I’m filling in for Dave Ross this morning (and for the next 9 days) on News/Talk 710-KIRO. Here’s the show as it’s shaping up:
9AM: Does God hate “soft” men?
If so, I’m in trouble. Valerie Tarico, a Seattle psychologist and former fundamentalist Christian will join us by phone to tell what kind of preaching she’s heard in her survey of local churches. We’ve got a call out to Rev. Ken Hutcherson, hoping he can come on the show and explain to us his controversial take on gender roles: “If I was in a drugstore and some guy opened the door for me, I’d rip his arm off and beat him with the wet end.” Because… um… Jesus loves you.
10AM: Is a “virtual” fence a real solution?
A $20 million, 28-mile, Boeing built “virtual fence” is ready for service along the US/Mexico border near Nogales, Arizona, and the Minutemen outraged, saying “virtual fencing is virtually useless. Minuteman National Executive Director Al Garza joins me by phone to make his argument for a double-layered physical barrier along our entire Southern border.
11AM: Ralph Nader is running! (Who cares?)
Ralph Nader announced yesterday that he is running for president, surprising absolutely nobody. The man credit by some with playing spoiler and throwing the election George W. Bush, claims that he is to “shift the power from the few to the many,” but netroots activists like me remain dubious. 100,000 Washington voters cast their ballot for Ralph Nader back in 2000, and one of them was former Seattle City Councilman Peter Steinbrueck; he joins us to give us his current opinion of Nader and his candidacy.
Tune in this morning (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Hutcherson needs to come out and admit he is gay. He tries so hard to hide it that it only exposes him.
Isn’t it interesting that the followers of the gentle Jesus are the ones ready to beat others up?
Goldy has a guest on who says that studies show that men who are homophobic are aroused by homosexual images. In other words, men who denounce gay men are secretly gay themselves. Then does that mean that men who denounce Republicans are secretly Republican?
Hey Goldy, Mazeltov to your new gig. I am truly amazed that KIRO would fire you and then turn around and give you the best gig they have, the morning weekday slot. Where are they coming from anyway?
@3: No, the men who denounce republicans are called patriots with common sense. The women who denounce republicans are also patriots with common sense.
Republicans are the one’s who spout non-sequitors, like at @3 above.
Welcome back to the airwaves, Goldy. I’ve missed you.
Looks like we can subscribe to podcasts of the Dave Ross show at:
Dunno if your shows will get picked up, but we can try.
Pssst. You spelled something wrong.
I agree! No more Dave Ross, please. His old slot is perfect for Goldy.
Somebody want to take bets that Puddy is Hutcherson’s lover?
I mean, it would figure that Hutcherson also has abominable taste…*
* Deuteronomic pun for the triviologist.
DT says:
“I am truly amazed that KIRO would fire you and then turn around and give you the best gig they have, the morning weekday slot. Where are they coming from anyway?”
They tried to get J.P. Patches but he was too busy DT.
Everyone else has a real job so by process of elimination (meaning no one else would do it), Goldy got the gig.
I understand that a recent poll showed 100% of your listeners look at their watch at least 10 times during your show. My advice is don’t let that get you down.
You really need to worry when they take off their watch and start shaking it violently!!
Or worse yet, they pull out a calendar!
Good luck Goldy.
And watch the 4-letter words.
PS–Can we call in and quote Roger Rabbit’s posts??
I like Goldy better that Dave Ross too. I haven’t heard any Obama bashing, certainly a nice change from Ross.
The idea that Hutcherson may be a latent homosexual is great too. Ross is always too busy kissing Hutcherson’s butt to broach such a subject.
Good show!
“McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, co-founded a lobbying firm though Davis on leave from the firm at the moment. Charlie Black, an unpaid senior adviser to McCain, is chairman of the Washington lobbying firm BKSH & Associates. Both of their firms have represented telecommunications companies whose business falls under the jurisdiction of the Senate Commerce Committee on which McCain is the senior Republican member.”
But other than that, the S&L scandals, and his violations of the campaign finance laws he wrote, he’s a pretty good guy.
Tell that asshole Hutcherson to let me know the next time he’s going to the store – I’ll open the door for him and HOPE he’s foolish enough to try to rip my arm off – my friends Smith & Wesson will convince him he made a bad call.
Make sure you claim the pay you receive during your weekly unemployment claim call. Otherwise you’ll have to pay back the check you receive due to the wages you didn’t report.
“snow cover over North america greatest since 1966….”
Darn that global warming!
but Bagdad, you can’t be a good liberal AND own a gun. You could be kicked off this blog forever!
Hmmm, I just read that Hillary refuses to release her and Bill’s tax returns. Why not?
@18: global village idiot
Umm – and what is that supposed to prove?
More moisture due to global warming?
Freekin’ idiots who don’t understand a whit about science – gee – it is still cold in the winter and the mountains…so global warming doesn’t exist – clueless fools! Hope you live at sea level.
As I recall, Jesus did overturn some tables and beat up some guys, but they weren’t gay — Jesus thought the interest rates they charged were too high and he may have been upset by the hidden ARM clauses, too.
