I’ll be on KOMO-1000 this morning at about 9:35, talking with John Carlson about my feature in this week’s Stranger on Dave Reichert’s Brain. No doubt John will attempt to defend Reichert.
In the meanwhile, for a second opinion on just how serious a chronic subdural hematoma can be, you might want to check out this recent case study in the New York Times.
listening to Goldy’s voice will probably cause a bunch of blood clots to burst
kirk91 @1,
That’s fair; I simply don’t have a great radio voice. That’s the way I was born. Likewise, Dave Reichert just wasn’t born with much intellectual ability.
Both are reasonable critiques considering the circumstances.
Well, I’ve got a face for radio and a voice made for print, so any prospect of a career in radio or TV is pretty much a long shot for me.
Of course, Clint Eastwood likes to tell the story of when he and Burt Reynolds were young actors under contract to a Hollywood studio.
Both were called in to see the studio head, who abruptly fired them both. “Why?”, they asked.
The studio head pointed to Burt Reynolds, and said: “You can’t act”.
Then he pointed to Clint Eastwood, and said “You’ve got too big of an adam’s apple”.
As the dejected actors departed the studio, Burt Reynolds started to laugh. Eastwood looked at him, and said: “What in the hell are YOU laughing about?”
Reynolds, still chuckling, looked right back at Eastwood, and said: “Well, I can always learn how to act….”
I have no problem listening to Goldy speak, but John Carlson’s voice drips with condescension and arrogance.
Thirty seconds of it is bile-raising.
Good job, Goldy, at framing this issue the right way. Carlson was able to divert the interview to talking about Delbene, but one point you’ve raised elsewhere that didn’t get shoehorned into the discussion today was Reichert’s lack of campaign appearances in general this election, whether on KOMO or elsewhere.
You and your bile are confused again, David. If you’re hearing dripping arrogant condescension, you’re listening to Odormann and Madcow at PSMNBC.
Carlson’s only fault is the Carlson run-on: and … and … and … and … and the bottom line is …
At least Hairspray Dave has something sub-dural. Not so sure about FeminineDeodorantSpray Dave Goldstein.
hey Goldy–
Why not talk about the “tolerance & diversity” shown by NPR when African-American Left-wing Commentator merely stated how he felt when flying in a plane with folks in Muslim garb!
I think this incident will push a lot of moderate/independents over the edge.
Progressives DEMAND Free Speech…until someone uses it in a way they disagree with.
This is a travesty!
I pretty much disagree with most of what Juan Williams says & stands for….but NPR is National PUBLIC Radio. I listen occasionally and have heard plenty of Christian-bashing.
So what?
To think leap to the conclusion that O’Reilly meant all 1.5 BILLION Muslims killed 3000 on 9/11 is silly. Whoopi & Joy Behar are KLOWNS..although Whoopi is often funny. But walking out on something like that is ridiculous and will once again hurt the far-left lunatics (that means Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats!)
Grow up KLOWNS.
Your constanting feigning of being offended by interpreting comments in the worst possible way is crushing your movement!!
Find something to really be offended by for a change…like the massive deficit spending, growing/unsustainable big government etc. That is something to really be pissed off about.
Cyn, on another thread you said We shouldn’t “punish” anyone (a reference to “punishing companies that send jobs and work overseas”)
We should adjust our tax and regulation model so we are competitive and reward those who create new jobs here.
Sounds good in theory. Let’s get down to details.
What ARE the bureaucracy and economic burdens you feel that should be removed?
For example, the hourly wage in Bangladesh is under 35 cents an hour. The minimum wage in WA is $8.55 per hour.
If you could craft our economic policy, how would you change our tax and regulation model changed so we are competitive?
“Grow up KLOWNS.”
Too much. An infantile personality with a strange thing for CAPS demanding that others grow up.
Not a chance that Cynny would recognize the irony of his post. Like all Teabaggers, Cynny doesn’t irony.
Whoops, I meant to say, “Cynny doesn’t do irony.” He also doesn’t do humor, nuance, ambiguity . . . He does do hubris, though, he does that very well.
Blue John–
Fair Question–
The list is long-
Let’s start with Workers Comp. The benefits for Time-loss, PPD’s etc have grown enormously the past 10 years. In Washington, we have about 50 times more Total Disabilities per Year than our neighbors in Oregon. We need to tighten the benefits to be competitive. Last year, L&I’s own actuary stated at a Public meeting rates needed to go up 23%..yet the Governor would only approve 7.6%. The other 15.4% is kicked down the road. It’s not going away. In fact it is probably worse. Competition from private insurers may help some..but Legislative efforts are desperately needed. Same with Unemployment.
We need Tort Reform in many areas besides Health Care. I know Private Businesses that have spent millions seeking justice from bureaucracies gone wild.
We need to compete with the worldwide market. Not 35 cent/hour countries as you point out.
Why BJ are we giving aid to any of these countries. Cut off the aid immediately until they raise standards for workers.
Get rid of NAFTA and GATT. Both are highly flawed. R’s and D’s both deserve blame for these nightmares. And don’t ever forget, it was your hero Clinton who signed both of them. He didn’t have to. There weren’t votes to override his veto. Clinton just did it.
