Excellent news, Goldy! I’ll miss most of it because I’ll be seeing “An Inconvenient Truth†during your time slot.
I think you should discuss Dave Reichert’s failure to understanding the Constitution (i.e. implying that getting around the 14th amendment was something for the lawyers to hash out).
Maybe he should have spent a year in Law School before running for congress or something….
The Umpspews:
That’s cool. I’ll be there, but as soon as you go here, you’ll lose me and (I’ll bet) many others. It’s too personal for you, and that would turn it into boring radio. Good luck.
Mark The Redneck Kennedyspews:
Talk about your new religion and how anybody who’s not as gullible as you is by definition an idiot.
I’ll have other things to do, so I think you should talk about Graham Hill for the whole time. Hopefully get it out of your system.
Seriously, you can hype the Gore movie. Almost a 2 million dollar gross over 2 weeks in only a handfull of theaters so far. You could talk about the fun of the upcoming Bush speech. Maybe have callers say what they think the president should give a speech about. There’s the anti-14th amendment plank of the Republican platform. There’s no monuments in New York City. And what other people said.
Tahk about the road to war and the Democratic capitulation to Maria Cantwell’s “vision” . Democrat’s lockstep support Maria’s long war . Tell your kids to suit up in the uniform of their choice if they want a higher education , they won’t need no education in Maria’s world .
LMAO – if it’s anything like the first (and only one I listened to) podcast of the Seattle chapter liberal lonely hearts club, it won’t matter what you talk about!
I sincerely encourage all the lefty bloggers who spew here to please call in and show off your usual bile.
Good luck, goldstein… you’re going to need it!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Former Vice President Al Gore (the last PATRIOTIC AMERICAN to serve in that office) announced today that he will not run for president again, and that he believes the best use of his time is to educate people about global warming.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Go back to fundamentals, Goldy. Talk about basic values and their importance in American life: Truth, honesty, fair dealing, community, compassion, decency, etc. — all the things that have been completely abrogated by the lying, thieving, warmongering right-wingers. And talk about the Constitution and why the Republicans’ contempt for it is the greatest danger facing our nation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Talk about trust and betrayal — how the trust of voters who voted for the Republicans was betrayed by lies, corruption, and illegal behavior. Talk about how these guys aren’t conservatives — they’re gangsters.
Richard Popespews:
We could talk about the persecution of a bunch of rich, mostly white families in the heavily minority SE sector of Seattle.
How their beloved Montessori program — which largely excludes poor and minority students — is about to be eliminated. How their children will either having to start going to school with a bunch of poor blacks, Hispanics, SE Asians and Pacific islanders, or else their parents will start having to shell out the big bucks for private school. How many families will end up moving to Bellevue or Shoreline because of this.
Let’s talk about liberal hypocrisy on racial issues. How wonderful it is to live in a neighborhood with lots of minorities — with several caveats. Yes, it is great to have all those minorities vote for your white Democrat candidates. No, it would be bad for the Democrats to actually nominate those minorities for public office. No, you don’t want too many of those minorities living on your block — maybe a few Japanese or Chinese would be okay, even a couple of rich blacks. And God forbid (or should I say government forbid?) that your children would have to attend school with too many minorities, especially the wrong ones and the poorer ones.
We can talk about how Goldy was able to have a private “charter” school program for his daughter — without that much personally out of pocket, and far cheaper than a private school would have been. And how Goldy opposes the right of parents in general to have such “charter” school programs.
Last, but certainly not least — we can talk about how closing the Graham Hill Montessori is somehow “racist” against minorities. Goldy’s reasoning on this would be especially interesting — given that 85% of white students at Graham Hill are in the Montessori program, and 83% of minority students are in the “Regular” program.
Goldy has three hours on KIRO to make a Horse’s Ass of himself, and I suggest he can best do this by talking about the Graham Hill Montessori closure.
Bush playing out of sheer desperation to the ultra right – gay marriage.
The War.
All Gore comeback — yes, he will run.
Yed he did win once.
Yes the righ has reshaped America into a very scry place in just less tha a decade.
Oh goody!@
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s an idea, Goldy: Talk about how you don’t have to become a lawyer — even a fucking moron can pass the bar exam. Want an example?
