So if Sarah Palin is so awesomely great and fantastical, as our deluded friends on the far right proclaim, why isn’t she going on any of the Sunday bobble-head shows? They can’t even risk putting her on Fox Noise Sunday yet. That’s just sad.
If she can’t stand up to Chris Wallace, how can she stand up to all the officially designated Hitlers of The Month?
What if we’re attacked by Ahmed Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il and Whoopi Goldberg? Is she going to rely on Elizabeth Hasselbeck?
Glenn Greenwald answers your question here. Bonus, he tells you how the Republicans will trot her out and how the media will react.
As The New York Times reported last Tuesday, Palin was sloppily vetted, at best. McCain operatives and some of their press surrogates responded to this revelation by trying to discredit The Times article. After all, The Washington Post had cited McCain aides (including his campaign manager, Rick Davis) last weekend to assure us that Palin had a “full vetting process.” She had been subjected to “an F.B.I. background check,” we were told, and “the McCain camp had reviewed everything it could find on her.”
The Times had it right. The McCain campaign’s claims of a “full vetting process” for Palin were as much a lie as the biographical details they’ve invented for her. There was no F.B.I. background check. The Times found no evidence that a McCain representative spoke to anyone in the State Legislature or business community. Nor did anyone talk to the fired state public safety commissioner at the center of the Palin ethics investigation. No McCain researcher even bothered to consult the relevant back issues of the Wasilla paper. Apparently when McCain said in June that his vice presidential vetting process was basically “a Google,” he wasn’t joking.
That’s why the Palin choice was brilliant politics — not because it rallied the G.O.P.’s shrinking religious-right base. America loves nothing more than a new celebrity face, and the talking heads marched in lock step last week to proclaim her a star. Palin is a high-energy distraction from the top of the ticket, even if the provenance of her stardom is in itself a reflection of exactly what’s frightening about the top of the ticket.
By hurling charges of sexism and elitism at any easily cowed journalist who raises a question about Palin, McCain operatives are hoping to ensure that whatever happened in Alaska with Sarah Palin stays in Alaska. Given how little vetting McCain himself has received this year — and that only 58 days remain until Nov. 4 — they just might pull it o
Frank Rich NY Times
@1 and @2–
Greenwald is great and makes some good points. They could use this to their advantage.
There are so many questions, though. What we have here is a sketch of a petty, vindictive official who will abuse power to settle any score, be it personal or political. In other words, Dick Cheney in lipstick.
I’d like to at least see her answer some questions from the Beltway press corpse, if just to satisfy the ritual. Nothing but a hunch, but I’m not so certain she’ll perform as flawlessly under intense national media pressure over the course of weeks.
this is interesting
“Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a “fiscal conservative”. During her 6 years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over 33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the City increased by 38%.
This was during a period of low inflation (1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they benefited residents. The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration weren’t enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22 million.”
Bill Morgan, a cartooning regular at DL, made cartoon of the new GOPist ticket and I have had it made up as a button. If they delivered in time, we will have button at DL Tuesday niGHT.
In the mean time, the design is also at my website
What truly pisses mew off is Ferraro. She has all but endorsed the nut feom Alaska!
Next time ANYONE asks you to vote for identity, tells you that it is a great triumph to meet some quota, wrap it up real tight and burn the thing!
There is no progress in “breaking a glass ceiling” by appointing Clarence Thomas or Sarah Palin to anything.
For that matter where is Clinton? I read she will not attack Palin! WTF. Is this some sort of sisterhood? Did Clinton run for President to be the first woman in the oval office or to solve the nation’s problems.
For that matter where are Gregoire or Sims on this issue? If either one had any kind of real convictions about whar we need to do, they would both be out there calling Ms. Palin the ideological fnataic she is!
In the mean time, HA has a clock
<————————- over here as I type, marking time until Palin leaves the gOP harem of silence and tells us all what Jesus want the US to do!
BTW … Was it really Palin who asked, “what is the difference between a Muslim fanatatic and a hockey mom?” and then answered “lipstick!”
I don’t think Sarah Palin is ever going to be allowed to sit in front of a reporter who’s going to ask questions like:
In your acceptance speech, you said that you told Congress “No thanks,” on the bridge to nowhere, but Alaska hasn’t returned any of those funds to the Federal government. Ind fact, you’re still building an access road to the bridge that’s no longer going to be built, because, if you didn’t build that road you’d have to return those funds to the Federal government. Weren’t you being more than a bit dishonest in your acceptance speech?
