The Seattle Weekly’s Geov Parrish is filling in for Ken Schram on KOMO’s “The Commentators” this morning (1000-AM, 10-12PM), and it will be interesting to hear how Parrish’s less curmudgeonly but equally passionate (and more wonkish) demeanor plays against John Carlson’s partisan-Republican-in-objective-pundit-clothing routine.
While I know Geov has been making a living writing and talking about politics for some time, he’s really a progressive blogger in spirit, so I look at his commercial radio gig as yet another example of the inroads we’re making in changing the local media landscape. Both KIRO and KOMO seem to get it — one wonders if AM-1090 will ever get on the local liberal talk radio bandwagon before the old guard steals their market?
Pete Coors, CEO of Coors Brewing Co. and defeated Republican senatorial candidate, admitting he had been drinking and driving after being arrested for DUI in Colorado and blowing .08 on the breathalyzer.
Since it’s impossible to get drunk on the weenie-water he sells, I assume he was drinking a competitor’s hooch — something with alcohol in it.
There are some sane Republican elected officials (there are a few) in Kansas are switching to the Democratic Party because they can no longer associate with the right wing Jihad wing of the GOP.
This is in part due to the persuasive political work of the Democratic Governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius. Her current running mate for Lt. Governor is the former Chairman of the Kansas Republican Party. He’s now a Democrat.
When the fundamentalist, radical wing of the Republican Party starts driving State GOP Charimen into the Democratic camp, there may, indeed, be something happening out there.
And Sebelius is no wimpy Democratic. When the legislature passed an NRA bill to allow people to carry hidden handguns in Kansas, she didn’t do the usual craven Democratic “centrist” thing and sign it. She vetoed it.
Her veto was eventually overridden, but she took a stand.
Apparently, that’s what Kansans are looking for in a Democrat.
Good morning, Mrs. Rabbit! Say, hon, would you get me a beer from the fridge?
(crashing noises in background)
Okay, okay, okay … you’re NOT my servant and I’ll (quote) get my own fucking beer myself (unquote). … I prefer to think of this as drinking after midnight, not drinking before noon.
As Pete Coors has been running his dad’s company since 1987, and presumably would have continued doing so, one must conclude he planned to be a part-time U.S. Senator. This is not too difficult when you’re only interested in one issue — namely, getting rid of his company’s pesky union.
The Coors family has a long and sordid history of rocky labor relations. In addition, Pete’s old man was (and is) an unrepetent troglodyte whose economic views are firmly embedded in the 17th century. The Coors Foundation is a major funder of the Heritage Foundation, and endowed the Castle Rock Foundation, which as is hard-core rightwing as it’s possible to get.
Back in the 1980s, the AFL-CIO called for a nationwide boycott of Coors products by those who support organized labor.
The name “Coors” has CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE written all over it.
Roger, what’s it going to be? You say liberals must arm, but Mrs. Rabbit doesn’t like people carrying guns, at least when the weapons aren’t in plain sight.
It would seem to me that liberals should like to conceal their weapons so as to not cause alarm but to be available quickly and when needed.
For those who may be unfamiliar with CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES, let me point you to the following explanation, which I’m sure you’ll find most illuminating.
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’. That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell … cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is.
“The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.
” … let’s apply this principle, and see how many right-wing positions become instantly understandable. Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our ‘safety net’ … (b)ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing … they want you ‘over a barrel’and in a position to ‘work cheap or starve’.
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions (because) (t)hese reforms undo all of their efforts to keep you ‘over a barrel’. (They) like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. (b)ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world, who are ‘over a barrel’, and will work cheap. … (They) don’t like unions …. They don’t really like prosperity … (they) like unemployment, poverty … (they) opposed virtually all of the New Deal, including every improvement in wages and working conditions. … Cheap-labor conservatives have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception. Many cheap-labor conservatives are hostile to public education. They think it should be privatized. … (They) hate the progressive income tax … (they) like budget deficits and a huge national debt (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any ‘social spending’….