Roger Rabbitspews:
don’t have to be smart to become a lawyer
Re Gore. How come when Gore tried to drum up interest in his ’04 attempt to come back people weren’t returning his calls or exhibiting the kind of enthusiasm he’d hoped for in his own party? Of course he’s not going to run. He sought but got no support in ’04.
For the Cluelessspews:
Goldy, ream these freaking trolls dude! Get ’em !!!!
ASS: Call in. Let’s hear the audio portion of that hate. Maybe you can spend your call time reading from your favorite right-wing liar sites.
R. Pope: Goldy’s success on getting a radio slot is in direct proportion to your failure to get anyone to care about what you have to say. Your race baiting blather in your last comment is a case in point. Call in anyway.
MTR: Call in and demand a chi-square ANALysis.
BOZO: Call in and sing your tv show theme song.
Janet: Call in and Goldy can cut you off at third RNC talking point.
Hell all of you wingnutcases call in!!! It’ll be a riot!!!
Hey, you could discuss how crooked democrats can use tupperware in their freezer to keep their bribery money stored. Kool cash, so to speak.
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
Talk about how being “future oriented” is racists. You can segment into the Seattle public schools while your at it, a subject with a dwindling future. Hahahahaha
Commander Oggspews:
I walked past the entrance to W*lm*rt and saw the usual petition gatherers convincing the rubes that signing I-920, the petition repealing the estate tax (what is misleadingly refered to as the death tax) will somehow benifit the schmucks who shop at big box stores.
To quote from the webpage of an estate planner:
…The new tax does not apply to estates valued at $1.5 million or less for persons dying in 2005 and estates valued at $2 million or less thereafter. http://www.finance.cch.com/pops/c50s15d170_WA.asp
As if any of these suckers will leave an estate in excess of $200,000 dollars, let alone 2 million.
Anyway Mr. Goldstein, one of my favorite topics is how the Republicans convince the large segments of the population to constantly vote against their own economic interest by hiding behind god, guns and gays. It is almost like they are telling these plutocratic bastards “thank you for robbing me blind sir, may I give you more of my money”.
talk about deceitful campaigns and fake reasons:
to repeal the estate tax
to criminalize flag burning
to prevent gay marriage
to close school buidings
be funny
refuse to give ground on hope for change
spread enthusiasm
share strength
Do what you do best, make an ASS out of yourself!
Welcome news!
How about being provocative?
I DARE you to …. talk about why KIRO is failing?
or, less intense,
why 1090 is doing so well w/o any local programming?
or, why our delegation’s congressional impact is nearly to the bottom?
Or you could talk about what a good idea it is to bring in 30 million, affirmative action qualified Mexicans and how there is no social implication of over night creating a Roman Catholic plurality in the US?
or, why it is important to support gay marriage but oppose polygamy/polyandry.
too intense,
How about?
… is Patty Murry as stupid as the rumors claim?
… how is McGavick screwing up his campaign and why?
… why does Seattle want to give Paul Allen another billion or so ingifts so he can own SLU?
… why there is no intent of attracting childrten (read schools) to SLU?
… why there are no African Americans or Hispanics participating in Drinking Liberally?
“…A democracy which makes or effectively prepares for modern scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic.” – Aldous Huxley
Please Goldy, talk about your school getting closed and how it is going to send the entire well-being of the city into turmoil and doubt. Seriously, your problems are a lot more important than other people’s. Hopefully some of the parents will call in and you can accost them with elitist commentary. Remember: when in doubt, ad hominem attacks.
Good luck.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
KLOWNstein has never been one to take seriously.
I find him quite amusing. KLOWNstein is obsessed with celebrity status. He even thinks Brad Paisley wrote this song about HIM!!
