Frank Shiers is under the weather (as opposed to just being under six inches of snow) so I’m filling in for him tonight on 710-KIRO from 9PM to 1AM — and possibly tomorrow night. (That should be motivation for Frank; he’ll want to get well before I drive away his audience with my lefty rants.)
I’m also filling in Saturday from 7-10PM and doing my usual Sunday 7-10PM slot.
Anyway, anybody has some topic ideas, post them in thread. And please stay up late tonight to call in and chat.
Topic suggestions:
1: Tim Eyman gets big payoff.
2: If the US Supremes rule against the WEA as Slate and other analyists predict, will WEA campaign fund recipients refund some of their proceeds either to the WEA or to a fund to pay for teachers’ supplies/further training?
That should be enough. I support a refund.
Topic Ideas? How about the Federal Way school district restricting the showing of “An Inconvenient Truth”, because one creationist objected, so it is deemed too “controversial”?
Gee, I’m an evangelical protestant myself, but these guys really embarrass me when they go off on these tangents. You would think they would have learned from Galleleo, etc., to not link their particular theories of physical nature with “Biblical Truths”. The Bible doesn’t say a thing about global warming due to emmissions by gas-powered vehicles. It’s not a religious issue, its at best a scientific debate (although a pretty one-sided one, at that). Even Pat Robertson is backtracking on this one.
And what’s with the total lack of backbone by the school board?
How about asking your callers: If you were going to give the State of the Union next week instead of the Deciderer, what would you say?
You might attempt to ask, in some radio appropriate terms, what the Texas Bush Pussy will do when a mob of Muslim terrorists attacks a US embassy or consulate somewhere on Planet Earth & drags the diplomats out into the street & hacks them up.
It really does appear as if Bu$hInc & the rethuglicans are on the path to Armageddon. There is no law or treaty or standard or convention or rule that they will not violate, is there???
Chucklenuts has positioned additional naval forces for an attack on Iran if they attempt to stop the destruction of the militias in Iraq. The real plan forward for Bush is to drag Iran into the war.
Leo Strauss
You’ll be full-time soon, Goldy! Congratulations, you’re on your way in the talk-radio industry. Soon you’ll be national.
As for topics, how about this one? Some employers refuse to hire reservists and guardsmen because they don’t want their businesses disrupted if these employees get called up to active duty. Republicans want tax breaks and federal subsidies for small businesses as their price of a minimum wage increase. Should Democrats attach a rider that denies these tax breaks and subsidies to any business that refuses to hire or re-employ a reservist or guardsman? I say yes. Why should our tax dollars subsidize these unpatriotic bastards! So what if call-ups burden them — they’re all Republicans who back the war; they talked the talk, now let’s make ’em walk the walk!
Washington Public Campaigns had a great turnout for its Town Hall Forums in Everett, Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia last weekend. Linda Valentino, a rep from Maine, and Ed Ableser, a rep from Arizona, plus David Sirota, appeared in Seattle where 350 people were given hope on a dark and stormy Friday night. The judicial bill for public financing is getting close to being introduced and the citizen lobby needs to contact their representatives and demand that they support this bill. Public financing of campaigns frees our electeds from the stranglehold of special interests and puts the voice of the people back in Olympia.
@1 So Eyman gets $86,000 of salary for not getting a single initiative on the ballot last year? Is he what Redneck calls a “producer”? Yeah, I thought so.
But the real story is the Eyman/Fagan salary fund was only $179,000 this year, down from $209,000 last year — a $30,000 drop in contributions to the salary fund year-over-year. Looks like their supporters are getting tired of feeding these freeloaders.
Hey Josef, how’s your love life? Have you asked Zits for a date yet, or are you still secretly stalking her? Go ahead, pick up the phone and call her RIGHT NOW! I’ll bet she fucks on the first date. She seems like the type.
@2 The Federal Way School Board pulled “Inconvenient Truth” from the schools because one creationist parent objected to it? Okay, let’s send 50 anti-polluter protesters to every FW school until they rescind this cockamamie anti-science directive.
@6 I don’t think that one can be covered in a mere 4 hours; but yes, I think Goldy should discuss the Trotskyite origins of the neocon movement. Once you know that neocons are recycled leftists of the 60s, you see a lot of things more clearly, such as:
Why neocons are totalitarians
Why neocons oppose free speech
Why neocons want to dismantle our democracy
Why neocons have no qualms about stealing elections
Why neocons talk about concentration camps and executions
Because they’re FUCKING BOLSHEVIKS, that’s why!!! They swung from the far left to the far right because they figured out fascism pays better than communism. But they’re still totalitarians willing to do anything to get and keep political and economic power, including murder and genocide.
@1 You’re dreaming if you think candidates will have to refund money that’s already disbursed and spent. Courts always make their rulings in these types of cases prospective. But as you know nothing about law (or anything else), you wouldn’t know that, would you.
Hey Josef, have you had a date in the last 10 years with anyone besides your right hand?
How about the absolutely great news and success of the Kurds in Iraq. How about some positive news for a change
RR at 11: I think you may be on to something. Mussolini was a socialist in the first decade of the 20th century, even editing a socialist newspaper in Switzerland. He had fled there to avoid military service, but he bounced back and forth between Italy and Switzerland for a time. He would have been a Bolshevik, but they didn’t exist in Switzerland at that time (before WWI).
