I’m filling in for Frank Shiers again tonight from 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO, and, well… I’ve got a jam-packed show.
9PM: Open lines with Allan Prell
Former KIRO host Allan Prell joins me for the hour to talk about his knew book Ka-Ching, and talk about talk radio in general. (Perhaps he’ll give me some tips!”
10PM: Ask the candidate, with Bill Sherman
Bill Sherman, Democratic candidate for King County Prosecutor joins me for the hour to give us a campaign update, and take your calls. Have questions about the criminal justice system? Here’s your chance to ask an expert.
11PM: Is your food safe to eat?
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing today on “Diminished Capacity: Can the FDA Assure the Safety and Security of the Nation’s Food Supply?” And, well… it wasn’t pretty. Ben Huh of Itcmo.com joins me for the hour for detailed report on today’s hearing, and the latest on our smoldering food safety crisis.
Midnight: Filibustering the war occupation in Iraq
Debate on the Senate floor is ongoing as I type, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid threatens to continue it all night long? Will the Republicans filibuster? Will the Democrats fold? Tune in and find out.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Assie Voice: Talk about Congress approval at 16%. Stretch and Scary are doing well!
Joe Lieberman said the surge in Iraq is succeeding. Could this vote be another Moonbat!tic premature ejaculation?
Can you say “Speaker” Cindy Sheehan?
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
******BREAKING NEWS*********
Carnation Washington
RS News source.
RS – Today the Ames Lake HOA decided that the flowers in the culdesac circles should in fact be carnations. Club President Darcy Burner, recently defeated democrat for congress, delivered a brief statement. “Today we made great progess for the Ames Lake HOA and set an example for other HOA’s in keeping with the traditions of our founders…Carnations are a great choice for the Ames Lake HOA and I’m proud to sign this notification to the HOA making it official.”
The DB for Congress campaign had this statement.
“today’s decision and signing show the kind of experience and leadership that the 8th district can expect from Ms Burner if she is ever elected.”
re 1 2 3: You are a fucking moron and a joyous assmaster.
re 4:You are also a fucking moron and a joyous assmaster.
They’re parasites: they derive meaning in their lives by annoying real people.
Democratic Congress approval 49% – Publican Congress approval – 14%
Senator Vitter’s approval with his wife? 0%
The Publicans said that America deserved an up or down vote on US Supreme Court nominees, but they don’t think Americans deserve to see an up or down vote on something as important as a war? Hypocrites all over again.
We should employ the so-called nuclear option that the righties threatened us with last year.
The so-called moral majority bandleader Senator Vitter got caught with his dick somewhere it wasn’t supposed to be but the inbred right is okay with that since he’s a Publican.
If it was wrong for Senator Clinton to stand by President Clinton during infadelity, isn’t it also wrong for Senator Vitter’s wife to stand by him under the same circumstances?
God I love this shit!
re 12: Wingnuts don’t take TWO 3×5 opinion cards out of their brain and view them simultaneously and compare them for cognitive dissonance.
They only take one card out at a time. Their interest is in how much they trust the AUTHORITY of the source — not whether it makes any sense.
That’s how they can believe things that are contradictory.
Being a Wingnut is a form of insanity.
Even William F. Buckley Jr. is tired of the dumb bastards.
@1 Yes, you’re right, Congress’ approval rating is barely in double digits. That’s because their constituents are pissed at the spineless Democrats in Congress for not getting tougher on the Bush-Cheney gangster regime. The last poll I saw showed 54% of the public thinks Bush should be impeached.
@10 “We should employ the so-called nuclear option that the righties threatened us with last year.”
You mean line up all the Republicans in rows at the Nevada Test Site?
@12 The best part is the rest of Madame Palfrey’s phone list is yet to come. Betcha Rove is on it.
@14 “Being a Wingnut is a form of insanity.”
Are you sure it isn’t merely a form of stupidity?
Man, I sure hope the Rapture comes in the next few days, so all the trolls will be gone when I come back! A flash, a bang — and 144,000 Republicans are vaporized! Not enough, but it’s a start.
Roger Ramjet @ 19
And one could wish the very same for you. Sincerely!
