Light blogging for me today as I fill in for Ken Schram on The Commentators, 10AM to 2PM, KOMO 1000. Tune in as John Carlson and I butt heads on… well… I don’t yet know what topics we’ll be taking up, but no doubt there will be some head butting.
by Goldy — ,
Oh, come on. We all know what you’ll be talking about: liberals are ruining the state & country, Gregoire is responsible for the global meltdown, ACORN, Obama’s birth certificate, socialism, tearists (everywhere), socialism, tea bags, Nancy Pelosi tortured newborn babies, socialism, Tim Eyman’s not a horses’s ass and tearist-socialists running the Democrat/(socialist) Party.
And that’s just the first segment.
Goldy posits something intelligent and Carlson responds with the same old right wing sawhorses… Yawn…
I’ll listen for about 10 minutes to support Goldy..
Why don’t you ask Carlson to explain why Republicans think Pelosi is responsible for the Bush administration’s crimes.
You also might ask him why Republicans oppose changing a state tax system that makes the poorest households pay 5 1/2 times as much as the affluent households.
A couple more things you could ask him is why the GOP protects credit card companies that gouge consumers and health insurance companies that refuse to pay valid claims by policyholders whose premium payments they took.
You could also ask Carlson how cheap labor conservatives imagine outsourcing jobs and pushing down wages could possibly lead to a growing and prosperous consumer economy.
You might also ask Carlson how he thinks Republican policies of divisiveness, hate rhetoric, and non-compromise could possibly produce a healthy, happy, prosperous society.
While you’re at it, ask Carlson if he thinks Gregoire is an even better Republican than Rossi.
You could ask carlson who is the secretary of defense.
Even with his teleprompters on both sides of him and looking down at notes on the podium the obama still couldn’t get the name of the secretary of defense correct.
I bet carlson can name him with the use of teleprompters and notes.
@6 Carlson should ask Goldy why Acorn forced bank after bank to give mortgages to minoritys and illegal immigrants by the thousands many of which never made the first payment all in clear sight of Fanny and Freddie. Bush warned congress dozens of times and they did nothing except Bawney Fwank who kept on packing fudge in his ass. 100 percent Democrat caused recession 100PERCENT. Eventually the retarded public will figure it out after they stand in a fucking OBAMA sponsored soupline for ten hours.
@ 10:
I just love the way you call the American public retarded then expect them to vote for Republicans in 2010 & beyond.
Saying the Bush Depression is 100% Democrat caused is foolish at best, and an out and out lie at its worst.
The American public, or the “retarded public” as you put it, gets it. They get Reagan Republican policies has ruined their livelihood and endangered our National Security.
Mainstream Republicans like Limbaugh, Hannity, Cheney, Bush, Steele, et al, are so out of step with America that only the fringe elements of the radical right wing edge is all that is left of the Republican Party.
Wallow in your self pity all you’d like. Us real Americans are going about the business of fixing the ills of Republicanism and returning America to her former Glory.
Don’t ever forget that there were no, zero, zip, nada, Republicans around when this country was formed. Only the truth of the righteous can endure the centuries, and that, is Liberalism and the Democratic Party that helped found this great nation.
It’s ours, we just let you fools hang around because we gave everyone the same rights. But, just because you’re granted the rights, doesn’t mean you won’t abuse them, or use them foolishly.
That is what Republicanism has become; foolish and unwise guardians of Liberty, Freedom and Justice.
@11 Putting up with fools is the price we pay for democracy. Sigh.
Anyword on whether or not i can fill Schram?
11 You wouldn’t eat if it weren’t for people like me, and you know what, people like me are tired of paying for people like you. You have no idea. The worst is yet to come!
GBS, the fiend @ 14 is a race bigot. He’s called Obama a “jigaboo” and referred to the Iraqis as “mud people”.
We saw these loons in the early days of Clinton. They crawl out from under their rocks every time the government gets halfway decent leadership.
Nothng personal Goldy, but I had to sign off when the Idol talk started.