I’m filling in for Dave Ross this morning (and through March 6) on News/Talk 710-KIRO. Here’s the show as it’s shaping up:
9AM: Does God hate me?
Sure, I’ve got a thing for women, but God knows I’m not the most macho guy in the world. So… does God hate me? Rev. Ken Hutcherson of Kirkland’s Antioch Bible Church joins me at the top of the hour to explain why “God hates soft men,” and what lies in store for inveterate softies like me. Also, a new Pew study shows more and more Americans switching religious affiliation, with barely 51% of Americans identifying as Protestants, just 43% amongst 18 to 29-year-olds. Hmm. I wonder why?
10AM: Could John McCain lose over the Iraq War?
Better question: could John McCain be more out of touch with the American people? McCain told reporters yesterday that to win the White House he must convince a war-weary country that US policy in Iraq is succeeding. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton blasts Barack Obama as unready to be Commander in Chief due to his “naive” statements on foreign policy, while Obama points to Clinton’s vote authorizing the war as evidence of the limits of experience.
11AM: Are you ready to clear cut the Fun Forest?
Plans are emerging for a $600 million redo of the Seattle Center that would clear cut the Fun Forest in favor of a splash park and an ice skating rink, replace Memorial Stadium with an amphitheater, and renovate the Center House to meet ritzy, 21st Century dot.com Seattle standards. Is it worth the price tag and worth what we’re losing?
11:30AM: Do teens and driving mix?
[Time Permitting] More and more teens are putting off getting their drivers license? Is that a good thing? Should we raise the driving age? And if so, what do we need to do to help teens achieve a carless existence.
Tune in this morning (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Women hate soft men, so why wouldn’t God?
Why isn’t the city of Seattle asking city residents what they would like see in the Seattle Center? Or are they? Have they sent out questionnaires? Or is this just a case of some city officials deciding on their own how The Center will be redesigned?
An ice skating rink??
@1:so god is a woman according to you? cool
goldy: you need to bring up the lies that McCain is telling:
Here is the link:
He directly lied when he said he never met with anyone over the letter he sent to try and influence the FEC. the person who contradicted him – McCain himself in a deposition. Which McCAin should we believe? Mr. Straight talk – or Mr. Almost straight talk?
Hutcherson is such an ass.
What an unbelievable perversion of the Christ message.
What percentage of residents of Seattle regularly ice skate? .003%? So why would the City want to build an ice skating rink on the Seattle Center grounds? Troll is getting angry!
I hate to do this but I applaud the Troll on this one.
There is no understandable rational for most of what is planned at the Center.
Redoing th stadium doe smake sense, but the food circus is cool. Yeh it is tacky but that changes over time. As it gets older, we will all grow fonder of the funky relationship to what was once an armory. In the mean time it os a very kool space.
As for the funky forest, the ONLY arguement here has been that it does not make money. OK, does someone know how the ice rink will make money? Given the popularity of the FF and its importance to attracting families or Seattle, I’ll betcha we could save money while subsidizing the FF trough the short run,
Goldy, who cares if Hutch believes that god hates you?
For your next act, you should try to set up a 4 way (conversation) between yourself, Hutch Hutcherson, Larry Craig, and Ted Haggard. This has the potential of being action packed and lively, but I doubt it.
I think that you, Goldy, would turn out to be the most manly of the 4.
Just a thought.
If Reverend Hutcherson starts taking Viagra, will God love him again? As he says, “God hates soft men” …
Goldy said:
If you have to ask, you already know the answer.
Marvin – If you assume god loves you – you end up in Hell for not doing the right things in this life.
The new moneychangers are the republican party – even if saved – they are going the wrong way. Corruption and monied interests are what Jesus railed against. Abramoff and the Republicans are corrupted in spades. Even McCain is lying about his lobbyist dealings.
Some people say that Marvin and Hutcherson are lovers, is that true?
