In a letter to the editor in today’s Seattle Times, Susan McAdams poses a question.
The Bush administration has the nerve to state that our citizens must sacrifice in a time of war (a war engineered and utterly mismanaged by the self-same administration).
But not all Americans are asked to make this sacrifice, only the children, only the elderly, only the poor, only those least able to protect their own welfare.
No sacrifice (aside from campaign contributions) has been asked of the wealthiest Americans. The pocketbooks of those most able to assist in this terrible time of war and deficits are protected and enriched by the Bush leadership at every turn.
Is this administration completely without shame?
Well Susan… um… yes.
If you want to know whether conservatives have a conscience (echoes of Barry Goldwater), simply examine the writings and ravings of Sturmfuhrer Coulter.
Goldy, don’t overlook this letter on the same P-I page:
” … One might take comfort in the thought that Iraqi children are now enjoying better medical care, but one would be mistaken to do so.
“The current Iraq Relief and Reconstruction supplemental includes $786 million for the health sector, of which zero goes to medicines.
“Unfortunately, the Iraq Health Ministry has neither the resources nor the infrastructure to supply the country with medicines. As a result, clinics and hospitals have been experiencing critical shortages of medicines since at least summer of 2005.
“In a recent e-mail, the director of the Basra Children’s Hospital wrote to my colleague, ‘Thanks you alot really we need everythings yesterday my patients two of them died because of severe dehydration and there is no fluid salin, the situation is very bad’ (sic).
“If the Bush administration goes through with its plan to cut off funding for Iraq relief and reconstruction at the end of 2006, the existing degraded infrastructure in Iraq may well collapse, and even more children will die.
“— David Edelman, chair, Iraq Public Health and Humanitarian Crisis task force, 36th District Democrats, Seattle”
After Iraq, I wonder if any other countries would welcome “liberation” by the U.S.-based Republicans.
Republicans = international pariahs
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the first 5 comments in this thread. If you don’t like it, go perpetrate a biological function on a hot armadillo.
“What’s the matter with Kansas”
…And then think of the political changes that this sappy stuff has helped to sell: Privatization. Deregulation. Monopolies in every industry from banking to radio to meatpacking. The destruction of the welfare state. The beatdown of the labor movement. The transformation of the Midwest into the rust belt. And, shimmering in the heavens above all this, the rise of a new plutocracy, a class of overlords so taken with their own magnificence that they are moved to compare themselves to the Almighty.
“the rise of a new plutocracy, a class of overlords so taken with their own magnificence that they are moved to compare themselves to the Almighty.”
There’s no concentration of wealth or power that can’t be rectified by confiscatory rates of taxation.
I’m not usually in favor of confiscation, but I’ll make an exception for the GOP thugs who have been mugging us.
makes me think of the middle ages…
The medicis were so rich and powerful (and crazy) that they built a tomb for themselves… and for Jesus. Then they tried to steal the holy sepulcher (sp, lazy to look it up)!
Should our country survive its experiment with Nazism, in the future Coulter will be Exhibit A in academic studies of violent political movements in the U.S., having established herself as the leading American exponent of genocide.
“Let’s round up the Jews, put them in concentration camps, and execute them. Hey, I’m only kidding. Can’t you people take a joke?” — Adolf Hitler, 1923
“Let’s round up the liberals, put them in concentration camps, and execute them. Hey, I’m only kidding. Can’t you people take a joke?” — Ann Coulter, 2005
Coulter Kampf
On the heels of her widely successful books on Liberal treachery, Slander and Treason, Ann Coulter is about to publish a special updated edition of one of the most influential political tracts of the modern age.
“If you think she knows Joe McCarthy, wait till you hear how she admires Hitler.”
– Bob Novak
“A new classic. A great political strategy guide for the modern conservative.”
– Tucker Carlson
“If you love America, you’ll love this book.” – Sean Hannity
“Smart… funny… reveals Liberal treachery.” – Rush Limbaugh
“It’s like she knows my playbook.” – Karl Rove
“Have you hanged a Liberal today?” – Michael Savege
Through special arrangement, has a sneak peak at this new work.
