group of waste-management professionals to help.”
Fuck you libtards! We don’t need your fucking stinky unions!!!!
Alki Postingsspews:
@1 Yeah! We don’t need any STUPID people actually DOING the jobs! We just need 8 layers of useless do nothing middle management. Bored dumb yuppies with no actual skills or ability to do anything other than get setup in a job daddy provided for them. Stupid workers, actually “making” things and “doing the job”. WHO needs them!
Strikes are part OF capitalism. So are unions dude. Get a clue. I know those pesky stupid annoying “employees” get in the way of you sitting in your office staring out the window and planning lunch, but sometimes they come in handy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So Jon somehow has come to the convoluted, pot-induced belief that Oba-MaoCare is an airbag??
Let’s see, SS and Medicare are underfunded by $101 TRILLION. Don’t you think Jon that giving current voters free shit and kicking the can to future generations is at least a bit of a problem??
Americans have awaken to Oba-Maoism.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
New numbers released this morning show that 54% favor repeal of the recently passed health care plan. That’s virtually unchanged from a week ago. The data also shows that 50% now believe passage of the law was bad for the country. While many if official Washington consider the Tea Party movement to be a fringe element of society, voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party than to Congress. Voters also tend to see the Tea Party Members as better informed and more ethical than Congress.
You Atheist Progressive KLOWNS cannot even connect 2 simple dots and realize that mocking & ridiculing the Tea Party is sealing your fate. This is why I call y’all KLOWNS. All angry, mouthy BS…no common sense.
Too late now.
The die is cast.
Angry/rip on those that disagree with those in power is stupidity. That’s what you KLOWNS are doing. Hardly a leadership style that will bear fruit.
Saul Alinsky tells you how to gain power.
RETAINING it is another story.
You failed to make the transition from out-of-power to power. Admit it. The polls clearly show it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Jon–
Here is what Americans think about Oba-Maoism!!
Take heed.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just 27% of U.S. voters now think the United States will still be the most powerful nation in the world at the end of the 21st century, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s down eight points from the previous survey in February.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) say America will not be the most powerful nation at the end of the century, and another 35% are not sure.
I see. You’re taking away our freedoms for our own good?
Troll, the communist fascists will take away your kittens and puppies also too.
ps. Can the word freedom really be pluralized?
Unkl Witzspews:
Meanwhile, the Dow is headed to break 11,000 this week.
Somebody seems to be optimistic.
Damn, it’s like one has to be a braindead, asswipe KLOWN to be a Republican these days.
So… why do Republicans love the French, and hate American companies and workers?
In an article discussing the potential that EADS/Airbus might STILL put together a bid on the 767 tanker program:
“Another change that could help EADS would be a Republican takeover of Congress this fall, Thompson said. “I know for a fact that this has been discussed inside of EADS.”
EADS, which would assemble its tanker in Mobile, Ala., has more allies among Republicans than Democrats.”
Now, before somebody points out that the proposed AEDS assembly site in Mobile would use American workers, let’s point out that the major assembly work for the EADS tanker would be conducted in France, and only the refueling systems would be installed in Mobile. For political consumption EADS is saying that this is only temporary and the Mobile facilities would become the primary final assembly point as future aircraft are manufactured. But our sources in France say that EADS is assuring the French unions (who are considerably more militant than U.S. unions), that the opposite is true – after the first few tankers are completed, the entire assmbly process will be returned to Toulouse in a “cost-cutting” move, after it is too late for the U.S. to do much about it.
In contrast, the 767 major assembly would be done in Everett, Washington, and then flown to Wichita for the installation of the tanker systems.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The central problem of Troglodyte Conservatives is they never examine the basic assumptions underlying their arguments. This is a problem, because if your assumptions are wrong, so are all of your conclusions. And that’s exactly the position that conservatives have put themselves in, and are trying to drag the rest of us into.
I’m reading a book called “The Value Of Nothing” by Raj Patel, which I highly recommend to my liberal friends, because it’ll get you thinking about the basic assumptions of society — and their lack of immutability. Of course, I can only provide an excerpt here, so you’ll see where the author takes you.
“That markets know best is a relatively recent article of faith, and it took a great deal of ideological and political work to make it part of governments’ conventional wisdom. That markets are smart found its apotheosis in the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, an idea first formulated by Eugene Mama, a Ph.D. student in the University of Chicago Business School in the 1960s. … The problem with the Efficient Markets Hypothesis is that it doesn’t work. … Markets can behave irrationally …. Despite ample economic evidence to suggest it was false, the idea of efficient markets ran riot through governments.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The EMT is, of course, what underpins conservative arguments that regulation is both unnecessary and harmful — a notion the Great Depression should have proved false for all time. Patel follows up with this:
“[T]he rhetoric of ‘free markets’ camouflages activities that aren’t about markets at all. Goldman Sachs employees are doing well because their firm turned some decidedly nonmarket tricks. Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi has recently revealed … how Goldman Sachs has bought the U.S. government. [Patel specifically and pointedly includes the Obama administration in this assertion.] … Anyone concerned with democracy should be worried that the seam between Wall Street and the government is almost invisible.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After blowing away the first big conservative shibboleth about how economies work, the author takes on the next one, pricing of goods and services:
“In 1920, two German professors, Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche, caused a sensation with the publication of their Permission for the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life. They presented an argument for killing ‘incurable idiots, empty human husks, useless eaters, whose ballast lives’ might be jettisoned so as to allow the nation to soar ever higher. They clinched their argument with an extended calculation of the cost of care, which they summed up as ‘a massive capital in the form of foodstuffs, clothing and heating, which is being subtracted from the national product for entirely unproductive purposes.’ Their calculus was impeccable but their conclusions were repugnant.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I’m sure you can see where this is going — this line of reasoning leads you straight to the Holocaust and to Republican arguments for letting the ‘free market’ determine who gets medical care. Patel continues,
“The immediate objection to this is that it’s horrifying to put a price on human life. Yet governments and corporations routinely do exactly this …. Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes estimated the cost of American lives lost in the Iraq War by using a standard U.S. governmental and actuarial figure of $7.2 million per life as part of their calculation of the total costs of the war to the United States: in excess of $3 trillion. Applying just that valuation of human life to Iraq, the cost of the war to Iraqi civilians is $8.6 trillion. There’s still something rather unsavory about this, even if no one is actually suggesting trading a human life for $7 million. But Professors Binding and Hoce took it a step further. They suggested that not all human life is worth the same, and that society as a whole could save money by killing the mentally ill. Finally, they proposed that the full force of the government should be put behind their recommendations. All of this, of course, provided the intellectual foundations for Nazism, but the practice of turning people into commodities whose lives might be bought or extinguished according to profit isn’t unique to National Socialism. Most of Europe and the United States have profited from slavery in one form or another. Times have, however, changed, and although human trafficking is widespread in the twenty-first century, … there are few parts of the world where the notion is still favorably entertained. …
“The history of slavery shows not only that the set of things allowed into markets can change but also that decrees establishing what belongs in markets can be revoked. Once, slavery was allowed. Now it isn’t. In other words, there is nothing natural about buying and selling things for profit, and allowing markets to determine their value. Before commodities can be bought and sold, they have to become objects that people think can be bought or sold. Most of the things that we buy and sell weren’t always commodities in the way we understand them today — land, music, labor, care, people and food once had a much more ambiguous status. These things became commodities through complicated and layered processes, to be exchanged in markets with very specific attributes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is mind-blowing stuff. It has been hard for us to see what Patel sees clearly, because most of us have always lived inside the box of American market capitalism thinking. Once you break free of that confined viewpoint, two things become clear: First, that the commoditization of such things as labor (which managers now regard as merely another economic input on the same plane as, say, raw material or energy) and health care — things which have intrinsic human values and importance — is neither natural, moral, nor inevitable; and second, that we should never allow conservatives to frame the debate over issues involving intrinsic human values in market or economic terms, because when you do, you are already conceding points that never should be conceded — e.g., killing human “ballast” is repugnant and wrong, allowing businesses to treat their workers as numerical ciphers is not socially acceptable, and commoditizing health care is no more moral than slavery or human trafficking.
