Adult diapers are the hot new fashion accessory on Capitol Hill today, as GOP uber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleads guilty and cooperates with prosecutors.
Mr. Abramoff, 46, is pleading guilty to fraud, public corruption and tax evasion, setting the stage for prosecutors to begin using him as a cooperating witness against his former business and political colleagues. In exchange, Mr. Abramoff faces a maximum of about 10 years in prison in the Washington case.
After entering his guilty plea in United States District Court in Washington, Mr. Abramoff will also announce a plea agreement in a related Florida case, in which he was indicted last year. In that case, he is pleading guilty to fraud and conspiracy in connection with his purchase of the SunCruz casino boat line, and will face a maximum of about seven years’ prison time.
The sentences will be served concurrently, but gees… ten years? If ten years was the best deal he could swing in exchange for bringing down sitting congressmen, just imagine how crooked this guy must have been.
It’s now official, and the Washington Post has all the details, including names of DC insiders who may be caught up in the scandal.
I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop… I can’t quite believe that the guy would fold so easily.
What I never can understand about these guys is the greed: why risk going to prison to have more and more wealth when they have enough to begin with?
I think the risk never occurs to them… its just “oh! a chance for more goodies!”
windie @1 writes:
I can’t quite believe that the guy would fold so easily.
Oh, I dunno.
Even a few hours of jail usually has a rather galvanizing effect on people. Especially people like Mr. Abramoff who get a lot of creature comforts in real life and don’t skip many meals.
If you’re thrown in with the GP, you don’t get to read. Even bubblegum wrappers are verboten. You stand, sit, or sleep on a mat. The company is generally less than scintilating. Did we mention that while you don’t get books, they don’t get smokes. A lot of people are not having a good day. You do what the guards tell you, when they tell you. If they decide you are not standing, sitting, falling in line, or anything else fast enough, they can make your life very unpleasant very quickly. Regular guards don’t carry guns or sticks (they could be used against them), so their main administrative tool is absolute psychological control.
The lawyers come and bail you out.
The next day, you meet with the prosecutors.
Did you enjoy that little spell? If you cooperate, it can be negotiated down. Otherwise, we can provide a lot more for your future pleasure.
Just when exactly do you think Doc Hastings will convene an Ethics Committee investigation? Oh that’s right, he won’t. He, like McMorris, haven’t received their latest official talking points through their GOP leadership implant chips, but one can fairly well predict that a House Ethics Committee investigation won’t be among them.
BTW, i have been, and will continue to collect McMorris letter and email responses to my web and fax communication. They are some of the most bizarre and strange documents you could imagine coming from a US Congressperson: in that they entirely avoid issues, speak only of national interests (in GOP talking point language nearly identical to those i collect from Doolittle), and more often than not are filled with lies and factual inaccuracies. If anyone has a Hastings’ collection i would love to compare them.
spyder @ 5:
Sounds like a fun collection. Got a URL?
Hell hath no fury…
I think this guy went so fast because he knew his life was in danger if he stayed out on the streets. You know the Bush regime was looking to off him. Too many GOP top dogs are at risk. And of course, even if he didn’t rat out Delay and the rest of the republican crooks, the words “republican lobbist pleads guilty” will be great for reinforcing to the world that the GOP culture of corruption needs to end now!
May I just add that this is another great day for America. We’ve shown the world just how corrupt the Bush cabal is. And we’re trying to export this same version of “democracy” to Iraq????
Anyone want a pizza? You will get a kick out of this one. Here is what ordering a pizza will be like in 2010:
Spiro Agnew would be proud!
Stefan will say it’s the result of a vast left-wing conspriracy and Jack is as legitimate as erstwhile Gov. Rossi.
I sure hope they can get the crooks at Enron and WorldCom, too. I have NO problem with those guys doing some serious time!
He was boxed in. Both of his bidness partners, Kidan and Scanlon, had already copped a plea. You damn well bet they would “dime him out in a heartbeat”, so to speak.
These people are not stand up guys, and they are greedy. We are talking about a level avarice that boils down to the following: Enough is never enough. And they have such a case of the clevers that they do not think they will be caught.
Did Bush and his people ever think they would suffer for outing Ms. Plame? In their wildest nightmares did they ever think they would end up with a couple of Boy Scouts like Fitzgerald and his boss Comey
This is fun! A great start to a new year! Someone pass the popcorn!
Not to rain on everyone’s parade, but Fox News has a piece about an independent counsel investigation on Henry Cisneros that’s going to be released on Jan. 19. It may have some damning comments on some heavy-duty players in the Democratic Party, maybe even some bad joo-joo for Hillary.
Lib @ 15
Dems do it…..
Repubs do it….
Libs do it…..
Commies do it…..
When it comes to politics….everyone does it!
Fox news must have latest talking points from RNC. No one here has been defending anyone involved in this mess. I think this is going to pan out to be more of a Republican mess, however.
if dems are shown to be tied in, then those folks need to go too. Its a tricky thing to talk about ’cause the rightie trolls love so much to say ‘But… but, but… But the Democrats!‘
So let me say outright; if some Dems are caught up and have done wrong it in no way reduces the guilt and criminality of the Reps involved with this case.
Low down on the Cisneros investigation from an article last April in the WAPO:
In the final six months of fiscal 2003, (Special Counsel)Barrett spent $839,085. In the first half of 2004, he spent $871,204, and in the most recent six-month span, he was at $1.26 million, a level he had not reached since early 2001.
“There is a trend, and it’s not a decline,” said Hodge Herry, assistant director of financial management and assurance at the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress.
In contrast, the GAO reported, Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald, who is conducting an investigation of the leak of an intelligence officer’s name, spent $584,899, less than half of Barrett’s expenditures. In all of fiscal 2004, Fitzgerald spent $611,491. Barrett spent $2.13 million.
In March 2003, Barrett’s judicial overseers ordered him to close shop and prepare his final report. Herry said Barrett’s office told the GAO the current expenditures are associated with the preparation of that report.
“They’re, quote-unquote, writing the final report,” Herry said. “That’s what we were told.”
The gravy train was find while it lasted, but now Barret will hve to get a real job. Maybe he should talk to Jack Abramoff.
windie @ 17 Lets put it this way…. Jack Abramoff was elected as the chairman of the College Republican National Committee. He is not a Democrat and he didn’t pull off a grand money laudering and bribery campaign to elect Democrats. Maybe there are a couple Democrats caught up in this, but this is a Republican scandal all the way and I for one have no problem going to the voters with that one.
Here are a few quotes from him…
“It is not our job to seek peaceful coexistence with the Left,” Abramoff was quoted as saying in the group’s 1983 annual report, “Our job is to remove them from power permanently”. Abramoff “changed the direction of the committee and made it more activist and conservative than ever before,” notes the CRNC.
I think we’re singin’ from the same sheet of music, kiddo!
Libertarian @ 15
Purest of fertilizer on this Cisneros BS. The usual hero’s of the right are having an orgasm that this report might “sink Hillary’s presidential prospects.”
Keep in mind that these lunatics were doing the Chicken Little number about Senator Clinton during the David Rosen trial:
Sorry people, the Cisneros investigation was an exercise in prosecutorial abuse, nothing more. About as chance of affecting Ms. Clinton as a Congressional investigation will affect the President.
Good stuff. Top 2 recipients are Dems.
Happy to smoke out the crooks equally…
Your WashPost link.. points nicely to who took what
Commander Ogg,
The only thing that’s gonna prevent a Democrat from being elected prez in 2008 is if the Dems nominate Hillary. I don’t think she’s electable.
Agree with you Libertarian. The Country is not ready for a Women President, although they may accept a Women VP (hey, it is possible). Ms. Clinton is extremely polarizing, because she is not content to stay home and bake cookies. In the words of a certain Senators wife, she is “opinionated”.
Fortunately this slimeball’s former partners at Preston Gates in Seattle have not been dragged through the mud on this. But they were his partners . . ..
Any pol who took a bribe from Abramoff should be skewered and barbequed. Democrat, Republican or Independent.
There does have to be proof of a link between contributions from an Abramoff client and lelgislative favors at Jack’s demand, however.
A primed pump must have delivered the gush, in other words.
Is there anything better than watching the wheels come off of the Republican smear machine?
I submit that there is not!
This is even funnier than pulling in ol’ labia pink eyes himself, Mark “The Marlin” Yellowdicked Redneck.
Hey MTR: I see that Jack Abramoff — alumnus of Beverly Hills High School, Brandeis University, Georgetown Law School, and Preston Gates and Ellis — is headed for the slammer and taking some high-and-mightys with him! … how’s your theory of the moral superiority of the rich and privileged class over the underclasses doing?
GOP = criminal
Roger Rabbit is a graduate of Wrong Side of the Tracks Prep Academy, Dead End Community College, and Pell Grant University — and look where it got me — I’m a star on Horses Ass and getting rich from oil stocks!!! (Hey Cynical — NOV is up $5.11 today!!! :D :D :D)
Oh, and I forgot to mention, I’m a guvmint hack attorney too!!! :D :D :D
Oh, one more thing, Roger Rabbit is also a Democratic Party hack! :D :D :D
As you can see, I occupy a higher social niche than GOP lobbyists and congressmen who spend their days changing bed linen in their prison cells.