At least Sound Transit asks you for your opinion when considering future projects. Why can’t the city of Seattle ask its citizens what features they’d like to see stay or go or change at the Seattle Center? Let’s shed some light on this process. Who is deciding these changes? What’s the process? When someone has an idea for an ice rink, how is the idea then approved or green-lighted? Is one person deciding it? Is a committee? Does a committee member’s child like to ice skate? I want to know these things! Also, I am announcing the creation (in my mind) of the group called F OFF! or, Friends Of Fun Forest, designed to save the Fun Forest.
@13: I want to join F OFF – where is the first meeting?
I propose to meet on the bumper cars.
follwoed by target shooting at the (Seattle city council) – I mean – the cowboys with the lasers.
I GOT IT!!!!!!
Tear out the old Fun Forest, Move the Ballard Manning’s/Denney’s building there and fill it with video simulations of carny rides.
The real paradox is that God loves Goldy, Ken Hutcherson and all the rest of us… whether or not we like it, deserve it, or understand it.
Sure, its easy to agree with John McCain that the surge is working. That is, if by “working” you mean the violence in Iraq has diminished relative to what existed before the “surge” began. But that’s a deceptive measure for success.
For most Americans, the surge wasn’t just about reducing the level of violence, it was about ending the war. The idea was that troops deployed in higher numbers would hasten the end of our nation’s military commitment in Iraq, not lengthen it. By that definition, however, John McCain’s own words belies his argument that the surge has succeeded. For if it were otherwise, he would not have to concede that, surge or no surge, we will have troops deployed in Iraq for potentially hundreds of years.
If Sadr had called off the cease-fire the true folly of the “surge” would have been revealed. I wonder how much it cost US for the Bushista’s to bribe him to keep it on.
We are placeholders in Iraq. We “control” nothing.
Thank God Seattle is finally doing something about that ghetto, run-down, crappy part of Seattle. That amusement park is a joke…every major city seems to have some sort of big theme park or water slide park that everyone can enjoy. Seattle’s 5 cheap carnival rides that cost an arm and a leg to go on hardly compare. I’m all for getting rid of that eye-sore and building something that the people will actually use and enjoy.
“Sure, I’d prefer my own show, but if they’re still letting me sit in for Dave, I suppose I must not suck all that much after all.”
Trust me. You still suck.
If God loves that coward Hutcherson – then fuck god in his neck.
Must really twist the wingers to see you back on the radio Goldy – they can’t stand it when there’s TWO sides to the story. They only want THEIR side told.
Moving the Denney’s to the Center is a brilliant idea!
AS for drenching the SC with 600 million bucks (likely more as these will be binds) .. NO WAY!! there is no imaginable sets of priorities under which that makes sense.
We might want to consider this after paying for the viaduct. putting money into the mercer mess and SLU so the later doe snot turn into a 2030 slum, putting osme real money into the U District or the ship canal.
How about making Westlake Park into a .. Park instead of a turnaround? or lets lid more of the effin I5.
As for the Center Building .. I love it! It works NOW! Bring back the bubblator and have ceremonies to memorialize its former status as an Armory.
sarah — turn off your bold.
Perhaps you could have a radio conversation with McCain’s running mate.
You have undoubtedly read that somebody is going to dig up Reagan’s casket and then the McCain folks are to drag it around to various rallies and fundraisers.
Please have the program director call the McCain folks and arrange for the interview with said running mate/casket.
“God hates soft men,”
What does that even mean? God likes men who beat their wives?
Correcting the bold
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#11 correctnotright says:
Unless you’re a lobbyist for lawyers
or a lobbyist for the evil health care industry
or a lobbyist for the evil telecommunications that spied on us citizens
or a lobbyist for the financial/insurance/real estate
I see what you mean about the moneychangers.
Hutcherson is one scared motherfucker–he’s afraid of women, men who aren’t like him, gays, different points of view, just about everything. For him to blame God for all his fears is blasphemous. I can picture Osam bin Laden and Ken Hutcherson huddling together and decrying all that they’re scared of; the two have much in common. Fundamentalists of all stripes have fear as their core essence.