We need to allow the free market to work in manufacturing. The Unions are also culpable for killing member opportunities.
We have to reduce the Cost of Government burden at all levels. Governments grew exponentially during economic boomtimes. They desperate fight to maintain the artificially high cost level during a big recession.
A total loack of foresight and action…they repeated caved into Union demands and citizen demands for more free stuff.
Another sign of the times for Democrats.
This guy Pomeroy was beloved in North Dakota and has served 9 terms! I have pretty Conserative friends in North Dakota who have voted for him every time…but no more!
I think there is a lot of this…and we’ll see it again in 2012
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Here’s the kind of integrity that the magnanimous Mr. Cynical gets behind.
Okay Goldy — it is great that you were on the John Carlson show and managed to survive in one piece.
Why isn’t there ANY postings on here concerning that? No one live blogging from the public Obama event at the UW?
Watch Obama right now!
When you want your car to go forwards you put it in “D”…
When you want it to go backwards you put in
Send in your ballot TODAY!!!
Pope @ # 18: Kind of hard to be in two places at the same time. Which may have been Carlson’s intention.
But I doubt it. Carlson just wanted to rile up his fan base by trying to turn the subject of Reichart’s mental qualifications for office (either injured or non-injured) to creating sympathy for Reichart by blaming the person who brings up the question for being “rude”.
This seems part of a recent national strategy, as Paul’s debate performance showed. The goal is to avoid ever responding to the issue by attacking the questioner. In Paul’s case, he attacked his opponant’s ads by calling saying they were personal attacks by “annonymous” sources, and thereby managed to avoid actually responding to whether the account of his “Aqua Budda” escapade was true or not.
Likewise, Christine O’Donnell saying that her personal financial problems shouldn’t be an issue in the election. Maybe so, maybe not, it depends on how the problems arose and how they were handled. I certainly won’t blame someone for personal financial problems caused by events outside of their control (layoffs, deaths or illness in family, etc.). But she doesn’t want to discuss them at all.
It’s pretty ironic, since the Republicans have been the masters of employing the personal attacks for most of my adult life, and they are are now suddenly acting like kicked puppies when it’s turned around on them.
Obama hit it out of the park..
I hope Ustream allows replays of the rally!
Ask ImamObaMao about his feelings about the Washington State Ferries banning this issue with Patty Murray on the cover!
After all, ImamObaMao has no problem with Mosques near ground zero. This ought to really piss him off!!
I thought a comment from HuffPost defined a good reason why Juan Williams needed to leave NPR.
I am not shocked by that comment from Juan while on Fox News because they are news commentators, not news journalists.
Personally, I expect objectivity from my journalists. NPR at least tries to pretend to be objective. Fox doesn’t even do that.
Oh damn, Puddy missed it again. Well Puddy has good reason though… Goldy can tell y’all
Ummm ol dirt stain… From where Puddy is right now, they don’t think Odumba hit it out of the park. AT ALL.
YL\\22. YLB spews:
From the lips of a 5-year unemployed loser who forces his wife to work to support his endless blogging!!
Exactly the reason to vote Republican this year.
YLB probably thinks Patty is beautiful!
And of course we have Murray’s amazing qualifications and Education which have lead her to this point–
I’m sure this has helped her a great deal in understanding economics, national debt, Fed Reserve, 2000-page ObaMao Care etc.
What a lowbrow!
Hey ol dirt stain@9,
Why didn’t you go and see him in person? Puddy has an excuse… It was way too far.
Blue John @ 24–
Juan Williams never said those things you quoted from Huffpo. He’s a big-time Lib…but a decent man.
You KLOWNS only have your endless ability to be easily offended and twist comments ala Saul Alinsky. But when you do it too often, it backfires.
Juan Williams learned about the venomous Progressive bullshit today.
Are you enjoying ImamObaMao step on his dick…again. The SEIU planted 100’s of supporters around him as always. It’s a joke.
If Barrack Obama said in a speech in front of thousands that “YLB is a lazy, shiftless sack of shit”…YLB would be cheering and screaming “He hit it out of the park!”
Puddy wishes O’Donnell tells it like it is…
The Bearded Socialist wants Odumba Care… she doesn’t.
The Bearded Socialist wants Cap & Trade… she doesn’t.
The Bearded Socialist wants to raise your taxes… she doesn’t.
Three major differneces!
From Think Progress and Huffington Post. You can’t speak your mind around progressives and socialists. You need to be suffocated. That was a line from a Dutch friend at dinner tonight!
NPR Capitulation… your tax dollars at work firing someone for speaking their mind. How progressive… National Progressive Radio.
Blue John,
“NPR at least tries to pretend to be objective.”
Maybe. If so it’s not very convincing.
I used to listen to NPR 3 or 4 hours a day for general news and market news. Sure they reported with a distinctively left of center bent, but they covered stories in enough detail that the bias could be ignored. I stopped listening 4 or 5 years ago when their hatred for George Bush overwhelmed any interest in unbiased reporting of the news. Since then they are no more or less than a mouthpiece for the Democrat party and liberal interests generally.
