Here we go again.
Same old predictable fecal matter from our Goldy..
Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate !
Let’s see……..
Seattle needs a major tax increase.
Schools need a major tax increase
King Kounty needs a major tax increase.
Gregoire needs a major tax increase
Obama needs a major tax increase.
Common Denominator is———-
All DEMOCRAT controlled.
Who exactly is making more money these days to afford all these increases???
I’m not making as much this year as last.
The vast majority can say that.
Interest on debt caused by MAssive Democrat Deficit Spending will ultimately cause collapse of our way of life.
Unemployment is still waaaaaaaaay beyond what Gregoire and Obama promised….so the solution is to RAISE TAXES??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Jeanne Sahadi of CNN reports on 9/30/09—
In 2009, roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. Some in that group will even get additional money from the government because they qualify for refundable tax breaks.
The ranks of those whose major federal tax burdens net out at zero — or less — is on the rise. The center’s original 2009 estimate was 38%. That was before enactment in February of the $787 billion economic recovery package, which included a host of new or expanded tax breaks.
The number is growing because of unemployment caused by a lack of incentive for folks with capital to invest it in creating JOBS.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is what the NY Governor “Patterson the Imbecile” had to say yesterday–
“They [NY Tax revenues] are down 36% over last year. And this is what is so frustrating: they were down 36% last year, but we added personal income tax, which we thought would make the falloff 10 percent to 15 percent. It’s still 36 percent, meaning that our revenues fell more in 2009 than they did in 2008.”
So NY RAISED Tax Rates…and are still in the same postion. You KLOWNS really believe in this lunatic ZERO-SUM Economics, don’t you.
You can do whatever you want and their are no UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES??????
You Fools used class warfare to gain power…
but the consequences are folks are worse off trying to take from the rich.
Imagine that.
Same thing with Schools Goldy.
Need to open things up, eliminate the Union, consolidate School Districts, eliminate outside Consultants…let teachers teach and fire those who don’t meet certain high standards.
Daddy Lovespews:
SO now, the people who believe that cutting taxes raises revenues, and that it’s OK to cut taxes AND increase spending because deficits don’t matter, now say:
You can do whatever you want and their are no UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES??????
It’s just adorable.
Chris Stefanspews:
Well we could just put the tax rates back where they were in say 1994. In other words tax the rich.
Cynically grasping at dead economic theory?
People with capital try to create more capital. No more, no less. Jobs are an occasional side effect.
The history of the last 30-some years are that people with capital invest to increase capitol via stock pricing. What, Cynical, is your explanation for massive rises in stock prices by companies who regularly eliminate jobs?
Case study, Chevron posted record profit in 2008. In early 2009, Chevron laid off employess. How does that work in your increased capito\al = increased jobs model?
Doesn’t. Supply-side Reaganomics has always been a shell game. In short, a fraud.
Headlice@ 9
Still true..
Not me sayin’ it though..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
oh and BTW, that doesn’t include ILLEGAL ALIENS who fail to file and pay taxes.
It’s actually much more than 50% who pay NOTHING!
Chris Stefanspews:
We need a progressive state income tax. Capital gains should be taxed the same as earned wages. I don’t care where you got the damn money it should all be taxed the same. I also think there should be a transaction tax on financial trades like the UK has.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Poor overtaxed rich people!
Alki Postingsspews:
#1 – You’re right, Republicans do NOT raise taxes (not true, but for the sake of argument). Republicans JUST spend. Did Reagan EVER pay for his ‘spending down the Soviets’? Nope, just padded the debt by trillions. Did Buch pay for the Iraq War, or any other of his programs? Nope, just added trillions to our debt.
I understand not wanting to raise taxes. I’m like Republicans in that regard, I want stuff for FREE too! I’m lazy and weak willed like Republicans in that regard. But if you WANT to spend down the Soviets, or you WANT to invade Iraq, or you WANT national health care…you have to pay for it, unless you’re a spoiled child like Republicans who WANT their stuff, they just don’t want to pay for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “unemployment caused by a lack of incentive for folks with capital to invest it in creating JOBS”
A total crock! The economy has idle capacity up to its ears, and trillions of dollars sitting in Treasuries, earning nothing, because there’s no place to invest it.
