I’ve read a lot of post-election analyses today in the wake of Ned Lamonts historic victory over Sen. Joe Lieberman, but the one that spoke most directly to me was the following from MyDD’s Jerome Armstrong:
I was up in New Hampshire yesterday with college age Sierra Club activists, doing a back and forth debate/discussion with the Sierra Club President, Lisa Renstrom, over the issue of their embracing partisan politics, and advancing the progressive movement ahead of their own single-issue advocacy. I laid out the argument that single-issue advocacy was something that seemed to work in a previous time, but not in today’s partisan atmosphere, and that if a substantive, transformative change in environmental policy was to happen, it would occur because the millions of environmentalists decided to join the netroots/grassroots activists now taking over the Democratic Party. I quoted Krugman’s channel of CTG tough love. Lisa countered that social movements do not make up political parties, but impact them, and she effectively made the case that environmentalists can drive the public debate at the state level in a non-partisan manner. I totally agreed, but believe that that impact can be overtly partisan, and that a distinction must be made between the state, more local level, and the federal races.
Having become just another lobbying group instead of a movement, the Sierra Club and the many single-issue groups like them, NARAL, League of Conservation Voters, Planned Parenthood, AFL-CIO, SEIU, CWA, NALC, NAGE, Food and Commercial Workers, Teamster’s, Firefighters, Carpenters, Postal Workers, IBEW, Human Rights Campaign, etc., found themselves aligned in the minority alongside Joe Lieberman on Tuesday night. Lieberman’s problem wasn’t policy, it’s that he’s not been a part of the solution–the movement of change that forms its base with people of progressive values, not issues.
We are becoming strong enough in primary numbers to defeat the politics of old in the Democratic Party. But we cannot defeat the conservative ideological movement if they are united, and we are not; if they are modern and we are stuck in the methods of the past. In a nutshell, I argued that to win elections and transform the landscape enough to enact a broader environmental policy initiative that addresses issues such as global warming, every progressive individual, group, and organization must work together in the same vehicle. Sure the Democratic Party has been busted and broken in the past, but lets rebuild it and ride it to get there.
Read the whole thing, but that block quote is the gist of it.
This is of course a call for more partisanship and an end to the single-issue politics that has characterized progressive organizations up until now… a theme that I’ve been hitting on for the past few days. I know that some may argue that this isn’t exactly the most reliable path towards good government, but this is the path the other guys have chosen, so what choice do we really have? (That is, if we care as much about winning as we do just being right.)
Yes, but… After the Democrats win, will they advance the causes of the folks who joined to elect them, or will they work for big-money corporations, as Clinton did?
The Republican party, however evil, delivered for their backers, while the Dems seem to take progressive votes, and then pass NAFTA.
Right on, David! That’s what goldy doesn’t get. You really don’t see the bigger picture even though you think you do. Also, marketing is a huge part of all this.
What are the Dems but a single-issue (anti-war) party? IF, IF, IF they actually had a plan of some kind other than “the opposite of what the other guys say,” there might be something there. But until that happens, they will be seen as nothing but obstructionist, contrarian zealots.
The GOP does need a “loyal opposition” to keep them honest. Unfortunately, the Dems have chosen the path of vitriol over one of substance.
And what is the difference between the Enrons of the world pulling GOP strings and Soros/MoveOn.org crowd pulling the Dems’? Do you REALLY think that MoveOn.org is run by anything more than a handful of wealthy liberals? Take a look at the founders. They ain’t poor.
What’s the difference between Enron and MoveOn/Soros? Come back when you have a serious question to debate.
Liebermann is about to pull a “Ross Perot” on the Democrats.
Bend over losers.
Jerome’s argument is very much what he and Markos wrote about in CTG. I’ve been making it in another thread, but it’s good to see it a) in practice and b) on the front page again.
The Democratic party is slowly changing for the better – becoming a more mainstream, grassroots organization less focused on D.C. leadership and big donors. Perhaps the Lamont victory will hasten that process.
LONG LIVE CASTRO http://www.marxists.org/
By pull a “Ross Perot,” I assume you mean that Lieberman’s presence in the race will result in the election of Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger? The same Schlesigner whose most high profile gig was mayor of Derby, Connecticut, who was never intended to be anything but a sacrifical lamb, and who was polling at 9% in the most recent Quinnipiac poll _before_ it was revealed that he was a gambling addict who had been banned from a number of Indian casinos for card counting? If anything, Schlesigner is going to be a spoiler eating into Lieberman’s votes. But whatever; it’s nice to see that the Republican brain trust is out doing its oppo research.
I’m a long-time member of the Sierra Club and a founding member it’s Pierce County Org. The Tatoosh Group. I think Jerome’s argument is, in general, a good one. But, he miss characterizes The Sierra Club when he refers to it as, “just another lobbying group instead of a movement.” The Sierra Club is active on the local, state, regional and federal level and is active in everything from gardening, invasive species removal from parks to environmental education, hiking trips and lobbing congress on CAFE standards. We may not be a movement, but we’re a heck of a lot more then just a lobbying group.
The GOP does need a “loyal opposition” to keep them honest. Unfortunately, the Dems have chosen the path of vitriol over one of substance.
