Um… so I guess, when Initiative 933 supporters wax eloquently in defense of property rights, they’re really only talking about defending their own property. Posted this afternoon to the “proprights” Yahoo group:
No on I-933 Signs
All you wonderful proprights folks:
If you see those lying I-933 signs, take them down. They are full of lies and morally should not be up. If you don’t want to do that, tell me where they are and I will do it. Those people put those signs up in clusters of five or six and they are full of those suggestive, lying questions to put fear into people.
Edwina Johnston
Edwina Johnston is a member of Citizen’s Alliance for Property Rights, and was a signature gathering captain on the I-933 petition drive. She’s apparently so passionate about defending what she sees as her right to use her property in any way she sees fit, that she has absolutely no qualms about destroying other people’s property in the process.
Hypocrisy from the backers of a right-wing initiative? Who’d’ve thunk?
Just to clarify, a reader forwarded me the relevant statute:
RCW 29A.84.040 Political advertising, removing or defacing.
A person who removes or defaces lawfully placed political advertising including yard signs or billboards without authorization is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable to the same extent as a misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021. The defacement or removal of each item constitutes a separate violation.
In case you’re counting, Edwina, that means you face up to 90 days in jail and a $1000.00 fine for each sign you remove. So you go girl.
And you know the post is authentic because…?
You own your own home. Why don’t you give it up for the masses? A hypcritical radical leftwing nutjob? Who’d’ve thunk?
He ASS-UMES it. He is after all a HORSES ASS.
Full moon tonight. The wingnuts are baying.
Mark & PBJ,
I know it’s authentic because the post comes from the same email address Edwina lists on the website. But of course, if you’d read my post and followed the links you’d have figgered that out on your own. Instead, you just lazily cast aspersions.
PBJ @ 2
You’re forgetting that Goldy is a commissar in the Dem Party.
Do you really think he considers himself a member of the proletariat?
Goldy @ 5
I did look at the Yahoo post.
So, you’re saying it isn’t possible to spoof a post? I don’t pretend to know the Yahoo system, but it seems awfully easy to do it on your system here (as evidenced by the “author” name on this post). Why not there?
And why are you so defensive when a simple question is raised? Have you been freelancing to Reuters or something?
The Real Mark
From today’s P-I:
“Half of Americans still believe Iraq had WMDs before invasion
“Do you believe in Iraqi WMD? Did Saddam Hussein’s government have weapons of mass destruction in 2003? Half of Americans apparently still think so, a new poll finds, and experts see a raft of reasons why: a drumbeat of voices from talk radio to die-hard bloggers to the Oval Office, … a rallying around a partisan flag, and a growing need for people … to justify the war in Iraq. People tend to become ‘independent of reality’ in these circumstances, says opinion analyst Steven Kull.
“The reality … is that … U.S. weapons hunters … declared that Iraq had dismantled its chemical, biological and nuclear arms programs in 1991 under U.N. oversight. That finding in 2004 reaffirmed the work of U.N. inspectors who in 2002-03 found no trace of banned arsenals in Iraq.
“Despite this, a Harris Poll released July 21 found that a full 50 percent of U.S. respondents — up from 36 percent last year — said they believe Iraq did have the forbidden arms when U.S. troops invaded in March 2003, an attack whose stated purpose was elimination of supposed WMD. Other polls also have found an enduring American faith in the WMD story.
“‘I’m flabbergasted,’ said Michael Massing, a media critic whose writings dissected the largely unquestioning U.S. news reporting on the Bush administration’s shaky WMD claims in 2002-03. ‘This finding just has to cause despair among those of us who hope for an informed public able to draw reasonable conclusions based on evidence,’ Massing said. …
“‘I think … the basic dynamic is the insistent repetition by the Bush administration of the original argument,’ said John Prados, author of the 2004 book ‘Hoodwinked: The Documents That Reveal How Bush Sold Us a War.’ Administration statements still describe Saddam’s Iraq as a threat. Despite the official findings, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has allowed only that ‘perhaps’ WMD weren’t in Iraq. And Bush, since 2003, has repeatedly insisted on one plainly false point: that Saddam rebuffed the U.N. inspectors in 2002 …. As recently as May 27, Bush told West Point graduates, ‘When the United Nations Security Council gave him one final chance to disclose and disarm, or face serious consequences, he refused to take that final opportunity.’ ‘Which isn’t true,’ said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a scholar of presidential rhetoric at the University of Pennsylvania.”
(This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, click on or ask a horny armadillo.)
Independent of reality. Interesting phrase. It describes the psychological mechanism, which exists in all human beings, that enabled Hitler to work his sorcery on a German people traumatized by their nation’s defeat in World War I. On Sept. 11, 2001, the American people suffered a national trauma … and evil sorcerers are back to work, practicing their black magic.
Democracy is messy. Stupid people, and wilfully ignorant people, can vote the same as you and me. The “people” can elect liars, thieves, and killers if they want to. As this Harris Poll shows, free speech, free press, and the right to vote are no guarantees the “people” will vote rationally, or won’t follow a demagogue — or even a Hitler.
Democracy also is fragile. Why does Bush want direct control of the National Guard without going through the governors? He can already call up the Guard for wartime service. The only conceivable utility of this new, broad authority he seeks is another purpose: Imposing martial law on American citizens in their own country. And why would Bush, whose FEMA is constructing concentration camps, want to declare martial law? Well, for starters, martial law could come in mighty handy if he’s thinking of setting up a dictatorship and doing away with democracy, free speech, free press, the right to vote — and critics and political opponents.