What the economy lacks, Uninformed Idiot, is CUSTOMERS! Hellloooooo … years of CHEAP LABOR policies have left consumers with NO MONEY to spend!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” — Warren Buffett
Hey Cynical, why don’t you read the rest of this article, maybe you’ll learn something about who really pays taxes.
Where is Mark the Welsher, who claims cutting taxes always increases revenues, when Cynical needs him most?
(Note, even David Stockman doesn’t believe that bullshit.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Still playing small ball, puddinghead? Pounding on details and ignoring the big picture — that’s your style.
czechsaaz is absolutely right when he calls supply-side “a fraud.” An awful lot of reputable economists, including Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, would back him up on that. Even David Stockman, Reagan’s chief supply-sider, admitted it’s a crock. “Voodoo economics,” I believe they call it, and that’s a good name for it.
I know facts don’t help Republicans (the anti-science, anti-evolution, anti-reality crowd), but here’s some FACTS. You wingnuts think we’re the worst state, with the worst evil Democratic government just DESTROYING out state? Too bad, like your view on evolution and science, it’s the opposite of reality. You’re not JUST wrong…you’re 180 degrees, 100% totally the opposite of reality.
Not only is Washington doing well, we’re the 2nd best state in the NATION (out of all 50) for doing business. And since evil ‘ol Democratic Gregoire has been in office, we’ve been moving UP AND UP AND UP on that list. Not only are we second best in the country, but it’s been a continual move up on the list. Huh. DAMN YOU FACTS!
Granted this is according to the evil liberal magazine Forbes. Washington states ranking (with links) out of the best states to do business in…
If we let this EVIL EVIL Democratic controlled Washington State legislature and government keep up their EVIL work, we might be #1 next year! OH THE HUMANITY! When will the evil socialist government stop! Oh sad days!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Yeah, you should be real proud that 30 years of conservative economics has created an economy in which 47% of the people don’t have enough income to pay income taxes, Cynical. Real proud!
Cynical @ 12 said: “…oh and BTW, that doesn’t include ILLEGAL ALIENS who fail to file and pay taxes….”
Actually, illegal aliens often use false social security cards when they obtain employment. The social security number may be non-existent, or it may match one used legally by another individual. Income tax withholding, social security taxes, and medicare taxes, and sometimes other taxes (state S&I, unemployment insur., etc.) are deducted from their wages by their employers and sent to the taxing authority.
So what does the taxing authority do with the taxes? They use the money, either spending it or investing it.
What does the illegal alien get in return? Little or nothing. Many government services are deprived to them because of they aren’t in the country legally. Most will avoid applying for services they would be entitled to receive anyway in fear that it might draw unwanted attention to their situation. One thing in particular that they DON’T do is apply for a tax refund.
So one of the dirty secrets in the arguments about immigration is that the American taxpayer actually benefits from illegal immigrants. Because they don’t file for tax refunds, they in effect pay a significantly higher tax on their income than does a legal worker in the U.S..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hmmm …
Did Reagan EVER pay for his ’spending down the Soviets’?
Who was the party in charge of Congress? Who writes the appropriations bills? The House Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committee.
Last week, the software company at which have have worked for the past 4 years announced via an internal e-mail that they are moving our headquarters. At first they were going to move to Post Falls but are now looking at relocating to Ireland. Why do companies move and why are the attorneys that specialize in the moving of corporations so busy? Why is Microsoft looking at all of their options and why is Boeing all but gone?
All you have to do is look at the so called progressive idiots that post on this website. And then look at their handpicked politicians all of which have never run a company. Never had to make a payroll. Never done anything other than steal money from the public.
Will the last business in Washington please turn out the light.
29. John spews:
Last week, the software company at which have have worked for the past 4 years announced via an internal e-mail that they are moving our headquarters. At first they were going to move to Post Falls but are now looking at relocating to Ireland. Why do companies move and why are the attorneys that specialize in the moving of corporations so busy? Why is Microsoft looking at all of their options and why is Boeing all but gone?
All you have to do is look at the so called progressive idiots that post on this website. And then look at their handpicked politicians all of which have never run a company. Never had to make a payroll. Never done anything other than steal money from the public.
Will the last business in Washington please turn out the light.
10/06/2009 at 2:33 pm
You hate it here so much asshole…go with ’em!
What is wrong with protecting American jobs and the American standard of living.
When did it become a bad thing for an average worked to earn a living wage?
Why the fuck do you hate America and Americans?
