… but not Goldy free radio. I’ll be on the Kirby Wilbur Show again this morning, shortly after 8am, bringing a rare smattering of truth (well… at least, perspective) to KVI-570.
On previous appearances, Kirby and I have enjoyed a really respectful, friendly banter on the subject of Dino Rossi’s futile election contest. So perhaps I’ll spice things up by throwing in a few words about the gas tax.
Well… late to bed, early to rise, makes a man groggy. But once I knocked the cobwebs out, I thought today’s exchange was a bit more entertaining. We actually got to respectfully disagree a few times.
For those who missed it (I’m assuming that’s most of you,) I suggested to Kirby that if his No New Gas Tax initiative qualifies for the ballot, he and John Carlson should follow Dave Ross’s lead, and take a leave of absence through the election. I graciously offered to fill in for him during that time.
Missed the show? Listen to an MP3 audio clip.
Listening to it, I realized I missed a couple points. First, I didn’t hear Kirby respond to my offer to sub for him by saying he wanted a show to come back to. Missed a chance to give him a dig back in return.
Second, I failed to explain the biggest reason why talk of rail is a red herring when discussing Kirby and John’s initiative. The initiative will only rescind the gas tax portion of the transportation bill… about $5.5 billion. But the rail projects are funded by vehicle weight fees, which would not be rescinded. The state Constitution requires gas taxes to go only to roads, bridges and ferries… so it couldn’t possibly be spent on rail.
How about mail only elections?
Unsound transit?
Joel Horn and the monorail?
Question is, can you refrain from the F word on the radio?
oh geez Goldy, Kirby invites you on and then you go and insult KVI. Even after Kirby was so gracious for calling you the “Equivalent” of Stephan.
Nice spot! You threw Kirby for a loop by criticizing his anti-gas tax initiative, but the ensuing banter was fun. It sounded like you had him half convinced in the end.
Kirby complimented you again and called horsesass.org the leading democratic blog in WA. Then you call for him and John to step down from their mics because they support an initiative. Then when you offered to step in for one of them Kirby got you good by saying he wants a show to come back to. Which brings up another issue, err amerika ratings. Aren’t you taking good ratings away from AAR by listening to and advertising for KVI?
Goldy, you just proved that Republicans are ever so generous and liberals arrogantly take advantage.
Oh Chardonnay… lighten up. Kirby and I had some fun, respectful banter. He can recognize a little playful ribbing, even if you can’t.
Chardonnay: too much whine in the A.M.
I believe it was C.S. Lewis that said “The devil cannot abide to be mocked”.
I believe it was C.S. Lewis that said “The devil cannot abide to be mocked”.
Hey, I disagree with chardonnay about a great many things, but I do not think she’s the devil.
Hey guys, this is off-topic, but it’s actually something that I think everyone on this board can agree on. We need to do something about the amount car-related crime in the Seattle area. Theher’s car was destroyed by a car thief who tried unsuccessfully to hot wire it, and just in the past few weeks, I know of 3 other people who’ve either had cars stolen or broken into. The Renton Police Department took 24 hours to respond when theher called to report this, and I’m not sure they plan to do anything about it.
I’ve posted up at my blog a description of a person (and their car) who appears to be a suspect according to two of her co-workers. Please pass along to anyone you know that lives/works in Renton.
the great swammy goldy predicted the nonewgastax initiative would not pass. LOL
Wouldn’t Kirby (and Carlson) talking about their initiative be considered an air time donation and therefore KVI would be required to give an equal amount of time (gratis) to initiative opponents?
If so, Goldy, you could be an equal number of minutes to them…would be perfect (and free!).
Be careful what you wish for Tom – the same can be said for the mainstream media CNN-ABC-NBC-CBS-MSNBC… THEY would be required to give equal time to conservative thought, ideas and politicians to counter the liberal ones they constantly promote.
Katie Couric would have an infarct – you’d hate to have THAT on your conscience.
Liberal media?
another one of your catchy used car sales phrases like
Partial birth abortion (doesn’t happen) Death Taxes (the heirs get taxed not the dead) Clear skies act. (allows more coal and fossil fuel burning than before)
As for Liberal media….that is your term for anyone telling the truth about this fascist regime in washington DC, and there ain’t that many.
No wonder that you guys buy so many motorhomes and guns, suckers for good salesperson and Rove is the best.