Surreal Mark:
What’s “honest” about No Child Left Behind?
What’s “honest” about “Clear Skies”?
What’s “honest” about “Healthy Forests”?
What’s “honest” about the Medicare “Doughnut Hole” or the 400 billion it was supposed to cost?
What was “honest” about the “Mushroom Clouds”?
The Democrats I support are for what’s REAL.
REAL education funding.
REAL environmental protection.
REAL health care assistance.
REAL national security.
What are YOU all about besides being haunted the pseudo-chimeras of MoveOn.org and George Soros? You’ve gotten super boring surreal Mark.
I’ll give you credit for acknowledging that GOP needs a “loyal opposition.” Most of those on your side of the fence at this point in our history seem to believe extermination of Democrats would be a good thing. I believe Democrats also need a loyal opposition. Democracy flourishes only when ideas and opinions bash against each other in a public forum. On the other hand, accusing Democrats of vitriol, calling us zealots, and comparing Enron to MoveOn.org? C’mon, man, how many retired people have lost their pensions because of MoveOn.org? And, the Republicans have made vitriol and zealotry into an art form. New Gingrich, Lee Atwater, Karl Rove–they’re choirboys, aren’t they? I love consensus, and wish it was more of a public value than it seems to be right now. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is too keen on partisanship, division, and wedge issues to permit those of us on the other side of the fence to seek consensus.
VIVA SHAVES http://www.marxists.org/
Sounds like those progressive majority guys.
Sounds like those progressive majority guys.
Commentby Dean
Two parts of the same issue. Jerome is addressing the splintered nature of the Dem’s coalition. Prog. Maj. works to elect Democrats at the local and state level, with the goal of building a reserve of good candidates for higher office.
They work hand-in-hand in that if we can get the Democratic party’s natural base to think and behave more strategically, it will help Dem candidates up and down the ticket.
Note while the real Jewish men were fighting in the IDF and IAF, Miss Goldie was in New England in “meetings” with a bunch of Democrat pussies and “guvment” union hacks. Enough said.
Note while the real American men were fighting in the Amy and Air force in Iraq and Afganastian Miss Doctor JCH Kennedy was in Seattle Blowveating on Horses Ass dot com Enough said.
What a meaningful retirement for Lt. JCH – spins the wheels of his remaining years posting wingnut fantasies to HA.org.
LONG LIVE CASTRO http://www.marxists.org/
Commentby The Socialist [……….Is that you, GBS??????]
17, Surfed Pohiki this AM, For The Clueless. And you? Yeah, I thought so……………….
proud leftist @ 11
While I don’t agree 100% with your comments, they’re well within the realm of resoned debate. I do not disagree that those holding the reins of the GOP are not my favorite folks.
I believe my accusations of zealotry and vitriol are on the mark when you consider the blind rage the spills out onto this blog and in public statements (Howard Dean’s monthly foot-in-mouth). It’s F’ing this and F’ing that and litmus tests and kicking people out of the Party and smear campaigns against candidates both Left and Right. I’m not saying the GOP partisans are beyond that. However, I find that Dem language contains far more emotion than detailed plans for change (“raise money by X and spend it on Y” or “do X with the troops with the expected result being Y”). If you want to change things, tell us EXACTLY HOW you plan to change things — what you plan to DO. Don’t just give me Teddy Kennedy’s “our plan for Iraq is to reevaluate our role.”
Let me ask you a serious question… Who is the Democratic equivalent of a McCain or a Giuliani?
Clueless & Skagit,
My point in comparing Enron to Soros/MoveOn.org is that they are small groups of very, very wealthy individuals exerting inappropriate levels of influence on their respective parties. And, yes, the people actually RUNNING MoveOn.org are a small group.
Despite his victory in the Democratic primary, political experts say Ned Lamont faces an uphill battle in unseating Connecticut senator Joe Lieberman, who is planning to run as an independent. The Republican candidate, beleaguered by a gambling scandal, has no chance of winning.
A Quinnipiac University poll shows that in a three way race, Lieberman (I) would get 51%, Lamont (D) 27%, and Schlesinger (R) 9%. In addition, Lieberman starts the general election campaign with 10 times as much money on hand as Lamont ($3.4 million vs. $357,000), although Lieberman is expected to face fundraising hurdles while things should become easier for Lamont now that many Democratic sources will throw their support behind Lamont.
Yes, but… After the Democrats win, will they advance the causes of the folks who joined to elect them, or will they work for big-money corporations, as Clinton did?
The Republican party, however evil, delivered for their backers, while the Dems seem to take progressive votes, and then pass NAFTA.
Commentby David B.— 8/9/06@ 4:22 pm
Good point. Cantwell’s(D-Mexico)record so far:
Voted for NAFTA; favors China PNTR
Cantwell voted for NAFTA and favors normal trade status for China.
Voted YES on free trade agreement with Oman.
Voted YES on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade.
Voted YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore.
Voted YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile.
Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations.
Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam.
Source: http://www.ontheissues.org/Int....._Trade.htm
Next thing you know, fascistfirst is gonna tell us the GOP is the party of “the people.” (snicker)
lieberman is not going to win anything in November except a well deserved BITCH SLAPPING.