“The ugly truth is that cheap-labor conservatives just don’t like working people. They don’t like ‘bottom up’ prosperity, and the reason for it is very simple … the real motivation for their policies (is that) cheap-labor conservatives believe in social hierarchy and privilege, so the only prosperity they want is limited to them. They want to see absolutely nothing that benefits the guy – or more often the woman – who works for an hourly wage. …
“(T)he cheap-labor conservative isn’t really interested in ‘freedom’. What he wants is the ‘privatized tyranny’ of industrial serfdom, the main characteristic of which is – you guessed it – ‘cheap labor’. For proof, you need only look at exactly what constitutes ‘big government tyranny’ and what doesn’t. It turns out that cheap-labor conservatives are BIG supporters of the most oppressive and heavy handed actions the government takes.
“Cheap-labor conservatives are consistent supporters of the generous use of capital punishment. They say that ‘government can’t do anything right’ – except apparently, kill people. …
Cheap-labor conservatives complain about … giving ‘rights to criminals’. It never occurs to them, that our criminal justice system is set up to protect innocent citizens from abuses or just plain mistakes by government officials – you know, the one’s who can’t do anything right. (They) support the ‘get tough’ and ‘lock ‘em up’ approach to virtually every social problem in the spectrum. In fact, it’s the only approach they support. … (They) want all the military force we can stand to pay for and never saw a weapons system they didn’t like. (They) support every right-wing authoritarian hoodlum in the third world. (They) support foreign assassinations, covert intervention in foreign countries, and every other ‘black bag’ operation the CIA can dream up, even against constitutional governments, elected by the people of those countries. (They) support ‘domestic surveillance’ against ‘subversives’ … (they) think it’s the government’s business if you smoke a joint or sleep with somebody of your own gender. (They) support our new concentration camp down at Guantanamo Bay (and) ‘secret tribunals’ with ‘secret evidence’ and virtually no judicial review of the trials and sentences … (they) have a peculiar definition of ‘freedom’. I mean, just what do these guys consider to be ‘tyranny’. … Take a look. ‘Social spending’ otherwise known as ‘redistribution’. While they don’t mind tax dollars being used for killing people, using their taxes to feed people is ‘stealing’. Minimum wage laws. Every piece of legislation ever proposed to improve working conditions, including the eight hour day, OSHA regulations, and even Child Labor laws. Labor unions, who ‘extort’ employers by collectively bargaining. Environmental regulations and the EPA. Federal support and federal standards for public education. Civil rights legislation. … Public broadcasting – which is virtually the only source for classical music, opera, traditional theatre, traditional American music … (t)his from the people constantly braying about the decay of ‘the culture’. … See the pattern? Cheap-labor conservatives support every coercive and oppressive function of government, but call it ‘tyranny’ if government does something for you ….”
I’m not responsible for Mrs. Rabbit’s idiosyncracies. I can’t tell her what to think, much less what to do.
(crashing noises in background)
Mrs. Rabbit is a sweet, lovable, adorable bunny and I don’t know what I would do without her.
A little note to all who own stock: You are fucked. The only growth in this economy is now in “guvment”.
That light they see in the tunnel ain’t daylight …
“Most Americans to Vote for Democrats, Poll Shows
“WASHINGTON (July 14) – Republicans are in jeopardy of losing their grip on Congress in November. With less than four months to the midterm elections, the latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that Americans by an almost 3-to-1 margin hold the GOP-controlled Congress in low regard and profess a desire to see Democrats wrest control after a dozen years of Republican rule.