Even 2,000 years ago, they had people with Republican tendencies.
Instead of spending $20 million a mile on a virtual fence, why don’t they just put out some plastic jugs?
Nader ought to be down to his last 10 votes in Washington by now.
@2 Only a tiny percentage of the followers of Jesus are like that, SJ; they’re the ones who are insecure with their beliefs and desperately need some sort of validation.
@3 “does that mean that men who denounce Republicans are secretly Republican?”
No, they simply know the difference between right and wrong.
@12 “PS–Can we call in and quote Roger Rabbit’s posts??”
Inadvisable. Bush’s boys would, like, fine you $500,000 for that. And send Homeland Security to your house.
@15 Don’t forget he busted up a lot of expensive Navy hardware, too, while learning how to fly at taxpayer expense.
Does anyone know for sure how many planes McCain cracked up? I know of at least 3 (counting the one he got shot down in) but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5.
Now you know why McCain went into politics instead of becoming an airline pilot.
Now that the Bush recession is in full swing – we need to hit him hard on the economy. It derailed his daddy and it can work again.
@17 Only Republicans have memory lapses like that.
18 – 20 Looks like we have a new (and exceptionally retarded) wingnut idiot gracing these pages this morning, so it’s time to roll out the HA Welcome Wagon! For the benefit of our new friend, these are the unofficial ad hoc HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here — including dumbshits like you.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you ignorant, morally challenged, fascist traitors.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, which will be followed by trials.
7. JCH and klake are nazis.
Any questions?
@21 Par for the course with those numbskulls, whose idiocy is exceeded only by that of eastern Washington Republican farmers who want to spend tens of billions of other people’s tax dollars building 3 giant new irrigation reservoirs they intend to fill from the North Cascades’ ever-shrinking snowpack. Visualize 3 giant dams impounding hot air in 20-mile-long dry washes.
The problem with a “virtual fence” is the same as with a physical fence, wall, moat, castle wall, etc. – it has to be manned to be effective. As one wag once said, there isn’t a ten-foot wall built that can’t be defeated by a twelve-foot ladder. The only thing which these barriers do – either physical or virtual – is reduce, slightly, the manpower needed to man them.
History is replete with examples of walls or fortifications which were overcome because of the lack of men. Hadrian’s wall in Britain, for example. In the American Civil War, extensive fortifications were almost completely useless when there weren’t enough men to man them on several occassions, but rapid troop transfers, at the very last minute, saved the day for the Confederates at Peterburg in June 1864, and for the Union during the same month at Washington D.C. when Confederate Gen. Early reached the outer defences, only to cancel the planned attack when he saw, through his telescopes, a corp of Union troops from the Army of the Potomic hastily filing into the fortifications.
But there won’t ever be enough manpower to patrol our southern border to cut off all illegal immigration, certainly not while the Republicans keep trying to cut taxes and give the rest of the money back to themselves through various guises.
The only thing which will work is to put real teeth into laws which make the employer responsible when they hire an illegal employee. Make the CEO of a company strictly and criminally liable for each illegal immigrant his company hires, for example. But the Republicans aren’t about to do that – they want to get the blue-collar vote by raising the spectre of millions of Mexicans taking away the white-man’s jobs, but they don’t really want to solve the problem because the money-men who really run the party want the cheap labor they provide.
Gee – I used to be a kind, patient, somewhat left-wing person who doesn’t like budget deficits or the erosion of individual rights – but between the right wing trolls and the Bush administration – I think that I am sounding a bit strident these days.
Guess I am tired of the republican BS machine on terror, global warming and liberal bashing by people with no brains. For a party that steeped in corruption to talk about values – well – I just don’t like hypocrisy. For supposed christians to talk about ripping off the arm of a polite person – well that is hypocrisy.
To talk about cutting education, welfare, government regulatory agencies while throwing money at contractors in Iraq – well that is hypocrisy.
Guess I am tired of hypocrisy – seems most voters agree it is time to throw the bums out.
I’m opening a Mexican-based ladder company. I foresee huge profits.
For supposed christians to talk about ripping off the arm of a polite person – well that is hypocrisy.
What Hutch is saying its that it’s OK to beat up “fags.” But it’s not hypocrisy, it’s his job. His job is to shill for the Republican Party. That’s how he got into his position.
@3: Ha ha ha!
Of course, because being gay and being Republican are exactly equivalent, aren’t they?
Smarter trolls, please!
Bush’s support among conservatives has plummeted in the past few months because of the economy. That’s why he’s flirting with an approval rating in the teens right now.
36 rhp
The only thing which will work is to put real teeth into laws which make the employer responsible when they hire an illegal employee. Make the CEO of a company strictly and criminally liable for each illegal immigrant his company hires, for example. But the Republicans aren’t about to do that…
I hate to be the one to break it to you, pal, but ain’t nobody going to “do that.” For many reasons, some of which appeal to Dems and some of which appeal to the GOP. Example:
Rich people don’t do time for what poor people do: GOP.