Sure Fox is biased. So is MSNBC. But both are profit making ventures catering to the tastes of their audience. If the audience wants real news, rather than support for what they think they already know, they turn elsewhere. (This is true whether the Nascar dad convinces himself that Fox is fair and balanced. It is true whether the elitist progressive convinces himself that Olbermann and Maddow aren’t cartoonishly polemical. Consciously or not, any sane person knows either source is doubtful.)
Too bad NPR isn’t a place the person wanting real news from unbiased sources can turn anymore.
It is hysterical they would fire Juan Williams on NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO for something like this. Have you ever heard some of the leftist loons babbling their ideology and attacking those they hate…like Sarah Palin?
I wish this happened a couple weeks ago, but I’m certain folks are combing thru the archives looking for much worse comments about Conservatives.
This could be the beginning of the end for NPR.
I have some long-time lefty friends who have been loyal NPR listeners for many, many years.
I just got an e-mail from them absolutely OUTRAGED at NPR.
Did all of our trolls run out of meds on the same day or something?
“Puddy wishes O’Donnell tells it like it is…
The Bearded Socialist wants Odumba Care… she doesn’t.”
The Bearded Socialist? WTF are you talkin’ ’bout, Jackson?
Speaking of O’Donnell, maybe the KLOWN can tell us how Christine O’Donnell’s heh- education qualifies her to be a senator.
Speaking of O’Donnell, she’ll be getting the gig she really desires – spewing hate on Fox News. At least then she won’t have to steal campaign contributions.
Steve…they clearly live in a very different world than the rest of the population.
Kind of like that “Bizaro World” in the old Superman comics.
THis COULDN’T be because Patty Murray and Norm Dicks brought home the tanker deal….naaahhhhhh….
THAT’s what a long term US Senator and US Congressman can do for the people of Washington State you assholes.
heh- The Bizarro world. Where Lost’s opinions are facts. Where Puddy doesn’t need meds. Where KLOWN-goat unions aren’t, um, weird.
Say, did you know that the KLOWN practices safe sex? It’s true! He paints a big “X” on the goats that kick!
Whiney little Goldstein muttering on about a non-existant brain injury when he chased after and supported someone as unintelligent, unqualified and dim as the twice-beaten Darcy “Oh! Shiny!” Burner. Ah, the comedial irony.
I’d be careful Goldstein, I’m sure you would’nt want others looking into your records, now would ya? Medical or otherwise. Glass houses, stones, and all that shit.
BTW, you sound like a femme little girly-man on the airwaves. Fitting. Butch up, will ya? And kudos for John Carlson for the job he did today. Well done.
LOT’s of nervous goats in Montana when the Klown shows up with a can of black spray paint.
Here’s an actual fact that’ll chap Lost’s ass – FDR was elected president four times. How could America’s “greatest generation” possibly vote for a traitor hell bent on ruining the nation?? Were the voters all Krazy like a KLOWN? Not just once, but FOUR – go ahead and count them, Lost – times!!
I really feel sorry for the jerk who RUINED “Talk of the Nation” after the great Ray Suarez. NPR has been drifting to the right for a long time. Sounds like “Fox Lite” now.
Oh yeah…I sure believe THAT. I’m fucking glad Williams is gone. He was a reliable water carrier for the right wing. Now he and puddy can uncle tom together for the tea baggers.
@20 That’s a pretty significant observation, considering America as we now know it (and for that matter, much of the rest of the world) has been arranged per the designs of the automotive industry.
Re 42
That’s amazing. If you give a majority of people property that belongs to others, make them feel morally superior for this theft, then enshrine such theft in law you can get votes from simpletons? Who knew?
That’s always been the democrat play. They can’t win on ethical or moral grounds, espousing the policies bankrupt in both qualities that they do. So they do a 3 stage shuffle with the voter. First convince people that they have a ‘right’ to
Re 42
That’s amazing. If you give a majority of people property that belongs to others, make them feel morally superior for this theft, then enshrine such theft in law you can get votes from simpletons? Who knew?
That’s always been the democrat play. They can’t win on ethical or moral grounds, espousing the policies bankrupt in both qualities that they do. So they do a 3 stage shuffle with the voter. First convince people that they have a ‘right’ to
That’s always been the democrat strategy. They can’t win on ethical or moral grounds, espousing the policies bankrupt in both qualities that they do. So they do a 3 stage shuffle with the voter. First convince people that they have a ‘right’ to the income and property of others on grounds of ‘populism.’ (A fancy way of saying, there are more of us than you, we’re stealing your property, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.) Second put in place monstrous policies that steal from productive decent members of society and give to those who won’t produce (a majority of any population and a gauranteed voting block in any election.) Finally, get a bunch of elitist professor pundits and academics with no real world experience of their inane theories to gloss this degraded approach to governance with an a haze of legitimacy.’
Stuck in his own asshole again. Poor son of a bitch.
FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged. I only wish, with Mark Twain, that I could have declined honoring him in death with the famous- “I’m not going to his funeral, but I do approve of it.”
Yeah…Republicans lose elections because the big bad Democrats FOOL the public.
Sure, you pathetic loser. Go back to Italy.
OHHHHHHHH…NOW we see the true colors!
“Fuck those old people. Dead kids??? YAYYYY!!! More for me.”