“Further complicating the GOP outlook to turn things around is a solid percentage of liberals, moderates and even conservatives who say they’ll vote Democratic. …
” … a Democratic takeover of either the House or Senate would be disastrous for the president, leaving both his agenda for the last two years in office and the chairmanship of investigative committees in the hands of the opposition party. …
” … almost a quarter of conservatives – 24 percent – said they will vote Democratic. … Overall, only 27 percent approved of the way Congress is doing its job. Lawmakers get favorable marks from 36 percent of conservatives, 28 percent of moderates and 17 percent of liberals. …
“‘They used to say there’s nothing worse than a tax-and-spend liberal Democrat,’ said Gary Wilson, 51, a self-described liberal from Gaithersburg, Md. ‘There is something worse: It’s a borrow-and-spend Republican. This is going to come back to haunt us.’
This article is excerpted under the Fair Use Doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Portfolio not doing well, JCH? It must be tough to live on nothing but investments. Thank God I have a guvmint pension!
RR, No positive return in stock: no investment. Bitch about low wages all you wish. The companies will merely move off shore.
I see the Bush Prosperity is clobbering the stock market again today.
Thanks for reminding me, JCH. I meant to bring that up, but got busy with this other stuff — lots of news today — and forgot about the tanking economy.
10, Yes, RR, you are part of the problem. A true “guvment” parasite.
The Democrat solution: regulate and raise taxes of corporations until investment goes to zero and companies move out of country.
After all, Valerie Plame suing Cheney, Rove, and a dozen other top GOP officials is exciting stuff! Interrogatories. Depositions. Subpoenaes. In a word, all the stuff that Republican congressmen who aid and abet treason refuse to permit investigations into.*
* It’s my sentence, and I can end it with a preposition if I want to!* If you don’t like it, fuck you and fuck the armadillo you rode in on.*
This is gonna be FUN!!! :D :D :D
When 40% of America [“guvment” hacks like RR, welfare hacks, loser Democrats] all rely on a “guvment” check, the other 60% must foot the bill. But what if they refuse? hehe, Atlas has Shrugged, JCH
Cantwell’s position on Iraq becomes more understandable — and looks smarter politically — when you read this excerpt from the AP story I linked @9 above:
“One bright spot for the GOP is that Republicans hold an advantage over Democrats on issues such as foreign policy and fighting terrorism – 43 percent to 33 percent – and a smaller edge on handling Iraq – 36 percent to 32 percent … voters were paying attention to the GOP complaint that Democrats want to ‘cut and run.’
“‘It seems like the Democrats want to pull out or start to pull out, and I don’t think that’s the correct thing to do,’ said Eric Bean, 24, a college minister in Fort Worth, Texas. ‘I’d much rather see a Congress that would support our president. I think George Bush is doing the best he can. I think Republicans will support him.'”
Remember, Cantwell won a squeaker in 2000, is in a potentially tough race against Insurance Mike!, and could lose this race — especially if she hands Mike! an issue like “cut and run” on a silver platter. Cantwell is right to be cautious about jerking our troops out of Iraq. As much as I disagree with this war, getting out won’t be as simple as setting a withdrawal timetable or pulling out. Democrats need to be careful about the can of worms this might open. And they won’t have credibility with voters if they aren’t.
Personally, I’d rather have a cagey Democrat who can read polls representing me in the senate, than another CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE rubberstamp for the troglodyte agenda.
The Dow is now down 125 points on the day. Are you applying for food stamps yet, JCH?
I just got back from having a conversation with a potential target of the cheap labor conservative thuggery.
She’s a woman, nearing 64, who has a job with a tech company at a relatively high salary for a non-management employee. She got a super performance evaluation withing the past six months, and recently finished a high visibility project, for which she was alson highly praised.
In March, she started having hip problems, and she has been taking some time off for physical therapy, doctors visits, and the like.
All of a sudden, she’s being told that she hasn’t been completing projects fast enough and that she’s dragging her section down. Quite different from what they said three months ago.
It isn’t hard to figure out what the problem really is. This company has been laying of 60 something women for years. They can get someone else at 2/3 the salary. Her big project is done. Off with her head.