Someday Goldy’s gonna be famous, does he have talent…… well no
These days he don’t really need it thanks to reality shows
Goldy can’t wait to date a supermodel, can’t wait to sue his dad
Can’t wait to wreck his Prius Hybrid on his way to rehab
[1st Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
Goldy can act just like a fool
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on a Blog
Goldy can throw a major fit
When his latte isn’t just how he likes it
When they say he’s gone insane
Hell blame it on the fame
And the pressures that go with
Being a celebrity
Goldy gets to cry to Barbara Walters when things don’t go his way
He’ll get community service no matter which law he break
He’ll make the supermarket tabloids, they’ll write some awful stuff
But the more they run his name down the more his price goes up
[2nd Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on a Blog
Goldy can fall in and out of love (WITH FELLA’S)
Have marriages that barely last a month
When they go down the drain
He’ll blame it on the fame
And say it’s just so tough
Being a celebrity
So let’s hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of the fags and the sun
Goldy will be real world homo jackass millionaire
Hey hey, Ron Sims, here Goldy comes!!
[3rd Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on Blog
Being a celebrity
Yeah celebrity
Slightly modified….and personalized!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Please remember to do those throat-relaxing exercises.
The dogs in the neighborhood go into violent spasms when your voice goes into hi-octave overdrive.
Goldy, I truly hope your voice holds our and doesn’t wander off into the “Pee-Wee Herman/3 Chipmunks Zone”
If so, I WILL BE FORCED TO CALL PETA and report your sorry ass!
Breathe Goldy…..Breathe!!
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Have ya ever noticed…. people who don’t have any money and never will… always think they know better than us “rich” people how we should manage our money. And somehow, they figure they should be on the receiving end of things.
Here’s an idea…. when you fucking losers stop being stoopid lazy immoral assholes… and then get some marketable skills, and then work your ass off for a few decades… then you can get a vote on what the Producers should do with their money. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy […………………………………………………………………..Post Of The Day!!!! Congrats, MTR Kennedy!!!]
Talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s article in Rolling Stone.
The 2004 election was stolen and we can’t let it happen again. Get people riled up. Get our representatives riled up. Get the media riled up.
Let’s see, perhaps you could out the real reason the righties hate democracy. Here’s evidence.
We see Bill Kristol let his guard down today on FOX News Sunday and he tells us how much he bows down to Bush. Bill Kristol was discussing recent comments made by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khameni — then, in mid-comment, Kristol stopped himself and said, with no hint of irony, “Maybe we should have Supreme Leader Bush. I kind of like the sound of that.”
Bush did implement Kristol’s PNAC plan in the Middle East-so “Blood on his hands” Bill is paying Bush the proper respect..and we wonder why all W.H. televisions are tuned in to FOX.
My thoughts EXACTLY rwb – get people riled up!
Pope @ 14
I hear you are a smart guy and most the time I agree that you are. So why would you write something that could be picked apart so easily? That’s not very wise and all that could be thrown right back on you. I like it better when you go to the facts. It makes reading through these comment threads worthwhile when you say something intelligent. Really!!
I guess my point is, don’t be just another troll.
Here’s another topic that should get the phones to light up. Highlight the bullshit from Janet S about Darcy’s place being in the home. When the mainstream audience realizes just how whacked out the taliban right is and that in this day and age their are still people trying to penalize women for having children, that should “shock and awe” them to mobilize FOR Darcy. They need to hear how nutty these wing nut righties really are.
I actually thing goldstein would do a great community public service by reading all the posts from the leftys to the leftys… and whomever else that may be listening… and taping…
Here’s another, ask why it took Sheriff Davie so long to catch the Green River killer. Was it just incompetence or indifference? Which one?
Yes! let’s talk about darcy the sacrificial donkette! Do we even get KIRO here in the 8th District???
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Again I am reminded of Charles Krauthammer’s apt take on the illegal immigration situation. To wit, in the NFL Draft of immigrants wanting to come to this great nation, we have the first few million picks. BUT, amazingly, we have ignored that advantage and instead BY DEFAULT taken the absolute WORST immigration prospects: the unskilled, the ignorant, the unassimilatable, the ungrateful, the the illiterate, the diseased, the ones who blind dogs with pepper, the ones who won’t speak our language, the ones who love another country and proudly wave ITS flag and root for ITS soccer team. We have taken the next generation of Democrats.
I wonder when the Arbitron Ratings for tonights donk audio lovefest will be out?
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s article in Rolling Stone.
The 2004 election was stolen and we can’t let it happen again. Get people riled up. Get our representatives riled up. Get the media riled up.
Commentby rwb [rwb, Let’s work together to make voter fraud a capital offense. Vote illegally, and die!! I’m sure you libs would just love that!!!!]