We liberals have been far too willing to allow our intellectual opponents to frame policy debates in terms that should not only be questioned but rejected. Read this book to get your head out of the intellectual box that we’ve all — through no fault of our own — been stuck in. Buy it from the bookstore of your choice, or check it out of your local public library, but read it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
erratum: “an idea first formulated by Eugene Mama, a Ph.D. student in the University of Chicago Business School in the 1960s. … ”
Should be “Eugene Fama”
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 9: “Damn, it’s like one has to be a braindead, asswipe KLOWN to be a Republican these days.”
They’ve really set the entrance standards at a high level, haven’t they?
Hey, Cynny,
I don’t want to miss this opportunity to mock and belittle the Teabaggers. Did I forget to mention that I think it’s a “movement” that will last about 15 seconds composed of racist, mindless haters who really have no clue what they want?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Also, in “It has been hard for us to see what Patel sees clearly, because most of us have always lived inside the box of American market capitalism thinking,” change that to “American market capitalist thought.” I couldn’t get these corrections in before the edit function timed out.
Yeah, I know that was a long post, but I believe every word of it is worth reading, which is why I posted it.
When I first read the paragraphs I’ve quoted above, I was immediately struck by relevant this is to the debate over health care. The author literally tells us what’s wrong with the way Republicans, Tea Partiers, conservative media pundits, and HA’s trolls have sought to frame the health care debate. He blows them completely out of the water.
@1 Yeah! We don’t need any STUPID people actually DOING the jobs! We just need 8 layers of useless do nothing middle management. Bored dumb yuppies with no actual skills or ability to do anything other than get setup in a job daddy provided for them. Stupid workers, actually “making” things and “doing the job”. WHO needs them!
If I read the statement by WM spokesmodel Lang correctly, those “8 layers of useless do nothing middle management” are going to be driving garbage trucks and emptying trash bins come April.
Finally doing something to earn their pay! I just hope they actually have sufficient skills to do the work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “Fuck you libtards! We don’t need your fucking stinky unions!!!!”
Right. Bury your garbage in the backyard or drive it down to Oregon, ‘cuze our “fucking stinky unions” ain’t gonna take whatever managements feel like dishing out to them, so you ain’t gettin’ no garbage pickup until the workers get a fair contract. “Fuck you” back at ya! You have no entitlement to the garbage workers’ labor; either buy it on their terms, or make do without it.
We’re not gonna allow our labor to be commoditized anymore! We’re human beings and insist on being treated as human beings! See #11 above.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barrack Hussein Oba-Mao’s terrorist rehabilitation program SUCKS!!
Prior to his release in December, Abdul Hafiz was Prisoner Number 1030 at Guantanamo Bay. Now, less than four months later, he’s back home in Afghanistan and working for the Taliban — just the latest of more than 100 released detainees who have returned to terrorism, according to the Pentagon.
Hafiz, suspected in the March 2003 kidnapping and murder of an International Red Cross worker, was the “Taliban head of all Madrassas … responsible for recruiting and sending young men to fight for the Taliban,” according to U.S. government memos. He was said to have maintained contacts for Mullah Mohammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban of Afghanistan, and to have admitted to participating in jihad against the Soviets
Be nice to the terrorists and they will be nice to us??? Naive, stoopid BS!
Do you ever do any research before you post? The guy is no leftist. He is an antisemitic lunatic. Were you born this dumb, or have you just worked at it all your life?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
13. proud leftist spews:
Hey, Cynny,
I don’t want to miss this opportunity to mock and belittle the Teabaggers. Did I forget to mention that I think it’s a “movement” that will last about 15 seconds composed of racist, mindless haters who really have no clue what they want?
No problem pl.
You know…funny thing.., Martha Coakley, Corzine and the Democrat Governor Candidate in Virginia all thought the same thing!!
And the more you repeat the DailyKos/HuffPo/Axelrod talking points, the stronger the movement gets for the simple reason belittling those not in power doesn’t work when Americans have such a low opinion of Congress and Oba-Mao.
You folks clearly are klueless about how to retain power. Being mean-spirited works when you are in the minority…but not when you are in control
But then, you don’t want to get it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Norman Leboon, 38, was accused of making the threat in a video on YouTube in which he said, “You receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads,” according to an FBI affidavit accompanying the charge
Isn’t “Leboon” Philly lingo for KLOWNstein???
Goldy loves guys who threaten and fire bullets!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Proud Goatist farts…
Do you ever do any research before you post? The guy is no leftist. He is an antisemitic lunatic. Were you born this dumb, or have you just worked at it all your life?
Puddy Dumb? Hardly Proud Goatist. What’s wrong Proud Goatist? See some of your latest commentary in this lunatic’s YouTube rants? Strike home right into the Proud Goatist heart? HAHAHAHAHA
Antisemitic lunatic? Just like Proud Goatist. What’s wrong Proud Goatist? Trying to run away from one of your lunatic leftist progressives? That’s what you all are. You all hate Israel. Just like this lunatic. You all also hate Republicans. Just like this lunatic. We “neo-cons” like Israel.
Nuff SAID Sucka.
arschloch add this to your Nuff SAID Sucka (1..31).each {|i|
puts i
eval(”cols ‘-r –sort=datetime -f=c -c=datetime:strbw~2008-01-#{sprintf(”%02d”,i)},handle:matches~*puddybud* –count’”)
} formulae feckless fool!
Watch some libtardo copy and yank something from this post and try to look intelligent.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Hey Proud Goatist…
Imagine if arson hit Nancy Pelosi’s Church? You’d be on this blog along with other HA libtardo screaming your finger raw. Well it didn’t happen, because
1) Does Nancy Pelosi attend church?
2) Will a pastor accept her with her baby killing stance?
3) Will a pastor accept her with her continual breaking of the Ninth Commandment?
proud leftistspews:
Yikes, Puddy, time to pop your pill. Even an old veteran at interpreting your rantings like me can’t make sense of that post.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Oh poor Proud Goatist… why is it when facts appear your head explodes? Your progressive bud Leboon was another of your types. Facts hurt libtardo minds. Maybe you should take the red pill Proud Goatist?
BTW Goatist did you find the Professor Darryl facts post yet you failed to understand? Puddy gave you a heads up where to look. Did your leetle mind get tired? Did you ask the arschloch?
Since hardly anyone watches CNN anymore they have to leak sensitive info to draw viewers in…
Documents provided to CNN detail sensitive information that contractors gathered, including word of a meeting between Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother and Mullah Baradar, a top Taliban leader who was arrested weeks later in Pakistan. At another meeting with Taliban commanders, an audio message from the reclusive leader Mullah Omar was played, in which he directed who would lead operations after a key member was captured. Another document details the comings and goings at a safe house in Kabul, Afghanistan, used by suspected members of the Haqqani insurgent network.”
Now with Barbara Starr blabbing all this out… the safe house has been cleaned and disinfected. Omar will use other means to communicate. Karzai will now have to meet underground.
What a tard those CNN loons are. Butt now they are on the same side as the preznit.
proud leftistspews:
I’m stunned. Could it be that the party of fiscal responsibility can’t even control its own spending, even throwing money at a lesbian-themed nightclub?
There goes Proud Goatist again… Puddy places facts and The Goatist conflates Bible scripture with the facts.
Proud Goatist, your leftist buds discount the Bible as the Real McCoy of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. They claim it’s a bunch of stories and fables. So how can you use it in a “right mind” being a progressive Proud Goatist?