It must be admitted that all this was partly the result of extraordinary crafty tactics on the part of Liberals on the one hand, and obvious official stupidity or naïveté on the other hand. The Liberals were too clever to allow a simultaneous attack to be made on the whole of their Press. No one section functioned as cover for the other. While the alternative newspaper, in the most despicable manner possible, reviled everything that was sacred, furiously attacked the State and Government and incited certain classes of the community against each other, the national papers, also in Liberal hands, knew how to camouflage themselves as model examples of objectivity. They studiously avoided harsh language, knowing well that block-heads are capable of judging only by external appearances and never able to penetrate to the real depth and meaning of anything. They measure the worth of an object by its exterior and not by its content. This form of human frailty was carefully studied and understood by the Liberal Press.
I believe that our present generation would easily master this danger if they were rightly led. For this generation has gone through certain experiences which must have strengthened the nerves of all those who did not become nervously broken by them. Certainly in days to come the Liberals will raise a tremendous cry throughout their newspapers once a hand is laid on their favorite nest, once a move is made to put an end to this scandalous Liberal Press and once this instrument which shapes public opinion is brought under Conservative control and no longer left in the hands of Liberals and enemies of the people. I am certain that this will be easier for us than it was for our fathers. The scream of the twelve-inch shrapnel is more penetrating than the hiss from a thousand Liberal newspaper vipers. Therefore let them go on with their hissing.
By means of the Liberal Press, the Liberals spread the colossal falsehood about ‘American Militarism’ throughout the world and tried to inculpate America by every possible means, while at the same time the Democratic Party refused to assent to the measures that were necessary for the adequate training of our national defense forces. The appalling crime thus committed by these people ought to have been obvious to everybody who foresaw that in case of war the whole nation would have to be called to arms and that, because of the mean huckstering of these noble ‘representatives of the people’, as they called themselves, millions of Americans would have to face enemies ill-equipped and insufficiently trained.
(more Coulter-Kampf)
What soon gave me cause for very serious consideration were the activities of the Liberals in certain branches of life, into the mystery of which I penetrated little by little. Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Liberal did not participate? On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Liberal who was often blinded by the sudden light.
In my eyes the charge against Liberalism became a grave one the moment I discovered the Liberal activities in the Press, in art, in literature and the theatre. All unctuous protests were now more or less futile. One needed only to look at the posters announcing the hideous productions of the cinema and theatre, and study the names of the authors who were highly lauded there in order to become permanently adamant on Liberal questions. Here was a pestilence, a moral pestilence, with which the public was being infected.
(more Coulter-Kampf)
I was happy at last to know for certain that a Liberal is not an American.
The destructive workings of Liberalism in different parts of the national body can be ascribed fundamentally to the persistent Liberal efforts at undermining the importance of personality among the nations that are their hosts and, in place of personality, substituting the domination of the masses. The constructive principle of American humanity is thus displaced by the destructive principle of the Liberals, They become the ‘ferment of decomposition’ among nations, in a broad sense, the wreckers of human civilization.
True Conservative America, which I have tried to sketch in general outline, will not become a reality in virtue of the simple fact that we know the indispensable conditions of its existence. It does not suffice to know what aspect such a nation would present. The problem of its foundation is far more important. The parties which exist at present and which draw their profits from the nation as it now is cannot be expected to bring about a radical change in the regime or to change their attitude on their own initiative. This is rendered all the more impossible because the forces which now have the direction of affairs in their hands are Liberals here and Liberals there and Liberals everywhere. The trend of development which we are now experiencing would, if allowed to go on unhampered, lead to the realization of the Pan- Liberal prophecy that the Liberals will one day devour the other nations and become lords of the earth.
