These days, when local Drudge wannabe Orbusmax takes offense at one of my posts here on HA, he describes me as a deranged “710 KIRO talk show host” rather than merely as a deranged “liberal blogger.” I suppose his hope is that if he wakes up enough people to the awful danger I pose, perhaps KIRO will fire me.
It’s kinda flattering.
Well yesterday conservative radio industry blogger (and former KIRO host) Brian Maloney picked up the Orb’s lead with the screaming headline “MORE ‘EXECUTION’ TALK: Second KIRO Host Calls For Presidential Death Penalty.” (The first, he claims, was Mike Webb, who’s been off the air since 2005.)
Now, a second KIRO host has kicked up the rhetoric several notches, going even further by posting such thoughts on the Internet. In two examples found at, David Goldstein (known as “Goldy”) has called for Bush Administration executions.
Hmm. Nice fact-checking Brian. I suppose you didn’t link to these “two examples” because, um, you couldn’t actually find them, huh? (Hint: they don’t exist.) And… uh… it’s
In fact, I’ve never called for Bush administration officials to be executed. Hell, I oppose the death penalty on principle. All I snarkily asked was that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld be treated humanely, so I’m not really sure what Brian is getting at when he accuses me of “kick[ing] up the rhetoric several notches.” But I’m pretty damn sure I understand what he’s trying to achieve by branding me an unhinged, hate-talking, fringe extremist:
Here’s the big question: if lefty talk didn’t pan out for Air America, why does KIRO believe going even further to the fringe extremes will fare any better?
Well… the national audience for Brian’s Radio Equalizer may only be about the same size as my puny, fringe, local blog, but there’s no denying the respect he commands from industry insiders. Yesterday he questions the business sense of KIRO putting a kook like me on the air. And today… well… I just got notice from KIRO management that… they’ve doubled my weekly airtime.
That’s right, starting this week “The David Goldstein Show” can now officially be heard from 7 to 10PM on both Sunday and Saturday.
(Hey Brian… wasn’t that your old time slot on 710-KIRO?)
Brian claims to be some sort of radio industry expert, but he seems to have missed the most basic lesson of Talk Radio 101. If I succeed at KIRO, it won’t be because of my politics — it will be because I have a knack for entertaining and engaging my audience. If Brian understood this simple rule — and had the talent to act on it — then perhaps he’d still have the radio show and I’d be the one blogging about him, instead of the other way around.
This is too fucking funny. That lying hack Brian Baloney can’t get a radio job, pretends to be a radio expert, gets excited and jealous because Goldy gets his spot, and man life couldn’t be more ironic.
The sad thing is that the inbred punk Baloney is no doubt going through life unaware of the significance of this irony…and it’s even more funny because Brian Baloney got the story wrong too boot. Too fucking funny!
Nice try, although I am not a Brian Baloney fan (I am more the carlson/Limbaugh fan but you can have 24-7 of flapping your gums on radio, the democrats still have NO credible plan. Oh yes the viet-nam plan cut and run and watch our supporters get slaughtered wholesale. Remember JFK on Cuba? For what he did in turning his back on all the Cuban patriots I feel he got what he deserved. Get real, get a plan instead of a feelgood idea.
UpChuck, let me restate your post:
dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah,dah.Well, Goldy I guess you’ll just have to rescue that time slot from the snooze-fest that was “The Brian Baloney Show” with your wit and charm.
There’s also that dead air time, Monday through Friday 1:00PM to 4:00PM on Kiro. . . . .
Hey Chuckie, what is the Republican’s plan. Stay, lie, and die?
It is amazing how often I hear that Rovian talking point about how the Democrats don’t have a plan. They don’t need a plan. Running the military is the job of the White House, and until we get a Democrat elected, our poor troops are stuck with the decider’s decisions. What is it Rambo’s old commander suggested. Bring lots of bodybags.
Wanna talka about a plan, lets go over the Republican’s plan. Use the invasion and occupation of the only country in the middle east where Al Queda could not operate entirely for political posturing. Acting, and talking tough to drum up support from people too stupid to even ask themselves why there were no WMD’s. What about all the lies? Is the war illegal? Why does the whole world despise us now? How are we gonna pay for this fiasco? Where are the Al Queda ties Cheney claimed he knew about.
I have a plan, and I am a democrat. I plan on putting on trial Bush, Cheney, Rummy, and Condi, and prosecute them for their lies amounting to treason creating this nightmare. Then we’re gonna send them to the Hague. Just because they had the lap dog, corporate controlled press cheering for them every step of the way doesn’t make it legal.
Just remember more democrats voted not to authorize the use of force than voted for it, even though Bush lied about using force only as a last resort (after telling the British when to expect the bombing to begin).
I have a question for you Chuckie. Can you name one thing Bush got right in Iraq? Can you name one decision he made that actually made the Iraq situation better? I can’t…. Believe me, I am an expert.
