For those planning to tune in to tonight’s “David Goldstein Show” on Newsradio 710-KIRO, don’t bother. I won’t be on.
No righties, don’t rejoice yet. I haven’t been fired. I’ve just been preempted by tonight’s Seahawks game and the post-game coverage… as will occasionally happen throughout the season.
Guess we’re getting rid of the wrong sports team, huh?
Rejoice? Hardly… there is no better way to move Conservatism forward than to give a moonbat a microphone.
I have a question that only a moonbat can answer. Maria Cantwell’s ad here on the comment page says to “tell DC Republicans not to cut Washington’s minimum wage.”
Since FUWA’s minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum, what fucking difference does it make what the fed level is? And then it talks about not cutting minimum wage? Huh? Cutting minimum wage? As in reducing it from the current level to a lower level? WTF? Who proposed that?
Can’t she at least be honest?
And why do you guys focus so much on minimum wage? See, the conservative approach is to promote learning of marketable skills and creation of a robust economy where those skills can be applied. Why don’t you guys help us with that instead of getting into this stoopid minimum wage discussion every few years. Isn’t that the truly compassionate “progressive” approach? And don’t tell me some people can’t do it; that’s bullshit… they people who don’t do it CHOOSE not to do it. Fuck them…
Goldy it’s great that you’re on the radio. It frustrates the Hell out of the right wingers. They love it when they control the whole game and can’t stand it for one minute that we get to take a turn at the plate too.
Keep it up. Calling the liars on the right liars often enough will produce results. Because people will come out of their fog to realize just how many lies the Bush regime and its supporters tell on a regular basis.
“David Goldstein Show” on Newsradio 710-KIRO, don’t bother. I won’t be on.”
So, will all 12 listeners commit mass suicide? [/snicker]
You know, I actually have to question the wisdom of ANY professional team engaging an AM radio at the low end of the band … at night, all you get is static and a headache.
In the final week of his 20-year tenure as mayor of Newark, Sharpe James took a five-day trip to Rio de Janeiro, staying in a luxury hotel and dining at some of the city’s finest restaurants.The mayor, traveling with an aide and two police bodyguards, stayed at Caesar Park Ipanema Hotel, a four-star resort, and enjoyed meals at Marius Crustaceos and Don Camillo, upscale eateries on the Copacabana beachfront.
Another fine, upstanding Liberal Democrat Mayor………
Just giving himself a little “reward” for doing such a good job for all of the black folk. The ‘Rat sense of entitlement knows no bounds, and it’s always more fun to spend someone else’s money. Democrat “public sevice”: “loading up” at the public trough!!!
6, cont……BTW, Mayor “MoFo” James be da Democrat Afro “MoFo”!!
To those who “think right” on
Organize, protest, write to stop the seditious MSM from maligning our brave soldiers!!!!
And never, never forget about the MACACAS!!!
Quote of the day:
“Trusting the national security to Democrats is like trusting a moving car to a four year old, or the management of a vast company to the junior high school business club. Neither the child nor the preteens want to wreck the car or ruin the corporation, but both results are near inevitable.”
Hugh Hewitt is a weekly columnist for The Daily Standard, the online edition of The Weekly Standard.
So, what’s your point?
Quote of the week:
“Whatever their political affiliation, almost all of these commentators suffer from the same syndrome: they supported the Iraq war and, with few exceptions (mainly at The Wall Street Journal and The Weekly Standard), are now embarrassed that they did. Desperate to assert their moral superiority after misjudging a major issue of our time, they loftily declare that anyone who shares Mr. Lamont’s pronounced opposition to the Iraq war is not really serious about the war against the jihadists who attacked us on 9/11.”
Frank Rich, “Five Years After 9/11, Fear Finally Strikes Out”, 8/20/2006
Hey Mark the Redneck… the point is that the proposed federal law would have OVERRIDDEN the Washington State law. That means that yes, indeed, the WA’s higher minimum wage would have been cut.
Additionally, the proposed federal law would have allowed employers in industries where people get tips (ie, restaurant) to count those tips towards their wages. In Washington, they can’t do that; they have to pay minimum wage, plus whatever someone gets as a tip they get to keep.
So, you see, if you would just quit hating on anyone you think is “liberal” for a little bit and learn a little bit about the proposed law, you’d understand why Cantwell was voting against it and why it was going to help keep Washington’s minimum wage higher.
awwww turtle! Aren’t you just ever so good at ‘tit for tat’. Mommy must be so proud.
So, tell us, how are Nut Lament’s poll ratings this week? Still down by 12… among Connecticut DEMOCRATS?
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from two weeks ago:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Even thinking D’RAT’s (hmm, is that an oxymoron??) realize singing ‘kumbaya’ with terrorists ain’t gonna keep us safe.
Statewide, of course, that means that Lamont is considerably higher that he was last month.
BlueEyes 13 – Sorry, you’re full of shit…
“…States with higher state minimum wages — in California it’s $6.75 an hour; in Washington it’s $7.63 — would keep their higher levels, at least until the federal level exceeds it.”
So, you see, if you would just quit hating on anyone you think is “conservative” for a little bit and learn a little bit about the proposed law, you’d understand why Cantwell is a fucking idiot.
rufus f. kennedy @ 15
Please join my other great supporter Dan to oppose the Macacas and their poisonous effects on our freedoms and liberties.
Give me $$$$$$ Rufus, like you did to Dino Rossi, like you did to the competent attorneys of Davis, Wright, Tremaine in their heroic election contest, like you did to Yes on I-912 and like you did to David Irons, Jr – a man of balanced temperament and the highest integrity.
Yes, Rufus. Support me with your $$$$$ and I will be your next Dear Leader. I will lead our beloved country against the MACACAS!!!
If you are a Jew in Seattle and a liberal asks you out for pizza….. a little advice. Dont go. You might end up as a wall decoration.
Is our country safer because Bush ignored Clinton’s al Qaida briefings?
Is our country safer because Bush ignored pre-9/11 warnings?
Is our country safer because Bush attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Is our country safer because Bush lied about Iraq?
Is our country safer because Bush didn’t put military resources into Afghanistan?
Is our country safer because Bush didn’t plan the occupation of Iraq?
Is our country safer because Bush got bogged down in Iraq?
Is our country safer because Bush has no exit strategy from Iraq?
Is our country safer because Bush is passing the buck to the next president?
Is our country safer because Bush is exhausting our military forces?
Is our country safer because Bush is indebting us to China?
Is our country safer because Bush has done nothing to develop alternatives to oil?
Is our country safer because Bush has politicized the terrorism issue?
Is our country safer because Bush has divided our people?
Is our country safer because Bush has defunded homeland security?
Is our country safer because Bush has sided with Israel against the Palestinians, instead of brokering a Mideast peace?
Is our country safer because Bush has abandoned our traditional alliances and belittled our allies?
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Ah, I see MTR (at 18 and elsewhere) is at his gentlemanly finest.
As we all know, Senator Cantwell’s stated objection to the minimum wage law was that it would reduce the wages of tip earners, not the overall minimum.
Yes, the Department of Labor issued a non-binding, low-level opinion that they probably wouldn’t read the law that way, but the non-partisan Congressional Research Service disagreed, saying that the law as written would do exactly what Senator Cantwell said it would.
Of course, Congressional Republicans could have simply made the law clear, but they chose not to do so. They could also have written a bill that simply addressed this issue, while addressing inheiritance taxes in a separate bill, but they chose not to do that either.
At this point, they still seem to be trying to make good on their comment “we really outfoxed you on this one”. No, you really didn’t.
I won’t make political sport of atrocities; it happens in every war, and a few rotten apples do not change the fact that 99% of our soldiers serve honorably and bravely. This isolated cases result from the breakdown of discipline under combat stress, and reflect poor leadership at the unit level, but do not reflect on the military as a whole or soldiers as a group.
However, I challenge the trollfucks who claim they “support the troops” to donate $99 to Each donation buys a helmet upgrade kit for a soldier or Marine to protect them from head injuries from IEDs. Of course, none of the trollfucks have made, or ever will make, a donation to this private, nonprofit charity — because they are nothing ersatz patriots whose “support” of the troops goes no farther than cheap talk. Ask them to put their money where their mouths are, and all you see is big mouth, no money.
Republican = big mouth, no money; all hat, no cattle; empty suit; hot air; blowing smoke out of ass; bullshitter; fake patriot.
It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?…
It’s a neighborly day in this beauty wood,
A neighborly day for a beauty.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?…
I’ve always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.
I’ve always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.
So, let’s make the most of this beautiful day.
Since we’re together we might as well say:
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won’t you be my neighbor?
Won’t you please,
Won’t you please?
Please won’t you be my neighbor?
Why should wingnuts have all the microphones? You guys are nothing but hot air. See #23 and #24 above.
I won’t make bets with you, Mark, because you’re a proven liar and welsher who doesn’t pay his bet. But I’ll say this — if the GOP minimum wage bill had passed, the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES would be arguing it preempts state laws … and restaurant owners right here in Washington State would make a grab for the waitress tip jar.
proud kennedy @ 25
It is only I who an ANTI-MACACA PLAN!!!!
Support me with your $$$$$$ proud kennedy and I will be your next Dear Leader!!!!!
Rabbit – So you agree that Maria Cantwell willfully and intentionally misrepresents the issue. How can you support someone who does that?
Barelli – Sorry to interject inconvenient facts… the law would not have reduced tips. How the fuck would it do that? Was there a maximum tip provision? Really? Show me where that was…chapter and verse please.