Liberals must arm. Not tomorrow, or next week, but now — while you can still acquire guns without the government knowing who has them.
Redneck, pbj, and certain other trolls seem to think we liberals are wimps and will let ourselves (and our families) be led away to concentration camps and firing squads. That when rightwing death squads knock on our doors, we’ll go with them meekly.
They are forgetting it was Democrats who fought America’s wars. They don’t understand that we had that good ol’ U.S.A. military training, whereas Republican shirkers did not. They’ve deluded themselves into thinking those of us who already fought for our country won’t fight for it again. Or for our own lives, and those of our families.
Man is that rightwin death squad gonna get a surprise when they crawl down into my burrow. (click-click)
Now the trolls are probably gonna ASS-ume that “click-click” they hear is me flipping the safety off an AK-47. Wrong. It’s a Bic lighter. You know, “flicking my Bic.” You know those garden sprayers you fill with insecticide and pump up? Ever see one of those with gasoline in it? That rightwing death squad will, when they crawl down into my burrow. (click-click)
Hey, just kidding!!! Tonight’s the full moon! If looneys like Surreal Mark and pbj can bay at the moon, why can’t I? Why should trollfucks have a monopoly on baying at the moon? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing!!!
The gasoline in the yard sprayer won’t work. The sprayer will melt………
Those fuckers have noooooo idea what a full moon does to me …
I have one of the old metal ones.
“There have been several news items this week about alleged atrocities by U.S. troops in Iraq, including this story from the Associated Press in today’s KING 5 News website:….”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/6/06@ 10:55 am
Why does Roger Rabbit always complain about American soldiers and never about Islamofascists? Because American soldiers don’t kill bloggers; Islamofascists do.
For example:
Christians on PalTalk Chat Service Tracked by Radical Islamic Web Site
January 31, 2005
A radical Islamic Web site systematically tracks Christians on, an Internet chat service on which a New Jersey man received a death threat two months before he and his family were murdered. The password protected Arabic Web site, at the address, features pictures and information about Christians who have been particularly active in debating Muslims on PalTalk.
For a rodent with a such sharp eye for atrocities by American soldiers you are strangely silent when it’s done by Islamofascists. Guess you value your neck too much to find fault with the throat-cutters.
For picture of Roger Rabbit’s garden sprayer, click here:
Of course I’m against Islamists committing atrocities against Americans or anyone else. Is your post some sort of apologia for U.S. atrocities? Sure looks that way.
16 (continued)
I’ve also posted here that 99.99% of U.S. service personnel serve honorably, which is more tribute than you’ve paid them. I also donated $99 to — have you? If not, why not?
Fascistfuck hasn’t donated $99 to because
[ ] 1. He’s a cheapskate
[ ] 2. He’s unpatriotic
[ ] 3. He’s a terrorist
[ ] 4. All of the above
So, Stefan, why aren’t you going to share your winnings in the litigation lottery with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County? They’re pissed.
Hey fascistfirst, are you one of those zombies who still thinks Iraq had WMDs?
Click here for photo of Islamofascist who picked up a rabbit by his ears.
Man was that a mistake!
Wow! This thread already has 25 comments — not counting casino spam. That’s more than the sucky little competing blog gets in a week, even counting spam.
A recent survey by Roger Rabbit Blog Appraisals, Inc., reveals that 98% of the comments on the sucky competing blog are spam. The other 2% are posted by my good friend Danw.
Actually, I’ve never met Danw, but anybody who thinks Stefan is full of shit is my friend.
Eleven Egyptian students who arrived in the United States last month are being sought by authorities after failing to turn up for an exchange program at Montana State University. The Egyptian men were among a group of 17 students who arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York from Cairo on July 29 with valid visas, according to U.S. authorities and university officials. [………Roger, Dr E, Where are these “DEMOCRAT to be” terrorists??? Fess up!!!!]
Self-impotent Bunny Boy @ everywhere
“This thread already has 25 comments – not counting cas1n0 spam”
Not sure which is really worse — the occasional casinoBot spam or Roger RabBOT spewing his(?) talking points vomit all over the place. The only thing we know is that (s)he is a real person. It is definitely not “AI” as it is sorely lacking in “I.”
Bunny Boy @ 14
Nice to see you admit to your reading material, though.
Johnston’s newsgroup post has got to rank as the one of the dumbest moves in the history of political tactics. (Yes, it is theoretically possible that the post was spoofed. On the fact of it, that seems the less likely explanation.) I know people sometimes forget that email isn’t very private, but a newsgroup?!
On a side note, does anyone else here have the impression that Roger Rabbit is less sane than usual? Are you in a manic phase, Roger?
Re: Surreal Mark’s latest Reuters obsession.
Ironically, one of the anti-Reuters lynch mob leaders, Little Green Footballs, defended Fox’s publication of false Kerry quotes by arguing that Fox “pulled the article down and apologized for it the same day. That is, of course, how a responsible news organization handles a situation like this” (emphasis added). That, of course, is precisely what Reuters did with the altered photographs. In fact, the agency went much further by removing all of the photographs and announcing it will never use that photographer again. Fox, by contrast, refused to remove Cameron from covering the Kerry campaign and continues to employ him. Worse, Fox excused itself by claiming that publication of the fake quotes “occurred because of fatigue and bad judgment, not malice.”
In other words – IOKIYAR.