@ 24
I think’ Jack’s testimony will corroborate any congressional voting records of quid pro quo.
Baaaa Haaaaa Haaaa haaaaa.
Timothy 6:10
“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
For all you Bible thumpers out there who “claim” to be “God fearin'” people, but place your vote and public trust in men like Abramoff, DeLay, Bush, Cheney, Frist, Ney, et al. Shame on you scoundrels. You cloak yourselves in a false patriotism and love of God, but vote with the evil that seeks to destroy America.
Conservatism and Al Qaeda have many common “values.”
When you vote conservative, you’re voting with Bin Laden.
Pat Kennedy #2 on the money list
How come all the Dems on this list?
Don’t explain to me that Abramoff is Jewish, OK?
Patty Murray? #9?
Say it aint so!
Hang em all from the highest yardems…
Argggg, Pirates, all of em.
Patty likely doesn’t even know she got the money…
Righton,according to a report in, Jack Abramoff did not give any money to Democrats.
Between 2001 and 2004, Abramoff gave more than $127,000 to Republican candidates and committees and nothing to Democrats, federal records show.;refer=us#
What is this Patty Murray nonsense? Do you have a link?
Yes, i posted at #20. I assume Wash Post is ok w/ you guys
PAtrick kennedy, 131K
Patty Murray 49k
Harry Reid 47k
Byron Dorgan 44k
Daschle 41k
Gephardt 39k
Interestingly all 6 democrats were the heavy hitters in appropriations, or the party minority leaders.
And all of them took more then Bush, at 34k
Pirates….hang em all.
Patty also got it for heading Senate Demo committee, or whatever its called. She controls lots of Dem money (yipes)
Let’s all wait for the testimony, shall we?
Patrick Kennedy was chair of the D triple c and Murray chair of the SDCC, which would explain that.
Still thinking of the possibility of little Ralph Reed getting caught up in this.
Also interesting, between 2001 and 2003, the totals to each party spiked, the dems to 590k and the republicans to 1.25m.
The republican total spiked way above the democrats at that time, though according to the chart their respective totals were much closer.
Also while the DNC only got 73k versus the RNC 307k, their respective national congressional comittees and senatorial committes were very close, 332-337 and 353 395 (democrat/republican respecitively.
Any ideas what he was trying to influence in 2002 that made all the totals spike?
PS, the Indian tribes…
Agua Caliente indians total about 100 people. They gave over $1mm.
Small tribe but owns 1/2 of palm springs, thus the casino interest.
The amount of political donations could be misleading. It’s what Aramboff sings as to the actual buying of votes, favors with gifts etc.
what HW said…
Contributions aren’t criminal… bribes are.
right, but you are now defending the democrats using semantics but not he republicans?
ie democrats receiving contributions doesn’t make them the same as Duke Cunningham.
Of course, the righties know this. If I remember right, I predicted this argument @17 in this thread.
So I’ll say it again, but with more clarity:
the fact that Democrats received campaign contributions from Abramoff doesn’t lessen the criminality of the bribes he’s being accused of giving Republicans.
Apples and oranges, I know. But its *so* like a rightie troll to call an orange an apple when its convenient to score political points.
sven: Don’t you know the difference between a political contribution (which is legal), and a bribe (which isn’t)?
Windie would say,
Dems get contributions
Repubs get bribes.
Party line politics.
Sure. But proving which is which is a matter of very subjective determination….
And honestly the realistive difference is almost moot.
A campaign contribution is almost indistinguishable. Campaigns solicit money from lobbies constantly and favor on a particular issue is normally assumed to be the reason.
A bribe is a gift to curry favor.
Now i give cantwell a 100 bucks and suggest that I hope she supports the military.
Bribe or gift? I never made it conditional, so in the wink nudge world of politics its just a contribution.
Pirates…hang em all, including the lobbyists.
Okay Righton and Sven, the WaPo is doing a combination job. I was talking about money directly from Abramoff.
…the difference between accepting contributions from groups linked to Abramoff, which is legal and proper, and taking contributions in exchange for official actions, which is illegal, and which is at the heart of the ongoing investigations.
The same WaPo says that JA allegdly bribed public officials. Wonder if it was any Democrats? Ya Think.
Term limits?
Wouldn’t that be a way to lessen bribes? Maybe with the individual senator it reduces the bribes, but increases pressure for party to stay around, and thus get money
Anything but banning political advertising (that’s a dem fav)
righton: I know you can do better, don’t purposely misrepresent what I said. My point, of course, was that people receiving lobbying money isn’t illegal (regardless of their party). But you knew that.
sven: That, of course, is what the trial is for. To my understanding, he’s pled guilty to bribing people… and he’s turning state witness. In the process of him talking to the Feds, we’ll find out who received what, and what quid pro quo there was for it.
Sorry Sven, no go. If that were the case, the jails of America would have standing room only.
While I back the efforts of McCain/Feingold, indeed, I feel that public financing of campaigns would be more in order; an individual can not give more then what is listed in this chart:
Their is a damn big difference between bribes and contributions.
To quote the WaPo:
The criminal information alleges that Abramoff bribed public officials, including a person identified only as “Representative #1.” Details of the alleged acts indicate that Representative #1 is Robert W. Ney, a Republican congressman from Ohio. Abramoff is also accused of hiring congressional staffers and conspiring with them to lobby their former employers — including members of Congress — in violation of a one-year federal ban on such lobbying.
righton: I’d be happy with just prosecuting those who commit crimes regardless of their party.
Two words that matter:
Case closed.
Left turn, 2 more words
Marc Rich
A curious day for righton…:
@ 23
righton even provided a link… which he obviously did not read, because it showed him to be a liar.
The @ 36 righton tries to recover from his self-defeating blunder with
He of course was referring to the much smaller amount (less than half) of Democrats who received contributions from the Republican Lobbyist . (bold is from the same source righton quoted in 23 above.) All Lobbyists throw money around to parties not involved in their scams. It is a way of trying to cloud the issue. But who really takes the money for illegal favors is what makes it a bribe. And righton and the rest of the Kool Aid Brigade of neocon Zombies are about to learn again all about that distinction.
It seems righton cannot distinguish truth from the wild blatherings of his dysfunctional imagination (and the crib notes of the last RNC talking points memo).
The additional use of hiring Congressional Wives, relatives and staffers is also a big hint at to who was taking a bribe, and who was getting a contribution to ward off the enevitable investigation of the crimes that Abramoff has had to plead guilty to.
thanks don, maybe they’ll listen to you
Twist and Spin away Trolls. The truth is gonna hit you hard anyway you attempt to dodge it.
Specifically he pled out to conspiracy, tax evasion and mail fraud.
The details of the conspiracy will be where the bribing may come on.
Time will tell, and anyone caught in this should be jailed, regardless of party.
windie @ 64, I doubt it.
But to be clear, I agree with you that any congressperson found to have been involved in bribery, and other crimes should be prosecuted.
It just so happens that when Republican Lobbyists are the ones throwing around the cash, we all know who is going to get the jail time.
This might be a case where Patty’s stoopidity could come in handy for her. She can just claim she didn’t know and didn’t understand and probably make it believable. In a pinch of course, she could even point to her recurring championship getting the “No Rocket Scientist” award.
@ 68 Mark The Villiage Idiot YellowDicked Redneck, why would Senator Murray have to plead ignorance to anything, if she in fact was not accepting a bribe, and gave no favors for a contribution?
Or are you just pleading ignorance on everything?
But, if you wish to expand on your theory of how her vagina caused her to be stoopid .
Please go on!
Its not anti-woman to pick on the dummy. Patty is a well known dim buld, and entirely appropriate to lay some thick sarcasm onto her.
mtr: I know you’re relishing your position as “Troll Numero Uno” around here… But is it worth the harm you do to your cause?
Or do you even have a cause beyond the trolling?
Your trolling is really getting too painfully obvious even for me. Sadly, proving you can get people mad at you doesn’t do anything to compensate for your tiny, tiny dick.
righton: are you saying he’s not anti-woman?
by the way, figure out the difference between criminal bribery and legal campaign contributions yet? I know those distinctions can be hard on the righty brain.
righton, you will have to look far and wide to find even the most repulsive troll willing to ddefend MTR. That you choose to do so is not a flower in your lapel.
Seriously, don’t you lefties kinda cringe every time they talk to Senator Dimbulb? I mean… she’s really not bright. She does what she’s told by Dem leadership, but she’s certainly no statesman. Scoop and Maggie sat on the wrong side of the aisle, but they could legitimately claim to be statesmen. I think it’s kinda embarassing to have her representing us, and the fact that we sent her back twice makes it worse.
Donna, did you have any luck figuring out what goes on in your office? Did those “low level technical people” say stuff today where you had NFI WTF they were talking about?
see? he’s doing it again
Here’s a good link.