“lostinhisownasshole” sure isn’t the nice fellow he wants us to believe he is now is he? He’s Cyniklown’s stupider little brother. Max without the nuance. Puddy without the…brains???…uhhh…”mad googling skillz”…..???
You’re a sick fuck. Get help.
Re 51
No. Republicans fool the public. They promise what is known to be impractible. They profess ideals they don’t follow in the real world.
Democrats go a step further. They degrade and diminish the voter. Each successive generation is that much less self reliant due to insane fiscal policies they espouse so that they can win elections. Pretty soon we’ll be like, ugh, the French.
Gee, call your doctor, and tell him to adjust your meds. Seriously.
Sorry RHP, but on this topic I’m immovable. FDR was and will likely remain the worst and least patriotic of all American presidents. He put short term political gain ahead of the principles that made this country great. He took us from a nation of strong worthwhile individuals to one increasingly composed of whiny helpless babies.
I can compromise on tax policy, and admit that helping those who can’t help themselves is part of being a civilized nation. The nanny state on steroids that that traitorous son of a bitch created, and Johnson enlarged, has most likely caused the slow death of this nation, and for that I can’t and won’t forgive the man. May he rest in flames.
Re 52
You misread your Swift. Dead babies were the new white meat in his satire, if I recall.
RE 52
I’m very respectful of those who love this country and defend it loyally. I can disagree with politicians or people about the specifics of our government and still be proud to call them fellow Americans.
FDR hated what this country was founded on. He violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. He put socialist principles he wanted to push ahead of what he was legally authorized to do as president. He was a traitor. He was scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.
You sir, are the most idiotic of idiots.
Like Goldy could give a flying F..
Heh. Put the car in “R” so it goes back in the ditch!
None of your effin’ bidness Mr. Stinky Right!
Oh! I thought it was 2004 Puddybud??? Let’s see:
Salient quote:
Got a link for me yet?
Naaaah.. That gassy condition between your ears keeps getting in the way.
Like when you couldn’t remember that MWS lied about being you…
It don’t matter where the F you are if ain’t in WA State!
Like anyone could give a flip anyway!
I owe an apology.
Reviling FDR as a man and politician is just and appropriate. I regret nothing I said about him or his legacy.
But to wish a man be consigned to hell is quite another thing. For that I do apologize.
Lost @47, 50, and 52:
Agreed. Well stated.
YLB: Get a job.
62 – Yawnnn… I’d tell you to get a life..
But you already got one..
a low life…
“For that I do apologize.”
Your apology is not accepted. The reason is that you let your smug, conceited, contemptuous guard down for a few posts and let loose with all the festering hatred that is seething inside you. No apology will take that back. And your apology was nothing more than a “3 stage shuffle” you performed after realizing that you had let the veneer slip. You said it. You now own it.
I tell you what, Lost, I might swear now and then, but your flat-out hatred for others goes far beyong anything I’ve ever spewn here. Your death wish for an American president far exceeds the foulness of any four letter word. Is there doubt in anybody’s mind that you wish the same for President Obama? You showed us your true colors.
“FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged. I only wish, with Mark Twain, that I could have declined honoring him in death with the famous- “I’m not going to his funeral, but I do approve of it.””
“FDR hated what this country was founded on. He violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. He put socialist principles he wanted to push ahead of what he was legally authorized to do as president. He was a traitor. He was scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.”
“Sorry RHP, but on this topic I’m immovable.”
Those are your foul words. You’ll be reminded of them whenever you have the gall to show up here.
“But to wish a man be consigned to hell is quite another thing. For that I do apologize.”
I should have added that you weren’t bothered enough to apologize for wishing that he was hung, only for wishing him to be consigned to hell.
You’ll never post here again without my reminding you and everybody else of the hateful words you wrote today.
lost @ 50: “FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged.”
And what “civilized nation” might that be, [withholding the profanity I’d like to insert here]? Name it, lost, a civilized nation “respecting property and laws” that would have hung FDR. He played a huge role in saving not only this nation, but the world. So, give it to us–name a nation.
being “lostinhisownasshole”, “lostinhisownasshole” is a fucking flaming Bircher. That lousy pathetic batch of fucking lying losers is a perfect place for a pile of crap like “lostinhisownasshole”…
@67 Great teabagger quote from a NYT article,
“Some people say I’m extreme, but they said the John Birch Society was extreme, too.”
@66 We’re seeing the real Lost today. When he drops the phoney act, this is what we’re left with – a person seething with hatred.
His default position isn’t pretty, is it? These people are terrorists. They really don’t give a rat’s ass about truth or fairness or, frankly, humankind. The next couple years could be brutal.
Especially if (when?) they lose.
@70 We may well lose an election, but the only way progessivism loses in the long run is if the nation is destroyed. But we’re not going to let that happen, are we? But it’s well for us to understand that, in their death throes, these extremist haters will their most dangerous.