The Ballard Denny’s at Seattle Center? NO! The Ballard Denny’s at a landfill! See my LTE in Monday’s Times.
Everybody bitches about gentrification and “upscaling,” yet that’s exactly what the result will be if the Fun Forrest is dismantled. Instead of being a blue-collar, rough-around-the-edges carnie atmosphere place, it will be fit only for the nouveau riche and childless. Bugger that noise!
If Goldy wants to succeed in radio, he needs to quit preaching to the choir and expand his base. What will attract and hold listeners, not full-blown screeds all about Goldy and his POV. You don’t get to do that until you have a POV that attracts listeners.
But that’s just my opinion.
The Piper
If you’ve ever seen Ken Hutcherson, you’d come away saying that guy ain’t scared of no one; former NFL linebackers tend to be that way.
That he is in his own way articulating his beliefs strongly with a take-no-prisoners attitude shouldn’t come as a shock or be offensive to the HA Happy Hooligans since that’s what they do too. Peas in a pod.
No worries though…Ken would like a guy who, say, drives a pickup and fishes for winter steelhead.
But if you check out his churches website, you’ll see a pretty deep involvement in working with the homeless, people with serious drug and alcohol addictions, adoptions, counselling and more.
Judge not lest you be judged…
The Piper
What did John McCain say as he slammed his flaccid member into Ken Hutcherson’s quivering buttocks?
Piper – tell that to fudge packer Hutcherson.
The Tommy.
@31: Judge not lest ye be judged – maybe the right (wrong) “Rev” Hutcherson needs to think about that before saying he would rip the arm off a man who opened a door for him.
By the way – he looks pudgy now to me – I am sure I could take him down easily. Intellectually he is vacant and physically he is way past his prime. Spreading hate speech does not make a christian – no matter what way you cut it.
After living in the Seattle “area” for some 29 years, I would applaud tearing down the center house and replacing it with a better building. Even though the Seattle Center gets most of the use during the summer, the Center House is a dark dungeon of a building, cut off from the summertime light and activities just outside its doors. The accoustics are terrible. They could do much, much better, and also include meeting/convention rooms and with full-service catering which would expand Seattle’s economic base.
Boy…AWESOME career that big bad man had!!
(from Pro Football Reference)
Year Age Tm Pos G GS
1974 22 DAL 14 0
1975 23 SDG 8 0
Career 22 0
1 yr DAL 14 0
1 yr SDG 8 0
Played one year with Dallas, started 0 games, played in 14. One year with San Diego, no starts, played in 8.
The whole deal with the ’62 fair, and the Seattle Center in its wake, is that the whole thing was done quickly, and on the cheap. What major buildings were already there (the National Guard Armory, Memorial Stadium, that gosh-awful barn called the “Civic Auditorium” that became the Opera House) were converted to the purposes at hand, and everything else was thrown together with the original intent of being used for only a year. That many of the latter structures are still serviceable after 46 years is something of a miracle. The point is, thanks to a few damn-the-martinis-full-speed-ahead leaders like Joe Gandy, the fool thing thing got done before anyone could come up with a reason not to, and we’ve all benefited tremendously ever since.
If they’d approached the whole project then the way we do things here now, they would have blown far more money on “preliminary feasibility studies” and litigation between the “interested parties” than it cost to do the entire project.
Where does Seattle Center plan to get $600 million from? (As if I need ask.)
Piper: “That he is in his own way articulating his beliefs strongly with a take-no-prisoners attitude shouldn’t come as a shock or be offensive to the HA Happy Hooligans since that’s what they do too. Peas in a pod.”