This kind of propaganda influenced men in such a way as to give them a taste for reading the Liberal Press and prepare their minds for its teaching. That Press, in its turn, was a vehicle of the spoken word rather than of the written word. Whereas in the Liberal Elite camp professors and learned writers, theorists and authors of all kinds, made attempts at talking, in the Liberal Media camp real speakers often made attempts at writing. And it was precisely the Liberal who was most prominent here. In general and because of his shrewd dialectical skill and his knack of twisting the truth to suit his own purposes.
Time to stop getting involved in foreign “adventures.” Shoulda never got involved in WWI.
Yo Goldy:
Glenn Greenwald response to the wingnuts. Good reading.
Kevin Carns must not get into the office until pretty late, I don’t see a single rethug troll here yet.
How do people who voted for GWB look at themselves in the mirror in the morning and not feel ashamed? Assholes.
Katrina report spreads blame
“Hurricane Katrina exposed the U.S. government’s failure to learn the lessons of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as leaders from President Bush down disregarded ample warnings of the threat to New Orleans and did not execute emergency plans or share information that would have saved lives, according to a blistering report by House investigators.
The 600-plus-page report lays primary fault with the passive reaction and misjudgments of top Bush aides, singling out Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, the Homeland Security Operations Center and the White House Homeland Security Council. . . Regarding Bush, the report found that “earlier presidential involvement could have speeded the response” because he alone could have cut through all bureaucratic resistance.”
“If 9/11 was a failure of imagination then Katrina was a failure of initiative. It was a failure of leadership,” the report’s preface states.”
Bush didn’t heed the warning’s of the Aug 6 PDB report, and he certainly isn’t providing LEADERSHIP post 9/11 while we are at WAR.
You cannot support the troops and simultaneously support Bush.
You are either with the troops are with Bush.
Worst. President. Ever.
“You are either with the troops are with Bush.” [GBS] WTF? Try again, GBS
Claice@20 Keep trying. You are extremely trying, Clarice.
If someone cut-n-pasted a Coulter rant in a thread – and no one read it – does it make a sound?
Robert@22 Ann who?
Coulter’s life’s work has been to find a voice that would make her a lot of money. Her readers ( most anyway ) realize it’s all a pose to sell books to the rubes. Anytime you remind the right of the vicious and murderous buttons she is pushing in the boobs, her fellow travelers point out that it is ( he he ) just humour! You are then reminded that Coulter is a multi-millionnaire — and what about you? Are YOU a multi-millionnaire? The money, to her admirers, justifies whatever tripe she pulishes or speaks.
I have a business proposition to some progressive bloggers and commenters on HA: Let’s put our heads together and make the most stupid right wing blog possible and cash in on the ignorance of the righties. What a great time it would be trying to discover just how stupid and prejuduced we could make the blog without it being seen as a put-on. Why should clever righties make all the money off these halfwits?
Yes this administration is completely without shame. They are also completely without a moral compass, honesty, integrity, courage or truth.
@ 20
“You are either with the troops are with Bush.” [GBS] WTF? Try again, GBS
Comment by [JCH]— 2/13/06 @ 10:41 am”
I stand corrected, Clarice, I used the wrong conjunction. It should have been “or” not “are.”
Because you either support the troops or support Bush. But you can’t do both.
Thanks again for the change to point out again that being a Republican is unpatriotic.
Hey, Clarice, did you remember to write your memoirs of failure?
correx @ 26
Jeez–us, I’m going to have to kick my own ass, since Clarice can’t do it, I meant to write “chance” not “change.”
@ 20
It sounds like a stale fart, which smells like JCH’s breath.
Why did Cheney shoot the old funeral lawyer?
Because of illegal wiretaps the vice-presdent had become aware that the old lawyer was actually a sleeper agent of the old Soviet Union and Putin had activated him to kill Cheney while hunting and make it look like an accident.
Why? You may well ask? Because Putin hates our freedom and especially the freedom of people heavily involved in Big Oil. Putin hates free enterprise and private property and openly denies the existence of the “invisible hand ” in economics.
So, Cheney went along with the game and at an opportune time, wheeled around and shot the old double sleeper agent. He didn’t kill him though. It was just a little warning to any other sleeper agents who might be lurking about.
