In addition to my normal Sunday night slot, I’m subbing for Frank Shiers tonight on Newsradio 710-KIRO, from 7PM to 10PM.
7PM: How do we achieve energy independence in WA state and nationwide? Rep. Jay Inslee joins us to discuss the New Apollo Project and the Renewable Energy Initiative (I-937), plus a congressional update.
8PM: Can Seattle afford to fix its transportation problems? Can we afford not to? The Stranger’s Erica C. Barnett drops by to give us the latest on the Viaduct, the 520 Floating Bridge, expanded bus service… and how we’re gonna pay for it all.
9PM: Can politicians continue to lie in the age of the blogosphere without looking like, um… liars? We’ll be talking to Darryl of Hominid Views about how his debunking of a Mike McGavick fib managed to quickly wend its way through the newspapers, and how this might change political campaigns for the better.
Tune in or, um… don’t.
Goldy, tune in or don’t might sound cool but it’s not good marketing. I am pretty sure KIRO would prefer we DO tune in.
As for the show line up, looks great. I am particularly interested in the last segment. Since I have determined that every republican lies about anything and everything all the time, it’s important to shed light on the subject so we can stop the “swift-boating” of Democratic candidates by cowardly criminals who are part of the GOP culture of corruption.
How do you actually know when Republicans are lying ?
Their lips are moving
The cool thing about I-937 is that they are actually building a ton of wind farms in Eastern Washington and have been for the last several years and producing some significant electricity.
The initiative is very realistic about alternative energy sources and is gaining alot of bi-partison support.
How do you actually know when Republicans are lying ?
Their lips are moving
Commentby ManofTruth— 6/24/06@ 9:47 am
Here here MOT.
Since I have determined that every republican lies about anything and everything all the time, it’s important to shed light on the subject so we can stop the “swift-boating” of Democratic candidates by cowardly criminals who are part of the GOP culture of corruption.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/24/06@ 8:50 am
Yeah, lets stop swifting boating of candidates. But can we keep forging documents? Please?!!!!
The ‘thugs even think repeating their past lies is a form of humor.
Weird, they are, very weird.
You really did screw up. Your big boss in the sky, Sumner Redstone, billionaire honcho of CBS’ parent company, made the revealing statement below two years ago and it wasn’t reported on CBS Evening News. Why not?
“From a Viacom standpoint, the election of a Republican administration is a better deal. Because the Republican administration has stood for many things we believe in, deregulation and so on…. I vote for Viacom. Viacom is my life, and I do believe that a Republican administration is better for media companies than a Democratic one.”
That more-than-revealing statement, was made weeks before the presidential election. HDNet should investigate.
Get on it.
Goldy, Puddy asked you to tell us how you didn’t run for school board as a radio show topic and the caustic effect it had on your daughter’s school. You won’t touch that topic with Bob from Boeing’s pole. Why is that Goldy?
Valor, Harry Tuttletito, Valor
901 pm, in segment on lying..
Is Darcy going to call in, take calls about all her “jobus’ interuptus’…
I’m sorry, but “The Swing Years” on KUOW trumps this show.
Tune in or, um… don’t. – by Goldy, 06/24/2006, 8:42 AM!
Tune in or, um… don’t. – by Goldy, 06/24/2006, 8:42 AM!
Here are some questions for Alaska’s Senatorial Candidate Mike McGavivk
1) Now that we have caught you in a bald face lie – can we expect more of the same?
2) Will you lie about the money you’ve accepted from your pals in the big insurance industry?
3) Will you lie about the promises you made to get money you’ve accepted from your pals in the big insurance industry?
4) Will you lie about the money you’ve accepted from your pals in the big oil industry?
5) Will you lie about the promises you made to get money you’ve accepted from your pals in the big oil industry?
6) Exactly how far up Baby Bush’s ass will you have your nose?
A kickass show, Goldy! Way to use your connection to hook up the guests! KIRO must be impressed.
A very good lineup, Goldy.
Your are programmed into my RadioYourWay, every Sunday.