Another libtardo head explodes.
proud leftistspews:
Jesus was a leftist, Puddy.
Chris Stefanspews:
FWIW Pelosi is Catholic. Though if the church hierarchy came out condemning her they don’t exactly have the moral high-ground at the moment.
Unkl Witzspews:
Puddy says:
“Proud Goatist, your leftist buds discount the Bible as the Real McCoy of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. They claim it’s a bunch of stories and fables.”
We also say it’s a bunch of intelligible nonsense that simply cannot be reconciled as a coherent body of thoughts.
That’s why we just don’t give much credibility to folks like yourself who go around telling us it’s the revealed word of an an almighty, all knowing and all beneficent creator of the universe.
But also Puddy, it doesn’t help your case to go around childishly calling everyone names if you don’t agree with them.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Auntie Witless… Awwww poor poor dude. Proud Goatist has peeps like you to jockstrap is “cause”. The Bible is not a
bunch of intelligible nonsense
as you call it. This is where Puddy takes issue with Proud Goatist. He loves to “use” Bible verses but won’t defend the Bible when fools like yourself denigrate it. This is the problem Proud Goatist has with his “beliefs”.
Someday you’ll regret those anti-Bible words unless you repent and claim Jesus as your savior. As Puddy said before, when Jesus comes in His Father’s glory you’ll say Oops… Puddy was right!
Unkl Witzspews:
Savior from WHAT Puddy, folks like you?
Folks like the “Christian” militia in Michigan?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Proud Goatist farted
Jesus was a leftist
If so then where was his sermon on aborting babies abrogating thou shalt not kill? Or His sermon approving gay marriage abrogating His Father’s commands on same sex sex? Where was His sermon on the Roman government giving to the Jewish Poor? Jesus wouldn’t have preached on the wheat and the tares Proud Goatist. Jesus would have kept Lazurus dead and the lady with her 18 year period would have had to continually suffer because Mary, Martha and the period lady didn’t pay enough taxes to qualify for a miracle. If Jesus was a lefty Jesus would have told the centurion his faith was worthless. If Jesus was a lefty he would have told Jairus sorry but you didn’t pay enough taxes so your daughter will stay dead.
Why would Jesus need disciples Proud Goatist? Some of them left their parents. Who would take care of their parents? The Roman Government? Hmmm…?
Or Jesus would make everyone rich right? He would take from the Romans and give it all to the poor is Jesus was a lefty Proud Goatist.
Jesus would have never said “I and my Father are One”.
Unkl Witzspews:
How do ya know he did or didn’t say all that Puddy?
Cuz the Bible “told me so”?
proud leftistspews:
Please cite the verse to me where abortion is mentioned. Also, please cite a verse mentioning a woman’s miscarriage and the funeral that followed. Please take your time and be thorough.
Unkl Witzspews:
Talking with you is like arguing with a little child, a very unhappy, unpleasant little child.
You just can’t bring yourself to stop calling people names, and your knowledge of the Bible is very shallow.
Maybe you should try stamping your feet.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 38
A little follow-up to my post at 40–
I’d like you also to cite the verses where Christ says:
-go forth to foreign lands and launch wars
-plunder and desecrate this earth for corporate gain
-execute your prisoners
-waterboard those in your custody
-deny health care to those children who cannot afford it
-do not pay your taxes for all taxes are evil
-handguns are holy.
That’s all for now. Again, don’t feel rushed. You’re going to need some time to complete this assignment.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Auntie Witless,
You mean those lunatics called the Hutaree? They wanted to kill police right Auntie Witless? Peeps who think right don’t want to kill police. Usually that type of thinking is reserved for your buds who used to say “Kill The Pigs” and they weren’t discussing bovine animals either.
Unkl Witzspews:
Speaking of thou shalt not kill, neither the many Gods of the Old Testament, nor the Christians of the New Testament have any problem with killing and doing it on a fairly grand scale. And they make no distinction between innocent and guilty, old or young, men or women. Literally millions have been slain through the ages without a word of protest from the Bible Thumpers.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
A little follow-up to my post at 40–
I’d like you also to cite the verses where Christ says:
Uhhhhhhhhhhh NOPE. You prove your negative. You postulated Jesus was a liberal. Puddy quotes Bible texts where Jesus said “I and my Father are One”. The God of Heaven and His Son are of like mind Proud Goatist.
Puddy also notices Proud Goatist still won’t take Auntie Witless to task.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Talking with you is like arguing with a little child, a very unhappy, unpleasant little child.
Trying to converse with Auntie Witless is like talking to a brick or cinder block. Your voice bounces off and there is no actual response from the inanimate object… Auntie Witless. Puddy very happy. It’s a know fact Christians are happier than libtardo progressives Auntie Witless. Also we give more from our hearts than progressive libtardos.
Hutaree is a militant group based in Adrian, Michigan. According to their website, Hutaree means “Christian soldier”.[1] The members say they are preparing for battle with the Anti-Christ. On March 28, 2010, seven people were arrested for allegedly selling pipe bombs in Michigan, Ohio and Hammond, Indiana.[2][3] [4][5][6] A spokesman for Michiganmilitia [Dot] com, Mike Lackomar, said he was told that “FBI targeted the Hutaree after its members made threats of violence against Islamic organizations.”
Sounds like they’ve been reading Pajamas Media, Red State, Powerline and other “stink right” websites.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Auntie Witless,
Martin Luther came out against the indulgences of the Roman Catholic church of the Middle Ages. Butt then again you don’t comprehend historical facts.
Unkl Witzspews:
Yep, them’s the ones I’m talking about Puddy. They are hardly new or different from the long line of religious wackos who always seem quick to conclude that they are more than justified to kill in the name of their God. And as near as I can tell, the Christians are the worst of the lot of those religious wackos.
Just wanted to point out the company you keep Puddy.
Unkl Witzspews:
“It’s a know fact Christians are happier than libtardo progressives Auntie Witless. Also we give more from our hearts than progressive libtardos.”
Ask the arschloch… Go to his blog. He’s remind you of the facts…
See ya
The Prosecution Rests!
Unkl Witzspews:
” Puddy very happy”
Then why do you sound so angry, say you sad, and call everyone mean names?
Here is the latest republican national committee attempts to promote family values and win back the electorate after the 2008 debacle: RNC spends on topless clubs and limos
In short Puddy, why do you sound like the typical Right Wing Christian?
Is it any wonder we don’t believe the hypocrites in the republican party when they go on about family values?
These are the people that Puddy supports:
Finance documents show that the Republican National Committee spent nearly $2,000 last month at “a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.”
Yup, that is the republican family values platform.
At least they’re not picking on children like Mark Foley and the Catholic Church
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Hey arschloch…
4 YLB @ 8,678
You forgot to add all the For The Clueless and the Max Rotatansky is a racist posts and others like the copied HA links. That should vault you really close to THE DUMB BUNNY!
63 – LMAO!!! Again you can’t read… Here I’ll quote myself:
Commenter’s various aliases are not yet factored in. Steve might be several different “Steves”. (And the HNMT is a particularly nasty case.) It’s going to require quite a bit of study. And I first have to do some qa on the collection process as a whole. So this post will be updated as the picture gets clearer..
Believe me, your variations on your handle together with your sockpuppets bring your number WAY up.. Not as much as Roger but shit I wouldn’t be surprised otherwise..
One day… But for right now?
You’re a definite #2…
Unkl Witzspews:
There ya go with the names again Puddy.
and HUMMM…. you were quick to defend Mark Foley, the formerly prominent Republican Congressman, ….
but no mention of the Catholic Church (?).
Unkl Witzspews:
Some things are indefensible
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Those who visit strip clubs are not the ones Puddy supports.
Butt of course you all skip over the $10K DNC disclosure over their visit to Josephine’s. Hmmm…?
Unkl Witzspews:
Wrong Link Pudd, no big disclosure in there, just the normal stuff.