Until the Iraqi government stops supporting, or ignoring death squads, there is nothing the deaths of more of our soldiers will accomplish. We are wasting our time there. Unless of course we never planned on leaving….
The sad thing is there was no Al Queda there before “Shock and Awe”, and now Iraq will be a terrorist training ground for generations. Just one more problem to deal with, all thanks to the lying decider in cheif.
Brian Baloney…the Radio Fertilizer
I’ll say it again, when KIRO hires a ” Brian/Bryan” as a host, there is always the sound of fingernails on the chalkboard.
If you look through Mr. Baloney’s previous postings, it appears he has a woody for Al Franken. Ick.
Well,Sparky, its been said, many times, and in many ways. . . .and it certainly applies to the whackjobright, Wishing and hoping something is so doesn’t make it so.
Thanks for the chuckle. . .hadn’t heard the:
Brian Baloney. . .the Radio Fertilizer.
by Goldy, 01/17/2007, 7:58 PM
If I succeed at KIRO, it won’t be because of my politics — it will be because I have a knack for entertaining and engaging my audience…. I just got notice from KIRO management that… they’ve doubled my weekly airtime.
Or perhaps they know you’re an attention whore and a sucker that can be cheaply had that they figure ‘what the hell?’ and decided to take advantage.
Everyone likes free samples and 2/1’s… even KIRO.
Auntie-Littered:Keep sucking on that pickle, boy. . .you’ll succeed.
Brian claims to be some sort of radio industry expert, but he seems to have missed the most basic lesson of Talk Radio 101. If I succeed at KIRO, it won’t be because of my politics
Amen, you got that right. If you want to succeed in Liberal talk radio remember these four words:
Boys and Girls club.
Got it.
goldy, backhanded compliment
you aren’t as bad as ron and don.
where’d they get those morons; sound like Cliff and Norm during a Cheers taping, only not as funny
Chuck says:
Nice try, although I am not a Brian Baloney fan (I am more the Carlson/Limbaugh fan but you can have 24-7 of flapping your gums on radio, the democrats still have NO credible plan. Oh yes the Vietnam plan cut and run and watch our supporters get slaughtered wholesale. Remember JFK on Cuba? For what he did in turning his back on all the Cuban patriots I feel he got what he deserved. Get real, get a plan instead of a feel good idea.
01/17/2007 at 8:20 pm
Hey Chuck you presented a great point of view and don’t take it to hart about the Mr. Magoo point of view about the War. I like your Cuba analogy about cut and run with the Cuban crises. Now you bring about a great point about JFK, John F. Kerry and the Democrat Party leaving the little guy to fend for themselves as we pack and run back to our continent. The best point is that they only do what makes them feel good about themselves and the hell with the rest of the world. You know short term friends but no commitments for they might have to make sacrifices. The better view big boys hiding under their mother skirt. FEAR controls their whole life decision.
@2 “I am more the carlson/Limbaugh fan”
Why are you bragging about THAT? It’s like saying, “I graduated last in my class from kindergarten” or “I’m serving probation for my fifth DUI — in two years.”
A2 (continued) Oh Chuck-eeeeee … looks like the troops you want us to support are in favor of cut-and-run:
“Jan. 15, 2007 – If there was one constituency President Bush could count on to back the war in Iraq through the past four years, it was members of the military. Now, their support is also ebbing. A poll conducted recently by Army Times, a commercial publication, showed only 35 percent of service members approve of the way Bush is handling the war, down from 63 percent in 2004. When asked if success in Iraq was likely, 50 percent said yes, compared to 83 percent two years ago.”
So … what now?
hahaha or “I stole money from the boys and girls club” hahahaha… wait bad analogy.
Hey Funny Rabbit read this and reconsider your jade views on how to fight this War. Maybe you might surrender to the al Qaida now and maybe they will let you clean their tent.
The Roman legions were peerless in the field, so the Germans attacked them in the woods. The Germans skirmished, harassed, and ambushed over three days, slowly weakening the Romans. Bad tactics, adverse weather, poor leadership, unfavorable terrain, and simple treachery undid Roman advantages in technology, training, and discipline. The Roman units maintained their cohesion but, worn down, were finally overwhelmed by superior numbers. Those taken prisoner were buried alive, crucified, or offered as live sacrifices to the German gods. Three legions disappeared in the Teutoburg forest. Arminius, the German commander, had the heads of Romans nailed to the trees as a warning to Rome. Roman power never again extended beyond the Rhine.
Splintered into quarreling principalities, the Russian princes fell one by one to the Mongols, whose superior mobility, command and control, tactics, and equipment were unexpected. When the city of Riazan fell, the Mongols slaughtered the citizens, flaying some, impaling others. They did not spare those who had taken refuge in the churches, raping all the young women and nuns they found there, before the eyes of the other refugees. As they burned the city, the Mongols let a few witnesses escape so they could spread the word about the fate of those who dared to resist.