… but not Goldy free radio. I’ll be on the Kirby Wilbur Show again this morning, shortly after 8am, bringing a rare smattering of truth (well… at least, perspective) to KVI-570.
Cool. By the way Goldy, you were referenced in the Wall Street Journal Page A2 yesterday 5/11/2005. Nice going. And to think some people think this blog is obscure.
No liberal bias?
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Well lets just look at facts!
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Nah, no bias at all.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
I’m SHOCKED, are you?
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Whoa! Even CBS tells the truth… occasionally.
How about we head back to a few basics?
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Need more evidence, ol’ dannyboy?
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Ooops…here we go again!
And again.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Or shall I continue?
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
9, Sit in with a 911 operator (I have), you would be surprised how few officers are actually patrolling their area at any given time. Therefore, their calls are usually stacked on top of one another. Car prowls after-the-fact are a pretty low priority in of itself too. Seattle is hiring an additional 100 officers and that will help a little but that’s not much consolation to you.
Beacause, golly, gosh, gee whiz, I could go on and on and on, ol’ dannyboy.
Spam a bit more, peta~ I’m afraid you might not be getting your point across yet!
Tom Franklin@11
It only counts once it becomes an initiative on the ballot…but something to be assured of is that John and Kirby will go out of their way to have anit initiative supporters to debate the issue. That is the thing about those guys, they will give you libs a fair shot at airtime. You might want to get Chrissy to go on the air with Carlson and see if she cant muster a little statewide support for this runaway train (possibly a little support for herself as well) I am sure that Carlson would let her on….
Spam a bit more, peta~ I’m afraid you might not be getting your point across yet! Comment by windie— 5/12/05 @ 11:03 am
I have to speak S_L_O_W_L_Y so dimwitdan (and Goldy’s filter) can keep up.
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Yes, the Fayette County GOP, and the Weekly Standard, and Fred Barnes, and the Washington Times, and museumofleftwinglunacy.com – each an unbiased source for information on liberal media bias.
WOW! Kill Pet Libs @ Spam everywhere
You have totally convinced me. I checked on a few of the URLs you provided and I am astounded at how twisted the right wing spin machine is! Those postings are so filled with logical errors, mashing of statistics, non sequitors it is astounding!
I always presumed that the mainstream media was just presenting the facts, but now I am convinced they are a pack of right wing nut job spin meisters!
Thanks Kill Lib Pets!
if you can’t trust museumofleftwinglunacy.com who can you trust?
Is the great State of Denial a comfortable place to live, babe?
You’re sure in good company there.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
wow… quoting another uncredible (even… incredible) source to make your point. No matter how many whackjobs you line up, nobody outside the converted are gonna believe you.
You know that right? Nobody outside your little clique regards any of those sources you’ve linked with anything but laughter.
Dan the RATther and HelenHater Thomas could jig naked singing ‘Bias-B-Us’ on 60 Minutes and you KoolAid guzzling liberals would STILL deny reality.
maybe not the radical liberals like you but perhaps the majority of villagers and peasants do. Could all these lame sources be the reason ratings are so bad for ABC CBS NBC CNN ARR? MAybe these lame sources could be why the Republicans have the majority and the liberals are imploding.
in fact CBS is in trouble again. Playing excerpt from the Dean of Pepperdine out of context. When Ken Starr asked for the transcript CBS denied the request. uh oh!
Chard @ 34 “ABC CBS NBC CNN …MAybe these lame sources could be why the Republicans have the majority and the liberals are imploding.”
Exactly Chard, I agree completely! All these pieces of the right wing noise machine ARE the reasonRepugs have stolen control of the country.
Thanks for seeing the light!
I have just two comments on the initiative to repeal the gas tax.
1. Sure, I understand taxes are unpopular, and I don’t like the idea of paying 9 1/2 cents more a gallon either. But it’s been a long time since we’ve had a gas tax increase, and is it better to live with ever-worsening traffic congestion or the viaduct collapsing on people? Also, today’s vehicles get better mileage than 20 years ago, so you will not be paying more taxes than you did then for the same number of miles.
2. I read somewhere that Eastern Washington gets back $7 of road construction and maintenance for every $1 of gas tax they pay. Yet, our brethren in the “conservative” part of the state are the first to complain about any tax increase, and you can bet this initiative will be enthusiastically voted for by that part of the state. If it passes, I believe the existing gas tax revenues should be reprioritized, i.e., gas taxes paid in Western Washington should stay in Western Washington. In other words, if getting back $1 for every 14 cents of gas tax they pay isn’t good enough for them, let ’em drive on dirt roads!