71, 72
I do think the wingers are on their last legs. They will probably do well in this election because the American electorate has a short memory. But, Western Civilization is headed in a different direction. The Teabaggers, like the Taliban and rightwing extremists everywhere, are seeking a path backwards to a world and way of life that never was. lost, for instance, has a view of the Constitution that preexisted those whom FDR put on the Supreme Court (a view that only Clarence Thomas, not even Antonin Scalia, who believes precedent matters, share). Assuming we can avoid utter chaos in the next two years, the Tea Party is dead, and the GOP will be on life support.
@73 More wingnut terrorism.
These people are true haters and constitute a real danger to American democracy. But in the long haul, we will triumph over these evil bastards. This I truly believe.
Proud Communist thinks and wants us to head towards a giant global soviet….god help us.
How many times do we have to watch socialism and communism murder millions and ultimately fail before people get tired of it?
Steve, I could care less about any of your insane postings devoid of any substance. Ever. I mean, you have yet to contribute one iota of actual discussion other than profanity and anger. And you call me seething with hatred? Get the log out of your own eye before attending to the speck in mine.
I despise FDR and everything that miserable anti American socialist bastard stood for, and you can remind me of that whenever you like. It’s not like I’ll forget that he sold my country down the river all on my own. He and people like him who betray this nation for personal power I despise. And I am completely unashamed of it.
In a country of laws where treasonous scum like FDR violate basic property rights and his own oath to uphold the Constitution he would have been tried for, convicted of, and hung for treason. This country should have done that.
As for the court since FDR they are pathetic, by and large. FDR bullied them, they caved, and have been complicit in the ongoing slow destruction of this nation ever since.
This court decided growing corn on my land for my family violated interstate commerce regulations. This court decided that general welfare meant whatever the sitting president damn well thought it did. This court invented a hermetically sealed wall between the religious expressions of a nation and it’s government, rather than the simple statement that we would have no national religion. This court played games with inuendo and could be meanings in Roe. Yes, they did some things right, like Brown. For every right decision I could cite 2 wrong ones, though.
I know it doesn’t matter to you. You’re a liberal. But the supreme contract between citizens and government that is our Constitution matters to me. If we aren’t to be a nation of laws we won’t ultimately be a nation at all.
You want the Constitution changed so that we can steal from some citizens to feed, house, clothe and provide medical care for others? Fine. If your cause is so compelling, get up a movement to amend the Constitution to allow for these things within the framework established just for that process. Otherwise, by the weak tea that passes for liberal legal reasoning and Constitutional interpretation you weaken and threaten the whole document.
To be clear,
I never threatened violence to a sitting president whatever Steves incapacity to read and understand English suggests. I know this to be true. What insane and angry people like Steve think simply doesn’t matter to me.
I did not and will not apologize for anything I said about FDR as a man or a traitor. He was. I called him what he was. And the Constitutional remedy for treason is the death penalty. Why would I apologize for stating the simple truth?
I did not apologize to Steve for anything. Never will. He’s an insane probable drunkard or addict (the only rational reason for his excessively irrational behavior.)
I did apologize generally for wishing nay fellow human being consigned to hell. In my faith that is simply inexcusable. I make this apology not to any one person, but as a personal requirement I hold myself to.
Re 70
It’s liberals who don’t believe in humankind. It’s liberals who think I can’t perform even the most basic daily functions without government programs to help me do so. Liberals have not even the faintest hope that human beings, left to their own devices, will do well. We can work, raise families, clothe, house and feed ourselves and get medical care without much government assistance. It is liberals who don’t believe in the basic capacity of people to do these things. They believe that without a beneficent and all powerful government involved in every aspect of our daily lives we will fail.
What a pathetically pessimistic view of your fellow men you liberals do have.
“And you call me seething with hatred? Get the log out of your own eye before attending to the speck in mine.”
Your vision is of an America where FDR would have been hung. You shared with us your wish that he burn in hell for eternity. And you have the nerve to call my words foul? You have the nerve to stain the words of Jesus with your hate? You are truly disgusting.
“I did not and will not apologize for anything I said about FDR as a man or a traitor.”
“And the Constitutional remedy for treason is the death penalty.”
Your words of death and hell’s fire targeting an American president would disgust and anger any decent American, of any political persuasion.
“And I am completely unashamed of it.”
I doubt that anybody here believed that you would feel shame for what you wrote. I know I sure as hell didn’t.
“I did not apologize to Steve for anything. Never will.”
I have absolutely no interest in apologies from a hater such as yourself.
“He’s an insane probable drunkard or addict”
You project too much. But with you it’s more than a Psych 101 thing. You really should look into it, especially that “insane” part.
For one shining moment on October 29th, 1929, America stood on the verge of finally becoming a truly just and moral nation. Rational market forces were poised to eradicate from the body politic the cancer of the unproductive. Left to follow a rational course, the market would have identified those who have a parasitical relationship to the economic host, and they would have been forced to find another host on which to feed, by sneaking over either the northern or southern borders like the vermin they were. (and, frankly, still are)
It was FDR who destroyed that shining moment, that too fleeting breath of true freedom, and smothered it beneath the vile, despicable, soft pillow of “fair wages” and flea infested quilt of “progressive taxation”
I retract my apology. Hell is far too kind a destination for those who would unjustly promise a living wage to machinery.
If only Jefferson Davis had triumphed in The War Against Northern Aggression. Davis understood The Constitution, and was a true patriot.