The first line of offense will have to be against McCain. He’s the one running for prez. He has to be the primary target. And he is prone to making stupid, ignorant statements and remarks. Add that to the fact that he has now turned against his “base” of the press and Obama is smart enough to make it work in the next couple of months if McCain does not wise up and change course.
Palin can only be a primary target if she is out there in the daily headlines. As long as the repubs sequester her in hiding, she can’t dominate the headlines. This is a 24/7 feeding frenzy. Daily headlines feed the daily mood of the electorate. No good press for Palin, no popular support (outside of her small rabid funda-Mentalist demographic). If McCain wants to ride the Palin train to the White House, he’s going to have to put her in front of more than the religious rightwing segment of his party. That does not look like their plan.
58 days in politics is an eternity. It will be fun to see how the next couple of weeks lay the foundations for October. In October, things will have changed very much from today.
Somehow I get the feeling this hockey chick isn’t Elizabeth I of England.
Sarah Palin: USA’s Fattest Earmark Pig
The Associated Press reports that in Palin’s first year as Alaska governor she requested earmarks totaling $800 per state resident. The U.S. average is $34. Oink oink!
Gov. Palin’s request to Sen. Stevens’ office this year is $300 per resident, still almost 9 times the U.S. average. Oink oink!
But that’s less than her original request. She reduced it because Pres. Bush demanded fewer earmarks. Oink oink!
And even though Gov. Palin was against the Bridge To Nowhere after she was for it, she kept the $27 million for the approach road. Oink oink!
She’ll bring change to Washington D.C., alright! Change to the tune of $1500 per person! But only for people living in Alaska! The rest of us get only the bills! Oink oink!
Source of data: Associated Press
Obama Rips Repubs For Personal Attacks
“They must think you’re stupid.” — Barack Obama
“Speaking to 800 people at the Wabash Valley Fairgrounds in Terre Haute, Ind., the Democratic presidential nominee ridiculed John McCain and his running mate … for describing themselves as agents of change ….
“McCain has acknowledged voting with President Bush 90 percent of the time in Congress, Obama said. ‘And suddenly he’s the change agent? Ha. He says, “I’m going to tell those lobbyists that their days of running Washington are over.” Who is he going to tell? … his campaign chairman, who’s one of the biggest corporate lobbyists in Washington? I mean, come on, they must think you’re stupid,’ Obama said as the crowd laughed and cheered.
“Obama said Republicans are targeting his character, and he criticized McCain for saying he would reduce the partisan rancor in Washington. Pretending to address McCain, he said, ‘Did you pay attention to the last two days of your convention?’ …
“‘When you start just focusing exclusively on trying to tear the other person down instead of what you are going to do on behalf of the American people to deal with this economy,’ Obama said, ‘ … that’s not serving anybody.'”
(Quoted from Associated Press under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well yes, McCain does think Republican voters are stupid, and he’s desperately hoping independent voters are as stupid as Republican voters. We’ll see.
@2 “She had been subjected to ‘an F.B.I. background check,’ we were told.”
La-de-da! An F.B.I. background check is nothing but a records search for outstanding warrants and previous convictions.
I passed an F.B.I. background check when I enlisted in the Army but that didn’t make me vice presidential material. I was given a security clearance that qualified me to type my battalion’s after action reports.
@7 As you note, 58 days is an eternity in politics. That’s plenty of time for McCain to have a stroke and for Palin to become their presidential candidate. (Her vice president to be appointed after the election, no need for voters to know who it’ll be.)
Prominent Pro-Hillary Defector Deserts McCain
Erstwhile McCain trophy Reba Shimansky, a Hillary supporter who defected to McCain, has announced she will not vote for McCain after all. She issued a statement saying, “I would have voted for McCain if he made a sensible choice for VP like Ridge which would have shown that he was willing to stand up to the rightwing crackpots in his party.”
I’ve never heard of Shimansky until now, and I wouldn’t have posted it, except I think Shimansky’s action is emblematic of disappointed Hillary supporters’ unwillingness to support someone like Palin.
If McCain thought he could pull in disillusioned Clinton Democrats by putting a rightwing crackpot on his ticket, as long as the crackpot was a woman, he probably was mistaken.
