I’ll be filling in for Frank Shiers tonight on 710-KIRO from 9PM to 1AM. At 10PM will be talking impeachment with Linda Boyd of the Eastside Fellowship of Reconciliation, and I’m sure we’ll be discussing the Iraq filibuster ongoing tonight in the U.S. Senate.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
And what’s better, is that the rightie traitor keeps pointing out that this is true. Thanks MTR. Please keep proving my point for me.
Enough, already!
Anyway, I am hearing two different stories about this: one that Democrats are going to do all the talking, and the other that the “filibustering” Republicans are going to be held to actually extend debate and hold the floor in the “classic” filibuster. I am not sure which is happening. Anyone know?
Speaking of impeachment, I think Gonzales looks like, in the classic phrase, low-hanging fruit. His lies should make him a (pardon me) “slam-dunk.” Let’s fucking do it!
Ooh, this is nice. Courtesy BobGeiger.com:
Fuck those guys.
Who makes ‘Depends’? I want to buy their stock.
What is the aim in doing this? What, exactly, is the Democratic Party leadership attempting to obtain?
Hey all you global warming doubters! Here’s a little light reading for you. It explains why scientists are right and you’re wrong. BTW how day ya like this fucking ICE AGE we’re having?!! http://www.livescience.com/env.....wrong.html
Here’s a quote from that article which may have some bearing on the credibility of the doubters:
“One argument commonly used to cast doubt on the idea of global warming is the supposed predictions of an impending ice age by scientists in the 1970s. One might say: First the Earth was supposed to be getting colder; now scientists say it’s getting hotter — how can we trust scientists if they’re predictions are so wishy-washy? Because the first prediction was never actually made … it’s … an urban climate myth.”
speaking of iraq and those of you who get your “news” from the drive by media….
How many of you think the house voted last week to bring home all the troops by next spring. That’s the way it was reported…
Do you know what it really said?
Bad news for ya rabbit… the “forecasting” methods used by the alarmists are fucking worthless. This article pretty well demolishes the whole “global warming” hoax.
DO NOT click on the link to read the paper itself. It contains technical information that you wouldn’t understand. Just take ol’ MTRs word for it; the “science” is complete fucking bullshit.
re 10: Wouldn’t it still make sense, national security-wise, to develop alternative forms of energy?
Just improving cafe standards alone would make us totally independent of oil from the Middle East. Or, is better gas mileage a crazy pipe dream?
Bellamy and Barrett (2007) found serious deficiencies in the general circulation models described in the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report. In particular, the models (1) produced very different distributions of clouds and none was close the actual distribution of clouds, (2) parameters for incoming radiation absorbed by the atmosphere and for that absorbed by the Earth’s surface varied considerably, (3) did not accurately represent what is known about the effects of CO2 and could not represent the possible positive and negative feedbacks about which there is great uncertainty. The authors concluded:
The climate system is a highly complex system and, to date, no computer models are sufficiently accurate for their predictions of future climate to be relied upon.
You are right MTR Gold. This is way over the donks heads. This is real science.
Just improving cafe standards alone would make us totally independent of oil from the Middle East. Or, is better gas mileage a crazy pipe dream?
Wrong. This is more BS from the environmentalist wacko left. Even if we doubled the gas mileage of cars we would still be dependent on foreign oil. First of all we import over half our oil from foreign countries (we can thank the lefties for this). Second, we use oil for other things like plastic.
Wow. I can’t believe you are a teacher…. no wait, yes I can. You do teach in a public school, right?
Too bad we can’t get a little global warming going right now to kick that coward MTR’s ass.
And Daddy Love – for now I’ll stop since you asked nicely. But I have to say, I love using the right’s own words to damn them.
MTR @ 10:
Read the report.
Here are the takeaways:
1) Herd mentality is dangerous. (Agreed. Herds are unpredictable, and spook easily)
2) The Google couldn’t find any references to our pet forecasting method as it relates to climate change using our search methodology, so we created one.
3) Forecasting climate change is hard work, and is too complicated for mere mortals to attempt. i.e., because the model is flawed, it is invalid. Using the same logic, because your fancy Escalade will be a rotting piece of scrap in 10 years time, don’t drive.
4) I saw at least one attempt at intellectual sleight-of-hand in the report where one of the authors points out that the New Zealand Meteorological Agency is only right about its long-term forecasts about half the time. ergo, why do models when you can flip a coin?
Of course, flipping a coin has one of two possible outcomes. Predicting weather over the long term has many possible outcomes.
The primary author of the article is not a climatologist. He’s a well-known business prof who has done a lot of research on crowd behavior. His overarching thesis is that the climatological community demonstrates a lot of crowd-like behavior. It’s always good to remember that scientists are not gods or priests, and that they act in large groups that do dumb things at times.
On the other hand, financial markets (another target of Armstrong’s research) are also animals theoretically based on the cold mathematical hand of business fundamentals, but are also demonstrably crowd-based devices. I am dying for the day when MTR steps up and tells us capital markets are bunkum.
15 RES
Well, it was nice for me, anyway.
10 MTR
Oh yes, the overwhelming consensus of the world’s top climate scientists is so obviously wrong…
Hey, did you see that solar variation has been ruled out as a primary cause of global climate change?
6 Tuor
You might better ask: “What is the Republican Party hoping to gain by filibustering and obstructing every piece of legislation in the Senate?”
But to answer your question, the Democrats are going to take the Republicans to task by requiring that they ACTUALLY filibuster (extend debate indefinitely) by showing up and, you know, debating indefinitely, instead of just allowing them to announce a filibuster and then meekly holding a vote for cloture that they will lose.