Chris Stefanspews:
Yep lets give every business in the state a subsidy rather than charging even $0.01 in taxes. Lets cut higher education loose, cut k-12 funding to third world levels, let the infrastructure rot, cut public safety down to only what is needed to protect only the rich neighborhoods and corporate property. Lets gut the safety net, and get rid of all worker, consumer, and environmental protection laws.
Try working at their wages. Companies like yours love that.
SJ trollpatrolspews:
RECORD! This Thread has the highest deletion rate in HA history!
Congrats to Trolldummies!
It didn’t you long to make my point! Thanks
In the race to the bottom you are on your own!
See answer to #30. You idiots are amazing.
Be sure and thank your children for paying off the trillions in debt your commrades have rung up.
34. John spews:
It didn’t you long to make my point! Thanks
In the race to the bottom you are on your own!
See answer to #30. You idiots are amazing.
Be sure and thank your children for paying off the trillions in debt your commrades have rung up.
Bye Bye John. It’s pretty in Ireland.
I’m leaving here too, but I do not have to. I choose to because I cannot stand what the punks like you have done to my country under Reagan and the Bushes.
All the fatcat big business CEOs and ubercapitalists will be leaving too, having raped the country, outsourced all the jobs, and deposited their money in offshore banks.
Have fun working for them (or not) as they continue their plunder.
Even if the Democrats had the balls to actually deal with the Republicans, the damage is too severe. You’re going to reap what you have sown while your superiors laugh their way around St Moritz.
But keep drinking that koolaid. It’s good for you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow John@29’s post went right over the dumb cinder block’s head@30 like an F16 fighter flying over the ocean at full speed! Companies leave when the tax rate becomes untenable for their business. Since Microsoft leans left (Bill Gates comments on many things) if they are looking to leave isn’t it curious about the business climate in WA State?
If MSFT left for warmer climates don’t you think people will leave too?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey ylb arschloch, while you are dissing companies who have India operations remember MSFT employs about 5445 people in their MSIDC. They laid off 55 people in May. Now why does MSFT have all those people in India when they have so many H-1 type visas available for those tech savvy people arschloch? Wait a minute you don’t have a job so the knowledge of a living wage has no meaning to you!
Continue to post that hateful speech Goldy allows you to post letting people see what type of arschloch you really are.
37 – Hateful huh? That’s pretty rich coming from you.
Maybe I should change my handle to “that hateful speech”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. SJ trollpatrol spews:
RECORD! This Thread has the highest deletion rate in HA history!
Congrats to Trolldummies!
fabulous marvin
Seems like the left has had it’s “fair share” of deleted comments.
It appears the troll nanny can’t count any better than he can spell.
To be deleted in 5…4…3…2…
All the cheap labor clownservative bleating justt points out how fucking out of touch with real Americans these clowns are, and how they are COMPLETELY OWNED by multi-national corporate interests.
What part of PROTECT American jobs don’t you assholes understand? The key word is PROTECT. You want to sell it here…make it here. You want to ship it into the country and sell it here…pay for the privelege. You’re Corporation takes advantage of the best consumer market on the planet? PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE FOR THE SERVICES YOU USE.
Is all that REALLY so hard to understand? Have you ever tried to sell US goods in China? Japan? Doesn’t happen without a stiff…uhhh what’s the word…uhhh…OH YEAH…
This is not fucking rocket science. This is economic survival. It’s a fuckin gnational security issue.
Edit function not working right…first time that’s happened to me.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Rujax, to you what is a living wage? If the left leaning MSFT leaves WA State due to taxes paid, do you really think they are going to drop their wages in another state? How do you protect American jobs by making it harder to keep the businesses in the US? Do you really think Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm will keep his word and not tax businesses under 250K when peeps in the administration delivered their trial balloons discussing the additional taxes on those companies? How many jobs have been created to date from that $787 Billion Porkulus package rujax?
Or is it the wage where you can buy that 50 inch flat screen TV, a quad core or 8-way Mini-Tower OC with 4 or 8 Gigs of RAM with a 1 Gig of Video RAM and a 1TB Drive, a fast Tesla car, a 3000 sq ft house, etc?
Or is a a wage which it allows you to continually pay the higher and higher taxes you support every day in every way?
Please tell us Rujax?
@29 Why do companies move and why are the attorneys that specialize in the moving of corporations so busy?
