I’m filling in for Frank Shiers tonight, 9PM to 1AM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
9PM: Are the Republican presidential candidates a bunch flip-floppers?
Liberal pundit Cliff Schecter calls in to talk smack about flip-flopping Republicans like Rudy Giuliani, who hates abortion, but supports it nonetheless, and suddenly conservative Mitt Romney, (who by the way, is hot.)
10 PM: Do you have faith in FDA? (The Faith-based Dining Administration)
Ben Huh from Itchmo.com joins me for the hour to give us the latest on our nation’s pet food recall cum food safety scandal, and to talk about the what’s happening in the Puget Sound “pet parent” community.
11 PM: TBA
12 AM: TBA
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
re: filling all that dead air tonight —
First, nobody is listening. Second, nobody cares what you say.
Now, what is important? The ballot measure in November. Tell the folks how many years the ST and RTID taxes will be collected for. Hint: those are two different numbers.
Then tell the listening audience how much you trust future appointees on ST’s board to spend the money wisely, and not cut back capital spending in ways you wouldn’t want.
Trust me, that’ll fill some airtime, AND light up a line or two.
1 Sure. Also talk about what gasoline is likely to cost looooong before then. Whatever we pay for transit is going to seem like a real bargain.
I spent about 15 minutes waiting for the bus tonight next to the Overlake P&R. That’s definitely the land where they still buy into “Zoom, Zoom. Zoom…..”. Most of the vehicles going down the onramp were evidently being driven flat out. Since the traffic on that part of 520 wasn’t anything to speak of and the ramp is a steep downhill grade, there’s no explanation but that a lot of dickless wonders were expressing their virility by showing how much fuel they could burn in 15 seconds. It seems people do more of this sort of thing whenever the price of gas takes a significant jump. Gee whiz…could they maybe be feeling threatened or something? It’s going to be more interesting when some of these guys are faced with a choice between putting their foot to the floor and showing what real men they are and making the mortgage payment on time.
Must be a lot of work being a true believer in “Republican prosperity”.
@2 They’re trying to burn up that gas while it’s still cheap at $3.50 so my oil stock (up $3.32 a share today) will keep going up.
I made two thousand dollars in the stock market today, and didn’t have to do a fucking thing to earn it, not even get out of bed.
Thanks, suckers. I appreciate your patronage. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.
Aside from the fact public transit is going to look incredibly good when gas hits $10 a gallon, there’s the little matter of what will happen when the oil runs out and there’s no gas at any price.
Here’s the math:
World reserves = 900 billion bbls
Consumption = 32 billion bpy
Supply = less than 30 years*
* Assumes zero growth in consumption
The Saudis claim they not only can sustain their current production of 10 million bpd, but increase it to 15 million bpd.
This would be quite an accomplishment as all of their big fields have been in production for 50 years.
It’s all the more amazing when you consider the Saudis have sustained their high well production rates by injecting seawater under pressure into their oilfields, and over 90% of the fluids in their big oilfields now consist of seawater.
And their claims seem downright incredible when you consider that wells that used to produce 100% light sweet crude now produce a liquid that is 75% water and 25% oil.
Someday rednecks will tell their grandkids about the good ol’ days when people still had cars, and could still buy gas for only $40 a gallon.
P.S. — Some oil industry experts think the Saudis are lying about being able to pump 15 million bpd.
OK, folks, it’s time for a reminder that Osama bin Laden is Saudi, and 16 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Do you see a pattern here? Saudis don’t like us very much.
OK. So let’s say you’re running Saudi Arabia, and you want to fuck over the decadent infidel westerners. Do you:
A) Develop long-range missiles and A-bombs, and drop them on New York and Washington DC? or
B) Smile a lot, take shiploads of money from them, assure them you can pump 15 million bpd for 50 years, and try to keep from breaking out in side-splitting laughter thinking about the look on their faces when you inform them their cars had better be able to run on seawater.
Does anyone besides me think it’s a little weird that Jeb Bush is being paid $9,125 an hour by a company that was fined $900,000,000.00 for defrauding Medicare?
But it’s not weird at all that even rightwing pundit Bob Novak thinks the GOP is facing an electoral disaster of cosmic proportions in ’08.
And we actually have in-denial-trolls on this board who thinks Dino Flossi will beat Gregoire in ’08. (snicker)
(pan to photo of grinning Arab oil sheikh shaking hands with Dickless Cheney.)
Meanwhile, gun nutz are in a lather because Democrats in New Jersey (home of Fort Dix) think 50-caliber sniper rifles should be illegal. http://www.gunguys.com/?p=2147
Any veteran will assure you the 50-cal. is a beautiful round! It’s famous for “excellent long range accuracy, external ballistics performance, incredible stopping power, and lethality” (Wikipedia). It was used in the world wars against AIRPLANES and TANKS. It’ll go clean through a hit an object over 4 miles away! A Canadian soldier in Afghanistan used a 50-cal. sniper rifle to kill a Taliban stone-cold dead from 1 1/2 miles away!