Democrats Winning Battle Of Voter Registration Drives
According to a story in the Seattle Times, Democrats are dramatically outpacing Republicans in registering voters.
Since 2006, in the 28 states that register voters by party affiliation, the GOP has lost 344,000 registered voters. Democrats are aiming to add 2 million for their party in the same states.
In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, Democrats have added 375,000 voters while Republicans have lost 117,000 since 2006.
In Georgia, the Obama campaign hopes to add half a million Democrats to voter rolls. In North Carolina, a traditionally Republican state targeted by Obama, Democrats have outregistered Republicans by 167,000 to 36,000.
This election may well be won by the canvassers signing up first-time and inactive voters. We might even see Obama carry states we never thought we’d see go Democratic.
And all those new Democratic voters may carry a tide of new Democratic representatives and senators into Congress, too!
Palin sealed the religous right vote for McCain, the rest…. well let’s just say when we look back at the eight years of the McCain presidency is history. heheheheheehe
By the way why haven’t we been hearing about those tracking polls lately from the lefties….. well nevermind. hahhaahhaahha
Palin sealed the religous right vote for McCain
It’s not enough Doofus. Eat shit cur! hehehehehe..
oh before I forget…
Eat shit again cur!
As Mayor, Palin Was A Loose Cannon
According to a Seattle Times story, a trove of documents from a federal lawsuit archived here in Seattle reveals that Sarah Palin’s first year as mayor of Wasilla was “so contentious and polarizing that critics started talking recall.”
According to the story, Palin “became embroiled in personnel challenges, a thwarted attempt to pack the City Council and a standoff with her local newspaper. …
“Her first months also exposed threads that would later become patterns — friends become enemies ….”
According to the story:
“Palin tried to fill two vacancies on the City Council herself, even though an ordinance said that … was the council’s [prerogative],” until the city attorney stopped her.
“[T]he public-works director, accused Palin of undermining him by meeting secretly with contractors and employees.”
When Palin decided the city’s museum staff should be reduced, she asked three women who worked at the museum to decide among themselves which one should be let go. All three quit.
The local newspaper The Frontiersman “ran blistering editorials, condemning Palin’s philosophy ‘that either we are with her or against her’ [and] accused Palin of mistaking the 616 votes she received as a ‘coronation.’ The newspaper wrote, ‘Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of Mayor Stein. … Palin promised to change the status quo, but at every turn we find hints of cronyism and political maneuvering. We see a woman who has long since surrendered her ideals to a political machine.'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the “executive experience” the McCain camp touts. I call it “loose cannon.”
Now this is a great article discussing why Obama needs Hillary Clinton. I like the intrigue.
Btw, in case you’re wondering what happened to that jet Palin listed on eBay … it got no offers and eventually was disposed of in a private sale at much less than the amount Palin claimed.
Voting For McCain Will Cost You $800 A Year
The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center calculates that Obama’s tax plan would save middle-income taxpayers about $2,200 a year on average, while McCain’s plan would save them about $1,400.
Source: Seattle Times
Golly Pelletizer, when the various White House staffs in 1993 were being changed by someone who wasn’t elected, all the Moonbat!s said she had a right. Now the shoe is on the other foot and you have the audacity to go ho on us?
@16 “By the way why haven’t we been hearing about those tracking polls lately from the lefties….”
Where have you been, in jail? Having missed my previous comments on this subject, be advised that the latest polls have Obama up 6 points and 43 electoral votes.
Actually,’s figures (link @17 above) are even stronger than Newsweek’s for Obama — 260 EVs for Obama to 179 for McCain, which means Obama needs only 10% of the 99 EVs in tossup states.
According to, of those tossup states, Obama leads in Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and New Hampshire. If the other states fall in line as shown on’s electoral vote map, Obama would need only Colorado (where he has a 4-point lead) and one other state. In other words, winning both Ohio (where Obama leads) and Florida (where McCain leads) won’t be enough for McCain.
Pelletizer, what are you smoking?
Wait a minute… I don’t want to know.
RCP National Average 46.6 44.2 Obama +2.4
National Tracking Polls: Gallup: Obama +2 | Rasmussen: Obama +3
But per yelling loser boy you can’t trust Rasmussen cuz he’s a conservative.