I speak truth daily.
You should listen to me.
Here is what I posted above:
ost @ 50: “FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged.”
“And what “civilized nation” might that be, [withholding the profanity I’d like to insert here]? Name it, lost, a civilized nation “respecting property and laws” that would have hung FDR. He played a huge role in saving not only this nation, but the world. So, give it to us–name a nation.”
You, of course, did not name a nation that would have done so. You, lost, are not the arbiter of what the Constitution means. Yet, you have several posts above which suggest you think you are. The Constitution, in many very important respects was a flawed document. It enshrined slavery, denied women any political value, and lauded the propertied elite. Don’t even try to deny that, lost, you dumbfuck. The beauty of the Constitution was that which the doubters in the community installed–things are going to change, so let’s permit that. I’ll teach you Constitutional Law 101 when you’re ready, lost. You really are an asshole, aren’t you?
Sadly lost isn’t the only wingnut who seems to believe they are the arbiter of what the Constitution means and not the courts.
I’ve had this argument with any number of wingnuts who will insist something or another is unconstitutional even when I point to a stack of court decisions that say otherwise.
The vilification of FDR is another area where lost is hardly unique. Never mind that St. Reagan was a great admirer of FDR or that any number of presidential scholars including many conservatives consider him one of the greatest presidents this country has had. Then again many wingnuts seem to hate Lincoln too.
Isn’t the constitution kind of a do over document? They tried the Articles of Confederation, but that wasn’t working, so they made something else up 13 year later.
So if the constitution was software, it’s the 2.0 document that they then had to add 10 more patches to.
@15. Mr. Cynical spews:
Let’s start with Workers Comp. We need to tighten the benefits to be competitive.
I had to go look up Workers Comp. I have never had a need to use it. It’s defined as
>> So you are advocating that if a worker gets hurt on the job, they shouldn’t be able to get redress? I get that fraud should be prosecuted, but you imply you want a systemic change so everyone gets less, or nothing. Are you aware of the consequences of that?
Same with Unemployment.
>> So you want a system change so people in WA have less unemployment insurance? Again, are you aware of the consequences of that?
We need Tort Reform in many areas besides Health Care.
So you remove yet another mechanism for the the worker to get redress.
I know Private Businesses that have spent millions seeking justice from bureaucracies gone wild.
>> But, you just said you wanted Tort Reform. Do you mean you want Tort Reform if people sue business, but NO Tort Reform for business suing governments? Or just significantly less regulation on business?
We need to compete with the worldwide market. Not 35 cent/hour countries as you point out.
Why BJ are we giving aid to any of these countries. Cut off the aid immediately until they raise standards for workers.
>> How does that have any effect on raising their wages?
“Country X we don’t like your worker standards. We are going to stop giving you money to improve those standards. However we will do nothing to stop our companies from sending jobs to your country. Hey! Please stop laughing….”
Get rid of NAFTA and GATT.
>> Something we agree on.
We need to allow the free market to work in manufacturing.
>> How would that keep living wage jobs in America? When we got rid of tariffs and protections, the jobs promptly went overseas. Your solutions seems only to depress wages further here in the states.
The Unions are also culpable for killing member opportunities.
I know = Unions are always bad. I assume if you were in charge, you would disband all unions, or render them powerless to effect change.
We have to reduce the Cost of Government burden at all levels.
>> Ok, then what services do you think should be cut or reduced? No more DSHS? No more head start or public schools? Pull all the defense contracts that Boeing gets?
Define what you see as Government Burdens? What are your top three you would like reduce or drop?
Medicare and Medicare get 24%
Interest on the debt 11%
Soc Sec 17%
Dept of Defense 17%
Other 31%
I give you this, you are consistent in your desire to reduce worker wages and protections and increase worker insecurity in the name of unfettered trade, over anything else.
Great job Blue John not that the asshole will respond.
@86. Thanks but I try not to name call, I just want them discuss their positions and show me they have thought the consequences of their positions through.
Lost, I have some great Japanese friends on this coast who 100% agree with you. Their grandparents were interned in those DUMBOCRATIC approved “reservations”. The WORST thing anyone could do to AMERICAN CITIZENS.
GWBush treated the treasonist leftist pinhead John Walker Lindh better!
Hey Lost,
Hope you’ve noticed how many times they tell you to take “meds”. To be a progressive it takes medication because liberalism is a mental disorder!
The cinder block farts
Yeah at least Blue John writes an opinion every now and then. You ad hominem attack every day fool!
Nothing from you is retainable in any conversation!
This coming from the Golden Goat Creator!
Re 91
As hard as it is to admit, I was being an asshole.
Left or right we are all Amerians and should respect at least that in each other. I failed to do that last night, and am ashamed of that.
What I wrote lacked form and basic manners. That I regret. The content I don’t.
Nice way to characterize the likes of Kemper Freeman.
Such love he had for Japanese Americans.
Ol’ Puddydumbaduddy…the fuckwad’s fuckwad is back.
Sorry Mac…didn’t miss ya.
We all saw your true face, lost. You are a closet militia case, fantasizing about murdering your political opponents. You are sorry you showed your true face, nothing else.
Apology denied.