We both know that the provision would have required tips to be declared as income, and if the people who received them lied about the amount (as many do), it would have forced the use a standard amount on the tax return.
We can argue whether they should be taxable later, but first admit that you are full of shit about the tips provision. Dumass…
Geez, pretty easy pickin’s today. Blueeyes and Barelli shot down in flames. Wasn’t very hard.
Time for the A team guys…
For example, Washington employers have argued the state minimum wage law is preempted by the federal Labor Relations Act (see, e.g., ERVIN v. COLUMBIA DISTRIB., INC., 84 Wn. App. 882, 930 P.2d 947 (1997) and SCHNEIDER v. SNYDER’S FOODS, INC., 95 Wn. App. 399, 976 P.2d 134 (1999)), by the federal Motor Carriers Act (see, e.g., LABOR & INDUS. v. OVERNITE TRANSP., 67 Wn. App. 24, 834 P.2d 638 (1992), by the Davis-Bacon Act (see, e.g., DRAKE v. MOLVIK & OLSEN ELECTRIC CITE: 107 Wn.2d 26, 726 P.2d 1238 (1986)), and by ERISA (see, e.g., IRONWORKERS v. WOODLAND PARK ZOO, 87 Wn. App. 676, 942 P.2d 1054 (1997)), among others.
The CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES will find some excuse to claim the GOP’s minimum wage bill preempts the state law, too. You can count on it. And given that Bush is loading up federal courts with cheap-labor conservative judges, who know what would happen? The way to deal with this problem is not let them pass their bill in the first place.
Anyway, if the GOP/cheap-labor conservatives were serious about raising the minimum wage, they wouldn’t tie it to reducing the inheritance tax. If Republicans think inheritance taxes and minimum wages are related subjects, then why fuck around with two different tax schedules, why not enact a $5 million tax exemption for wages.
I don’t see why an heir who did no work, or anything else to deserve the inheritance (except being born), should get a $5 million tax exemption when people who WORK FOR PEANUTS get only a $3,200 exemption. That ain’t fair. Either the estate exemption should be $3,200 or the wage exemption should be $5 million. There shouldn’t be a double standard under which unearned windfalls are favored and earned income is strongly disfavored.
If Republicans keep enacting tax policies that punish people for working, eventually there will be no incentive to work, and nobody will work.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Ah, MTR. I decline to be “shot down in flames”
Chapter and verse. Ok, here you go, quoting from Sec 402 of the bill as passed by the House:
“Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any State or political subdivision of a State which on or after the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006 excludes all of a tipped employee’s tips from being considered as wages in determining if such tipped employee has been paid the applicable minimum wage rate, may not establish or enforce the minimum wage rate provisions of such law, ordinance, regulation, or order in such State or political subdivision thereof with respect to tipped employees unless such law, ordinance, regulation, or order is revised or amended to permit such employee to be paid a wage by the employee’s employer in an amount not less than an amount equal to–
`(A) the cash wage paid such employee which is required under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order on the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006; and
`(B) an additional amount on account of tips received by such employee which amount is equal to the difference between the cash wage described in subparagraph (A) and the minimum wage rate in effect under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, or the minimum wage rate in effect under section 6(a), whichever is higher.’.
So, at least my reading says that in order to protect tips from being included, the Washington State Legislature would have to enact a new law “on or after the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006” in order to protect tip income.
A complete copy of the proposed law is available at:
Enough chapters and verses for you?
Republicans are turning America into a land of welfare queens. Everybody will be living off tax breaks, crop subsidies, corporate welfare, or corruption. American will become another Bangladesh. The GOP is taking us there.
MTR- the very greedy soulless redneck.
The repulician Min wage law would have over ruled Washington State (and other state’s) laws in regruarding tip and wages. Tell us, would you like to turn back the clock to the 1930s ? You know when waitress worked for tips only? That is what this law would have started.
Also do you support the food industrys attempt to change federal law on food labeling? Right now states have the right to require that food be labeled when there is stuff in it like lead, arsenic, mercury and etc in the food. The food industry got the house to pass on a bill the would have removed this right from the states. (With a yes vote from Dave “the purfect haired” Richert).
So MTR, tell us to think that the repulicians plans to expand the power of the federal goverment to help big bussiness and hurt people is a good idea. This is just two examples of thier plans.
Why should anybody work for Republicans when they take all the tax breaks and dump all the taxes on workers.
Oh, I’m not sure how long that link will work, as I’ve had them go bad before when using that service.
If it doesn’t work, go to: and follow the links from there.
If conservatives believe in people getting ahead with education, why are they cutting student financial aid programs and refusing to pay taxes for public schools and colleges?
“Trusting the national security to Democrats is like trusting a moving car to a four year old, or the management of a vast company to the junior high school business club. Neither the child nor the preteens want to wreck the car or ruin the corporation, but both results are near inevitable.” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy— 8/20/06@ 11:40 am
How are your train wrecks in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and North Korea coming along for you guys?
Click here for photo of GOP foreign policy:
Click here for photo of GOP military strategy:
Click here for photo of GOP dometic policy:
Of course, Congressional Republicans could have simply made the law clear, but they chose not to do so. They could also have written a bill that simply addressed this issue, while addressing inheiritance taxes in a separate bill, but they chose not to do that either.
Commentby John Barelli— 8/20/06@ 12:51 pm
Who cares if another piece of legistlation was attached to the increase in the minimum wage. If you dems were as compasionate as you claim a 1% decrease in the federal income tax would not have gotten in the way. This proves that liberals love high taxes more than helping the poor.
No, I don’t agree to any such thing, but I’ll agree with you that McGavick willfully and intentionally misrepresents to Washington voters which party he represents and where he stands on:
The Iraq war
Social Security
Minimum Wage
Just a reminder …
1) Mark the Welshing Redneck has not paid the $100 he owes Goldy for a bet he lost;
2) Mark the Fake Patriot has not donated $99 to;
3) Mark the Liar claimed cutting taxes always raises revenues; and
4) Mark Makes Bad Choices married a dead crack-whore who took him for FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS of vagimony and child support … HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
RFK commented:
“This proves that liberals love high taxes more than helping the poor.”
Well, there’s this little problem of record deficits that our grandchildren will get stuck paying off.
I’m still trying to figure out just when balancing the budget became a strong point for Democrats, but we’re certainly better at it than Republicans.
While I’m not crazy about “tax and spend”, it is better than “spend and then spend some more while leaving our grandchildren with the bill”.
The Cheap-Labor Conservative “Dirty Secret”: They Don’t Really Like Prosperity
Maybe you don’t believe that cheap-labor conservatives like unemployment, poverty and ‘heap labor’ Consider these facts. Uemployment was 23 percent when FDR took office in 1933. It dropped to 2.5 percent by time the next Republican was in the White House in 1953. It climbed back to 6.5 percent by the end of the Eisenhower administration. It dropped to 3.5 percent by the time LBJ left office. It climbed over 5 percent shortly after Nixon took office, and stayed there for 27 years, until Clinton brought it down to 4.5 percent early in his second term.
That same period – especially from the late forties into the early seventies – was the “golden age” of the United States. We sent men to the moon. We built our Interstate Highway system. We ended segregation in the South and established Medicare. In those days, a single wage earner could support an entire family on his wages. …
These facts provide a nice background to evaluate cheap-labor conservative claims like “liberals are destroying America.” In fact, cheap-labor conservatives have howled with outrage and indignation against New Deal liberalism from its inception in the 1930’s all the way to the present. … Cheap-labor conservatives opposed virtually all of the New Deal, including every improvement in wages and working conditions. Cheap-labor conservatives have a long and sorry history of opposing virtually every advancement in this country’s development going right back to the American revolution.
Cheap-labor conservatives have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception.
Many cheap-labor conservatives are hostile to public education. They think it should be privatized. …
Cheap-labor conservatives hate the progressive income tax like the devil hates holy water.
Cheap-labor conservatives like budget deficits and a huge national debt (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any “social spending” – which cheap-labor conservatives oppose ….
The ugly truth is that cheap-labor conservatives just don’t like working people. They don’t like “bottom up” prosperity (because) lords have a harder time kicking them around. Once you understand this about the cheap-labor conservatives, the real motivation for their policies makes perfect sense. Remember, cheap-labor conservatives believe in social hierarchy and privilege, so the only prosperity they want is limited to them. They want to see absolutely nothing that benefits the guy – or more often the woman – who works for an hourly wage.
Their idea of “prosperity” is paying waitresses $2.15 an hour.
Hey Redneck, if you make so much money, how come you haven’t donated $99 to Operation Helmet?
Hey JCH, if you’re so rich, how come you haven’t donated $99 to Operation Helmet?
Barelli – All it says is that employees can’t lie about tips. WTF is wrong with that? Says NOTHING about mandatory reduction of FUWA’s minimum wage.
Hey pbj, if you’re so patriotic, how come you haven’t donated $99 to Operation Helmet?
I donated $99 to Operation Helmet to buy a battle helmet for a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq that our Republican government is too cheap to pay for.
If these trollfucks “supported the troops,”they would put their money where their mouths are, and donate to Operation Helmet. Until they do, they’re just hot air.
Yessss! The Right Wing Machine to silence left wing liberal nutjobs is working!
“This proves that liberals love high taxes more than helping the poor.”
Well, there’s this little problem of record deficits that our grandchildren will get stuck paying off.
I’m still trying to figure out just when balancing the budget became a strong point for Democrats, but we’re certainly better at it than Republicans.
Commentby John Barelli— 8/20/06@ 2:06 pm
Forbes has released its 2006 list of the best states to do business. The top ten, we find, are all red states, with the exception of Delaware, which at least has a Republican majority in its State House.
