Now this is the kind of bold political leadership that would make the Seattle Times proud:
House Majority Leader Lynn Kessler, D-Hoquiam, said she’s not sure an income tax is a good idea.
"I’m concerned about people who have to run for re-election in 2010 and having a big tax increase as one of their votes out of here," she said. "I maintain that if you don’t have the majority, you don’t have much. As the Republicans can tell you right now."
I’m as Machiavellian as the next guy, but let me ask you this Rep. Kessler: what’s the use of having a majority if you’re afraid to use it?
I’m just askin’.
It would seem many Democrats in Congress need to answer the same question.
re 1: What he said.
This has been a problem of the Chopp/Kessler regime for years. Their priority has been maintaining seats and nothing else.
It’s not very helpful to have 62 seats instead of 52 seats when you don’t do shit with those extra ten seats.
How brave do you need to be to vote for making our unfair tax system a little fairer?
Here is why she is afraid…from today’s Rasmussen:
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Yes, Dems have the majority. BUT the are also practical that if they listen to the fringe lunatic LEFT (that’s you Goldy) and go too far…the majority will evaporate. Remember Goldy…any Legislation that is done, can be undone. Comnprende?
It’s always the ‘fringe lunatic left’ whose positions the majority of Americans support by the way; who have to be ignored. While the debate is shifted ever rightward.
When Bush2 was installed in the White House by hook and crook there was about a 5 minute window when it was suggested that he might govern from the ‘middle’. He said No and governed to the right of an absolute monarch.
The alleged opposition party did nothing. Contrast that to the obstructionism of the Republicans now, and the filling of cabinet posts with Repubs after Obama wins by a large majority.
Well, here’s an idea: term limits. That way if the state politician isn’t socialist enough, the voters have to only wait until term limits kick in and they can choose yet another Neo-socialist to elect.
There’s no way a politician is going to push for a state income tax because they know it means the end of their cushy career a on the political dole.
I will do whatever it takes to prevent Washington from enacting an income tax, and there are lots of people here that feel the same way. So, “progressives,” give it up: you can’t win this one.
Including violence I’m sure to “prevent” enacting what 40+ other states have. Including deep red states.
What an idiot.
See Goldy, this state has attracted the worst nuts.
Goldy’s obsessing about the Seattle Times. It’s actually getting worse. He’s mentioning them in nearly all of his posts.
I finally figured out what happened to CYNCYN and Troll – You see guys all that inbreeding isn’t good for you.
And if you’re lurking here and don’t know any better, Rasmussen, CYNCYN’s favorite poll source is an arm of Faux News Channel – i.e., pure horse shit!
10 – When right wingers inter-marry it concentrates the insanity.
9 – Troll obsesses constantly about Goldy. He’s a fiend about it.
Still waiting to find out if the Publicans are SERIOUS about cutting state spending?
1. Do away with 3 strikes law
2. Do away with all victim-less crimes
3. Do away with tax exemptions for churches
Come on turds, let’s hear you join the call for less spending!
You have to admire the 100% ability of the right to be complete hypocrites. They are consistent that way.
Profiles in cowardice. Why aren’t the bloggers on HA criticizing this?
It’s fun to watch the Fringe Lunatic Left implode. You KLOWNS are the 14%’ers and are just learning that. Slow Learners.
Some Dems are actually grown-ups….as opposed to the KLOWNS who are kneejerk reactionaries filled with brainfarts that they dream up…that will never fly.
Paul Ryan (R-WI) President in 2012!
What will happen to Obama when Joe Biden’s prognostication that he will be tested in the first 6 months comes true?
Do you think Joe snorts COKE with his daughter, Ashley??
Seems like it by his bizarre comments & actions.
It all starts with pot-smoking.
Courtesy of Puddy..
This is a Fordham University study on the accuracy of Presidential Polls.
Rasmussed and PEW tied for #1.
Read it and weep you idiots.
Here’s another source:
The truth hurts, don’t it KLOWNS.
Oh, that’s right, the truth isn’t part of the Atheist Progressive Agenda. Silly me for forgetting the end justifies any means.
You 14’ers are losing it.
Cackling about your own.
At least we can see why CYNCYN is so stupid. He cites a six – month old report from a conservative catholic university as proof Rasmussen is accurate. The report doesn’t even include the most agreed upon successful polling site
Per Goober–
538 is the most accurate…according to 538!
Too Damn Funny.
What a KLOWN!!