C’mon, m’lad, some of Hutcherson’s beliefs are simply irreconciliable with the Gospel message. His attempts to put a veneer of Christianity over his hateful personal beliefs does not advance Christian ideals; rather, he makes Christianity look like a vehicle for spreading hate. With regard to judging, I would simply say I am most certainly not a better person than Hutcherson, and no more deserving of grace. On the other hand, I don’t believe it is judgmental to condemn poisonous ideas. Indeed, I believe it is our obligation. I’m not sure that you would disagree with that.
“McCain told reporters yesterday that to win the White House he must convince a war-weary country that US policy in Iraq is succeeding. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton blasts Barack Obama as unready to be Commander in Chief due to his “naive” statements on foreign policy, while Obama points to Clinton’s vote authorizing the war as evidence of the limits of experience.”
Spring is just around the corner; and the Silly Season is in full bloom. Someone needs to remind all of these candidates that the #1 issue for the vast majority of Americans is, How are we going to make a living?
Wholesale inflation, annualized, is now running in double digits. Every time Bernanke cuts interest rates to save the banks from their own folly the dollar devalues and inflation goes up even more. Inflation begets inflation; with the dollars in their pay envelopes worth less every month, workers WILL demand more dollars — and strike to get them, if necessary. Meanwhile, businesses get hit with a double whammy — higher costs + falling sales due to retrenching consumers = lower proits. Which, in turn, drives stocks down. Which, in turn, reduces household wealth and causes consumers to pull in their horns even more. Meanwhile, seniors trying to make ends meet on shrinking fixed incomes stage a full-blown tax revolt. We are on the brink of an economy whose ills replicate themselves like metastasizing cancer cells. The candidates fiddle while America’s economy goes up in flames.
Bernanke has it all wrong. Best thing to do now is defend the dollar, clamp down on inflation, and eat the recession that’s going to happen anyway.
re 37: Praise Jesus! It was the Lord’s intervention that made him so lousy. Not a bird falls but that God does not see it — but the bird still falls.
# 37:
Hutcherson still has the same number of appearances on KIRO with Goldy,as his number of NFL starts.
I understand that Hutcherson has a “wide stance.”
Another thing to keep in mind about Bernanke’s interest rate-cutting is that China holds 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars in short-term Treasuries that are earning less interest than the inflation rate. If they decide to get out of the dollar we’re sunk. Arab oil producers are in a somewhat better position; if the dollar devalues another 50% all they have to do is double the price of crude again — to $200. Oil, you see, hasn’t really gone up from $60 to $100. The oil producers are getting the same purchasing power per barrel they had before Current Occupant began fucking up the low-inflation, high-employment, fast-growth economy he inherited from Bill Clinton. It only looks like oil has gone up $40 a barrel. What really happened is the dollar gone down 40% in value since 2001. You aren’t really paying more for oil and other imports; you’re being paid less by your boss because he’s paying you with cheaper dollars. And senior citizens on fixed incomes get hit twice, because they get no COLAs at all, and their investments earn less. As inflation accelerates, senior citizens whose health care costs are rapidly climbing and whose real incomes are rapidly declining will not be willing to pay higher taxes for gold-plated light rail systems and gold-plated Seattle Center upgrades.
@35 rhp @38 rabbit
No problem, the money can come form all that money we won’t be spending in Iraq .. one leftist borrows for war, one for fun forests, same old same old.
So who the fuck is gonna use this briliant new conventions center of yours? Why would they go there when for less money they can go to the Muscleshoots, gambler, watch the Seattle Supersnookers, etc?
If we are going to anything with the Center other than leaving it as it is, maybe we could .. horror of horrors, PRIVATIZE IT? I understand Lenovo is no longer tied to IBM. Maybe they would like to buy SC as a downtown industrial center?
Or what about using the land to solve the viaduct issue? we could turn it into a HUGE round about and traffic could go round and round for ever!
Most likely the .6 billions will be spent on some other amenity for Seattle’s overly rich neolibs. E.g. Paul Allan could expand the EMP to EHP (Experience Gays Project and celebrate Gay culture? Frank Ghery could design a building that looks like a partially deflated condom and the store could sell tours through Seattle’s bath houses.