The GOP is the party of war, torture, hunger, greed, corruption, incompetence, theft, deficits, inflation, unemployment, high interest rates, high energy prices, and did I mention theft.
Know how to spot a Republican in a restaurant?
He’s the guy emptying the waitress tip jar into his pocket.
Who would you be more likely to believe on a political blog?
[ ] 1. A human pretending to be a rabbit
[ ] 2. Rats pretending to be human
I want to be fair about this. The estate tax law is not perfect, and we should improve it, if possible. Therefore, I suggest the following changes.
1. Instead of a $5 million exemption for the entire estate, each individual heir should be given an exemption. Thus, if the exemption were $750,000 and a $7.5 million estate were split equally among 10 heirs, nobody would pay any tax. $750,000 is a hell of a lot more exemption than a $5.15-an-hour chicken processing plant worker in Arkansas gets on her wages.
2. To avoid forced sales or dissolutions of family businesses, there should be a “going concern” deferral of estate taxes. The way it would work is as follows. To the extent a taxable estate consists of the assets of a going concern, taxes based on the transfer of those assets to heirs would be deferred until the business is sold, dissolved, or the individual heir sells or trades his ownership interest for cash or other assets. In addition, the tax due would be based on the value received by the heir at the time of cashout, not time of inheritance. Thus, if someone inherits a business worth $7.5 million but suffers business reverses and ends up selling the business for $5.1 million, tax would be due on only $100,000 of the inheritance, even if the sale occurs many years after the inheritance event.
3. Tax rates should be allowed on all but the largest estates.
The GOP is the party of war, torture, hunger, greed, corruption, incompetence, theft, deficits, inflation, unemployment, high interest rates, high energy prices, and did I mention theft.
Commentby Roger Rabbit—
Well sead Mr Rabbit
Granting each heir an individual exemption, instead of granting the entire estate a single exemption, simply reflects the reality that it is the heirs who are being taxed.
Daily reminder:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from last week:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 8:02 pm
Great post. Been sniffing glue again,rodent? Haven’t found any good news to trash American soldiers with lately?
“There have been several news items this week about alleged atrocities by U.S. troops in Iraq, including this story from the Associated Press in today’s KING 5 News website:….”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/6/06@ 10:55 am
Hey does anybody know where you can send donations to the Lieberman campaigh. I want to cross the partisan divide and show my unity with my democratic brother. I am sure a lot of repubs feel the same way. Run Joe run.
Hey… HEY!
Somebody is spoofing Roger Rabbit’s username @ 22 and 29. Either that, or his meds just kicked in for that tiny window of rationality he displays once every blue moon.
My current understanding is that his politics lean to the right.
Why would I “trash” our soldiers? After all, I’m a war veteran myself. (Are you?) In fact, I have SUPPORTED THE TROOPS by donating $99 to http://www.operation-helmet.org/. (Have you? I’ll bet not. You’re just cheap talk. Wingnut hot air.)
If there’s one constant among wingnuts, it’s their love of money. They “support” the troops as long as someone else does the fighting — and pays for it. I’ll bet not one of these fuckers has sent a nickel to http://www.operation-helmet.org/.
A soldier’s life is not worth $99 to them.
Wingnut = empty suit. Hot air. Cheap talk. All hat, no cattle. Freeloader. Let me repeat, wingnuts are
For example, fascistfirst is freeloading on this web site. Someone else (i.e., Goldy) is paying out of pocket to give FREELOADERS like FF a forum to spew their bullshit. If you want to use this blog as a GOP propaganda megaphone, the least you could do is …
Step 1: Go to the home page
Step 2: Look at the upper left corner
Step 3: Click on “give me money”
Step 4: Follow instructions
Now let’s wait and see if any of these WINGNUT FREELOADERS are capable of carrying their own freight.
I am glad to see the Anti-War masses come forward to reclaim this Nation of ours. This Chimpanzee in Chief needs to go. He is a moron who is making this a third world nation. Good bye to all those Dems who “trusted” Bushy…
Well sead Mr Rabbit
Commentby The Socialist […………………………..GBS, You are quite the poster!!!!]
1. The republican tent just seems bigger because it is all about money and the more money it can hold, the bigger it gets. And boy is the republican base ever getting richer! Lots of diverse repubs but they are united around money.
Dems have no such unifying force. It’s harder.
Commentby skagit— 8/9/06@ 3:00 pm
Skagit I like your funny name, but you want to be a winner do not surround yourself with a bunch of losers. The reason you don’t have money is nobody taught you how to acquire it and hold onto it. Socialist Democrats only play the Robin Hood game steal from the rich and give it to the poor. They really seal from the middle class, give a very small portion to the poor and pocket the rest. Not bad scams just follow Jessie Jackson around and you will learn the fine art of shaking people down.
2. know you think each person should be responsible for his/her own needs. I think that is unrealistic. One of government’s purposes is to regulate. I don’t think we’ve seen such corruption in my lifetime as we do today. That can and must be stopped.
Commentby skagit— 8/9/06@ 4:12 pm
Skagit have you look at your phone bill lately? The price is outrageous due to government regulations. What you need is you controlling your cost not the government doing it for you. They just removed the Spanish American Tax of your phone bill a few years ago. When did the Spanish American War end? Now corruption have you been to Louisiana lately now that is corruption at it best, run by Socialist Democrats.