Noun, verb 9/11 became noun, verb socialist, and now it’s noun, verb fascist. What’ll it be tomorrow? It’s far easier, apparently, to program a right winger than to hang a tutu on a poodle and teach it to jump through a flaming hoop.
clueless wonder farts:
So why don’t you leave clueless wonder and go back to CA? One less leftist pinhead nut in FUWA!
Troll@13, that’s because the Financial Meltdown is all Republican’s fault. Otherwise, for the HA weasels to admit their pals were intimately involved would cause their worthless mantra would go KABLAMMMMMMMMMMMMO!
More stillbentoverness:
1) So stillbentover could have a family reunion?
2) So you are saying your thoughts are victimless? A crime is committed every time you post!
3) So you wouldn’t have to walk into a church when invited for a wedding; not saying you are high on anybody’s invite list. Well if clueless wonder’s “daughter” proposed to you.
Profiles in courage
Well, then, Goldy, when will you begin speaking out against our growing commitment in Afghanistan? We will have added tens of thousands more combat troops by year’s end, double the number of everyone else. With just a few exceptions, European countries have refused to add additional combat troops, and will only commit to send token numbers for training and police duties. And those US combat troops will be rotated into regions where heavy fighting is taking place to replace European troops, who will be pulled back for non-combat duties.
In the war on terror that threatens everyone (we are told), why are the lives of our sons and daughters less precious than those of France or Germany?
Where is the Responsible Plan for Afghanistan? Where are progressives? Where is Goldy?
Puddy @ 22
[T]hat’s because the Financial Meltdown is all Republican’s fault.
Ironic Puddy should retreat back to this old straw man in a thread entitled “Profiles in courage.” When Puddy, who’s not man enough to admit that he was wrong, spews “KABLAMMMMMMMMMMMMO,” that’s the sound of Puddy’s head exploding.
God Cyn,
Here’s your perfect chance to bash Democrats in Olympia and you’re squandering it.
What are you people doing inside anyways? It’s sunny! I’m off for a bike ride.
The too stupid tag team of Stupes and Mr. Klynical is getting too boring…
I’d really like to live in a State with a modest income, sales, property and business taxes – that minimizes the impact on the working poor and where the rich don’t mind the larger bite because the tax base is larger and spread thinly.
I’ve asked this before. Does this State exist? If so I’d like to think about moving there.
This state has the tail wagging the dog and the extreme politics while entertaining at times have gotten so tiresome. Schools are suffering. People looking to upgrade their skills won’t be able to get into college. The environment is degrading. The infrastructure continues to crumble.
All because the Dems can’t risk raising the ire of the Limbaugh loving nuts that have been drawn here by the crazy tax system and the construction boom over the years.
The corporatists have long been using the shock doctrine to enact a radical redistribution of wealth (upwards).
We’re the majority. We believe in a civil society, the rule of law, fairness and equality, and protecting the least among us while continuing to reward effort and merit.
Can’t we have our own shock doctrine? We could use these crises to push through popular reforms and restore the principles of balance and integrity.
Cynful and Puddyjerk advertising themselves as “Conservative Christians” constitute the most persuasive argument against Christianity that I have ever encountered. What boundless hypocrites!
St Paul said “I am a fool for Christ”
You go, holy spokesmen!
YLB Spews:
Are they suffering from a lack of revenue…or overspending on the wrong things??
Spending on all elementary and secondary education topped more than $500 billion in 2003-04, or about 4.7 percent of the entire economy as measured by GDP. The U.S. spends more on K-12 education than the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, or Sweden spends on everything.
I wonder why the media didn’t report on the story about bidens daughter being a cokehead like they did about the daughter of palin being pregnant?
Oh yeah, liberal bias.
Here’s a little game I like to play with my liberal friends. Compare the ratio of teachers/other employees in the democrat controlled public schools to private schools.
And then I point out that anyone that is productive enough in life to earn a good living sends their kids to private schools.
Easy answer…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
The KLOWNS have perpetuated myth after myth not backed up by facts on education spending.
Get educated here:
1. The more criminals in jail the less democrat voters.
2. Victim less crimes would be crimes against the government. In your little mind aren’t crimes against the government worse than crimes against people?
3. Why does religion scare you so much? What about doing away wi8th the tax exempt status for ACORN??
Very disturbing.
It’s so disturbing no wonder the left pinheads would rather believe it’s just a matter of spending more money on the problem. In their ignorant minds by spending more money is doing something to fix the problem.
But what about the children?
