I’ll be filling in for Frank Shiers tonight and tomorrow night on 710-KIRO from 9PM to 1AM. Sen Brian Weinstein will join me at the top of the first hour to talk about SB 5550, the Homeowner’s Warranty Bill. I’ll post more on tonight’s show later.
by Goldy — ,
Goldy, if you need some entertainment, I can call in and have Stefani bark a song for you! I’m gonna audition her for “American Idol” next time they blow through time. This is one hell of a talented puppy Stefan used to have. Not much of a watchdog, though.
“town” not “time”
For photo of me playing with my pet dog in the park, click here! http://tinyurl.com/2r4887
Make sure you ask Weinstein about his caucus asking him not to run again so Judith Clibborn can get his seat.
Homeowner bill is common sense. Everything else comes with a warranty (even Condos)…why not hosues?
Because builders have huge $$$ and donate amazing amounts to legislators?
Aside from builders, who doesn’t think contractor warranties are a bad thing? Only those who take campaign contributions from builders…
Warranties are not a problem for builders…they will just add the cost to the price of the house, making home-ownership even less affordable. I guess it doesn’t matter if you already own a house though. However, the undesirable consequences of continuosly adding layers to housing costs will eventually rear there ugly head.
Don’t we have enough government regulation?
Well, Impressed, home builders that build a crummy product will indeed simply add the cost to the price of the home. Their prices will go up, and quality builders will be better able to compete.
(Warranties cost very little if your product is of good quality.)
The rip-off artists and fly-by-night builders will be forced to take responsibility for shoddy workmanship, rather than making the homeowner pay for repairs, effectively lowering the overall cost of home ownership.
There will be an economic incentive to produce a quality product, and those builders that have been unwilling to cheat their customers will no longer have to compete with builders that are willing to produce an inferior product.
I realize that as a Republican, the idea of providing a quality product and not cheating the customer might be somewhat alien to you, but you’ll get used to it eventually.
Or, you’ll go out of business, and an ethical builder will take your place.
This John Barelli guy sure likes to act like he knows it all.
Sadly, he’s wrong as usual.
The greatest cost increase will be the insurance premiums.
Builders risk policies are skyrocketing. Good builder/ bad builder, makes no difference. It’s a hard cost that is passed on to the homebuyer.
Poor quality homes are the consumers fault. You idiots demand them.
If a guy builds more than 6 houses a year, he isn’t building your home, he’s subbing out a site built manufactured home.
If you’re buying a home (moving into a hud subsidised rental for the libs here) I’d recommend staying away most mass produced homes.
In the end, it is the fault of you Progressives.
You never think about the end result of your utopian dreams.
You demanded strict zoning laws. Now only big corporate builders can afford land. Bu-bye local builders and your pesky family wage jobs. Hello shoddy tract homes.
You did the same to the timber industry. 130,000 family wage jobs lost thanks to environmentalists.
Now timberland is privately owned and our schools lost their funding.
You’ll never learn. Blame Rove if it makes you feel better.
I don’t get it.
Why are houses and housing contractors the only major things that consumers have no protection for quality?
Why is everything else guaranteed?
And why is this commonplace almost everywhere but Washington State? Have all the quality builders left everywhere else?
Something doesn’t make sense in Typical’s logic…
Do a record search for Bruce and Judith Clibborn on the King County Recorders site. It might explain her adamant opposition to this Bill.
Keep up this great resource. best greetings!
Keep up this great resource. best greetings!
Well, Mr. Lefty, I may not know everything, but we are talking about an area that I have a little expertise.
I cannot determine what the insurance industry will do about a requirement that builders offer a warranty, but judging from the past, you may have a point about them raising rates.
Of course, if warranties were currently required and then that requirement was removed, they’d probably raise rates then, too.
Oddly enough, many of the lower cost builders you disparage already offer warranties. They see it as good business, for many of the reasons I mentioned earlier, along with the fact that larger home builders rely on reputation, just as the better custom builders do.
The real problem here seems to be the small spec builder that only builds a few homes every year. Some of these are great homes, but quality is extremely variable between builders.
As to your comments:
all I can say about that is that your contempt for ordinary folks is showing.
Actually typical-Lefty has a very excellent point.
What has happened is the small builders, except the one high-priced Custom Home at a time builders, are being pushed out. It is quickly becoming an environment for:
1) Large builders mass-producing manufactured quality homes
2) High-end Custom Homes.
Not much room in between is there??
Where does the average hard-working middle-class King Countyite with a family live??? They cannot afford the high-end Customs. And I got news for you John, there is no such thing as a LOW-END Custom.
King County is imploding because of excessive regulation John. This warranty is yet another layer.
Insurance companies already hate these Condo Policies.
This is basically what is being proposed here.
Costly, ineffective, unnecessary.
Why would anybody buy a home without checking out the reputation of a builder themselves??? It’s not that difficult. And considering the size of the investment, it is only prudent. Why would you buy a home from a builder with No Reputation or a Poor Reputation?? I wouldn’t,,,and if I did, it would be at my own risk.
Thank about it….why does the Left always feel the need to create more & more protective regulations?
Why don’t we make the Realtors who sell the shoddy homes responsible? That way, the number of Realtors who are willing to work with bad contractors would decrease, and the number of sales to and from those contractors would cease, forcing them out of business.
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