The phone list has been out for a while.
Are U having search issues?
Her Sprint and AT&T phone records go back to 1994. I realize you are stupid and lazy and you need someelse to find them for you, so I think you should contact Assie Voice or one of his minions!
Speaking of a minion: Turn on the surround sound reverb and say: “This is a job for Stupidman. Stupidman, too stupid to do simple math. Stupidman, lover of certain MSNBC URLs. Stupidman, only gets his pleasure from Rosy Palm and her five cousins. Stupidman, able to crawl into rabbit holes with his bare hands.”
Headlice: There is only one ASSmassa! Your leader Assie Voice!
So KingBud (i.e., KingButt) is the newest name for Puffybutt – (who minds you writes here often to let us know he’s been banned.)
You really do have to wonder if it hurts to be that stupid. I’m still fucking your ugly Muslim wife in the ass you coward – no matter what name you go under. And by the way, she told me she loves to pull trains. When you gonna sue me bitch?
At some point, for the sake of brave Americans who continue to volunteer to serve our military, please set aside your idealogic beliefs and examine the truth.
The War on Terror, including Iraq, has been so grossly mismanaged by Bush that al Qeada is gaining strength not getting weaker and Iraq has become a cause celeb for terrorist recruiting.
Of course you’re not going to become a Democrat, of course you’re not going to like all of our positions politically, but the failure of George W. Bush to command our military during a time of war is NOT a partisan issue.
True patriots know that the political rhetoric is supposed to stop at our shores. We need to reevaluate our mission in Iraq and focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan where the REAL al Qeada is a gathering danger. Stop focusing on what bin Laden wants you to concentrate on; Iraq.
Are you going to side with patriots to change the Iraq policy, or are you going to stay with the side that bin Laden supports?
I hope they put that dumb Harriett Miers in the Texas hoosegow for contempt.
I hope she spills the beans on GWB.
I hope GWB thinks she’s going to spill the beans and she takes a long trip on a small airplane — if you know what I mean.
HAPPY BEING DEAD FOR 38 YEARS MARY JO!… Or maybe that should be Happy Anniversary of killing a girl, FatSot
Trust me, this ties into the topic.
A sordid tale Teddy would like us to forget
By Howie Carr
Boston Herald Columnist
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ted Kennedy pulled an all-nighter last night – how ironic is that? There must be something about Ted Kennedy and all-nighters on July 18, because it was 38 years ago tonight that he pulled another one.
At Chappaquiddick.
Will Teddy’s Senate office issue a statement today about the anniversary of his 1969 drive off the bridge? They used to. But you know the Kennedy bumkissers would prefer to ignore this day which will live in his infamy. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. After all, Teddy’s got so many big issues on his plate, even after the defeat of his latest illegal-alien amnesty bill.
There’s Iraq, of course, which is what the planned all-nighter was about. And Teddy’s been trying to get some new “hate crimes” legislation passed. Ted’s very concerned about crime. Just don’t bring up any of the ones he committed.
You know what the Kennedy coatholders will say. It was so long ago. Hasn’t he suffered enough? How much does one family… blah blah blah.
But somebody’s got to mention it. I mean, right now the liberals are trying to run Louisiana Republican David Vitter out of the Senate because he had a few, ahem, indiscretions.
So in the interest of recalling a sordid chapter of American history that the Beautiful People would like to consign forever to oblivion, let’s go straight to Teddy’s speech a week after Mary Jo Kopechne was killed when he drove his mother’s 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont off a bridge. (Comments in italics.)
“This morning I entered a plea of guilty to the charge of leaving the scene of an accident.”
And lost his driver’s license – not that it stopped him from driving, of course. A couple of weeks later he would be stopped in Waltham, for driving without a license.
“On the weekend of July 18, I was on Martha’s Vineyard island participating with my nephew, Joe Kennedy – as for 30 years my family has participated – in the annual Edgartown Sailing Regatta.”
You know Joe Kennedy – it would be another four summers before he crippled a young woman, Pam Kelley, in a Jeep accident on the other island, of Nantucket.
