Heads up: I’ll be on KUOW’s The Conversation at around 12:40 this afternoon, giving nightlife promoter (and bar owner) Dave Meinert the business over his misguided proposal to help fill our state budget hole through doubling consumption of alcohol and a tenfold increase in gambling. I’ll post a few relevant stats and links closer to air time.
Already this is a loaded debate. The issue should be revenue choices (of which there are many), and not how Meinert has framed the issue: new and modern gambling/alcohol vs. outdated blue-law prudishness making the state go broke.
Wingers always tout gambling as a solution to our fiscal problems. How about a tax on fucking? If we taxed fucking there would be no Republicans only one generation from now, because Republicans will do anything to avoid taxes.
but goldy, Lee and the legalize weed crowd have been telling us that legalizing pot and taxing the shit out of it would pump massive quantities of cash into the state and federal coffers and solve our budget woes..
you….mean….they…..were……fibbing??? oh.
Lee is strangely silent.
owned…its what lee is having for dinner.