I don’t intend to obsessively dwell on the results of the hand recount as they slowly dribble in, unless there’s some kind of surprise to report. We all know that the prize is King County, and they’ll surely be the last to report. It’s kind of like watching the Seahawks on Monday Night Football.
Instead, I’ve added a scoreboard to the top of the page, which I will update at the end of each day, and whenever else I feel like it. I’ve provided a link to the results page on the Secretary of State’s web site, which will almost always be at least as current as mine.
As for the results thus far, it’s mostly been smaller, rural counties that have reported — less than 5% of the vote, and predominantly Rossi country. Too early to discern any trends.
Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by “predominantly Rossi country”?
Goldy- I am glad you are not obsessing- the Snark is obsessing enough for everyone in the state. Is there a twelve-step program for people who can’t stop cooking numbers? I mean, having failed to predict the first count, or the second, down to the proper number, everyone else is starting to realize that elections are neither predictable nor repeatable phenomena, but the Snark is back in the kitchen playing with hundredths of percentiles on meaninglessly small samples- the kind of statistical analysis that gives you margins of error of plus or minus 1,000% with a confidence factor of .0000000001. Geez.
Goldy- Does that qualify as conservative humor? I bet no neo-con is laughing…
Just kidding.
In this election, I’d consider just about every county but King to be “Rossi Country.” But I was specifically referring to the small, rural counties that will report first. Why? You looking for a nit to pick? Yes, I know that today’s results included Grays Harbor and Jefferson. It still all comes down to King.
Kitsap in- Rossi up another 10, 53 vote margin, 11 too high to maintain the perfection of the Blessed 42…
Jim… I just read Stefan’s latest blog, and I wonder why we bothered to have an election in the first place? He probably could have saved us expense and just projected the winner with his spreadsheet.
But his accuracy makes the Iraqi missiles look like American laser-guided bunker busters…
I’d rather trust those terrible Democratic election administrators, like Dean Logan’s successor in Kitsap who just increased Dino’s margin- she must not have gotten the “steal it now” memo…
Anyway, Boojums have teeth and backbones and know how to count, and we are not beamish…
Careful, the Snark may not be familiar with his Lewis Carroll, and accuse you of being Jim Beamish.
Pacific is another Gregoire county that reported today.
In fact, more than half of the recounted ballots have come from counties that gave a majority to Gregoire. If you use “predominantly Rossi country” to mean counties that gave a majority of their votes to Rossi, then it is not correct to say that the recounted ballots came from “predominantly Rossi country”.
I don’t mean to nitpick. I was just giving friendly advice that if you want to be more credible when you make statements that seem to communicate something about numbers, it sometimes helps to actually look at the, uh, numbers.
Goldy- no, not Jim Beam- Jack Daniels…
Stefan is right…as usual. The neo-Leftists like Goldy show flashes of brilliance…it’s just their neo-Leftistness drags their asses down.
And with Kitsap’s over 100,000 votes completed today- a Rossi County, if just barely- it seems about 75% of the vote count completed is from Rossi country, right? How inconvenient to nitpickers it is, not having complete information, relying on second=hand rsearch, and demonstrating their ignorance in public…
You’d think their friends from Kitsap would have e-mailed, crowing about the ten additional votes picked up… Must not have sources in Kitsap, thought they did…
And here I thought Goldy was a real leftist- are you only Neo, Goldy?
Now Adam Kline- there’s a real leftist- his dad hated the Yankees because anyone who wore pinstripes like a banker…
He’s a neo-Leftist Jim…because on rare occassion…when convenient..he actually makes a compelling & rather conservative case. I think Goldy is still trying to find his inner-self….perhaps a little “New Age” enlightenment @ http://www.shantimai.com
will help him!
And I was afraid this had all become the Matrix…
One thing about the blogs, it will make the Hill look sane…
That is correct, if you include Kitsap, which hasn’t reported officially yet, then you have what most people would consider “predominantly Rossi country”. On the other hand, David probably wasn’t aware of Kitsap when he wrote his post. If he had included Kitsap, then he would have written that the percentage of the vote reported was close to 8% and not under 5%.
Now Jim…don’t you get to wound up like Goldy. After reading some of Goldy’s spin on the AG opinion(verbal opinions ought of the AG office ARE opinions too), I thought this was a spot for conservative humor….cuz Goldy has the neo-Leftist schtick going.
Cynical- I quite frankly agree with 99% of what Goldy wrote on the Ralph Munro opinion- neither you or anyone hads demonstrated that there was any new legal advice given in 1996. Go pull up 1990 memosa for comparison… Just be big boys and girls and admit a mistake was made…
That’s my Senator! I am proud to live in a legislative district where I could actually run to the right of the incumbant.
Man… I take it back… neocons can be funny! Lessons about credibility from Stefan… I’m laughing so hard it hurts!
At the time I wrote my comment, I had heard that Kitsap might be reporting, but I didn’t get actual numbers until the 11pm news. And even in the counties I was reporting, there was still a majority Rossi, and I think that still fits the definition of “predominately”.
All that said Stefan, you miss the point entirely… I was specifically NOT saying anything about the numbers, in contrast to your OCD approach. But I’ll have something to say about at least one number, later today.
Goldy- re:Adam Kline- one of the issues I’ve lobbied on behalf of small business is Equal Access to Justice- the concept that if you take a government agency to court, and win, perhaps you should get your attorney’s fees back. We have this at the federal level- a congressman named Mike Lowry worked real hard on it to help small busoiness- and we have it at the state level- a Governor named Mike Lowry signed it into law.