I don’t see any Dem congresscritters on the subpenaoed (sp?)/indicted/guilty list. Also, while Dorgon is mentioned and he may have rec’d favors, it appears he already supported the issue, so it’ll be tough to prove bribery. Kennedy (2nd on list) isn’t even mentioned, probably becuz he already had extensive contact with Indians through various efforts and, thus, his contributions from tribes are probably legit.
Oh, and Sven @ 42: So much for all your “I don’t support any party I just want good gov’t”. I call bullshit on that. Had me going for a second there though, you troll.
And you must have missed #46 where I clear pointed out how much more the republicans took, and openly asked you all if anyone knew what particular issue was happeneing then to generate such a slam of republican donations.
Sorry, try again.
What is a “troll”? Is it bad when somebody explains the way things REALLY are? Or points out your hypocrisy? Or laughs at the stoopidty of your positions and your leaders?
I’m not here to convert anybody. I just come here to explore the disease that you all have. I have no illusions about any cure; you’re all terminal.
Hey Donna – Sometime if you can, take a crack at making an intelligent post. Try to string together a few facts and some logic and make a coherent point. Hint: Do not use the word fascist or nazi in your post. I’ve NEVER seen you post anything with any content, and they are rarely more than a few lines you dashed off in a few seconds.
I am sure it takes you hours with your crayons to compose your diatribes against women, the poor and minorities.
You are a true scholar MTR! And you should never keep your students wanting for more of you pearls of wisdom!
Donna – I see you decline my invitation to say something intelligent.
Thought so…
“something intelligent”
THERE! Are you happy now, MTR?
Sven @ 78: Oh, I saw that one. Nice obfuscation there, I have no idea what your point was, other to damn with faint praise the Dems. I was referring to the fact that in your previous post you said, “Pirates, hang em all” in response to Dems taking campaign contributions, WHICH IS NOT ILLEGAL. As much as I’d like to say you are too stupid to know any better, that’s probably not true. Ergo, righty troll est. You are specifically parrotting the RNC party line here. (I saw some stories about thier recent campaign on this issue, but can’t find them right now)
Sven, give it up. You are a righty troll posing as the voice of reason. Nobody buys it, so give it up.
donna and windie
MTR is the only thing funny or topical on this blog. Extreme candor can be good. Vulgarity bad.
But man, i love seeing you guys get skewered.
The wit and wisdom of Vagina Lips. Note the plaintive plea for “facts”, “logic”, and coherence, in post no. 79. If you have the stomach for it, read them all. I defy anybody to find one fact (beyond noting Murray has been elected twice), any logic, or even ONE coherent thought:
68: This might be a case where Patty’s stoopidity could come in handy for her. She can just claim she didn’t know and didn’t understand and probably make it believable. In a pinch of course, she could even point to her recurring championship getting the “No Rocket Scientist” award.
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/3/06 @ 3:45 pm
75: Seriously, don’t you lefties kinda cringe every time they talk to Senator Dimbulb? I mean… she’s really not bright. She does what she’s told by Dem leadership, but she’s certainly no statesman. Scoop and Maggie sat on the wrong side of the aisle, but they could legitimately claim to be statesmen. I think it’s kinda embarassing to have her representing us, and the fact that we sent her back twice makes it worse.
79: What is a “troll”? Is it bad when somebody explains the way things REALLY are? Or points out your hypocrisy? Or laughs at the stoopidty of your positions and your leaders?
I’m not here to convert anybody. I just come here to explore the disease that you all have. I have no illusions about any cure; you’re all terminal.
Hey Donna – Sometime if you can, take a crack at making an intelligent post. Try to string together a few facts and some logic and make a coherent point. Hint: Do not use the word fascist or nazi in your post. I’ve NEVER seen you post anything with any content, and they are rarely more than a few lines you dashed off in a few seconds.
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/3/06 @ 4:13 pm
82: Donna, did you have any luck figuring out what goes on in your office? Did those “low level technical people” say stuff today where you had NFI WTF they were talking about?
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/3/06 @ 4:03 pm
82: Donna – I see you decline my invitation to say something intelligent.
Thought so…
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/3/06 @ 4:28 pm
Vagina Lips–a terrible disease. We can only hope a cure is found some day.
My right wing brothers and sisters,
Do you really believe Brother Jacob would waste a dime on the party out of power? Your party controls all three branches of Government, and practically owns the 4th Branch, and you are still getting indicted. Wake up and smell the whiskey (it’s evening now, too late for coffee).
Sven @ 78: Oh, I saw that one. Nice obfuscation there, I have no idea what your point was, other to damn with faint praise the Dems.
I was pretty clear, but ok. I clearly noted that while both parties were taking money from him in contributions, the republicans had been consistently getting more money, but in 2002 it spiked remarkably for both, but much more in proportion for the republicans.
I was referring to the fact that in your previous post you said, “Pirates, hang em all” in response to Dems taking campaign contributions, WHICH IS NOT ILLEGAL.
No I said it in response to him giving the contributions, and both sides taking it, hence Hang em all, specifically hang any of the people proven to be in the wrong.
As much as I’d like to say you are too stupid to know any better, that’s probably not true.
You praise me with faint damns…
Ergo, righty troll est. You are specifically parrotting the RNC party line here. (I saw some stories about thier recent campaign on this issue, but can’t find them right now)
Funny, i am not parrotting anything except to say that the blatant money passing in politics in general is disgusting, hence my comment that they are all Pirates, so hang em all.
Sven, give it up. You are a righty troll posing as the voice of reason. Nobody buys it, so give it up
Whatever. You know me so little, and my beliefs are thankfully not dependent on your opinions.
With a complete asshole as stupid as Bush at the helm of the most powerful nation on earth (for the time being anyway)…I don’t know why you republifucks are wasting time casting unfounded aspersions at Washington State’s Senior Senator.
Oh…I forgot…by some tragic biological accident she wasn’t gifted with the unwarranted feeling of moral and intellectual superiority GIFTED to the clearly moronic wingers here (yes you marktheasshole)…she actually had to work for…EARN…and then WORK to retain the position she holds.
markthefuckwit got it all HANDED to him because he’s white anglo-saxon and protestant and MALE and he’s sore because the caucasion male privilege doesn’t cut anymore.
Too fucking bad, dipshit. The Elk’s Club is closed.
Laffing my tail off…rujax…
Patty Murray worked hard to be our senior senator….ouch…
She was like a library board member….I thought you libs liked intelligence, acheivement, education
Face it, only reason you like her is she’s a woman. Hide the gender and you’d be supremely hard pressed to tout her.
righton @ 85 “But man, i love seeing you guys get skewered… ( By MTR) ”
The sound of MTR “Skewering” a debating opponent:
TTHHHWWWWACKKKK!!!! <-- -- -- -- The sound of a rake MTR laid on the ground smacking him on the forehead. I am glad you enjoy that, righton, at least as much as we, the "skewered" enjoy it. Now, MTR, about how vaginas make women stoopid.. is it a chemical thing or, is it a tumor that makes you believe that is true? Give the correct answer and I will give you 500 "vaginamoneys".
That was the sound of the rake MTR laid on the ground smacking himself on the forehead.
righton @ 90 on Senator Murray “only reason you like her is she’s a woman.”
So, righton, you think it is her vagina that keeps her popular and elected?
Perhaps the GOP needs to look deeper into this great “vagina gap” that is keeping them from being elected? It seems that the Trolls here are greatly fascinated by the vaginas of our Senators. Almost as if they haven’t seen a vagina since the day they were born!
righton: I believe that you think MTR is funny. Thats half the problem.
Rightie humor== LAAAAAAAME
Here’s a test for all you Senator Dimbulb fans out there:
Name ONE idea that came out of her fertile mind that she executed to completion as FUWA’s senior senator. Something where she saw a problem, came up with an innovative solution, sold it to the senate, and got it passed.
Just one.
I’m waiting.
Oh, and be very careful of rakes on the ground…
Mark – you are the dimn wit.
Murray acting almost singlely got 1.5 billion restored to the budget for Vet hospitals.
Your silly politics have blinded you. She is a vert nice woman, at least as bright as your kind, and beat her last political oppent like a pro.
You need to look a bit closer and beyond all the silly babering of Chris Vance and his minions.
Even before her first run, she was smart enough to lay a lot of grass roots support.
You sound so strange, I will bet you 1,000.00 that Patty has 30 point of IQ on Mr Moron Pres, Bush.
Now there is a dim bulb, what brains he had all burned out by booze, coke and strange sex.
Man, MTR, don’t you ever get tired of having those rakes snap you in the face?
You really should leave those in the shed and not lay them on the ground where you can step on them.
Watch the ground MTR… oops… don’t step there…
Not there… careful…
Damn, MTR, I told you to be careful!
..careful… watch the ground… don’t attack the veterens!!!…
Before you respond MTR… here is another rake
Just a snippet awaiting to ride that rake to your forehead, MTR. Careful, where you place those rakes MTR… careful..
P.S. A clue MTR, Murray fought tooth and nail for the veterens against all the neocon vampires…
It passed.
You said “just one”.
Carefull, MTR… watch your step!
{A crowd gathers. Donnageddon holds a shiny crown in his hands. It is engraved with the words “Mark The YellowDicked Redneck : A Villiage awaits the return of its Idiot. At press time Donnageddon said he planned to pin it to MTR’s rake bruised forehead.)