“Redneck, pbj, and certain other trolls seem to think we liberals are wimps and will let ourselves (and our families) be led away to concentration camps and firing squads. That when rightwing death squads knock on our doors, we’ll go with them meekly.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/7/06@ 11:58 pm
You libs are scared to death of Islamofascists; the ACLU licks their asses. You whine when Bush listens to their phone calls. You are already caving into them; Seattle libs let Moslem kids out of school for prayer but don’t do the same for Christian kids, and that’s just for starters. You libs will roll over like the Frenchfucks you are when it comes time to fight; in fact you libs spend most of your time coming up with excuses not to fight.
You equate Christians with the Taliban, rodent. You defend Islamofascists every time the Bush administration goes after them. You trumpet every crime committed by an American soldier but ignore every Islamofascist atrocity. Show me just one of your posts where you have ever attacked the Islamofascists, you defeatist phoney.
Wingers spew their vomit everywhere — and you’re bitching about a 10 1/2 lb. rodent posting a few “talking points?” You are funny.
I don’t read that shit — I just “fair use” the pictures. hahaha
It’s all an act, David. I occasionally pretend to sound as fanatical as you guys are all the time, so you know what it looks like.
I don’t go around saying Supreme Court judges should be killed — but your side does.
I don’t post comments saying the world’s entire Muslim population should be killed, but Mark the Redneck does.
Were you saying something about sanity?
Let me be clear: Right wingers are fucking insane.
So are the people running our government.
wow this thread is already up to 42 comments! All the trolls put together don’t have 42 marbles between them.
Take your meds, you nazi fuckstick. I spit on extremists of all stripes, including commies, fascists, and Republicans.
I sure as hell ain’t scared of YOU, fuzz tongue. Are you prr — the no-show who promised to “see you there” at DL? I’ve never met a winger who wasn’t a fucking coward.
The “property rights” movement is nothing but a raid on taxpayers’ pocketbooks. The government doesn’t have to PAY people to keep them from doing things that threaten other people’s property or health. The government has the RIGHT to keep people from damaging publicly owned resources or interfering with other people’s property rights. My neighbor does NOT have a right to turn his backyard into a junkyard, and the taxpayers don’t have to PAY him to keep him from dumping waste oil on his property.
If you apply the “property rights” fanatics’ logic to social behavior, the taxpayers would have to pay thugs who rob espresso stands to arrest them.
The notion that individuals have “property rights” independent of government is bullshit! Property rights are created by government laws and enforced by courts, police, and the military. Without government, you could have no property or rights beyond what you could carry on your person and defend yourself. A human society has never existed that didn’t subordinate individual rights to the common good.
David @ 31 “On a side note, does anyone else here have the impression that Roger Rabbit is less sane than usual? Are you in a manic phase, Roger?”
It is actually par for the course. A big reason why I haven’t been around lately has been that I became quite tired of Roger playing in his own Depends deposits. It looks like little has changed. If you haven’t seen one yet, just wait ’til you watch him go on one of his futile rants trying to prove that he is somehow a patriotic American instead of a feeble coot with a computer and LOTS of spare time, sucking on the government teat. [Disclaimer: Roger has been known to have fleeting moments of lucidity and reason, but looking for them would be like panning for gold in the LA River.]
Should not morally be up? So this is another “faith-based” initiative?
I wonder where “you can go on anyones property and destroy their political signage if it differs from your own beliefs” is spelled out in I-933? It must be since she feels she can. Wonder what other hidden agenda things are in it.
#33 Commentby americafirst— 8/8/06@ 1:00 am
Exceptionally well written post.
Here’s an interesting poll. A Scripps-Howard/Ohio University poll surveyed 1,010 adults. 36% of those adults thought the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack was an inside job, conducted by government to have an excuse to invade Iraq. There are a lot of people aout there ingesting mind-altering chemicals!
(Source: Investors Business Daily, August 8, 2006, page A-12)
Rabbit: Someone called you Pellet because you leave little droppings in multiple posts like rabbit pellets. Seems appropriate to me. Now another blogger calls you on it too. Maybe if you wrote cogent thoughts in a single entry many of us would take you seriously. Since you don’t we won’t.
MTRKennedy wrote you are a has-been who couldn’t make it in the private sector so you became a government hack lawyer. I wholeheartedly agree now. Today you were beyond rare form. You went to buffoon mode.
If you truly understood property rights you would have denounced the moonbats in the SCOTUS over their New London, Connecticut decision. Or you would “hopped” to Florida over to Riviera Beach, Florida and told the mayor and gang to stop taking beach front property to build “money making” adventures. Good moonbat eh Rodent?
Mike Webb Sucks @ 52,
I couldn’t agree with you more! Good job of putting Roger in his place!
52: You seem to forget that the Republicans have had more control over the U.S. Supreme Court than the Democrats for the past decade. If there were any question on this, please refer to the 2004 Presidential election decision. Simply refering to decisions you don’t like as being decided by “moonbats” (implying that “moonbats” = liberals) doesn’t change the fact that the decision couldn’t have been made without the Republicans on the court.
Personally, I also think its a bad decision. It’s just another attempt by Republicans to use the power of government to roll over individuals for their private profit. The fact that they will be sharing that profit with the city only makes it a bigger bribe. If private developers really want to develop beachfront property, they should pay the homeowners whatever it takes to get them to willingly sell – not to use the government’s imminent domain to force them to sell only at its “current use” price.
But the “Property Rights” initiative takes it even a step further. It threatens to give every developer who files a building permit virtually unlimited access to the state treasury unless they allow the proposed development.
hey righty morons, this is a progressive blog. That means most of the people here are progressive and that you are in the minority (like those that still support Bush).
