I’m filling in all week for Frank Shiers, Monday through Friday, from 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO. More updates from Yearly Kos throughout the night; expected callers include David Sirota and LiberalLucy, who will also give us the latest on the Michigan state senate blocking access to liberal blogs. Later in the show, fellow HA blogger Will comes into the studio to talk transportation and other local issues.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
You fucking moonbats are all over “infrastructure” now. Well ya know what…. it’s too fucking late. We’ve made our decisions. The money is spent. The well is dry.
Instead of acting responsibily to maintain bridges dams and roads, we built those fucking stadiums at a cost of two billion fucking dollars. How many bridges could that have built?
Instead of maintaining bridges and dams and roads, we’re spending 75% of transporation dollars on those fucking trains that will carry at most 2% of traffic. How bout we redirect 30 or 40 billion dollars into something that matters?
Instead of maintaining bridges, and dams and roads, fucking Ron Sims wants to be buy huge tracts of land for parks and trails so something can be named after him someday.
You idiot fucking moonbats that run FUWA have let this shit go for fucking years. Stuff is gonna crumble here, and there’s not a fucking thing that can be done about it. There’s only one taxpayer; there’s only one wallet, and that wallet is tapped out.
When I was a kid we saw stuff like this happen in the old USSR and laughed at them how fuckin stoopid they could be. But now that we’ve adopted a slightly milder version of their socialist mentality, the same shit is happening here.
I hope you fucking moonbat marxists like this. Aren’t you proud of your socialist utopia? Real nice isn’t it?
re 1: That’s why you were against the gas tax to fix infrastructure in WA! You already knew that “…it’s too fucking late.”
You’ll say anything, no matter how lame or retarded, to try to ‘spin’ something your way.
It is crystal clear to everyone with an ounce of common sens that you are and always have been wrong, wrong , wrong — from the moment you wake ’til the dirt nap you take.
re 1: “The world will little note nor long remember…” this benighted neocon/wingnut era.
The funny thing is that people like Wolfowicz and Rumsfeld LOATHE idiots like you.
You are just a useful tool. You blindly follow Trotskyites, and you don’t even know it.
Hint: It’s not the Strauss that invented Levi’s.
In this case, loocynomics applies. Taxes are like checkers. Zero sum baby.
Tapped out. wallet empty. bank account drawn. well dry.
IGAF how much “good” can be done with higher taxes. IDGAF about the “harm” from lower taxes. NO more.
So enjoy your fucking stadiums, bike trails, and empty trains.
That’s what you wanted. That’s what you’ve got. Live with it.
Tancredo is right.
Obviously the fucking state department needs a thorough cleansing..
Slightly OT, but sometime ago we had an argument here about the murder of Tom Wales, and whether or not his brother-in-law was a real person. I was contacted by Jeffrey Toobin afterwards and put him in contact with said real person. Here’s the article:
Thank you, very much.
When repubs are in charge(Minnesota is a red state) things naturally are screwed up. Take that to bank.
Hey everybody Marks back!
@1 Why are you worrying about trains and bridges and such? Focus, man, focus! Pay Goldy the $100 you owe him, and let grown-ups worry about big stuff.
@4 I’ll settle for you wingnut assholes paying the same tax rates the working class pays. Flat rate, baby! That’s what you want, isn’t it? Everybody pays the same, regardless of whether they get their income from capital gains, inheritance, or working for it. That’s fair, isn’t it?
@8 Yeah, we noticed. I thought it was a dead rat at first.
Roger Rabbit says:
@4 I’ll settle for you wingnut assholes paying the same tax rates the working class pays. Flat rate, baby! That’s what you want, isn’t it? Everybody pays the same, regardless of whether they get their income from capital gains, inheritance, or working for it. That’s fair, isn’t it?
If you are talking about marginal income tax rates – the rich ALREADY pay the highest rate…..35%, down from the Marxist 39.6% thanks to the Economic Growth and Recovery Tax Act of 2002.