Because the grass always looks greener…
They read this – The standard rate of corporation tax in Ireland is among the lowest in the world at 12.5%.
and ignore this – A large proportion of central government tax revenue is derived from value added tax (VAT), excise duties and other taxes on consumption.
and this – Employees are taxed through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, based on their income (less certain allowances) – the system is quite progressive with little or no tax on low earners and a high rate applied to top earners.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Regarding the tariff issue escalated by rujax, the WTO is where the US should scream and shout. You love the UN and it’s anti-American actions so you should love the WTO too. But since the tariffs are “taxes” why is rujax upset? You love taxes rujax!!!!!
SJ trollpatrolspews:
@39 Stamm the Dummie
errr ahhh ….
didja see someplace where the Trollpatrol said we restrict our service to right wing trolls .. or perhaps you understand that all the rightie commentators here are nothing but trolls?
SJ trollpatrolspews:
@36 Puddy uses the litter box
Companies leave when the tax rate becomes untenable for their business.
OR when they can not find roads to transport their goods, reliable electricity at a fair price, workers worth hiring, ……
BTW … riddle me this, Howsit that the vast majority of biotech firms locate themselves in high tax areas (Mass, PA, CA???).
Since Microsoft leans left (Bill Gates comments on many things)
I challenge you to show me that MS “leans” left. BTW .. what party does Steve Balmer favor?
I think you confuse rationality with radicalism. MS is, in the main, a rational company.
if they are looking to leave
Are they?
isn’t it curious about the business climate in WA State?
riddle me this ….
what is the chance of MS moving to Mississippi, Alabama, or Alaska????
why won’t that happen?
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. SJ trollpatrol spews:
@39 Stamm the Dummie
errr ahhh ….
didja see someplace where the Trollpatrol said we restrict our service to right wing trolls .. or perhaps you understand that all the rightie commentators here are nothing but trolls?
Obviously you don’t have a clue what an internet troll is.
Are you saying that correctnotright is a troll? Is the rabbit a troll?
SJ trollpatrolspews:
hmmmmmm …..
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2]
are you a troll?
Am I being a troll now?
are you ever NOT a troll?
what happened to that gig you had in Long Beach?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Why did you choose those states?
42. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Rujax, to you what is a living wage? If the left leaning MSFT leaves WA State due to taxes paid, do you really think they are going to drop their wages in another state? How do you protect American jobs by making it harder to keep the businesses in the US? Do you really think Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm will keep his word and not tax businesses under 250K when peeps in the administration delivered their trial balloons discussing the additional taxes on those companies? How many jobs have been created to date from that $787 Billion Porkulus package rujax?
Or is it the wage where you can buy that 50 inch flat screen TV, a quad core or 8-way Mini-Tower OC with 4 or 8 Gigs of RAM with a 1 Gig of Video RAM and a 1TB Drive, a fast Tesla car, a 3000 sq ft house, etc?
Or is a a wage which it allows you to continually pay the higher and higher taxes you support every day in every way?
Please tell us Rujax?
10/06/2009 at 5:44 pm
YOU tell ME…Puddy.
What’s fair? What’s a man or woman’s time worth. Time away from their family. What kinds of jobs will an education get a person? What kinds of jobs are necessary for the 22nd century and how will we provide trained workers? How will US industry compete with trading partners whose industries are subsidizeed or trade protected. How does American business compete with countries whose governments provide health care.
I’m all ears.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Howsit that the vast majority of biotech firms locate themselves in high tax areas (Mass, PA, CA???).
State Grants, state tax breaks, tie-in to well known universities?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Rujax you didn’t answer all the questions. They are not a group yes or no.
Puddy will wait…
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. SJ trollpatrol spews:
are you a troll?
On this blog, yes I am.
Am I being a troll now?
Maybe a troll to lee. To others, no.
are you ever NOT a troll?
Of course.
what happened to that gig you had in Long Beach?
What gig in long beach? Is this from years ago when you and your imaginary rabbit friend thought it would be funny to infer I was gay? Strange how so many of you liberal types always pull out the gay insult card.
With insipid questions likee that you’re goingg to be waiting a long time, puddybuddy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. Rujax! spews:
What’s fair?
To keep the government out of your/mine business and let us do for ourselves.
What’s a man or woman’s time worth.
That’s up to each person to figure out. Personal responsibility. Your time is worth what others are willing to pay.