Nice try though
Unkl Witzspews:
Ya gotta love ol’ Pudd though. He comes on here every day and just gets his teeth kicked in and then ridiculed mercilessly.
How does he do it?
“Steve might be several different “Steves”.”
There’s the occasional poster dropping in now and then using “Steve” as a screen name. As for myself, it’s the only screen name I use here.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Exactly arschloch. How many thousands of For the Clueless are there? Seems to be missing data which should vault you to number 2.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Auntie Witz, it’s the right link fool! The DNC supplied it. Talk about moronic posts.
So who’s teeth were just rearranged?
1008 Vermont Ave NW
Those who visit strip clubs are not the ones Puddy supports.
Nice to know you don’t have anything left in the tank for “the cow on the tracks”..
Unkl Witzspews:
“who’s teeth got rearranged?”
your’s I guess.
A – Going to Josephine’s is not that big a deal.
B – Dems don’t go around touting their ‘Christian’ morals and then sneak off for an affair with a staffer or whomever, ya know, like Newt did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “I’m stunned. Could it be that the party of fiscal responsibility can’t even control its own spending, even throwing money at a lesbian-themed nightclub?”
Don’t you know that Republicans’ forte is spending other people’s money on kinky sex?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “Be nice to the terrorists and they will be nice to us??? Naive, stoopid BS!”
Uh, I think this is more like what passes for naive, stoopid BS, Klownface: Threatening a federal judge because Michelle Malkin told you to. You can always count on the Idiot Class that listens to the Republicans’ mouthpieces to behave like … um … terrorists.
Hell, even Tucker Carlson thinks Republicans are freaky.
“Our questions remain: Why did the committee spend more than $17,000 on private jets in the month of February? How and why was RNC business conducted in a bondage-themed nightclub, and how and why were the nearly $2,000 in charges that resulted approved by RNC staff?”
33. proud leftist spews: “Jesus was a leftist, Puddy.”
I dunno about that, pl. I’m sure Jesus would rather be partying with Republicans at a bondage-themed nightclub.*
* heh- Just kidding. I’m pretty sure Jesus isn’t into bondage like those freaky Republicans.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
First Auntie Witless you claimed Puddy posted the wrong link. Proved how witless you are auntie. Then after your teeth were kicked in… you changed your tune.
Typical so typical!
A – Going to Josephine’s is not that big a deal.
Of course not. See below…
B – Dems don’t go around touting ANY morals. Instead they excuse immoral behavior all the time
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
FtC?? 2,792…
You forgot all your hateful named troll names you admitted using and all the linked names.
After a hard day of being the Messiah and all…I mean who WOULDN’T want to get their freak on with the Chairman of the Republican Party.
83 – I forget nothing fiend.. I’m fully aware of my posting history here..
Unlike you who seems to want to hide from it.
Sorry you remain stuck at..
And it fits!
Max Rockatanskyspews:
you can bet that when rujax and ylb go out for drinks together, there will be at least one black church thats been tagged or had its windows busted out….
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Who’s stuck at #2 fool. Puddy takes on all libtardo fools such as you arschloch, the dumb brick.
Your other handle variations and the sockpuppets I know about amount to:
Grand total: 26,431. And there’s bound to be more!
half witzspews:
Meanwhile, the Dow is headed to break 11,000 this week. Somebody seems to be optimistic.
The insurance companies are optimistic. Thanks to Obama, Inc’s leveraged buy-out, Big Insurance makes out like bandits right up to the moment they’re nationalized via single payer. Too bad there’s no money to pay the payers.
Unless, to repeat, we inflate, run creative accounting like a son of a bitch, tax beyond the max, or shift all military spending to Medicare. (Except that, as Medved said today, you could expunge every defense dollar at this very minute and still have the worst deficits ever.)
Tip: Short sanity and go long on default options.
hey little sister what have you done?spews:
Enough with the feckless, already.
ent in seattlespews:
Yes, thanks, we know about 11/11/11/1918. And even about the false armistice. But if WWII deaths (~290,000) are adjusted to a monumental 400,000 on a monument, then 1919 deaths from flu contracted at Ft. Riley in 1918 or on a post-armistice troop ship should, perhaps, be padded to the total.
“In 1920, two German professors, Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche, caused a sensation with the publication of their Permission for the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life. They presented an argument for killing ‘incurable idiots, empty human husks, useless eaters, whose ballast lives’ might be jettisoned so as to allow the nation to soar ever higher. They clinched their argument with an extended calculation of the cost of care, which they summed up as ‘a massive capital in the form of foodstuffs, clothing and heating, which is being subtracted from the national product for entirely unproductive purposes.’ Their calculus was impeccable but their conclusions were repugnant.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I’m sure you can see where this is going — this line of reasoning leads you straight to the Holocaust and to Republican arguments for letting the ‘free market’ determine who gets medical care.
Here we go again: Your proto-Nazis were using arguments then fashionable among progressives (such as Sanger and Woodrow Wilson) in America.
Oliver Wendel Holmes in Buck v. Bell, 1927, presented a useful summary of US progressive eugenics, and a paraphrase of Binding and Hoche.
My peeps prefer Heckler & Koch.
my rabbi roger rabbispews:
That markets know best is a relatively recent article of faith, and it took a great deal of ideological and political work to make it part of governments’ conventional wisdom.
The problem with the U of Chicago’s Efficient Market hypothesis of the 1960s is that our last free market had been crippled by the New Deal in 1933. That was the free market for ag commodities.
Dwight Macdonald, a Trotskyist for all seasons, demonstrated in his 1947/48 book about Henry Wallace that FDR’s AAA supplanted the social costs of a free market in agriculture with the social costs of centralized inefficiency. Am prepared to explain what I mean until the, um, cows come home.
Let’s just say for now that Michael Pollan’s little paean (in Omnivore’s Dilemma) to New Deal farm policy is organic fertilizer from EkimikE’s barnyard.
(Macdonald, by the way, went from Henry Luce’s Fortune to Trotsky to being a conservative anarchist. Great writer from beginning to end.)
Troglodyte Conservativespews:
The problem with Uptyte Seattleyte Liberals is that they assume the lack of precise price efficiency in markets (Stiglitz showed that markets are skewed because information is not created equal and is asymmetric) somehow means that a system without markets must be efficient or effective by default. Hence the metastasis of government.
Although market prices are imperfect quanta of information, even imperfect or asymmetric information aids decisions across most of the relevant range we live in. Government, mostly impervious to prices, uses balances of power and coercion to frame decisions.
But let’s not kid ourselves: If impersonal markets can commodify values and persons that should not be sold, then centralized authority can commodify values and persons by fiat. That’s a lesson we should have learned from National Socialism. And Soviet Socialism. And Mao. And Castro. And Pol Pot. And Kim il Sung.
Capitalism without God turns daughters into commodities, as Putin’s Russia demonstrates. But Russia without God and capitalism was an empire of slaves and corpses.
And although Cuba seems to give health care without markets, Fidel Castro took his acute intestinal crisis elsewhere.
And, as we baggers say, if you think health care is expensive now, with only half the market dominated by government, just wait until health care is nationalized and free.
is that our last free market had been crippled by the New Deal in 1933.
Wow free markets were really working well for people right up to when Roosevelt was elected..
Hoover lost what? 30 percent of GDP?
Which explains why Bernanke and Geithner and yes, Hank Paulson ran the printing presses into overdrive – to keep that from happening.
Troglodyte Conservativespews:
is that our last free market had been crippled by the New Deal in 1933.
Here’s the quote: “(W)ithin two months AAA had gone through Congress. The last great free-market sector of the American economy had come under State control.” – Dwight Macdonald, Henry Wallace, 1947/48, page 45.
About Wallace, Macdonald wrote that “an honest crop statistician (became) a fisher in the muddy waters of Stalinism.”