“There is no truth, no truth whatever to the widely circulated suspicions of immoral conduct that have been leveled at my behavior. Nor was I driving under the influence of liquor.”
Riiiiiiight. Just ask Sen. Chris Dodd.
Then the Delmont went into the drink, as it were.
“My conduct and conversations during the next several hours, to the extent that I can remember them, make no sense to me at all.”
Actually, for Ted Kennedy, they make perfect sense.
“I was overcome, I’m frank to say, by a jumble of emotions – grief, fear, doubt, exhaustion, panic, confusion and shock.”
Sounds like a bad ice cube to me, but you can trust Sen. Kennedy – he’s not like the others.
“In the morning, with my mind somewhat more lucid.”
Did someone say hangover?
“These events, the publicity, innuendo and whispers which have surrounded them and my admission of guilt this morning raises the question in my mind of whether my standing has been so impaired that I should resign my seat in the United States Senate.”
Another dream denied.
“For me this will be a difficult decision to make.”
Sort of like, Chivas on the rocks or Chivas straight.
Mary Jo died 38 years ago tonight. And yet we the people of Massachusetts re-elected him, in 1970, 1976, 1982, 1988, 1994, 2000 and 2006.
And isn’t that the real lesson of Chappaquiddick? In a democracy, you get the government you deserve, dammit.
@20 You won’t be that lucky — I’ll be baaaack. In fact, you wingers have no fucking luck at all! You were born under an unlucky star. Even your dogs are unlucky! Look what happened when a rightwing Tim Eyman-hugger registered her dog to vote — the dog got caught!! You assholes are unlucky in Iraq, NOLA, trying to sell our ports to towelheads, outing NOC agents, lying about uranium … when you guys run the country even toys and food are unlucky! In fact, your bad luck is so consistent, it’s not too much to say wingers are unlucky about EVERYTHING!!!
One could say that you make your own luck.
@21 If you had ever picked up a newspaper in your miserable fucking life, you would know the entire list hasn’t been made public yet.
Laura Bush killed a guy.
Wingnut = idiot who thinks ignorance is a virtue
The cowardly chicken hawks on the right have just voted AGAINST our troops – again. They had a chance to give raises to our troops, to fund their operations and to take care of the troops when they come home, and last night they voted no. What do you expect from a bunch of blowhards who didn’t have the stones to go to war themselves?
@26 Teddy killed only one person in his drunken stupor. How many people has Dubya killed in HIS crack-addled stupor?
Mrs. Vitter didn’t look any too happy on TV last night as she stood next to her Publican husband while he admitted he’s a fucking hypocrite. How many more hookers has this perv been with? That’s probably what Mrs. Vitter was thinking. Of course looking at the hag, who can blame Vitter. All Publican women look like horses.
Roger Rabbit is gradually phasing in his vacation. You unpatriotic America-hating fascist pigfuckers better enjoy my comments while you can, because I’m leaving town this afternoon.
RR 15
The 54% number was to impeach Cheney. Bush’s impeachment number was somewhere in the 40s. I think 46%.
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen… er, Ladies and men…
On this inauspicious anniversary of my murder I would personally like to thank Harry Reid and the senate dumbocrats for giving me a reason to wake up, so to speak, in good humor.
Thank you for giving me something to ridicule and mock.
Thank you for proving your utter lack of worth. Thank you for putting yourselves out there loudly and with much fanfare.
Thank you for reminding me how many times YOU have used this tactic to stall judicial nominees. Welcome to the majority girls!
Thank you for alllll those empty cots so very visible on TV.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for living DOWN to your continued falling approval numbers.
Thank you for putting a spotlight to the heel dragging of your cabal.
Thank you for publicly outing your cut and run crowd.
And finally thank you for pulling this stunt just as we capture one of Al Queda’s Top Guys in Iraq.
I was just wondering about one little thing… did you invite Michael Jackson to your sleep-over?
Gosh, I hope Teddy did not offer anyone a ride home…over a bridge.