Its not only the rich that profit from capital gains, believe me….I am far from “rich”, at least under a reasonable persons definition and I have done well in this bull market we have been in. So have some of you probably. Because the rich have capital gain income too, you are saying we should raise CG taxes on us middle class folks too? Why do you want the middle class to pay more?
@4 I’ll settle for you wingnut assholes paying the same tax rates the working class pays. Flat rate, baby!
Hehehe Yeah, if the poor ever had to pay what rich folks pay in taxes there would be no democrat party. Democrat= leech.
If we could just get Bush’s butt-buddy WHATADICK Cheney and his Halliburton team to pay THEIR taxes, none of the rest of us would need to.
The top 1% in the U.S. have more income and property than the bottom 90%. This is the kind of economic royalty that the founding fathers feared.
Many wealthy people, including Bill Gates’ father, are of the opinion that steep inheritance taxes are ways to “recycle opportunity”, and are a good thing.
The latest way to keep vast wealth clumped in a family for generations is to set up “charitable foundations” that run in perpetuity, run, of course, by family members, whose administration of the charity is purely symbolic.
If I had that kind of money, I’d try to do the same thing for my heirs, the public good be damned. But, the greater good must be served, so these fortunes must be broken up from time to time.
He must otherwise he would be posting more. Thankfully he doesn’t have any children that he’s ignoring.
3 out of 15, slow night for the rabbit, probably watching reruns of cops to see if he made the cut.
Roger Rabbit was a busy little boy on August 3rd. Only a few threads on a single blog. I’m not sure which is more pathetic, me taking the 10 minutes to count his posts or RogerRabbit posting all day long. Either way, rogerrabbit is a joke. Hopefully HoreseAss.org won’t delete this post so this can make the rounds of right wing blogs.
@12 “If you are talking about marginal income tax rates – the rich ALREADY pay the highest rate…..35% …”
Nope. Only the middle class pays 35%. The middle class pays 25% + 7.62% = 32.65%; upper-middle wage earners don’t pay Social Security and Medicare taxes on the marginal income taxed at 35%, so if it wasn’t for the 35% rate, the highest-income salaried and hourly employees would pay a lower total federal tax rate than middle-income earners. The wealthy, who derive most of their income from non-wage sources, don’t pay either FICA taxes or ordinary income tax rates on the bulk of their income; they pay much lower capital gains rates, if anything at all (taking into account the wide array of tax shelters and tax breaks available only to the wealthy Owning Class).
“Its not only the rich that profit from capital gains, believe me….I am far from ‘rich’, at least under a reasonable persons definition and I have done well in this bull market we have been in. So have some of you probably. Because the rich have capital gain income too, you are saying we should raise CG taxes on us middle class folks too? Why do you want the middle class to pay more?”
I don’t want the middle class to pay more, but apparently you do. Why should middle class wage earners pay double or triple the federal income tax rates paid by middle class and wealthy members of the Owning Class? What is so inherently evil about working that our government has decided to levy punitive tax rates on earned income? How do you justify something so patently unfair? And what are the long-term implications for our economy if capital gains are tax-favored, and remuneration for work is tax-disfavored?
Take me, for example. I don’t work. I don’t produce anything. I don’t lift a fucking paw to do anything except type comments on HorsesAss! Why should I work, and have the money confiscated by the government, when I can sit here on my fat rabbit ass doing absolutely nothing except owning investments and watching them go up in the bull market, and pay 1/4th or 1/3rd of the taxes I’d pay if I made the same income by working? I’d be fucking nuts to work! No one should work! Congress obviously wants us all to flip houses and stocks, instead of flipping burgers or doing anyhing useful. So, I just go with the flow. You should, too! I don’t blame you for living on capital gains and not working! That’s what I do.
@4 The rich don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.
That should be @13.
#17 – That silly rabbit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@15 I’m not asking for steep inheritance taxes. All I’m saying is that someone who receives $2.5 million of inheritance income should pay the same tax rate as a wage earner making $30,000 a year.
@16 Have you ever seen them catch a rabbit on “Cops”? No, they only catch humans! Why? Because you humans are a pack of fucking criminals, that’s why! Not all of you, but some of you are. Betcha 95% of the scumbugs you see hauled off in cuffs on “Cops” vote Publican.
