I just got back from the Inaugural Ball and I really want to go to bed, but I know my audience expects a little inside dish, so here’s a taste of the type of probing insight and analysis you only get from HorsesAss.org:
Rep. Hans Dunshee showed up wearing a kilt, and of course only this intrepid reporter had the nerve to ask him the question inquiring minds want to know. The answer: boxer shorts. (So if you want to accuse a Democrat of cheating, that’s the best example I’ve found thus far.)
Other than that, the only scandal to report was the lack of a quality microbrew at an otherwise well catered affair.
In general, the spirit was boisterous and upbeat. Christine Gregoire certainly looked like the governor when she was trapped in the rotunda by a throng of well wishers for well over an hour. And while righties here kept snidely saying the event was undersold, it certainly seemed packed to me. I couldn’t imagine squeezing in a couple hundred more people.
Believe it or not, there was quite a bit of political talk going on, most of which I’ll cautiously keep to myself for the moment. But I can tell you, I didn’t find a single Dem who appeared genuinely concerned about Rossi’s lawsuit.
More in the morning….
Rossi Litigation Tactics
Rossi’s campaign has asked pro se contestors to drop their actions. According to an individual litigant:
Cleverly, who said in a phone interview that he spoke with a Rossi attorney about the case, cited several reasons in the e-mail to Webster as to why the campaign likely wouldn’t cooperate.
The Republicans “chose to file in Chelan (County) for very specific political reasons — and having to deal with cases in counties where judges may not be so friendly could put a kink in the works,” Cleverly wrote in the e-mail, which Webster forwarded to The Sun.
Comment by Erik— 1/13/05 @ 2:01 am
Can you include links to stories that you are quoting from? Makes things a lot easier to follow.
The other lawsuits will be superseded by the Chelan County lawsuit, since it was the first one filed in superior court, and takes precedence. The two challenges in the state supreme court were filed earlier, but the state supreme court does not have jurisdiction under the state constitution to actually try cases (with certain exceptions not relevant here), only to hear appeals from lower courts.
Hey! Stay on topic here! There’s a ball to be savored!
It was an exquisite evening, if you can say that about a party with several thousand people in attendance. (Sorry I missed you, Goldy!) The Inaugural Ball was black tie, so everyone was looking their best. On entering, attendees were greeted by the Lakefair Princesses and invited to sign guest books (a nice touch). This was after going through the metal detectors, of course. (There was an impressive Washington State Patrol presence both around the grounds and inside the capitol.)
Location, location, location
The legislative building (and rotunda) at the capitol has been beautifully restored, and made for an exellent venue. (It’s still a bit of a maze, though; in case people got lost in the bowels of the place, the organizers helpfully posted lots of signs directing guests to the food and entertainment.) Inside, the legislative chambers and offices were all open for people to explore, and there was much schmoozing; outside, large tents had been set up around the perimiter with the food and drinks and a couple of bands.
Good eats
The food was mainly hors d’oeuvres organized around several themes (Pacific NW, Pacific Rim, Mediterranean, etc.). Some pretty fancy stuff: a “Moroccan tajine lamb cup”; “sake-lemongrass gravlax with cucumber leaf, pineapple relish and salmon roe”; “artichoke proscuitto barigoule with saffron aioli”. Don’t ask me what ‘barigoule’ means—it tasted good. The menu also included (not kidding) Buffalo hot wings! Anyway, it was all prepared/presented by the Washington Chefs Association and students from the American Culinary Foundation; quite a spread.
There were several large ice sculptures. My favorite: the “Mediterranean Shrimp Gondola” that was essentially a giant container for shrimp cocktail. (What can I say, I didn’t have dinner before going down there.) Open bar; they should have ordered more Champagne!
Entertainment was fine: Buckhorn Country Western for fans of that genre, Aces High allegedly playing rock/pop (I didn’t check it out), The Bill Ramsay Big Band where older folks danced upstairs in the rotunda, and The Johnny Lewis Big Swing Band where younger folks danced over in the Temple of Justice (Supreme Court building, connected by a tent-walkway). It got crowded over there, what with the swing dancing…and the chocolate fountain. Mmmm, chocolate. Whoops, I’m back to food.
Program of events
Everyone gathered in the rotunda at about a quarter to nine for the main proceedings, which went pretty quickly, if not perfectly smoothly (where *was* Father Ryan??? and how did the Filipino choir get lost?). The Washington National Guard formally presented and posted the colors, and the national anthem was sung nicely.
Then the House and Senate leadership, the state’s elected officials and the Justices of the Supreme Court (each with his or her accompanying spouse or other family member) were each introduced in grand style, as they descended the steps into the center of the rotunda. Finally, Governor Gregoire was announced to thunderous applause (there was no booing or other partisanship from either Democrats or Republicans; this was a celebration.) She gave a couple sentences of pre-rehearsed remarks and then a nice toast with her family, and then the colors were retired and everyone went back to partying (a full half hour ahead of schedule!).