So the Administration this morning announces that they captured
athea man “believed to be” the top leader of “Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia.” Of course, it was two weeks ago he was captured, but a nasty bad NIE came out and the administration has to spin against it, so they do what they always do: hurriedly and selectively declassify some secret information that can’t be independently verified, and drag out a captive they’ve been sittin on until they need him to spout torture-obtained confirmation of the Administration line. Yeah, OF COURSE he claims that “communication between the senior al-Qaida leadership and al-Masri frequently went through al-Mashhadani.” I fucking would too after two weeks of torture. So would you.Of course, the guy who announced it, Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, is the same guy who announced the fake connection between “Iran” and the attack that killed 5 Americans in Karbala (turns out it was the Iraqi police — weird, huh?), and the fake “24-year veteran of the Lebanese Hezbollah” who was supposedly his source for all of THAT solid info. He’s a shill for the White House line and particularly Cheney’s line, no more and no less. Not a credible source.
BTW, Goldy, re: Will the Republicans filibuster?
Um, they’re already filbustering, thus the extended fucking debate. Please.
Oh Gosh Harry, you let me down!
CNN is telling me you DID NOT stay up all night, you DID NOT have a roll call at 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am…
What the hell Harry? Another defeatocrat lying to America?
Trust me Harry, being dead HAPPY 38TH DAY OF DEATH TO ME I know this stuff, you don\’t want to fuck with the your afterlife…
Mary Jo
Good. Keep running aginst Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, and the 2008 Democrats will smoke your asses.
harry, I missed it. Did fatsotboy stand up and ask for a moment of silence to remember the
38th Anniversary of my murder… I mean the 38th anniversary of the drowning of his presidential ambitions…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JE48XHKG64
Democrats are such hypocrites.
Why, according to Al Gore, Iraq is THE sponsor for international terrorism…
What happened? Saddam changed his colors? No, just the political ambitions of Democrats.
harry, I missed it. Did fatsotboy stand up and ask for a moment of silence to remember the
38th Anniversary of my murder… I mean the 38th anniversary of the drowning of his presidential ambitions…07/18/2007 at 10:08 am
On this 38th Anniversary of my murder, we have been mourning the death of far too many ENDANGERED Chilean Sea Bass… oh hello, Mr Gore, how was your daughters wedding? Did all your Learjet-Liberal pals enjoy their politically incorrect dinner?
Iraq Attack:
No, I’m not OK with Vitter’s wet wick, but at least his babes could dog paddle, unlike the unlamented Mary Jo.
And I had multiple Gorebasms from Al’s threatened/endangered Chilean sea bass. Mmmmm mmmmmmm. Delicious with fava beans and a nice chianti.
So sorry, Mary Jo. The suck-up sycophantic press, which I carry in my back pocket so they can be close to the seat of power, had no time to mention the inconvenient truth that you are still unconveniently dead. The press and I had bigger concerns than the remembrance of your little problem. We had a sleepover to choreograph (Darcy Burner was in charge of refreshments, the only important thing she’s ever done), and the press had a fresh batch of Nixon tapes to rip into their ‘Pods.
After Laura Bush killed a guy, gutless George smoked some coke and went AWOL.
Here’s more on Senator Vitter’s madam problem…
No wonder the righties don’t want us talking about their hero.
Another pervert exposed. Another madam tells us of this hypocrite Vitter. He’s the rising star in the GOP. Is this the best they got? Looks like.
Earlier today, I ordered America’s armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.
Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world.
Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.
I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish. …
Other countries possess weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference: He has used them. Not once, but repeatedly. Unleashing chemical weapons against Iranian troops during a decade-long war. Not only against soldiers, but against civilians, firing Scud missiles at the citizens of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iran. And not only against a foreign enemy, but even against his own people, gassing Kurdish civilians in Northern Iraq.
The international community had little doubt then, and I have no doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again. …
[Moron Bush? March 2003? Blue-Dress Bill, 1998. Full text here:
http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS.....inton.html ]
I hope they put that dumb Harriett Miers in the Texas hoosegow for contempt.
I hope she spills the beans on GWB.
I hope GWB thinks she’s going to spill the beans and she takes a long trip on a small airplane — if you know what I mean.