Seeing the British scouts who had just seen them, the Zulus rose en masse and began the attack. This was the battle the British wanted. The warrior strength of the Zulu nation would be charging across open ground into the disciplined fire of hardened Imperial infantry. For a time, the result was as the British expected. Despite being vastly outnumbered, the British raked the Zulu ranks with trained firepower. But the British commander had spread his forces too thin. As poor logistical support led to a decreased rate of fire, and some local auxiliaries broke and ran, this mistake proved fatal. One element of the British line was overwhelmed by raw Zulu courage and willpower, weakening the rate of fire even more and leading to the destruction of another element and another, in a snowballing effect until the British were overwhelmed. A few of the British survived. The Zulus suffered horrendous casualties at Isandhlwana but left the field victorious after disemboweling their fallen enemies.
Barbarians win with cunning, numbers, and courage. The civilized lose despite their superior technology and training. Sometimes barbarians are better than the civilized in certain aspects of the technology and art of war. Always, barbarian ferocity is a force multiplier, their cruelty a psychological force to crack the effete morale of the civilized, who always seem to underestimate the barbarians.
These are not just stories from a remote past. It is the future that awaits us–at least according to some. The greatest danger we face, according to these writers, will not be high-tech armies like our own but savage warriors who respect none of the civilized constraints under which we operate, who will do anything, absolutely anything, to gain victory. Spawned amid the deprivation of anarchic, overpopulated, and environmentally ravaged wastelands or brooding on their cultural defeat in oil-rich Muslim lands, not only will these warriors commit these atrocities, they will enjoy doing so. Torture and rape they will consider sport; slaughtering children and the old, a pleasant afternoon’s work; breaking treaties, no more trouble than taking a breath. Such enemies may well defeat us on future battlefields because they will be more numerous, cunning, and fierce than we and unexpectedly possess some technology as advanced as ours. Or, precisely because they are cunning, they will avoid great battles where our superior technology gives us the advantage and seek to defeat us by attacking our allies and our outposts overseas with subversion and terrorism, counting on our inability to adapt to their strategy of slow, steady strangulation.
Whether they risk great battles or prefer innumerable small engagements, they will not hesitate to attack the American people directly. They will defeat us by hacking to death the information systems our economy and comfort depend on. They will defeat us by broadcasting to us live the mutilation of American prisoners of war, who of course in the future will include women, and then returning the mutilated and disfigured to us as a derisive goodwill measure. They will defeat us by sneaking chemical and biological weapons into the United States and using them. They will defeat the United States, in short, by breaking our people’s will to fight. When we scout the future what we see are barbarian hordes overwhelming us.[1]
This view of what awaits us has gained influence or at least some respect. Its proponents are regular participants in conferences on future military and security issues. Every briefing on the future now contains an obligatory slide on “failed states.” And of course it is true that we should never underestimate our enemies or assume that they will attack our strengths and obligingly ignore our weaknesses. Just remember our hasty retreat from Somalia–and we are always told to remember Somalia. After all, defeat at the hands of ruthless barbarians has happened to others who, at the height of their power and in the comfort of their wealth, thought themselves secure. Finally, we should take this warning seriously because defeat has consequences. The Romans never ruled beyond the Rhine; the Russians have not yet recovered from Mongol domination; after Somalia the Clinton Administration’s policy of “aggressive multilateralism” disappeared, and crippling doubts persist about our ability to sustain a violent engagement overseas.
@2 “Remember JFK on Cuba? For what he did in turning his back on all the Cuban patriots I feel he got what he deserved.”
Here it is folks! The smoking gun! A comment that “JFK … got what he deserved.” This will get Goldy fired for sure! Oh wait … Goldy didn’t say that … it’s just another wingnut wishing death on a public figure. Yawn.
@2 Man Chuckee, you’re not helping your chances of getting your own show someday, with talk like that …
By the way, if the legal process should determine that a politician is a traitor, what’s wrong with talk of an execution? If the legal process is used and that’s the outcome, then rule of law prevails. I thought the GOP was all in favor of the rule of law? I guess not so much.
Another “Klake and paste” from the man with no original thought.
What a fucktard!
My Left Foot maybe one doesn’t need an original thought if you find someone else that can do a better job. Now pull your head out of your ass and out do the statement posted.
Gee, Goldy’s air time has doubled. Has the
Shark’sMinnow’s time been raised accordingly? What’s that? Oh yeah, he has no show, no credibility, nearly no following and no radio show. I forgot. Sorry.Yep you couldn’t meet the challenged change the subject. My Left Foot was programed by move on dot org. No original thought process, they big boy hiding under his mother dress shivering with fear.
Congrads Goldy. Have you met with the Union workers that aren’t getting good pay and benefits because of your actions? That way you could explain why you support the Labor movement, but continue to work in a Walmart fashion.
Thank you for the insight. You have no need for an original thought because EVERYONE does a better job with those than you do.
What a fucking moe-ron fucktard!