I ran into a biker today who told me: “You know why I’m going to vote fot John McCain? Because he’s a veteran!”
I reminded him that Tim McVeigh was also a veteran. I asked him if he would vote for Tim McVeigh over Obama.
re 24: Wow! Aren’t you the loyal little water carrier!
Gott Mitt Uns Dep’t
Skagit County mass murder suspect Isaac Zamora told a judge yesterday that he killed 6 people because, “I do it for God. I listen to God.”
This particular form of insanity seems to be rampant in our society today. We have an entire political party that kills women and children by bombing their villages because they think God told them to do it.
Maybe it’s contagious or something.
“That luxury jet was over the top, so I put it on eBay.”
Ron Reagan’s talk show is returning to radio Monday morning on the local Air America channel. In addition, Reagan will be nationally syndicated.
Maybe Goldy should talk to KPTK 1090 about a getting gig, too.
Source: Seattle Times
@28 So what? Did she actually sell it on eBay? Hell no!
@22 Puddinghead, I wouldn’t want you — of all people — to find me wanting in audacity, so I throw in a little extra just for you.
Looks like Campbell Brown is scared of Sarah Palin. She was doing the Pelletizer on the airplane and even Paul Begala didn’t stick up for her when she went up against Bay Buchanan.
CNN is a joke.
“Tennessee casts 55 votes for George S. McCain.”
John Bush?
George S. McCain?
It’s all McSame to me.
Pelletizer, I’ve used Ebay too. Not everything sells. Using Craig’s list right now too. I’ll see.
Wow yelling loser boy is still getting scorch marks from the Daily Kurse warm sticky man-juice kool-aid.
Actually we have a society that kills million of unborn kids a year because a liberal told them to.
I’d say that’s a tad more egregious.
headless, good to see you as just headless and not as W Klingon Headless.
The Cheesecake Factory has some good food.
Which liberal, pray tell?
Come on now Pud, do you really believe Palin is qualified, to say nothing of whether she is best qualified?
We know she has misrepresented her background- against government waste while seeking more federal dollars per capita then any other state.
@28 A Westwind isn’t exactly a luxury jet. It’s mighty low end as such things go — a 1960s design that went out of production in 1987, over 20 years ago. Which is ancient history in the aircraft biz. It’s a fuel guzzler and slow by today’s private jet standards. Alaska sold it for about $2 million, which is peanuts for a jet. The buyer probably wanted the engines and likely will part out the rest.
Want to know what’s over the top? Televangelist Kenneth Copeland asking his followers to pony up cash for his-and-her Citation Xs, at $21 million per copy, that’s what.
In fact, there’s a long list of televangelists who tool around in private jets. Actually, it’s hard to find a televangelist who doesn’t have a private jet. You know, the “men of God” who tell their followers that Jesus wants them to vote Republican and be filthy stinking rich!
Pelletizer you forgot Al Gorebasm and his private jet.
19 – The London Times is a Murdoch publication. I’m sure Hillary knows not to take orders from a surrogate of old Rupert.
Just like nobody here bothers with Stupes’ silly orders.
Lifestyles Of The Rich And Untaxed
In fact, so many of the televangelists who tell their followers that Jesus wants them to vote Republican and get filthy stinking rich have private jets, I even found a web site that puts televangelists in categories by the type of jet they tool around in (from cheapest to most expensive):
” … Paula White owns a Hawker-Siddeley ‘Jet Dragon’ – aptly named for the trail of smoke it would leave IF it could fly or IF she could get parts for this 1965-vintage relic. Truly a vanity purchase, it’s been grounded since she bought it, just so she can SAY she has a jet.
“Copeland proteges Jesse Duplantis and Jerry Savelle, plus Florida upstart Mark Bishop, each fly their own Cessna Citation 500. …
“Fred Price, Creflo Dollar and Brother Benny Hinn all have their own Grumman Gulfstream II’s.
“Paul Crouch owns … a Bombardier Challenger 604 … [t]he late Ken Hagin [had a] Challenger 601 … Joyce Meyer has her own Challenger 600.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Here are some other notable televangelists and their rides:
Kenneth Copeland — Cessna Citation 550 Bravo, Grumman Gulfstream II, Cessna Golden Eagle, Beech E-55, assorted lesser aircraft and hiw own airport.