As a matter of fact, for all the complaining about government and taxes that comes from Eastern Washington, if you travel in that part of the state, the first thing you notice is how much of what is over there is supported by government and taxes. Farmers not only get crop subsidies and government-backed loans, but also benefit from enormously expensive taxpayer-financed projects that provide water and electricity to run irrigation pumps far below cost. In addition, a very high percentage of the good-paying jobs in Eastern Washington are government jobs or supported by taxes. Eastern Washington wouldn’t have much of an economy without the government money that pours into that part of the state. Which leads me to this thought: If they hate government spending so much, why not take away the government money and let them support themselves?
Also, why do the people who complain about a 9 1/2 cent gas tax say nothing about the Bush administration letting oil companies gouge the public for 80 cents a gallon? Isn’t that what Cheney’s secret energy task force was really about? Why are the gas tax haters so quiet about oil monopoly profits?
Is the State of denial a comfy place to live?
Scroll DOWN for facts figures and studies (you know chump, they call it PROOF.
Of particular interest would be THIS title:
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
ProudAss @39,
I have previously said that I will add a preview button when I upgrade to the next version of WordPress. I was waiting for the bug fixes in v1.5.1, which was just released this week. I am now working on the transition.
That said, fuck you. Unlike some bloggers on the right, I don’t get paid for my efforts. You want better service, perhaps you should contribute to my beer money fund.
Patrick @ 38 “why do the people who complain about a 9 1/2 cent gas tax say nothing about the Bush administration letting oil companies gouge the public for 80 cents a gallon? ”
1. Because they are drunk on right wing Kool Aid?
2. Because Rush has not told them about it?
3. Because they7 are unable to admit they have been gullible sheep all along?
4. Poor potty training?
Since when did a state constitution matter to our state government?
Proud Ass @ 39, do you think that a preview button is gonna make the gibberish you post any more effective?
You folks know this guy way better than I do, you sure he’s not just using it to spam links to Sound Politics as much as possible?
windle, I have no doubt that is part of his agenda. After all he cannot possible think anyone is convinced by the garbage URLs he is posting.
I mean he would have to be really STUPID to think that.
Uh… yeah, he probably does think he is accomplishing something.
don/goldy: You folks know this guy way better than I do, you sure he’s not just using it to spam links to Sound Politics as much as possible? -Comment by windie— 5/12/05 @ 12:27 pm
It’s called positive reinforcement (or in this case, negative reinforcement to make a point) and giving credit where it’s due.
windle, I have no doubt that is part of his agenda. After all he cannot possible think anyone is convinced by the garbage URLs he is posting.
I mean he would have to be really STUPID to think that.
Uh… yeah, he probably does think he is accomplishing something. -Comment by Donnageddon— 5/12/05 @ 12:31 pm
Are you sure about that? Or are you just exhibiting some of that liberal oh-so-tolerant oh-so-racist sexism?
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Spamming is the equivalent of repeatedly shouting “Shut up” while grabbing your testicles.
Or maybe some more articles from the Weekly Standard and the National Review would convince me.
You probably wouldn’t, but do you know how irritating it gets to type s/he or he/she all the time?
Anyways, I’m sure we haven’t seen half of your impressive library of obscure rightwing sites nobody’s heard of… Why don’t you post some more of them and pretend that they’re credible news sources too? Or maybe you can post more images!
I feel like I’m talking to someone who just learned how to use html and has to show off his/her (see? I won’t offend your fear of sexism) new toy…
I just happen to know that children learn better with visuals, babe.
its still extremely juvenile in presentation. Its like a particularly sappy livejournal entry or a E/N site from 1998.
The Thing @ 46 wrote
Are you sure about that? Or are you just exhibiting some of that liberal oh-so-tolerant oh-so-racist sexism?”
Hmmm. You’re correct. I am properly ashamed. That was just a hateful thing for me to say. I cannot believe I would have typed “he”. You have confounded me with your sparkly logic and charming wit!
What a pathetic moron.
effective tho. he/she has got you going.
Chardonnay, the ‘oh its trolling and you fell for it!’ Is hardly a justification for being an idiot with poor style.