Re 95
I have a moral obligation to apologize for misbehavior. What you do with that apology is your business.
“Lost, I have some great Japanese friends on this coast who 100% agree with you. Their grandparents were interned in those DUMBOCRATIC approved “reservations”. The WORST thing anyone could do to AMERICAN CITIZENS.”
What happened was absolutely wrong. I knew people who were interned. Most lost their property in stories remakably similar to the story told in Snow Falling on Cedars.
While I wouldn’t try to speak for any Japanese-Americans as you do here, I have had Japanese friends all my life, including four girlfriends, and have talked about everything under the sun with the girls, my co-workers, my male friends, their families, including during the late 1980’s when reparations were made ($22,000 per person, as I recall). I had a Japanese girlfriend at the time and there was much discussion of the internment years with her parents and grandparents, who had just received reparation. I wanted to learn firsthand from them their experiences and how they felt. I heard of sorrow and hardship, but not once did I hear anything even remotely similar to what you represent of them, which is that they agree 100% with the despicable words that Lost wrote about FDR. I can only conclude that you’re making this up in an effort to slam the “DUMBOCRATIC”. After all, made-up facts pulled from the butt is a well known Puddy tactic. Around here, we call them “Puddyfacts”. I love you, Puddy, but with your record, on this one I don’t believe you.
For clarity, I used “Japanese-American” and “Japanese” in the above paragraph. One thing I do understand of the people I’ve known, while they understand and appreciate their cultural heritage, nobody I ever knew wanted to be known as anything but an “American”. Nobody that I ever knew was the least bit interested in hyphens.
That’s just my point of view after a lifetime of friendships and even love.
What exactly are you apologizing for, Lost? I ask because so far I’ve only read an apology for wishing that FDR roast in hell and that you have no intentions whatsoever of apologizing for the rest, like the treason and that he should have been hung.
If you don’t have an apology for the rest, do you believe today that President Obama is a traitor? If so, do you believe that he should be tried and executed?
@92. That was kind of an amusing apology.
You don’t take back what you said, you just wished you had said it more discreetly.
You don’t deny that you think those things to be true, you just wished you had written them more politely.
That’s like Tiger woods getting up and saying, Getting caught lacked form and basic manners. That I regret. Sleeping with those women, I don’t.
If that’s what you honestly think, You should keep writing like that. Why be dishonest? Why hide your true self?
Years ago I went fishing. I left my dog in the car, and fished for an hour or so. When I came back the passenger seat in my beautiful little convertible was destroyed. I looked at the damage, a little stunned. I looked at the dog. Then I shook my head and walked away to cool down before dealing with her.
That to me is what makes a man civilized. It isn’t what we think beneath the veneer of manners and culture. It isn’t the core emotions and beliefs that inform how we view the world. It’s how we choose to direct and express those beliefs and emotions.
No, I don’t apologize for opinions about a terrible president, which I think history will vindicate in time. I don’t apologize for wishing that the law had operated as it was supposed to and tried, convicted and punished FDR for treason. I don’t apologize for having strong opinions about politics.
I do apologize for the form my opinions took. I do apologize for wishing any human being hell. And I apologize only for those things.
Something else I’m curious about, Lost. You tried to insult me with this kind of line several times recently.
“So you know, I’m straight and happily married. So this creepy man crush you’ve got where you can’t post a comment without mentioning me-”
I’m not gay and don’t know if a gay man would find this kind of thing insulting or not. For my part, I don’t get where you’re coming from with this. After all, I’ve spoken many times of my dear Ms. Wingnut. It strikes me as being a variation of the “You Queer!” type of insult. Would you care to clarify your intent? I also wonder how a gay person views this form of comment made with intent to insult, made by a straight man, directed towards another straight man.
Re 101
Posted at 67 in Enthusiasm Gap where the comment occured-
I have to eat crow, difficult though I find it.
Using implied homosexuality to make fun of you wasn’t appropriate. Nor were personal attacks in lieu of actual discussion.
I wrote I would never apologize to you. Well, never say never, I guess. For all that I find your style and beliefs off putting, it doesn’t ever excuse overt rudeness on my part.”
It was a childish taunt beneath the average 13 year old. Answer your question?
“It isn’t what we think beneath the veneer of manners and culture. It isn’t the core emotions and beliefs that inform how we view the world. It’s how we choose to direct and express those beliefs and emotions.”
What an odd statement to make. It’s as though the masquerade is what counts, not the person behind the mask. And yet that person behind the mask is exposed when angry. I’m reminded of the old, “Outsides don’t always portay insides, Jekylls may be masking Hydes”.
@102 I didn’t see that post. Thanks. I hope you understand that the apology shouldn’t be directed at me. I wasn’t offended so much as puzzled. But in light of your previous comment, I have to ask, which of you is apologizing here, the mask, or the person behind the mask?
To the dirt stain @93…
Was Kemper Freeman president when those Japanese were interned? Otherwise you are still a moron!
Such a useless dirt stain and it can’t be cleaned using normal methods.
For the record Steve Stupid Solution Puddy is an American. It’s DUMBOCRATS who make the distinction. Puddy singled out the Japanese because that’s their heritage. And they live in San Jose California. Butt don’t overreact Stupid Solution Steve. We know you are “under the influence”.
