Woke up this morning to find Publicola’s posts not loading, from either the website or the admin screen, and after about 10 minutes of investigation discovered that one of its database tables had become "corrupt." So I held my breath, closed my eyes, and clicked on the phpMyAdmin "repair" button and… all better!
My first corrupted database in five years of using WordPress. Who knew that Publicola could be such a corrupting influence?
I blame Josh’s crappy writing.
Here is an interesting article about the current psychology of wealthy Americans.
Need to turn this around!
Hey, remember the “permanent Republican majority?”
is mayday the day we take our rich banker to lunch?
It smells like sabotage. Wingnuts don’t want any point of view except theirs heard. When we questioned their lies about invading Iraq they called us “un-American” and “traitors.” When we called their “teabag parties” hypocritical partisan grandstanding, which is what they were, they whined that we were violating their constitutional rights and taking away their “free speech.” These comic-book characters would be comical if they weren’t so pathetic.
When you travel in the “red” counties what you immediately notice is trash. The trash is everywhere. Rural Republicans don’t pay for trash collection; they throw their trash out the back door. Wherever you see 40 acres with a shack on it, you also see junk cars, abandoned agricultural equipment, and piles of trash bags in the yard. These people never haul anything away; they simply throw it on the ground. Eventually the plastic trash bags rot away and bits of paper blow all over the fields. The rural landscape is carpeted with paper waste.
The “teabaggers,” quite simply, are people who won’t pay for trash collection, police or fire protection, schools, roads, electricity, or anything else. The only reason they have roads is because Seattle drivers pay for them, and the only reason they have electricity is because the federal government gave them a grid and urban ratepayers subsidize the power they consume.
“Teabaggers,” in a word, are freeloaders. They are the hillbillies of the 21st century, the Okies of the modern age.
Is this why the Dems want to drum Fox off the airwaves?
Hold on to your hats kids, it seems we’re not out of the woods yet. SSB 5840 might make a reappearance in the special session, with updates to mollify the Tacoma Pirates.
‘Course if what they pass is a gutting of I-937, not an update all their hard work will be for nothing as we’ll just pass another initiative undoing what they’ve done.
Remember a few years back when we had Prop. #1 Transit & Roads. All the electeds lined up behind it and said this was it- nothing else will be coming down the pike any time soon- if you want transit you’ll have to vote for roads too. Then we voted it down and the very next election we had Prop. #1 transit only and it passed.
That was a hoot.
SSB 5840 will roll the same way.
@7 What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not aware of any attempt to remove Fox from the airwaves. All we’re asking is that you call Fox by its right name: Noise, not news.
8, 9 – It seems we still have two parties in this state — one conservative, one liberal — but they all call themselves “Democrats” now and the conservative pro-business side of the “Democratic Party” still runs things just as they always have.
To recap 100 years of Washington politics, the rich don’t pay taxes, only the little people pay taxes.
Off topic, but HA doesn’t do enough open threads.
Can someone please explain this picture to me?
The car is apparently still moving, plowing through people on the street, and the policeman is just casually standing there, hands behind his back, not even looking over at the mayhem?
After devastating defeats in two consecutive election cycles, you’d expect Republicans to engage in self-reflection, but instead they’re hell-bent on self-destruction. How bad are things for the GOP? Existentially bad, but you don’t have to take my word for that. The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based newsweekly, says:
“Mr Specter’s decision is yet more proof that the once mighty Republican Party is in a perilous state — abandoning the middle ground of politics to the Democrats and retreating into an ideological and regional cocoon.
“A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll revealed that the proportion of Republicans had shrunk from 25% in late March to just 21% today, the party’s lowest figure for more than a quarter of a century. That compares with 35% for Democrats and 38% for independents.
“A recent Democracy Corps poll also shows that Mr Obama enjoys a 16-point advantage over the Republicans on the economy, a 24-point advantage on heath care and a 27-point advantage on energy policy.
“Even these dramatic numbers may understate how bad the situation is for the Republicans. The party is rapidly disappearing in whole swathes of America. The proportion of Republicans among 20-somethings has reached its lowest ebb since records began to be kept after the second world war. Just two and a bit years ago Pennsylvania had two Republican senators. Today it has none, and there are precious few in the entire north-east.”
(Quoted under fair use; italics added.)
Washington Post/Abc has been proven to be unreliable because they look at all adults instead of likely voters AND the way they phrase questions and the narrow # of responses.
Also Rog..
If Obama believed your poll numbers, why isn’t he moving full-steam ahead with the neo-Progressive agenda?
Obviously, Obama doesn’t believe your numbers Rog.
Otherwise, please explain why Obama has flip-flopped and is stalling so many issues like Family Choice, tax increases for wealthy, etc. etc.??
“All we’re asking is that you call Fox by its right name: Noise, not news.”
Same thing could be said about MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and particularly NBC.
‘Woke up this morning to find Publicola’s posts not loading….’
Rodent survives his morning heart-attack….(unfortunately)
Nice one, I was thinking that same thing.
@7 What airwaves are we trying to drum Fox off, Cynical?
(Should I tell him that Fox is a cable channel? … Naaaaah …)
@15 What was the result of last November’s poll on Republican governance, Mr. C?
News Alert!
You KLOWNS are living proof that cowboys are still porkin’ goats!
It’s so refreshing to wake up in the morning and see our troll fucking buddies @17 & 19 reassuring each other how popular they are.
It’s so refreshing to know that you won’t be around much longer to spew your delusional OCD drivel. Good luck. Off you go old timer.
@24 Do you know something about my health that I don’t? I’ve been on HA for 4 years now, and I have no plans to go away.
By contrast, the troll team has lost JCH, Mark the Welshing Redneck, Puttynuts, and a host of others including that chickenshit John McDonald who lasted only 2 weeks …
So the right wingnuts are trying to shut down abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc, the ny time, the la times, et. etc.?
If the media was biased for the right, why don’t left wing-nuts ever mention any network besides fox?
I think you’ve got this retirement thing wrong.
You should be out and enjoying life, you worked hard. You didn’t work smart, but at least you worked.
Unless of course your life is so empty your only enjoyment comes from spewing hate on a blog.