Crushing the management of the companies that hire undocumented workers will debilitate industries and leave us with a bunch of unemployed indocumented workers instead of employed ones: Dem.
Better to come up with sane policies that recognize the realities of the world we live in instead of pretending that we can reverse centuries of migration by passing a law or building a “fence.”
Buy Daddy Love Ladders, BTW.
The spoiler issue goes to the very heart of some major problems with our election system. And Nader’s repeated failure to address the fact that our system allows spoilers, rather than keep defending himself against being one, goes to the heart of what is suspicious about his motives for continuously running for president.
I’ve written about it in a short piece called The Key Issue Suspiciously Missing from Ralph Nader’s “Table”
I hope you’ll check it out if you’re interested in a unique take on Nader’s campaigns.
A good source of information on climate change is the web site for AMAP, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program. A link to the various assessments from the IPCC can be found here on the AMAP site. The synthesis report would be a good place to start for those who don’t want to read something highly technical (=science-speak, climatologist flavor).
DL @ 42: I was going to add that you need to couple it with a realistic amnesty program, but it seemed that the post was expanding too much for my available time. I should have included it anyway.
My main point was to point out that we keep trying to avoid the necessary labor costs by jumping on any “high tech” answer, which will supposedly solve the problem for us without any of the pain. But the Republicans use it as an excuse to issue contracts to their corporate friends (even if in this case, the friend is Boeing, one of our favorite neighbors). But without people to man the border and respond to the identified “incursions”, those expensive high-tech solutions offer less of a barriar than what a 12-volt electrified cattle fence would provide.
Besides, what do we do with all those people we catch trying to cross the border? We don’t have room to imprison them, so we just send them back, and next week they will try again.
It’s always bothered me that the unemployment problem in Mexico is fueling our illegal immigration problem here, but we can’t afford to hire emough people to patrol the borders. You would think there would be a way to have the unemployed Mexicans patrol the border on their side? No, I haven’t thought of a way to make that work either, but if you could come up with a way….
39 – And your proof of this is…….?
@36- Don’t forget on your list of the great fences of history, the one and only Maginot line that made France inpenetrable. That is, until the Germans went around it. And they forgot to build the guns to swing around, since no one could get behind the Maginot line. Thus, it was really easy to take it from the other side, since the soldiers left guarding it had pistols and some rifles and also some really, really impressive and huge artillery guns that were all pointed the wrong way.
Gosh, that kind of planning sounds a lot like our current neo cons and the war in Iraq. Now they must be advising us on building Mexican fences, probably through no bid contracts to Repub contractors and done with wheelbarrows full of cash so the extra billions aren’t tracked.
Sorry, Daddylove, you better have really good Administration ties- or else go quickly and hire a McCain lobbyist or Bush ranger to get any of that contract.
38 Don’t waste your time. There are Home Depot stores in Mexico.
@40 “Smarter trolls, please!”
Not asking for much, are you? I’ll forward your request to Santa, but don’t hold your breath.
It would seem that if what the “Reverend” Hutcherson is running is really not a church but a branch of a political party, he ought to be getting some flack from the IRS about his tax-exempt status…
Oh, excuse me…I forgot that the IRS is too busy harassing the Lutherans, Episcopalians and Catholics about their criticism of the war.
Hutcherson’s links to the Watchers on the Walls is all the proof anyone needs to support his tacit endorsement of violence against the GLBT community. And let’s not forget Joe Fuiten, the Mutt to Hutcherson’s Jeff, either.
Lee @ 41:
From the recent Rasmussen Polls
“Just 15% of American voters say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job.”
Bush is at 35%.
Both are pathetic.
Rasmussen has always been among the most reliable independent polls.
3rd Party has huge opportunity.
Nader may even get my vote.
@ 30 RR “Does anyone know for sure how many planes McCain cracked up? I know of at least 3 (counting the one he got shot down in) but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5.”
Okay Rabbit, think I figured out the confusion. From my old hometown paper in Phx, where you will find GREAT info on McCain, look in Chapter 2:
“In the 1930s, the military passed a regulation that aircraft carriers could be commanded only by aviators. Already in his 50s, McCain’s grandfather went to flight school.
He crashed five airplanes but got his wings and went on to command a carrier. He eventually would rise to command all U.S. carriers in the Pacific, under Halsey. Planes under Slew McCain’s command participated in a number of battles, including Leyte Gulf, where he met waves of Japanese kamikaze attacks and once sank 49 Japanese ships in a day.”
Later, in Chapter 2, re: JOHN McCain himself:
“During training, McCain had several close calls, including a crash in Corpus Christi Bay and a collision with power lines in Spain. In both cases, he emerged virtually unscathed.
In 1964, while stationed in Pensacola, Fla., McCain started dating Carol Shepp, a tall Philadelphia model he met while at Annapolis.
The next year, the two were married in Philadelphia. John soon adopted Carol’s two sons from a previous marriage. In 1966, they had a daughter, Sidney.
A year later, McCain was sent to Vietnam as a bomber pilot on an aircraft carrier. Carol would not see her husband again for almost six years.”