Roger makes sense to most of us here and if you don’t get the satire of his more outrageous posts you’re either not paying attention or are of diminished mental capacity (I’m betting it’s the latter)
So take your Rovian talking points and go play somewhere else (may I suggest the freeway?)
Winger Obssession Sucks aka MWS:
Liberal McCarthyism
Bigotry and hate aren’t just for right-wingers anymore.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT
WASHINGTON–My brief and unhappy experience with the hate and vitriol of bloggers on the liberal side of the aisle comes from the last several months I spent campaigning for a longtime friend, Joe Lieberman.
This kind of scary hatred, my dad used to tell me, comes only from the right wing–in his day from people such as the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy, with his tirades against “communists and their fellow travelers.” The word “McCarthyism” became a red flag for liberals, signifying the far right’s fascistic tactics of labeling anyone a “communist” or “socialist” who favored an active federal government to help the middle class and the poor, and to level the playing field.
I came to believe that we liberals couldn’t possibly be so intolerant and hateful, because our ideology was famous for ACLU-type commitments to free speech, dissent and, especially, tolerance for those who differed with us. And in recent years–with the deadly combination of sanctimony and vitriol displayed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Michael Savage–I held on to the view that the left was inherently more tolerant and less hateful than the right.
Now, in the closing days of the Lieberman primary campaign, I have reluctantly concluded that I was wrong. The far right does not have a monopoly on bigotry and hatred and sanctimony. Here are just a few examples (there are many, many more anyone with a search engine can find) of the type of thing the liberal blog sites have been posting about Joe Lieberman:
• “Ned Lamont and his supporters need to [g]et real busy. Ned needs to beat Lieberman to a pulp in the debate and define what it means to be an AMerican who is NOT beholden to the Israeli Lobby” (by “rim,” posted on Huffington Post, July 6, 2006).
• “Joe’s on the Senate floor now and he’s growing a beard. He has about a weeks growth on his face. . . . I hope he dyes his beard Blood red. It would be so appropriate” (by “ctkeith,” posted on Daily Kos, July 11 and 12, 2005).
• On “Lieberman vs. Murtha”: “as everybody knows, jews ONLY care about the welfare of other jews; thanks ever so much for reminding everyone of this most salient fact, so that we might better ignore all that jewish propaganda [by Lieberman] about participating in the civil rights movement of the 60s and so on” (by “tomjones,” posted on Daily Kos, Dec. 7, 2005).
• “Good men, Daniel Webster and Faust would attest, sell their souls to the Devil. Is selling your soul to a god any worse? Leiberman cannot escape the religious bond he represents. Hell, his wife’s name is Haggadah or Muffeletta or Diaspora or something you eat at Passover” (by “gerrylong,” posted on the Huffington Post, July 8, 2006).
• “Joe Lieberman is a racist and a religious bigot” (by “greenskeeper,” posted on Daily Kos, Dec. 7, 2005).
And these are some of the nicer examples.
One Sunday morning on C-Span I debated Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel on the Lieberman versus Lamont race. Afterwards I received a series of emails–many of them in ALL CAPS (which often suggests the hyper-frenetic state of these extremist haters)–that were of the same stripe as the blog posts, and filled with the same level of personal hate.
But the issue is not just emotional outbursts by these usually anonymous bloggers. A friend of mine just returned from Connecticut, where he had spoken on several occasions on behalf of Joe Lieberman. He happens to be a liberal antiwar Democrat, just as I am. He is also a lawyer. He told me that within a day of a Lamont event–where he asked the candidate some critical questions–some of his clients were blitzed with emails attacking him and threatening boycotts of their products if they did not drop him as their attorney. He has actually decided not to return to Connecticut for the primary today; he is fearful for his physical safety.
I do not blame Joe Lieberman’s political difficulties on the liberal blogosphere. Most Connecticut Democrats voting for Mr. Lamont are genuinely outraged at President Bush for his Iraq War policies. They are entitled to express that outrage by voting for him and against Sen. Lieberman on that basis alone, although Sen. Lieberman’s record as a progressive Democrat and his opposition to President Bush not only on most domestic issues but also on the conduct of the war cannot be disputed–despite egregiously distortive ads paid for by Mr. Lamont with $4 million of his own money.
Moreover, the support he gets from these haters should not be attributed to Mr. Lamont–nor should he be blamed for their extremism, bigotry and intolerance. But he ought to denounce them. He hasn’t as yet.
Mr. Lamont and all other liberal Democrats should remember the McCarthy era and not fall into the trap of the hypocrisy of the double standard–that it’s not OK when Ann Coulter dispenses her venomous hatred, but it is OK when our side’s versions of Ann Coulter do.
Removing political signs from one’s property is illegal. Whether you support or agree with this intiative, it is not your fucking business to take them. Try removing a sign from my yard and you’ll find you’ll have an unhappy suprise waiting.
Hopefully this fanatical Edwina bitch will get arrested for removing signs. On either side, left or right, one has the right to express themselves on their property any way they see fit.
“Redneck, pbj, and certain other trolls seem to think we liberals are wimps and will let ourselves (and our families) be led away to concentration camps and firing squads. That when rightwing death squads knock on our doors, we’ll go with them meekly.”
Rabbit, you are off your meds again aren’t you?
“They are forgetting it was Democrats who fought America’s wars. They don’t understand that we had that good ol’ U.S.A. military training, whereas Republican shirkers did not. “
Democrats who fought um like Woodrow Wilson and FDR who both NEVER served yet sent hundreds of thousands off to die in their wars?