We do NOT have this if your fight is only in front of administrative tribunals, where if you don’t have an attorney- well the agency has all those AAGs, and the burden is on you to prove you are innocent. Pay the lawyers $10,000 to avoid a $5,000 fine, or pay the fine.
In fighting to extend EJA to administrative matters, one of small business’s advocates has been- Adam Kline! He decided small business is little people, he believes in championing little people, so he must champion us.
And he has a sense of humor, and is a nice guy. And I disagree with him more than I agree with him.
But demonization in politics precludes dialogue- dialogue gets real world results that make things better.
And Mr. Cynical- Kline got so mad at L&I’s games on this issue with their fiscal notes, that he put a hold on all L&I request bills. That year, the only one that passed was the one that EVERYONE agreed was absolutely a must-pass- to correct an L&I screw up. Everything else died in the Democrat Senate. Such joy that was…
Cynicla-di-da… I suppose from your screen name I shouldn’t expect anything by cynicism from you (though your cynicism seems reserved only for those you disagree with), but I find it disappointing that after weeks of dialog you still can’t get beyond your rigid stereotype of Left vs Right.
I am openly and unabashedly Liberal on many, many issues… and while one of the primary objectives of political blogging is spin (I admit it, Stefan won’t), I purposely wear my bias on my sleeve. But when you perceive me straying to the right, it is not out of convenience. It is either because you really do not understand what liberalism stands for (ie, I’m not straying at all), or it is because my political convictions are genuinely nuanced.
And I have only one rule about what I write here… I have no problem with spin, or hyperbole, or even spreading unverifiable rumors if identified as such… but I will not knowingly lie.
The sooner you accept this, the better you will be able refute me.
One of the objectives of political blogging is spin. I admit that I admit it, even though Goldstein won’t admit that I admit it. Of course, some of us like myself are careful to use real facts and numbers to support our arguments. Others make up facts and ignore the real numbers and make hilarious claims (like asserting what I will and will not admit) without checking them out.
And some us are willing to admit it when we’re wrong, and I was clearly wrong when I said Stefen wouldn’t admit to spin. He just did. That was a false assumption on my part.
Whatever, it’s not over until it’s over. Last update I saw this morning put Dino with plus eleven. Go Dino go!
Mark – appreciate this is a bit of a cliff hanger for all of us, but these gains, approx 1 vote per county, should not reassure Dino Bossi supporters. King County is not just the prize, it is the Democratic super canon. BLASTING any thing that sounds like a 60 vote lead. Someone said they were doubling their bets on Rossi, too much whiskey in that late night glass.
If this continues tomorrow, 10 more counties, big money to be made on fleecing Rossi people out of their bets.
Chuck, YES, looking for dog. Good liberal home, calm old neighborhood, warm and cozy, big yard, casual interior, no stress from performance anxiety, lots of love and hugs, smell of incense, parade of friendly people coming and going, did I say good food and drink? Well paying Seattle jobs, all the cash needed. Movies, theater, clubs, parks, day trips, long vacations, loving grandma 89 going strong, no hate or biogry allowed, several civic projects incl. the homeless and hungry, pay the taxes and vote each election—-Maybe Dog/Doggies Heaven?
Only time will tell. I am confident-cautiously however.
Bob from Boeing- I indicated that, based upon Hugh Spitzer joining the Sam Reed legal team, I was doubling up my bets- that is respect for one very liberal Democrat who knows our State Constitution. If Hugh can prevail, so that we are recounting, not recanvassing, my faith in the elections administrators gives me confidence of a Rossi win. Dean Logan did a good job of properly canvassing on the clean-up count, and I do not expect significant changes from King County.
Of course, those reasons are a lot different than the Snark’s, but they weren’t from a whiskey bottle… :) Okay, maybe single malt jad something to do with it- NOT!
I’d be more concerned about catastrophic failure of a Boeing airplane wing than I am about this election…
And to wrap for the night- I have noticed that elsewhere in the Matrix that someone continues to take discrete unique events- things like 154 machine unreadable ballots in Kitsap, seven uncounted provisional ballots in Whatcom- and pretends to develop statistics of supposed statewide validity from them. Of course, the numbers will change as different unique discrete events occur, but he will update his frumious efforts, claiming success at the end.
It is sort of like changing the spread after each possession or score, then claiming to have been accurate all along- having, of course, calculated the final spread just after the game had ended,
Vinny would break legs for that…
You are correct here Big Jim….but why deny folks the most fun they’ve had in years??? I mean, look at all the fun you’ve have because you are more informed than most!!
Now me..I’m always right…it’s just sometimes I’m more correct than others!
I guess, Mr. C, if more of the folks posting on the Matrix had a sense of humor- politics is often ridiculous, but the most successful of our leaders have always had the ability to laugh at themselves.
Someone hits me with a good, witty shot- touche! But most just take the cheap shot- there is no skill in that, and it rarely harms the opponent… (and none of this is about you…)
“Sleazy lobbyist” is just so pedestrian, it leaves me not respecting the one who threw the shot. It took Goldy to get me on Jim Beamish, and he wasn’t even taking a shot, just showing literary knowledge combined with my repeated references to the joys of the brown liquids (although the real muse may be cranberry juice and vodka- after a happy hour of that, back in my college days, I went to see the Muppet Movie- and it made sense…)