Paul and Jan Crouch — Challenger 600.
Joyce Meyer — Challenger 600.
Pat Robertson — A Learjet 35 owned by Robertson crashed in 2006, killing the pilots. Like Kenneth Copeland, Robertson owns a private airport.
Oral Roberts — Fanjet Falcon.
Mike Murdock — Cessna Citation 500.
Ernest Angley — Boeing 747.
This, of course, is only a very partial list and many jet-setter televangelists have been omitted.
Because their evangelical associations are tax-exempt religious organizations, no federal income taxes are paid on any of the donations and proceeds of book and merchandise sales that pay for this stuff.
@42 Al Gore (a) doesn’t own a private jet and (b) doesn’t solicit donations from poor people to be used for “God’s work” which are then spent on buying mansions, fancy cars, and private jets for televangelists who tell their flocks to vote Republican because God wants them to be rich.
Looks like our friend pudwhacker is running scared now that all the shit about Palin is coming out. And that’s just what we’ve heard so far in one week. Who knows how much more palinshit will fly out of the fan by Election Day? The Crank/Skank ticket is going down in flames and pudlicker knows it!
Well, now the Republicans seem to have committed grand theft from the Democratic convention. Seems they stole the neatly-stored flags that were going to be used for other Democratic events, dumped them out on the lawn to make them look messy and are trying to claim that the flags were going to be thrown away.
Hopefully, the perpetrators go to jail.
Are you guys pissed ’cause Hillary ain’t on any thicket this time? Is that it?
What the fuck are you morons worried about? McCain ain’t gonna win, and you guys will have your moonbeam team in place in just a few short months, and I’m looking forward to the attacks that will arise out of the Reps. It should be a fun-filled four years with lots of comedy. It’ll be as funny as when Bill Clinton was in the Oval Office with Monica What’s-her-face.
That should be “ticket,” not “thicket.” My bad!
How can you, of all people, be for Palin?
Are you aware that she is not a virgin? Her five kods were all conceived by filthy disgusting sex with men.
Why you would confuse her with the blessed Virgin is beyond my understanding.
By the way, while she dod sell of the rickety old jet, are you aware that she replaced it with a 747? Yep. She bought it from a Saudi Prince! Hubby, aka “fart Dude,” flies it for her. Actually that is how she became preggers with Trig!
5. SeattleJew spews:
“For that matter where are Gregoire or Sims on this issue? If either one had any kind of real convictions about whar we need to do, they would both be out there calling Ms. Palin the ideological fnataic she is!”
This just in: The Democrats are a bunch of spineless scum bags who will only slap the faces of Nader followers or what’s left of the anti-war movement.
If the Democrats had any real convictions they would have started impeachment proceedings against Bush two years ago, or not gone along on FISA, or the ‘Patriot’ act, or the Iraq war, or demonizing Iran, or Hugo Chavez, or Russia.
Shorter @3
Q; What’s the differnce between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney?
A: Lipstick.
You can’t help but admire the way Sarah Palin refuses to exploit her family for political gain.
Apparently, the way that John McCain and Sarah Palin will help you with your economic woes after taking office will be to attack Barack Obama. I can only go by their statements.
15 JBD
You do know that the chance that McCain can even survive for eight more years is somewhere pretty far south of one in three, don’t you?
20 RR
All that means is that McCain lied when he said they sold it on eBay for a profit.
I’ve studied three years of Arabic, and I have been reading some oversees message boards based in middle east countries. Some of these boards are even extremist boards supporting al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. And Barack Obama is their candidate. They are praying to Allah that he is elected. Many even call him – it’s hard to translate exactly, but it’s something like – “Our Muslim brother.”
I don’t know if he is or isn’t Muslim. If he is, I don’t think that should be anything to be ashamed of or hide.
So apparently many Muslims in middle eastern countries consider Barack a Muslim man. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I don’t know how these Muslims know something we don’t. But if he is a closet Muslim, he should come out now with that information, rather than wait until after the election.
36. kirkregard
No. “Actually,” kirk, we have women making perfectly normal and legal medical decisions regarding their reproductive lives, decisions women have been and will be making for millennia.
Where are you on birth control? You’re against it, aren’t you?
48 PI
You made another error. That should be “It should be a fun-filled eight years with lots of comedy.”