Damnit. Be consistent. You dislike Income taxes .. yhat is fun but …
Either you do not want to pay our debts or you have some secret you will not share about where to find someplace to cut that does not put the state into bankruptcy.
Your recent leader solved this by creating a massive deficit. Was this responsible?
Pay your effin debts before you expect anyone to take you seriously!
State spending has jumped 31% in the last 4 years. And this budget is actually larger than the last budget!
How much money will you need to processed on this venture.
You have no job ,hell where all going to pay for his move.
32 – That’s a moron’s game. The public schools have to educate everybody – special ed, kids from troubled backgrounds. Hell, there’s an autistic program at my kid’s elementary. There’s practically a teacher for almost every kid in that program.
Private schools can do whatever they frick-all please as long as they can find customers to buy what they’re selling.
“Productive” in your small mind come down to “has the green”. A trust fund kid has green. The private school he sends his kid to means the kid doesn’t rub shoulders with kids from the wrong side of the gate in the gated community.
Klynical: right wingers trying to fob right wing propaganda on me lose every time. Don’t bother.
The game is about the ratio of teachers to other employees. Teachers are educating, they are the good guys. It’s the majority of educational employees that don’t have any interaction with students that are the problem. I’m sorry you don’t understand.
You mean do what they want like educate children? Unlike public schools, p[arents sending their kids to private schools are making a choice. You’re not against choice are you? If the schools weren’t doing the job of educating their kids, the parents would put them in another school. Poor parents, like you, have no choice but to put their kids into a failing educational system.
You’re projecting again about the rich rubbing shoulders. Rich people don’t want to rub shoulders with you because you are such a bitter hateful jealous person.
Some parents want the best for their kids and understand the value of an education. Why send your kid to a failing school when you can afford to do the right thing as a parent. Sorry to hear you are sending your kid to public school.
So The child rapist CYNCYN doesn’t want to cut spending after all. Anyone surprised he’s a hypocrite? Of course not.
I think it’s time Handjob Hannity and the rest of the hate-radio talking heads paid a penalty for the hatred they sell. One of their followers bought the bullshit and now cops are dead. If I were Hannity, I’d worry about that next knock on the door being from a cop who decided his dead friend died at the hands of an idiot who bought Handjob Hannity’s bullshit. Wouldn’t bother me a fucking bit if someone shot that bitch down in his driveway.
Too bad Handjob Hannity is afraid to go out in public without body guards. Maybe someone would rid the world of him and his bullshit and more people wouldn’t have to die. While they’re at it I hope they get Bill O Really too!
YLB & ByeBye–
Good thing grown-ups are in charge and not those predisposed to childish whims like you two KLOWNS.
Oops more trouble in batshit crazy, inbred, right -wing nutjob land!
LOL I LOVE it when right wing turds collide.
Hey CYNCYN when do you get off parole for raping that little boy? Just curious – want to make sure my relatives in Montana know to stay away from a sick, cowardly, traitor and child molester like you.
Most Republicans send their kids to public school. One might feel sorry for one such as you who is so ignorant.
I don’t.
Hey Lee, where is the condemnation of stillbentover@43? He’s accusing Hannity of goading this fool into killing those officers.
Ohhhh yeah this is a libtard blog.
The world leaders told preznit Obama no new troops for Afghanistan. With the so called “love affair” Europe has with preznit Obama, the leaders are exhibiting “profiles in courage”.
Hey stillbentover, we on the right will pool our money and buy you this for your birthday. When was the test tube conception date?
Wow, here is an Obama profile in courage.
“I’m an Englishman. We invented class warfare, and I know it when I see it.”
Funny when Puddy said this long ago the HA weasels derided Puddy. Again Puddy was prescient. This is funny.
There isn’t any courage. It’s true. Kessler’s comments prove that instead of the good of the state, these guys are worried most about their own re-election prospects.
My state Senator never responds. One of my state reps always does. He’s very honest about the things that face the legislature. Him, I’d vote for again. The other one, no. The senator? No.
The Dem party in Washington state is very closed as well. If you aren’t one of the pre-annointed ones, you aren’t welcome. At least in my county.
More, when will Goldy and others on HA begin speaking out against a war being increasingly waged with American blood and treasure because Europe and the rest of the world refuses to commit little more than trainers and police and nominal financing to what is supposedly a global threat? It’s no wonder Europe’s leaders have praised Obama’s strategy – more and more the Americans are carrying the load in lives and money.
It’s awfully quite on HA when it comes to this issue.