Roger Rabiit has posted 0% of the last 6 posts.
Make that 7… er 8 posts.
can you all kill the damn rake analogy? Its starting to really piss me off :p
Pissing you off Windie? Just imagine the scars to be on MTVYD’s face in a few months! He will look like he got caught in a meat grinder.
you guys forgot Patty’s speech about bin laden’s great humanitarian deeds.
WindieASS@57 said:”I know you can do better, don’t purposely misrepresent what I said.” That’s your modus operandi agains us who think right every day. You purposely misrepresent everything anyone who is diametrically opposed to your political spectrum. Now you get haughty because righton calls you on more of your bullshit. Abramoff used his influence to buy off both sides. Since you didn’t watch the Fox News Sunday show of December 18, you missed the Harry “Deer In The Headlights” Reid look when Chris Wallace reminded him he got $$$ from JA. His retort: “So don’t lump me in with Jack Abramoff. This is a Republican scandal. Don’t try to give any of it to me.” (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV). Yet the WA Post article of 12-28-2005 paints this picture:
Team Abramoff included former staffers to DeLay, as well as to Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), head of the Senate Appropriations panel’s Interior subcommittee; Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Administration Committee; Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.), who has served on the key House committee that oversees tribes; and Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), now minority leader. So if former staffers from the right are wrong, former staffers from the left are right? WindieASS logic; as stupid as Mr Comprehension – StuckonStupidASS following a thread topic!
You see, Reid, like many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, have received campaign contributions from Abramoff clients. Some lawmakers have returned those donations (with much fanfare), but Reid has not. Why is that windieASS? Why would the man who called this Congress: “The most corrupt Congress in the history of the country. We have such significant problems with what’s going on in this country.”, not return political contributions and clean his own ASS of the stench he decries?
Maybe windieASS you should watch Fox News Sunday and watch your political heroes twist in the wind. Were you there on 12-18-05 at Fox blowing…?
Puddybud has posted 100% of the last four posts.
I am waiting for windieASS to call me a liar again. Liar liar pants on fire is all windieASS has!
Today is Louis Braille’s birthday. I wonder if that has any political significance to windieASS or stuckonstupiddonASS?
this whole thing is nebulous I admit… however, puddy: You’re projecting again.
You have nothing thats not based on lies, debating tricks, or misrepresentation. You know it, and I know it. I don’t need to misrepresent you, you make it PAINFULLY clear what you mean… and its usually loathesome.
You’re still (knowingly!) conflating ‘contributions’ with ‘bribes’. If your best defense is ‘the Democrats do it too!’, then you folks really *are* in trouble.
PS: I’m tired of having to emphasize over and over that we want anyone who’s found to be guilty prosecuted, regardless of party. If you don’t get it by now, you never will.
hah, thats cute… You’re positively chomping at the bit, Puddy! Calm down!
(PS: You’re a liar)
“The ranking Democrat on the Senate committee investigating the Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff announced on Tuesday that he was returning $67,000 in political contributions from Mr. Abramoff’s former partners and Indian tribe clients. The lawmaker, Senator Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota, has been accused of hypocrisy by Republicans for having not acknowledged the contributions from Mr. Abramoff’s clients while at the same time sharply criticizing him in hearings of the Senate panel, the Indian Affairs Committee.” – New York Times.
Now isn’t that amazing; someone speaking without knowing their own campaign organization? Is he a friend of Patty Murray?
Champing at the bit dumbASS windieASS. And you all have the audacity to pick on my ghetto english AKA ebonics?
Champing at the bit
If someone is eager or anxious to do something, they are said to be champing at the bit, (not chomping at the bit. nor chomping on the bit).
CHAMPING: Repetitious, strong opening and closing action of the mouth which
produces sounds when the teeth hit together. Champing in swine may be a
threat signal, but also is performed by boars during courtship and
mating. Definition from Hurnik et al., 1995.
– The Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Behavior
v. tr. – To bite or chew upon noisily.
v. intr. – To work the jaws and teeth vigorously.
Idiom: – champ at the bit
To show impatience at being held back or delayed.
– The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Calm down? Kiss my ASS windieASS. I don’t take orders from you!
Now you clean it up and say anyone guilty of taking what you say? “contributions for influence peddling”? should be held accountable? Now you are agreeing with Sven?
Wow, I guess reason does penetrate that cro-magnon thick skull with that turkey sized brain!
Remember windieASS you brought it up: “You’re positively chomping at the bit, Puddy!”
Champing in swine may be a threat signal, but also is performed by boars during courtship and mating. Is that your mating call to the “wife” windieASS?
OMG I mispelled a saying! That means that Bush is in the right, and the current republican leadership isn’t dominated by liars and criminals!!! My whole world is collapsing around me!
You were in better form yesterday. You’re so eager to fight, and yet all you have is “You mispelled a saying!”? Gimme a break.
PS: If I were to have a wife, it’d be a crime. I think you guys were behind that?
funny thing by the way…
“Chomping” is a far more common usage than “Champing” is. (over twice as many hits on google, for instance)
That being said, you’re technically right… if this whole thing weren’t so massively irrelevant.
Interesting thing to learn, however!
The Wikipedia entry for Senator Murray. Sorry PB and MTR, but I think your dead wrong about our Senior Senator.
Unlike Bush Jr., she earned her position the old fashion way, climbing up from local and state to Federal.
Near as I can figure, she kicked Republican Ass three times in a row (only the fourth Washington senator to win 3 consecutive terms) because she has convictions. Voted against the Flight Suit in Chiefs War Resolution because it was idiotic. Refused to back down from her comment about Osama B, because there was some truth to it.
Nethercutt made two mistakes in ’04, breaking his own promise on term limits (no convictions) and attempting to “swift boat” her with the comment about Osama. Amateur!
No windie, if your were to have a wife, maybe some of your way-out-in-left-field thoughts would be mitigated with some female reasoning.
Once again windieASs dismisses the irrelevant, but he first brought it up! Chomping vs. champing. If you had a clue windieASS, you would be relevant!
puddy; where to start.
a) If I had a wife, it would be “gay marriage”… I know that that pisses righties off.
b) theres a hint in a)… see if you can find it
c) Chomping vs. Champing is 100% irrelevant, dummy! What does it have to do with congressional corruption? (or your corruption?) If it were relevant, I’d feel secure knowing that common usage is on my side. “Champing” is an archaic form, swiftly dying out. (albeit technically correct)
d) Why are you so eager to fight today anyways? Is it ’cause yer still smarting from me catching on to your “Wife” fiction?
e) What is it with you and the echo-chamber? Anything I say to you, you’re sure as shootin’ gonna say back (like the wife thing)
f) Why do righties think they’re ‘clever’ and ‘funny’ when they so clearly aren’t?
WindieASS: Wow 6 items for viewing. They all gave me indigestion.
A) So you are gay. Do I care? Only if you push your agenda in schools. But with the name windie I now understand the pfffft sound now!
B) If found it; has something to do with highway!
C) You bring up chomping. When corrected you decry relevancy? Ha ha ha. You are a parathetic child.
D) The wife is not fiction. My sons are not fiction.
E) Echo chamber? You must be experiencing the walls closing in your small intellectual prison of dumb thought.
F) It’s only the left that is devoid of comedy.
a) dense
c) I used a figure of speech, and you made it the center of the debate. I knew your case was weak, but not THAT weak…
d) Sure. I start to believe you, then I realize who I’m talking to. Then I think… “Naah, who’d marry that?”
e) No actual content in this response. the term “Small intellectual prison of dumb thought” is charming tho. Still trying too hard, I think.
f) See? Echo chamber!
C’Mon, MTR… you asked for
It has been provided to you… yet you remain silent?
Has the repeated rake bashing your forehead (sorry windie) snapped the synapses in your typing center?
C’mon, MTR be a BIG MAN, and admit you not only are an idiot but a complete Moron who is so drunk with right wing Kool Aid that you actually believe the ignorant crap you post.
PuddyBud is back at the internet dictionary again.. I geuss when you have had all your lies and distortions snapped back at your pudgy pink face the only thing you have left is quoting dictionary rntries.
Dictionary entries and 3rd grade gay jokes.
WindieASS: My wife was a gift from God. Can you comprehend that?
For everything else I’m moving on. Stay there in that prison of way out lefty moonbat thought!!