LONG LIVE CASTRO http://www.marxists.org/
Commentby The Socialist— 8/9/06@ 5:17 pm
Roger you a funny little wabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We may not be a movement, but we’re a heck of a lot more then just a lobbying group.
Commentby Michael— 8/9/06@ 5:36 pm
Yep! you are a Sociastist Democrat look to shake down a bunch of fools. Yes? No? Jessie Jackson is the role model you chaps are following.
37, “Why would I “trash” our soldiers? After all, I’m a war veteran myself.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 8:48 pm
You’re no Vietnam vet, you phoney; the military didn’t take homosexuals then. Or did you lie about being a homosexual? You are a defeatist rodent, as your post below shows.
“It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
VIVA SHAVES http://www.marxists.org/
Commentby The Socialist— 8/9/06@ 5:57 pm
Roger keep up the good work you Socialist Democrat. Your friend Jessie Jackson got a lot in common. Hell you keep telling those lies and your German friend who run the nazi party (Gobblies)or Hitler have a lot in common.
lieberman is not going to win anything in November except a well deserved BITCH SLAPPING.
Commentby The Socialist— 8/9/06@ 8:03 pm
Only a Socialist Democrat would say a thing like that Roger you sweet Marist friend.
1. Know how to spot a Republican in a restaurant?
He’s the guy emptying the waitress tip jar into his pocket.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 8:04 pm
Know how you know a Socialist Democrat in a Liberal Church he/she/it is the one make change for a Dollar and taking out a Hundred.
Unfortunately, the Republican Party is too keen on partisanship, division, and wedge issues to permit those of us on the other side of the fence to seek consensus.
Commentby proud leftist— 8/9/06@ 5:51 pm
Not according to Joe Liebermann.
Note while the real American men were fighting in the Amy and Air force in Iraq and Afganastian Miss Doctor JCH Kennedy was in Seattle Blowveating on Horses Ass dot com Enough said.
Commentby The Socialist— 8/9/06@ 6:45 pm
What are you doing you funny little rabbit? You socialist Democrat.
The GOP is the party of war, torture, hunger, greed, corruption, incompetence, theft, deficits, inflation, unemployment, high interest rates, high energy prices, and did I mention theft.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 8:03 pm
Roger what does the Socialist Democrat Party represent today? Cut and Run like a bunch of COWARDS.
Granting each heir an individual exemption, instead of granting the entire estate a single exemption, simply reflects the reality that it is the heirs who are being taxed.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 8:17 pm
What your problem Roger you couldn’t keep your money like John Kerry?
The GOP is the party of war, torture, hunger, greed, corruption, incompetence, theft, deficits, inflation, unemployment, high interest rates, high energy prices, and did I mention theft.
Commentby Roger Rabbit—
Well sead Mr Rabbit
Commentby The Socialist— 8/9/06@ 8:17 pm
What a piece of shit you are to respond to your own post. You must be reading Jessie Jackson book on how to fleece the public and get away with it.
Hey moonbats, how would Ned Lamont answer this challenge? I know what Joe Lieberman would say!
After you moonbats digest this information, HTF do you look at the “axis of evil” now!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 8:02 pm
Great post. Been sniffing glue again,rodent? Haven’t found any good news to trash American soldiers with lately?
“There have been several news items this week about alleged atrocities by U.S. troops in Iraq, including this story from the Associated Press in today’s KING 5 News website:….”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/6/06@ 10:55 am
Roger your friends from PETA have been promoting glue traps for rodents, you must have ran into one. Now what atrocities your friends in Lebanon been committing lately?
There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
Roger you are fool of SHIT and those of us who sre defending this country will prove you wrong. Only a Socialist Democrat will express that bull shit.
Long live Sen. Joe Lieberman he is a REAL Democrat, the rest are Socialist Democrats.
Chimpanzee in Chief Bush is Bound and determined to make this a Third World Nation. Our only hope is that he dies Before Castro does….
… and with that I must say Goodnight. I am SO glad that Lieerman was ousted. Now we can get down to Business and run the ReThuglicans out the door….
Moonbats more mainstream?
Harry Belafonte: Coddles Fidel Castro, praised Ho Chi Minh
Barbara Boxer: Feminist Celebrity, yet approved of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Complained of Tom DeLay using his family for nepotism, but forgot that she gave her son Doug $150K for doing the same thing! Her husband wrote illegal checks to her campaign, one as Stewart and the other as Stuart!
Robert Byrd: Exalted Cyclops, Looking for some “white” niggers
Jimmy Carter: Saw the Venezuela election of Hugo Chavez as clean while two respected Harvard economists said there was a 99% chance it was fraud!
Harry Reid: In 1999 said he had no problem privatizing a little Social Security money. Also employs nepotism! He told Jim Lehrer that he is successful if he creates senatorial logjams rather than getting the people’s business done.
Arthur Sulzberger Jr. was asked by his father: “If an American soldier runs into a NVM soldier, which would you like to see shot? His answer: “I would want to see the American get shot. It’s the other guy’s country.”