He finally had to serve during WWI and received minor wounds during grenade practice, which he used to cover up the origin of his actual disability – syphillus. (Just think, if he was infected with syphillus in 1917, can you imagine the damage to his brain twenty-five years later, during WWII?
So, I wonder: is a fascist a former communist who suffered from additional brain damage resulting from consorting with prostitutes?
I’m sure this is no surprise to us here on the HA comment boards, but it is a bit surprising that she admitted it in public:
“WASHINGTON – Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice let slip her media preferences Thursday, saying “I love every single one” of Fox News network’s correspondents and also favors CBS anchor Harry Smith.
In comments overheard on an open microphone between morning television interviews, including one with Fox, the top U.S. diplomat said: “My Fox guys, I love every single one of them.”
I also hope you take on The Federal Way School Board thing.
“the mentally ill and blogging as therapy”
(not you, but roger as example)
“Education spending—despite no proof spending more works, we insist on doing it, what gives?
“McDermott- when does he hand to baton to Frank Chopp”
“KIRO radio; when did it become the same lefty type stuff ast 1090”
“Viaduct–why do Seattle dems go gaga over a roadway; are they all esthetes or just old fashioned pork people”
“Rapid transit–why won’t ST use the rail lines along 405 from Renton to Kirkland”
Rabbit – You act like 86k is rabbit food. You’ve never seen a paycheck like that in your fucking life.
The movie “Why we fight” is a must see for all. It’s on Starz on Demand. It get’s you a bit disilusioned about either political party.
Right Stuff @ 13:
Just as an FYI on your link, Kurdistan benefited from the no-fly zone set up by the first Bush 15 years ago. It has been run as a country within a country for a long time, and has enjoyed more personal freedom and better economic opportunities long before 2003.
@18 How about “Iraq War spending – despite no proof spending more works, we insist on doing it, what gives?”
Try to put out a house fire with a garden hose. When you fail, will you draw the conclusion that putting water on a fire doesn’t work?
When teachers get paid the same as Boeing engineers and their schools aren’t falling apart, maybe we’ll actually find out if spending more works. I suspect it will.
Everyone know that you have to go to war with the Iraqi army you have, not the one you want……….to paraphrase a dumb-shit Sec of Defense.
@22 yes and as part of Iraq, it is something we should all look at as the potential that can be achieved by the rest of the country.
I mean, given security and freedom, look at what can happen.
paleface rider
ah, the age old, “pay them the same as boeing engineers”
You mean
a) pick smarter candidates (you’d argue if wages were higher we’d get them)
b) make them work harder than teachers, all year long
c) be able to fire them at will
d) subject them to harsh performance reviews
i didn’t think you wanted that version
Apparently, according to Democratic majority leaders, gun control, or closing the gun show loophole, has very little chance in Olympia this session. Those progressives who say otherwise better get on the stick.
Quoted at the City Club legislative preview last Friday:
Asked about the prospects for gun control legislation, Sen. Majority Leader Lisa Brown said, “Gun control bills will come forward. I don’t know if we have the votes to pass them. I live next to Idaho. It needs to be done on a national level to be effective. Added House Majority Leader Lynn Kessler, “I don’t think we have the votes. We have Democrats who are NRA members. Let’s put our concern on things we know we can pass.”
Note: Being an NRA member doesn’t mean you wouldn’t vote for closing the gun show loophole, which is law in over a dozen other states.
Bush Promises To Veto Lower Drug Prices
Shrub today promised to veto Democratic legislation to require Medicare to negotiate prices with drug makers, giving as he reason, “”Government interference impedes competition.”
“why to liberals now call themselves progressives”
(how the heck can i tell a liberal from a progressive?)
“Why we fight”…Trailer
@29 If a progressive is shoving a broomstick up your ass, he’s a “liberal.”
Liberals must arm!
Folks in order to make good assessments on what is going on in Iraq you need good information. Now CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and the New York Times are not providing that info to make good decisions. Now if your get away from your party lines and look outside this country you might get a better view of what’s going on in this world? Most of the folks posting on this website are living in a very negative world and still believes the sky is falling (Chicken Little syndrome). Now that does not make you bad folks and should be drafted into the military, because they don’t need folks that see the world from your vantage point. The other thing you all seem to be hung up on is whose children are serving in the military, and who’s now showing up for the party. Now women are not required to serve in the military but men are due to registering for the draft. My point of view everybody should register women, men, gays, and other folks odd points of opinions. Now the chap yesterday who said that his siblings will join the military after President Bush daughters joined the military has a real problem. First I pity his children that have to ask his permission to do anything after turning 18 years old. No faith in their abilities to make good judgments and maybe they have a better knowledge about the subject matter. For you open minded folks read below and check out what he has to say on what going on in Iraq.
“West of Baghdad, Al Anbar Province is a vast, lawless frontier stretching to the Syrian border. The population is almost exclusively Sunni Arab, leaving little cause for sectarian violence but plenty of room for other reasons to fight. Major cities in Anbar Province, such as Fallujah, are fantastically dangerous. Yet the Marines and Army, along with some Navy and Air Force personnel, are probably stretched as thin here as the Border Patrol between the U.S. and Mexico. No matter how they spread it, our fighters simply do not have enough paint to cover the barn called Anbar.