Yeah, lets stop swifting boating of candidates. But can we keep forging documents? Please?!!!!
Commentby Dan Rather
Forgery was NEVER proven and was wishful thinking by the right. Possibly forged – yes. Secretary said she didn’t type those . . . can’t argue but is ut possible she forgot? She remembered that the Lt. had those very same beliefs about Bush. But, says she didn’t type them. Still, forgery never ever proven. The Selectrics of that day could have been used to type those papers. . . the whole controversy got so out of hand that facts and closure never happened. Opinions have stated on different sites that it couldn’t have happened but no proof ever provided. Still an open question for open-minded people.
And the truth is that the Lt. believed what the papers proclaimed . . .
20 million Americans listen to Rush EACH day. How many listen to Goldystein?
And the truth is that the Lt. believed what the papers proclaimed . . .
Commentby skagit [………..skagit, Remember the “th” that tipped off the Dan Rather scam? Classic Democrat fuck up! Classic!]
Speaking of Lush Flimbaugh, today he’s peeing into a cup like he does every day (in front of his probation officer) like a common criminal, setting a fine example for republican youth everywhere. You righties must be very proud.
I just have one question:
Will you allow the callers to ask questions of the guests? I would like to hear that, especially if you get callers who may *GASP* disagree with you or your guest’s positions. That is what makes good radio, debate, not dittoheads.
RE: #21…do you REALLY think so? In FLORIDA?
No doubt Governor Jeb’s quietly granted such a fine American a personal exemption from such an indignity.
WHAT?? No ‘darcy the sacrificial donkette’ hour?? Be careful goldstein, they’ll revoke your nutroots membership.
Commentby skagit [………..skagit, Remember the “th” that tipped off the Dan Rather scam? Classic Democrat fuck up! Classic!]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]
“A typewriter expert tells the New York Times that the IBM Selectric Composer could have made the documents, but it “would be unusual for Mr. Bush’s commanding officer to have had the IBM machine because of its large size.”
Oh, really Mr. Expert? Sounds like it is still open to me . . .
Perhaps next time you should respond to the item you actually quote:
“And the truth is that the Lt. believed what the papers proclaimed . . .” ( according to his secretary.}
But that is a minor detail . . . LOL
Goldy, I do wish you’d have an opposing view on this. Makes for more interesting and perhaps insightful commentary.
I was talking about the McGavick segment. Sorry.
skagit, I must have missed your post on Bill Clinton protesting in the USSR and England. Let’s talk about Bill’s military service! […………………………………………………………….Remember when Hillary told the story about how she tried to join the USMC? Another Democrat bull shit classic!!]
skagit, “th” hehe, JCH
Goldy do invite all the right wing cowards on the show. And of course, like Timmy Lieman, they won’t have the nutsack to show up. Their punks and cowards who only want to be seen on Faux News and in “free speech” zones where no Dems are allowed.
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]
skagit, I must have missed your post on Bill Clinton protesting in the USSR and England. Let’s talk about Bill’s military service! […………………………………………………………….Remember when Hillary told the story about how she tried to join the USMC? Another Democrat bull shit classic!!]
RED HERRING . . . doncha have a response to the still-open issue of forgery?
skagit, “th” hehe, JCH
DONT’ GET IT . . . doncha have a reposne to the still-open issue of forgery?
You are such a typical spin-confused republican! Remedy: 1. stop spinning 2. stand still, close your eyes and count to twenty 3. open your eyes and reality will have returned.
That;s $20 and I accept paypal.
Skagit you have it son. You have what we call in the news biz “gravitas”. See bs would love you. Courage skagit, courage.
Dan Rather, have you received a pay increase yet for your incredibly sophisticated agitprop? Really, every time I read you I am utterly astonished at your skill and artistry.
34, Green Thumb, Wouldn’t that be “Dan Rather Kennedy” to you?
DONT’ GET IT . . . doncha have a reposne to the still-open issue of forgery?