Barbra Steisand: Tried to sue the company who was looking at the California coastline erosion and her 10K house was causing beach erosion.
George Soros: Still the kingpin of Demo politics. Spent $23Million in a losing cause in 2004. I wonder what it is this time. Mainstream? Why are all his tax-free investments off-shore. He must be a cheap labor moonbat!
Al Sharpton: Tawana Brawley anyone?
Jesse Jackson: Too much to print.
Bill Richardson: Caught speeding twice at 100+ MPH. Bought a Cessna Citation Jet and uses a Arizona State Police helicopter so he can cut down his drive times. WaPo!
Sean Penn: Need I say more?
Nancy Pelosi: Agreed with SCOTUS on the New London, Connecticut eminent domain case when her state had a limit on eminent domain snatches. I thought the moonbats were the party of the little people? A moonbat congressional staffer said: “A generation of Schoolhouse Rock gets this and she doesn’t?”
Didn’t Alice Cooper once say: “If you are listening to rock stars in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a biger moron than they are.”
Have a great day one-trick pony moonbats!
What do frenches mustard and roger rabbit have in common?why they are both yellow.
Though I realize you Hard Lefties are reeeeeeeeally good at slogans (but not so good in the detailed plan department), I thought I’d offer up a campaign slogan that you can use gratis (you love them handouts, don’tcha?):
Today’s Democratic Party: Tammany Hall for the New Millennium!
Craig, what are you doing surfing at your age? Living your second adolescence? You’re gonna break yer frickin neck …
“Run Joe run.” Commentby Dan Rather-Whats the frequen— 8/9/06@ 8:25 pm
Great bumper sticker! If Republican, put on rear bumper. If Democrat, put on front bumper.
“Somebody is spoofing Roger Rabbit’s username @ 22 and 29.” Commentby The Real Mark— 8/9/06@ 8:38 pm
Not true. Although my user name has been pirated on HA, those posts are the real deal from the real rabbit.
Which of the following is most immoral?
[ ] 1. The government taking from the rich to give to the poor
[ ] 2. The rich taking from the poor to give to themselves
What’s even funnier is you think “Socialist” and “Roger Rabbit” are the same person. But what do you expect from an illiterate nazi.
Looks like flaky klake bought some really bad weed.
@62 You are truly nuts. . .after the K Street Mafia?.Handouts? Bribes, you mean. . .ro Republicans!
Mark, get help!
I’m just stating reality, asshole. That’s other people’s lives jerks like you are squandering on your failed military adventure in Iraq. It’s always been that way throughout history; those who beat the war drums the loudest and wave the flag the hardest somehow manage to keep themselves the farthest from the fighting.
As for whether you believe I’m a Vietnam veteran or not — I don’t give a flying fuck what you believe.
“Know how you know a Socialist Democrat in a Liberal Church he/she/it is the one make change for a Dollar and taking out a Hundred.” Commentby klake— 8/9/06@ 9:57 pm
According to you, we libs are atheists, and don’t go to church. So which is it?
How about if we let Newt Gingrich settle this argument by speaking for himself and the entire GOP:
“Newt’s overarching strategy was to portray the differences between the two parties as … moral, not political, laying the rhetorical groundwork for an offensive …. He used certain outrageously stigmatizing language, long a hallmark of right-wing political organizing, to caricature the opposition as immoral, even evil. ‘People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz,’ Gingrich declared. ‘I see evil around me every day.’ Newt called Democrats ‘sick,’ ‘grotesque,’ ‘loony,’ ‘stupid,’ ‘corrupt,’ ‘anti-family,’ and ‘traitors.’”
From David Brock’s “Blinded by the Right,” pp. 65-67
“What are you doing you funny little rabbit?” Commentby klake— 8/9/06@ 10:00 pm
Trying not to wiggle while you give me a blowjob.
“Roger what does the Socialist Democrat Party represent today? Cut and Run like a bunch of COWARDS.” Commentby klake— 8/9/06@ 10:02 pm
I don’t remember seeing you in NAM and you sure as hell aren’t posting from IRAQ.
Tell you what, klake … if you think we should stay the course in Iraq, what’s taking you so long to get your chickenshit ass over there? It’s been going on for 3 1/2 years now, and you’re still here?
Click here for photo of klake: http://tinyurl.com/j7qw9
I repeat, why aren’t YOU over there proving me wrong?
Tell me Surreal Mark, what Republican “plan” would you like to boast about? Choose one:
[ ] 1. Preventing terrorist attacks on the U.S.
[ ] 2. Post-invasion occupation of Iraq
[ ] 3. Katrina relief operations
[ ] 4. Iraq exit strategy
[ ] 5. Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution
[ ] 6. Write in: _________________
In other words, what HAVEN’T the Republicans fucked up???
Back when Democrats were running this country, we won our wars and you could support a family with one job.
FunnyBunny @ 77
How about you list ONE plan WITH DETAILS (other than merely cut ‘n’ run) put forth by a Dem elected to federal office. Citations, please.
FunnyBunny @ 78
You mean you Dems GOT US INTO wars. Right?
FunnyBunny @ 78
Oh… and all Ponzi schemes work well for the first few levels.