Would you pay a doctor operating on your child the same as someone bagging your groceries at the local market? Is that fair YOU would pay the doctor more. Why would you pay the doctor more, is it as simple as their service is more important to you than some bagger? I don’t remember selling you my CD, but I’m sure you’ve bought other CDs. Is that fair to me or is it that my music doesn’t move you like the CD you bought.
Time away from their family.
That is determined by the person working. If they want more money, they either work longer or work smarter.
What kinds of jobs will an education get a person?
The kind of job they want.
Education is not the key to success, it’s only a tool.
How many people have become rich without the help of a degree. How many people are working crappy jobs for crappy pay that have a degree.
America was built on the spirit of people, not people that feel they deserve a high paying job solely because they have an education.
What kinds of jobs are necessary for the 22nd century and how will we provide trained workers?
Either design a product or provide a service that people want to use/buy.
Technology is putting people out of work. Here in lala land I don’t even know of a gas station that has full service. What about banks, how often do you go in instead of using the ATM or online banking.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Your choice rujax. Apparently having a normal conversation is difficult for you, proving your cinder blockness every day!
Why is that we expect the government to take care of educating our children? Do they really need more money to do so? I grew up in classes with 30+ and had no problem achieving honor society levels.
Today’s kids are not focused on learning and it is the responsibility of their parents to head them in the right direction. They would rather play with their electronics and their parents let them get away with it.
Giving more money to the schools is giving more money to the unions and bureaucratics that control it.
Here we go again.
Same old predictable fecal matter from our Goldy..
Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate !
Let’s see……..
Seattle needs a major tax increase.
Schools need a major tax increase
King Kounty needs a major tax increase.
Gregoire needs a major tax increase
Obama needs a major tax increase.
Common Denominator is———-
All DEMOCRAT controlled.
Who exactly is making more money these days to afford all these increases???
I’m not making as much this year as last.
The vast majority can say that.
Interest on debt caused by MAssive Democrat Deficit Spending will ultimately cause collapse of our way of life.
Unemployment is still waaaaaaaaay beyond what Gregoire and Obama promised….so the solution is to RAISE TAXES??
Jeanne Sahadi of CNN reports on 9/30/09—
The number is growing because of unemployment caused by a lack of incentive for folks with capital to invest it in creating JOBS.
Here is what the NY Governor “Patterson the Imbecile” had to say yesterday–
So NY RAISED Tax Rates…and are still in the same postion. You KLOWNS really believe in this lunatic ZERO-SUM Economics, don’t you.
You can do whatever you want and their are no UNDESIRABLE CONSEQUENCES??????
You Fools used class warfare to gain power…
but the consequences are folks are worse off trying to take from the rich.
Imagine that.
Same thing with Schools Goldy.
Need to open things up, eliminate the Union, consolidate School Districts, eliminate outside Consultants…let teachers teach and fire those who don’t meet certain high standards.
SO now, the people who believe that cutting taxes raises revenues, and that it’s OK to cut taxes AND increase spending because deficits don’t matter, now say:
It’s just adorable.
Well we could just put the tax rates back where they were in say 1994. In other words tax the rich.
Cynically grasping at dead economic theory?
People with capital try to create more capital. No more, no less. Jobs are an occasional side effect.
The history of the last 30-some years are that people with capital invest to increase capitol via stock pricing. What, Cynical, is your explanation for massive rises in stock prices by companies who regularly eliminate jobs?
Case study, Chevron posted record profit in 2008. In early 2009, Chevron laid off employess. How does that work in your increased capito\al = increased jobs model?
Doesn’t. Supply-side Reaganomics has always been a shell game. In short, a fraud.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
re 2: A few years ago, you were saying that 96% of the income taxes collected came from the top 5% of earners.
So, the 47% you are worried about shouldn’t be much of a problem.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Headlice@ 9
Still true..
Not me sayin’ it though..
oh and BTW, that doesn’t include ILLEGAL ALIENS who fail to file and pay taxes.
It’s actually much more than 50% who pay NOTHING!
We need a progressive state income tax. Capital gains should be taxed the same as earned wages. I don’t care where you got the damn money it should all be taxed the same. I also think there should be a transaction tax on financial trades like the UK has.
@1 Poor overtaxed rich people!