For the adults here: “In 2002, Michigan Democrat Senators Carl Levin And Debbie Stabenow Wrote A Letter To Montana Republican Senator Conrad Burns And West Virginia Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, Then Chairman Of The Senate Appropriations Committee, Requesting Funding For A School In Michigan For The Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, An Abramoff Client. “In 2002, Democratic Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan had written a letter to [Montana Republican Senator Conrad] Burns and Senator Robert Byrd, the West Virginia Democrat who was then chairman of the Appropriations Committee, asking for funds for the school. “`These buildings cannot accommodate the current student body or the expected future growth in the student enrollment,” the two senators wrote on March 22, 2002.” (“Abramoff Tribal Client Gave to Lawmakers, Won $3 Million Grant,” Bloomberg, December 2, 2005)
National Democrat Party Affiliated Committees Received Over $1.2 Million From Indian Tribe Clients And Lobbying Associates Of Jack Abramoff. – join and you’ll see the full report!!!! – Here are the $$$ from Abramoff:
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) Received At Least – $22,500
Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) Received At Least – $6,500
Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) Received At Least – $1,250
Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Received At Least – $20,250
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Received At Least – $21,765
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) Received At Least – $12,950
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) Received At Least – $8,000
Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) Received At Least – $14,792
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Received At Least – $79,300
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) Received At Least – $14,000
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) Received At Least – $1,250
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) Received At Least – $45,750
Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Received At Least – $9,000
Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT) Received At Least – $2,000
Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) Received At Least – $14,250
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) Received At Least – $3,300
Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Received At Least – $98,550
Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Received At Least – $28,000
Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) Received At Least – $4,000
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) Received At Least – $6,000
Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) Received At Least – $29,830
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Received At Least – $14,891
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Received At Least – $10,550
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) Received At Least – $78,991
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Received At Least – $20,168
Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) Received At Least – $5,200
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) Received At Least – $7,500
Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) Received At Least – $2,300
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Received At Least – $3,500
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Received At Least – $68,941
Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV) Received At Least – $4,000
Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) Received At Least – $4,500
Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) Received At Least – $4,300
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Received At Least – $29,550
Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Received At Least – $6,250
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) Received At Least – $6,250
Let me amend the above #131. From Abramoff and his clientele!
For those of us who decry PORK, this is a great web site.
For #130 I forgot the Levin link:
because windieASS will claim I made it all up!
StuckonstupiddonASS: I use the dictionary. What do you use? Conjecture?
@ 131 Impressive list Puddybud, though it has unfortunate stains from having been pulled from your ass.
No Republicans on that list? Hmmm… sounds like your ass filter is a bit tight and selective. Why don’t you list the Republicans who recieved money and services from Abramoff and then provided Abramoff with favors?
Is it really that bad, that you have to hide it?
This is not good news for the Republicans at all!
Hmmm.. I geuss you are trying to say that the opposite of “using a dictionary” is “Conjecture”..?
I may need to look that up.
Nope, You are again lying.
Puddybud uses a quote from the Michigan Republican Party!!!
Now there is a completely trustworthy source!
Puddybud, you truly are a treasure troll.
sven @ 42 “And all of them took more then Bush, at 34k
Pirates….hang em all. ”
Actually Abramoff is a Bush Pioneer, having given more than $100,000 to the 2004 Bush re-election campaign.
Wherever the truth comes from is still the truth windieASS. Unless it is from daily kos, think progess or media matters you can’t believe it?
Simple things for simple minds.
And StuckASS: The list is to combat the Goldy link that only Repubs are on the Abramoff dole. Sorry everyone is! I just found some truth from the standard Goldy Spin!!!
yes I read that this morning as well, but *raised* as opposed to *donated* is the decerning factor.
I also hear Bush’s campaign is giving the money to the american heart association.
A good cause, even if the money is tainted, and they are giving it away fro the wrong reasons: To look good.
First, puddy can’t tell the difference between me and don; next come the sockpuppet accusations.
Second, I guess Puddy didn’t like the way our discussion was going, ’cause he sure jumped subjects fast. “I’m done with you” = “I’m looking bad, better duck and cover!”
Third, Puddys’ wife is the gift of his imagination I think.
@141 “The list is to combat the Goldy link that only Repubs are on the Abramoff dole.”
Uh… that was never even hinted at, Puddybud. It was acknowledged in the Washington Post article, that we all were discussing.
You really should try to read more than just your desperate google searches.
sven “but *raised* as opposed to *donated* is the decerning factor.”
*raised* is exactly the problem! Abramoff never gave a dime of his pwn money. It was from illegal sources that he squeezed money from.
(for the record, I admit that I’m trolling puddy some with the wife thing. But given his record of conduct on this blog, I think he deserves it some :p)
See here is the problem.
There is no Democratic equivalent of the Capital Atheltic Foundation, or the various other explicitly fake charities used by top republican officials purely for money laundering. Not even close. The ‘equivalence’ is that tribes that Abramoff was scamming also donated to Democrats. The Democrats got campaign funds, mind, not under-the-table salaries and expense accounts. That’s it. There is not an honest soul in this world that could claim ‘hang them all’ on that basis. As far as I know, there is not even evidence that Abramoff directed the donations to Democrats.
Stop pretending that this is a nonpartisan issue. Man, for a seemingly ‘reasonable’ poster, you sure do shill hard.
The ‘hang ’em all’ attitude is really common amongst right-leaning people I know personally.
I think it comes from 2 places;
1) general cynicism of the american people. we’re brought up to believe that all politicians are corrupt
2) an orchestrated campaign to paint all politicians as corrupt in order to cover for the ones who are really really bad.
I think its odd that its almost a mantra amongst the right to say that all politicians are corrupt, tho’
Anyone else notice that when Abramoff left court in Wash DC, he had a “gangster Fedora” on, but now in FLA, he is wearing a blue suit with a “Baseball cap”” on. Looks ridiculous!
Someone must have wispered in his ear that the Fedora, while stylish, looked bit too in character for his admitted activities.
I liked the look of the fur-collared trenchcoat. That had to piss off the People Eating Tasty Animals crowd.
WTF?? “people eating tasty animals crowd”?
Windie: Just returned from son’s orthodontist. I needed a woman to create him. That woman happens to be my beautiful wife of over two decades. There is an old saying in the military. I married above my pay grade.
2005 cost $4857.
2006 cost $9755. None covered by WA Dental Insurance!
Now add that up and I know where I could invest $14612 for a real return. So you drone on how my wife is non-existant. This the last answer on that subject :)
Man stuckASS@151 you are dense. PETA. Dumb and built to stay that way. What function do cookies perform on computers?
cookies are for putting crumbs in the keyboard… to make sure the ‘stickiness factor’ is right.
cookies on the web are something else tho :p
DeadlyShoe: Remember the 1996 Johnny Chung scandal? The “Reno Justice” Department allowed all those scoundrels to leave the country. The difference is the Bush Justice Department is going after everyone and damned where the chips land. There will be no obfuscation!
… thats a joke right?
it sure sounds like a joke, but given your politics…
Cookies on hte web?
Since when did spiders start eating cookies???
Now, cows, mmmmm that’s good eatin’.
“I like my meat rare. I’ll cut off a hunk and ride the rest home.”
~Denis Leary
That guy cracks me up.
At least you windie have a clue on cookies. StuckonstupiddonASS does not, but he’s an environmental chemist though.
So let’s speak chemistry StuckASS. Take home some pure Sodium or Magnesium and flush it down your toilet tonight. Call me in the morning! Or take some pure H2SO4 and pour it into a glass jar. Add cold water to it. Be sure to hold the jar! Call me in the morning.
Bak to the topical thread.
In addition, reading the various public records sources demonstrate these leading Democratic congresspeople have received substantial big bucks from Indian tribes:
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) – $505,400
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) – $266,800
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) – $237,030
Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) – $129,500
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) – $76,500
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) – $104,500
Wow those are big bucks. I wonder what the got for their “contributions”?
puddypuddy: are you saying that campaign contributions are illegal? Or rather, are you saying they’re the same as bribes?
Now notice whom on the above list are vociferous denouncers of Tom DeLay:
Which Democrat Party Affiliated Committees Received Over $1.2 Million From Indian Tribe Clients And Lobbying Associates Of Jack Abramoff since 1997?
– The Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) Received Over $430,000
– The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Received Over $629,000
– The Democrat National Committee (DNC) Received Over $177,000
Did you know some incumbent SDCC receiving over $729,000 from Indian Tribed and JA associates? Where is that in the WaPo or the NY Times?
Where do the Indian Tribes Donations go?
1. Since 1999, #1 largest recipient: Democratic National Committee – $2,015,250 (non-federal corporate account) – Terry McAuliffe knew where the money came from!
2. 2nd – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee – $1,614,950 – Patty Murray ran that group.
3. 3rd – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee – $1,288,650 – Hmmm… Haven’t been able to identify this one. Maybe Steny Hoyer?
4. 5th – Democratic Governors Association – $965,000 – Didn’t Bill Richardson run that group?
Total 1-4: $5,883,850
But but but, “So don’t lump me in with Jack Abramoff. This is a Republican scandal. Don’t try to give any of it to me.” (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) on Fox News Sunday 12-18-05).
Windie@160 (the 160 is added so StuckASS@151 can follow a thread and it’s logic): That depends (yes them diapers catch it all)! When you get the really big bucks there is an unwritten quid pro quo and we all know this!
Hey Libertarian: Did you know a senior scholar at the Cato Institute, Doug Bandow, resigned after revelations that he took payments from the lobbyist Jack Abramoff in exchange for writing columns favorable to his clients. DOesn’t this sound familiar on many fronts? Isn’t the Cato Institute the respected libertarian research organization?
New York Times 12-17-05 December 17, 2005, Saturday
By ANNE E. KORNBLUT AND PHILIP SHENON (NYT) – You see Ann Kornblut on Chris Matthews Hardball a lot!