My friend is lucky that the job market is pretty good now, and that she will likely be able to hold on where she is until fall, when her health should have improved and she can take a different job.
The EEOC under the Bush administration won’t help target of age and health discrimination, and attorneys tell persons with such problems that it’s a very expensive prospect to take civil actions against the company.
Her manor asset is her house, which has loans against the equity she took out to finance her kids education, so being unemployed and black listed isn’t in the cards for her.
The wingnuts who post here like to act like just everybody is making a mint on the stock market, but the reality that I see is that people have a hard time having a life and getting their kids started in the world.
Her story is a hell of a lot more real than those of MTR, Jughead and Puttybrains.
In other news, Republicans are bitching about Democratic web ads showing flag-draped coffins.
I tend to agree with the Republicans on this one: Democrats shouldn’t show flag-draped coffins on the web — they should show body parts on national TV, where everybody can see the gore!
Warmongers always want to “sanitize” the horrors of war. Maybe if more people actually saw what modern military weapons do to human bodies — by showing charred, shredded, and dismembered corposes on TV — voters wouldn’t be so eager to support these bloodthirsty bastards.
Oh, and let’s not forget the 2004 Bush campaign ran a TV AD OF A FLAG-DRAPED BODY being removed from the 9/11 rubble — so why are these fucking HYPOCRITES now complaining about TV ads of flag draped bodies? If it’s in bad taste, all I can say is, they started it.
“By ANNE E. KORNBLUT, The New York Times
“WASHINGTON, July 13 — In an echo of the last election cycle, political operatives are at odds over a Democratic advertisement featuring coffins coming home from war. …
“The advertisement, a short film posted on the Web site of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is being attacked by Republicans as tasteless and disrespectful of American troops in Iraq.
“In 2004, President Bush’s campaign released an advertisement showing a flag-draped body being removed from the site of the World Trade Center after the terrorist attack there. The shot outraged some victims’ families, who accused Mr. Bush of exploitation.”
This article is excerpted under the Fair Use Doctrine. For complete story and/or copoyright info, see
“When 40% of America [‘guvment’ hacks like RR, welfare hacks, loser Democrats] all rely on a ‘guvment’ check, the other 60% must foot the bill. But what if they refuse? hehe, Atlas has Shrugged, JCH” — Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/14/06@ 11:41 am
That’s not true — as I’ve said many times on HorsesAss, EVERY CENT of my pension check is MY MONEY that was DEDUCTED FROM MY PAYCHECKS and I’ve never received once cent of taxpayer money.
As I’ve posted this dozens of times, JCH is surely aware of it, therefore JCH is a FUCKING LIAR. Either that, or he CAN’T READ.
JCH says Roger Rabbit is living off taxpayers because:
[ ] 1. he’s a fucking liar
[ ] 2. he can’t read
[ ] 3. both of the above.
We already have proof on this web site that JCH is a LIAR.
GBS — tell me again how JCH LIED about his military service! I never get tired of that story!!! ha-ha-ha
You leech, go out and get a job. Get off your fat ass and work for a living.
Someone who claims to be retired at 49 and does as little as you do should be giving something back to society.
Why don’t you start a scholarship program for needy kids?
Oh, yeah, your stocks are down. Poor you.
But suppose JCH did have to pay taxes for my pension? (It’s hard to see how, as he lives in Hawaii, and my pension is paid by the state government of Washington.)
I say — GOOD! Strip that fucker of his income and assets! Global warming eventually will do the same thing, but that takes too long. I say impoverish the bastard today with confiscatory taxation!
I usually don’t support government expropriation of private property, but I’ll make an exception for JCH, because he’s got it coming (for polluting this blog with trash, and for being a horse’s ass in general).
When idle people try to make a living gambling, feast of famine is there lot.
Stop whining, take your lumps like a man.
Having a bad day in the market, Craig? No crocodile tears for you from me.