Case in point. Goldy can tell you where Puddy was posting earlier this week. Puddy met an Austrian person who has a Jamaican mother and an Austrian father. He told Puddy over dinner Thursday night that he didn’t know he was black until he went to a California University in a liberal California area (San Francisco)! You can choose to believe that too. Puddy don’t care what you “think” when you are under the Stupid Solution influence!
104 – The mask apologizes for revealing the face behind the mask, nothing more. Lost likes to create this mythical reasonable facade, so that we will engage him, but you know it is a ruse. There is not much to him at all, just a selfish guy who read Ayn Rand so many times the binding fell apart. Today’s contrite apologies are insincere. He is worthy of mockery, nothing more.
Re 103
“What an odd statement to make.”
Why? I love my wife, and find her desirable. But I don’t act on physical desire for her in public. There are appropriate times, places and ways to express that emotion and there are inappropriate ones.
I wouldn’t have defined it as a masquerade. I would have said that emotions can be a motivating force for good or bad. It’s the way in which we express them that defines which they are in fact. The drive which informs my physical desire for a cherished spouse can also be expressed as lust for a nameless woman in on the street, for example. Which do you think advances society, my wife, and myself more?
Re 107
As I’ve said, I have the obligation to make the apology. What you do with it is your business.
Speaking of wives, she who must be obeyed is pointing at her watch and jangling car keys.
Have a good evening.
Hey dirt stain@93,
Would you do a search on TEH HA DATABAZE on headless lucy and his love of Ayn Rand? If Puddy asked with please? How about other leftist ayn rand lovers? Please?
Wait for it… the dirt stain will claim to not do Puddy’s bidding!
“Puddy is an American”
I thought you didn’t drink? Eh, maybe you took the wrong meds.
heh- I never think of you as an African-American, more just an Idiot-American.
heh- Puddy, you can speak for Idiot-Americans all you want. In fact, I can think of nobody who represents them better than you.
“San Jose California” “San Francisco!”
Are you dropping names of cities? How weird. Anyways, I knew a number of women of Japanese descent who lived in those cities. But my girlfriend of the time grew up and lived in Palo Alto, where I lived. At the time, the very liberal city of Palo Alto closed it’s parks to non-residents. The idea was to keep the hispanics out. Also, the blacks from East Palo Alto. Speaking of which, I had a girlfriend from there. Sigh! I was getting a little fed up with liberals at the time. A few years later the greatest president in American history, William Jefferson Clinton, brought me back into the fold. He also taught me a few things one could do with a fine cigar. Clever man, that president, although Lost probably thinks he should have been hung.
Steve, not dropping city names just clarifying it for your Stupid Solution addled brain. Listening to Michael’s observations about going to university in California was eye opening. He drives one of those “smart” cars. Regarding idiot-americans…
See ya!
Better watch out Steve…”colonelsandersfavoritechicken” is about to unleash his primary weapon:
The Puddinator!!!
When “colonelsandersfavoritechicken”, the Puddydumdumduddybuddy gets really excited he speaks “P-Bonics”…a strange and mystical tongue. Not too different from his normal bullshit…but more entertaining.
How about that Michelle Malkin Puddybud? You love to quote her. She wrote a freaking book DEFENDING the internment!
@116 Goldy should incorporate drawing software along with cartoon clouds so we can draw pictures of Puddy talking. We could more fully appreciate his silly comments that way. Or maybe I could set up a site with Puddy cartoons using his comments and just link to it. Hmm, I might have a very good idea here. heh- I’d probably use a stick figure – simple, like Puddy.
And for Stupid Solution Steve Goldy can use his stick figures with clouds coming out the back side as it would depict Stupid Solution Steve talking out of his ASS 24x7x365.
See ya.
Ummm once again the facts don’t seem to agree with the dirt stain ylb@118.
It was Miller Freeman who agreed with FDR. But again dirt stain… FDR was president, FDR implemented the plan. FDR signed the laws making it happen. Miller Freeman was on the sidelines as your progressive peeps were in power.
You and others dragging powerless non-political peeps is another useless moronic way of trying to cover up what FDR did. Puddy knows for a fact Jimmy Carter’s great grandfather was a racist slave owner (besides Carter telling the world this…) and Littleberry Carter fought on the Confederate side so by Goldy and ylb (this fool agrees with anything – never an original thought in the dirt stain) guilt by familial association Jimmy Carter agreed with racist slave policies.
Stupid as ever!
Once again rujax proves how much of a simpleton he is. Even blue john called him on his name calling earlier today. Butt that doesn’t stop the dumb cinder block from proving he is an interstitial body full of hot air.
Well the dirt stain ylb didn’t tell Puddy he wouldn’t search TEH HA DATABAZE and deliver the goods so we’ll wait for the ayn rand output from the dirt stain!
Takes one to know one jackass.
Oh my such a powerful retort from rujax. Ooooooh!
lets hope all the local churches have extra security this weekend…rujax might be gearing up for another of his fun weekends…
Damn…can’t deny that “man-love”.
Oh, oh. Psycho-laugh. heh- It looks like somebody missed their meds again.
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