An informal survey conducted local news media in early 2005 revealed that over 90% of Washington’s felon voters voted for Rossi (where data is known).
@17 “me taking the 10 minutes to count his posts”
Why not? I don’t have anything else to do except post on HA, and you obviously don’t have anything else to do except count my HA posts! Welcome to the Owning Class, brother! I don’t work, and you obviously don’t work either. Why should we? The government doesn’t want us to work, it wants us to own. Work is punished; owning is rewarded. I’m glad you’ve found something constructive to do with your leisure time.
@21 I’m not silly, I’m dead* serious. Pick me up by my ears and you’ll find out!
* Just kidding! All “dead” jokes courtesy of Ann Coulter Humor, LLP.
@17 – 8 more posts by RogerRabbit since your post. Pathetic is as pathetic does. I just hope Roger isn’t a paralyzed 17 year old boy and can’t get out of the house, I would feel bad for laughing at him.
The current crop of “conservatives” would rather use your tax dollars (and your children’s tax dollars, and your children’s tax dollars, and your children’s children’s children’s tax dollars) to blow stuff up in other countries than to fix things here at home.
(I use the term “conservative” here with qualification, because conservatives of generations gone by, from Herbert Hoover to Barry Goldwater, would surely take the latest wearers of the badge out behind the woodshed for a little “attitude adjustment”.)
#26Roger Rabbit says:
If you weren’t being so intellectually dishonest, you would say courtesy of Bill Maher. That’s where Ann stole the joke from.
Total federal taxes paid on annual income of $2,500,000:
Inheriting Class: $0.00
Investing Class: $370,667.50
Working Class: $897,640.50
(Assumes single taxpayer taking standard deduction with no tax deferrals, credits, or shelters; includes FICA.)
See what I mean? You have 3 taxpayers (or, more accurately, 2 taxpayers and 1 freeloader), only 1 of whom works, and guess which one gets the old Sockarooni?!! One look at this chart and you’ll never work again! Why should you? The government punishes people for working. What Congress wants you to do is get your money by sitting on your fat ass reading the stock market reports in the newspaper like I do, or better yet, by inheriting it! If you make the mistake of working, the IRS will teach you a lesson you’ll never forget, so you won’t ever do it again.
(Based on 2006 tax rates.)
@29 If you weren’t so intellectually dishonest, you’d hold Coulter is responsible for what she spews, but at least you acknowledged she’s a plagiarist and thief.
Let’s see, we’ve either got 3 wingnuts posting this morning, or 1 wingnut posting under 3 names. Which is it? I don’t know, don’t care, it doesn’t matter. A wingnut is a wingnut is a wingnut. Like hood ornaments, they come and go with the yearly model changes.
Can any of you wingnuts explain why it’s fair to tax wages at higher rates than unearned income? I thought you guys were in favor of a flat-rate tax system! What happened to that?
Perhaps some of you wingnuts could explain how creating tax disincentives against working helps the economy?
#18 Roger Rabbit says:
Why should I work, and have the money confiscated by the government, when I can
sit here on my fat rabbit ass doing absolutely nothing except owning
investments and watching them go up in the bull market, and pay 1/4th or 1/3rd of
the taxes I’d pay if I made the same income by working?
Because Democrats are concerned about the common welfare even when it costs them money out of their own pockets. At least that’s what you said. Are you a “publican” trolling here? Once again, intellectually dishonesty.
This is the same bunch who would rather let a bridge fall down — SMACK!!! — on your ass than pay 5 cents a gallon to the state instead of to the oil companies.*
* In times of high demand and supply constraints, such as now, raising the gas tax does not increase the pump price. That’s because the pump price is determined by supply and demand. If supply and demand are in balance at $3.00 a gallon, the pump price will gravitate to $3.00 a gallon. Now let’s say a bunch of stupid Republican voters repeal the 5 cent gas tax increase … will the pump price fall to $2.95? Nope! Because that would result in demand exceeding supply, so the distributors will raise their price a nickel to bring supply and demand back into balance at a pump price of $3.00. You don’t get the nickel, and you don’t get the road and bridge repairs the nickel would have bought, either. The oil company simply gets an extra nickel of profit. Now, if you still think Initiative 912 was smart, take a good look at those wreckage photos from Minneapolis, then consider these numbers:
Structural reliability index factor of MN bridge that collapsed: 50
Structural reliability index factor of Alaska Way Viaduct: 20
Stupidity index factor of wingnut thought process on scale of 0 – 100: -250
#34 – “I” am in favor of a flat tax. If everyone paid the same percentage then we the people would be much more concerned about waste. Which party is in favor of the flat tax? Neither.