6 Tuor
In other words, Tuor, wht the Democrats are “tryng to obtain” is what the GOP used to call an up-or-down vote on the bills it considers, meaning a vote in which a simple majority can pass it. Republicans are obstructing the legislative process by forcing a cloture vote for every bit of legislation, requiring 60 votes to bring a bill to the floor.
The Republican intention is not to block certain bills it considers objectionable as public policy, but instead to reject any notion of responsible governance and use the legislative process for purely what Bush is fond of calling “political theater,” halting the legislative process completely in order to make the Democrats “look bad” in the hope that it will reviive the GOP’s flagging electoral fortunes. It won’t, but there’s apparently no level to which they will not stoop.
You missed the best part–the comparison between predicting climate change and forecasting prices.
And, you’ve made the same mistake that the anti-GW group have made: not distinguishing between “weather” and “climate”, which is what leads to the whole sophistry in the first place. Meteorology makes forecasts. Climatology makes predictions.
What’s the difference? We can predict the location of the Earth within its orbit some 30 years from now, and be pretty darn precise about it. We can make this prediction, because we have fairly precise mathematical models that explain observed data. The same is true with climate change. The predictions about climate change are based on mathematical models that do a decent job of explaining the data and patterns we’ve observed in the past.
And that’s science: developing models that explain observed data, using those models to make predictions, and then testing the predictions against observed data. These so-called “principles of forecasting” have nothing to do with testing models, and everything to do with trying to impose order on largely stochastic systems (prices vs climate change).
Smarm Meister Shiers better watch his back. Goldy’s takin’ over.
That would be the same Goldy, an opportunistic infection, who got into The Nation. That would be The Nation, nursing home for over-the-hill leftists, that recently had this by Alexander Cockburn: http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn04282007.html
Pulls Weird Al Gore apart like a bug, doesn’t he? And then there’s this, from another unexpected venue, the Jayson Blair Times:
By allowing these idiots to post under 42 different names, you make it impossible for those of us who are tired of some of these cretins to just scroll past them. If you want to invite the same psychopaths into your house everyday to vomit on the carpet, that’s your call. Some of the rest of us would like to at least be able to step around the puddles.
Can there be a required sign-in?
Having dealt with trolls on another site, I know it’s impossible to keep them out. They sign up under different names, they use libraries and big providers like AOL to mask their IP addresses, they create troll message boards to coordinate their trolling. And now word comes out that some trolls are professionals. So that’s what Mark the Welsher “produces.”
I would be OK with a sign-in system. I just wouldn’t expect it to be a panacea.
I think I spoke too soon. I’m seeing the Firefox issue again.
What’s the Firefox issue? That’s what I’ve started using.
I don’t expect a panacea. Some shit is unavoidable, I’m sure.
But some of this constant cut and paste shit is too much. And, by his own bragging, Puddyworthless admits to using deceptive practices.
After a while, I ask myself why I bother to come here just to read that which I could find on any conservative site I wanted to expose myself to.
Really, what’s the point when some threads are 75% hijacked?
I’m willing to walk around the puddles, but they need to be identified.
Disregard question on Firefox, found it on another thread…I think….
I’ve gone so far as to build a filter to take out the troll comments. It makes some of the threads a bit sparse, but I still get to read the signal rather than the noise.
Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don’t, depending on my mood.
Sounds good. So what’s the mechanism, what do you add it on to? I shouldn’t think you could incorporate into existing apps without source code…..
Oh dear. The Taliban Left is flexing its fascist sphincters again.
How does the Left spell diversity? C-E-N-S-O-R-S-H-I-P. How do they pronounce it? ‘Fairness Doctrine.’
You’re too funny. Even for a puddle.
The troll known as “chadt” proves that George Orwell was premature when he wrote about the smelly orthodoxies of the Left. Orwell hadn’t smelled the smellier Stalinist orthodoxies (#24, 25, 26, …) that come out of a horse’s ass.
Does your failure to answer Cockburn’s arguments about Gore’s carbon lunacy mean that Cockburn’s arguments are unassailable? Thought so. That’s why you started to whine, whimper, & spew.
The troll known as “chadt” proves that George Orwell was premature when he wrote about the smelly orthodoxies of the Left. Orwell hadn’t smelled the smellier Stalinist orthodoxies (#24, 25, 26, …) that come out of a horse’s ass.
Does your failure to answer Cockburn’s arguments about Gore’s carbon lunacy mean that Cockburn’s arguments are unassailable? Thought so. That’s why you started to whine, whimper, & spew.
Oops, another puddle.
‘We can’t fire the president right now, so we’re waiting it out.’
“It’s been a slow week in a hot era. I found myself Thursday watching President Bush’s news conference and thinking about what it is about him, real or perceived, that makes people who used to smile at the mention of his name now grit their teeth. I mean what it is apart from the huge and obvious issues on which they might disagree with him.
“I’m not referring to what used to be called Bush Derangement Syndrome. That phrase suggested that to passionately dislike the president was to be somewhat unhinged. No one thinks that anymore. …
“He’s in a good mood. There was the usual teasing, the partly aggressive, partly joshing humor, the certitude. He doesn’t seem to be suffering, which is jarring. Presidents in great enterprises that are going badly suffer: Lincoln, LBJ with his head in his hands. Why doesn’t Mr. Bush? Every major domestic initiative of his second term has been ill thought through and ended in failure. His Iraq leadership has failed.” – Peggy Noonan, WSJ
It’s the tipping point syndrome. Many people on the right and most in the middle were unwilling to conclude the obvious until they had no choice, Now every day brings not only previously disregarded revelations about what is going on, but reinterpretations of issues that have otherwise sunk into obscurity.