Neither Macdonald nor I pretend that the free ag market worked well. Unlike Pollan, Macdonald shows with proof that FDR’s centralized AAA made many ag problems worse.
GDP: Think it was GNP back then, but, like you, I tend to mix ’em up.
Monday Bigot Bible Study Bingospews:
For GBS: In 1960, the group Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State came out against a Catholic for president.
Blame Reaganspews:
“The tax legislation proposed by John F. Kennedy finally and forever threw away the ‘theology of the budget’ and accepted a budget which was more like a compass indicating govt directions than a bookkeeping balance sheet of income and outgo. … now was a good time to cut taxes for everybody. … Kennedy’s revenue proposals slipped the leash on budgetary dogmas and a hundred years of Puritan ethics applied to money: budgets need not balance!”
– Theodore White, In Search of History, page 593 – 594.
Rich John Kennedy reduced the tax rate of the rich from 91% to 70%. His tax cuts were passed by Congress in 1964.
GBS: For a new car behind curtain #3, tell us how JFK’s tax cuts can be blamed on President Reagan.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Puh-lease. Keep it cummin fool. You are so feckless and useless!
Garbage strike set, customers to be unaffected
Fuck you libtards! We don’t need your fucking stinky unions!!!!
@1 Yeah! We don’t need any STUPID people actually DOING the jobs! We just need 8 layers of useless do nothing middle management. Bored dumb yuppies with no actual skills or ability to do anything other than get setup in a job daddy provided for them. Stupid workers, actually “making” things and “doing the job”. WHO needs them!
Strikes are part OF capitalism. So are unions dude. Get a clue. I know those pesky stupid annoying “employees” get in the way of you sitting in your office staring out the window and planning lunch, but sometimes they come in handy.
So Jon somehow has come to the convoluted, pot-induced belief that Oba-MaoCare is an airbag??
Let’s see, SS and Medicare are underfunded by $101 TRILLION. Don’t you think Jon that giving current voters free shit and kicking the can to future generations is at least a bit of a problem??
Americans have awaken to Oba-Maoism.
Monday, March 29, 2010
You Atheist Progressive KLOWNS cannot even connect 2 simple dots and realize that mocking & ridiculing the Tea Party is sealing your fate. This is why I call y’all KLOWNS. All angry, mouthy BS…no common sense.
Too late now.
The die is cast.
Angry/rip on those that disagree with those in power is stupidity. That’s what you KLOWNS are doing. Hardly a leadership style that will bear fruit.
Saul Alinsky tells you how to gain power.
RETAINING it is another story.
You failed to make the transition from out-of-power to power. Admit it. The polls clearly show it.
Hey Jon–
Here is what Americans think about Oba-Maoism!!
Take heed.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Oh dear Mr. Cynical! We’re doooooooooooooomed!
Good thing those militias got our back.
I see. You’re taking away our freedoms for our own good?
Troll, the communist fascists will take away your kittens and puppies also too.
ps. Can the word freedom really be pluralized?
Meanwhile, the Dow is headed to break 11,000 this week.
Somebody seems to be optimistic.
Damn, it’s like one has to be a braindead, asswipe KLOWN to be a Republican these days.
So… why do Republicans love the French, and hate American companies and workers?
In an article discussing the potential that EADS/Airbus might STILL put together a bid on the 767 tanker program:
Analyst: EADS tanker bid unlikely
Now, before somebody points out that the proposed AEDS assembly site in Mobile would use American workers, let’s point out that the major assembly work for the EADS tanker would be conducted in France, and only the refueling systems would be installed in Mobile. For political consumption EADS is saying that this is only temporary and the Mobile facilities would become the primary final assembly point as future aircraft are manufactured. But our sources in France say that EADS is assuring the French unions (who are considerably more militant than U.S. unions), that the opposite is true – after the first few tankers are completed, the entire assmbly process will be returned to Toulouse in a “cost-cutting” move, after it is too late for the U.S. to do much about it.
In contrast, the 767 major assembly would be done in Everett, Washington, and then flown to Wichita for the installation of the tanker systems.
The central problem of Troglodyte Conservatives is they never examine the basic assumptions underlying their arguments. This is a problem, because if your assumptions are wrong, so are all of your conclusions. And that’s exactly the position that conservatives have put themselves in, and are trying to drag the rest of us into.
I’m reading a book called “The Value Of Nothing” by Raj Patel, which I highly recommend to my liberal friends, because it’ll get you thinking about the basic assumptions of society — and their lack of immutability. Of course, I can only provide an excerpt here, so you’ll see where the author takes you.
“That markets know best is a relatively recent article of faith, and it took a great deal of ideological and political work to make it part of governments’ conventional wisdom. That markets are smart found its apotheosis in the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, an idea first formulated by Eugene Mama, a Ph.D. student in the University of Chicago Business School in the 1960s. … The problem with the Efficient Markets Hypothesis is that it doesn’t work. … Markets can behave irrationally …. Despite ample economic evidence to suggest it was false, the idea of efficient markets ran riot through governments.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The EMT is, of course, what underpins conservative arguments that regulation is both unnecessary and harmful — a notion the Great Depression should have proved false for all time. Patel follows up with this:
“[T]he rhetoric of ‘free markets’ camouflages activities that aren’t about markets at all. Goldman Sachs employees are doing well because their firm turned some decidedly nonmarket tricks. Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi has recently revealed … how Goldman Sachs has bought the U.S. government. [Patel specifically and pointedly includes the Obama administration in this assertion.] … Anyone concerned with democracy should be worried that the seam between Wall Street and the government is almost invisible.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After blowing away the first big conservative shibboleth about how economies work, the author takes on the next one, pricing of goods and services:
“In 1920, two German professors, Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche, caused a sensation with the publication of their Permission for the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life. They presented an argument for killing ‘incurable idiots, empty human husks, useless eaters, whose ballast lives’ might be jettisoned so as to allow the nation to soar ever higher. They clinched their argument with an extended calculation of the cost of care, which they summed up as ‘a massive capital in the form of foodstuffs, clothing and heating, which is being subtracted from the national product for entirely unproductive purposes.’ Their calculus was impeccable but their conclusions were repugnant.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I’m sure you can see where this is going — this line of reasoning leads you straight to the Holocaust and to Republican arguments for letting the ‘free market’ determine who gets medical care. Patel continues,
“The immediate objection to this is that it’s horrifying to put a price on human life. Yet governments and corporations routinely do exactly this …. Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes estimated the cost of American lives lost in the Iraq War by using a standard U.S. governmental and actuarial figure of $7.2 million per life as part of their calculation of the total costs of the war to the United States: in excess of $3 trillion. Applying just that valuation of human life to Iraq, the cost of the war to Iraqi civilians is $8.6 trillion. There’s still something rather unsavory about this, even if no one is actually suggesting trading a human life for $7 million. But Professors Binding and Hoce took it a step further. They suggested that not all human life is worth the same, and that society as a whole could save money by killing the mentally ill. Finally, they proposed that the full force of the government should be put behind their recommendations. All of this, of course, provided the intellectual foundations for Nazism, but the practice of turning people into commodities whose lives might be bought or extinguished according to profit isn’t unique to National Socialism. Most of Europe and the United States have profited from slavery in one form or another. Times have, however, changed, and although human trafficking is widespread in the twenty-first century, … there are few parts of the world where the notion is still favorably entertained. …
“The history of slavery shows not only that the set of things allowed into markets can change but also that decrees establishing what belongs in markets can be revoked. Once, slavery was allowed. Now it isn’t. In other words, there is nothing natural about buying and selling things for profit, and allowing markets to determine their value. Before commodities can be bought and sold, they have to become objects that people think can be bought or sold. Most of the things that we buy and sell weren’t always commodities in the way we understand them today — land, music, labor, care, people and food once had a much more ambiguous status. These things became commodities through complicated and layered processes, to be exchanged in markets with very specific attributes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is mind-blowing stuff. It has been hard for us to see what Patel sees clearly, because most of us have always lived inside the box of American market capitalism thinking. Once you break free of that confined viewpoint, two things become clear: First, that the commoditization of such things as labor (which managers now regard as merely another economic input on the same plane as, say, raw material or energy) and health care — things which have intrinsic human values and importance — is neither natural, moral, nor inevitable; and second, that we should never allow conservatives to frame the debate over issues involving intrinsic human values in market or economic terms, because when you do, you are already conceding points that never should be conceded — e.g., killing human “ballast” is repugnant and wrong, allowing businesses to treat their workers as numerical ciphers is not socially acceptable, and commoditizing health care is no more moral than slavery or human trafficking.