Dumb fucking shit @ 44
“…we have been mourning the death of far too many ENDANGERED Chilean Sea Bass… oh hello, Mr Gore, how was your daughters wedding? Did all your Learjet-Liberal pals enjoy their politically incorrect dinner?”
What the fuck???? Do you Wingnuts sit around smoking crack and just pull this shit out of your collective asses?
Earth to all mentally retarded Wingnut tools: Chilean sea bass are not endangered!
Fishing for them is regulated by a 24-country consortium (The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) that aims to prevent over-harvesting and responsible management. There is a legal, legitimate market for Chilean Sea Bass in the U.S. to the tune of 10,000 tons a year.
U.S. Customs and NOAA regulations require that all Chilean sea bass imported into the U.S. be accompanied by documentation verifying that the fish were caught legally. Additionally, importers must hold a valid dealer permit issued by NOAA. (Source: U.S. State Department.)
What’s next for you wingnut dumbfuck liars: “Al Gore’s toothpaste causes HIV/AIDS”?
It looks like someone fed (ignore pun) the Chilean sea bass thing to ABC’s Jake Tapper, who just ran with it without bothering to check it out. That’s why the lemmings are flogging it:
Mary Jo Kopechne was murdered? Was that the conclusion of the coroner? Was there an indictment for this “crime,” a defndant prosecuted, a murderer convicted? Why do I think not?
A little searching shows that her parents’ lawyer, Joseph Flanagan, filed a petition barring an autopsy, so the cause of death was never medically confirmed.
And there was no indictment or trial for murder. Kennedy pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a two month suspended sentence and one year probation.
It seems to me that referring to Mary Jo Kopechne as “murdered” is going beyond any reasonable interpretation of the facts, and is merely a attempt to achieve through smear and insult what could not be achieved at the ballot box.
Keep running against Kennedy, though, fellas. I’m sure it’ll put ol’ Mitt over the top. Maybe Dave Reichert will re-open the case.
Umm, it turns out Yasser Arafat died of AIDS. I thought that was interesting.
Patty Murray at last night’s Senate session:
Hear, hear.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and FOX News are reporting that Al Gore just ate the last cow on earth
It is official, beef is now extinct.
You misheard: Al Gore IS the last cow on earth…
I am so shocked, shocked I tell you!, to find out that I am just a scene of the accident… does that mean I am not dead???? Holy hell, who the heck is that in my casket and where have I been for 38 years???
Nice try daddy. Just like you would rather refer to children murdered in the womb as the moms choice, you fatsot would love you to beleive his leaving me die a horrible death by drowning while he merrily went on his way to bed was a little unfortunate little fenderbender.
Got it.
BTW: when mom chooses to kill her baby in her womb, how can you still call her Mom?
Those pesky little facts, huh?
loonylunatic leftys really make for quite amusing entertainment. Your boy Lenin really had it right when he pegged you as useful idiots and while there is doubt that P.T. Barnum actually ever said it, whomever it was that did say it was absolutly right: There IS a sucker born every minute and,yoo hoo, YOU LUNATIC LEFTYS ARE IT!
Hey Mary Jo @ several:
You forgot to add:
Hillary’s a bitch, and Michael Moore is fat!
I hope to all Gods that you’re a professional, and not just someone living in mom’s basement with a lot of time on the keyboard. With leadership like you in the GOP, 2008 is going to be a happy, easy romp.
Leadership like me? Dude, you are on some serious crack…
First I am DEAD: 38 years today, thanks sot.
Second, as amusing as you kiddies are, the power brokers have no time for Koolaid breaks.
Third, do not make the mistake of counting your congressional seats before the election.
The dumbocrat majority is fragile and the races won were won by the slimmest of margins. Translated for you kiddies that means the dumbocrats now have more tenuously held seats to DEFEND.
I hear Zogby or one of the pollsters put the approval rating of dumbocrat majority Congress at a new low of 14% … how is
… hear Zogby or one of the pollsters put the approval rating of dumbocrat majority Congress at a new low of 14% how is that working out for your guys.
I hear they are banging out the re-naming of those post offices at a pretty good clip. Be sure your guys run on that!