Doesn’t the above revelation sound similar to the Eason Jordan, VP of CNN News, revelation that he was sodomized by Saddam so CNN could continue to report from Baghdad?
“My view has always been that there are too few journalists left in journalism, and too many columnists with actual or potential conflicts of interest writing for mainstream newspapers,” said columnist Cal Thomas, who’s syndicated to nearly 600 papers via Tribune Media Services (TMS).
Ya gotta love Cal Thomas! He tells it like it is. Do you leftists watch him on Saturday night on Fox News? Probably won’t admit it here. It’d blow your cover as a leftist moonbat!
I can’t tell you if think the problem with Abramoff is one sided (Dems) or if you are trying to imply the problems of corrupiton is evenly distributed in D.C.
I’m going to go with the latter in a modified arguement, and that is there is corruption in both parties. But, to be honest, I think there will be a 2:1 ratio of Reps & Dems being indicited in charges related to Abramoff’s testimonies.
Abramoff looks out for “#1” which means he has agreed with federal prosecutors of cooperate “FULLY.” NO MEDIA BIAS, NO PROSECUTION BIAS. No matter what DeLay whines about. When the prosecutor is done purging cogress we’ll know how many Dems and how many Reps were “dirty” scumbags for sure. I think you should sit tight on this one. It’s sort of like the Able Danger thingy.
What’s unique about Abramoff’s case it that prosecutors never had the guy in a squeeze play like they have Abramoff with such rich information. Good or bad, Abramoff was a stickler for keeping detailed records. And, that is going to F*CK a few people over reaaaal good. In the past, congressmen could have cast doubt with the “I didn’t know” sheild. This is not going to be the case here.
I think this is as bad, if not worse, than the House banking scandal of ’92, which, quite frankly, helped Newt Gingrich write the ‘Contract with America’ and help to usher in a Republican majority in congress.
I’d bet lunch, again, that this fall the Dems will pick up seats in both the house and the senate.
Didn’t former Democrat LA Gov. Edwin Edwards receive back in 1997 a warm bed and three squares in the federal pokey (more ways than one) for the extortion/bribes regarding casino riverboat licenses over the objection of Indian Tribes?
One thing you and I can agree on that no matter what party these scumbags are in, if they’re abusing their position of public trust and authority for financial gain — then, FUCK YOU, pack your bags, next stop Terre Haute Federal Pen. where your cell wife’s name will be Big Bubba. And, he’ll tell them, “get over here and suck your wife’s dick.”
At least, that’s how I feel about it.
I think GBS has hit the nail pretty much on the head. We can argue about whether its mostly dems or mostly reps…
But everyone implicated needs to get the hell out.
GBS: I am saying that the dems are too caught up in this web of Abramoff deceit. But I am a salmon swimming upstream to spawn. All the carp and other bottom feeders are swimming downstream. Look at the opening line of Goldy’s blog thread:”Adult diapers are the hot new fashion accessory on Capitol Hill today, as GOP uber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleads guilty and cooperates with prosecutors.” Yes Abramoff was a GOP lobbyist, but he covered his bets on both sides! No one except you (windie did later) will acknowledge this. Hence you are an adult among the children here!
I am enjoying taking this day off and scouring the Internet regarding the $$$ taken by the Demos from the JA Association!
Regarding your line above, there will be some victories but the Repubs will retain the Congressional houses.
Regarding the Bush Justice Department, the children above don’t think they will skin Abramoff alive for his information. The Bushes realize this is also part of the GWBush legacy but the dim bulb child types here on ASSes discount this too. I remember the Chung scandal and you all forget how badly Janet Reno did on that one!
Windie @ 169
forgive my sailor potty mouth in my earlier posts, although you’re probably used to that from me by now.
That’s why I was suggesting to Puddybud he ought to cool his jets on pointing out how many dems are guilty. There’s not arguing that, but there’s also no arguement that reps will outnumber dems at least 3:2 if not 2:1 on this scandal.
And, it will reach the White House. Bush has had contact with Abramoff dating back to 1997 regarding the Northern Mariana Islands and Abramoff. When the dust settles, I don’t think it will touch Bush, but just being associated with Abramoff is going to taint his already suffering credibility.
This just in:
Abramoff Lobbying & Political Contributions to Democrats, per FEC Records
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $423,480
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $354,700
Democratic National Cmte $65,720
Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI) $42,500
Patty Murray (D-Wash) $40,980
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) $36,000
Harry Reid (D-Nev) $30,500
Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) $28,000
Tom Daschle (D-SD) $26,500
Democratic Party of Michigan $23,000
Brad R. Carson (D-Okla) $20,600
Dale E. Kildee (D-Mich) $19,000
Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md) $17,500
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) $15,500
Democratic Party of Oklahoma $15,000
Chris John (D-La) $15,000
John Breaux (D-La) $13,750
Frank Pallone, Jr (D-NJ) $13,600
Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo) $12,000
Mary L. Landrieu (D-La) $11,500
Barney Frank (D-Mass) $11,100
Max Baucus (D-Mont) $11,000
Maria Cantwell (D-Wash) $10,000
Democratic Party of North Dakota $10,000
Nick Rahall (D-WVa) $10,000
Democratic Party of South Dakota $9,500
Democratic Party of Minnesota $9,000
Ron Kind (D-Wis) $9,000
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) $8,500
Joe Baca (D-Calif) $8,000
Dick Durbin (D-Ill) $8,000
Xavier Becerra (D-Calif) $7,523
Tim Johnson (D-SD) $7,250
Democratic Party of New Mexico $6,250
Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) $6,000
David E. Bonior (D-Mich) $5,000
Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ) $5,000
Democratic Party of Montana $5,000
Fritz Hollings (D-SC) $5,000
Jay Inslee (D-Wash) $5,000
Thomas P. Keefe Jr. (D-Wash) $5,000
Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md) $5,000
Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich) $5,000
Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) $4,500
Tom Carper (D-Del) $4,000
Kent Conrad (D-ND) $4,000
Jerry Kleczka (D-Wis) $4,000
Sander Levin (D-Mich) $4,000
Robert T. Matsui (D-Calif) $4,000
George Miller (D-Calif) $4,000
Kalyn Cherie Free (D-Okla) $3,500
James L. Oberstar (D-Minn) $3,500
Charles J. Melancon (D-La) $3,100
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) $3,000
Cal Dooley (D-Calif) $3,000
John B. Larson (D-Conn) $3,000
David R. Obey (D-Wis) $3,000
Ed Pastor (D-Ariz) $3,000
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) $3,000
Richard M. Romero (D-NM) $3,000
Brad Sherman (D-Calif) $3,000
Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss) $3,000
Max Cleland (D-Ga) $2,500
Grace Napolitano (D-Calif) $2,500
Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif) $2,500
Bill Luther (D-Minn) $2,250
Gene Taylor (D-Miss) $2,250
Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) $2,000
Ken Bentsen (D-Texas) $2,000
Dan Boren (D-Okla) $2,000
Rosa L. DeLauro (D-Conn) $2,000
John D. Dingell (D-Mich) $2,000
Doug Dodd (D-Okla) $2,000
Ned Doucet (D-La) $2,000
Lane Evans (D-Ill) $2,000
Sam Farr (D-Calif) $2,000
John Neely Kennedy (D-La) $2,000
Carl Levin (D-Mich) $2,000
Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) $2,000
Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) $2,000
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) $2,000
Adam Schiff (D-Calif) $2,000
Ronnie Shows (D-Miss) $2,000
Adam Smith (D-Wash) $2,000
Ellen O. Tauscher (D-Calif) $2,000
Mike Thompson (D-Calif) $2,000
Maxine Waters (D-Calif) $2,000
Peter DeFazio (D-Ore) $1,500
Norm Dicks (D-Wash) $1,500
John Kerry (D-Mass) $1,400
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) $1,000
Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif) $1,000
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) $1,000
Jim Costa (D-Calif) $1,000
Susan A. Davis (D-Calif) $1,000
Eliot L. Engel (D-NY) $1,000
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) $1,000
Tim Holden (D-Pa) $1,000
Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) $1,000
Joe Lieberman (D-Conn) $1,000
Jim Maloney (D-Conn) $1,000
David Phelps (D-Ill) $1,000
Charles S. Robb (D-Va) $1,000
Brian David Schweitzer (D-Mont) $1,000
Pete Stark (D-Calif) $1,000
Gloria Tristani (D-NM) $1,000
Derrick B. Watchman (D-Ariz) $1,000
Rick Weiland (D-SD) $1,000
Paul Wellstone (D-Minn) $1,000
Ron Wyden (D-Ore) $1,000
Bob Borski (D-Pa) $720
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) $500
Howard L. Berman (D-Calif) $500
Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) $500
Democratic Party of Washington $500 -*- Will Berendt return the funds?
Barbara Lee (D-Calif) $500
Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif) $500
Grand Total $1,541,673
Thanks for putting me at the “grown-up’s table” here on HA (LOL).
Here’s the difference between the Chung scandal (which I don’t remember) and the Abramoff scandal. Everyone is going to remember the Abramoff scandal. And, they’re going to reminded of that well past the elections in November because none of this is going to go away quietly and quickly.