Here is a cut and paste for you to read:
You can find the rest of it here:
This says it all pretty well.
Go fuck yourself, fucktard.
Roger Rabbit @12
You have to be joking me, Carlson should have and still be the Washington Governor. That loser Lock did nothing for his last 4 years but sit on his dead ass and pass tax increases…oh I forgot, he and his family flew with a multi thousand dollar enterage to the motherland (China) to sell about 20lbs of apples.
I changed the subject? I commented on your post, which was about war, which is posted on thread about radio time and perception.
All I did was to comment on your cut an paste style. You challenged me to beat your cut and paste, which you will see at comment 24, I have done.
Now, you can’t make something true just by saying it a bunch of times and hoping no one will check the record.
You WingNuts never give up on that strategy.
Funny how it does not work.
One would think you would learn by now.
Gee, nothing but the sound of crickets from klake.
Funny how that works.
Roger Rabbit@16
Dont read into it, I am just saying he reaped what he sewed.
Speaking of union labor we should start are own union for liberaal talk show hosts. Where should we set the previiling wage rate at?
Al, you have to quit drinking when you post when you post using someone elses name.
29 Al Franken says:
Speaking of union labor we should start are (OUR) own union for liberaal (LIBERAL) talk show hosts. Where should we set the previiling (prevailing) wage rate at?
Al has potential, but refuses to apply himself. He is a good boy, but not very bright.
Roger Rabbit@13
Where did you spend your day? Mine was at Madigan hospital…speaking with the defenders of our nation while awaitng my Mom and Dads medical appointments. I saw wounded as well as Strykers getting their inoculations to join their brothers in Iraq…got none of what you are implying. I will make you a dare, join me there at your convienience and point these guys out to me.
The world already took care of one Fuhrer Klake, they don’t need another one, and America does not need to suffer the same fate as Germany, and Japan all because of a couple power mad sleazebag liars.
I am still waiting for you wingnuts to name one thing Bush has done correct in Iraq. I guess I will have to wait a long time. I guess you are all frauds if you can’t name one single thing he got right. Tell us why you support that lying traitor.
It is amazing how you support the trainwreck Bush, but complain about us “liberals” because we understand someone else will have to clean up his mess.
By the way, anyone that thinks progressive radio is not popular better understand the top 2 radio programs in Seattle are both progressive.
How retarded does one have to be to listen to Rush carry water for the sleazebags he admits he carrys water for. Hate them liberals cuz Rush said America’s problems are cause by them liberals, not the ruling class.
Good for you Goldy. Progressive talk is growing. I heard Thom Hartmann just picked up 4 new stations. It is part of the wave that is starting to wash the retardation out of the heads of the Klake Nazis.
Hey Klake, when was the last time you listened to Air America, or Ed Schultz? How about Goldie? Maybe if your turned the dial off the liars on the right, and to the reality based radio, you could learn something besides hating the people that are trying to help you.
well, i see you got exactly what you wanted goldy.
admit it…you were that annoying little boy in the back of the class that just couldn’t shut up, huh?
but i think this attention is going to come with a price….and not the kind you wanted.
for a smart, talented guy you sure know how to self destruct…..four letter words [constantly], childish rants, threats and calling for violence. i’ll bet you have a peace sign on your subaru don’t you?
which brings me to your biggest failing…your total hypocracy.
@25 No, I’m serious! Let’s review:
Gary Locke D 1441973 58.38%
John Carlson R 980060 39.68%
Couldn’t even break 40%! Against GARY LOCKE fer chrissakes! Carlson’s right in there with Motherbeater Irons, Road Kill McGavick, and Cigaret Smoke.
Did better than Low Tax Looper, though, who got only 4% against a write-in candidate.
So what do you think left foot. Should we set the starting wage rate a 10% of Rush’s annual income (6 million a year). The next question is how many Boys and Girls clubs will we have to rip off to get the money.
Roger Rabbit@34
Please post Goldy’s call for violence. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Asshole fucktard!
Roger Rabbit@34
I didnt imply that the election was stolen, I am just saying if you brain dead libs would have been able to see a man that could have done a LOT more with less taxes Carlson would have and still would have the position. There are better answers than tax and spend.
Carlson carried 15 counties. Trouble is, nobody lives in those counties. For example, he carried Garfield County, 646 for Carlson to 644 for Locke. Unfortunately for Carlson, his 2-vote victory margin in Garfield County was offset (and then some) by Locke’s 272,000-plus margin in King County. Seems to win elections, you have to win the big counties where wingnuts and inbreeders can’t get traction. Hell, Carlson even lost half the “red” counties — to GARY LOCKE fer chrissakes!
Hey Cheesy Chuckee — I don’t know where you guys get these candidates (Craswell, Carlson, etc.) … but keep ’em coming!!
And to think Chuck. All them kids joined the military to defend their home, and you, and me, and get used as political pawns in Bush’s powergrab.
Time you admit it.