MARIETTA, Ohio – Two men were charged Wednesday with money laundering in support of terrorism after authorities said they found airplane passenger lists and information on airport security checkpoints in their car.
Deputies stopped Osama Sabhi Abulhassan, 20, and Ali Houssaiky, 20, both of Dearborn, Mich., on a traffic violation Tuesday. They found the flight documents along with $11,000 cash and 12 phones in the car, said Washington County Sheriff Larry Mincks.
Prosecutor Susan Vessels declined to say how the phones, cash or flight information involved terrorism.
Abulhassan and Houssaiky admitted buying about 600 phones in recent months at stores in southeast Ohio, said sheriff’s Maj. John Winstanley. The men said they sold the phones to someone in Dearborn, a Detroit suburb. [………………………………………………….Goldie, Maybe the ACLU and you can ensure the OHIO terrorists still can vote Democrat in Novemeber. Maybe Jesse and Al can help these fine yound Democrats.]
I thought you’d write a bit about Brits foiling more death by your muslim buddies….
I cannot encourage you Progressives enough. Please defeat every moderate Democrat in the primaries that you can. So America can have a real choice. Just like we did when McGovern ran for President.
Winger logic on display. RR can’t be a VV because he realizes that our involvement there became doomed to defeat. One who sees reality is a “defeatist”.
Pay no attention to the fact that our exit from Vietnam left us better off, onc the war debt was paid — what a retro concept, paying for a war.
McGovern wasn’t the Democrats top choice for president, the front runner was Muskie.
I don’t know if Muskie could have won, but Nixon thought so. That’s why the dirty tricks in Maine.
McGovern was an example of the Republicans tampering in Democratic politics. Just like today, with Lieberman the candidate of the White House.
Lieberman is the candidate of the Republicans, see David Postman today:
“Mike McGavick says he plans to not only endorse Lieberman in his independent campaign against Lamont, but will donate money to the effort…”
I see the single issue groups as a way to bring people into the process who otherwise wouldn’t participate. Its a first step into the process. Many single issue group member voters want to know who to vote for only at election time. THey have heard the criticism of political parties and say “The __ parties don’t represent me”. Of course they won’t see who the Ds are, and therefore look to their single issue groups to direct them. They want to be told. Groups like the Sierra Club tell them, and hopefully draw them into activism, and away from the dark side to the light.
“It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
Commentby americafirst— 8/9/06@ 9:50 pm
America First: The NVN archives from General Giap and friends said we were within 3 months of winning the Vietnam War except for that commie lib (CBS or See BS) Walter Cronkite turning Americans against the war. Go read it you commie libs.
The R’s can replace their current candidate for a much better candidate before the Election.
Lieberman is pulling a Ross Perot!
The R’s can replace their current candidate for a much better candidate before the Election.
Lieberman is pulling a Ross Perot!
Commentby yipes
If Lieberman’s still around for the general, a stronger GOP candidate cuts into his votes, not Lamont’s.
While the moonbats of AssesHorse are wringing their whands over Lieberman running as an Independent may I remind you there are islamofascists trying to kill us. What a bunch of moonbats!
89 – Typical Wingnut Obsession Sucks – takes the words of a hardcore communist general at face value if it serves his wingnut purpose.
More for you moonbats! We are at war and your puny minds have no comprehension.
Great news WOS – did it take invading a country and sacrificing lives, limbs and hundreds of billions of dollars and creating a legacy of collateral damage?
Or just a little old fashioned detective work?
How many of those 21 might not have bothered if we weren’t squandering billions on the “War to Create More Terrorists”?
Clueless One: YVery apparent you are not a student of history so you will continue to repeat the same mistakes instead of LEARNING FROM THEM!
No moonbats, you all have no clue!
Ken Mehlman won’t endorse the Republican candidate for Senate in CT.
Sounds like Joe’s a Republican to me.
I want to know what Ned Lamont thinks now that:
1) Iranians are dying in Lebanon for the Hizbollah cause
2) Pakistanis wanted to blow up 6-10 planes
3) Conservatives are on the job protecting our country
4) Moonbats have no plan to protect our country
5) Moonbats only concern is with cheap labor conservatives
6) Knowing Jews on AssesHorse in Seattle support him; someone who doesn’t give a damn on Israel!
apparent you are not a student of history
And apparently you are insane because you believe in repeating the same mistakes (Dubya’s) and expecting different results.
The trend in opinion that polling on the Bush administration policies has taken this year provides a glimmer of hope for liberals. There may be enough votes to dump a large number of Republicans this fall, and that should, at least, slow the excesses of the Bush power grab. Whether civil liberties are restored to pre-Patriot Act protections is unlikely any time soon, but we may be protected from facing a military tribunal at the whim of Donald Rumsfeld.
Only about 10% of respondents in August 2006 polling said that terrorism is a top issue, however about a third of respondents think that terrorism is a big reason to enact immigration reform. Looking at the terrorism and immigration results together, the reason the Democrats have, for the first time, come out ahead on the terrorism factor may be that people are finally realizing that the Bush administration has been a failure at protecting us from terrorism. 58% said security in the country is the same or worse than before 9/11. Democrats are looked upon as more effective in combating terrorism than Republicans, according to the August ABC/Washington Post poll. This breakthrough for the Democrats may explain why Republicans are wildly accusing Democrats of being “for the terrorists”, supporters of “Islamofascism,” weak on immigration reform, etc.