We liberals have been far too willing to allow our intellectual opponents to frame policy debates in terms that should not only be questioned but rejected. Read this book to get your head out of the intellectual box that we’ve all — through no fault of our own — been stuck in. Buy it from the bookstore of your choice, or check it out of your local public library, but read it.
erratum: “an idea first formulated by Eugene Mama, a Ph.D. student in the University of Chicago Business School in the 1960s. … ”
Should be “Eugene Fama”
Steve @ 9: “Damn, it’s like one has to be a braindead, asswipe KLOWN to be a Republican these days.”
They’ve really set the entrance standards at a high level, haven’t they?
Hey, Cynny,
I don’t want to miss this opportunity to mock and belittle the Teabaggers. Did I forget to mention that I think it’s a “movement” that will last about 15 seconds composed of racist, mindless haters who really have no clue what they want?
Also, in “It has been hard for us to see what Patel sees clearly, because most of us have always lived inside the box of American market capitalism thinking,” change that to “American market capitalist thought.” I couldn’t get these corrections in before the edit function timed out.
Yeah, I know that was a long post, but I believe every word of it is worth reading, which is why I posted it.
When I first read the paragraphs I’ve quoted above, I was immediately struck by relevant this is to the debate over health care. The author literally tells us what’s wrong with the way Republicans, Tea Partiers, conservative media pundits, and HA’s trolls have sought to frame the health care debate. He blows them completely out of the water.
Alki Postings @2:
If I read the statement by WM spokesmodel Lang correctly, those “8 layers of useless do nothing middle management” are going to be driving garbage trucks and emptying trash bins come April.
Finally doing something to earn their pay! I just hope they actually have sufficient skills to do the work.
@1 “Fuck you libtards! We don’t need your fucking stinky unions!!!!”
Right. Bury your garbage in the backyard or drive it down to Oregon, ‘cuze our “fucking stinky unions” ain’t gonna take whatever managements feel like dishing out to them, so you ain’t gettin’ no garbage pickup until the workers get a fair contract. “Fuck you” back at ya! You have no entitlement to the garbage workers’ labor; either buy it on their terms, or make do without it.
We’re not gonna allow our labor to be commoditized anymore! We’re human beings and insist on being treated as human beings! See #11 above.
Barrack Hussein Oba-Mao’s terrorist rehabilitation program SUCKS!!
Be nice to the terrorists and they will be nice to us??? Naive, stoopid BS!
Meanwhile in REAL NEWS the Philly fool who placed a YouTube video threatening Eric Kantor was arrested.
Seems to Puddy those libtardos from Philly are as whack as those libtardos from Philly who populate this blog.
Seems to Puddy the real threats are being figgered out by the FBI while the trumped up “threats” against DUMMOCRAPTS so far don’t seem to be real.
Of course the moronic and idiotic libtardos will always claim this isn’t true.
Golly this fool could pass for an HA libtardo.
Of course when a Republican office is vandalized you really have to dig to find the MSM news item.
Do you ever do any research before you post? The guy is no leftist. He is an antisemitic lunatic. Were you born this dumb, or have you just worked at it all your life?
13. proud leftist spews:
No problem pl.
You know…funny thing.., Martha Coakley, Corzine and the Democrat Governor Candidate in Virginia all thought the same thing!!
And the more you repeat the DailyKos/HuffPo/Axelrod talking points, the stronger the movement gets for the simple reason belittling those not in power doesn’t work when Americans have such a low opinion of Congress and Oba-Mao.
You folks clearly are klueless about how to retain power. Being mean-spirited works when you are in the minority…but not when you are in control
But then, you don’t want to get it.
Isn’t “Leboon” Philly lingo for KLOWNstein???
Goldy loves guys who threaten and fire bullets!
Proud Goatist farts…
Puddy Dumb? Hardly Proud Goatist. What’s wrong Proud Goatist? See some of your latest commentary in this lunatic’s YouTube rants? Strike home right into the Proud Goatist heart? HAHAHAHAHA
Antisemitic lunatic? Just like Proud Goatist. What’s wrong Proud Goatist? Trying to run away from one of your lunatic leftist progressives? That’s what you all are. You all hate Israel. Just like this lunatic. You all also hate Republicans. Just like this lunatic. We “neo-cons” like Israel.
Nuff SAID Sucka.
arschloch add this to your Nuff SAID Sucka (1..31).each {|i|
puts i
eval(”cols ‘-r –sort=datetime -f=c -c=datetime:strbw~2008-01-#{sprintf(”%02d”,i)},handle:matches~*puddybud* –count’”)
} formulae feckless fool!
Watch some libtardo copy and yank something from this post and try to look intelligent.
Hey Proud Goatist…
Imagine if arson hit Nancy Pelosi’s Church? You’d be on this blog along with other HA libtardo screaming your finger raw. Well it didn’t happen, because
1) Does Nancy Pelosi attend church?
2) Will a pastor accept her with her baby killing stance?
3) Will a pastor accept her with her continual breaking of the Ninth Commandment?
Yikes, Puddy, time to pop your pill. Even an old veteran at interpreting your rantings like me can’t make sense of that post.
Oh poor Proud Goatist… why is it when facts appear your head explodes? Your progressive bud Leboon was another of your types. Facts hurt libtardo minds. Maybe you should take the red pill Proud Goatist?
BTW Goatist did you find the Professor Darryl facts post yet you failed to understand? Puddy gave you a heads up where to look. Did your leetle mind get tired? Did you ask the arschloch?
Now why didn’t Goldy perform the CORRECT update to his worthless James O’Keefe story? Also notice who was the first to post. The arschloch.
Puddy @ 25
“Judge not, lest you be judged.”
You never liked that verse, did you?
Since hardly anyone watches CNN anymore they have to leak sensitive info to draw viewers in…
Documents provided to CNN detail sensitive information that contractors gathered, including word of a meeting between Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother and Mullah Baradar, a top Taliban leader who was arrested weeks later in Pakistan. At another meeting with Taliban commanders, an audio message from the reclusive leader Mullah Omar was played, in which he directed who would lead operations after a key member was captured. Another document details the comings and goings at a safe house in Kabul, Afghanistan, used by suspected members of the Haqqani insurgent network.”
Now with Barbara Starr blabbing all this out… the safe house has been cleaned and disinfected. Omar will use other means to communicate. Karzai will now have to meet underground.
What a tard those CNN loons are. Butt now they are on the same side as the preznit.
I’m stunned. Could it be that the party of fiscal responsibility can’t even control its own spending, even throwing money at a lesbian-themed nightclub?
There goes Proud Goatist again… Puddy places facts and The Goatist conflates Bible scripture with the facts.
Proud Goatist, your leftist buds discount the Bible as the Real McCoy of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. They claim it’s a bunch of stories and fables. So how can you use it in a “right mind” being a progressive Proud Goatist?
Another libtardo head explodes.
Jesus was a leftist, Puddy.
FWIW Pelosi is Catholic. Though if the church hierarchy came out condemning her they don’t exactly have the moral high-ground at the moment.