And do you mean Republicans like Dwight David Eisenhower? Or would you like to know that
In the current congress the breakdown by party of military service is as follows:
Rep. : 0.9%
Dem. : 0.6%
Rep. : 0.4%
Dem. : 0.4%
Rep. : 2.6%
Dem. : 1.7%
So when lying liberals talk crap out of their mouths about who served and who did not, they best check their facts before mouthing off.
Finally, let me leave you with this:
It Is The Soldier
It is the soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier
Who salutes the flag
Who serves under the flag
Whose coffin is draped in the flag
Who allows the protester to burn the flag
-Charles M. Province
Just say NO to I-933. No welfare for land rapers.
Lanny Davis: Looks Liberal, Tastes like Chicken
This is the sort of idiot we’re inflicted with, the perfect representative of the Beltway Democrat who cautions against politicizing anything remotely political for fear it might give David Broder a spot of indigestion. Imagine what the Newt Gingrich of the early nineties would have done if he had had something like this handed to him on a platter–he wouldn’t have sent it back to the kitchen. He would have worked it for everything it was worth, and more. But Beltway weenies are too timid and prissy to exploit a golden opportunity. Everyone knows the Abramoff scandal has “Republican” stencilled on every side of it and if you won’t/can’t use it to jump all over the Republican Party and the DeLay machine, what the hell are you even doing in the Democratic Party?
If the Democrats of CT elect Lamont in today’s primary, that will pretty much gurantee a Republican will be elected to the Senate from CT in November. My advice to CT Dems is to look at the big picture before doing something stupid.
64 – You obvious don’t understand CT. It’s either Lamont or Lieberman (if he really wants to go independent) – period.
This is sooo hypocritical and typical of the far right wing ReTHUGians.
The lady who posted that comment calles herself “Saintedw” in her email address. I may have it wrong, but aren’t “saints” supposed to be good & kind people who RESPECT their neighbors and fellow men?
This initiative is bad news. If you google the sponsor’s name (Dan Wood) you will see that he has a long history tied to the far (and sometimes paranoid & militant) right. This initiative has nothing to do with protecting “propoerty rights”.
I hope the “NO” campaign reads this and purchases 10,000 yardsigns for “Saintedw”‘s neighbor’s lawn and then waits with a camera for her to come and tear them down. If she respects her neighbor’s property rights then she will have no problem pleading guilty to tresspassing, theft, and vandalism.
She could be a martyr for the ReTHUGian cause! Just like some of those wacko terrorists are that we are in war with.
Look at the shore of Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish and you can see where the county puts its prioeities of property rights vs land use and pretection of environment. Tax revenues trump all. A small potatoes property owner like me counts for nothing in East King County while lakeshore property is allowed to go in elbow to elbow.
WA State “last minute” contributors to Joementum:
Georges St. Laurent / St. Laurent Properties $4000
Microsoft Corp PAC $1000
64 – You obvious don’t understand CT. It’s either Lamont or Lieberman (if he really wants to go independent) – period.
Commentby For the Clueless— 8/8/06@ 9:08 am
Don’t be so sure of yourself: we’ll have to wait until November 8 to see how this thing plays out.
How long has it been since the last election?
You might want to mention to the anti-912 and the 901 idiots that it’s well past time to take down THEIR signs.
Mrs Roger Rabbit and her dumb bunny were sitting in the living room and he said to her, “Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.”
She got up, unplugged the computer and threw out all of his beer!
rwb @ 55: “…this is a progressive blog. That means most of the people here are progressive”
No, this is a Democrat blog. Very little of what you say — when you actually say something of substance instead of just being contrary — has to do with progress.
“…Roger makes sense to most of us here…”
That is entirely possible. Then again, avant garde French cinema, acid trips and taxing people into prosperity make sense to you, too.
Since Edwina is so fond of property rights –
can we put the new water treatment plant next to her house then?
Clueless @ 67
The Dems as a whole had better hope that Lieberman wins by a narrow margin. If Lamont wins — especially by a large margin — there will be a massive fracture in the Party that will come not from a divide in politics, but from the sudden shearing force of every pandering Dem diving hard left. This will leave those that hadn’t already established pandering credentials open to accusations of flip-flopping. Note that Rove and the rest of the Right will make serious hay about the fact that the Left can’t decide if they want someone as US VP or if they’re the anti-Christ. I can easily see the GOP strategy folks tarring every Dem with, “What are they hiding? Will [Dem candidate] turn out to be persona non grata in two years? Obviously the Dems only want someone beholden to the Party line… etc., etc.,”
A narrow Lieberman victory would cause the Hard Lefties to be encouraged and the moderates to consider a mild shift to the harder Left. Charges by Rove that the DNC had flip-flopped could more easily be countered with arguments that Lieberman had simply “gone off the reservation.”
Personally, I’d rather have Lieberman win the primary. He’s one of the few sane people on that side of the aisle.
uptown @ 74: “can we put the new water treatment plant next to her house then?”
Only if you include a $5 million “public art” project of butt prints in a cement wall.
Remember, Democrats, Republicans are EXCELLENT sources of advice on what’s good for the Democratic party.
Go Ned!
Since the commie lib Democrats did not want the oil pipeline in Alaska in the first place, [Seirra Club, and the wacko “Save The Raindeer” Democrats] shouldn’t they be happy that the line is closed for repair?
“A big reason why I haven’t been around lately has been that I became quite tired of Roger playing in his own Depends deposits.” Commentby The Real Mark— 8/8/06@ 3:05 am
Don’t let the door hit your cute cottontail on your way out of here, flopears.
Reading this post is like watching monkeys masturbate each other at the zoo.