Their last trump card is slipping away, and they want it back.
So, here are a few things that should be in a real plan to protect America, and not the phony “War on Terror” the Republicans talk about.
Democrats should focus first on directing homeland security funds to protecting citizens from terrorist attack, and to emergency response in case attack does occur. Since March 2003, a large number of terrorists have been created who would love to level a few neighborhoods in one or more of our cities, as has been done to theirs in Iraq, the Palestinian apartheid areas, and Lebanon. The public is right, we are no more prepared today than five years ago, and it’s time to boot Michael Chertoff in the ass to get his department doing something productive. It will probably take subpoenas to Bush administration political appointees with threats of imprisonment, but what’s a majority for? Demand protection of the railroads, chemical plants, nuclear facilities, and out borders. Put through a realistic immigration bill that deals with the presence of the illegal immigrants that are here already.
Next, or at the same time, stop the Republican waste in their incompetent attempt to attack terrorism “over there” and get out of Iraq. Start treating Jihadists like the criminals they are with standard police procedures to separate them from the populations they seek to influence. Identify the trouble-makers, get evidence, round them up, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, and throw them in jail. Use Special Forces to go after them “over there”, but bring them back here. Except for the fancier capture, the policy for local criminals would work as well for international terrorists. This has the additional advantage of discouraging their underlings from filling their shoes any too quickly if they know what the consequences might be. A “closer place to Allah” isn’t achieved in a prison cell.
A policy “over there” that should get serious re-invigoration is securing nuclear weapons and material in Russia. Using airplanes as bombs isn’t always going to be the terrorist’s tactic of choice; it may not be today, news reports notwithstanding. There should be a great deal more concern about an IED combined with nuclear material being set off at 3rd and Pine.
Then replenish our army so it can be used to attack real threats to the country, not made-up ones. Make it so that the National Guard can return to its role as a backup to the active duty military, and fulfill its role as a resource to the states, in case of emergency.
If that much can get accomplished by 2009, maybe we can elect a president who will forget about wars of choice, and get the military to prepare for targeted, covert attacks. One who will put an end to the notion that people hate us because they hate democracy, one that will use diplomacy to get affected parties together to pay attention to grievances and address them. The seed of terrorism won’t grow among people who feel that they have a legitimate voice in how they are governed; it is nurtured only in an atmosphere of discontent and frustration. Eliminate the hard feelings and terror cannot find fertile ground; it will wither and die. This is not unproven ideological wishful thinking. It has actually worked in Belfast when the Irish Republican Army was blowing things up. The British government brought the bombers to justice and then went after–and solved–their very real grievances.
The difference between bloggers with balls and Goldy is this: national liberals actually took on Lieberman while Goldy shills for Cantwell. There is a progressive anti-war alternative to Cantwell and Goldy can’t embrace it because at core he is more Rahm Emanuel than Howard Dean.
So Harry Tuttle: you copy and paste that after this plot was discovered? We don’t believe ou Harry.
Citation by URL please. What were the biased questions asked by ABC this time?
Back when Democrats were running this country, we won our wars and you could support a family with one job.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/9/06@ 11:55 pm
Roger back then they had real Democrats not Socialist Democrats.
Cantwell said the same crap every other read from the script spineless democrat did “1996 needs to be a year of change in Iraq.” Really….and this pablum is what makes Goldy compare her with Lamont? Are you on the CAntwell payroll too now?
Harry Tuttle: “Why didn’t you trumpet this poll?
President Bush on Wednesday won a robust endorsement from European leaders for his tough approach to nuclear standoffs with Iran and North Korea, despite trans-Atlantic differences on Iraq, Guantanamo Bay and trade. European Union leaders emerged from a summit with Bush in this capital of cafes and cobblestones to back U.S. demands that North Korea abandon a long-range missile test and that Iran quit dragging its feet in responding to a Western plan aimed at getting it to suspend uranium enrichment activity.
I visit this web site to view polls: http://people-press.org/
You poll is not on here Harry!
Harry is this the “source” of your wonderful missives?
http://www.thetruthaboutgeorge.com/war/index.html A moonbat site for moonbat sight!
Who is Mike Webb, and why does he suck?
Mike Webb was a Kiro 710 moonbat mouthpiece fired because he stunk. That’s why he SUCKS!
USA Today has an interesting article about AL Gore’s supposed ‘carbon-neutral’ lifestyle. check it out
Wingnut Obsession Sucks was the kind of caller that Mike Webb would scream a volley of insults at and then hang up. I thought that underminded Mike’s credibility at best and at worst hurt the progressive cause.
In the case of WOS, it was completely justfied!
WOS was obviously a “Brainless Baloney” fan. Now THAT guy stunk!
Take heart WOS, you can always give a listen to Dorky Moron.
Mike Webb was a Kiro 710 moonbat mouthpiece fired because he stunk. That’s why he SUCKS!
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 8/10/06@ 9:31 am
Thank you for the explanation.