Instead of going after the people that DID attack us on 9-11, they were ordered to invade a non-threatening country, with no WMD’s, or Al Queda ties, putting the U.S. in far, far, far more danger. For this they are being butchered, slaughtered, maimed, and scarred for life. They sacrificed by order from the liar in chief in order to make us less safe, and create more terrorists.
Our president urinates on them. I would bet he enjoys urinating on them. I am sure Deferment Dick Cheney would enjoy urinating on them.
Remember him looking for WMD’s under his desk. “No weapons here (laugh, laugh)”. This is one sick bastard. And you freaks support him?
The only people worse than Bush is the retarded traitors that still support, or believe him after the evidence to his lies, crimes, and corruption would fill the Grand Canyon.
And you think “liberals” are bad?????
Chuck says:
Roger Rabbit@34
I didnt imply that the election was stolen, I am just saying if you brain dead libs would have been able to see a man that could have done a LOT more with less taxes Carlson would have and still would have the position. There are better answers than tax and spend.
You bet there are better answers. The Republican answer. Borrow and spend three times as much!!!!
so goldy that means you must have 22 listeners now if you have two nights there sure are some dumb fucks who are the managers at kiro.
Why does Flush Flimbaugh’s salary give you a hardon? Why would you presume to think I would even care?
Are you living vicariously through him because your balls are the size of marbles and he makes you feel more like a man?
You might try coming up with an original thought. It will be hard at first, but once you get one, the others will follow much easier.
So how much has the national debt grown under Bushie? 5 TRILLION DOLLARS, and the only thing we have to show for it is a world that now hates America.
Way to go GOP.
You got all the answers!!!
Officer Down
Mrs. Rabbit says King 5 News interrupted its programming about 90 seconds ago to report a police officer shot in a gunfight at 85th & Aurora. Not up on local news web sites yet, and no further details available yet.
Roger Rabbit@39
You are evading as usual…what did Lock do in his last term besides go on vacation at our expense and jack taxes with no acomplishments?
These right wing nuts should be jailed for being anti-American insurgents. They are corporatists who do not understand their own impotence before their corporate masters.
If they’d read Leo Strauss they’d understand with what low regard the upper echelon neocons view them
Facts Support My Positions@44
Can I borrow a quote…”Its the economy stupid!” He fixed the mess Clinton dumped on us!
Chuck, take another hit on the bong.
Fixed the mess? What mess? You mean the balanced budget, the reduction of the national debt, 1.25 gas, you mean stuff like that?
Come on. If you want to be the best you have got to aim for the top. We have 22 listeners now and only 19,999,978 left to go. Now go out there and start extorting some money from needy children. We have a lot of work to do here.
Meanwhile, over at the bad joke calling itself the Port of Seattle, “nearly a third of the entire [port police] force either received, saved, or passed on … inappropriate e-mails, including sexually explicit and pornographic images and racist videos and jokes,” according to King 5 News.
A third of the police force violating department policies against lewd and racist e-mails? HOLY SHIT!!! Something’s rotten in Tukwila. Phew!!! I can smell it all the way here in Green Lake Park … I thought maybe a fox shit around here somewhere.
Maybe someone should check Union Fireman’s e-mails, too. He seems like the type.
Are you and Chuck sharing the same bong?
Your attempts at humor are just like you. Lame.
When I worked for liberal state agencies under liberal appointees of liberal governors, that kind of bullshit got people fired — instantly.
Divide and conquer. As long as we are arguing with these Wingnut nimnulls, we are not doing anything to change America.
Tell at least one person a day NOT to shop at WalMart.
Word of mouth is still the best way to sink a bad business.
Facts Support My Positions@40
If Iraq was so insignificant, why did Clinton attack them everytime the perjury word or impeachment hit the news? What did Clinton say about WMD while he was in charge? And why did he do nothing about the FIRST 9-1-1 that occured on HIS watch? Had he been on his toes Bush wouldnt have had a problem with the second one. There you go again another lib with no plan!
Of course you wouldnt think it is funny. The truth never is to liberals. The rest of us are LOFAO. heehehehe
No, it just isn’t funny. However your “LOFAO heehehehe” is a riot. Nice manly laugh.
Anyone know what LOFAO means?
My Left Foot@49
No Im talking about Boeing orders dropping like flies, layoffs around the country I remember, hell I was one of the Boeing guys. I was there, in the last 6-9 months he sunk the economy! Not to mention the staggering taxes! How old are you? I guess not old enough to remember anything but what your liberal welfare mom told you.
Chuck at 59:
I am old enough to have served this country for over 20 years. My mother, rest her soul, never collected welfare.
As for Boeing, how are bad business decisions, arrogance, failure to accurately know your market, and adjust, the fault of a president?