Dems will gain seats in the house, and may even come close retaking the Senate. I mean, when Trent Lott’s seat needs to be defended by the GOP in a RED RED state, geez dude, the people are getting sick and tired of the BS. And, it things don’t get resolved faster in MS, FEMA & Katrina) the GOP is going to have an even tougher time defending Lott’s seat.
Puddybud @ 173:
A) I’m not going to track down any more red herrings.
B) That’s a long list of chump change donations.
C) What’s the quid pro quo bombshell between Abramoff and Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif) $500? Nothing. No quid pro quo.
No quid pro quo, no law broken.
Look at this from a mind of a methodical prosecutor; you got Abramoff dead to rights. If he didn’t cooperate, at age 46 or so, he’d end up spending most of, if not all, of his natural life in prison. He’s not going to do that and as a good prosecutor you know this. Abramoff is well connected, too connected when you look at the gang-land style hit on “Gus” Boulis. After all, it was Jack’s partner, Kidran, who hired the mob guys from the Gotti Crime Family of NY to run their catering operations on the Sun Cruz gambling ships. That’s one degree of separation between Abraoff, the mob and the GOP hierarchy.
Abramoff has kept meticulously detailed accounts of phone calls, emails, conversations what he did for whom and why and what someone else expects in return. That’s where the law breaking comes in, not in the donating to Democrats.
Now you put pressure on Robert Ney of Ohio and get him to crack. Mix in one or two more politicians in the hopper, add Abramoff’s testimony and detailed records, stir gently and you’ve got a recipe for prison hooch my friend. And, I’m not talking about folks like Duke-ster, or Ney, I’m talking major political embarrassment for the GOP, and to some degree, the Democrats. If the Democrats don’t fall this spring/summer, I’ll bet they retake at least the senate if not both houses. And, if that happens, well, let’s just say W should resign before he goes through impeachment and removal from office.
I can just see Puddybud’s pudgy pink fingers flying on the keyboard and the spittle and bits of unchewed food flying from his lips as he copies line after line of completely unrelevant nonsense thinking he is accomplishing a thing.
He would better spend his time reading the posts on this blog, or better yet any book not written by a wingnut than digging himself deeper and deeper into a well of denial.
First off GBS, I said big bucks are a quid pro quo. The small bucks don’t count.
Regarding the change in Congress, it will only happen in swing states. Ney will be forced to resign and another will be in his place. If he is in a Repub district, I doubt they will elect a demo. But there will not be enough replacements for the tax and spend crowd to take over. You all need to get around the country more. People are NOT upset with their congress person. Read some real political people ASSes, not the Kos site. Dick Morris doesn’t think so and neither does James Carville. He has been saying things not being printed by the MSM, and it’s not positive. You guys have to change your culture he says and you guys haven’t!!!
When we were in MS. before Christmas, the names replacing Lott bantied around ASSes were not the names in MS.
Regarding another thread. I had to go to the Internet to verify my thought. I thought you had to live in America for 14 years, not immediate or consecutive years. I was right. 35 years and 14 in America.
Patty murray?
What does she have to say?
(or is she waiting for talking points)?
Hey StuckASS@177: At least I read books. If you read, even the ___ for Dummies books you would know what is the purpose of a cookie on a computer. So you of all people should SFTU regarding reading! Being the dullest of the dull knives on ASSes, you need remedial thread comprehension help just about every week. You didn’t even know the take off name of PETA. What world do you exist in?
Any real computer aficionado DOES NOT EAT and type at the same time. The keys get greasy and the crumbs will eventually disable the keys. Not only do you know little of the computer use sciences but you effectively proved you are stupid too!
Puddybud, you really are going off the deep end. Your posts again @ 178 and @ 180 make absolutely NO SENSE!
Who the hell are you talking about? Quit ranting, take a deep breathe and try to make some freaking sense? It is getting more and more difficult to even attempt to respond to your off kilter blather…
@ 180
Again, WTF are you talking about cookies? IF you mean computer cookies, the WTF are you talking about people not knowing what they are?
Puddybud, have your long sufferring wife make you some tea or something, you have clearly had a stroke of something.
Puddybud @ 178
How do you equate “big bucks to quid pro quo?” The size of the payment is not the issue according to the law. Basically, the question is did the public official receive some sort of monetary gain for acting in a certain manner.
So, what’s the reasoning behind your listing of Democrats only form Abramoff’s list of donations?
StuckASS: I’ll wait for the adult here GBS to answer me. I assure you he will know what I was saying my response to him.
More remedial help for Mr. Comprehension – Stuckonstupiddon
I said: If you read, even the ___ for Dummies books you would know what is the purpose of a cookie on a computer. So you of all people should SFTU regarding reading!
Now let’s evaluate the response from StuckASS:”Again, WTF are you talking about cookies? IF you mean computer cookies, the WTF are you talking about people not knowing what they are?” Uhhh yes, I said above computer cookies. You are just too dumb to comprehend anything. Did you ever answer MTR except calling him vagina lips and giving a dumb answer on cookies? You never answered his question and he reasked it.
Answer me this Puddybud: Why in hell would I respond to a question on cookies from Mark the Yelllowdick?
I await your answer.
Oh, and Puddybud, I will pay for all your meals for a year if you can find one (1) instance where I called MTR “vagina lips”
That’s a lot of food, Puddybud! Start searching!
GBS: Come on my man, lest you forget: Scary Reid is a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Interior (SSOI) which has jurisdiction over funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Hmmm… isn’t that the interest of JA? He received from over $66,000 from JA friends. When you get the Senate Minority leader on your side it can only help!
The SSOI’s activities, and that of it’s members, are a key focus of the JA Justice Department corruption scandal and criminal investigation. What is really interesting here in the senate are the other demo SSOI members. These are major Tom DeLay corruption bashers, you know the loud-mouths who love getting on the media shows, yet they are significantly tied to the JA scandal. These bodies include Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) (SSOI Ranking Minority Leader) Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT); and last but not least Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). JA’s scandal has also tied Democrat Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) into it because she is a former member of the Senate Subcommittee on Interior.
Now when you read the Las Vegas fish rag they talk about Eward Ayoob, the former legislative aid to Scary Reid. Reid has tried to hide the fact that Ayoob held a fundraising reception for him at the offices of Abramoff’s firm, Greenberg Traurig.
Puddybud @ 178
The presidential question is one of my favorites. Did you know the 14 year time requirement has never been “legally” settled whether it is cumalitve or consecutive?
It is widely believed that at the writing of the Constitution the “time” in country requirement might have been necessary to assure an allegiance to the “new” homeland. But since we are so well established now, it is accepted as a cumalitve total. Otherwise it would exclude citizen who have served overseas in the military or travelled abroad.
It’s just one of those worthless trivia questions I like.
You wrote:
“Any real computer aficionado DOES NOT EAT and type at the same time.
Damn it! That leave me out. I love having a big ol’ ham & cheese sandwich hanging out of my mouth as I furiously pound the keyboard with my fingers. I find that holding the keyboard upside down and give it a good shaking gets most of the crumbs out.
Coffee, however will really “F” up a keyboard. Did you know that?I found out the hard way.
Watch a wingnut explode in real time! Sure Puddy. The Representative who spent his career combatting corruption in Las Vegas is, of course, the guilty one.
real computer afficionados do everything by their computers… Who wants to take time away to eat?
you just have to occasionally buy new keyboards :p
oh and gbs, don’t worry ’bout cussing in front of me..
I may not be an ‘adult’, but I’m a 30 year old ‘kid’… so I’m pretty tough :P
GBS, you don’t know how many keyboards I had to blow out with clean compressed air cans to try and resurrect keys. In many offices there were rules regarding eating and typing. Some offices forced their people to buy replacement keyboards if they damage was due to eating.
Sorry to leave you out GBS.
Well, according to Puddybud’s logic anyone who ever served in congress is tied into the JA scandal.
Unfortunately for Puddybud, that ain’t the way the law works. When a Republican Lobbyist pleads guilty to bribery and money laundering, expect lots of “But he gave to democrats too!” nonsense.
But as I have stated before, all who are involved should be tried.
I am willing to watch the body count.
DeadlyShoe: Did I say that about Scary Reid? Projecting again? He took money and is remiss to accept that fact. Don’t be surprised if his name is on the indictment. That’s my guess.
Finally stuckASS has said something coherent on ASSes. Tell Goldy that too! All he refers to are the Repubs. I tell the sad tale of the other side of the Congressional aisle who are also involved. You guys just can’t stand the truth!
Again, PuddyBud, Read the freaking posts! We have discussed thouroughly the contributions given to democrats starting @ 42, and in Goldy’s update!
So much time is wasted getting your ignorant ass up to speed! Just READ THE FUCKING POSTS before you start ranting like a confused idiot!
Dimbulb alert
PI: Murray won’t return money from tribes connected to Abramoff
Patty “Sneaker” Murray is might slippery.
She doesn’t have to give money back BECAUSE SHE NEVER DOES ANYTHING!! Hysterical…..but sadly true.