Reading this post is like watching monkeys masturbate each other at the zoo. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/8/06@ 11:15 am
And, considering that the single most prolific poster is Roger Rodent…
JDB, Do you miss Tookie William’s 9 inches of “Democrat love”? I’m sure he misses your “HIV gay positive” rectum!!
Mr. The Real Mark,
Personally, I’d rather have Lieberman win the primary. He’s one of the few sane people on that side of the aisle.
Shucks, your absolutely RIGHT (I mean right). We were so blind. We should awake and stand revealed at the insightful comments of The Real Mark, whose political savvy will lead the Democratic Party to victory in 2006 and beyond.
Suddenly you are offering political advice to the opposition party. And we should follow it because why? You want us to loose in November? Or you want us to win?
“36% of those adults thought the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack was an inside job, conducted by government to have an excuse to invade Iraq.” Commentby Libertarian— 8/8/06@ 7:37 am
Man, are you gonna look stupid if it turns out it was. I don’t endorse the conspiracy theories, but there’s a disturbing pattern of the Bush administration destroying evidence, not cooperating with investigators, and covering up facts surrounding 9-11 that is much more explicable if you try to understand this behavior in the context of some sort of complicity or at least malfeasance. Also, from the vantage point of five years later, we can take a step back and see that the Bush administration was incredibly complacent in the face of warnings, especially the warning of Aug. 6, 2001; and has been incredibly incompetent in everything it has done. Finally, Bush and the Republicans have profited enormously — 9-11 is the best thing that has happened to the GOP in the last 100 years.
No, someone called me “pellet” because wingnuts slander, smear, and name-call anyone who doesn’t drink their kool-aid with them — and I’m not one of your friends!!! Hey, I have a bad attitude toward the warmongering, murdering, torturing nazi fucks screwing up our country and bringing death and misery into the world, so I don’t expect you guys to like me.
A lot of things that seem “appropriate” to you, seem totally inappropriate to anyone with a conscience — a sure sign that you are an untreated sociopath. Please get help before it’s too late.
What place did those blathering whiners put me in, Y’o?
53 (continued)
Another masturbating monkey.
“If you truly understood property rights you would have denounced the moonbats in the SCOTUS over their New London, Connecticut decision.” Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 8/8/06@ 7:42 am
I did. Next question.
52 (continued)
“If you truly understood property rights you would have denounced the moonbats in the SCOTUS over their New London, Connecticut decision.” Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 8/8/06@ 7:42 am
As rhp points out in #54, that decision was made by YOUR moonbats. Next.
After the next Congress is sworn in next January, Georgia’s 4th Congressional District will be represented by a black Democrat who:
May well turn out to be an effective voice for the furtherance and implementation of the Democrat big-government, high-tax, income redistributionist, anti-individualistic, weaken America agenda.
Will almost certainly spend the next two years as a congressional pariah with no effective voice whatsoever in congressional affairs; a person who can be counted on to flare up and completely embarrass her party; a person who can be exhibited for the next two years as the face of the Democrat Party.
Your choice. Be a little pragmatic here. Put the emotions aside. The right needs a barking moonbat like Cynthia McKinney in office, rather than someone who might actually garner some respect inside the Beltway. Besides … she’s just wonderful material for talk radio.
How many commissions, investigations and billions does this country need to spend on 9/11? It has been investigated to the hilt. There are people who refuse to see the truth no matter how much evidence you pile in front of them.
When can we get on with spending billions on other priorities?
It reminds me of this state. Study after study after study and then waffle after waffle after waffle…….
The answer, sgmmac, is however many it takes to tell them what they want to hear… just like in this formerly great state.
McKinney is going to win????????? She has a great challenger!
“My brief and unhappy experience with the hate and vitriol of bloggers on the liberal side of the aisle … I came to believe that we liberals couldn’t possibly be so intolerant and hateful … (as) the… sanctimony and vitriol displayed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Michael Savage …”
Damn well about time the rightwing haters got some of their own medicine dished back to them. What took us so long?
We can’t afford to be nice to people like this:
Imagine how much death, destruction, suffering, and misery the world would have been spared if somebody had simply murdered that son-of-a-bitch Hitler when he was 27 or 28 years old.
According to the web site you linked to, 15% of GOP House members and 17% of GOP senators have been in the military — whoop de doo. And you’re bragging about THAT?!!
Anybody want to lay money on any of Libertarian’s “predictions” (aka “wishful thinking)? Oh that’s right, we don’t make bets with righties, because they’re welshers when they lose.
Nobody except a righty would think this bitch is Mother Teresa.
I should call my broker and buy drug stocks today.
That’s a pretty distrubing picture. I agree with you, but country after country in Europe tried to use diplomacy with Hitler. Millions lost their lives because of it. Diplomacy doesn’t always work. It certainly doesn’t work with a school yard bully, neither do carrots and other financial aid.
Sometimes you just have to stand up and slam your fist in their face. When they figure out it hurts – they usually stop. But, they have to feel PERSONAL pain before they are convinced.
Have you heard anything about an impending attack on Aug 22? Something about Iran and the hidden Iman coming back?
“Mrs Roger Rabbit and her dumb bunny were sitting in the living room and he said to her, ‘Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.’ She got up, unplugged the computer and threw out all of his beer!” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy— 8/8/06@ 10:21 am
What a warm and fuzzy fairy tale! You could almost believe it’s true, except for the fact I’m still here, and still posting! OK, ASS, nap time is over … you can wake up now.
” … taxing people into prosperity make sense to you, too.” Commentby The Real Mark— 8/8/06@ 10:23 am
Hey Surreal Mark, maybe you can do a better job than the other Mark of explaining how cutting taxes increases government revenue!