“Tunnel to replace viaduct appears dead
“Seattle Times staff
“OLYMPIA — Mayor Greg Nickels’ plan to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct with a tunnel appears dead … following a three-hour meeting between the state and Seattle city officials this afternoon. …
“After a meeting between Nickels, Gov. Christine Gregoire, House Speaker Frank Chopp and other officials, the governor released a statement saying … the state will either move forward with replacing the viaduct with another elevated highway or will move [the] money … to replacing the Highway 520 bridge.
“‘I don’t see how the tunnel can be revived given that there was unanimous opposition to the mayor’s plan by all the House and Senate leaders,’ said Seattle City Council president Nick Licata, who attended the meeting.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
# Chuck says:
Facts Support My Positions@40
If Iraq was so insignificant, why did Clinton attack them everytime the perjury word or impeachment hit the news? What did Clinton say about WMD while he was in charge? And why did he do nothing about the FIRST 9-1-1 that occured on HIS watch? Had he been on his toes Bush wouldnt have had a problem with the second one. There you go again another lib with no plan!
Clinton Perjury = Innocent
Impeachment = Entirely Political
Clinton WMD’s = Maybe Bill thought Saddam had WMD’s. He didn’t lie about what he knew to start a war to increase his power. Just because Bush may have believed Saddam had WMD’s doesn’t make it not a crime to lie about what was known, and what was speculation.
The 1st 9-11 was Egyptians, and every single one of them is still in prison. That is doing nothing? I watched the former CIA head in an interview that said Bill Clinton gave the CIA everything they asked for in order to go after terrorist. I think I believe him.
If yer gonna bring these talking points to this place, prepare to have them pulled down over your ears.
Cheezee Chuckie @56 “And why did he do nothing about the FIRST 9-1-1 that occured on HIS watch?”
Glad you asked! The perpetrators of the 1993 WTC attack were caught, prosecuted, convicted, and are serving life sentences.
P.S. – Have you nimrods caught Osama yet? No, didn’t think so.
# Chuck says:
Facts Support My Positions@44
Can I borrow a quote…”Its the economy stupid!” He fixed the mess Clinton dumped on us!
Clinton dumped a surplus on us. It was Bush that raided the treasury and dumped 1.2 trillion dollars into the coffers of big business by rolling back the corporate minimum tax. Remember? This trashed our treasury, and started the Bush economic collapse, compounded by 9-11. Oh by the way, how many direct warnings did ol Bushey ignore right before 9-11. 100, 200, maybe more. We only know of 100 direct warnings that were completely ignored. Ask Mr. Clarke why he resigned. Because Bush did not want to do a damn thing about terrorists. That’s why.
Roger Rabbit @ 39
John Carlson only carried Garfield County by 2 votes in 2000?
I carried Garfield County by 181 votes in 2000 :)
My Left Foot@60
It want just Boeing it was the ENTIRE countrys corporations, Clintons taxes finally broke the countries back, took Bush 2 years to fix it. Consider if Clinton had been here for the last 6 years, it would have made the Great Depression look like the golden years!
How hard can it be to find a 6’5″ Arab who needs dialysis? How many caves are equiped to care for him?
For God’s sake, it can’t be that hard. Unless you are not capturing him for politcal reasons. Hmmmm, Republicans would never do that….Nooooooooooooo.
Update on Police Shootout
Traffic will be diverted in a several-block area in the vicinity of 88th & Aurora for the next several hours while police investigate a shootout between several officers and a fleeing suspect. One officer suffered an abdominal wound and was taken to Harborview; the suspect is dead, and the body has not yet been removed from the scene.
Take another hit. Try the crack pipe this time.
The economy was strong and healthy when he left office. Bush fucked it up, but lets not quibble about facts. They seem to confuse you.
Facts Support My Positions@64
By rolling back the taxes Bush incresed toal intake of taxes, check the facts!
My Left Foot @ 67
Does Osama bin Laden really need dialysis? It isn’t mentioned in his Wikipedia article:
Anything is possible, of course. But if he really had kidney failure, then he should have either died or been caught.
Roger Rabbit says@68
Always these policemen have to war on people, why cant they be like liberals and cut and run?
My Left Foot@69 Do some research
Richard Pope at 71:
I googled “Osama Bin Laden, Dialysis” and got several hits.
There is some conjecture, but there appears to be agreement that he is not in good health. Enlarged heart, some reports of the dialysis and other ailments.
Chuck @ 73:
Newmax? You have to be kidding me. I researched the author.
Charles R. Smith. Noted Conservative. Nice try. It looks good, but read his bio, even the fine print. Not exactly unbiased, honest reporting.
My Left Foot @ 74
I also Googled “Osama Bin Laden” “Dialysis”. The first hit was “Health & Medical History of Osama bin Laden”:
And this page opened with the comment: “All information about bin Laden should be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism.”
Lots of interesting tidbits and speculation, including the state of his kidneys. Greater weight of “evidence” is that bin Laden may have kidney problems and diabetes, but does not require dialysis.
Or at least doesn’t receive it.