While some of the states, like Virginia, which is number 1, have a Democrat governor and a Republican legislature, may not be purely a red state, the top ten states are all generally conservative states that value individual entrepreneurship over the nanny state style governments of many lower on the list.
States like California and Michigan, which you’d think would be higher on the list, are numbers 36 and 45. The top ten states are Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, Delaware, Florida, and Georgia.
This proves that liberals love high taxes more than helping the poor.”
Well, there’s this little problem of record deficits that our grandchildren will get stuck paying off.
I’m still trying to figure out just when balancing the budget became a strong point for Democrats, but we’re certainly better at it than Republicans.
Commentby John Barelli— 8/20/06@ 2:06 pm
You do have a point that the repubs have done a terrible job on the deficit. Of course the repubs way would be to cut spending starting with welfare which is partially responsible for keeping poor people poor. I am still trying to figure out when the deficit became an important issue with the dems. It sure wasnt back in the first four years of the Clinton adminstration.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
MTR – try reading it again.
permit such employee to be paid a wage by the employee’s employer in an amount not less than an amount equal to–
`(A) the cash wage paid such employee which is required under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order on the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006; and
`(B) an additional amount on account of tips received by such employee which amount is equal to the difference between the cash wage described in subparagraph (A) and the minimum wage rate in effect under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, or the minimum wage rate in effect under section 6(a), whichever is higher.’.
Now, I’m not a lawyer, and don’t even play one on television, but a number of lawyers have looked at this and say that it does, indeed put tip income in jeopardy, just as my reading does.
Those lawyers are working with a non-partisan outfit, the Congressional Research Service. You may check them out here:
It isn’t a “reduction” in the minimum wage, it is a change in the way the wage is figured. Under current Washington law, tip income is not considered “wages”, and employers cannot use tip income to comply with the minimum wage law.
Under this bill, it appears to me that they can, unless a new law is passed after the date of enactment. While my opinion carries very little weight, the lawyers at CRS agree with my reading.
While you may argue that this isn’t really a “reduction”, I’m pretty sure that a waitress that sees her paycheck drop would disagree.
Oh, and that link was temporary, so I’ll post the link to the complete law again.
Go to the third (last) version, and then to section 402, which is rather oddly titled “Tipped Wage Fairness”.
“move Conservatism forward”
Conservatism is over. Oh, no completely, and not everywhere yet, but we’ve seen the high-water mark of your “movement.” People have now seen (again!) that conservatives in power are lying snakes who are icomptenet to boot. Will Rogers said once (paraphrased): “The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.
Of course, Democrats work hard for the day when equal numbers of unqualified blacks, browns, and women join the unqualified men in running our government.
MTR @ 2
Why don’t you just READ THE FUCKING LEGISLATION? Who knows, maybe you could post an informed comment.
JCH @ 6
So after 20 years of being on call by he people 24-7, he stays for five days at a nice hotel. Imagine the corruption. What did you say about Abramoff payng thousands to send DeLay to Scotland to golf?
RUFUS @ 44
Wrong. Why should Demcorats vote for the cynical Republican sham bill today when after January 2007 they can pass a REAL minum wage bill with their new majority?
MTR and Barelli
“Oddly called’ Tip Wage Fairness? I agree it’s odd. It should be called “Not Lying About Your True Income”.
My point remains…Maria Cantwell is LYING when she says it would reduce FUWA’s minimum wage. It does not. FUWA’s minimum wage would remain among the highest in the nation. I’d be glad to debate whether employees should be allowed to lie about their true income, but let’s frame the discussion correctly; minimum wage unchanged and lying not permitted.
Geez, only a fucking kook librul like her could scheme up to lie about lying. WTF..
MTR and Barelli
Isn’t the real point that a tipped worker who is being paid minimum wage by their employer could have, had the the voted-down legislation become law, had the wage paid to the by their employer REDUCED byu the aount of tipped income, effectively allowing their employers to pay them LESS than minimum wage?
Gee, Mark, she goes on to say
“Stopping minimum wage cuts that hurt Washington state working families and fighting for real minimum wage increases for ALL workers.
Say NO to minimum wage cuts and join Maria in her fight for Washington working families and against minimum wage penalties. ”
THen she goes on to say:
“Maria Cantwell did the right thing when she stood up to the cynical Republican leadership in Washington D.C. to save Washington state’s minimum wage. We deserve a real minimum wage increase, that helps all workers, rather than the cynical Republican plan that would have slashed minimum wage protections for over a hundred thousand Washington workers.
The Republican leadership has already vowed to try again to push through their minimum wage penalty, which would only make it even harder for Washington state’s working families to make ends meet. I am joining Maria Cantwell to tell them that we will never stop fighting for a fair minimum wage and we will not tolerate any more bait-and-switch proposals that hurt Washington state workers.”
So if someone is trying to reduce minumum wage protections, and to reduce the number of workers to whom employers must pay minimum wage, it’s not fair to say that they want to “cut Washngton state’s minumum wage?” I think you’re hanging by a thin semantic thread.
Let us now praise the underpaid, selfless civil servant.
Wait — does such a person exist in federal employ?
Excuse me while I chortle.
Oh sure, union officials, civics texts, and those blue-ribbon panels set up by defensive politicians often imply (and sometimes baldly assert) that government workers receive less pay than private employees. Sometimes they even bring up ideas like “selfless service.”
Add a touch of cynicism to this, and you might say that government workers exchange higher pay for job security. (It can sure be hard to fire a bureaucrat.)
But it’s high time to dismiss the myth. As the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported this month, federal civil servants receive far, far more in wages and benefits than workers in the private sector. Indeed, twice as much.
Average compensation for federal civilian workers last year came to $106,579 — which Chris Edwards of the Cato Institute notes is “exactly twice the average compensation paid in the U.S. private sector.” Throw out the benefits and the difference is less, but still a whopping 62 percent more for the federal worker.
Of course, past figures used to bolster up the “underpaid civil servant” notion ignore benefits and consider just the nominal wage rate. But today’s 62 percent difference is hard to ignore, isn’t it?
But face it: nominal wages aren’t real wages; for a true comparison we must add on all the benefits, as Edwards does: “Federal workers receive generous health benefits during work and retirement, a pension plan with inflation protection, a retirement savings plan with generous matching contributions, large disability benefits, and union protections.” Let me put a stop to transcribing here. There’s a lot more, and I don’t get paid enough to risk carpal tunnel.
Figuring in all the benefits, Edwards suggests that government employees should be paid less than private sector employees, not more.
BTW, the bill has NOTHING to do with whether tipped employees lie about their income or not, which you don’t kow either way. Currently, tipped employees are required to declare their tips as income but it does not reduce their employer’s obligation to pay them minimum wage.
51, Hey JCH, if you’re so rich, how come you haven’t donated $99 to Operation Helmet?
Commentby Roger Rabbit [Sorry, My charity of choice is the CF Society [cystic fibrosis]. My choice, not yours. And MORE than “Save The World” Al Gore donates to charity. [BTW, I’ll repost Al Gore’s charitable contribution article.]]
Instead of favoring voluntary charity, Gore prefers the welfare state. Instead of responding to demands for school vouchers with open arms, he says, “We shouldn’t give up on public schools.” And instead of opposing campaign-finance reform and holding candidates accountable for their decisions while in office, Gore has called repeatedly for an end to soft money (as if that would solve the problem of corruption in elected officials).
These government-mandated initiatives are intended to take the place of individually sponsored charity. While he is less than generous when it comes to helping others — in 1997, Gore had an income of $197,729 and gave only $353 to charity — he is willing to spend other people’s money on his own needs: Last summer, in spite of the fear Gore has so often expressed about the depletion of natural resources and harm to the environment, he didn’t hesitate to waste 96 million gallons of water (costing taxpayers $59,000) just for a photo-op of him canoeing down the Connecticut River. When it came time for Gore’s children to begin their education, he appears to have lost sight of his previous dedication to public education — one by one his children were enrolled in private schools. And most recently, in the absence of government regulation (ignoring for the moment his characteristic disregard for the law), Gore broke his promise and spent soft money before George W. Bush.
Nice gynastics guys… justifying lying about lying.
This is where common sense and moonbats collide. The whole issue is fucking stoopid… instead of arguing about minimum wage and whether or not lying is OK, why don’t moonbats join Conservatives to encourage people to get marketable skills courtesy of the lavish funding provided by The Producers in the public education system. Currently, 100% of the tab for high school, and about 80% of the cost of university education is picked up by The Producers. How ’bout we get together and encourage people to get out of the low end of the economy and join The Producers. Us Producers welcome newcomers.
“Save The World” Gore: $353 to charity on income of almost two hundred grand. Yup…….another Democrat POS hypocrite!!!!!!
JCH @ 68
I looked at the site for Bureau of Economic Analysis and it looks like they report aggregate numbers of personal income, ot per capita breakdowns. If you have some source, link to it. Frankly, I don’t believe your claims.
72, Nice thought, MTR Kennedy, but Democrats want a free ride. They are mostly “tax receivers”, rather than tax payers. And most could NEVER cut it in the private sector. They are truely “our burden to bear”.
People working for minimum wage ARE the Producers. How “conservative” of you not to think so.
Figuring in all the benefits, Edwards suggests that government employees should be paid less than private sector employees, not more.
Nice idea, but to get that to happen, wouldn’t we first have to fire the unions? Hmmm.