Just listened to the interview. It was a decent exchange. I think you are wrong about the Gas Tax initiative failing though. Unless it fails to make it on the ballot, it will pass. You can only come to the trough so many times saying “it is only a nickel” or “it is only a dime”.
Care to provide a source for that unproven statement?
Just a correction. Dave Ross had to be shamed into finally giving up his free air time on the radio. All during the primary he stayed on the radio.
Cat pop
You ignorant slut(or). I still think your a man because that can’t be another woman in Seattle as stupid as the whine
1. You comparison of the reporters who claim to be liberal is like blaming a couple of privates for Abu Garib.
2. Why to they claim to be liberal? Probably because they went to college, and understand that the earth is round, and gravity is not just a therory.
3. Even the owners of these few media giants know that hiring hi school dropouts like yourself and Brit Hume (just a joke), would make them lose their credability.
4.NBC owned by GE….no defense contracts there.
I thought the ignorant slut comment was a joke at the beginning, but I must appologize to all the “sluts” out there.
your just plain stupid.
This is my favorite from the above link
Flip Flop, double Flip Flop
And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why? Because Saddam ‘allegedly’ gassed a few Kurds in his own country. Mark my words. All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a ‘war criminal’ or ‘committing crimes against humanity’ is the same old thing. LIBERAL HATE SPEECH! And speaking of poison gas . . . I SAY WE ROUND UP ALL THE DRUG ADDICTS AND GAS THEM.” – Rush (oxycontin) Limbaugh, Nov. 3, 1988
I say we start with the Fat boy himself.
PBJ @56,
No, Rossi took his leave when he officially filed, which I believe was the end of June. I suggested the same timing for Kirby and John.
windie @ 25 that idiot is getting his point across. His point is that he is totally useless and a waist of time.
but then again, with such quotes as @58 he might just be tolerable. Another fine historical quote from Chardonnay’s saviour. How prophetic….and pathetic at the same time
ah the tolerant left… so predictable… so easily provoked… so impotent in their frustration…so deliciously out of power.
How fun!
I for one welcomed your “appearance” on KVI. Kirby was very respectful towards you. I know that Mike Webb or that ditzy Erin Hart wouldn’t have been so gracious to Stefan.
You made your points (even tho they were horribly misguided) and Kirby didn’t push you too much.
ON the gas tax issue tho I think you’re dead wrong. In Eastern Washington this isn’t a Left or Right issue. It’s a 206’er issue and they have had enough of your (seattle/King County) bullshit.
Eugenics @ 46
“He? Are you sure about that? Or are you just exhibiting some of that liberal oh-so-tolerant oh-so-racist sexism?”
WTF, ProudAss? Racist? Sexist? This coming from someone whose signature suggests orchidectomizing and oophorectomizing liberals? That’s fucked up. Your signature makes you come off as Hitler (as in, Mr. Hitler).
But, perhaps we should be calling you Eva, instead?
This coming from someone whose signature suggests orchidectomizing and oophorectomizing liberals? That’s fucked up. Comment by dj— 5/12/05 @ 7:31 pm
Is it now?
Well golly gosh, gee whiz! And here I thought it clearly reads PET Libs
So tellme, is it as “fucked up” as your PETA pals?
Whoa! Tough choice there babe, spayed or dead.
(Snicker…that IS a tough one!)
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
LMAO …oh those so intelligent LIB elitists!
No entry found for orchidectomizing.
No entry found for oophorectomizing.
Babe, really you need to pay a bit more attention in your English class – surely even public schools cover proper usage.
Ohhhh, that’s right. The WASL isn’t terribly interested in execution of the language, just how you feel about your ideas.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Lib’s Pet Ass @ 66
Heehee! My 1971 copy of the OED sez’:
Orchidectomy: Excision of the testicles; castration
Oophorectomy: Excision of the ovary
Your boundless egoism, narcissism, hypocrisy and yes ignorance knows no limit.
You know, some of us might be in favor of seeing you spayed but we all know you’re over the hill already..
Almost forgot.. Dj – you da man!!!
1971 pffft dark ages, babe.
Al Bore’s internet (you know, that cute little contraption Mommy lets you play Yahooligans on) says you’re illiterate.
It’s ok. As long as you feel really good about knowing you’re illiterate they’ll promote you to the 5th grade.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
How many Pet Libs has PETA euthanized (that’s slaughtered for you Pet Libs a bit slow on the uptake { yep, that would be you Wingies}) today?