My Left Foot@75
Dosent matter who wrote it the facts listed are indesputible by inteligent reasoning people
I still say Osama is worm food, just from the way that both Bush as well as Ari Fliesher grinned at a point and said Osma is no longer “relevent”
I am intelligent enough to spell intelligent with two L’s, indisputable with an “I” following the D and doesn’t with the “S, N, and apostrophe” in their correct places.
I also know bullshit when I read it.
Apperantly it was spelled good enough for even you to understand so I guess my spelling aint too bad. I pay more attention to the whole picture instead of micromanaging insignificant facts.
We could always ask ‘Poppy’ BushWe could always ask ‘Poppy’ Bush about Osama. . .after al he was breakfasting with hus half brother while the Twin Towers were being attacked. He might know. about Osama. . .after al he was breakfasting with hus half brother while the Twin Towers were being attacked. He might know.
Upchuck, come on, ‘fess up now, you’re microcephalic, right?
Microcephalic with FAS?
Tree Frog Farmer@82
Haw jes an ole hick with a 7 digyt anyal incum
Maroon @ 59 70 & 66. Fed Gov Office of Management & Budget.
And it is sort of, partly, foolishly true that tax revenues to the Fed Gov are bigger numbers, that occurs because there are more people working & paying more taxes. The report makes very clear that the percentage of tax revenues to the government are at the “lowest level since 1959.” Bu$hInc is collecting inflated dollars from more people, but falling farther & farther behind.
Dear Chuck,
$12,345.67 per year is NOT a seven figure income. Sorry to burst your bubble.
You are not ready to play with the big boys. Come back when you have not been drinking.
Yours truly,
My Left Foot
@65 Well that goes to show how awful Carlson was — when even Richard Pope outpolls him — in Garfield County of all fucking places.
@70 “Chuck says: By rolling back the taxes Bush incresed toal intake of taxes, check the facts! 01/17/2007 at 11:12 pm”
Thanks for bringing that up, Cheezee Chuckee. Here are the data from official U.S. govt. sources (excluding FICA tax revenues, because FICA taxes were not cut):
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
2006 – $1,346,019,000,000 (estimate)
As you can see, even after 6 years of population growth, revenues still have not caught up with their pre-tax cut 2000 level … what’s that gurgling noise you’re making?
@72 You mean like Eisenhower did in Korea? Like Nixon did in Vietnam? Why are wars entered by Democrats always lost by Republicans?
@73 Newsmax isn’t research, it’s regurgitation.
My Left Foot@85
Dream on That is less than my monthly figure…
Roger Rabbit@88
Dont put Vietnam on Nixon (again I wasnt his fan) you libs got us into it, again JFK, and choked tricky Dick on it…he had to do it…difference is Bush is stronger than Dickey so if you get yours up in charge next term they are gonna choke on it and be the next Jimmy Carter and build houses after he or (god help she) gets thrown out of office!
@91 “Don’t put Vietnam on Nixon …”
I certainly will! First of all, running for president is a voluntary activity, and Nixon WANTED to be president in 1968. He got his wish. He presided over 4 more years of war — and, in the end, made the decision to disengage the U.S. from Vietnam, and withdrew U.S. troops. If Nixon didn’t do this, then who did? Not JFK. Not LBJ. No, your man NIXON pulled U.S. forces out of Nam. If Tricky Dicky choked on it, he choked himself.
Hmmm … the HA web site is rejecting my attempts to post my response to #73, so I’m going to try posting it in several shorter parts.
“In 1999, then-President Clinton pressed OPEC to raise prices in order to finance the brutal Russian war in Chechnya.”
Slick bit of wingnuttery there, Cheesee Chuckee. I notice Mr. Smith doesn’t cite any sources. However, verifying this statement should be easy; all we have to do is cross-check against contemporary news stories and current sources.
Let’s start with this New York Times article in March 2001:
“Pres Clinton welcomes OPEC decision to increase crude oil production and urges oil companies to pass savings quickly along to consumers,”
Oops! That doesn’t say Clinton wanted OPEC to cut production and raise prices; it says the opposite! Must be a bad link. Let’s try this NY Times article from August 2000:
“Clinton Administration wants OPEC to raise oil output … with inventories in US still near 24-year lows, hope for price relief … boils down to OPEC’s approving increased production from Saudi Arabia, or Saudi Arabia going it alone …”
Whoaa! That doesn’t sound like Clinton’s trying to get the Saudis to cut production and raise prices, either! What’s going on here?
Well, let’s try something a little different: Let’s try to verify Clinton’s support for Moscow in the Second Chechen War:
“There had been strong international condemnation of Russia’s threat to civilians to get out of the Chechen capital, Grozny, or be considered an enemy target and destroyed. The United States … denounced the move. … US President Bill Clinton said Russia would ‘pay a heavy price’ for its current tactics…. United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright noted in her March 24, 2000, speech to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights:
‘We cannot ignore the fact that thousands of Chechen civilians have died and more than 200,000 have been driven from their homes. Together with other delegations, we have expressed our alarm at the persistent, credible reports of human rights violations by Russian forces in Chechnya …. The war in Chechnya has greatly damaged Russia’s international standing and is isolating Russia from the international community. …'”
Well, what the heck? Sure looks like Mr. Smith was peeling things off the wall — you know, making shit up.