The fighting is brutal. Snipers on both sides take their toll on heads, while hidden bombs can take America’s toughest tank—the mighty M1, weighing in at roughly 150,000 pounds—and heave it into the air, sending its heavy turret sailing a hundred yards, and flipping the rest of the burning hulk on its back like a giant, exploding turtle in what is called a catastrophic attack. When such bombs detonate under Humvees, the scattered remnants can fit into the trunk of another Humvee. Smaller IEDs and platter charges rip through the vehicles like a cannonball through fog, leaving some dusty mud-cratered roads looking like the moon. “
If a wingnut is riding on a broomstick, it’s Janet S decked out for Halloween — no, wait, every day is Halloween at Janet’s trailer!
@14 “So, I wonder: is a fascist a former communist who suffered from additional brain damage resulting from consorting with prostitutes?”
Perhaps some are, but I think some were crack babies.
@17 Kicking you wingnuts back into the sewers you crawled out of isn’t therapy, it’s a patriotic duty.
Klake @ 32
You’re correct, the MSM sources you cite are far too deferential to the Bush Administration. Why don’t you try reading, for example, The Nation if you want to get a more realistic perspective on Bush’s Iraqi disaster?
@20 But I’m good for a $100 debt.
@27 “Gun control” and the “gun show loophole” are two very different things.
1) Mary Lane is now Mary Lane-Strow.
2) Yes, I’ve been out on a date with gorgeous women. Details are classified.
3) I’ve given no less than 120 (10 dozen) roses to teachers over the years. BUT I do NOT support the WEA taking money w/o their consent and I hope EFF wins. They’re the good guys… it helps when I’m one of them.
@32 “klake says: Folks in order to make good assessments on what is going on in Iraq you need good information.”
Thanks for this amazing insight, klake! Have you ever wondered what would happen if the “information” you get from wingnut sources turned out to be wrong? (I give you Iraq as Exhibit A.)
@39(1) You dilly-dallied too long, Josef. You’ve been pre-empted! Now you must spend the rest of your life either (a) pining away over unrequited infatuation, or (b) lusting after a married woman.
danw says:
“Why we fight”…Trailer ywefight/
Danw that film clip shows a bias point of view and is cut to fit one political point of view. I came away after viewing this clip with a defeatist point of view about this war, and this country. Maybe the problems with the folks that live in this country think we are the evil empire and the other nations are always right. Pol Plot, Stalin, Moa, Saddam, Karl Marx, LBJ, and Jimmy Carter are the only real friend for humanity.
@39(3) Teachers who do not pay union dues should be required to give back the pay and benefits the union won for them and work for what the school district would have paid them without collective bargaining.
2 The only explanation I can think of is that this guy thinks that any discussion of the possibility that the earth is undergoing some change that hasn’t happened in a “long time” implies the unforgiveable heresy that nothing at all existed until the Almighty brought it into being in seven days about 6,000 years ago. If you tune in Trinity Broadcast Network and watch some of the stuff in between the pretty good old Hollywood biblical epics, you’ll hear Hal “Late-Great-Planet-Earth” Lindsey and his ilk explaining that they must stamp out any belief in the infallibility of this doctrine because calling it into question also challenges their belief in the End Times and the Rapture. There has long been a faction that has viewed Armageddon as the extra-special “deux ex machina” for the “chosen few” (meaning them) so that as the world falls into ruins, they get to go to Heaven without having to die.
Flaky klake the nazi @42 Since when is invading another country and killing its citizens not evil?
@17 I’m not the only one on this blog with too much time on his hands (wink-wink).
Klake @ 42
Truth is not bias. Comparing Pol Pot and Stalin with LBJ and Jimmy Carter shows your inability to make distinctions of any value. Apparently, anyone whose view you disagree with may be lumped together with the monsters of history. Actually, now that I think about it, you remind me of Saddam.
5 Anyone have any idea of the whereabouts of the USS Enterprise? A while back it was stationed in the Persian Gulf, and possibly the with the deployment of the Stennis, the “ordering of a second carrier group” is really just a routine rotation. On the other hand, someone on Smirking Chimp about a month or so ago pointed out that the “Big E” is near the end of its service life, and perhaps in its current game of cat-and-mouse provocation, the Bush Gang is hoping that it will serve as their version of the USS Maine.
1) I have other women in my life, thank you for your concern. But our Secretary of Defense can always come back to Save Our State from the likes of you… zits and all.
2) The WEA should stick to education issues and work in a NONpartisan fashion – that would deal w/ 90+% of the agency fee payers. Typical Roger Rabbit uneducated answer.
ArtFart says:
5 Anyone have any idea of the whereabouts of the USS Enterprise? A while back it was stationed in the Persian Gulf, and possibly the with the deployment of the Stennis, the “ordering of a second carrier group” is really just a routine rotation. On the other hand, someone on Smirking Chimp about a month or so ago pointed out that the “Big E” is near the end of its service life, and perhaps in its current game of cat-and-mouse provocation, the Bush Gang is hoping that it will serve as their version of the USS Maine.
Art who blew up the Maine in Cuba? Who started te Spanish American War? What is ment by yellow journalism?
Apparently, anyone whose view you disagree with may be lumped together with the monsters of history.
Maybe they have a lot more in common than you think proud leftist.
Roger Rabbit says:
Flaky klake the nazi @42 Since when is invading another country and killing its citizens not evil?
Roger that depends on how you define evil and the purpose for the invasion.
Thanks for this amazing insight, klake! Have you ever wondered what would happen if the “information” you get from wingnut sources turned out to be wrong? (I give you Iraq as Exhibit A.)
Roger what if your view on Exhibit A is wrong, how many people do you condemned to death by burying your head in the sand?