Puddy says:
“Proud Goatist, your leftist buds discount the Bible as the Real McCoy of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. They claim it’s a bunch of stories and fables.”
We also say it’s a bunch of intelligible nonsense that simply cannot be reconciled as a coherent body of thoughts.
That’s why we just don’t give much credibility to folks like yourself who go around telling us it’s the revealed word of an an almighty, all knowing and all beneficent creator of the universe.
But also Puddy, it doesn’t help your case to go around childishly calling everyone names if you don’t agree with them.
Auntie Witless… Awwww poor poor dude. Proud Goatist has peeps like you to jockstrap is “cause”. The Bible is not a
as you call it. This is where Puddy takes issue with Proud Goatist. He loves to “use” Bible verses but won’t defend the Bible when fools like yourself denigrate it. This is the problem Proud Goatist has with his “beliefs”.
Someday you’ll regret those anti-Bible words unless you repent and claim Jesus as your savior. As Puddy said before, when Jesus comes in His Father’s glory you’ll say Oops… Puddy was right!
Savior from WHAT Puddy, folks like you?
Folks like the “Christian” militia in Michigan?
Proud Goatist farted
If so then where was his sermon on aborting babies abrogating thou shalt not kill? Or His sermon approving gay marriage abrogating His Father’s commands on same sex sex? Where was His sermon on the Roman government giving to the Jewish Poor? Jesus wouldn’t have preached on the wheat and the tares Proud Goatist. Jesus would have kept Lazurus dead and the lady with her 18 year period would have had to continually suffer because Mary, Martha and the period lady didn’t pay enough taxes to qualify for a miracle. If Jesus was a lefty Jesus would have told the centurion his faith was worthless. If Jesus was a lefty he would have told Jairus sorry but you didn’t pay enough taxes so your daughter will stay dead.
Why would Jesus need disciples Proud Goatist? Some of them left their parents. Who would take care of their parents? The Roman Government? Hmmm…?
Or Jesus would make everyone rich right? He would take from the Romans and give it all to the poor is Jesus was a lefty Proud Goatist.
Jesus would have never said “I and my Father are One”.
How do ya know he did or didn’t say all that Puddy?
Cuz the Bible “told me so”?
Please cite the verse to me where abortion is mentioned. Also, please cite a verse mentioning a woman’s miscarriage and the funeral that followed. Please take your time and be thorough.
Talking with you is like arguing with a little child, a very unhappy, unpleasant little child.
You just can’t bring yourself to stop calling people names, and your knowledge of the Bible is very shallow.
Maybe you should try stamping your feet.
Puddy @ 38
A little follow-up to my post at 40–
I’d like you also to cite the verses where Christ says:
-go forth to foreign lands and launch wars
-plunder and desecrate this earth for corporate gain
-execute your prisoners
-waterboard those in your custody
-deny health care to those children who cannot afford it
-do not pay your taxes for all taxes are evil
-handguns are holy.
That’s all for now. Again, don’t feel rushed. You’re going to need some time to complete this assignment.
Auntie Witless,
You mean those lunatics called the Hutaree? They wanted to kill police right Auntie Witless? Peeps who think right don’t want to kill police. Usually that type of thinking is reserved for your buds who used to say “Kill The Pigs” and they weren’t discussing bovine animals either.
Speaking of thou shalt not kill, neither the many Gods of the Old Testament, nor the Christians of the New Testament have any problem with killing and doing it on a fairly grand scale. And they make no distinction between innocent and guilty, old or young, men or women. Literally millions have been slain through the ages without a word of protest from the Bible Thumpers.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh NOPE. You prove your negative. You postulated Jesus was a liberal. Puddy quotes Bible texts where Jesus said “I and my Father are One”. The God of Heaven and His Son are of like mind Proud Goatist.
Puddy also notices Proud Goatist still won’t take Auntie Witless to task.
Trying to converse with Auntie Witless is like talking to a brick or cinder block. Your voice bounces off and there is no actual response from the inanimate object… Auntie Witless. Puddy very happy. It’s a know fact Christians are happier than libtardo progressives Auntie Witless. Also we give more from our hearts than progressive libtardos.
Sounds like they’ve been reading Pajamas Media, Red State, Powerline and other “stink right” websites.
Auntie Witless,
Martin Luther came out against the indulgences of the Roman Catholic church of the Middle Ages. Butt then again you don’t comprehend historical facts.
Yep, them’s the ones I’m talking about Puddy. They are hardly new or different from the long line of religious wackos who always seem quick to conclude that they are more than justified to kill in the name of their God. And as near as I can tell, the Christians are the worst of the lot of those religious wackos.
Just wanted to point out the company you keep Puddy.
“It’s a know fact Christians are happier than libtardo progressives Auntie Witless. Also we give more from our hearts than progressive libtardos.”
Only in your little fantasy world Puddy.
Oh my an arschloch sighting@47…
NOPE you DOPE… ABC News you foolish arschloch.
Sucks to be as stupid as you are. Auntie Witless is trying very hard today to be a bottom feeder like you ylb arschloch!
Oh my the arschloch created his own blog. Useless and feckless.
Hey arschloch… the troll doll you placed has no sex and the hair color is wrong. You need to find a well hung black troll with a short fro.
Too bad all that time was wasted!
Puddy @ 45
You get to dictate the ground rules, is that it? Answer those questions, Puddy.
The rest of us are quite happy without the nonsense of “original sin” and the need for human sacrifice conducted in the most gruesome way.
24 – Heh..
That was quick and dirty stuff fool.. I got something way better now..
Check it out:
data = Munger::Data.load_data(result)
if options[:filter]
pattern =“#{options[:filter].join(‘|’)}”)
data.filter_rows {|r| not pattern.match(r.handle) }
data.add_column(‘yearmo’) {|row| row.datetime[0,7]}
data.add_column(‘bodyval’) {|row| 1 }
new_columns = data.pivot(‘yearmo’,’handle’,’bodyval’, :count)
report = Munger::Report.from_data(data).columns([‘handle’] + new_columns.sort).process
Check out the output at my blog…
Auntie Witless@50,
Ask the arschloch… Go to his blog. He’s remind you of the facts…
See ya
The Prosecution Rests!
” Puddy very happy”
Then why do you sound so angry, say you sad, and call everyone mean names?
Here is the latest republican national committee attempts to promote family values and win back the electorate after the 2008 debacle: RNC spends on topless clubs and limos
In short Puddy, why do you sound like the typical Right Wing Christian?
Is it any wonder we don’t believe the hypocrites in the republican party when they go on about family values?
These are the people that Puddy supports:
Yup, that is the republican family values platform.
Oh, I forgot the link:
At least they’re not picking on children like Mark Foley and the Catholic Church
Hey arschloch…
4 YLB @ 8,678
You forgot to add all the For The Clueless and the Max Rotatansky is a racist posts and others like the copied HA links. That should vault you really close to THE DUMB BUNNY!
Stupes never wants to back up his bullshit..
Nope if he wants to “argue” then it has to be in good faith and with due diligence.
I’m never bailing out his silly ass..
61 – Oh MY GAWD! That’s the best EVAR!!!!
Kiss November goodbye… Yeah Dems do some of that from time to time but they don’t do the holier than thou crap nearly as much..
What a doofus… The FBI said Mark Foley didn’t pick on children.
Keep up the same stupid mantra Auntie Witless. You are a dumb brick.
63 – LMAO!!! Again you can’t read… Here I’ll quote myself:
Believe me, your variations on your handle together with your sockpuppets bring your number WAY up.. Not as much as Roger but shit I wouldn’t be surprised otherwise..
One day… But for right now?
You’re a definite #2…
There ya go with the names again Puddy.
and HUMMM…. you were quick to defend Mark Foley, the formerly prominent Republican Congressman, ….
but no mention of the Catholic Church (?).