@36 Did I say I’m a Democrat? No, I only said I’m a partisan hack and propagandist working for the Democrats (for free). But I never said I’m a Democrat! No, I said I’m a capitalist, dummy. When you quote someone out of context and jump to conclusions, you’ll be wrong every time. For a recorded message, call 1-900-SUCK-ROG. Your phone bill will be charged $19.95 a minute + hidden charges. All proceeds go directly to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
#37 Roger Rabbit says:
Once again, intellectually dishonesty.
“Dorgan said there was enough money in the agency’s budget to pay for construction
work on the underside of the bridge.”
Just because I vote Democrat doesn’t make me a Democrat! I work and pay taxes like a Republican because that’s a much better deal than being a Democrat. Why get fucked over for working when you can live like a Republican, doing no work and paying little or no taxes?
@40 Where did I say the MN bridge fell down for lack of money? I didn’t say that. You’re the one who’s dishonest, or maybe you’re just fucking dense. What I said is if you anti-government, anti-tax shitheads had gotten your way and I-912 had passed, there would be no money to fix the AWV which is in much worse shape than the MN bridge that collapsed. What I said is you fuckers would rather let Washington’s bridges rot than pay another nickel of gas tax that you’ll pay to the oil companies anyway if the state doesn’t get it. The problem with you wingnuts is that you’re retards and moral defects, and frankly I don’t know how to fix that. You should just jump off a cliff.*
* Just kidding! Humor ripped off from Ann Coulter Jokes, LLP, no royalties paid. If A.C. doesn’t like it, she can fucking sue me!
I have other things to do this morning (i.e., feed my fat face), so I’m going outside to graze on the park grass now. Find some way to amuse yourselves while I’m gone, wingnuts! But don’t go away! I’ll be back later to kick your stupid asses some more.
#37 Roger Rabbit says:
Once again, intellectually dishonesty. (I’m starting to see a trend) Bush authorized more to the state of Minnesota DOT than the previous administration
Minnesota state and local governments can expect to receive about $3.5 billion
in federal transportation funding through 2009, an increase of about 46 percent
(or about $1.1 billion) over the previous six-year bill.
#43Roger Rabbit says:
Once again, intellectually dishonesty.
@45 and you’re the arbitrator of intellectual honesty?
More sock puppets posing as real people with useful viewpoints.
We need to spray in here. Who’s got the insecticide?
Oops “arbiter”
The wingnuttery in here contaminates everything.
Quick, Henry, the FLIT!
@ 46/47
I was rather marvelling at the intellectual vacuity of discussing “intellectually dishonesty.” It’s like the guy can’t make up his mind whether he’s accusing the Rabbit of being intellectually dishonest or exhibiting intellecutal dishonesty, so he sticks an adverb in front of a noun.
It rather makes me want to ask him the age-old question, how do you keep an idiot in suspense?
All of the wingnuts here have the same language skills of their idol, Bush, and communicating with them is futile. We should not, however, countenance absorbing them.
“Total federal taxes paid on annual income of $2,500,000:
Inheriting Class: $0.00
Investing Class: $370,667.50
Working Class: $897,640.50
Well let’s see…..
Inheriting Class….. That money was taxed BEFORE it was inherited. The gov already had it’s cut. Some people hit the lottery, some people have family that accumulated wealth and want to leave it to their children..I know the liberal/socialist dream is to make everyone identical in every way, including income and wealth… That is of course, except the ruling elite, for whom the rules don’t apply…..John Kerry, John (I’m for the poor) Edwards, Hillary (it takes a village)Clinton, etc etc etc…..