So, you see, that’s why illegal wiretaps are necessary.
FEMA is going to be overhauled, again, for the 2nd time in Bush’s administration. What is it with stupid conservatives who think they have to fix something that obviously wasn’t broken?
Like President Clinton’s economy.
Conservatives = Jack offs
Conservatives who had other priorities besides military service + guns + hunting + republican lawyers = real funny shit.
“Wiretapping is illegal, huh? Care to rephrase that Mr. Smarty Pants Lawyer?”
~Dickless Cheney right after the shooting “accident.”
GBS, did you know that Goldy was a SEAL, too?
32, cont……..So was gay Bob from Boeing!
Get the Democrat buses ready! Time to register Democrat in New Orleans!! FEMA is not going to pay anymore hotel bills! No more cable TV, heated swimming pools, maid service, room services, and Black Velvet out of those cute little bottles!
That would explain his short arms and razor sharp teeth. You better watch that shriveled sack of yours, JCH! Your cover is no longer working. If the vice-president is willing to cap a 78 year old lawyer /sleeper agent, just think what he’ll do when he’s on to your scam!
Sure, you try to pretend that you are a mentally challenged right wing fanatic! But thanks to illegal wiretaps and the newly implemented Republican “Neighbor Watch” program (Of which your neighbors are all members ), you have been turned in as a secret liberal artist who does disgusting photograghs with religeous content.
I don’t think the religeous right is going to think much of your photo of the armpit of Jerry Falwell’s shortsleeve white shirt. Especially since you’ve photoshopped the yellow stained armpit to look like the face of Jesus.
My God, man. Is there no depth to which you won’t sink!!??
Does everyone know that JCH was a WASHOUT in flight school?
Haaa haaa haaa.
Can you imagine how Stoooopid JCH must be? After all, Bush, who isn’t the smartest man in the world got his wings and JCH couldn’t even get his a ride in a “training bra”, I mean a “training jet.”
What a loser.
What a king sized WASHOUT
Come now, Clarice, tell us your tale of being a flight school WASHOUT!!
Tell us how you failed where, George **grinning** W. **snicker snicker** Bush succeeded. Baaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaa.
That explains why he so cutely keeps referring to AVGAS everttime he talks about planes…
He claims to be a navy vet living in Hawaii and driving a corvette? “JCH” why don’t you keep your nose out of places it doesn’t belong?
Doesn’t the navy use JP-5?
JCH, the best and fastest sperm cell his daddy could muster.
Failure must be a genetic code that is passed down from one loser to the next.
Jesus, JCH, I hope you didn’t condemn the world and your children to being the generation of losers!!’
Poster Child @ 38:
Are you serious?? Did JCH really say AVGAS???
I’m not expert in Naval aviation, and apparently neither is JCH which is why he WASHED-OUT of flight school, but I don’t think the navy uses AVGAS. I know on smaller ships they carry JP-5 to refuel helicopters and run emergency diesel generators. We have some posters on HA who were on carriers, I bet they could speak to the issue of AVGAS.
JCH, living the dream in his mommy’s Kent basement and pretending to be retired in Hawaii.
AVGAS? on more than one thread.
suspect Corvette may mean Chevette…
My only regret (or not) was a liberal tendency to believe war profiteering was unpatriotic, if not treasonous.
Courtesy of the Times, here are six top defense contractors and the percentages by which their profits have increased since 2004: Boeing (37.4 percent), Lockheed Martin (44.2 percent), General Dynamics (19.1 percent), Northrop Grumman (29.2 percent), Raytheon (108.9 percent) and Halliburton (292.9 percent).
A pity. I could have made a fortune investing in Halliburton 3 months before Iraq war II.
Halliburton Co. (HAL)
5 year Basic Chart
Stock Price December 2002: about $10-$15 per share
Stock Price February 2006: about $72 per share
Halliburton Co. (HAL)
5 year Basic Chart
Stock Price December 2002: about $10-$15 per share
Stock Price February 2006: about $72 per share
@ 41
Here’s a pic of JCH’s fine ‘vette.
