I was never really sure if he was as paranoid and crazy as he seemed to be, or if he was just playing with me (he at various times described me as “unpatriotic,” a “treasonous fraud,” and “a clear and present danger to the security of the nation”), but I always respected his passion, his impact, and his willingness to engage. And so it was with some sadness that I just learned of the untimely death of Jim “The Orb” Walker, the proprietor of the local right-wing news portal Orbusmax.
At the peak of the local right-wing blogosphere, Orbusmax was a traffic redirecting monster. I was never really sure why, but it was. The Orb must’ve been doing something right. And that’s something to admire, even if his politics was nuts.
So while I don’t mourn the death of Orbusmax, my condolences to The Orb’s friends and family.
You? A security threat? You’re lots of things, Goldy, but the only threat you pose is to the dignity of wingnut idiots who, given the opportunity, never fail to publicly embarrass themselves.
His impact???
I guess the goto place for local right wing yokels hungry for the latest in local right wing drivel..
I won’t miss him..
me thinks you take your bloggy politico online world a wee bit too seriously.
the dude is dead for christs sake, have a little bit of decorum at least, douchebag.
Goldy at least showed some class – nicely written goldy.
and for the record, I dont know what orbusmax is or was – never went there.
@3 When did you rightwing assholes ever have any decorum?
to you? why?
Asswipe @ 3
Here’s a sample of Orb’s “decorum” here in these comment threads:
You idiots really should do a little research before shooting off your fat mouths. Here’s some embarrassments by the cowards in the Demo-Rat party….
Where’s that Northwest/Blue Wave tolerance you guys are always claiming exclusive rights to? Why don’t you make it a topic at your next Tuesday night drunk-fest?
She [Sarah quittin’ failin’] has more class in her left pinkie, than all of what you jackasses have, combined.
Sorry you feel so threatened by s strong, powerful female leader who isn’t a Democrat from a whack-job Blue-Wave state.
Especially you Goldy. What little respect I ever had for you is gone for good now. Best decision KIRO ever made was getting your garbage off the air.
Wow, you idiot left-wingers can’t even honor Memorial Day without going unhinged on Bush.
Liberalism may win a few battles here and there, but the American people will never let it win the war in the arena of ideas. Enjoy whatever temporary, meaningless victories you can, because they won’t amount to much in the long run.
Gee, maybe I should complain to your station management that I feel personally threatened by your words because they could stir some lefty to come after me.
This is like the 4th or 5th example of extremist, unhinged name-calling I have seen on some of the northwest-based ‘progressive’
blogs, just in this week. And yet you guys get all freaked out and whine when I call you unpatriotic for saying Bush is a war
criminal like Saddam.
YLB again… He reaps what he sows.. I WON”T MISS HIM…
As I won’t miss you asshat if you get hit by a bus – the sooner the better as far as I’m concerned.
Asswipe @ 3
Here’s a sample of Orb’s “decorum” here in these comment threads:
You idiots really should do a little research before shooting off your fat mouths. Here’s some embarrassments by the cowards in the Demo-Rat party….
Where’s that Northwest/Blue Wave tolerance you guys are always claiming exclusive rights to? Why don’t you make it a topic at your next Tuesday night drunk-fest?
She [Sarah quittin’ failin’] has more class in her left pinkie, than all of what you jackasses have, combined.
Sorry you feel so threatened by s strong, powerful female leader who isn’t a Democrat from a whack-job Blue-Wave state.
Especially you Goldy. What little respect I ever had for you is gone for good now. Best decision KIRO ever made was getting your garbage off the air.
Wow, you idiot left-wingers can’t even honor Memorial Day without going unhinged on Bush.
Liberalism may win a few battles here and there, but the American people will never let it win the war in the arena of ideas. Enjoy whatever temporary, meaningless victories you can, because they won’t amount to much in the long run.
Gee, maybe I should complain to your station management that I feel personally threatened by your words because they could stir some lefty to come after me.
This is like the 4th or 5th example of extremist, unhinged name-calling I have seen on some of the northwest-based ‘progressive’
blogs, just in this week. And yet you guys get all freaked out and whine when I call you unpatriotic for saying Bush is a war
criminal like Saddam.
YLB again… Jim ‘the orb’ Walker reaps what he sows.. I WON”T MISS HIM…
Hard to believe given how many times the orb and Dori Monson swapped spit.
The biggest security treat we face is the $16 trillion in debt we have. We can’t afford this military empire any longer. While we may have won the Cold War by out-spending the Soviets, it’s looking more and more like a Pyrrhic Victory, in the long run. We’ve simply replaced the Soviets with Fundamentalist Islam.
Maybe it’s the interfering with the Islamic world’s governments and people for the past 60 or 70 years that has got the Islamic world so damn angry. Maybe if we withdrew from those areas and told the Israelis to sink or swim on their own, we’d have far less trouble from Fundamentalist Islam.
@5 I agree, I deserve none, because I’m just like you. But that isn’t what my question addressed.
@8 We have lots of bigger problems than the $16 trillion debt, but we can solve most of them by not electing Republicans to public offices, which is how we got a lot of that debt.
@6 “She [Sarah quittin’ failin’] has more class in her left pinkie, than all of what you jackasses have, combined.”
This one belongs in the Whopper Hall Of Fame.
“Liberalism may win a few battles here and there, but the American people will never let it win the war in the arena of ideas. Enjoy whatever temporary, meaningless victories you can, because they won’t amount to much in the long run.”
See Nov. 6, 2012 — come to think of it, I wonder if that’s what did him in?
Asshiole Dodo saith:
That’s “Christ’s”, moron.
Did you miss ALL of 4th grade, or just punctuation? And caps for proper nouns?
Is there a rule here that trolls have to be illiterate?
Indeed Goldy’s eulogy was classy – he told the unvarnished truth about Jim Walker.
wow…I am so glad the spelling and punctuation police are patrolling the bloggie world…
what would we do without them?
BTW, one should never start a sentence with the word “and”.
PS…The Orb is not dead
Word to the Lefties
You ain’t seen nothing yet till you see the new Orbusmax!
Coming to the same Portal site before you can say “All I want for Christmas is anything Owebamma can ship me for FREE”
@15… And why not?
Free Kool-Aid – costs 5 cents.
16 – LOL! Can’t wait to see the latest in birfer madness from the “new” Orbusmax..