Now, the mere suggestion of lowering compensation — or even just curbing scheduled compensation increases — might be enough to incite incivility amongst our civil servants. But the point of bringing the matter up is not for the emotional reactions or to start a class war between net tax consumers and net taxpayers. It’s not that federal employees are evil, deserving to be punished. They are simply overpaid.
So, why is federal employee compensation so high?
Well, here’s one big reason: In bad times, when private sector wage increases grind to a halt, federal wages rise merrily upwards.
There are others, more basic in nature.
Think about it: Who decides the pay? Legislators.
A century ago and more, during the days of the “spoils system,” one tried to get government jobs for people not because the jobs necessarily paid that well, but because they paid well for the amount of work done. Government work was a good place for artists or college grads from liberal schools. That is, for people who couldn’t make it as artists and artisans and preachers and teachers, people for whom clerking in private practice was something worth shirking. Nathaniel Hawthorne famously wanted federal employ. In those days, government jobs were rather like short-term sinecures (often limited to the term of the party in office). A federal job was great haven for a novelist waiting to crank out a best seller.
AL Grre’s “characteristic disregard for the law” my ass. I dare say he has a higher regard for the law and is more scrupulous about obeying it than you are. AND demonstrably more than the Shrub.
How many times must we endure your cut and paste screeds on public employees?
Looked at another, it corrupts the whole economy. (Does it really help workers to idealize a system wherein productivity means almost nothing?)
But it doesn’t corrupt legislators. Much. It gives legislators precious little to dole out to supporters. Unlike under the spoils system, it’s harder for representatives to buy off constituents (other than by a general increase in government and catering to public employee unions, of course). What to do?
Pork to the rescue! Porkbarrel spending on constituent and private projects is an amazingly efficient way to dole out favors with other people’s money. It’s the spoils system reborn.
And as Mr. Edwards pointed out in another of his Cato reports, this sort of government favoring of private individuals is not limited to the federal government. Public debt for private projects amounts to 23 percent of today’s total municipal debt. The old joke used to be “thank God we don’t get all the government we pay for.” Now taxpayers pay for so much that isn’t government, we can repeat the old line only with an added bitterness.
There’s something inherent in unlimited representative government, and that something is the spreading, thickly, of money to favored supporters. When the spoils system was replaced with a civil service, a new form of spoils grew to take its place.
Wouldn’t it be nice if our representatives realized that it wasn’t their job to spread money around without limit? If they could give up on the New Spoils System, on the one hand, and exercise some fiduciary responsibility regarding our paid employees, on the other, fiscal policy wouldn’t be such a mess.
I won’t be holding my breath.
And I won’t be holding my breath for the people who complain about “overpaid corporate execs” to turn their ire against the thousands upon thousands of overpaid federal employees. The charge of “greed” will never affix to civil servants and their union representatives.
But greed is a cheap shot charge here as elsewhere. Everybody wants more money, and everybody has a right to ask for more. And employers have just as much right to offer only so much.
Perhaps it’s just that, when negotiating with workers and unions, our representatives don’t have much spine simply because the money “isn’t theirs,” and thus they have scant incentive to use it wisely.
The trouble with this explanation is not that it doesn’t explain. It explains the situation too well: what room is left for reform? It suggests that politics and bureaucracies are themselves congenitally incapable of rational management.
Sure government workers are overpaid. But that only points to the bigger problem: the federal government has escaped popular control, and is increasingly run not for the benefit of the people, but for the benefit of the people in government.
ecent news of Al Gore’s atrocious dealings as a landlord should come as no surprise, given his stingy record as a humanitarian. His tenants say they complained 30 times before going to the media, and only then did the Vice President agree to have the necessary repairs made. Even though Gore frequently preaches to the public about the need for compassion, he didn’t even follow through oh the simple request of an impoverished and disabled family whom he was legally obligated to help.
Gore’s dedication to government planning originates in his belief that liberty is “a risky scheme.” If not coerced, according to Gore, individuals will not accept the burden of helping society’s poorest people. Compassion is a characteristic, therefore, exclusive to government, because as far as Gore is concerned, his own lack of interest in personally helping others is universally shared.
Gore’s politics reveal an overarching philosophy that mirrors his behavior. Consider his views on the environment, which are developed at length in his book, Earth in the Balance. He claims the doomsday consequences of global warming are inevitable if intrusive government regulation is not immediately adopted. He then says that protecting the earth, as opposed to preserving individual rights and freedoms, ought to be the “central organizing principle for civilization.”
As a Democrat, he believes in centralized government that has the capability to regulate on a federal level. Instead of permitting each community to establish its own environmental standards, Gore attests to the need for national regulation. Instead of supporting a privatized Social Security system, Gore calls individual retirement accounts “a risky scheme” for permitting individuals the right to invest their money.
Instead of favoring voluntary charity, Gore prefers the welfare state. Instead of responding to demands for school vouchers with open arms, he says, “We shouldn’t give up on public schools.” And instead of opposing campaign-finance reform and holding candidates accountable for their decisions while in office, Gore has called repeatedly for an end to soft money (as if that would solve the problem of corruption in elected officials).
Gore’s political beliefs demonstrate that he regards liberty as too “risky” to be enjoyed by the populace at large. While he demands the freedom to send his kids to private school, he has no qualms about sacrificing other peoples’ children to the incompetence of the teacher unions and indifference of the government bureaucracies.
In the hope of discovering meaning in a collective and compulsory end, Gore does not mind abdicating the freedoms of others. He is therefore unable to find meaning for our civilization in protecting the very freedoms that allow individuals to prescribe and pursue their own ends. Consequently, he is not fit to be president. In attempting to find some concrete destiny for society, Gore wants to replace true justice with a collective purpose outside of the individual.
It is therefore apparent that Gore lacks faith in freedom. The real risk to our collective future resides not in liberty itself, but from empowering individuals who hypocritically take advantage of the very opportunities they wish to deny others.
How many times must we endure your cut and paste screeds on public employees?
Commentby Daddy Love— […………………………………………………………………………….Daddy Love…Read, and learn. You are not is some Liberal Arts bullshit course in some Liberal Arts pretend college anymore with some commie lib Democrat idiot for a prof who can’t or won’t make it outside some public supported classroom.]
That is absolutely precious.
@ 72, finding himself losing an argument, MTRollfuck declares “The whole issue is fucking stoopid”.
My 12 year old nephew would be proud of such rhetoric.
“Senator Hagel Says GOP Has Lost Its Way
‘Republicans Are Going to Be in Some Jeopardy’
“Associated Press
“WASHINGTON (Aug. 20) – Republicans have lost their way when it comes to many core GOP principles and may be in jeopardy heading into the fall elections, Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. says. Hagel … said Sunday that the GOP today is very different party from … when he first voted Republican. …
“Hagel asked: ‘Where is the fiscal responsibility …? Where is the international engagement …, free trade, individual responsibility, … building a smaller government?’ …
“‘I think we’ve lost our way,’ Hagel said. ‘And I think the Republicans … will be held accountable.'”
He forget to mention, “Where is the honesty and common sense?”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
But I should be careful to keep my 12 year old nephew away from JCH and his trailer full of porn.
“Kerry Calls Lieberman the New Cheney
“(Aug. 20) – Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., blasted … Sen. Joe Lieberman for continuing his bid in the Connecticut Senate race despite (losing) to newcomer Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary earlier this month.
“‘I’m concerned that [Lieberman] is making a Republican case,’ Kerry told ABC News’ ‘This Week with George Stephanopoulos’ in an exclusive appearance. Kerry accused (Lieberman) of ‘adopting the rhetoric of Dick Cheney’ on the issue of Iraq.
“‘Joe Lieberman is out of step with the people of Connecticut,’ Kerry added, insisting Lieberman’s stance on Iraq ‘shows you just why he got in trouble with the Democrats there.’
Kerry called Lieberman’s independent bid a ‘huge mistake’ and applauded businessman-turned-politician Lamont as ‘courageous’ for challenging Lieberman on the war. Of his own views on Iraq, Kerry stated forthrightly, ‘The course of this country in Iraq is making the world more dangerous.'”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Uhhh…. moving on because I won the argument. Cantwell lies about lying and you moonbats justify it.
I think if you delve into it, you’ll find all those “top states to do business” are places where wages are low and workers are struggling to support their families.
I mean, who the fuck wants to live in Utah? Goddam UTAH?!!
Yes — and that’s exactly what the GOP CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES want. The greedy bastards want to take the waitress tip jar for themselves.
I’m against censorship. Use your scroll arrow. Be patient, if the Rapture doesn’t get JCH soon, maybe an aneurysm will.
Why don’t wingnuts support student financial aid programs, instead of gutting them?
Bush and the GOP congress cut student financial aid this year to give another tax cut to multimillionaires.
If you vote Republican, you don’t support education or our troops.
If you vote Republican, you don’t support veterans either, because they also made it harder to qualify for VA medical benefits.
GOP = war-loving, torture-practicing, Constitution-shredding, America-hating, anti-worker, anti-middle class, anti-military Stalinist authoritarians.
Hey Red Dick, pay your fucking gambling debt!!!
Hey Rabbit – Nice and comfortable today in your 50s rambler at Greenlake? Is the Valiant parked out in the street? Tell us again how you gave up big bucks real lawyers get so you could serve humanity. Still spending 1/3 of your taxpayer funded pension on medical?
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
DaddyLove at 66
“Isn’t the real point that a tipped worker who is being paid minimum wage by their employer could have, had the the voted-down legislation become law, had the wage paid to the by their employer REDUCED byu the aount of tipped income, effectively allowing their employers to pay them LESS than minimum wage?”
@88, sorry vagina lips. You were soundly trounced.
How fucking hard is this to understand?