#1 – You’re right, Republicans do NOT raise taxes (not true, but for the sake of argument). Republicans JUST spend. Did Reagan EVER pay for his ‘spending down the Soviets’? Nope, just padded the debt by trillions. Did Buch pay for the Iraq War, or any other of his programs? Nope, just added trillions to our debt.
I understand not wanting to raise taxes. I’m like Republicans in that regard, I want stuff for FREE too! I’m lazy and weak willed like Republicans in that regard. But if you WANT to spend down the Soviets, or you WANT to invade Iraq, or you WANT national health care…you have to pay for it, unless you’re a spoiled child like Republicans who WANT their stuff, they just don’t want to pay for it.
@2 “unemployment caused by a lack of incentive for folks with capital to invest it in creating JOBS”
A total crock! The economy has idle capacity up to its ears, and trillions of dollars sitting in Treasuries, earning nothing, because there’s no place to invest it.
What the economy lacks, Uninformed Idiot, is CUSTOMERS! Hellloooooo … years of CHEAP LABOR policies have left consumers with NO MONEY to spend!!!
@3 “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” — Warren Buffett
Hey Cynical, why don’t you read the rest of this article, maybe you’ll learn something about who really pays taxes.;emc=rss
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Where is Mark the Welsher, who claims cutting taxes always increases revenues, when Cynical needs him most?
(Note, even David Stockman doesn’t believe that bullshit.)
@7 Still playing small ball, puddinghead? Pounding on details and ignoring the big picture — that’s your style.
czechsaaz is absolutely right when he calls supply-side “a fraud.” An awful lot of reputable economists, including Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, would back him up on that. Even David Stockman, Reagan’s chief supply-sider, admitted it’s a crock. “Voodoo economics,” I believe they call it, and that’s a good name for it.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I know facts don’t help Republicans (the anti-science, anti-evolution, anti-reality crowd), but here’s some FACTS. You wingnuts think we’re the worst state, with the worst evil Democratic government just DESTROYING out state? Too bad, like your view on evolution and science, it’s the opposite of reality. You’re not JUST wrong…you’re 180 degrees, 100% totally the opposite of reality.
Not only is Washington doing well, we’re the 2nd best state in the NATION (out of all 50) for doing business. And since evil ‘ol Democratic Gregoire has been in office, we’ve been moving UP AND UP AND UP on that list. Not only are we second best in the country, but it’s been a continual move up on the list. Huh. DAMN YOU FACTS!
Granted this is according to the evil liberal magazine Forbes. Washington states ranking (with links) out of the best states to do business in…
2006 = 12th
2007 = 5th
2008 = 3rd
2009 = 2nd
If we let this EVIL EVIL Democratic controlled Washington State legislature and government keep up their EVIL work, we might be #1 next year! OH THE HUMANITY! When will the evil socialist government stop! Oh sad days!
@11 Yeah, you should be real proud that 30 years of conservative economics has created an economy in which 47% of the people don’t have enough income to pay income taxes, Cynical. Real proud!
Cynical @ 12 said: “…oh and BTW, that doesn’t include ILLEGAL ALIENS who fail to file and pay taxes….”
Actually, illegal aliens often use false social security cards when they obtain employment. The social security number may be non-existent, or it may match one used legally by another individual. Income tax withholding, social security taxes, and medicare taxes, and sometimes other taxes (state S&I, unemployment insur., etc.) are deducted from their wages by their employers and sent to the taxing authority.
So what does the taxing authority do with the taxes? They use the money, either spending it or investing it.
What does the illegal alien get in return? Little or nothing. Many government services are deprived to them because of they aren’t in the country legally. Most will avoid applying for services they would be entitled to receive anyway in fear that it might draw unwanted attention to their situation. One thing in particular that they DON’T do is apply for a tax refund.
So one of the dirty secrets in the arguments about immigration is that the American taxpayer actually benefits from illegal immigrants. Because they don’t file for tax refunds, they in effect pay a significantly higher tax on their income than does a legal worker in the U.S..
Hmmm …
Who was the party in charge of Congress? Who writes the appropriations bills? The House Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committee.
Wow Goldy needs to provide a thread on civics.
23 – A refreshing counter-insight to the knee-jerk right wing bashing of undocumented workers.
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Is the the Vote No on 1033 the same as the vote No on I-695?
Puddy can replay all their No screams Puddy placed here over a week ago.