Furball Pelletizer @7: This is the third time I agree with the concept but not your characterization. If the company is Moonbat! led like the Shaw Group full of cheap labor libtards, will you change your rhetoric?
Why neocons have no qualms about stealing elections?
Why do dems throw out millitary ballots.
@54 No, the same rule should apply to every employer, regardless of who they vote for/donate to. Are you saying Shaw Group shits on our servicemen/women? If so, cite source please.
Speak about Cindy Sheehan. She goes to Cuba home of one of they biggest prison cruelty regimes run by Castro and only condemns Gitmo. When asked by families of Castro political prisoners for Cindy to denounce Castro Cindy declined!
Ask your 12 listeners with your Gilbert Gottfried voice about Cindy!
Furball Where did I say Shaw Group shits on people? Nice twist Pelletizer. Sorry I’m not your average neocon and I don’t fall for faux Jedi mind tricks!
Call 1-900-Rog-Sucks!
55 “Just your average US soldier says: Why do dems throw out millitary ballots. 01/11/2007 at 6:49 pm”
Thank you for bringing up this topic! I appreciate your giving me this opportunity to demonstrate what pathetic liars and hyprocrites you and other wingnuts are on the topic of military voters.
Let’s start with Florida 2000. Sen. Bob Kerrey, a Medal of Honor recipient, called Bush campaign accusations that the Gore campaign tried to disenfranchise military voters “reckless, … irresponsible and … wrong” and said the statements should be retracted.
But beyond lying about the Democrats, the GOP proactively tried to get (and did get) illegal votes counted. Journalist Jake Tapper found evidence of a Republican operation after the election that involved “having political operatives … near military bases encourage certain soldiers who had registered to vote – but hadn’t yet done so – to fill out their ballots and send them in. The plan was to get the votes sent in, and fight about the postmarks … knowing that it would be [difficult] for the Gore team to argue that military ballots should be disqualified. Clearly this coordinated activity by the Republicans would have been illegal.” I could say a lot more about the GOP bullshit about Florida’s military ballots, but the simple fact is the Gore campaign caved in and allowed the counting of military ballots that weren’t valid under Florida law.
Washington 2004: The claim that King County disenfranchised military voters is a flat-assed lie. King County counted over 14,000 military/overseas ballots, including more than 1,000 votes cast on Federal Write-In Ballots, and disqualified only 16 such ballots for arriving too late — all of which could have been civilian voters and/or votes for Gregoire, for all anybody knows. Neither the Democratic Party nor the King County elections staff had any control over the military mail system; but if any soldier didn’t get his absentee ballot because of mail problems, all he had to do was get a Federal Write-In Ballot from his unit’s Voting Assistance Officer. He didn’t need to know the candidate’s names; he could write “R” or “Republican” next to “Governor” and it would be counted. He didn’t even need a stamp; mail from combat zones is delivered free.
Ohio and Florida 2004: Republicans, on the other hand, secretly waged a dirty campaign to challenge the voter registrations of soldiers they knew were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote. A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas. Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’ … to servicemen and women … stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’
The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’
“These GOP caging lists were obtained by the same BBC team that first exposed the wrongful purge of African-American ‘felon’ voters in 2000 by then-Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Eliminating the voting rights of those voters — 94,000 were targeted — likely caused Al Gore’s defeat in that race.
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused … several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. However, in Tallahassee, the Florida Bush campaign’s spokespeople offered several explanations for the list. Joseph Agostini, speaking for the GOP, suggested the lists were of potential donors …. Oddly, the supposed donor list included residents of the Sulzbacher Center a shelter for homeless families. Another spokesperson for the Bush campaign … changed the official response, acknowledging that these were voters, ‘we mailed to, where the letter came back – bad addresses.’ The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad.
“The … challenge campaign was not inexpensive. The GOP mailed the letters first class, at a total cost likely exceeding millions of dollars, so that the addresses would be returned to ‘cage’ workers.
“Setting up … a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws mass challenges of voters where race is a factor in choosing the targeted group.
“While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see link above.
Personally, I think it’s contemptible that Republicans target soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan for disenfranchisement. GOP = Unpatriotic bastards.
I would like to see the law changed so that any voter who is wrongfully prevented from voting can collect $100,000 in liquidated damages, with joint and several liability on the part of the individual and political organization responsible for the incorrect challenge. Amount to be trebled if the challenge was based on race.
@58 I didn’t say you did. I asked if that’s what you were saying. How long have you had this reading comprehension problem? I take it your answer is no, so I guess that means it’s okay for me to buy a power plant from Shaw Group should I need one.
a) pick smarter candidates (you’d argue if wages were higher we’d get them)
Isn’t that how the free market works?
A number of years ago, when I was working at Boeing (as a software developer, not an engineer), a kid fresh out of college with a BS in Engineering could start at The Lazy B at about $35K. A beginning teacher with a BA or BS and a Teaching Certificate would start at about $25K.
The Junior Engineer would spend most of his time retabbing drawings, which means updating part numbers on blueprints.
The beginning teacher gets thrown into a class of 30 kids and has to make a life-changing impact on them all.
You tell me which job is worth more. And tell me which job a college student is going to consider.
During the dot-com boom it was even worse. Kids would come out of college with CompSci degrees and get $100K+ at some stupid dot-com that was going to tank within two years.