I certainly hope I’m “part of the problem” for private-sector FREELOADERS like you. What did you — in Mark the Welsher’s less-than-immortal words — ever “produce?” Stockbrokers don’t produce anything. Like we lawyers, you guys just skim cream off milk squeezed out of somebody else’s cow.
The difference between me and JCH is that I admit being the same thing he is — a parasite hack — whereas he won’t admit it.
Roger, refresh our memories as to what the bet was about. The one Mark Welshed on.
“My pension is paid by the state government of Washington” [Roger Rabbit]………………………………………………………..”As i’ve said many times on HorsesAss, EVERY CENT of my pension check is MY MONEY that was DEDUCTED FROM MY PAYCHECKS and I’ve never received once cent of taxpayer money.” [Roger Rabbit] […………………………………………………………………………………………….Er, Roger, which is is?? Looks like you are totally full of bull shit. Not unusual for a parasite “guvment” hack Democrat!!!!!]
I say – GOOD! Strip that fucker of his income and assets! I say impoverish the bastard today with confiscatory taxation!
[Roger Rabbit, Karl Marx, and Hillary Clinton…………………..”The New Democrat Direction”!!!! hehe, JCH]
You leech, go out and get a job.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— [………………………………………………………………………..HT, Had a job in the PRIVATE sector for 24 years!!! Saved, invested, and now my job is “Private Property Management”. BTW, Weren’t you a NEA union hack “guvment” teacher?? And telling me I’M lazy? Classic Democrat union parasite bull shit!!! No one bys that but other “guvment” union hacks!!]
Idiot libs: No growth in the private sector, no growth in revenue to “guvment”. In other words, Atlas Shrugged dumb asses, If you kill the golden goose, you will starve!! The private sector is the golden goose. You “guvment” hacks are nothing but social and economic parasites [ex military, police, and fire].
The difference between “ME AND JCH” is that I admit being the same thing he is – a parasite hack – whereas he won’t admit it.
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….You really can’t be educated. Your English is typical of a “guvment” hack who could NEVER make it in the private sector.]
Defined BENEFIT Plans: public employee’s dream. Not available in the private sector.
In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their income tax returns no one knows.
How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried the bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?
Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket
A little different threats, but the mechanism remains the same. A big problem for you war mongers is, WWI only took us one year.
No Jughead, I make my living in the high tech sector, where we actually produce things that people use.
I am a real producer, not a leech like you.
Libertarian @ 32
Links documenting Mark the Thieving Redneck’s bet with Goldy can be found here.
French President Jacques Chirac has warned that Africans ”will flood the world” unless more is done to develop the continent’s economy. In a TV interview, Mr Chirac said nearly 50% of Africa’s 950m population was under 17 and that by 2050 there would be two billion Africans. He said the necessary resources had to be made available to help Africa. /break/ ”if we do not make available the necessary resources to bring about this development, these people will flood the world” […………….He is right! Democrat liberals must open their homes to these people!! Say, 20 per household of registered Democrats!! Anything less would be racist!! RR, Left Turn, K, HT, show us that you “walk the walk as well as you talk the talk”!!!]
Having a bad day in the market, Craig?
Commentby Roger Rabbit [Would that be the real estate market in Hawaii? The sun still seems to be shinning!!!] hehe, JCH
Republican train wreck #049402820
Harris Whispered about Scarborough’s “Dead Intern”
By Paul Kiel – July 14, 2006, 12:35 PM
I tell you, that stampede of staffers fleeing Rep. Katherine Harris’ (R-FL) Senate campaign is becoming a goldmine. They probably had to leave all their work materials behind — but the anecdotes they took with them are priceless.
Here’s one on how Harris herself used the death of a staffer from Joe’s earlier congressional campaign as the basis of a smear effort to preempt his Senate run:
… Republican insiders… trace the seeds of her trouble to the story of “Joe’s dead intern.”
This wasn’t any old Joe.