Here’s Mark The Rednecks “Luxury SUV”
What Hipocrits:
Paul Harvey said today they just discovered that Jimme the Jerk Carter, after using Mrs Kings Funeral as his own special podium to blast George Bush for spying on americans without any court approval, he approved and carried out the very same spying without any court approval whatsoever.
And that is the rest of the story by Paul Harvey
Good Day!
You’re such an fucking idiot!
Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound using Paul Harvey as your source material?
Do yourself a favor and do your OWN homework. Geez, what a God Damn dolt!!
You obviously are the one who has a problem with the facts!
Almost immediately after the enactment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, President Jimmy Carter issued Executive Order #12139:
By the authority vested in me as President by Sections 102 and 104 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802 and 1804), in order to provide as set forth in that Act for the authorization of electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes, it is hereby ordered as follows:
1-101. Pursuant to Section 102(a)(1) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802(a)), the Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.
1-102. Pursuant to Section 102(b) of the Foreign Intelligence Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802(b)), the Attorney General is authorized to approve applications to the court having jurisdiction under Section 103 of that Act to obtain orders for electronic surveillance for the purpose of obtaining foreign intelligence information.
1-103. Pursuant to Section 104(a)(7) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1804(a)(7)), the following officials, each of whom is employed in the area of national security or defense, is designated to make the certifications required by Section 104(a)(7) of the Act in support of applications to conduct electronic surveillance:
(a) Secretary of State.
(b) Secretary of Defense.
(c) Director of Central Intelligence.
(d) Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(e) Deputy Secretary of State.
(f) Deputy Secretary of Defense.
(g) Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
None of the above officials, nor anyone officially acting in that capacity, may exercise the authority to make the above certifications, unless that official has been appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
1-104. [Deleted]
1-105. [Deleted]
[Secs. 1-104 and 1-105 amended Executive Order 12036 of Jan. 24, 1978, which was revoked by Executive Order 12333 of Dec. 4, 1981.]
Jimmy Carter
Once more, and with feeling:
[T]he Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.
GS @ 48.
You’re falling into the conservative spin machine’s bull shit. If you belive what you just wrote, then there is NO 4th amendment. The FISA law is complex. I’ve read all of it.
Have you?
Here’s where your facts are flawed. Do your own homework from now on, please.
“. . . the Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.
Thanks for playing. We have lovely parting gifts for you.
GBS @40
Let’s see…oh yeah, my bona fides: SW/AW.
AVGAS is used primarily on shore installations. Due to its volatile nature, storage of AVGAS on a vessel is a very dangerous idea. Since JP-5 has a much higher flash point, and jet engines can handle the combustion, JP-5 is used on carriers.
I am not sure about smaller ships, but I would bet my next paycheck that the same is true on them (the Navy ain’t stupid, primarily because they learn their lessons in blood). Since JCH did not know this, I am certain he failed his OOD quals and ended up as the ‘Bull Ensign’ making sure the Wardroom was fully serviced. That also explains his disdain for enlisted servicemen.
JCH was handed Lt(jg) by an act of Congress, because eventually every Ensign makes the next paygrade. He never made Lt…
@40 (con’t)
The more I think about it, the more it makes me suspicious:
If JCH did not know that, he never did his OOD quals. In my quals for both Surface and Aviation Warfare, JP-5 is a question asked by both boards since it is so important.
Perhaps JCH ran the BOQ on Coronado (North Island NAS) for his entire length of service?
“Coulter is a multi-millionnaire”
So is John Gotti Jr. So was Hermann Goering (while it lasted). So was Ferdinand Marcos. Sometimes, having a lot of money only proves that you’ll do ANYTHING to get a lot of money.
Clarification of revisionist history spewed for the umpteenth time by brainless GS: What part of the phrase “foreign intelligence” don’t you understand, asshole? Does spying on Americans on American soil sound “foreign” to you? It doesn’t sound “foreign” to me. I think the word for that is “domestic” spying, and neither Jimmy Carter nor any of GWB’s other predecessors did what GWB is doing — engaging in warrantless DOMESTIC SPYING and trying to justify it under the FOREIGN Intelligence Surveillance Act.