Democrats pretend to have no idea of how money laundering works when a Democrat is involved. Unless someone can produce a check, with Abramoff’s signature on it, addressed directly to Murray, with “Vote Yes on C*sinos” in the memo field, then Murray did nothing wrong. Yet they support charges against Delay, with not even an explanation of how Delay himself was involved, or spefically what he did that was illegal other than “conspiracy.”
I am so sorry StuckASS for you. You can’t refute the entries posted above so you revert to “we’ve discussed thoroughly… blah blah blah…. No, you ran out of comebacks because there was nothing else on Kos, Matters or Progress to rewrite. Man I could start hitting the conservative URL sites and really pile it on!
StuckASS@191: You’re projecting again. Did I say that? You can join PacMan for lunch with GBS if I said that anywhere. I said there was influence peddling on both sides of the aisle. Dorgan AKA Helmet Head did the first mea culpa and gave back $67,000. But Scary Reid, says no way am I giving that money back. Well we’ll see.
I’m glad, puddy, I taught you the term ‘projecting’…
The resurrection of Hitler.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on His Proposal for a Jewish State in Europe and on Iran’s Nuclear Energy.
Following are excerpts from a speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which was broadcast on the Iranian News Channel (IRINN) on January 5, 2006,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: We simply asked the Western powers a question: Your excuse and logic for supporting these (Zionist) crimes and criminals is that 60 years ago – so you claim – during World War II, some of the Jews were burnt in crematoria.
Well, we ask you: If this is true, who did this? It was you, your governments, and your regimes that did this. If you accept that you did this, you should be held accountable. Why should the Palestinian people pay the price for your crimes? Give them a piece of your land, and the whole thing will be over. There is no need for meetings, conventions, peace treaties, and so on.
If, however, this is not true, and it is a big historical lie, why do you inflict such a violent and corrupt (Zionist) regime on the peoples of the region?
The moment we asked this question, those who purport to defend human rights yelled at the top of their lungs: This Ahmadinejad is a war-monger, he rejects human rights and the facts of history, and therefore, we must not allow his government and people to obtain nuclear technology. We must restrict them.
Crowd: Ahmadi, Ahamdi, we support you. Ahmadi, Ahamdi, we support you. Ahmadi, Ahamdi, we support you.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Rest assured that neither the Palestinian people and all Islamic peoples will not tolerate, even for a moment, the existence of this occupying and corrupt regime, which you have brought to the region.
You lose your temper just because of one question and make military threats. To the Iranians and to other peoples, you brag about your control of the (UN) Councils. Hence, you are not worthy of talking about human rights, and to defend security and peace in the world, as you claim.
Those who possess nuclear weapons and who have used nuclear energy in the most horrendous way against all the peoples of the world, have no right to prevent other peoples from obtaining nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Recently, some of them went even further, and said that the Iranian people is not even entitled to nuclear research. You should know, and all the free peoples of the world should also know that if we give these impudent bullies a chance, tomorrow they will say that we are not even entitled to have a universities. We say to them: Right from the start we knew that you are against science, against progress, and against the development of the free people, but you should know that the Iranian people its government, which has emerged out of the will of the Iranian people, will defend their right to nuclear research and technology.
The older people present here surely remember that one of our slogans during the revolution was: We will convert the entire world to Islam with out logic. We are confident that the Islamic logic, culture, and discourse can prove their superiority in all fields over all schools of thought and theories.
No windie, DJ used the term back in July! But if you need to stroke your own ego, keep the thought!
Hey Freep,
Jackoff raised 100 grand for your favorite Resident. The Resident gives 6 grand back. Little quid pro quo involved with that cash?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Cluedinless&less: I do support the return or charity contribution of $94K. Do you support the Patrick Kennedy/Scary Reid return of their JA & Friends contributions? How transparent are you cluedinless&less?
Did Abramoff stop ANWR Drilling, Patriot Act Passage, Social Security Reform with his $$$?
so puddy: lets make it clear… you’re implying that a republican lobbyist exerted influence with democrats to defeat things the republicans wanted and the democrats opposed?
You know thats totally insane, right?
Hey Freep,
Newt’s lecturing the R’s on ethics! Hilarious!
Windie: You just don’t get it. He was lobbying for Indian interests only. What of this scandal don’t you comprehend? He needed votes from both sides of the aisle. There was no opposition to the Indian interests by one party or the other. You need to figure that out.
Cluedinless&less or is it DMMMTPCASS?: Now you agree with Newt? You certainly are a real horsesASS.
Freep, I’m bustin’ at how you’re trying to find some kind of silver lining to the R’s hypocisy, mendacity and corruption.
Guess that’s what an apologist is supposed to do.
Yo Cluedinless&less DMMMTPCASS. I am no apologist for any wrongdoing. Anyone who did wrong should go. You are though. I decry pork. Have you?
Let me ask you this? Did the Special Prosecutor determine if anyone blew Valerie Plame’s cover yet?
Freep, give it up. He gave to both sides… What did you scour the internet for? More Republican wrongdoing? pfft.
Hmmm. A blogger “on your side” doesn’t think this problem is all that “bi-partisan”.
Thinks DeLay’s goin’ down too.
And what do you care about Plame? I’m glad Fitzgerald does and Fitzgerald’s boss who outgoing assistant AG Comey appointed before the Whitehouse could put Fitz on a leash.
Fitz has a new GJ and I can’t wait to see what he digs up – the odds are a little better than even that it’s more lies, corruption and hypocrisy.
Yo Cluedinless&less DMMMTPCASS: I say let Fitz investigate who leaked the NSA story to the NY Times. That will be funny! You think Fitz is on a leash? Give it up. Shall I nominate you for the Bill O’Reilly case of kool-aid award?
Balloon Juice, huh. I’ll keep them in the archived link list.
They don’t want Tom DeLay leading the Congressional Republican Party anymore and he shouldn’t. That’s what Newt Gingrich said today. Google Newt and see what he said, not what your favorite lefty URL sites say. Read his direct words without spin. If he’s not guilty, he can stay in Congress just not lead the House as Majority Leader. Get it? Naah, God named you clueless! Aptly named because God don’t make mistakes, right GBS?
Yo Cluedinless&less DMMMTPCASS: Do you believe in JUDGE NOT, and ye shall not be judged: Condemn not and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven? Naah, you can’t. God named you clueless! Aptly named because God don’t make mistakes.
Freep, your reading comprehension is completely brain-damaged. I sign my comments “For the Clueless”, i.e. for idiots like YOU!
Now you got a pipeline to God complex like Pat Robertson, someone you claim to dislike WHILE ACTING JUST LIKE HIM. You claim God named me something – well just like Pat you’re claiming your fantasies are really originating from the Almighty. Totally delusional.
As for Newt, I linked to an AP story if you bothered to follow my link.
Fitz ain’t gonna investigate NSA – your fantasies again. Abu Gonzalez will find some wingnut flunky hack to follow through on that one And those sources were PATRIOTS – they saw something wrong and illegal going down and BLEW THE WHISTLE – UNPRECEDENTED from a super-secret intelligence agency like NSA!
I never said Fitz was on a leash – your brain-damaged reading comprehension again – I said he ESCAPED being put on a leash thanks to his former boss Comey.
As for judgement – I CALLS ‘EM AS I SEES ‘EM. I see lies, corruption and hypocrisy from Bush, Darth Cheney and their fellow travellers in the Congress AND I sees hopeless apologies and spin from undying worshipful Bush dead-enders LIKE YOU!
My My my. Look at the democrats who have their fat grubby paw in the Abramoff cookie jar:
Joe Baca (D-Calif) $500
Xavier Becerra (D-Calif) $1,000
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) $500
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) $500
David E. Bonior (D-Mich) $5,000
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) $1,000
John Breaux (D-La) $5,000
Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif) $1,000
Tom Carper (D-Del) $2,000
Brad R. Carson (D-Okla) $3,600
Max Cleland (D-Ga) $2,500
Jim Costa (D-Calif) $1,000
Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) $500
Tom Daschle (D-SD) $2,000
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) $3,500
Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) $11,000
Barney Frank (D-Mass) $11,100
Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo) $1,000
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)$2,000
John Kerry (D-Mass) $1,400
Dale E. Kildee (D-Mich) $5,500
Jerry Kleczka (D-Wis) $1,000
Mary L. Landrieu (D-La) $4,500
Jim Maloney (D-Conn) $500
Charles J. Melancon (D-La) $2,100
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) $1,000
Patty Murray (D-Wash) $8,000
James L. Oberstar (D-Minn) $3,500
Frank Pallone, Jr (D-NJ) $2,000
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) $2,000
Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) $1,0000
Nick Rahall (D-WVa) $9,000
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) $15,000
Richard M. Romero (D-NM) $3,000
Brad Sherman (D-Calif) $2,000
Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich) $5,000
Gene Taylor (D-Miss) $2,250
Gloria Tristani (D-NM) $1,000
Democrat Congressiona campaign Committee $16,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $121,500
Total Idiot @ 214
Chump change. No quid pro quos, changed votes or bribes with that money. Keep dreaming the impossible dream.