Roger Rabbitspews:
Most of the people signing I-920 won’t leave their heirs much more than a 9″ TV and a stack of bills. The furniture will go back to the furniture rental store.
I wonder when the Arbitron Ratings for tonights donk audio lovefest will be out? -Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/4/06@ 5:02 pm
Or, should I have said…ORAL love fest??
Roger Rabbitspews:
It took Darcy only 5 seconds to hug a rabbit. Sheriff Davie doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit.
Mark The Redneck Kennedyspews:
Hey Rakeface – Do you still “support the political objectives” of the people who caused this:
We already concluded that while darcy the sacrificial donkette is not quite smart enough to avoid fleas, Dave most certainly is.
5 seconds…
And, aren’t you just the tiniest bit miffed she hugged you for less time than it takes a 4 yr old to spit out gum????
It took Darcy only 5 seconds to hug a rabbit. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/4/06@ 5:08 pm
Rabbit sent a follow-up postcard to poor, crabby darcy the sacrficial donkette
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
Talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s article in Rolling Stone.
The 2004 election was stolen and we can’t let it happen again. Get people riled up. Get our representatives riled up. Get the media riled up.
Commentby rwb— 6/4/06@ 4:47 pm
Oh isn’t that cute. A lefty getting mad because the election was stolen. What are ya gonna do about it. ID at the polls? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
It took Darcy only 5 seconds to hug a rabbit. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/4/06@ 5:08 pm
Rabbit sent a follow-up postcard to poor, crabby darcy the sacrficial donkette -Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/4/06@ 5:30 pm
And of course the ever so polite and feeling darcy the sacrificial donkette sent a quick note back to rabbit in response…
howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASSspews:
hmmmpfff… I didn’t mean to be ‘anonymous’…
platinumboy: I like the tupperware pitch. Go with that one, Goldy.
Hmmmm….. I dont know, just stay away from insurance fraud. Yikes.
Oh also stay away from the ratingings of liberal talk. I think more people tune into contruction alerts at 510AM than they do us.
Talk about Tim Eyman and how the newspapers are his ho’s
Talk about our Congressional Candidates. All of them. Plug the blogs!
Talk about the stupid AP articles that appear to be buying the GOP that Dems are sofaking divided. What a bunch of BS.
Shall I go on?
How about NOT talking about the school closure issue?
Excellent news, Goldy! I’ll miss most of it because I’ll be seeing “An Inconvenient Truth†during your time slot.
I think you should discuss Dave Reichert’s failure to understanding the Constitution (i.e. implying that getting around the 14th amendment was something for the lawyers to hash out).
Maybe he should have spent a year in Law School before running for congress or something….
That’s cool. I’ll be there, but as soon as you go here, you’ll lose me and (I’ll bet) many others. It’s too personal for you, and that would turn it into boring radio. Good luck.
Talk about your new religion and how anybody who’s not as gullible as you is by definition an idiot.
I’ll have other things to do, so I think you should talk about Graham Hill for the whole time. Hopefully get it out of your system.
Seriously, you can hype the Gore movie. Almost a 2 million dollar gross over 2 weeks in only a handfull of theaters so far. You could talk about the fun of the upcoming Bush speech. Maybe have callers say what they think the president should give a speech about. There’s the anti-14th amendment plank of the Republican platform. There’s no monuments in New York City. And what other people said.
Tahk about the road to war and the Democratic capitulation to Maria Cantwell’s “vision” . Democrat’s lockstep support Maria’s long war . Tell your kids to suit up in the uniform of their choice if they want a higher education , they won’t need no education in Maria’s world .
LMAO – if it’s anything like the first (and only one I listened to) podcast of the Seattle chapter liberal lonely hearts club, it won’t matter what you talk about!
I sincerely encourage all the lefty bloggers who spew here to please call in and show off your usual bile.
Good luck, goldstein… you’re going to need it!
Former Vice President Al Gore (the last PATRIOTIC AMERICAN to serve in that office) announced today that he will not run for president again, and that he believes the best use of his time is to educate people about global warming.