Commentby skagit— 6/24/06@ 3:38 pm […………………………………..skagit, my “reposne” is this issue is only “still open” to you. Every one else had a good laugh at CBS, the MSM, and Dan Rather. George Bush has 350 hours in F-104s. How many do YOU have?]
Speaking of Lush Flimbaugh, today he’s peeing into a cup for LeftTurd to DRINK. I posted the Palm Beach Order Left Turd. NOWHERE is there ANY CUP PEEING. Delusional moonbat with no argument!
But I need to write something even if it’s a lie. – LeftTurd
“every republican lies about anything and everything all the time” Commentby LeftTurn— 6/24/06@ 8:50 am
Truer words have never been spoken.
Now we learn the “War on Terror” is being waged only against certain terrorists. It definitely does not include RIGHT WING MURDERERS WHO BLOW UP CUBAN AIRLINERS.
From ( ):
“The Bush administration finally took action against alleged terrorists living in plain sight in Miami, but they weren’t the right-wing Cuban terrorists implicated in … blowing a civilian Cuban airliner out of the sky. They were seven young black men whose crime was more ‘aspirational than operational,’ the FBI said. …
“For longtime observers of political terrorism in South Florida, the aggressive reaction to what may have been the Miami group’s loose talk about violence … stands in marked contrast to the U.S. government’s see-no-evil approach to notorious Cuban terrorists who have lived openly in Miami for decades.
“For instance, the Bush administration took no action in early April 2006, when a Spanish-language Miami television station interviewed Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosch, who offered a detailed justification for the 1976 mid-air bombing of a Cubana Airlines flight that killed 73 people, including the young members of the Cuban national fencing team. … The Bush administration also has acted at a glacial pace in dealing with another Cuban exile implicated in the bombing, Luis Posada Carriles, whose illegal presence in Miami was an open secret for weeks in early 2005 before U.S. authorities took him into custody, only after he had held a press conference.
“But even then, the administration has balked at sending Posada back to Venezuela where the government of Hugo Chavez – unlike some of its predecessors – was eager to prosecute Posada for the Cubana Airlines murders.
“Summing up George W. Bush’s dilemma in 2005, the New York Times wrote, ‘A grant of asylum could invite charges that the Bush administration is compromising its principle that no nation should harbor suspected terrorists. But to turn Mr. Posada away could provoke political wrath in the conservative Cuban-American communities of South Florida, deep sources of support and campaign money for President Bush and his brother, Jeb.’ (NYT, May 9, 2005)
“But there’s really nothing new about … violent right-wing extremists getting protection from the Bush family. For three decades, both Bosch and Posada have been under the Bush family’s protective wing, starting with former President George H.W. Bush (who was CIA director when the airline bombing occurred in 1976) and extending to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and President George W. Bush.
“The evidence points to one obvious conclusion: the Bushes regard terrorism – defined as killing civilians to make a political point – as justified in cases when their interests match those of the terrorists. In other words, their moral outrage is selective, depending on the identity of the victims.
That hypocrisy was dramatized by the TV interview with Bosch on Miami’s Channel 41 … when (the interviewer) asked Bosch to comment on the civilians who died when the plane crashed off the coast of Barbados in 1976, Bosch responded, ‘In a war such as us Cubans who love liberty wage against the tyrant [Fidel Castro], you have to down planes, you have to sink ships, you have to be prepared to attack anything that is within your reach.’
“’But don’t you feel a little bit for those who were killed there, for their families?’ (the interviewer) asked.
“’Who was on board that plane?’ Bosch responded. ‘Four members of the Communist Party, five North Koreans, five Guyanese.’ (Officials tallies actually put the Guyanese dead at 11.) Bosch added, ‘Four members of the Communist Party, chico! Who was there? Our enemies…’ … (The interviewer) asked about Cuba’s amateur fencing team that had just won gold, silver and bronze medals at a youth fencing competition in Caracas. ‘The young people on board?’