Many teachers drop out of the profession within the first five years, and the main reason is financial.
b) make them work harder than teachers, all year long
Bullshit. I’m married to a teacher. There’s no way in hell you’re going to convince me an engineer works harder than a teacher. I was at Boeing for 8 years. My wife works harder than I do, and I’m doing database development at Microsoft.
Even during the summer, teachers have to continue to take classes to keep their certification, and they pay for it out of their own pockets.
And I know plenty of teachers who support the idea of year-round classes. This is especially true at the elementary level. Many elementary teachers will tell you it takes the kids at least a month to get back up to where they were at the end of the previous school year.
c) be able to fire them at willd) subject them to harsh performance reviews
I’ll take these together, because they’re related.
The teachers have their unions, the engineers have SPEEA. Yeah, I know if you’re a SPEEA member, you might argue they don’t do squat, but that’s not totally true.
It’s not impossible to fire a teacher. It’s just that many administrators aren’t willing to go through the effort to try. Bad management is bad management, whether it’s in education or business.
Besides, with the crappy pay and poor working conditions, there isn’t exactly a line of new applicants waiting at the door to take the jobs. Many schools are having to fill vacant permanent positions with long-term substitutes because there just aren’t any candidates.
And not every place has “harsh reviews” as you put it. I’ve been in the business world for 30+ years, don’t try to con me.
Hey pudwhacker aka Mike Webb Sucks Rabbit Dick aka Darrell over a Barrel — what do you think we should do to those GOP nasties who keep soldiers deployed to combat zones from voting? Is prison too good for them? Should we cut off their balls, or just grease up their anuses and let the Hells Angels San Quentin Chapter have them as toys?
Do you folks see a pattern here?
GOP-run Pentagon sends soldiers to Iraq without adequate body or vehicle armor.
GOP political operatives disenfranchise legit voters deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
GOP businessmen refuse to hire reservists and guardsmen.
Not one GOP troll has donated $99 to
So my question is — why do you unpatriotic GOP fucks hate our troops? What did they ever do to you, to deserve this treatment? Fuck you America-hating, troop-despising scumbags!
re 58: “Faux” is my word. You are copying me again. You creep!
re 39: Since workers create the wealth that corporations enjoy, corporations should be forced on a yearly basis to get the consent of each and every worker before they make political contributions in the name of the corporation — and the consent of stockholders as well. If the stockholder or worker does not like the political contribution of the corporation, he should be recompensed in cash. It is illegal for corporations to not do their absolute best to make a profit — and spending that money on socially damaging political efforts should land CEO’s in jail.
What do you think of your own argument now that I’ve put your sacred cows in it.
Your time is over. Next time you “get a fever”, let’s all hope it’s for more cowbell. Then we’ll all be wearing golden diapers next year.
“Puddybud”: What a dumb name. Sounds like he’s best friends with his own wee-wee.
This is the company that contributes megabucks to Evergreen Freedom Foundation — the devil is in your own backyard claiming to represent freedom. They should be foreced to contact every associate (many of whom are stockholders) and get their written permission to make these contributions in the stockholder’s name and with their money. I own stock in this company for the Express purpose of demanding of them what they are demanding of unions.
“Today, Wal-Mart confirmed that over half of its employees, 53%, are not covered under the company’s health care plan.
Yet, despite these shameful numbers, Wal-Mart is trying to mislead the public by falsely claiming that its health care plans have actually improved. Here are the facts. Last year, Wal-Mart told the New York Times that it provided company health care to 638,000 employees. Now, Wal-Mart claims it provides company health care to only 636,391 employees.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a decrease, not an increase, of almost 2,000 employees.
We have to tell the American people the truth. And, the truth is that with $11 billion in annual profit, it is a national disgrace that Wal-Mart still fails to provide company health care to over half of its employees.
Please take a moment and write a letter to the editor about the Wal-Mart health care crisis.”
Use this link to send a letter to the editor
We’re In Trouble
We’re in big trouble.
Have a look at The Washington Note, whose latest begins like this:
Washington intelligence, military and foreign policy circles are abuzz today with speculation that the President, yesterday or in recent days, sent a secret Executive Order to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director of the CIA to launch military operations against Syria and Iran.
The President may have started a new secret, informal war against Syria and Iran without the consent of Congress or any broad discussion with the country.
Let me be clear: I don’t give a fuck about the people of Iraq. Or the people any other shithole middle eastern dictatorship/kingdom. We clearly see now that middle east cultures are vastly inferior to western cultures and have been for a thousand years or so. And that’s not EVER gonna change.
There’s no such thing as a “country” of Iraq. Iraq is just a combination of three groups who hate each other. Always have; always will. Fuck them. All of them. Their primary allegiance is to whatever brand of shithole gutter religion that they subscribe to. Patriotism doesn’t come into play. The police force has zero allegiance to their country; only to their particular metastasized brand of shithole gutter religion.
We tried to help them. We’ve fought their battles and bled their blood for 4 fucking years. We freed them from an asshole dictator who thought he could play fucking games with us. Broke his fucking neck and put the videos on the internet for everybody to see. And the culturally and morally bankrupt people of Iraq failed to take advantage of what we gave them. Because they don’t give a shit. Fuck them.
If ragheads just wanted to keep to themselves, I’d arm both sides, keep ‘em supplied and let ‘em annihilate each other down to the last man, woman, and child. Global population would go from 6B to 4B and the world sanitized of islam pigs would be a MUCH better place.