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
(Figures reflect a combination of individual and corporate income taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes including inheritance tax) Source of data:
Since nearly all government spending is consumption, taxes generally speaking are not good for the economy. So why pay any taxes at all? Because deficit spending is a costlier form of taxation that comes with the additional costs of interest payments and the “friction” that inflation introduces into an economy. So why have government spending? Because property, economic activity, production, and wealth simply can’t exist without the services that government provides, that’s why.
Bush’s tax cuts would have helped the economy if he had cut spending. But Bush slashed government revenue while tripling the rate of government spending growth that existed under Clinton. He turned large surpluses into gargantuan deficits. The results are already visible: Housing costs have double in the last 5 years, food prices are up 25% to 50%, fuel and electricity prices have tripled on his watch.
This is a good thing? Not!!!
What a warm and fuzzy fairy tale! You could almost believe it’s true, except for the fact I’m still here, and still posting! OK, ASS, nap time is over … you can wake up now. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/8/06@ 11:53 am
ANOTHERss liberal… um, rotten rodent… that’s called a JOKE…
**ANOTHER humorless liberal… um, rotten rodent… that’s called a JOKE…
That’s why we need soldiers like you, Mac — and should honor them. That’s why we need leaders who have the backbone to commit our forces to battle when necessary and appropriate.
It’s disturbing that the Far Right viciously attacked Clinton every time he used the U.S. military to stop or prevent a genocide. They blasted him for intervening in Kosovo — yet that intervention saved tens of thousands of lives without a single U.S. combat death — and put Milosevicz, a brutal killer in the mold of Hitler, behind bars. Now look at the case of Saddam — you can certainly make a case for putting him out of business too, but look at how badly the righties fucked up the military operation, and how many American soldiers have died.
With the Far Right, it’s all political. With them, Democrats can do no right, and Republicans can do no wrong. What the last five years have shown us, is that when wingnuts are given a free hand to use the military power and resources of the U.S. government, their behavior is barely distinguishable from that of the people we’ve fought in the past because of the threat their behavior posed to the world.
Why do you shill for these inadequate, incompetent, immoral scumbags? I don’t understand you.
No. I don’t read rightwing blogs. Is that the latest winger buzz?
Oh please, Clinton took the safe way out by conducting an air only war.. he knew and planned his little “war” to be a win/win for himself politically.
“How many commissions, investigations and billions does this country need to spend on 9/11?” Commentby sgmmac— 8/8/06@ 11:37 am
I’ll settle for the administration cooperating with just one.
Hey I got a joke for ya, ASS — how can you tell a wingnut is jerking off at his keyboard? He’s typing.
HA HA HA HA… where do you get your material? Wherever it is you paid too much for far too little.
Actually, I read it on a eBay discussion board. Something about the Pres of Iran believes that the 12th Iman is coming back amid death and destruction to the rest of us….. The 12th Iman hid in a cave after flying off on a bird and visiting heaven.. and he will come back to rule or whatever they do.
Surreal Mark @ 67
Of course, the Democrats don’t need your advice. Also you’re missing the big picture. Americans are sick and tired of the useless war in Iraq and the hemorraghing of lives and resources it represents. People like Joe Lieberman have enabled this. Americans are disgusted by what you would call “centrist”.
What you and the inside the beltway people (both R and D) fear the most is a government answerable to the voters.
Surreal Mark, from the beginning you’ve characterized Goldy and the liberals who comment here as “hard left” and “out of the mainstream”. That’s a lie of course. We support Harry Reid who is pro-life. We support John Murtha who is a pro-defense hawk who just happens to abhor waste of money, limbs and lives. We support the fighting Dems, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who have witnessed firsthand the clusterf*ck of the Bush policies. We support anyone who believes as we do that America is heading IN THE WRONG DIRECTION.
In these days of a hyper-partisan Republican party who controls all three branches of the federal goverment, we support a party that is willing to stand up for what we believe in. The Joe Liebermans of the world are standing in the way.
well, that’s quite a broad sampling….
You’re still a waste of matter. Why don’t you just kill yourself and make the world a better place for the rest of us. I’m sure your family would approve of getting rid of a jerk like you.
STFU, Roger.
SCUBA diving in Kona, I saw a fish with a huge nose that looked like JDB.
“According to the web site you linked to, 15% of GOP House members and 17% of GOP senators have been in the military – whoop de doo. And you’re bragging about THAT?!!”
That is more than the Democrats. So you HARDLY have room to criticize. And since there are currently NO Demcorats serving that makes it even WORSE. And yes there are Republicans who are serving. (Go ahead, call me on it. C’mon punk).
Ogg @ 83 “Suddenly you are offering political advice to the opposition party. And we should follow it because why? You want us to loose in November? Or you want us to win?”
I offered my comment on ONE race and ONE Dem. In general, I disagree with what the Left stands for: Groupthink, the whacked-out concept of taxing ourselves to prosperity, the idea that simply being against something/everything is the equivalent of having a plan, the idea that screaming/chanting an unsupported point suddenly makes it valid, that the world would be a happy and peaceful place if we just sat in a circle and passed around the funny cigarettes and that business owners are evil by definition.
Unlike you, Ensign Ogg, I vote for the person not the party (and voted for some Dems in the last election, even). Perhaps you’d get a different perspective if you put down the glass of purple kids’ drink.
Clearly Clueless @ 113
It seems apparent that you feel that zealotry and blind obedience to your Party is the only way to go.
“Americans are disgusted by what you would call “centrist.”