“…States with higher state minimum wages — in California it’s $6.75 an hour; in Washington it’s $7.63 — would keep their higher levels, at least until the federal level exceeds it.”
And there’s a requirement to be honest about including tips when calculating whether the minimum is being paid !
What’s so fucking hard to understand about that?
Fucking moonbats like Roger Rabbit complain about the “rich” not paying their fair share. How bout we be really “fair” and have everybody pay their fair share… including those who get tips.
Or are there different rules for different people?
Fucking lying hypocrites…
The progressive income tax is the fairest tax.
Let’s take the function of government everyone can agree upon is essential: national defense.
If you have the most assets and wealth then you have the the most to lose from those who would take it from you. Therefore it’s only fair that you pay more for the service of national defense than someone who has fewer assets and a lower income than you do.
Making poorer people pay more when they make up the largest portion of soldiers who pay with their lives and limbs amounts to nothing fair.
The above argument also applies to jurisprudence.
States with higher state minimum wages — in California it’s $6.75 an hour; in Washington it’s $7.63 — would keep their higher levels, at least until the federal level exceeds it.
Except for in the seven states at issue, employers of tipped workers now pay only a portion of the minimum wage — starting at $2.13 an hour — as long as the employees draw enough tips to make up the rest.
It amounts to taking income away from tipped workers in the seven states. Another cheap-labor wingnut scam.
JCH @ 6
So after 20 years of being on call by he people 24-7, he stays for five days at a nice hotel.
Commentby Daddy Love [,,,,,,,,,,Yes, Daddy Love…….He be a “big “MoFo” Democrat “public servent” [nose in the “guvment trough for two decades” and he be takin the big mofo trip from Newark [Harare, New Jersey], flying First Class at taxpayer expense, and doing the mofo job of mofo mayor!!!!] Thank God there are NO Republicans in Newark, NJ. They left years ago! [Atlas has Shrugged]]
Clueless – We’re talking about WASHINGTON STATE !!… The Feminist Utopia of Washington. FUWA would NOT be affected. Yet Liar Cantwell says it would be.
In her ad right here on the HA comments page she says “Stopping minimum wage cuts that hurt Washington state”. That is a fucking lie… an outright fucking lie. Minimum wage is not affected. NOT AFFECTED….
Shit… are you guys really as fucking stoopid as you claim? No fucking wonder you support her.
Progressive tax is most fair? Really? HTF is that “fair” when some people (The Producers) pay more dollars and higher percentage? How the fuck is it “fair” when the top 10% of The Producers pay 50% of the taxes? How the fuck do you define fair? As punitive?
Yeah, figures….
110 – The more you have , the more you should pay. If you want the government to do more (fancy bombs, planes, ships, etc.) to protect the more you have, then you should pay a higher rate. It’s that simple.
Pay your gambling debt.
Hey Roger Rabbit, If Goldy sells MTR to you for $100, and you get tired of him, can we then donate him to the “Bodies” exhibit?
The only liar around here is MTR, as usual
Under our preliminary analysis, this proposal, in effect, appears to nullify an employer’s obligation to pay the minimum wage rate in RCW 49.46.020 with regard to tipped employees. This means that Washington workers who receive tips – typically service industry workers – would see a decrease in income. However, the proposal does give states the right to amend their laws to specifically reinstate their current minimum wage rate laws. Until and unless the Washington State Legislature amends the minimum wage act to reinstate the current minimum wage rate provision for tipped employees, it would diminish workers’ rights in Washington State.
I trust that this is useful information. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Gary K. Weeks
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
If lying, sack-of-shit Republicans don’t spell out in protection for service workers in the bill, it must be opposed.
From the 8/20/2006 Seattle P-I editorial page:
“Guest Columnist
“How does one go about making massive changes in a modern society? In our case, fellows of think tanks were paid to create rationales for predetermined economic and political positions, much as in the old Soviet Union. Billions of dollars have been spent to convince the public that its interests and those of the corporations are the same.
“A first step was when the Fairness Doctrine was abolished and radio stations were no longer required to air opposing viewpoints. … Then, behind closed doors, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed. All radio regulations were thrown out, and independents were bought up. That legislation resulted in the rise of right-wing radio ….
“The reason corporations such as GE and Westinghouse own media outlets now is to keep certain issues quiet, such as lobbying, pollution and job exportation. The way the media treat corporations these days is the same as Soviet media treated communism in its heyday — with deference and discretion. Did you know that:
“George H.W. Bush is making millions through Carlisle, thanks to administration policies?
“A billionaire funded the Arkansas Project to try to bring down the Clinton presidency?
“The wealthiest 5 percent own 84.4 percent of everything in America, and the bottom 40 percent owns less than 1 percent?
“Our national debt now equals $30,000 for each person? And which political party has accumulated most of this debt? …
“Two companies count 80 percent of the votes in U.S. elections? (ES&S and Diebold.) And that the owners of the two are brothers?
“Last month, half the lawyers in the IRS’s Estate Tax Division were laid off en masse? …
“… News is supposed to provide us with information on vital issues and should educate us so we can make good decisions. But now vital issues are trivialized, and fluff such as movie stars and gossip command vast coverage.
“Rep. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., says: ‘Rupert Murdock has had a tremendous influence in the worst possible way, on culture and media in the U.S. and England. His shtick is appealing to working-class people, and taking them to the right. And he does this through violence, through superpatriotism, and through sensationalism. Fox Television is the first example we’ve seen that makes no pretense of objectivity. All of their talk shows are controlled by extreme right-wing Republicans; it is a front for the right-wing of the Republican Party.’
“Some stories disappear (no-bid contracts to administration companies) while others are repeated endlessly (Monica Lewinsky). The media do not discuss … the disappearance of the middle class. Sanders asks, ‘Why is it, that with all this advancement in technology, and all the efficiency gains we have, that the average American is now working longer hours, for less pay, than he did 25 years ago?’
“Says Gary Sick, U.S. diplomat in past administrations: ‘We know what to do with someone caught misappropriating funds, but when confronted with evidence of a systematic attempt to undermine the political system itself, we recoil, in a general failure of imagination and nerve.'”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete opinion and/or copyright info, see
108 – Nope. My reading says that a tipped worker gets a paycut down to $2.13/hour just like in the 43 other states.
I can see why the service industries wanted this. They have to compete for convention business with cheaper labor in other states.
Why can’t the 43 states be like the 7? The playing field would then be more or less even but then the service industries would have uniformly higher labor costs. Can’t have that if you can help it.
This letter writer in today’s Seattle Times got it right:
“While ‘cut and run’ is not the only alternative to ‘stay the course’ in Iraq, it’s the only one the unimaginative Republicans running the country seem able to come up with. If someone had told the captain of the Titanic to ‘change the course,’ a nasty collision could have been averted and many lives saved.
“President George W. Bush is turning our nation into a modern Titanic equivalent. We need to get his crew changed come November’s election in order to avoid the sinking of our ship of state. …”
— Bob Wojtyna, Woodinville
I love the Titanic analogy! Mr. Wojtyna has it exactly right … reconsidering Bush’s miscarried Iraq adventure is not “cutting and running” but changing course so we don’t hit the fucking iceberg and sink the fucking ship.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton matches up well against Sen. John McCain in early polling about a possible presidential contest in 2008.
A Time magazine poll released Sunday found McCain, R-Ariz., at 49 percent and Clinton, D-N.Y., at 47 percent among registered voters when people were asked which candidate they would support for president if they had to decide now. [ ……………………Most Democrats believe Hillary has a “better” military service record because she told us she “tried” to join the Marine Corps. hehe, JCH]
This stuff for tipped workers is yet another poison pill?
If the Dems oppose this, then the R’s can crow about how the Dems blocked a pay raise for non-tipped workers. Just in time for November. It’s crazy enough to work.
Sorry Wingnuts – everybody counts or nobody counts.
111 – The more you “should” pay? Huh? Should? On what basis?
I know… you’re just a typical loser class envy librul. How the fuck does punishing success make you any better off?
113 Tuttle – HTF does that reduce income? All it says is that tips must be reported. WTF is wrong with that? And if employees lie about it, they’re gonna get burned. Seems fair to me. Why should tip income be exempt?
The fact of the matter is that Maria Cantwell is a fucking liar who lies about lying. And you kooky moonbats lie to protect the liar who lies about lying.
MTR @ 108
“Minimum wage is not affected. NOT AFFECTED….”
That is a fucking lie… an outright fucking lie. Workers who make tips could be paid sub-minimum wages under this law. Get fucking used to the truth.
Including tips there would be zero reduction. Zero. Stop telling lies to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Lying about Lies Cantwell.
Lying about Lies Cantwell.
Lying about Lies Cantwell.
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Lying about Lies Cantwell.
Lying about Lies Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Guess how the Republicans in our legislature will vote on any bill that reinstates the current minimum wage provisions for tipped employees …
“Daddy Love…Read, and learn. You are not is some Liberal Arts bullshit course in some Liberal Arts pretend college anymore with some commie lib Democrat idiot for a prof who can’t or won’t make it outside some public supported classroom.”
No, i’s definitely not a classroom hre. Instead I am in a place where idiots harangue me with repetitive stolen ideas that would make a John Bircher blush with shame.
Boy, some teachers you must have had to fill you with such hatred. How ARE children t be taught without teachers?