But they don’t want to keep to themselves. They wanna impose their shithole gutter culture and religion on the rest of the world. They wanna attack us. The cowardly assholes want to kill innocent Americans. And we need their oil. There….I said it… So now we’ve got a problem.
George W. Bush is infinitely better than the delusional inventor of the internet or the arrogant liar swift boat soldier. GWB sure as shit is no conservative and he’s no Eisenhower or Reagan. Shit… he’s not even LBJ. This latest thing of his is fucking stoopid. It’s clear that the ragheads don’t want the gift we’re trying to give them. Fuck them.
If I was president, I’d take a totally different approach. I’d immediately cut off oil imports from the middle east. I’d start drilling in ANWR and off the coast of Malibu. I’d let gas go to twenty bucks a gallon to get the invisible hand going. I’d start a “Manhattan Project” of alternate energy sources and get us off imported oil in 3 years. And then I’d send a few fully loaded B2s over there and flatten the place. Turn the whole fucking desert into a piece of glass that’s poison for a few million years.
HeadLice Loocy: Here is a test I found on the ‘Net Loocy could give:
Any Seattle High School Math Proficiency Exam
Gang/Crew Name____________ Crib____________________
1. Ramon has an AK-47 with a 30 round clip. He usually misses 6 out of every 10 shots and he uses 13 rounds per drive-by shootings. How many drive-by shootings can Ramon attempt before he has to reload?
2. Otis has 2 ounces of cocaine. If he sells an 8 ball to Antonio for $320 and 2 grams to Juan for $85 per gram, what is the street value of the rest of his hold?
3. Rufus pimps 3 ho’s. If the price is $85 per trick, how many tricks per day must each ho turn to support Rufus’s $800 per day crack habit?
4. Daneel wants to cut the pound of cocaine he bought for $40,000 to make 20% profit. How many ounce bags will he need to make to obtain the 20% profit?
5. Desmond gets $200 for a stolen BMW, $150 for stealing a Corvette, and $100 for a 4X4. If he steals 1 BMW, 2 Corvettes and 3 4X4’s, how many more Corvettes must he steal to have $900?
6. Tomaine got 6 years for murder. He also got $10,000 for the hit. If his common-law wife spends $100 of his hit money per month, how much money will be left when he gets out?
7) If an average can of spray paint covers 22 square feet and then average letter is 3 square feet, how many letters can be sprayed with 3 eight ounce cans of spray paint with 20% paint left over?
8) Tyrone knocked up 3 girls in the gang. There are 27 girls in his gang. What is the exact percentage of girls Tyrone knocked up?
9) LaSheena is a lookout for the gang. LaSheena also has a Boa Constrictor that eats 3 small rats per week at a cost of $5 per rat. If LaSheena makes $700 per week as a lookout, how many weeks can she feed the Boa on one week’s income?
10) Marvon steals Joekel’s skate board. As Marvon skates away at 15 mph, Joekel loads his 357 Magnum. If it takes Joekel 20 seconds to load his piece how far away will Marvon be when he gets whacked?
Loocy: Special message for your dumbASS in the filter. Stay tuned.
We gave her a few months off while we covered more pressing items to our nation, but it looks like the troubles are still not over for right-wing demagogue/hate-monger turned felonious vote fraudster Ann Coulter.
Palm-Beach Post’s Jose Lambiet, who originally broke the story a year or so ago, has another scoop today on the matter and The BRAD BLOG has now been able to obtain the documents on which his scoop is based.
re 71: Man enough to fight about it, chickenshit?
re 71: The trick is not to mistake the adrenalin rush for fear, but to use it for an attack. Do you know what I’m sayin’?
Loocy – C’mon… conflict is like checkers. Right?
Furball I asked “If”:
noun: A possibility, condition, or stipulation.
I realize English is not your primary language, “Rabbit” is. It’s apparent on this blog, reading is NOT fundamental for you. Critical thinking escaped your mind in long ago, maybe while your were rear eschalon in Vietnam. Keep up the great Moonbat! work Pelletizer.
“We’re paying the highest wage we’ve ever had to pay, and our business is still up more than 11 percent over last year,” said Tom Singleton, who manages a Papa Murphy’s takeout pizza store here, with 13 employees.
You think Wal-Mart and other businesses might understand the obvious: people feel loyal to you when you treat them well.
No Loocy, ever since September 2005, nothing much matters from your mind!
re 76: I remember you daring someone to meet you at some fried chicken joint on Rainier and badmouth you there. How about we meet at “The Cheesecake Factory” in Bellevue and see how well your act goes over there.
I guarantee it won’t be me leaving the scene in handcuffs. And I’ll get a few shots in before the coppers get there.
How ’bout it bigmouth. Show us why your such a hotshot — but on my turf
erratum: “bigmouf'”
Furball claims: GOP businessmen refuse to hire reservists and guardsmen.
Citation other than MSNBC, KOS, MORON.ORG, etc.
Loocy: You the big “badmouth bitch”. You need to visit the hood!
Loocy: You said I have a pink ass. Time to determine if it’s pink or not!
MTRK says “Let me be clear: I don’t give a fuck about the people of Iraq.”
Neither does Bush or any of his cronies. They’re brown people who’s lives don’t matter, so screw ’em. Right, Mark? Let ’em all die the deaths that people who don’t believe like you do, deserve. I love the compassion you display. I love the sensitivity, the empathy. And btw, if you’re going to go after Roger about his income, why don’t you just hit him with your wallet.
re 83: I’ve never said anything about your ass. Maybe your ass is your second best friend after your wee-wee.