Oh, really? The party zealots and their lemmings on both extremes of the spectrum tremble in fear of the Center and will do everything they can — as evidenced by your treatment of Lieberman — to prevent the Center-Left and the Center-Right from consolidating power.
Show me where/how you figure that Americans are “disgusted” by Centrists.
If you want to really educate yourself, go read another Goldstein’s writings in Orwell’s 1984. The GOP is right now the High caste, the Dem Party is the Middle and the poor are the Low. The Middle really only cares about becoming the new High and will use (and later discard) the Low in order to achieve their goals of power.
OhMarky-poo@118 If you aren’t down with “the whacked-out concept of taxing ourselves to prosperity,” How do you feel about the Whacked out idea of raising tax revenue by reducing taxes? Considering the geniuses we have in charge now, that will mean our evenue will simply sky-rocket with no taxes. Very san fiscal policy,nu-u-u?
Facts are such inconvenient little nuisances aren’t they, little hatebaiter?
Thus far in Fiscal Year 2005 (federal fiscal years actually start in October of the previous year), tax receipts are up 10% compared to this point in Fiscal Year 2004. Clearly, the economy has rebounded, and, even with the President’s tax relief packages, revenues flowing into the Treasury are up.
and the NYT, the official paper of the liberal rapture AGREES:
Surprising Jump in Tax Revenues Is Curbing Deficit
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Published: July 9, 2006
WASHINGTON, July 8 — An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy is driving down the projected budget deficit this year, even though spending has climbed sharply because of the war in Iraq and the cost of hurricane relief.
On Tuesday, White House officials are expected to announce that the tax receipts will be about $250 billion above last year’s levels and that the deficit will be about $100 billion less than what they projected six months ago. The rising tide in tax payments has been building for months, but the increased scale is surprising even seasoned budget analysts and making it easier for both the administration and Congress to finesse the big run-up in spending over the past year.
Tax revenues are climbing twice as fast as the administration predicted in February, so fast that the budget deficit could actually decline this year.
And, from another source:
In the 2 1/4 years before the 2003 tax cuts, economic growth averaged 1.1% annually; in the three years since it has averaged 4% per year, and in the first quarter of this year it was 5.6% on an annualized basis. Inflation-adjusted per capita GDP has grown 7.8% from 2003 through the first quarter of this year.
According to the government’s establishment survey, in the 36 months since the tax cuts became law, 5.3 million new jobs have been added to the economy. According to its employment survey, 288,000 jobs were added in May and 387,000 in June. The unemployment rate dropped from 6.1% when the bills were signed to 5.4% at the end of 2004 and 4.6% today, and the rate has gone down for men, women, blacks and Hispanics. Hourly wage rates for workers are up 3.9% in the past year, and they increased at an annualized rate of 4.6% in the second quarter of this year, the highest quarterly rate in nearly 10 years.
Incomes are up too. As Stephen Moore noted in The Wall Street Journal, “the percentage of Americans earning more than $50,000 a year rose from 40.8% to 44.2%” between 2002 and 2004. As for very wealthy families, the portion of total income “captured by the richest 1%, 5% and 10% of Americans is lower today than in the last year of the Clinton administration.”
All this has been good news for the government. Federal tax receipts increased by 15%– $274 billion–last year and 13%– $206 billion–in the first nine months of this fiscal year, which, as the Journal points out, means the nine-month increases for the past two years represent the highest growth rates in 25 years. Looking ahead to the end of this fiscal year, total inflation-adjusted government receipts will likely be 23% above 2003 when the Bush tax cuts were signed into law.
Reducing the capital gains tax rate from 20% to 15% increased capital gains tax receipts by 79% from 2000 to 2004. Cutting the dividend tax rate by more than half–from 39.6% to 15%–increased dividend tax receipts by 35% from 2002 to 2004. And corporate tax receipts have nearly tripled since 2003, reaching $250 billion for the past nine months, 26% higher than the same period last year.
See for yourself
troll @ 120
121 & 122 beat me to answering your question.
But on the idea in general… Obviously, there is some need for taxes for things like infrastructure, but overtaxation as a means of social engineering — something Lefties love because they can’t succeed on their own — is totally wrong.
Liberals must arm. Not tomorrow, or next week, but now – while you can still acquire guns without the government knowing who has them.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/7/06@ 11:53 pm
Roger you are stretching the truth again about the National Guard. Where is your Church Roger you know the one you boast about, the Church of Liberalism? Your friends today will end the Democrat Party and introduce the new Socialist Democrat Party after Joe Lieberman defeat tonight. Now the Republicans will only have to deal with the extremist Left and the Communist that jump party line to win. Lenin’s idiots finally got a hold in this government threw the Democrat Party. Roger did you and your friends go to Paris France with John Kerry and sell off this country in order to gain power? Roger what is your real fears today, knowing you are a traitor to this country principles, values, and traditions?
Regarding Kelo, the illegal land grab by New London, CT, Wikipedia has it going this way:
“Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the majority opinion; he was joined by Justices Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.”
or, in other words, liberal, conservative, middle-of-the road (trending liberal in recent years), liberal, and liberal.
All of those justices should be beaten with the leather-bound, large-print version of the US Constitution until they recant.
Last weekend I put up 125 “NO on 933” signs in the King County area. 12 of them were torn down on Lake City Way, 2 on Sandpoint Way, 4 on Brooklyn Avenue, and 4 on Montlake Blvd. Who tore them down? Why do you need to tear them down? Maybe you realize that your poorly written initiative is leaving voters with a lot of doubt.
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