Of course, the bottom line is that Sarah Palin is a small-time religious demogague with no national experience whatsoever whom John McCain wantso to succeed him when he dies in office.
John McCain think s that this sort of irresponsibilioty is what America wants. America says no.
Please list Obama’s national experience.
And being an empty suit in the Senate for a few months isn’t one of them.
Okay … Go!
Josh Marshall ges it right…
61 T
So you can’t defend her either. Sad.
60 T
Ilove your tack, though. “Please lsit Obama’s national experience, and lising his national experience doesn’t count.” It’s either brilliant or stupid. I know which I think it is.
But the infromation is readily available…Follow the link to see the whole list.
If John McCain has so much “experience,” how come he can’t smile during a speech and make it look natural?
You guys are so fucked…
Obama just flunked his first crisis. What happens when the unexpected hits, he waffles and flops and cries to the media that they’re being mean to him.
Holy fucking shit, now what happens when Amindeedanutjob declares Israel is going to get hit with a nuke in 24 hours unless the US bends over and spreads ’em. What then Mr. Obama? Whine and complain to the media how it’s not fair?
If he can’t handle a soccer mom from Alaska, how’s he going to deal with Iran, Russia, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Sudan, and a few others.
66 Del
Funny how it seems a lot more like you guys are fucked, and that Palin isn’t boosting the ticket, regardless of how much you wingnuts love her extreme windnuttery.
66 Del
You see, del, to win the presidency you have o win states to win electoral votes. So far state-by-state Barack Obama is way ahead, and McCain doesn’t seem to be in a position to pick up enough electoral votes to win the election. And that’s the very definition of “fucked.”
And the reasons Obama is ahead are pretty simple.
McCain now has a staggering number of lobbyists involved in every aspect of his campaign. We don’t need more years of lobbyists writing legislation, as we did with the corrupt Medicare presscription drug plan.
McCain looked the other way as Jack Abramoff bought and paid for the Republican Party and the Culture of Corruption.
On immigration reform, McCain has run as far to the right as he can, aligning himself with the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.
On the war, McCain has masde it clear that he has no plans to reduce the American presence in Iraq.
On a woman’s right to choose, McCain has vowed to appoint judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade.
On the economy, one of the issues that the American people care most about, not only has McCain addmitted that he “know[s] a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues,” but also his ONLY plan cosists of the old, tired, Republican tropes of cutting tazes on the wealthiest Americans and huge corporatins, including oil companies.
“Experience?” Look where experience has gotten us today.
wih the Palin choice, John mcCain finally has his ticket to a wonderful ride. On the Titanic.
OMG, this is going to be so much fun to watch you leftiest implode as McCain’s lead grows bigger with each day. Already he’s leading in the Gallup Tracking poll by 3 points. Desperate times for liberals.
Using your logic…
It appears the war, the economy, bush, palin, republicans aren’t helping the clean african american pull away in the polls.
What else can the republicans do to help obama?
And with obama flip flopping on public financing he has to spend time hitting people up for money while mcsame can focus on campaigning.
Has anyone noticed how much time obama spends talking about palin?
Shouldn’t he be comparing himself to mcsame and let biden compare himself to palin.
Hey, where’s biden been. You don’t see him much on teev.
The new york times has a graph out on words used in the speeches at the convention.
It appears the dems talked more about their opponents than the reps talked about the dems. Pretty simple to understand which party is scared and isn’t focusing on issues.;st=cse
It’s very easy to see which party was slinging the mud and which party had more to say.
So, will the excuse be that mcsame stole the elections or the country is racist. Any new excuses being worked on to explain obama losing?
I thought obama admitted his muslim religion.
“john mccain has not, uh, mentioned my muslim faith,”
Obama admits to being a Muslim. Game over. Americans will not knowingly elect a Muslim President.
Someone is posting using my name.
Someone posting using my name.
Someone is posting using my name.
Someone is posting using my name.
Someone is posting using my name.
Someone is posting using my name.
Someone is posting using my name.
I am flattered that someone so much wants to be like me that they use my name.
I eat Democrats for breakfast!
27 “I do it for God. I listen to God.”
Hmmm….where have we heard that before? Ohhhhh, yeah. It was Bush telling us all why we invaded Iraq. Well, maybe not quite. Monkeypants’s grammer wasn’t that good.