In his performance at Mrs. King’s funeral this week, the execrable Jimmy Carter obviously chided President Bush by reference to the “secret government wiretapping”. In today’s Washington Times, Charles Hurt recalls that it was of course Jimmy Carter himself (and Attorney General Bell) who authorized the warrantless surveillance involved in the Truong case.
And the Court agreed with the Goverments position in that (Jimmy Carter’s Spying):
The court agreed with the government’s position:
For several reasons, the needs of the executive are so compelling in the area of foreign intelligence, unlike the area of domestic security, that a uniform warrant requirement would, following [United States v. United States District Court, 407 U.S. 297 (1972)], “unduly frustrate” the President in carrying out his foreign affairs responsibilities. First of all, attempts to counter foreign threats to the national security require the utmost stealth, speed and secrecy. A warrant requirement would add a procedural hurdle that would reduce the flexibility of executive foreign intelligence activities, in some cases delay executive response to foreign intelligence threats, and increase the chance of leaks regarding sensitive executive operations.
The court held that warrantless searches for foreign intelligence purposes are constitutional, as long as the “object of the search or the surveillance is a foreign power, its agent or collaborators,” and the search is conducted “primarily” for foreign intelligence reasons.
Roger Rabbit @53
I think it is a valid role for the NSA to check foreign contacts suspected of Al Qaeda involvement that happen to be communicating with ‘suspected’ Americans.
However, once it is ascertained there is an American involved, they better get a warrant…
[ ]Door#1: Is a person with a green card an American?
[ ]Door#2: Is a H1-B Visa holder an American?
[ ]Door#3: Is a naturalized foreign born citizen an American?
I only agree with door #3. Let’s see what the ASSHeads select.
BTW Looks like Clinton’s friends in Haiti are going bananas again!!!
hmm I posted excerpt from “Mein Kampf” by A. Hitler with a few words find n replaced as if by Coulter, and nobody noticed? The one who did thought it was real Coultergeist?
hmm Guess that proves something. Nobody follows links.
And Pleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee Hillary Clinton Blasting Bush about not capturing Bin Laden. Was it not the CLINTON administration under her watch (Bill was too busy with his toys) who turned down an offer to hand over Bin Laden?
GS @59
Hmmm, good point, but red herring. Gretzky didn’t know what his wife was doing with $1/2 a million…
I ain’t seen ya in a while! Howgoezit (for anybody who don’t unnerstand, that means, How goes it)?
So, been travelin’ to points unknown again?
Ken in Seattle: Goldy doesn’t follow links either. Someone posted Richard Clarke as the official who authorized the Bin Laden family leaving the US and Goldy ignored it in His I’m a Terrorist entry.
Marks, yeah I’ve been everywhere man, I’ve been everywhere. I Escaped from NY on Friday before the snowstorm. Over 26 inches in Central Park.
Dem be fightin’ words here, Puddybud!
How did things go? Do have to go back anytime soon?
Yes you have just arrived at the Brokemind Mountain site. Do not try to adjust or shut off your computer, they will own it before your session expires, don’t try to grab your wallet, it has already been emptied in the two “no new tax” sessions! Don’t think, Don’t drink, Don’t Smoke, Don’t drive, Don’t Don’t!
Forgot to mention Don’t use your cell phones, Don’t need to take a WASL, Don’t eat fast food, Don’t crap in the woods, Don’t pee in the sea, Don’t expect $30 tabs, Don’t do as we do do as we say!
Don’t expect compensation for your land or any property tax relief when we steal 60% of your land, Don’t expect clean elections, Don’t expect any of the Billions of surplus tax dollars in this state to be refunded.
GS: Who owns your ass lock, stock and barrel, the minute you walk on to the shop floor? Where is your freedom of speech then?
GBS: I guess the Order Cialis entry is for the limp dick lefties like headless loocy? How did this pass the Goldy filter system?