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Last week, the software company at which have have worked for the past 4 years announced via an internal e-mail that they are moving our headquarters. At first they were going to move to Post Falls but are now looking at relocating to Ireland. Why do companies move and why are the attorneys that specialize in the moving of corporations so busy? Why is Microsoft looking at all of their options and why is Boeing all but gone?
All you have to do is look at the so called progressive idiots that post on this website. And then look at their handpicked politicians all of which have never run a company. Never had to make a payroll. Never done anything other than steal money from the public.
Will the last business in Washington please turn out the light.
You hate it here so much asshole…go with ’em!
What is wrong with protecting American jobs and the American standard of living.
When did it become a bad thing for an average worked to earn a living wage?
Why the fuck do you hate America and Americans?
Yep lets give every business in the state a subsidy rather than charging even $0.01 in taxes. Lets cut higher education loose, cut k-12 funding to third world levels, let the infrastructure rot, cut public safety down to only what is needed to protect only the rich neighborhoods and corporate property. Lets gut the safety net, and get rid of all worker, consumer, and environmental protection laws.
Its a race to the bottom! Who’s with me!
29 – Broaden your horizons. Move to India.
Try working at their wages. Companies like yours love that.
RECORD! This Thread has the highest deletion rate in HA history!
Congrats to Trolldummies!
It didn’t you long to make my point! Thanks
In the race to the bottom you are on your own!
See answer to #30. You idiots are amazing.
Be sure and thank your children for paying off the trillions in debt your commrades have rung up.
Bye Bye John. It’s pretty in Ireland.
I’m leaving here too, but I do not have to. I choose to because I cannot stand what the punks like you have done to my country under Reagan and the Bushes.
All the fatcat big business CEOs and ubercapitalists will be leaving too, having raped the country, outsourced all the jobs, and deposited their money in offshore banks.
Have fun working for them (or not) as they continue their plunder.
Even if the Democrats had the balls to actually deal with the Republicans, the damage is too severe. You’re going to reap what you have sown while your superiors laugh their way around St Moritz.
But keep drinking that koolaid. It’s good for you.
Wow John@29’s post went right over the dumb cinder block’s head@30 like an F16 fighter flying over the ocean at full speed! Companies leave when the tax rate becomes untenable for their business. Since Microsoft leans left (Bill Gates comments on many things) if they are looking to leave isn’t it curious about the business climate in WA State?
If MSFT left for warmer climates don’t you think people will leave too?
Hey ylb arschloch, while you are dissing companies who have India operations remember MSFT employs about 5445 people in their MSIDC. They laid off 55 people in May. Now why does MSFT have all those people in India when they have so many H-1 type visas available for those tech savvy people arschloch? Wait a minute you don’t have a job so the knowledge of a living wage has no meaning to you!
Continue to post that hateful speech Goldy allows you to post letting people see what type of arschloch you really are.
37 – Hateful huh? That’s pretty rich coming from you.
Maybe I should change my handle to “that hateful speech”.
fabulous marvin
Seems like the left has had it’s “fair share” of deleted comments.
It appears the troll nanny can’t count any better than he can spell.
To be deleted in 5…4…3…2…
All the cheap labor clownservative bleating justt points out how fucking out of touch with real Americans these clowns are, and how they are COMPLETELY OWNED by multi-national corporate interests.
What part of PROTECT American jobs don’t you assholes understand? The key word is PROTECT. You want to sell it here…make it here. You want to ship it into the country and sell it here…pay for the privelege. You’re Corporation takes advantage of the best consumer market on the planet? PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE FOR THE SERVICES YOU USE.
Is all that REALLY so hard to understand? Have you ever tried to sell US goods in China? Japan? Doesn’t happen without a stiff…uhhh what’s the word…uhhh…OH YEAH…
This is not fucking rocket science. This is economic survival. It’s a fuckin gnational security issue.
Edit function not working right…first time that’s happened to me.
Rujax, to you what is a living wage? If the left leaning MSFT leaves WA State due to taxes paid, do you really think they are going to drop their wages in another state? How do you protect American jobs by making it harder to keep the businesses in the US? Do you really think Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm will keep his word and not tax businesses under 250K when peeps in the administration delivered their trial balloons discussing the additional taxes on those companies? How many jobs have been created to date from that $787 Billion Porkulus package rujax?