Some things are indefensible
Those who visit strip clubs are not the ones Puddy supports.
Butt of course you all skip over the $10K DNC disclosure over their visit to Josephine’s. Hmmm…?
Wrong Link Pudd, no big disclosure in there, just the normal stuff.
Nice try though
Ya gotta love ol’ Pudd though. He comes on here every day and just gets his teeth kicked in and then ridiculed mercilessly.
How does he do it?
“Steve might be several different “Steves”.”
There’s the occasional poster dropping in now and then using “Steve” as a screen name. As for myself, it’s the only screen name I use here.
Exactly arschloch. How many thousands of For the Clueless are there? Seems to be missing data which should vault you to number 2.
Auntie Witz, it’s the right link fool! The DNC supplied it. Talk about moronic posts.
So who’s teeth were just rearranged?
1008 Vermont Ave NW
FtC?? 2,792…
Now let’s look at you..
3293 Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED
2157 Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year…
1185 Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget
There’s more.. Wanna see?
Nice to know you don’t have anything left in the tank for “the cow on the tracks”..
“who’s teeth got rearranged?”
your’s I guess.
A – Going to Josephine’s is not that big a deal.
B – Dems don’t go around touting their ‘Christian’ morals and then sneak off for an affair with a staffer or whomever, ya know, like Newt did.
@31 “I’m stunned. Could it be that the party of fiscal responsibility can’t even control its own spending, even throwing money at a lesbian-themed nightclub?”
Don’t you know that Republicans’ forte is spending other people’s money on kinky sex?
@17 “Be nice to the terrorists and they will be nice to us??? Naive, stoopid BS!”
Uh, I think this is more like what passes for naive, stoopid BS, Klownface: Threatening a federal judge because Michelle Malkin told you to. You can always count on the Idiot Class that listens to the Republicans’ mouthpieces to behave like … um … terrorists.
Hell, even Tucker Carlson thinks Republicans are freaky.
“Our questions remain: Why did the committee spend more than $17,000 on private jets in the month of February? How and why was RNC business conducted in a bondage-themed nightclub, and how and why were the nearly $2,000 in charges that resulted approved by RNC staff?”
33. proud leftist spews: “Jesus was a leftist, Puddy.”
I dunno about that, pl. I’m sure Jesus would rather be partying with Republicans at a bondage-themed nightclub.*
* heh- Just kidding. I’m pretty sure Jesus isn’t into bondage like those freaky Republicans.
First Auntie Witless you claimed Puddy posted the wrong link. Proved how witless you are auntie. Then after your teeth were kicked in… you changed your tune.
Typical so typical!
Of course not. See below…
You forgot all your hateful named troll names you admitted using and all the linked names.
After a hard day of being the Messiah and all…I mean who WOULDN’T want to get their freak on with the Chairman of the Republican Party.
The King of the Oreo Cookie!
Think about it….
83 – I forget nothing fiend.. I’m fully aware of my posting history here..
Unlike you who seems to want to hide from it.
Sorry you remain stuck at..
And it fits!
you can bet that when rujax and ylb go out for drinks together, there will be at least one black church thats been tagged or had its windows busted out….
Who’s stuck at #2 fool. Puddy takes on all libtardo fools such as you arschloch, the dumb brick.
That puts you at #3 now. Vulture!
85 – I meant #2 as in smelly the product of one’s ass.
It fits your legacy here indeed..
And believe me, we’re going to be proving that out in the coming months..
86 – Awwww little Maxie the coward comes here to be feckless and irrelevant…
What happened last Sept 20 here Max that set you off??
Ok Stupes,
Your other handle variations and the sockpuppets I know about amount to:
Grand total: 26,431. And there’s bound to be more!
The insurance companies are optimistic. Thanks to Obama, Inc’s leveraged buy-out, Big Insurance makes out like bandits right up to the moment they’re nationalized via single payer. Too bad there’s no money to pay the payers.
Unless, to repeat, we inflate, run creative accounting like a son of a bitch, tax beyond the max, or shift all military spending to Medicare. (Except that, as Medved said today, you could expunge every defense dollar at this very minute and still have the worst deficits ever.)
Tip: Short sanity and go long on default options.
Enough with the feckless, already.
Yes, thanks, we know about 11/11/11/1918. And even about the false armistice. But if WWII deaths (~290,000) are adjusted to a monumental 400,000 on a monument, then 1919 deaths from flu contracted at Ft. Riley in 1918 or on a post-armistice troop ship should, perhaps, be padded to the total.
Here we go again: Your proto-Nazis were using arguments then fashionable among progressives (such as Sanger and Woodrow Wilson) in America.
Oliver Wendel Holmes in Buck v. Bell, 1927, presented a useful summary of US progressive eugenics, and a paraphrase of Binding and Hoche.
My peeps prefer Heckler & Koch.
The problem with the U of Chicago’s Efficient Market hypothesis of the 1960s is that our last free market had been crippled by the New Deal in 1933. That was the free market for ag commodities.
Dwight Macdonald, a Trotskyist for all seasons, demonstrated in his 1947/48 book about Henry Wallace that FDR’s AAA supplanted the social costs of a free market in agriculture with the social costs of centralized inefficiency. Am prepared to explain what I mean until the, um, cows come home.
Let’s just say for now that Michael Pollan’s little paean (in Omnivore’s Dilemma) to New Deal farm policy is organic fertilizer from EkimikE’s barnyard.
(Macdonald, by the way, went from Henry Luce’s Fortune to Trotsky to being a conservative anarchist. Great writer from beginning to end.)
The problem with Uptyte Seattleyte Liberals is that they assume the lack of precise price efficiency in markets (Stiglitz showed that markets are skewed because information is not created equal and is asymmetric) somehow means that a system without markets must be efficient or effective by default. Hence the metastasis of government.
Although market prices are imperfect quanta of information, even imperfect or asymmetric information aids decisions across most of the relevant range we live in. Government, mostly impervious to prices, uses balances of power and coercion to frame decisions.
But let’s not kid ourselves: If impersonal markets can commodify values and persons that should not be sold, then centralized authority can commodify values and persons by fiat. That’s a lesson we should have learned from National Socialism. And Soviet Socialism. And Mao. And Castro. And Pol Pot. And Kim il Sung.
Capitalism without God turns daughters into commodities, as Putin’s Russia demonstrates. But Russia without God and capitalism was an empire of slaves and corpses.
And although Cuba seems to give health care without markets, Fidel Castro took his acute intestinal crisis elsewhere.
And, as we baggers say, if you think health care is expensive now, with only half the market dominated by government, just wait until health care is nationalized and free.
Wow free markets were really working well for people right up to when Roosevelt was elected..
Hoover lost what? 30 percent of GDP?
Which explains why Bernanke and Geithner and yes, Hank Paulson ran the printing presses into overdrive – to keep that from happening.
Here’s the quote: “(W)ithin two months AAA had gone through Congress. The last great free-market sector of the American economy had come under State control.” – Dwight Macdonald, Henry Wallace, 1947/48, page 45.
About Wallace, Macdonald wrote that “an honest crop statistician (became) a fisher in the muddy waters of Stalinism.”
Neither Macdonald nor I pretend that the free ag market worked well. Unlike Pollan, Macdonald shows with proof that FDR’s centralized AAA made many ag problems worse.
GDP: Think it was GNP back then, but, like you, I tend to mix ’em up.
For GBS: In 1960, the group Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State came out against a Catholic for president.
– Theodore White, In Search of History, page 593 – 594.
Rich John Kennedy reduced the tax rate of the rich from 91% to 70%. His tax cuts were passed by Congress in 1964.
GBS: For a new car behind curtain #3, tell us how JFK’s tax cuts can be blamed on President Reagan.
Puh-lease. Keep it cummin fool. You are so feckless and useless!