So, a lovely evening all around…and especially for me, since I had the good fortune to find a date (and dance partner) there. Screw politics, I am a happy camper. Goodnight all.
Was Dino Rossi there?
Was Chris Vance there?
And no microbrews??? A scandal; after all, this is Washington. Did the repubs make all the original arrangements and the dems just accept everything later?
(You get the drift…)
The Recall of SecState Reed has begun (w/o my blessing, for now)
I just took a look at (u)SP. The sheer hysteria is mind-boggling.
The really scary thing is that I don’t think the crescendo is even close to being reached.
The more emotional they can make the issue, the more easily they can spook people into giving in to them. That can’t happen. It’s mob rule.
A little nod they got from Lord Voldemort a.k.a. Glenn Reynolds made me laugh.
Glenn Reynolds – ah, now that he’s in the game expect to see uSP linking to lots of pages without actually reading what they say.
invited to sign guest books (a nice touch).
And no doubt meant to secure names of folks to put that “nice touch” on for that gregoire manna: $$$$
ProudASS speculates that “no doubt” the guest books were meant to cull names for Gregoire fundraising. Sorry to kill your paranoia, but no. The ball is put on by an independent group; it has no financial ties to the Democrats or Repubicans. Besides, we only signed our names; no addresses or other contact info. Think class, not crass.
Think class, not crass. -Comment by David— 1/13/05 @ 3:53 pm
Righto! I’ll keep that in mind as I remember the meaning of the word “is”, the weeping paul berendt, howard the duck deans ‘arrggghh’, gores ‘Love Story’ fantasy, the drunken, drowning, bludegeoning, raping assorted kennedy’s and the smarmy mccaulife. And yes, I purposely did not capitalize their names because I have not an iota of respect for any of them. respect
And not to mention the foul mouthed insults hurled here by those oh so enlightened, ‘gentile’ libs. Class… oh please.
Class… oh please.
It’s hard to feel insulted by the ass end the Elephant party of hypocrites.
But haven’t you heard? Non sequiturs are all the rage this season. You should try it—a non sequitur really socks it to ’em. Relevance is so 2004.
Keep stickin’ your jaw out.
Class… oh please.
It’s hard to feel insulted by the ass end the Elephant party of hypocrites. -Comment by Dave— 1/13/05 @ 6:27 pm
Yep, I guess that’s like the “class” of telling a Vietnam Vet a grea big FU while at the memorial during campaign season eh?
At about 9:00 a.m. on Memorial day, presidential nominee John F. Kerry flipped off a Vietnam veteran. What happened is a former green beret, by the name of Ted Sampley, walked up to Kerry at the Vietnam Memorial wall and extended his hand and said “Senator, I’m Ted Sampley, the head of Vietnam Veterans against John Kerry, and I’m here to escort you away from the wall because you do not belong here.” Then Kerrys’ Secret Service told Sampley to get away from Kerry. He moved about 6 feet away from Kerry and opened his jacket to show his shirt that said HANOI JOHN. Kerry was talking to some kids when Sampley flashed the shirt again and said “Kerry does not belong at the wall because he betrayed the brave soldiers who fought in Vietnam.” What happened next is John Kerry was so upset about what Sampley did that he flipped of Sampley right in front of the children. He then yelled “Sampley is a felon!” ”
Yep, real classy guy.
For those of you actually interested in the truth – what Ass is peddling is merely a rumor (and functions much like many urban legends).
This supposed “encounter” never happened. Ted Sampley is, quite simply, someone who has been lying for years. And NewsMax is the only organization willing to peddle his lies. Sampley’s the same guy who peddled the fake photos of Joan Fonda and John Kerry at the podium together.
Also note:
Both from: http://mediamatters.org/items/200406030001
So ask yourself… With all we know about the media, which loves a scandal, do you really believe that the wing-nuts cries of liberal media bias? That news organizations covering it would avoid releasing footage or at least covering such a story? It’s far more likely that a right-wing news organization like NewsMax would just run with the story/rumors told to them by someone like Ted Sampley, fact-checking be damned.
Just because Ass is easily swayed by the “fake news” doesn’t mean you need to be.
ProudAss… so what you’re saying is, you trust Ted Sampley, but not, let’s say… Charles Darwin, and the 99.9% of the scientific community who accept evolution as science?
It’s what I’ve said before… people believe what they want to believe.
ProudASS, who enjoys tweaking folks for poor spelling and grammar, bemoans insults from “enlightened, ‘gentile’ libs”.
Gentile? Who’s he callin’ a gentile? I suppose he’s tacitly acknowledging that the “foul mouthed insults” he’s been hearing haven’t been coming from Goldy, me or the rest of us Jews. Of course not—we understand gentility. We’re civilized; urbane; genteel.
I am not surprised that he doesn’t know the word.
WA’s impending financial meltdown????????????????
No just a real checkup on what is needed…………