“Bosch replied, ‘I was in Caracas. I saw the young girls on television. There were six of them. After the end of the competition, the leader of the six dedicated their triumph to the tyrant. … She gave a speech filled with praise for the tyrant. We had already agreed in Santo Domingo, that everyone who comes from Cuba to glorify the tyrant had to run the same risks as those men and women that fight alongside the tyranny.’ (The comment about Santo Domingo was an apparent reference to a strategy meeting by a right-wing terrorist organization, CORU, which took place in the Dominican Republic in 1976.) …”
So there you have it — Bush offers sanctuary to terrorists who blow up little girls. These terrorists are okay, because they kill COMMIES.
I did not post #30. I have been sunbathing at the beach all day.
The wind farms in Klickitat County produce about 3% of our state’s electricity. By comparison, the four dams on the lower Snake River produce about 5% of our state’s electricity, and irrigate 16 corporate farms.
“Is Darcy going to call in, take calls about all her “jobus’ interuptus’… ” Commentby righton— 6/24/06@ 11:16 am
Is Rubberstamp Reichert going to call in, and take calls about why it took him 20 years to do HIS job?
I would like to hear Rubberstamp Reichert explain why he hasn’t hugged a rabbit two years after taking office.
Apparently Rubberstamp Reichert needs Darcy Burner to show him how to hug a rabbit.
So there you have it – Bush offers sanctuary to terrorists who blow up little girls. These terrorists are okay, because they kill COMMIES.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/24/06@ 5:38 pm
That would be jewish girls wouldn’t it? Oh please say it is so. By the way the money is drying up so we need your donations lefties. Allah is great.
“Apparently rushing to lock in a long-sought goal before the fall elections, GOP congressional leaders may bring to a vote within weeks a proposal that could literally wipe out any federal program that protects public health or the environment–or for that matter civil rights, poverty programs, auto safety, education, affordable housing, Head Start, workplace safety or any other activity targeted by anti-regulatory forces.
“With strong support from the Bush White House and the Republican Study Committee, the proposal would create a ‘sunset commission’ — an unelected body with the power to recommend whether a program lives or dies, and then move its recommendations through Congress on a fast-track basis with limited debate and no amendments.
“Three leading proposals have been introduced and are being winnowed into a final version. They would give the White House … authority to nominate members to the commission. …
“Sunset commissions have been proposed, and defeated, before. But public interest veterans say the current situation is unlike any in the past, because the House Republican Study Committee, which includes some of the most anti-regulatory members of Congress, has secured guaranteed floor consideration of a sunset bill.
“If such a bill should become law, the sunset commission could be packed with industry lobbyists and representatives from industry-funded think tanks, and could conduct its business in secrecy. Two of the sunset proposals under consideration would mandate that programs die after they are reviewed, unless Congress takes action to save them.
“Several environmental programs have been targeted during past sunset attempts. Experts predict those would be among the first a sunset commission would review. Among them: the Energy Star Program; federal support for mass transit; the State Energy Program, which supports numerous state and local energy renewable efficiency programs; the Clean School Bus Program; the Land and Water Conservation Fund; federal grants for Wastewater infrastructure; a national children’s health study that examines factors leading to such problems as premature birth, autism, obesity, asthma, and exposures to pesticides, mercury and other toxic chemicals.”
For complete article, see
” George Bush has 350 hours in F-104s. How many do YOU have?]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]
ANOTHER RED HERRING . . . but since you bring it up, what a waste of tax payers money. How come you don’t care about government waste mr. republican?
I doubt darcy will be on. She chokes under pressure. She couldn’t handle the high tech world, and washed out after three years. She bailed on law school. She got bored with her baby, for heavens sake.
Can’t imagine her taking calls from, actual, like, voters.
doubt darcy will be on. She chokes under pressure. She couldn’t handle the high tech world, and washed out after three years. She bailed on law school. She got bored with her baby, for heavens sake.
Can’t imagine her taking calls from, actual, like, voters. -Commentby Janet S— 6/24/06@ 7:42 pm
In other words, she’s marches lockstep in a long line of cowardly cut and run d’RATS.