It was Joe Scarborough, host of the prime-time MSNBC show Scarborough Country and a former Pensacola Republican congressman who was courted last summer by national Republicans to run against Harris. But before he could announce he wouldn’t, Harris called major donors and suggested Scarborough would have to answer questions about the strange death of a former staff member in 2001, according to two former high-level Harris staff members, a GOP donor and Scarborough.
”That was the first clue that something wasn’t right with Katherine Harris,” Scarborough told The Miami Herald in a recent interview, noting that a medical examiner found his staff member’s death was natural and not the result of foul play.
Harris, through a spokeswoman, denied Scarborough’s account, saying she ”would never insinuate publicly or privately” that he did anything untoward.
But her former staff members say they expected her to deny the previously untold anecdote, which they say marked the beginning of the Harris campaign’s tailspin.
LeftTurn, Perhaps Harris could just kill an intern named Mary Jo. This worked for Teddy, didn’t it!!!!!!
Across lines of competition, best of luck to Geov with his new, if temporary, gig. My hope is that he talks about issues, not about himself.
On The Stranger’s “Slog” site today is Josh Feit filing with a total of 17 first-person references — 12 “I’s” and 5 “me’s” — and the dude is writing about Maria Cantwell.
Ah, Joel, when are we gonna see your ‘blog?
If Mary Jo had lived she’d be hitting 65, and you assholes would be trying to take her SS away from her.
Let’s get into this century concerning dead intern stories, shall we?
Joe Scarborough is the Republicans’ version of Gary Condit. I don’t see Condit with a show on a cable channel. Scarborough was forced to resign his seat in 2001 after an alleged extramarital affair with aide Lori Klausutis, who was found dead in his office with a major head injury, he now makes good living as a Republican media whore. Bush even appointed him to the one of his councils. Meanwhile, Condit, whose mistress at least did not die in his office and was never linked to her disappearance, has been exiled, probably never to be heard from again.
Of course, Condit may not need a media gig, since he’s made a lot of money suing them. He took settlement of his libel suits against three newspapers asking $209 million from The National Enquirer, The Star and The Globe. I guess they really had ruined his reputation and career. Dominick Dunne had to pony up and apologize to Condit, too.
Do you perceive any difference in the treatment these two received from the “liberal” media?
“The wingnuts who post here like to act like just everybody is making a mint on the stock market … ” Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/14/06@ 11:57 am
The truth is, this is a difficult market to make money in.* My portfolio is up only 30% since Bush took office 5 1/2 years ago, whereas it gained about 700% during Clinton’s 8 years. Am I better off than I was under a Democratic president? Not by a long shot.
* I can end my sentences with a preposition if I want to!* If you don’t like it, go see your honey — she’s lonely, and waiting for you!
“Roger, refresh our memories as to what the bet was about. The one Mark Welshed on.” Commentby Libertarian— 7/14/06@ 12:25 pm
As I recall, he said I-912 would win by more than 10 points, or something like that. But who cares what the bet was about? The operative facts are that he (a) made a bet with Goldy, (b) lost the bet, and (c) didn’t pay.
Mark the Welsher is lucky Goldy is a nice guy. If he tried that with a mob bookie, he’d be imitating a Puget Sound sea lion wearing cement flippers.
There’s no ambiguity in my statement, Craig. I exchanged work for a paycheck. Once I’m paid for the work, the money belongs to me, regardless of who the employer is. They took my money out of my paychecks and put it in the state retirement fund. Now that I’m retired, they’re giving my money they took from my paychecks back to me. Not one cent of my pension income has ever come out of the general fund or tax revenues, it’s ALL my money that they took from my paychecks! What part of this is still unclear to you?
As I’ve also stated on this blog many times, I don’t get subsidized health insurance, either. The state doesn’t pay one cent of the cost of retiree health insurance. State retirees have to pay the full market cost of their health insurance out of their own pockets.