Or is it the wage where you can buy that 50 inch flat screen TV, a quad core or 8-way Mini-Tower OC with 4 or 8 Gigs of RAM with a 1 Gig of Video RAM and a 1TB Drive, a fast Tesla car, a 3000 sq ft house, etc?
Or is a a wage which it allows you to continually pay the higher and higher taxes you support every day in every way?
Please tell us Rujax?
Why do companies move and why are the attorneys that specialize in the moving of corporations so busy?
Because the grass always looks greener…
They read this – The standard rate of corporation tax in Ireland is among the lowest in the world at 12.5%.
and ignore this – A large proportion of central government tax revenue is derived from value added tax (VAT), excise duties and other taxes on consumption.
and this – Employees are taxed through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, based on their income (less certain allowances) – the system is quite progressive with little or no tax on low earners and a high rate applied to top earners.
Regarding the tariff issue escalated by rujax, the WTO is where the US should scream and shout. You love the UN and it’s anti-American actions so you should love the WTO too. But since the tariffs are “taxes” why is rujax upset? You love taxes rujax!!!!!
@39 Stamm the Dummie
errr ahhh ….
didja see someplace where the Trollpatrol said we restrict our service to right wing trolls .. or perhaps you understand that all the rightie commentators here are nothing but trolls?
@36 Puddy uses the litter box
OR when they can not find roads to transport their goods, reliable electricity at a fair price, workers worth hiring, ……
BTW … riddle me this, Howsit that the vast majority of biotech firms locate themselves in high tax areas (Mass, PA, CA???).
I challenge you to show me that MS “leans” left. BTW .. what party does Steve Balmer favor?
I think you confuse rationality with radicalism. MS is, in the main, a rational company.
Are they?
riddle me this ….
what is the chance of MS moving to Mississippi, Alabama, or Alaska????
why won’t that happen?
Obviously you don’t have a clue what an internet troll is.
Are you saying that correctnotright is a troll? Is the rabbit a troll?
hmmmmmm …..
are you a troll?
Am I being a troll now?
are you ever NOT a troll?
what happened to that gig you had in Long Beach?
Why did you choose those states?
YOU tell ME…Puddy.
What’s fair? What’s a man or woman’s time worth. Time away from their family. What kinds of jobs will an education get a person? What kinds of jobs are necessary for the 22nd century and how will we provide trained workers? How will US industry compete with trading partners whose industries are subsidizeed or trade protected. How does American business compete with countries whose governments provide health care.
I’m all ears.
State Grants, state tax breaks, tie-in to well known universities?
Hey Rujax you didn’t answer all the questions. They are not a group yes or no.
Puddy will wait…
On this blog, yes I am.
Maybe a troll to lee. To others, no.
Of course.
What gig in long beach? Is this from years ago when you and your imaginary rabbit friend thought it would be funny to infer I was gay? Strange how so many of you liberal types always pull out the gay insult card.
With insipid questions likee that you’re goingg to be waiting a long time, puddybuddy.
To keep the government out of your/mine business and let us do for ourselves.
That’s up to each person to figure out. Personal responsibility. Your time is worth what others are willing to pay.
Would you pay a doctor operating on your child the same as someone bagging your groceries at the local market? Is that fair YOU would pay the doctor more. Why would you pay the doctor more, is it as simple as their service is more important to you than some bagger? I don’t remember selling you my CD, but I’m sure you’ve bought other CDs. Is that fair to me or is it that my music doesn’t move you like the CD you bought.
That is determined by the person working. If they want more money, they either work longer or work smarter.
The kind of job they want.
Education is not the key to success, it’s only a tool.
How many people have become rich without the help of a degree. How many people are working crappy jobs for crappy pay that have a degree.
America was built on the spirit of people, not people that feel they deserve a high paying job solely because they have an education.
Either design a product or provide a service that people want to use/buy.
Technology is putting people out of work. Here in lala land I don’t even know of a gas station that has full service. What about banks, how often do you go in instead of using the ATM or online banking.
Your choice rujax. Apparently having a normal conversation is difficult for you, proving your cinder blockness every day!
Why is that we expect the government to take care of educating our children? Do they really need more money to do so? I grew up in classes with 30+ and had no problem achieving honor society levels.
Today’s kids are not focused on learning and it is the responsibility of their parents to head them in the right direction. They would rather play with their electronics and their parents let them get away with it.
Giving more money to the schools is giving more money to the unions and bureaucratics that control it.