George Bush has 350 hours in F-104s. How many do YOU have?]
Commentby skagit [……….Hehe, You didn’t answer the question, skagit. JCH Kennedy]
Maybe goldy can have one of the nutroots on his show, and they can explain how to invest in stocks by using astrology. Of course, if he hasn’t gotten his secret email telling him what to say, then I guess, he won’t have them on.
Just how much money are the nutroots skimming off the top, and how much of the donations in darcy’s name are actually making it to her campaign? Anyone here stupid enough to donate through netroots?
Janet S – Darcy Burner is going to win because she’s smart and has a good heart. She will care about her constituents and do everything she can to serve them. Dave Reichert is tired and confused in his new job – he can barely manage rubber stamping his orders from Karl Rove, the RNC and the corrupt DeLay-Hastert machine.
Your comment are bitter, mean-spirited and chock full of lies. This signals to me that you know you’re going to lose this one.
Hey, Clueless, what did darcy do in her community that makes her a leader? What exactly did she do in state govt that warrants her claiming experience?
Are you afraid that she will start crying if asked the hard questions? I know, it is a trick question to ask her for details.
I just want to know. As far as I can see, she is totally unqualified for the job. And, no one here can defend her, except to feel sorry for her.
BTW, be sure to go to the nutroots and contribute to her campaign.
Clueless – tell me one lie I have in my posting.
On the other hand, tell me one truth that is in this:
“Darcy has been active in her community and in state politics. She left Microsoft to spend the time necessary to be elected to the United States Congress in the 8th District.”
roger at 41
no way the wind farms produce 60% as much as our hydro. Maybe you excluded the electricity the dams provide to other states; while only comparing to state used wind elect?
Clueless – time is up.
I think Darcy has been changing her biography! She used to claim she had been a community leader, and she had experience in state politics. Now she just claims that she has been active in both. Kind of funny.
She can’t be too smart if she didn’t know she wasn’t an executive, couldn’t quite cut it in big mean law school and is running fast and furious away from her child…. I bet baby burner the sacrificial child of darcy donkette would like just a little of that heart she purports to have. If she doesn’t care about her own child what in the hell makes anyone think she’ll give a d’RATS ASS care about her constituents.
I actually think that darcy is smart. She did well in her one year of law school, and was offered some plums for her second year. She decided, instead, to drop out and pursue the 8th district.
Being smart isn’t the same as being capable. I take capable any day.
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy
Hehe, You didn’t answer the question, skagit. JCH Kennedy]
Ok. Zero hours. . . is that important to you! How many hours have you spent thinking?
Now, answer my question: How come you don’t care about government waste mr. republican?
She can’t prove smartness by parroting talking points. So far that’s all we’ve gotten… “squawk! OIL, squawk! bad war, squawk! squawk!” …. come on darcy the sacrificial donkette: give us an original thought, an original idea, for God sake, a REASON to not laugh at you as a viable candidate.
Janet S and ASS: tell me what Dave Reichert has done for the eighth district besides rubber stamp the corrupt Bush-Rove-DeLay-Hastert-Frist agenda which is as popular as the turd under the blossom.
Dave Reichert will fall under the coat-tails of this degenerate regime.
Janet S: you’ve asked about lies – you’ve lied about Darcy Burner as a mother. Just who the hell do you think you are?
Without A BluesClue: Tell me what Maria CantVoteAtAllWell is butt a rubber stamp butthead for Harry Confused Reid? You have no argument at all. And what is the DUMBEST Senator Mrs Tennis Shoes doing for us in WA State? We have two rubber stamp senators for Reid!
She is a person that knows a mother belongs with her child, that a child need her mother particularly in the young babe and pre-school ages.
Who the hell is darcy to tell anyone she cares when she blithely discards her kid to the nearest nanny to go play at whatever her latest adventure is??? Darcy clearly views the kid as another check off her to do list…
Work at microsoft, hope for stock options: CHECK
Try law school: CHECK
Give the hubby thing a go: CHECK
Pop out a kid: CHECK
Try politics: CHECK
What’s next on your ‘when I get bored’ list darcy??