In short, state employment is a cash and carry deal, like Wal-Mart. What you see in your paycheck is what you get. There are no hidden benefits. You pay for your retirement and your retiree health insurance yourself.
JCH was one of those parasites who take commissions for pushing money around in circles. He takes it out of one pocket, puts it in another pocket, and skims a few percent off the top every time it comes around the circle again. That doesn’t produce a damn thing.
Okay, so I was wrong — Mark the Thieving Redneck bet I-912 would win by FIFTEEN points, not 10 points. In other words, he’s an even bigger idiot than I remembered.
Just thought I’d remind everyone that LimpDickLimbaugh is peeing into a cup today like he has to every day, in front of his PROBATION officer, due to his arrest and PLEA BARGAIN for being a doper. What a great example for little right wing turds to look up to as they grow up and turn into big fat lying pussbag chickenhawk drug addict criminals.
But suppose JCH did have to pay taxes for my pension? (It’s hard to see how, as he lives in Hawaii,
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………………………………………………….I thought you posted I live in “Kent”? Which is it, RR??? hehe, JCH]
No kidding, I didn’t think anyone was dumb enough to use one of those clowns, anymore.
The best stock tips I’ve ever gotten came from people I knew who worked in the company I invested in.
So, Jughead isn’t retired, he’s just wasting time between blood lettings?
And the good news just keeps on coming! Watch the righ wing cowards “duck and cover” when we get ahold of Congress. Gonna be a new sheriff in town and we’re gonna kick ass and take names. You cowardly traitors on the right better think about Russia or some other potential dictatorship to move to then!
The difference between “ME AND JCH” is that I admit being the same thing he is – a parasite hack – whereas he won’t admit it.
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….You really can’t be educated. Your English is typical of a “guvment” hack who could NEVER make it in the private sector.]
“Would that be the real estate market in Hawaii? The sun still seems to be shinning!!! hehe, JCH — Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/14/06@ 12:56 pm
Paper wealth, Craig, paper wealth. Until you sell your house, you can’t buy groceries with it. Does your house pay dividends? No? How about interest? No, didn’t think so.
You see, Craig, the problem is if you sell your $500 tarpaper shack for $1.5 million, you’ll have to pay $1.5 million for the tarpaper shack you buy to replace it, so you don’t come out ahead. Either that, or live in your car, and be a homeless millionaire.
It doesn’t matter how much home equity you have, because you can’t buy anything with it. The only thing that matters is how much the payment is. It’s mortgage payments, more than anything else in life, that turns people into wage slaves. The last day I made a payment on my hole was the last day I worked for a boss.
RR at 16: I posted this in response to an earlier thread, but I’ll post it again here, to expound a bit further:
So, former CIA officer Valerie Plame, and her former ambassador husband Mark Wilson, and filed a civil lawsuit against Cheney, Rove, Libby, and 10 “John Does” regarding the circumstances of her outing as a CIA covert agent.
A few points of interest from the article:
1. “Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Rove, said, ‘Without even having had a chance to review the complaint, it is clear that the allegations are absolutely and utterly without merit.'”
Nothing like shooting from the hip, huh? He’s comfortable with what he believes, no need to bother him with the details, which might otherwise confuse him. Sounds like the Bush Administration in general.
2. “Justice Department lawyers plan to review the lawsuit to determine how to respond, said Charles Miller, a department spokesman.”
I’m eager to see a copy of the complaint, I assume it will be posted on fairly soon, if not elsewhere. The key question: are Cheney and Rove being sued in some official capacity, or as individuals, or both? If they are only being sued as individuals, the Justice Dept. is SUPPOSED to stay out of it. If they intervene on behalf of the administration, what sort of conflict of interest does that pose with regard to the Libby prosecution?
3. Sounds like this one’s really going to be decided via pre-trial motions. A lot of the complaints appear to be fairly vague, alleging “whispering campaigns”, and may not survive a motion for summary judgement. But the first real question is how much discovery is going to be allowed? The Plaintiff’s lawyers will want access to classified materials, just like the materials recently granted to Libby’s defense team. If Cheney and Rove can block access, it may prevent the Plaintiffs from ever making their case.