For a thoughtful, informed discussion of Clinton policy on Chechnya circa 1999 (as opposed to the braying hysterics of the fools who get their misinformation from Newsmax), read this report:
The Chechen situation is complicated, but may be summed up this way: Chechnya is an integral part of the Russian federation, and sits astride strategic transportation routes for oil and gas. Russia has fought a couple of wars with Chechen separatists to keep them from seceding, much as the Union fought the Confederacy in 1861-1865 to prevent southern secession. The separatists were Muslim fanatics who mounted terrorist attacks on schools, apartment buildings, and other civilian targets in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia — including taking 1,200 children hostage at Beslan School in 2004, ultimately killing 186 of them. Going farther back in time, during World War II the Chechen separatists allied themselves with the Nazis, and fought the Russian Army behind Russian lines during the battle of Stalingrad, diverting ground forces and air power that otherwise would have been used against the Germans in the besieged city.
Nevertheless, despite this sordid background, Clinton objected to the brutal Russian reponse to Chechen terrorist attacks in 1999 that launched the Second Chechen War — a response supported by nearly all Russians, including most Russian liberals and democrats. Clinton reacted to reports of mass killings of civilians by Russian forces by “internationalizing” the conflict; i.e., refusing to acknowledge the Chechen conflict as an “internal matter” or a civil war within the Russian federation. However, neither Clinton nor his successor, or any other country, recognized the government set up by the Chechen insurgents, with the sole exception of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Thus, far from seeking OPEC price increases in the 1999 – 2000 timeframe, the Clinton administration was actively lobbying OPEC, and the Saudis in particular, for increased production to bring down prices. And, while a long train of U.S. administrations had acknowledged Russian sovereignty over Chechen territory and sympathized with the Russians as victims of terrorist attacks by Chechen terrorists, far from aiding the Russian attack on Chechnya, the Clinton administration reacted very negatively to Russian military excesses.
So, Cheezee Chuckee, take that … roll it up in a tight cylinder … and shove it up your ass, you fucking liar.
Sorry about the truncated post. I also had to delete the link to one of my sources, because the server simply would not accept that link.
I’m pretty sure it’s a server problem, because I e-mailed Goldy earlier this evening complaining that I couldn’t get into HA at all, and he replied that apparently the server was down for a while. Ever since it came back up, it’s been hit and miss. I thought the length of this comment might be the problem, but it even rejected the segment at #103 two or three times before it posted. I keep getting an error page.
Anyone else having this trouble?
I just made another attempt to post the whole comment intact, and it’s still a no-go.
Sometimes I wonder if government goons in the employ of the Bushies aren’t fucking with this web site, trying to take it down.
ha ha ha snuck that one past ’em
wow! this thread is already up to 108 posts! That’s more than the pathetic little competing blog gets all month!
80 “Chuck says: I guess my spelling aint too bad. 1/17/2007 at 11:43 pm”
As you can’t spell, how would you know how bad your spelling is? FYI, your spelling is atrocious.
@83 Chuck says: Haw jes an ole hick with a 7 digyt anyal incum 01/17/2007 at 11:54 pm
Of all the whoppers you’ve told tonight, this is undoubtedly the most hilarious!
@90 So what? I own Boeing stock, so my income is billions of dollars a year. But that’s only the gross. After deducting the cost of manufacturing airplanes, taxes, and dividends paid to other shareholders … I get only $25 every three months.
I think it’s kinda funny that the wingnuts are going to bat for the Chechen towelhead terrorists! Who, btw, are buddies of Al Qaeda and Osama.
Looks like the S.S. Warmonger is taking water:
“WASHINGTON (Jan. 17) — A Senate resolution opposing President Bush ‘s war plan on Iraq put the White House and Republican leaders on the defensive Wednesday as they scurried to prevent a trickle of GOP support for the measure from swelling into a deluge.”
Isn’t it interesting that the cowardly and stooopid Brian Baloney didn’t have the stones to show up here and defend himself? What a punk.
ah,,, @33 xmas hag rolls out of her cave in and farts words of wisdom out of her orifice…..what a great day!!!
Chuckie @38, and the better answers are? Oh that’s right, your side of the fence likes ‘Spend and Bankrupt’. Go back in your cave with the xmas hag
considering that this thread is supposed to be about Brian Baloney, Radio Fertilizer’s announcement, and so few people have actually commented on him… it sort of says it all. Sorry BB, not even the wingnuts find your opinions of much consequence….
Brian Bulloney is a dumbass. I couldn’t believe any station would willingly have him on the air.