Man, I can see how some America-hating TERRORIST who planned to kill as many American SOLDIERS as he could would want one of these!! THIS GUY probably would have liked it, too (and might not have been caught as soon if he had one): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Allen_Muhammad
Hey, don’t get me wrong — I’m not a supporter of unqualified gun control. If rightwing hate groups and private mercenary armies have 50 caliber rifles, then I think liberals should have them, too.
You know what they say — one bullet in the head deserves another!*
* Just kidding! Wingnutz humor, ha ha ha ha ha
I just want to remind all my liberal friends that head shots are for fools. Aim for the torso. It’s bigger, and moves less.
Here’s what John Allen Muhammad planned to ultimately do:
“In May 2006, … Malvo revealed many details of their three-phased plan, which was far more elaborate than had early been thought by many observers. If carried out, the pair would have recruited a small army of alienated youths, used Muhammad’s U.S. military training to instruct and indoctrinate them in Canada, and then mount coordinated terrorist attacks on the entire United States.”
“Muhammad … admired and modeled himself after Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and approved of the September 11, 2001 attacks.”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J ohn_Allen_Muhammad
Remember, even though this asshole couldn’t legally buy a gun in the U.S., he had no trouble getting a SNIPER RIFLE from a TACOMA GUN SHOP with a long history of violations … and as long as 500-caliber sniper rifles are legal, somebody’s gonna sell them, and some fool gun owner is gonna get his stolen … if you want to keep this ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPON out of the hands of terrorists, you have to take them out of circulation.
It is now illegal in the United States to stand on a public road and videotape government employees hazing a wild buffalo herd. http://www.buffalofieldcampaig.....51107.html
We need a law providing that:
1. Citizens have a right to photograph and videotape public officials and law enforcement officers conduct official duties in open view on public property where photography and sound recording is not otherwise prohibited by law (e.g., military bases), provided they do not physically or verbally interfere with official activities.
2. Any law enforcement officer who assaults or arrests any citizen engaged in peacefully and lawfully conducting photography or sound recording under such circumstances shall be deemed to be acting outside his/her lawful authority.
3. Assaulting, arresting, confiscating the equipment of, or interfering with any citizen peacefully engaged in lawful photography, videotaping, or sound recording activities shall be a Class A felony.
4. The minimum sentence for this felony shall be 10 years in prison.
5. In addition, any government official or law enforcement officer convicted under this law shall be liable, and his employing agency shall be liable, to the citizen victim for a minimum civil award of $250,000 for deprivation of civil rights; and a civil jury may, in its discretion, award an additional and separate sum for injuries, pain and suffering, and special damages.
JCH is a nazi
Decadent Sporting Class Dep’t
This is an America’s Cup year, in which 11 teams will spend over $100 million each on a sailboat race.
How much their sponsors donated to feed hungry people is unknown.
Decadent Sporting Class Dep’t – Part 2
History’s most expensive racehorse was Seattle Dancer, who was purchased for $13.1 million and won a grand total of $150,000 in his entire racing career.
Even though I’m only a fucking rabbit, I figured out how to double my money in one year by buying stock in a company that sells oil drilling equipment.
I figured since 3/4ths of what comes out of the ground in Saudi Arabia is seawater, and nobody has invented a car that runs on seawater yet, drilling equipment will sell like crazy for the foreseeable future.
Within 5 years, it’ll be 90% seawater. And you stupid humans laugh at mass transit …? (snicker)
klake is a nazi, too
JCH and klake are lovers
In case you’re wondering, the Arab boat is ahead in the America’s Cup point standings. They don’t know a damn thing about sailboat racing, but don’t have to. They hired the highly successful New Zealand team to race for them. The Kiwis, formerly an independent bunch, are now employees of a sheikh. Don’t worry about how much this is costing the sheikh; as long as stupid Americans are willing to pay $3.50 a gallon for seawater, he can afford it.
How much the sheikh donates to feed hungry children in America’s third world ghettoes is unknown.
Hey tire-screeching rednecks!! Get ready to pay $4.25 a gallon to keep driving your SUVs and pickups:
“(May 11) – Chevron Corp.’s decision Friday to pull workers from oil fields in the south of Nigeria deals a blow to thirsty global oil markets … a third of Nigeria’s pumping capacity … has been shut down by … violence.” http://tinyurl.com/2lyhsn
Hell, there is 3,385 I haven’t posted yet… And more to come.
Bush’s body count is gonna be very busy.
I really wish I didn’t have to work so hard.
I would rather be counting Bush supporters.
Now THAT is an easy job.
But, the idiots you need to press flesh with… eeewww!
6 I wonder if sea water is to light sweet crude what melamine is to wheat gluten.
@28 et seq. – Add 5 more KIAs today + 3 MIAs
@32 The last step of the oil cycle is to scrap up all the asphalt roads and convert the asphalt to gasoline. When the asphalt is gone, it’s back to riding horses on dirt paths.
So when we are all riding horeses on dirt paths, how will Al EGore get to his four homes and speaking engagements?
How will Pullofshiti get to and from California each week?
How will Ron Sims and Mayor Billions get to their high rise offices each day?
How on earth will Gregoire get the 100 feet from her mansion to her office?