Go back to fundamentals, Goldy. Talk about basic values and their importance in American life: Truth, honesty, fair dealing, community, compassion, decency, etc. — all the things that have been completely abrogated by the lying, thieving, warmongering right-wingers. And talk about the Constitution and why the Republicans’ contempt for it is the greatest danger facing our nation.
Talk about trust and betrayal — how the trust of voters who voted for the Republicans was betrayed by lies, corruption, and illegal behavior. Talk about how these guys aren’t conservatives — they’re gangsters.
We could talk about the persecution of a bunch of rich, mostly white families in the heavily minority SE sector of Seattle.
How their beloved Montessori program — which largely excludes poor and minority students — is about to be eliminated. How their children will either having to start going to school with a bunch of poor blacks, Hispanics, SE Asians and Pacific islanders, or else their parents will start having to shell out the big bucks for private school. How many families will end up moving to Bellevue or Shoreline because of this.
Let’s talk about liberal hypocrisy on racial issues. How wonderful it is to live in a neighborhood with lots of minorities — with several caveats. Yes, it is great to have all those minorities vote for your white Democrat candidates. No, it would be bad for the Democrats to actually nominate those minorities for public office. No, you don’t want too many of those minorities living on your block — maybe a few Japanese or Chinese would be okay, even a couple of rich blacks. And God forbid (or should I say government forbid?) that your children would have to attend school with too many minorities, especially the wrong ones and the poorer ones.
We can talk about how Goldy was able to have a private “charter” school program for his daughter — without that much personally out of pocket, and far cheaper than a private school would have been. And how Goldy opposes the right of parents in general to have such “charter” school programs.
Last, but certainly not least — we can talk about how closing the Graham Hill Montessori is somehow “racist” against minorities. Goldy’s reasoning on this would be especially interesting — given that 85% of white students at Graham Hill are in the Montessori program, and 83% of minority students are in the “Regular” program.
Goldy has three hours on KIRO to make a Horse’s Ass of himself, and I suggest he can best do this by talking about the Graham Hill Montessori closure.
Bush playing out of sheer desperation to the ultra right – gay marriage.
The War.
All Gore comeback — yes, he will run.
Yed he did win once.
Yes the righ has reshaped America into a very scry place in just less tha a decade.
Oh goody!@
Here’s an idea, Goldy: Talk about how you don’t have to become a lawyer — even a fucking moron can pass the bar exam. Want an example?
don’t have to be smart to become a lawyer
Re Gore. How come when Gore tried to drum up interest in his ’04 attempt to come back people weren’t returning his calls or exhibiting the kind of enthusiasm he’d hoped for in his own party? Of course he’s not going to run. He sought but got no support in ’04.
Goldy, ream these freaking trolls dude! Get ’em !!!!
ASS: Call in. Let’s hear the audio portion of that hate. Maybe you can spend your call time reading from your favorite right-wing liar sites.
R. Pope: Goldy’s success on getting a radio slot is in direct proportion to your failure to get anyone to care about what you have to say. Your race baiting blather in your last comment is a case in point. Call in anyway.
MTR: Call in and demand a chi-square ANALysis.
BOZO: Call in and sing your tv show theme song.
Janet: Call in and Goldy can cut you off at third RNC talking point.
Hell all of you wingnutcases call in!!! It’ll be a riot!!!
Hey, you could discuss how crooked democrats can use tupperware in their freezer to keep their bribery money stored. Kool cash, so to speak.
Talk about how being “future oriented” is racists. You can segment into the Seattle public schools while your at it, a subject with a dwindling future. Hahahahaha
I walked past the entrance to W*lm*rt and saw the usual petition gatherers convincing the rubes that signing I-920, the petition repealing the estate tax (what is misleadingly refered to as the death tax) will somehow benifit the schmucks who shop at big box stores.
To quote from the webpage of an estate planner:
…The new tax does not apply to estates valued at $1.5 million or less for persons dying in 2005 and estates valued at $2 million or less thereafter.
As if any of these suckers will leave an estate in excess of $200,000 dollars, let alone 2 million.