“Fucking moonbats like Roger Rabbit complain about the ‘rich’ not paying their fair share. How bout we be really ‘fair’ and have everybody pay their fair share… including those who get tips. Or are there different rules for different people? Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/20/06@ 4:34 pm
Which of Jupiter’s moons are you smoking crack on? Tipped employees owe taxes the same as every other wage earner. I guess taxing wage earners isn’t enough for you CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES, you want to take away their wages …
Redneck must have fallen out of the upper deck at Qwest field and hit his head on the bleacher seats 130 feet below this afternoon …
Which is worst?
1) That Maria Cantwell is a liar.
2) That Maria Cantwell lies about lying
3) That moonbats tell lies to hide the fact that Maria Cantwell lies about lying.
Why should we be surprised that a bet welsher is also a liar?
Pro-Vietnam war individuals were termed HAWKs (Hanoi And Westmoreland Kill). Eventually the US quit, and the anti-war DOVEs (Death Of Vietnam Era) prevailed.
Football is a violent sport, and the Seahawks are true to their name. Why do we accept their violence to stop the Sunday show,
when we Democrate Oppose Violent Entertainment?
Let’s see, whe interpreting minumum wage bill’s effect on tipped employees, shoudl we believe “Republicans and the National Restaurant Association” or “the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service?” I think we all know the answer to that one.
Lying about Lies Cantwell.
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Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
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Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
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Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
Moonbats lying about lying to protect the lying liar Cantwell.
“Including tips there would be zero reduction. Zero.”
Wrong. Under current law, an employer is required to pay tipped employees the minimum wage. Under the proposed law, they could reduce the amount that THEY pay the emloyee by the amount of that employee’s tips. A reduction, in other words. Not “zero” reduction. A very fucking real reduction in pay.
WOw, now you’re just being a big baby.
On what grounds should Maria Cantwell be removed from office?
1) For lying
2) For lying about lying
3) For lying about liars who lie?
“How bout we be really ‘fair’ and have everybody pay their fair share…”
OK, how about if we tax investment income at the same rate as wages?
daddy – Sure… do the flat tax and count everything. We agree…
But what you and most uneducated moonbats don’t understand is that taxes serve two separate and distinct functions:
1) Provide money for gummint operations
2) Provide a tool for policy deployment by encouraging desired behaviors via favorable tax treatment, and discourging behaviors that are not desired through unfavorable tax treatment.
Function #2 is why we will NEVER have a flat tax.
Now if you’d like, go ahead and make the case that encouraging The Producers… the “Investor Class” as you moonbats like to call us…should be discouraged from making investments in the corporations that provide the highest standard of living in the world.
I’m waiting…
Geez, taking on the whole crowd of them and winning without any help. Superior intellect is a powerful tool…
MTR’s moonbat poll:
Which is the greatest source of shame:
1) That Maria Cantwell is a liar
2) That Maria Cantwell lies about lying
3) That you moonbats tell lies to cover up the lies of the lying liar Cantwell
4) That MTR so easily takes you down and makes you look like fucking fools?
What no Goldy Show !!!!!!! All right i think it is high time we get rid of all these damnable Sports Teams that keep messing up the radio shows .. I think we need a new initiatives no sports on radio . Who the hell listens to sports any ways. No body does that’s who. Get the Sea fukers off the radio.!!!!!!!
Get rid of the Seahawks? After the taxpayers subsidized a luxury stadium for one of the wealthiest men in the world whose franchise is now worth $600M more than he paid for it?
WTF would you get rid of them?
Wingnuts, I still am very worried about you guys. (That means you, too, doc). I want you all to immediately shut down your computers, take a shower, put on some nice clothes and go to a bar, or a restaurant, go somewhere, and try to meet some people. For all you sakYes, I hope you meet some nice women, who, if you’re lukcy enough, will ignore your prattle, but, instead, will be stunned by your fine looks and your cool cars. Really. Get away from your computers and get a life. You all desperately need one.
If that fails, take a community college course in logic. You all need one of those, too.
NoLeftBrainandWishesHeHadaLeftNut or Rugrat… you decide.
“No, i’s definitely not a classroom hre.” [………………………………………………………………….WTF does this mean? Did you reply in English? Are you really “The Socialist”?]
Commentby Daddy Love
Dan – I’ll take that as a white flag in the finest french tradition. My work here is done. Before I go…
Maria Cantwell is a liar.
Maria Cantwell lies about lying.
Moonbats lie to cover up the lies of The Lying Liar Cantwell.
Mtr, if that will get you out of your fuckin’ house, go for it, man. As far as Cantwell goes, I haven’t a clue about what your talking about, nor am I willling to chase down every post you’ve made here. Mostly, because, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about it. So go take your shower and get out there, buddy. Wow ’em with your witty repartee.
Has anyone noticed that the chickenhawk, dick-sucking coward MikeyMcGavick is now trying to court the military vote? This little piece of shit knows about as much about the military as that traitor Mark The Redneck.
The right wing cowardly chickenhawks ought to just fess up and admit none of them had the nutsack to fight in any war and quit pretending to be soldiers of fortune.
“This little piece of shit knows about as much about the military as Bill and Hillary Clinton?”
Commentby LeftTurn [……..Sounds better this way!!]
Okay, let the left take a pause for a minute on tip credit.
Mark the Rednck- I am a small business lobbyist here in Washington State, and I am very familiar with the minimum wage law and tip credit-
Is that clear enough for you? All you’ve done is make yourself look like the complete fucking idjit that you are!
The STUPIDEST thing that the Republicans in DC have done this year on social policy was to get overreaching and roll tip credit into the minimum wage/estate tax bill- then not tell the House members until after they’d voted on it. Not just Reichart BUT CATHY MCMORRIS has repudiated that vote.
Everything that every person on this thread has tried to tell you is true- BUT YOU ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO EVEN COMPREHEND THE SEATTLE TIMES STORY YOU KEEP LINKING.
The damn tip credit provision could have cost my favorite bartender- and best friend- over $200 a week in CUT wages and don’t yo think she bent my ear on it?
Again, to make the point clear- MTR, YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID.
STAY SONICS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goldy it’s great that you’re on the radio. It frustrates the Hell out of the right wingers. They love it when they control the whole game and can’t stand it for one minute that we get to take a turn at the plate too.
Keep it up. Calling the liars on the right liars often enough will produce results. Because people will come out of their fog to realize just how many lies the Bush regime and its supporters tell on a regular basis. Commentby LeftTurn— 8/20/06@ 10:51 am
It doesn’t frustrate me. I think more people need to hear the crap like what I read everyday! It’s magical!
Frank Rich, “Five Years After 9/11, Fear Finally Strikes Out”, 8/20/2006
NY Times moonbat. Friend of Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd. Moonbats supremes
Keep going gang! MTR is just about to have a corony! He does have 1 record here though… 489 days straight without winning a debate or paying his debts.
SORRY, Coronary
JCH How many times must we endure your cut and paste screeds on public employees? Commentby Daddy Love— 8/20/06@ 3:42 pm
JCH, you have 357 more times to paste that “screed”. That’s the number of Cheap Labor Conservative screeds Furball as placed!
Has anyone noticed that the chickenhawk, dick-sucking coward MikeyMcGavick is now trying to court the military vote? This little piece of shit knows about as much about the military as that traitor Mark The Redneck.
Commentby LeftTurn— 8/20/06@ 8:25 pm
LT. Your party would be better off by staying the course and continue to disenfranchise the military voter. A leftist preaching to the military is like Hitler preaching to the Jewss.
Jim Smith – The only way your single mother bartender could take home less money is if she has been engaged in a pattern of fraud and deceipt against the Government of The United States of America by failing to report tips as income. And as you have freely admitted here, you are a co-conspirator to this felonious activity.
Apparently this blog is read by a few people in law enforcement, government, and local media. If any of you know a big time small business lobbyist named “Jim Smith”, I strongly encourage you to turn him into the Internal Revenue Service for conspiracy and tax evasion.
Have a nice day Smith… Dumass…
Make that Jim KING
JIM KING, co-conspirator to commit felony tax evasion…
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Jim King, Daddy Love and others arguing with MTR. I’ve finally figured out what MTR is saying.
It isn’t that the wages for people with tip income will be cut, it’s just that they will be paying about $5.00 an hour of those wages out of their own tip income.
Apparently, Republicans don’t see this as a cut in income.
MTR, using that same thinking, I’ve got a proposal for you. I’m going to help you get rich, and all I’m asking is 10%.
First, take a $20 dollar bill. Put it into a pocket. Now take it out and put it into another pocket. That’s $40. Continue moving that twenty from pocket to pocket until you’ve done it 50,000 times. Now you’ve got $1 Million!
I’ll take my $100,000 in small, unmarked, non-consecutive bills, please.
howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy: Furball or Clueless you decide?
John Barelli – Are you like Jim King? Do you commit felony tax evasion? Are you involved in any conspiracies to defraud the US Government?
157 MTR- My friend- who is NOT a mother, by the way- probably earns more than you- she works hard for her money, reports it all- unlike you- carries a nice mortgage on a nice home, and has more brains in her pinky than you- but then you are such a fucking joke, who cares. You can’t even comprehend simple math.
the equation- when your kids get home maybe they can explain it to you after yo are done abusing them and filming them for you internet porn business:
Current Law- $7.63 per hour plus tips
Proposed Law- $2.15 per hour plus tips
Simple math- $5.48 per hour LESS. That’s a sizeable cut in pay.
If you’d stop abusing your daughter and spend time on the reader you were given by the social services folks, you might increase your comprehension to second grade level.
LOS ANGELES – John “Mark the Redneck” Karr, the suspect in the killing of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey, arrived late Sunday after a 15-hour flight from Thailand on which he sipped champagne, dined on fried king prawns and roast duck, and exchanged what he described as “small talk” with law enforcement escorts.