America has deep, deep, deep economic problems and it’s going to get ugly. China’s savings rate is 50%; India’s is 25%; Japan’s is around 20%; ours is less than zero. For years, America has been spending more than it produces, and that isn’t sustainable. We’re facing a hefty ratcheting-down of living standards in our country over the next few years. The candidates should be talking about how we’re going to adjust to that.
@47 You should talk! We libs fucked up only 1 little city. You stupid neocons fucked up the whole world.
Iraq = $2 trillion down the drain … and you’re bitching about Seattle squandering a measly $600 million on a skating rink?
But that’s OK, we can get our $1.4 trillion back from China. All we have to do is sell them Taiwan. They’ll gladly write off the $1.4 trillion we owe them if we sell out our Taiwanese friends. We may have no choice.
“Plans are emerging for a $600 million redo of the Seattle Center that would clear cut the Fun Forest in favor of a splash park and an ice skating rink, replace Memorial Stadium with an amphitheater, and renovate the Center House to meet ritzy, 21st Century dot.com Seattle standards. Is it worth the price tag and worth what we’re losing?”
Unfortunately, things like this together with light rail tunnels costing over $100,000 a lineal foot and floating bridges costing 5 times that tend to validate the arguments of the anti-tax crowd. They do have a point — if, as individual voters, we don’t put our foot down and say “no” to the Big Dreamers they’ll spend every fucking nickel we have and then keep right on taxing and spending. $600 million for Seattle Center? That’s just plain fucking nuts. $2.5 billion for a light rail tunnel from U. District to Northgate Transit Center and its 80-car parking lot? That’s fucking nuts, too. We’re seeing human nature at work here — when you let people spend other people’s money they’ll spend unlimited amounts of it with no consideration for the hardship that inflicts on the victims of their profligacy. Every time our city’s leaders come up with another cockamamie spending scheme they’re breathing new life into the wingnuts. Send ’em all back to Home Ec 101.
16 is too young to drive. 16 year olds just don’t have the experience, maturity, or judgment to operate such a dangerous instrumentality as an automobile. Nor do 16 year olds have any need to drive. The minimum driving age should be 18.
@23 I have a better idea. How about not hitting up people for taxes they couldn’t afford to build stuff we don’t need and most people won’t use?
How about if they just let us pay the taxes we already owe and stop there. It’s not like incomes are going up in this country; most Americans’ real incomes have been flat for 38 years. Why would anyone assume that seniors on fixed incomes whose real incomes are going down can afford higher taxes? Only stupid people would assume that.
“16 year olds just don’t have the experience, maturity, or judgment to operate such a dangerous instrumentality as an automobile.”
Neither do quite a few people a decade or two or three older than that. We just had a demonstration of this on 405 during the rush hour.
Basically, the idea of getting people around with each one in independent control of 4,000 pounds of metal is patently absurd. At one time it seemed like a better idea, only because the alternative left great big smelly turds lying around.
@55 Roger Rabbit is joining the righties! NO MORE TAXES!!!
As our great leade ronce said, to paraphrase,
Today the Rabbits Tomorrow ALL The Furry Creatures. Freedom is precious, you can not buy it with taxes!
Actually, since these schnorers think .6 billion is chump change, maybe we need an intiative … before passing any tax to fund anything new, the legislature must provide a from current revemue.
Hmm, as I think about this all that condo housing going into Seattle, looks a lot like barracks. If that is how folks want to live, maybe we could tear down the rest of Seattle Ceneter and restore the Center House as a place for the Army Reseve to drill? Where do they drill now? Imagine all those Belltowners in khakhi …
I had a good home and I left!
left right left;
Right on Puget Sound was my crib
left right left.
So now I am living high and tall
left right left
Walls so thin light shows through
left right left.
Dipper, next thing you know Rogers gonna find God and
start going to see Hutcherson on Sundays.