Eugenics @ 65
“Well golly gosh, gee whiz! And here I thought it clearly reads PET Libs”
Sorry, Toots, and just what is the object of the sentence ending “…spay/neuter ALL Pet LIBS“? Did you by chance mean to say “…ALL Lib’s PETS”???
“LMAO …oh those so intelligent LIB elitists! No entry found for orchidectomizing. No entry found for oophorectomizing.”
Sorry again, Toots, you will have to get your head out of “The Wingnut Dictionary.” Try a medical dictionary, or try a Medline search:
What an idiot!
YOOHOO, Wingies… I checked ANOTHER site for you…
“No match for orchidectomizing”
“Sorry, the term orchidectomizing is not in the dictionary. Check the spelling and try removing suffixes like “-ing” and “-s”.”
Oh yeah… there’s that whole PROPER USAGE thingie again, wingiedingie.
“No match for oophorectomizing.”
“Sorry, the term oophorectomizing. is not in the dictionary. Check the spelling and try removing suffixes like “-ing” and “-s”.”
Oh yeah… there’s that whole PROPER USAGE thingie again, wingiedingie.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
How many Pet Libs has PETA euthanized (that’s slaughtered for you Pet Libs a bit slow on the uptake {yep, that would be you, little Wingiedingie}) today?
I did…
The post is MIA, little wingiedingie.
YOOHOO, Wingies… I checked ANOTHER site for you…
“No match for orchidectomizing”
“Sorry, the term orchidectomizing is not in the dictionary. Check the spelling and try removing suffixes like “-ing” and “-s”.”
Oh yeah… there’s that whole PROPER USAGE thingie again, wingiedingie.
“No match for oophorectomizing.”
“Sorry, the term oophorectomizing. is not in the dictionary. Check the spelling and try removing suffixes like “-ing” and “-s”.”
Oh yeah… there’s that whole PROPER USAGE thingie again, wingiedingie.
How many Pet Libs has PETA euthanized (that’s slaughtered for you Pet Libs a bit slow on the uptake {yep, that would be you, little Wingiedingie}) today?
Great links there dj (snicker)… if I need a Doc, I’ll be sure to check it out again.
“What an idiot!”
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
How many Pet Libs has PETA euthanized (that’s slaughtered for you Pet Libs a bit slow on the uptake {yep, that would be you, little Wingiedingie… and you too DJ}) today?
Eugenics @ 73
Sorry to choke you up on the big words, Eva. Clearly, words are not what you usually choke on.
Try your links brain sTurgeon… maybe you can find a urologist and the beg him “Pretty please, Doc, add-a-dick-to-me”.
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Does PETA kill Pet Libs too?
Hey Eva @ 75
‘maybe you can find a urologist and the beg him “Pretty please, Doc, add-a-dick-to-me”.’
Sorry, you will have to do that for yourself (p.s. that would be in addadictomy :-) ).
My advice: seek out a mental health professional, instead. Much less trauma involved—and, you seem to have some severe problems that go well beyond penis envy.
Oh, and you might have missed Goldy’s message to you @ 40.
No need for Stefan Sharkansky’s preview button. I can proofread html without getting my undies in a bunch.
Liberalism is a mental health disorder babe… the poor wee victims who just can’t handle life are the ones running for help and mind drugs babe … WHAAAA! WHAAAA! Oh the angst!
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
” ‘post-election selection trauma’ ”
I mean really, ONLY a LIBERAL could come up with THAT gem!
“Luckily, it can be treated if people seek help. We’re urging people to call us immediately if they feel depressed or know anyone who is seriously stressed out.”
You libs crack me up – keep ’em coming!
Cat @ spam
The best bit of that is where ya take a link that works to examples of a word you claimed didn’t exist, and then dismissed them by saying they were broken links! Thats pure, insane genius!
danw @ 58
Claim: Talk show host Rush Limbaugh’s 3 November 1988 broadcast included a statement approving the selling of chemical warfare agents to Saddam Hussein and the gassing of drug addicts.
Status: False.
Whatever opinions Mr. Limbaugh may have expressed on his radio program over the years regarding arms sales to Saddam Hussein and the social issue of drug addiction, the item cited at the head of this page is not a genuine transcript of something broadcast on his show on 3 November 1988. It’s actually a lampooning taken from the comic strip The Boondocks.