4. Timing – will the discovery take place significantly before the November 2006 elections, or afterwards? Can Rove and Cheney stall discovery or trial until after the 2008 elections? What is the prospect that Rove may find himself in depositions lasting two or three weeks at a time in September/October 2006? (Remember that Katrina occured while Rove was on vacation, and it turned into what they perceived to be a “public-relations” nightmare in his absence).
5. Public Disclosures – How much of the facts brought out in discovery will be published? You can be sure Cheney and Rove will try to get the judge to impose an order preventing the release of any such information. But a similar order was in place with respect to the deposition of Bill Clinton, yet the contents were made available to the news media within a few hours of the end of the deposition.
6. Fairness of Judge – “The federal judge assigned to the case, John D. Bates, was appointed in 2001 by President George W. Bush and was a U.S. Attorney who worked for Independent Counsel Ken Starr’s Whitewater investigation from 1995 to mid-1997. When on the Starr team, Bates pushed hard (and successfully) for the release of various White House documents related to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s activities. During his confirmation hearings, Senator Patrick Leahy said of Bates, ‘When that guy was working for Ken Starr, he wanted to go open the dresser drawers of the White House.'”
So the question is: is Bates a partison judge who only wants to damage the Democrats and protect Republicans, or is he a conscientious jurist who happens to believe that what goes on in the White House should be opoen to public scrutiny, regardless of which party is in office? I guess we’ll find out over the next several months.
Well, another riveting dialogue between RPKKK and the Wabbit with a few minor characters thown in for scenery.
40. (cont’d)
So, Jughead’s a stock tout, and MTR extracts jobs from the United States and gets them done by denizens of places like the Indian sub-continent.
What’s Puttybrains racket? I know it must be some other scam making money on other people’s misery.
Click here for photo of real estate millionaire.
Sorry those last two were responses to RR at 56.
Why do you Republicans have such a thing for killing people? Do the police know about this?
So, your post is — a tarpit?
“JCH was one of those parasites………”
Commentby Roger Rabbit [RR, I worked in the private sector for clients. NO ONE was forced to work with our firm, unlike dealing with “guvment” hacks like you. Get the difference???????????]
An update: Josh Feit has been upstaged. The latest Erica C. Barnett piece on Hizzoner’s night club policies has 18 “I” references and 12 “me” and “my” references. What was Carly Simon’s famous lyric? “You’re so vain. I bet you think this song is about you.”
Abundantly to their credit, political reporters at the Seattle Weekly — Geov Parish, even Skip Berger in Mossback — never make themselves central characters. It’s not about us.
Joel @ 72
The blog writing style is much more like a public diary rather than a traditional journalistic writing style. So, it is about the writer. The more important rules are (1) write actively rather than passively, (2) avoid the royal “we” (unless doing comedy). Active writing cries out for the first person pronoun.
Come on, Joel, you’re not going all “Richard Pope” on us, are you? :-)
Harry Tuttle, HArry Tuttle: Do you perceive any difference in the treatment these two received from the “liberal” media?
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/14/06@ 2:59 pm
Sometimes the mummified part of your brain takes over your brain processes and you go daft. Let’s talk about Condit. Condit was from moonbat land California. They go ape-shit over anything no matter what is costs.
What’s Puttybrains racket? I know it must be some other scam making money on other people’s misery.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/14/06@ 3:50 pm
My “racket” was described on ASSes long ago. If you don’t possess search skillz like Pud D. Bud has I guess you’ll just have to figure it out. I work in very high tech Mummified.
Also Mummified I know how to perform SQL database joins. I can figure out voterless ballots and ballotless voters. Now that Dean Logan is gone maybe someone can perform that task in KCRE too!
Nuff said!
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