Without A BluesClue: You challenge Janet S’ motherhood? I seem to remember you telling Puddybud that you are a Conservative Father but a Liberal asshole otherwise. Didn’t Freud call that a split personality? Split Janet is Conservative at home and at play. She is the same today and tomorrow. What can people say about you Bluesclue?
Oh, BTW, I also remember you wanting to ban Puddybud for calling you out! Seems to me you love to call any conservative out and then complain when you are identified as an IDIOT. Well there is one word to describe you. IDIOT!
Without A Bluesclue:
“”Schizophrenia” on the other hand, is tragically far more common – about 1% of the population. It is a serious illness in which there are major disturbances in a person’s thoughts, emotions, behaviour and perceptions. It usually first appears in adolescence or early adulthood, although it can appear later. It usually happens earlier in men, and later in women. There are two major groups of symptoms – positive/active and negative/passive.
There are many positive/active symptoms. They include: delusions (they may believe thoughts are being inserted into their mind, or they are Jesus, or that they are being followed);
* hallucinations (they may see or smell things that are not there, or they may hear voices telling them what to do, or commenting on their actions);
* disorganised thoughts (their speech jumps irrationally from one topic to another, or they may create new words);
* and disorganised behaviour (wearing multiple layers of clothes, shouting inappropriately in public).
Delusions happen to 90% of schizophrenics, while auditory hallucinations occur in 50%, with visual hallucinations trailing at 15%.”
Posted on both so you don’t miss it!
Try reading a newspaper once in a while, dumbass.
“Around the Pacific Northwest, wind-power projects now operating — or expected to come online — will be able to generate about 3 percent of the region’s electrical energy.”
Janet S chokes on chicken bones
“I take capable any day.” Commentby Janet S— 6/24/06@ 10:13 pm
You finally admit you’ve been voting Democratic!
Janet S has changed her story AGAIN. But it is at least funny. In a post last month she said Darcy wasn’t smart. Now she says Darcy is smart but that she wants capable. Unless your version of capable is someone who can RUBBER STAMP everything George Bush does, you can’t be talking about Sheriff Davie? Janet S has NEVER articulated ONE reason why anyone should vote for Rubber Stamp Reichert – nor can she.
By the way, notice how Janet S bailed from the “a woman’s place is in the home” argument? That didn’t get you very much traction did it Janet? HE HE!
Roger at 66
Too bad your first post present as FACT that wind power produces 3%, while once i busted you, you came back w/ the “hope/plan/theory”
Roger at 41 again..
You also muffed it by claiming the Klickitat wind farm produces 3% of the energy.
In addition to this being theoretical, the article aslo said wind from ALL over the REGION could hit 3% of total energy.
Region in the article meant oregon, wash, maybe n. idaho.
I thought you were always bragging about your intelligence?
No Righton, Rabbit is always bragging about impregnation of female bunnies. He has sex on his brain. He tells his political enemies to suck his cotton tail. He has sex on his brain. He tells his political enemies to fuck his armadillo. He has sex on the brain. Since he is a “rabbit”, you know he has a clusterfuck for a mind. He has sex on his brain!
Oh yes, he brings up the same tripe for regurgitation when he runs out of Daily Kos stories to cut and paste and then he writes about some fair use convention thing. Poor bunny he needs a master or maybe extermination!
Righton, the rabbit claims he needs hugs. Maybe that’s what Darcy is good for Janet S; hugging the “rabbit”. Maybe his sexual fantasies can be handled by Darcy and her “hugs” for him.
MWS @ everywhere.
No life. ZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZ…..
65 – Talk about self-medication – it self-diagnoses!
Any chance of an archive or podcast file for this show? I can’t find one of the Kiro site.
Any chance of an archive or podcast file for this show? I can’t find one of the Kiro site. -Commentby TheDeadlyShoe— 6/25/06@ 11:40 am
That just begs the question, WHY WOULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT TO???