The 110th is going to set this country on a new course. If GWB ever has a moment of clarity they will have to put him in a rubber room for his own safety.
Fortunately for you , a moment of clarity is something you’ll never have.
In the native language of the Slappaho, your name is: “Man whose best friend is his wee-wee.”
MTRK is a Microsoft shill who goes around showing films to junior high school kids. What a loooser!!!!
MTRK, in addition, can’t control the kids. They walk all over him. I’ll bet you hate the day you were born. Looooooooser.
The110th is going to take away all your illusions about your bankrupt dime-stor economic theories.
Milton Friedman spent the last six years of his life on the public dole. What a loooooser!
#87 Mrs. Rabbit is taking a break from test flying broomsticks to chase that cute Rabbit :)
Babs Bush admits “Too Bad I wasn’t Pro-Choice”
@49 (1) Glad to hear you’re moving on, Josef! (2) Last time I checked, WEA is a UNION and their job — in fact, their legal duty to their members — is to represent teachers in employment matters. And yes, I absolutely believe that people who refuse to pay union dues but take union-negotiated pay, benefits, and working conditions are freeloading off those who pay the dues that pay the union’s expenses.
@49 (continued) If you don’t want to belong to a union or pay shop fees, then work for non-union wages.
I’m fine with people with philosophical, religious, political, or personal objections to belonging to a unionopting out of membership and paying shop fees in lieu of union dues.
The National Labor Relations Act says unions can’t compel membership, and can charge non-members only for the cost of representing employees in collective bargaining and providing services to all represented employees.
@50 Flaky klake says:
“… who blew up the Maine in Cuba?”
Roger Rabbit Reply: This has never been determined. It could have been an accident on board, or a mine in the harbor planted by unknown parties.
“Who started te Spanish American War?”
The United States did, by declaring war on Spain.
“What is ment by yellow journalism?”
Wikipedia defines it as “journalism that features scandal-mongering, sensationalism, jingoism or other unethical or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or individual journalists.” Although the term specifically refers to the Hearst and Pulitzer papers of the 1895 – 1898, for a modern day example see Fox News.
@51 “klake says: Maybe they have a lot more in common than you think proud leftist.”
So let me get this straight: You’re intentionally comparing LBJ and Jimmy Carter to Pol Plot [sic], Stalin, Moa [sic], Saddam, and Karl Marx. Thanks for putting your ignorance on display, klake, although we’re already well aware of it. For your information, Karl Marx doesn’t belong in the same category as Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, or Saddam either. Marx was a theorist, not a ruler. All he did was write a book.
This raises an interesting question, though: Who were history worst mass murderers? You run into definitional problems, not to mention trying to get accurate numbers. Do you count people killed in wars they started, or just the victims of oppression? Here’s a website that offers the following debatable statistics:
Mao, 49 million
Stalin, 13 million
Hitler, 12 million
Tojo (Japan), 5 million
Pol Pot, 1.7 million
Kim Il Sung, 1.6 million
Menghistu (Ethiopia), 1.5 million
Enver (Turkey), 1.2 million
Gowon (Biafra), 1 million
Brezhnev (Afghanistan), 900 thousand
Kambanda (Rwanda), 800 thousand
Suharto, 800 thousand
Saddam Hussein, 600 thousand
World War 2: 55 million
Mao’s Great Leap Forward: 38 million
World War 1: 8 million
Soviet – Ukraine War (1932-1933): 7 million
Russian Revolution: 5 million
Vietnam War (US involvement): 3 million
Chinese Revolution (1911): 2.4 million
Soviet – Afghan War: 1.3 million
Spanish Civil War (1939): 600,000
U.S. Civil War: 360,000
Chinese civil war (1946-1949): 1.2 million
Iraq – Iran War: 1 million
@53 “klake says: Roger what if your view on Exhibit A is wrong, how many people do you condemned to death by burying your head in the sand?”
Well klake, I’ve always thought a case could be made for removing Saddam, but the incompetent management of the war by Bush and the Republicans (which is what I meant by “Exhibit A”) is indefensible. And there was a difficult dilemma at the get-go that I don’t expect a fucking simpleton like you to understand, namely the possibility that removing the tyrant who held the country together and kept the lid on its violent factions by brute force would unleash a civil war that might kill more Iraqis than Saddam did. It appears that fear will be realized.
You right-wingers think you have all the answers (most of which involve military force). Well, when I was young and inexperienced, I saw things in black-and-white terms too. It all sounded so good back then. Trouble is, the world doesn’t bend itself to fit your theories. It never occurs to you wingnut dipshits that invading Iraq might create more problems than it solves — and kill more people than leaving well enough alone. These are tough judgment calls, and you rightwingers are not capable of making them competently, because you operate on emotion instead of reason.
@53 To answer your question, I think we can now safely say that Bush’s invasion of Iraq will end up killing more people than it saved, and that future historians will consider it a blunder.
@71 “Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: Iraq is just a combination of three groups who hate each other. … Their primary allegiance is to whatever brand of shithole gutter religion that they subscribe to. Patriotism doesn’t come into play.”
Sounds a lot like America, which has degenerated into two groups who hate each other, one of whose primary allegiance is to whatever grand of shithole gutter religion grabs their fancy; and patriotism is a merely a word they misappropriated to justify their behavior, which very much resembles that of Iraq’s factions.
brand not grand
@71 Thanks for sharing your vision with us, Mark. We used to suspect you’re completely fucking nuts, but now we’re sure.