Investing class……Where did the capital come from to make the investments…Savings from earned income? Well then, what we are talking about is double taxation. Retirement savings? want to explain to the baby boomers that you are going to double their tax rate on retirement?
Working Class….you mean those of us who will never see SS benefits becuase liberals like you think the gov know better how to “invest” my money for my retirement than I do?
The reality is that the current tax system IS income redistribution. IRS data clearly demonstrates that the bottom 50% only pay 3.35% of the total share…..
@48 In the present context, the term is being used as mere repetitive and substanceless name-calling. Bring it on! The nazi pigfuckers of the Nutty Right can call me whatever they want! I love pissing off those traitors.
@50 “That money was taxed BEFORE it was inherited.”
How WRONG you are. The heirs get a stepped-up basis. This means that if Daddy bought commercial property for $150,000 and it’s worth $2,650,000 at the time of his death, no income or capital gains or any other tax will ever be paid by anyone on the $2,500,000 gain.
In fact, one of the most unfair elements of the $2.5 million exemption for inheritances is that the money heirs receive tax-free often has never been taxed.
That’s because most estates worth over a million dollars consist largely of appreciated real estate, stocks, and/or businesses.
@50 “I know the liberal/socialist dream is to make everyone identical in every way”
And I know the conservative/fascist dream is to have special privileges other people don’t get, for no reason other than conservatives want them, including making other people do the nation’s work, fight its wars, and pay its taxes while they get a free ride.
@50 “those of us who will never see SS benefits”
Mere wingnut bullshit. Since 1935, the government has paid EVERY PENNY of promised benefits to millions of recipients. Compare that with corporate sponsors of pension plans lining up in bankruptcy courts to get out of paying the benefits they promised to their workers. I’ll take Social Security over a private pension or a private insurance company any day! I don’t trust the private sector any farther than a gnat can spit.
Wingnut fearmongers want you to believe you’ll never get your Social Security benefits. In a way, they’re right — if Republicans are allowed to raid the Social Security Trust Fund to the tune of a trillion dollars to fund “private accounts,” they’ll have to reduce your SS benefits to make up for the money they stole from you, and of course they won’t (and can’t) guarantee that your “private account” won’t be lost or stolen in the private investment markets.
The truth is that even under the most pessimistic economic forecasts, future Social Security recipients will get higher retirement benefits than today’s recipients, in real terms. That’s because SS retirement benefits are pegged to the nation’s standard of living, which is continually rising.
If you want to know what “privatization” of Social Security will do to your retirement security, all you have to do is look at what has happened to private pensions under Bush.
Privatizing Social Security will do the same thing to you financially that privatized health care has done to you financially.
The moment we privatize Social Security, someone will start making a profit, and that profit will come out of money that would otherwise go to benefits, reducing benefits.
To see what would happen if we privatized Social Security, all you have to do is look at our health care system, where 25% of our health dollars go to insurance companies whose only function is to deny benefits in order to increase their corporate profits.
If we privatize Social Security, you’ll have to hire a lawyer to sue an insurance company to get the benefits you paid for.
I just wanted to post this for Mark the fucked up asshole.
In an earlier thread he accused Dems of making political hay with the tragedy in Minnesota.
“ANKENY, Iowa – Republican John McCain said Saturday that Congress could share in the blame for the Minnesota bridge collapse because lawmakers diverted billions of dollars in transportation money from road work to pet projects.”
People in charge for last 14 years were not Democrats. You can’t build infrastructure in ten months.
If it wasn’t MTFUAH, oh well. I ain’t sorry.
#48Don Joe says:
Damn! I’m looking stoopid. Basic Trolling 101, don’t make grammatical or spelling mistakes so the little ones can’t gloat. I am surprised no one has called for my impeachment, these days it seems that’s about all it takes for the left to chant impeachment.
Nobody wants to impeach you. We’re content to laugh at you.
Why would you think you were worth anything more?
@ 63
If you actually had a coherent argument, we’d have something to do other than marvel at your inability to properly use the English language.