Anyway Mr. Goldstein, one of my favorite topics is how the Republicans convince the large segments of the population to constantly vote against their own economic interest by hiding behind god, guns and gays. It is almost like they are telling these plutocratic bastards “thank you for robbing me blind sir, may I give you more of my money”.
talk about deceitful campaigns and fake reasons:
to repeal the estate tax
to criminalize flag burning
to prevent gay marriage
to close school buidings
be funny
refuse to give ground on hope for change
spread enthusiasm
share strength
Do what you do best, make an ASS out of yourself!
Welcome news!
How about being provocative?
I DARE you to …. talk about why KIRO is failing?
or, less intense,
why 1090 is doing so well w/o any local programming?
or, why our delegation’s congressional impact is nearly to the bottom?
Or you could talk about what a good idea it is to bring in 30 million, affirmative action qualified Mexicans and how there is no social implication of over night creating a Roman Catholic plurality in the US?
or, why it is important to support gay marriage but oppose polygamy/polyandry.
too intense,
How about?
… is Patty Murry as stupid as the rumors claim?
… how is McGavick screwing up his campaign and why?
… why does Seattle want to give Paul Allen another billion or so ingifts so he can own SLU?
… why there is no intent of attracting childrten (read schools) to SLU?
… why there are no African Americans or Hispanics participating in Drinking Liberally?
… Who is ahead in 08, Gregoire or Rossi?
Good luck,Goldy. Break a leg!
Talk about this
“…A democracy which makes or effectively prepares for modern scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic.” – Aldous Huxley
Please Goldy, talk about your school getting closed and how it is going to send the entire well-being of the city into turmoil and doubt. Seriously, your problems are a lot more important than other people’s. Hopefully some of the parents will call in and you can accost them with elitist commentary. Remember: when in doubt, ad hominem attacks.
Good luck.
KLOWNstein has never been one to take seriously.
I find him quite amusing. KLOWNstein is obsessed with celebrity status. He even thinks Brad Paisley wrote this song about HIM!!
Someday Goldy’s gonna be famous, does he have talent…… well no
These days he don’t really need it thanks to reality shows
Goldy can’t wait to date a supermodel, can’t wait to sue his dad
Can’t wait to wreck his Prius Hybrid on his way to rehab
[1st Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
Goldy can act just like a fool
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on a Blog
Goldy can throw a major fit
When his latte isn’t just how he likes it
When they say he’s gone insane
Hell blame it on the fame
And the pressures that go with
Being a celebrity
Goldy gets to cry to Barbara Walters when things don’t go his way
He’ll get community service no matter which law he break
He’ll make the supermarket tabloids, they’ll write some awful stuff
But the more they run his name down the more his price goes up
[2nd Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on a Blog
Goldy can fall in and out of love (WITH FELLA’S)
Have marriages that barely last a month
When they go down the drain
He’ll blame it on the fame
And say it’s just so tough
Being a celebrity
So let’s hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of the fags and the sun
Goldy will be real world homo jackass millionaire
Hey hey, Ron Sims, here Goldy comes!!
[3rd Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on Blog
Being a celebrity
Yeah celebrity
Slightly modified….and personalized!
Please remember to do those throat-relaxing exercises.
The dogs in the neighborhood go into violent spasms when your voice goes into hi-octave overdrive.
Goldy, I truly hope your voice holds our and doesn’t wander off into the “Pee-Wee Herman/3 Chipmunks Zone”
If so, I WILL BE FORCED TO CALL PETA and report your sorry ass!
Breathe Goldy…..Breathe!!
Have ya ever noticed…. people who don’t have any money and never will… always think they know better than us “rich” people how we should manage our money. And somehow, they figure they should be on the receiving end of things.
Here’s an idea…. when you fucking losers stop being stoopid lazy immoral assholes… and then get some marketable skills, and then work your ass off for a few decades… then you can get a vote on what the Producers should do with their money. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy […………………………………………………………………..Post Of The Day!!!! Congrats, MTR Kennedy!!!]
Talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s article in Rolling Stone.
The 2004 election was stolen and we can’t let it happen again. Get people riled up. Get our representatives riled up. Get the media riled up.
Let’s see, perhaps you could out the real reason the righties hate democracy. Here’s evidence.
We see Bill Kristol let his guard down today on FOX News Sunday and he tells us how much he bows down to Bush. Bill Kristol was discussing recent comments made by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khameni — then, in mid-comment, Kristol stopped himself and said, with no hint of irony, “Maybe we should have Supreme Leader Bush. I kind of like the sound of that.”