@71 It appears Redneck aspires to leap to the head of the list @96 without any intermediate steps: Start World War III and kill 2 billion people to make Mao, Hitler, and Stalin look like pikers. You have big dreams, Mark, for a guy who isn’t even good for a $100 gambling debt.
@77 That’s the difference between us, klake: You worry about “if,” I worry about “is.”
78 The thing I don’t understand about Cheap Labor Conservatives is, where do they think they’ll get customers from, if everyone is making Third World wages?
How many carry-out pizzas does a $5.15-an-hour worker buy?
Henry Ford’s idea was that if he paid his workers enough so they could afford to buy the cars they made, they would.
@82 My source was NBC News (see, e.g.,, and I have nothing to offer to willful idiots who suspend belief when listening to Faux but don’t believe anything NBC says. You’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own facts.
@85 Goldy has his own blog, his own radio show, and a pretty full schedule of filling in for other radio personalities. What do you have besides a big mouth and a small brain?
The focus of the NBC article I linked to is how little the government is doing to enforce the law intended to keep employers from discriminating against reservists and guardsmen because of their military service. All I’m sayin’ is, if Republicans want tax breaks and subsidies for small businesses as a quid pro quo for raising the minimum wage, then let’s include a provision that denies those government benefits to businesses that break the law.
Doesn’t she ever learn?
She visits troops, but do they even want her? I think not.
@111 Clinton is a United States Senator and potential presidential candidate, and has as much right to visit Iraq as any other government official. If you don’t like it, suck on it — all I can say is, NOVEMBER 7TH BABY!!! It’s not up to the troops to “want her there,” although I think you wingers have less support from the troops than you think.
Fish processor in Nancy Pelosi’s district EXEMPT from minimum wage laws. (in other words, it’s good enough for everyone else, just not MY favorite company).
A culture of corruption!
And why WON’T she use union labor in her vineyards? Why aren’t you guys protesting her lack of use of such,if you believe in it so much???
How about stupid Jamison in the PI, bedwetting about online Map programs missing part of MLKing way?
Has some more stupid woman from “radical women” whining about some deep plot to screw King’s memory
Wonder why we laugh at “Pravda”, the left in this town?
[My point is why with all the Intelligence we went into this war
with why are we throwing a monkey wrench by not providing said Iraqi officers with correct updated maps.Why dont we improve the relation between our Us troops and the Iraqi soldier and build cohesion instead of sending more soldiers.
It all seems this war is being fought half assed. No one is to be a clear winner. We are not cooperating with this Iraqi but we will with that one etc. etc. Can’t trust anybody why the hell are we there. Give the country completely to the Shiites and Kurds and lets get the fuck back home.
We came we saw we conquered,(Vini,Vidi,Vici) so let them figure it out. This protecting minority sunnis is whats making this war a debacle. And there are no civilians over there.
Not after this much fighting and our intitial assault. The Iraqis are involved no matter what. They have a side they have chosen and they live with that consequence. Shiite, Kurd, Sunni, whatever. I hate that word in the media— “In Iraq today Civilians were blown up nearby a market.”
By who? answer. Other civilians dipshit news guy. So Bush its a civil war and I feel for our soldiers. They need to bug out and go home.
If you send 20,000 troops
Let it be the Fly boys and aviation units ’cause we all want to fly the hell out of Iraq ASAP. Screw an exit strategy, The shiites will back us up on our flight if we back them in the fight. And they have the upperhand. Simple Battle exit and we look cool for liberating Iraq from big bad Sunni Baathists and can go on to fight another day another way.]
[My point is why with all the Intelligence we went into this war
with why are we throwing a monkey wrench by not providing said Iraqi officers with correct updated maps.Why dont we improve the relation between our Us troops and the Iraqi soldier and build cohesion instead of sending more soldiers.
It all seems this war is being fought half assed. No one is to be a clear winner. We are not cooperating with this Iraqi but we will with that one etc. etc. Can’t trust anybody why the hell are we there. Give the country completely to the Shiites and Kurds and lets get the fuck back home.
We came we saw we conquered,(Vini,Vidi,Vici) so let them figure it out. This protecting minority sunnis is whats making this war a debacle. And there are no civilians over there.
Not after this much fighting and our intitial assault. The Iraqis are involved no matter what. They have a side they have chosen and they live with that consequence. Shiite, Kurd, Sunni, whatever. I hate that word in the media— “In Iraq today Civilians were blown up nearby a market.”
By who? answer. Other civilians dipshit news guy. So Bush its a civil war and I feel for our soldiers. They need to bug out and go home.
If you send 20,000 troops
Let it be the Fly boys and aviation units ’cause we all want to fly the hell out of Iraq ASAP. Screw an exit strategy, The shiites will back us up on our flight if we back them in the fight. And they have the upperhand. Simple Battle exit and we look cool for liberating Iraq from big bad Sunni Baathists and can go on to fight another day another way.]
there are no civilians left on this planet. everyones involved someway or some form. From sea to shining sea.
Oh yeah the shining. great movie. That kid had a premonition and the shining protected him, even though it scared the crap out of him.
We don’t have to stop trying to have someones back in a fight. We just know we are responsible when we feel the deconnection from reality.huaargh!
I wrote that in my soldier mind while I was overseas.http
Its not our fault it was on the News.