No problem Libertarian. I hope you noticed the riff-raff called the Clueless One and his obsession with my name. He has no retort for the terrorist plot today or the six points I placed in post#99.
Notice the typical moonbats are nowhere to be found as they would have to answer the tough questions on WWIII, The War on Terror. Instead you read their words about Joe Lieberman!
About time some one busts this ninny: http://www.usatoday.com/news/o.....reen_x.htm
Where is Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer et al. on the war on terror? I say they are MIA!
Some salient points:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling terrorism?
8/06/06 approve 47, disapprove 50
6/25/06 approve 51, disapprove 47 NA NA
Which political party, the (Democrats) or the (Republicans), do you trust to do a better job handling terrorism?
8/06/06 Democrats 46, Republicans 38
6/25/06 Democrats 39, Republicans 46
Once again WOS’ reading comprehension sucks. See 95.
When countless billions are being squandered, that my kids will have to pay for and terrorism is on the INCREASE throughout the world, that’s a sign of incompetence and corruption. Apparently WOS is a big fan of that.
Is the ABC/Washington Post poll at the URL I provided?
Did I specify that I was referring to the ABC/Washington Post poll of August 2006?
Could you have lookied yourself?
Get a brain.
HT @ 118
Great news HT. It looks like the whining baby WOS is going to cry all the way to November!
He brings up a good point, though. Why isn’t the Post poll more reported on?
Could it be that the media pampers Bush and the Republicans, and doesn’t wish to report bad news about them? I mean, how much more of amaistream example can you get?
Even your Vaulted lib web site Slate.com says the Lamont win is a disaster!
HT and Clueless One: Like most ABC or See BS polls they call more donks than conservatives and they sway their polling results. Maybe they looked at the poll demographics and realized if they trumpet the poll, the Internet media will take them apart like the See BS Memogate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had poll calls and when I answered the opposite way they wanted, they would try and hang up. Before they left I would ask them: “So you are not receiving the answers you wanted and so you hang up?” They then hang up.
I’ll look at the demographics before I accept anything from the moonbat wing of AssesHorse!
Oops I didn’t close the bold.
The problem with unifying behind a party rather than a set of causes is that a party, like any organization, will shift in its focus as time goes on and corrupt individuals infiltrate/figure out how to manipulate — or as simply erroneous ideas gain sway — so the the causes that have aligned with it have to be nimble enough to respond — or be overwhelmed by “the machine”.
Planning always has to have the corruptibility of people in mind. Just look at the comments in this thread — a mix of intelligent and really stupid.
An alignment, a cause-based coalition, seems better than a merging. That’s what coalitions are for, right? The new thought I take away here is that the change we may need is taking the stigma of partisanship — both socially and legally. And there are legal prohibitions that keep useful coalitions from forming.
Just keep on believing that, sit back and relax until mid-November.
No need to worry.
124. (cont’d.)
The democrapics of the poll have been consistent for 16 months. In actuality, most respondents state that they are conservative or moderate. More than twice as many say they are conservative than they identify as liberal. — 18% liberal, 42% moderate, 38% conservative.
By party, it’s 35% D, 27% R and 34% I.
The May 3, 2006 Rasmussen survey indicated:
During the month of April, just 32.7% of Americans identified themselves as Republicans. That’s down from 34.0% in March and the weakest performance for the GOP since our monthly reports began 28 months ago in January 2004.
However, the GOP loss did not translate into gains for Democrats. Instead, the number of Americans unaffiliated with either major party increased to 30.9%, the highest total we’ve measured.
The number of Democrats remained steady at 36.4%. A month ago, 36.7% of Americans considered themselves Democrats.
These results come from Rasmussen Reports tracking surveys of 15,000 voters per month.
It is hardly surprising that Lamont won. More and more the Democrat party has become associated with what is wrong with the party. It has become the de-facto anti-American rapid left wing party. No centrists allowed. This has driven more people from the Democrat party than anything a Republican could do. Having spent 40 years as a Democrat, I know of what I speak.
“Sure the Democratic Party has been busted and broken in the past, but lets rebuild it and ride it to get there.”
Nutroots is what is breaking the Democrat party. You do not fix a car by smshing its oil pump, slashing the wiring, spiking the gas, draining the oil and puncturing the radiator then hop in an say “its fixed. Let’s go!”.
I am waiting for Nutroots folks to proclaim this a “belwether”. Perhaps they won’t use that phrase, lest one ask them about the last “belwether” in the CA 51st race.
“REAL national security.” – Clueless
By “REAL” national security you mean when Democrats are in charge?
1) 1993 WTC bombing
2) Khobar towers blown up
3) African embassies blow up
4) USS Cole nearly sunk
5) Failure in Somalia to embolden terrorists
6) Encourage open border policies to allow terrrorist free en try to the US
7) Hand out citizenship to Arab terrorists like gifts from Allah thus sheilding them from any laws to prosecute them.
Democrats are the enemy’s useful idiots.
Lying monkeys sons of bitches are destroying what the United States stands for!
Lieberman should shut his mouth and retire to Florida.
#130 is a an idiot wrapped n a moron.
Put on your battle dress and show us what you got chickenhawk!
Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
Lieberman will wipe the floor with Lamont come November