Bush did implement Kristol’s PNAC plan in the Middle East-so “Blood on his hands” Bill is paying Bush the proper respect..and we wonder why all W.H. televisions are tuned in to FOX.
My thoughts EXACTLY rwb – get people riled up!
Pope @ 14
I hear you are a smart guy and most the time I agree that you are. So why would you write something that could be picked apart so easily? That’s not very wise and all that could be thrown right back on you. I like it better when you go to the facts. It makes reading through these comment threads worthwhile when you say something intelligent. Really!!
I guess my point is, don’t be just another troll.
Here’s another topic that should get the phones to light up. Highlight the bullshit from Janet S about Darcy’s place being in the home. When the mainstream audience realizes just how whacked out the taliban right is and that in this day and age their are still people trying to penalize women for having children, that should “shock and awe” them to mobilize FOR Darcy. They need to hear how nutty these wing nut righties really are.
I actually thing goldstein would do a great community public service by reading all the posts from the leftys to the leftys… and whomever else that may be listening… and taping…
Here’s another, ask why it took Sheriff Davie so long to catch the Green River killer. Was it just incompetence or indifference? Which one?
Yes! let’s talk about darcy the sacrificial donkette! Do we even get KIRO here in the 8th District???
Again I am reminded of Charles Krauthammer’s apt take on the illegal immigration situation. To wit, in the NFL Draft of immigrants wanting to come to this great nation, we have the first few million picks. BUT, amazingly, we have ignored that advantage and instead BY DEFAULT taken the absolute WORST immigration prospects: the unskilled, the ignorant, the unassimilatable, the ungrateful, the the illiterate, the diseased, the ones who blind dogs with pepper, the ones who won’t speak our language, the ones who love another country and proudly wave ITS flag and root for ITS soccer team. We have taken the next generation of Democrats.
I wonder when the Arbitron Ratings for tonights donk audio lovefest will be out?
Talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s article in Rolling Stone.
The 2004 election was stolen and we can’t let it happen again. Get people riled up. Get our representatives riled up. Get the media riled up.
Commentby rwb [rwb, Let’s work together to make voter fraud a capital offense. Vote illegally, and die!! I’m sure you libs would just love that!!!!]
Most of the people signing I-920 won’t leave their heirs much more than a 9″ TV and a stack of bills. The furniture will go back to the furniture rental store.
I wonder when the Arbitron Ratings for tonights donk audio lovefest will be out? -Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/4/06@ 5:02 pm
Or, should I have said…ORAL love fest??
It took Darcy only 5 seconds to hug a rabbit. Sheriff Davie doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit.
Hey Rakeface – Do you still “support the political objectives” of the people who caused this:
We already concluded that while darcy the sacrificial donkette is not quite smart enough to avoid fleas, Dave most certainly is.
5 seconds…
And, aren’t you just the tiniest bit miffed she hugged you for less time than it takes a 4 yr old to spit out gum????
It took Darcy only 5 seconds to hug a rabbit. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/4/06@ 5:08 pm
Rabbit sent a follow-up postcard to poor, crabby darcy the sacrficial donkette
Talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s article in Rolling Stone.
The 2004 election was stolen and we can’t let it happen again. Get people riled up. Get our representatives riled up. Get the media riled up.
Commentby rwb— 6/4/06@ 4:47 pm
Oh isn’t that cute. A lefty getting mad because the election was stolen. What are ya gonna do about it. ID at the polls? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
It took Darcy only 5 seconds to hug a rabbit. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/4/06@ 5:08 pm
Rabbit sent a follow-up postcard to poor, crabby darcy the sacrficial donkette -Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/4/06@ 5:30 pm
And of course the ever so polite and feeling darcy the sacrificial donkette sent a quick note back to rabbit in response…
hmmmpfff… I didn’t mean to be ‘anonymous’…
platinumboy: I like the tupperware pitch. Go with that one, Goldy.
You’re doing well Goldy – keep it up!
I’d listen more, but I have to spend some time with my lady-friend.
Talk about the initiative to stop public funding for professional sports teams – I91 – website is http://www.citizenformoreimportantthings.com