Karr said it was all a mistake- he had mistaken JonBenet for his daughter, who really turned him on.
OK..A news flash from Maui……..Guess who is back at Kapalua, Maui, playing the Plantation [PGA] course, eating at the Ritz, Roy’s and the Plantation, and staying at the best hotel Maui has to offer in Kapalua. Yes, the New Orleans Levy Board, all black and all Democrat, and all armed with “guvment” credit cards, are running up huge tabs at “THE SPA” and the bars. Yes, these “Public servent Democrats” are “saving the poor black folk” in New Orleans by spending thousands for a first class junket in Maui!! Totally classic!! I don’t know if they flew “first class”, so I will save that info for later!! Yes, That evil George Bush destroyed New Orleans, and the liberal Democrat “Levy Board” are forced to travel to Kapalua, Maui to save the homeless and poor, forgotten black Democrats in the 9th ward!!!! This is soooooooo funny!!! More on this tomorrow!!!!!
Felon Jim King – Sorry pal; your numbers are wrong. Here’s chapter and verse of the law: Geez, I don’t see 2.15 per hour anywhere.
Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)
Section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) is amended to read as follows:
`(1) except as otherwise provided in this section, not less than–
`(A) $5.15 an hour beginning September 1, 1997;
`(B) $5.85 an hour, beginning on January 1, 2007;
`(C) $6.55 an hour, beginning June 1, 2008; and
`(D) $7.25 an hour, beginning June 1, 2009;’.
MTR the bet-welsher,
Jim King is a pretty conservative guy and a staunch Republican, however he isn’t nearly as hamstrung by ideology as you and the rest of the nutwings who hang out here.
Jim King – Are you going to do the honorable thing and turn yourself into the authorities for conpiracy to commit tax evasion? You shouldn’t get much more than 20 years or so.
Why should tip position employees get the minimum wage? It seems unfair since most of thoses employees will make way more then the minimum wage after their tips have been counted at the end of the day. I worked in a Hotel in the early 90’s and ifyou were not making $10 an hour at least in tips you had problems. Everyone wanted those positions and it wasnt because of the wages.
Should we take up a collection from dumb ass liberals to send to the New Orleans Levy Board. Why should they drink Korbel when they could be drinking “DOM”? [or Black Velvet, King Cobra, or Thunderbird?] Dems LOVE to spend other people’s money. “Guvment” is just a smokescreen. BTW, ANY questions about and of this is racist and may not be “axed”. hehe, JCH
It’s only tax evasion if you don’t report it. There’s a spot on the return for reporting tip income.
Oh, and when you send me my $100,000, I’ll be sure to report it on my tax return. Make sure you report that other $900,000, ok?
Redneck the Thief’s mental pathologies have taken a turn for the worse.
GOP = kleptomaniacs
Hey DumbFuck Redneck- didn’t see anything in what you qouted referring to reporting of tips or tax evasion- all you do is screw up, huh? At least this time it wasn’t up your son or daughter…
“Hey Rabbit – Nice and comfortable today in your 50s rambler at Greenlake? Is the Valiant parked out in the street? Tell us again how you gave up big bucks real lawyers get so you could serve humanity.” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/20/06@ 4:21 pm
Who’s got a 50’s rambler or a Valiant? I live in a hole with a waterfront view and get around on my two hind feet (which came with built-in traction studs).
“Still spending 1/3 of your taxpayer funded pension on medical?” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 8/20/06@ 4:21 pm
Yeah, but my housing, food, and transportation are cheap.
Actually, taxes perform 4 socially useful functions. The two you didn’t mention are:
3) punishing people for voting for the wrong party, and
4) confiscating money from people who can’t be trusted with it
For example, Republicans like to punish workers by taxing wages 1,000 times as much as inheritances, because workers tend to vote for Democrats.
It’s only tax evasion if you don’t report it. There’s a spot on the return for reporting tip income.
Commentby John Barelli— 8/20/06@ 10:20 pm
Is there a spot where you can deduct used underwear…. nevermind, found it.
Actually, taxes perform 4 socially useful functions. The two you didn’t mention are:
3) punishing people for voting for the wrong party, and
4) confiscating money from people who can’t be trusted with it
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/20/06@ 10:32 pm
Actually those are two very good reasons for tax evasion. Well I am off to the camans. Hehe
An Alaska Union Busting Airlines jet was evacuated in Long Beach tonight because of smoke in the passenger cabin.
Sounds like they need some union mechanics.
JCH and Mark Retardo were born as Siamese twins. They were joined at the buttocks, with Retardo’s dick stuck up JCH’s ass. The separation surgery was successful (in a manner of speaking) but they each got only half a brain, JCH is permanently constipated, and Retardo ended up with a 3-inch dick.
An Alaska Union Busting Airlines jet was evacuated in Long Beach tonight because of smoke in the passenger cabin.
Sounds like they need some union mechanics.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/20/06@ 11:06 pm
Actually I know some union thugs… I mean employees looking for work. Just dont ask them to install heavy concrete ceiling panels.
John “Mark the Redneck” Karr (gee, I like that one- thanks, Chocolate Moose)-
Stop messing around with your kids- you promised Children’s Administration you’d stop that- and pay attention.
The existing law regarding tip credit, as found in 29 U.S.C. 203 (m), is:
“In determining the wage an employer is required to pay a tipped employee, the amount paid such employee by the employee’s employer shall be an amount equal to—
(1) the cash wage paid such employee which for purposes of such determination shall be not less than the cash wage required to be paid such an employee on August 20, 1996; and
(2) an additional amount on account of the tips received by such employee which amount is equal to the difference between the wage specified in paragraph (1) and the wage in effect under section 206 (a)(1) of this title.
The additional amount on account of tips may not exceed the value of the tips actually received by an employee. The preceding 2 sentences shall not apply with respect to any tipped employee unless such employee has been informed by the employer of the provisions of this subsection, and all tips received by such employee have been retained by the employee, except that this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit the pooling of tips among employees who customarily and regularly receive tips.”
All the proposed legislation did was change the entirety of the existing sub (m) to sub (m)(1), making (1) and (2) into (A) and (B).
Now, we know THAT is a big change for you to get your mind around, so to make it easy, this is how the proposed changes would have read (again, we are just making the existing sub (m) into sub (m) (1) so we can screw tipped employees in seven states in a new sub (m) (2), and are just changing a (1) and a (2) into an (A) and a (B)- BIG changes , but I am sure it is intimidating to someone with your limited intellect:
The new language would have been found in 29 U.S.C. 203 (m) (1):
“In determining the wage an employer is required to pay a tipped employee, the amount paid such employee by the employee’s employer shall be an amount equal to—
(A) the cash wage paid such employee which for purposes of such determination shall be not less than the cash wage required to be paid such an employee on August 20, 1996; and
(B) an additional amount on account of the tips received by such employee which amount is equal to the difference between the wage specified in paragraph (1) and the wage in effect under section 206 (a)(1) of this title.
The additional amount on account of tips may not exceed the value of the tips actually received by an employee. The preceding 2 sentences shall not apply with respect to any tipped employee unless such employee has been informed by the employer of the provisions of this subsection, and all tips received by such employee have been retained by the employee, except that this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit the pooling of tips among employees who customarily and regularly receive tips.”
Now, the key here is to know what (1) or (A) refers to when it says “the cash wage required to be paid such an employee on August 20, 1996”- which is really not that difficult.
That is the $2.13 you’ll find at the federal Department of Labor’s site:, and here is where I made one little mistake- the minimum for tipped employees is $2.13, not $2.15, plus tips
Nothing in the proposed legislation changed any of that- but the new subsection (m) (2) is what overrode the higher minimum wages for tipped employees in seven states, including ours.
Now I am sure you do not understand any of that, and I am sure a link to a Bush Administration website is suspicious, but that is just the way it is.
In our state and six others, tipped employees would have had their minimum wage cut by over $5.00, and in the other forty-three states, tipped employees would have seen no increase in their minimum wage. Next time you find the strength to pull your self away from abusing the kids, walk down to the local tavern and tell the bartender you want to pull $5 an hour out of his tip jar.
I promise I’ll ask all the HorsesAss posters to contribute to the intensive care fund- but some might want to apply the proceeds to your other debts.
How about Section 402?
Section 3(m) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 203(m)) is amended–
(1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively;
(2) by striking `Wage’ paid to any employee’ and inserting `(1) `Wage’ paid to any employee’;
(3) in subparagraph (B) (as so redesignated), by inserting before the period the following: `: Provided, That the tips shall not be included as part of the wage paid to an employee to the extent that they are excluded therefrom under the terms of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular employee’; and
(4) by adding at the end of the following:
`(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any State or political subdivision of a State which on or after the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006 excludes all of a tipped employee’s tips from being considered as wages in determining if such tipped employee has been paid the applicable minimum wage rate, may not establish or enforce the minimum wage rate provisions of such law, ordinance, regulation, or order in such State or political subdivision thereof with respect to tipped employees unless such law, ordinance, regulation, or order is revised or amended to permit such employee to be paid a wage by the employee’s employer in an amount not less than an amount equal to–
`(A) the cash wage paid such employee which is required under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order on the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006; and
`(B) an additional amount on account of tips received by such employee which amount is equal to the difference between the cash wage described in subparagraph (A) and the minimum wage rate in effect under such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, or the minimum wage rate in effect under section 6(a), whichever is higher.’.
Well, it looks to me like the minimum wage for tipped employees would be reduced to $2.13 per hour under the House-passed bill, unless the state in question amended their state law to increase the minimum wage for tipped employees back to what it had already been.
