I don’t have a whole lot to say about the issue of having private clubs within bars where individuals can use marijuana. There’s certainly a valid concern about the effect of mixing alcohol and marijuana and then having people drive home at night. But I think the best way to approach that is to promote an alternative rather than trying to make it impossible for anyone to gather and use marijuana.
Amsterdam has its coffeeshops and it’s always made sense to me that Seattle could replicate that, even if they were all private clubs rather than your typical Starbucks. But it makes sense to me that if you want to stop people from publicly partaking in a certain type of venue, you should give them a smarter alternative.
Right on Lee! I was with a small group of activists and we were talking about this very point today.
But please make sure you go outside (25 feet from the door) to have your cigarette.
Yup, makes perfect sense to me…not
Maybe each patron can register, so that their names and other pertinent data are then available for use by the government as the government sees fit.
You know, like for other perfectly legal activities. Gun ownership, for instance.
’cause, used incorrectly, THC can kill.
# 3: And we would register the pot by it’s serial number?????
@3 Is there something about Mondays that makes you an even bigger ass, Bob? I mean, equating smoking a joint to Columbine, Aurora Theater, Sandy Hook … sheesh.
Let’s proceed with caution. Having private clubs where marijuana can be used is flaunting I-502 big time! Let’s be smart about this and encourage consumers of marijuana to do so in the privacy of their own homes.
Once the rest of the nation and world see that legalizing marijuana is not the end of the world, maybe this world-wide insanity against marijuana will end. Having private marijuana-smoking clubs will retard progress.
So Roger are you saying if Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold from Columbine, James Harris from Aurora and Adam Lanza from Newtown toked up first they would not have gone nutzo? How do you then explain John Muhammad Roger?