Guess how our GOP legislators will vote on the amendment?
Looks like the bill isn’t going anywhere right now:
Cloture on the motion to proceed not invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 56 – 42. Record Vote Number: 229. (consideration: CR S8746; text: CR S8746)
There was another question, too- whether Washington would have had to strip out its automatic minimum wage increase, too- some read the language as requiring a state to reset its minimum wage to the prior level- and keep it there, no automatic (or other?) increases. That would have set up a conflict between the interests of tipped employees (wanting to restore tip credit) and other employees (wanting to keep increases)- a conflict Democratic state legislators would not have wanted to face.
Frist changed his vote, to be on the prevailing side, so he could move reconsideration this fall- but how likely that will be remains an open question.
Who knows what will happen in the senate, when one of the most corrupt lawmakers around is in charge of the minority?
Your leader Reid isn’t looking too good in this story. He sacrificed your precious environment to line the pockets of a donor. Endangered species? Just move them. We got a developer to take care, along with a campaign and a PAC or two. Reid’s son is the the developer’s lawyer, and I’m sure he is paid more than minimum wage.
Also, wonder why Nevada is now one of the first four primaries? I guess Harry is pretty getting whatever he wants. Probably because he buys his way into anything he wants. Always has, always will.
Roger – he’s your guy, not ours. As long as he is charge of your party, I guess the accusations of corruption will ring pretty hollow.
Question: On the Cloture Motion (Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to Consider H.R.5970 )
So rather than bring a new cloture motion, they are simply going to reconsider the original cloture motion?
They can bring a number of cloture motions, from what I understand, but they have to allow a certain amount of debate between successive cloture motions.
I guess they can streamline this by leaving open a reconsideration of the original cloture motion.
What happened to the old-fashioned 24-7 Senate sessions to actually break a filibuster, and a Senator speaking for 24 hours straight without going to the bathroom?
Jimmy Stewart isn’t in the Senate anymore… :(
There was a time that a filibuster could only be halted by exhaustion. Woodrow Wilson urged the Senate to adopt a cloture rule after isolationist senators worked to block legislation allowing the arming of merchant ships. The cloture rule originally required a two-thirds vote, and it was first used to end debate over the Treaty of Versailles after the First World War.
Eleven times between 1927 and 1962, the Senate tried- and failed- to invoke cloture. In 1975, the rule was changed to sixty percent, or 60 votes.
Sometime since 1975 it has been twisted on its head so that the cloture rule is more often used to force a supermajority to take any action.
My guess is it is easier and quicker to reconsider and act- IF sixty votes appear for a package. A big IF as long as there is any whiff of tip credit.
Few appear to have the tenacity for a real filibuster anymore. Even with the cloture rule, amendments and other manuevers could take days to beat back.
The operative language in the House-passed bill is (emphasis added on ALL):
“any State or political subdivision of a State which on or after the date of enactment of the Estate Tax and Extension of Tax Relief Act of 2006 excludes ALL of a tipped employee’s tips from being considered as wages in determining if such tipped employee has been paid the applicable minimum wage rate”
So Washington could amend its law to exclude ALL BUT A PENNY of tips from being considered, instead of excluding ALL tips from being considered. Basically, make a tip credit of $0.01 per hour (minimum wage for tipped workers of $7.62 per hour, instead of $7.63 per hour).
That way, Washington would be excluded from the tip credit override provision. And the state minimum wage could keep on increasing, instead of being capped at the level it is right now.
So if state law is amended to provide for a $0.01 per hour tip credit, it would apparently prevent federal law from forcing a $5.50 per hour tip credit.
This is a really sad story from Monday’s Seattle P-I, and something that persists in our country, in spite of all the laws that make it illegal:
Richard Pope: To implement moonbat language of LeftMyTurdBehindLostMyBrain: Since the sex slave trade occurs in moonbat cities of the east it has to be moonbats in the forefront of the sex slave trade.
Moonbats: Provide lots of sex and and keep them as slaves are their mottos. Pimps and slave traders are their occupations! Here is a cheer Furball can wake up to! Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mooooooooooooooonbats!
Moonbats the most telling part of the story is:
“The Berkeley study concluded that forced labor victims came from more than 35 countries, with the most from China, followed by Mexico and Vietnam. It found reports of forced labor in at least 90 U.S. cities, most often in areas with large immigrant populations.”
So it seems as long as they vote donk in large cities it’s “okay”. Where are the standards leftist groups like NOW Rainbow-Push, Action Network, etc. on this?
Moonbats: I went to USA Today so you couldn’t accuse me of using FOX. Here goes:
Now why would a Lebanese man attack German transport?
1) They sold Saddam munitions around the UN embargo
2) They were aginst us in the Iraq invasion
3) They are pacifists
4) 900 Hezbollah members live in Germany
5) 9/11 Staging occurred in Hamburg
So it looks like the moonbat charge of they attack us for the Iraq war is folly!
Moonbats: There is so much to comment on and so little time! Did you moonbat know Spain is tracking terrorism?
So if Spain is tracking terrorism and they left Iraq after the bombing in Madrid, what does this portend moonbats?
Oh look, a friend of for the clueless offering pay day loans! Why is he a friend of for the clueless. Only clueless types (moonbats) would pay such high usury rates for payday loans.
“make the case that…The Producers…should be discouraged from making investments in the corporations”
I am guessing that even after your flippant comment about the flat tax that here you are defending low tax rates for investmentincome. By “defending,” of course, I mean defendig in your inimitable fashion: by stating your position in a single sentence of loaded language without further support, then challenging others to argue against it, whereupon you will ignore the substance of their arguments, restate your semantically loaded sentence, and declare yourself the victor.
But the fact is that the wealthiest 1 percent of households owns roughly 33.4% of the nation’s net worth, the top 10% of households owns over 71%, and the bottom 40% of households owns less than 1% (figures from 2001).
Also, new CBO data indicate that the concentration of corporate wealth among the highest-income Americans grew significantly in 2003, as a trend that began in 1991 accelerated in the first year that President Bush and Congress cut taxes on capital. In 2003 the top 1 percent of households owned 57.5 percent of corporate wealth, up from 53.4 percent the year before, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis of income tax data. The analysis looked at taxes on capital gains, dividends, interest and rents. Income from securities owned by retirement plans and endowments was excluded, as were gains from noncorporate assets such as personal residences. This technique for measuring wealth has long been used in standard economic studies.
The rich may pay more taxes, but our concentration on taxing income from wages puts a proportionately higher burden on wage-earners than on the really wealthy. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that the richest 1 percent of all Americans, about 2.5 million people, now receive nearly as much income after taxes as the bottom 40 percent, about 100 million people.
My proposal would not be your regressive flat tax on income that presumably would exclude invesment income (as most flat tax proposals have, not that you put forward a proposal that could be analyzed), but to instead tax wealth instead of income. And I say this as one of the top 5%, if you’ll pardon a moment’s candor.
Mike Webb Sucks
Re: Spain
Gee, how strange that a news organization would track terrorism incidents. It just beggars belief, does it not?
Funny how MTR’s illogical rants turn out to be precursors of Karl Rove’s trategies. But MTR does it without the screening of the carefull language, the attempts at “spin control”. MTR shows us what the Republicans reallty think about the working man and woman.
Republicans believe that food servers, bartenders, and valets are making too much money anyway! They justify their belief, in their own minds, alleging that “most of them” are cheating on their taxes anyway, so it doesn’t matter that their wages are being reduced! MTR’s previous rants alleged that those earning minimum wage were just too lazy or ignorant, or an illegal alien, to be deserved any protections.
So now for every working person out there – whether a food server, bartender, or valet, or a working person of any other occupation – remember this. The Republicans come for your vote at least once every two years. At that time they will try to get close to you. They will tell you that they support you, the working man, and that its “us” against the Democrats who want to take your meagre wages and give it to welfare queens, and take your job to give to someone less deserving under affirmative action. But in reality, MTR’s posts here reveal what they really think about you. They reveal that the Republucans think you are a shmuck, so ignorant you can easily be manipulated by the Republican shannigans and propoganda, while they take the money out of your pocket to give to your boss.
Why should the Senate break a Democratic filibuster of the GOP’s wage-busting minimum wage scam? That filibuster should continue until every GOP senator has turned to dust, or the Earth falls into the sun, whichever occurs first.
Where’s your imagination, Richard? The Leg should amend its law to (a) exclude all but a penny of tips from being considered, AND (b) provide a minimum wage for tipped employees of a penny higher than the standard minimum wage.
Why should our state give these CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE
thieves even 1 cent of their employees’ wages?
(Damn why did that post? I didn’t touch the “Say It” button … it just posted by itself while I was typing … )
So the solution to a Democratic lawmaker selling out the public interest to private interests is to elect Republicans?
Janet, you are TOO funny for words!!! So …
Janet Whore wants you to believe the solution to GOP incompetence and corruption is electing more Republicans.
Janet spreads her legs for anything with a “R” next to its name … for photo of Janet’s current lover, see
Roger – how does it possibly enhance your argument to make personal sexual references to someone you disagree with? I guess I shouldn’t say anything, since it reflects so poorly on you that others will begin to disregard your assinine comments in general. But, I figure you aren’t bright enough to figure that out.
“I think if you delve into it, you’ll find all those “top states to do business” are places where wages are low and workers are struggling to support their families.”
Mere supposition, not supported by the facts. Is that how liberals present their points> With supposition and hyperbole sans sources?
Roger Rabbit @ 204
That would be an improvement! Sorry I didn’t think of it myself — maybe there was a shortage of “common cents”.
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