OC Weekly has a fascinating look at one Dr. Orly Taitz, the “queen bee” of the anti-Obama “birthers.”
The problem is most of the above facts aren’t true.
For starters, the Pakistan “travel ban” is a complete fabrication based on zero evidence and completely contradicted by State Department records and a 1981 New York Times article. The full transcript from Obama’s grandmother shows that she never said he was born in Kenya—in fact, she repeatedly said he was born in Hawaii. The law allowing foreign-born children to obtain Hawaiian COLBs didn’t exist until 20 years after Obama was born, while Obama’s published COLB says his birth information was recorded four days after his birth in 1961. And those “forensic experts” who say Obama’s document is phony? There have only been three of them: Two haven’t published their real names or any verifiable credentials (one went by the moniker “TechDude”), and the other merely said that she can’t make a determination of a document’s authenticity based solely on a JPEG.
Oy. It’s all so pathetic, it’s both hilarious and very sad.
(Props to Eschaton.)
“The Real Crackpots of Orange County”
I’ll enjoy watching them spin like Linda Blair for the next seven years…..
From the last page:
Looks like this could be a great employment opportunity for one of the HA Wingding crazies….
Definitely pathetic and sad, never really hilarious.
But we should get Tim Eyman on the Everett investigation right away. He needs the cash.
Maybe Susan Hutchinson can run on a “Ron Sims Democrats covered up Obama birth scandal” platform.
I wonder if she attended the Szell School of Dentistry…
The truth of the matter is, instead of hiring attorneys to close all of his records, which you have to admit would make a anyone with a brain wonder, also mr oblahma said himself that his grandmother was just being a proud granmother when she said he was born in kenya, and she was present at the birth,
either he lied or you are posting lies
He could stop this if he wanted to, but being the narcicist he is, wants to be the center of attention by whatever means it takes to make others look foolish.
If anyone thinks it is ok for anyone to threaten anyone for any reason than YOU are the crazies, freedom, liberty and justice for all……..maybe not.. on ha
“The truth of the matter is, instead of hiring attorneys to close all of his records”
In fact, he did not hire attorneys to hide his birth certificate. Rather, he posted a copy, and even made it available for inspection to a couple of groups.
“which you have to admit would make a anyone with a brain wonder”
Sure…a bat-shit crazy conspiracy theorist…
“also mr oblahma said himself that his grandmother was just being a proud granmother when she said he was born in kenya, and she was present at the birth, either he lied or you are posting lies”
What the fuck are you babbling about? You seem delirious.
He could stop this if he wanted to…”
Stop what???? A small group of KOOKS? It is unlikely that anything, ANYTHING that is presented to you wackjobs will ever convince you.
“but being the narcicist he is, wants to be the center of attention by whatever means it takes to make others look foolish.”
Ummm…I don’t think this “controversy” rises to the level of “being the center of attention.” This demonstrates how whacked-out you freaks are.
“If anyone thinks it is ok for anyone to threaten anyone for any reason than YOU are the crazies, freedom, liberty and justice for all……..maybe not.. on ha”
Funny thing…I don’t recall anyone suggesting support for the threats. This sounds like a classic case of projection!
i always laugh at liberals who came of age in the 60’s with the motto “question authority”. now that they are in power they have a list of things not to “question”
dont question the holocaust
dont question 9/11
now dont question the birthplace of a president.
i always wonder, if the president in question was nixon, would it still be on the nyt front page, 6 months after the election. yes we can, i mean , yes it would
It’s all so pathetic, it’s both hilarious and very sad.
That is something of a running theme for the right these days.
It’s a red herring to keep the conspiracy nuts looking at something besides:
Obama’s 1st book contract
Obama’s 1st campaign ethics
Obama’s current campaign ethics
Obama’s brother the pedophile
M’chelle’s hospital dumping the poor on street clinics
Obama’s house purchase
ad infinitum ad nauseam
This is the most batshit crazy of all the right wing conspiracy idiocies.
The man-falling-off-the-wall-on-his-head said in a recent series of idiocies that it was not fair to call one of his posts anti semitic based on some convoluted “don’t try and tell me you have to look at the content” type argument.
Well, actually you do have to look at content,
facts, and empirical evidence.
The list of batshit crazy theories in any given week by conservatives and Faux news is too time consuming to compile.
No wonder your party is becoming a melting minority of more and more insignificance.
When you go to get your official birth certificate from Washington you’ll get a COLB.
That footprint one you have? It’s a pretty document the hospital gives your parents.
Doesn’t matter where he was born the sooner hes out of office the sooner we can try to save the disaster of ideas that are being heaped upon us taxpayers (not you HA lovers but taxpayers). I saw a bumper sticker today that said “Trickle up poverty”. That sums it up.
crazy theory = asking where a person was born
reasonable theory = dick cheney in the white house basement telling george bush what to do
“crazy theory = asking where a person was born”
What the fuck? “Asking where a person was born” does not qualify as a “theory” or hypothesis. It is just a question.
Here are some of the various Wingding theories:
1. Obama was really born in Kenya
2. Obama was really born in Indonesia
3. Obama isn’t eligible to be president because only one of his parents was a U.S. citizen.
4. Obama gave up his U.S. citizenship when he became a citizen of Indonesia.
Now THAT shit is fucked-up crazy!
The only thing the wingnut fringe is looking for is some idiotic paranoia with which to manipulate the base.
It’s all a part of their Log Cabin gay agenda as outlined by Michael Steele — the secret gay Muslim, Godless, Communist love child of Fred Hampton and Angela Davis.
Why are we still discussing this? The wingnut “Obama-isn’t-a-citizen” bullshit has been debunked so many times only the black helicopter nuts give it any credence. It’s a complete waste of time to argue with those freaks! Hey screwballs, here’s a news flash for ya, Obama is in the White House and isn’t leaving anytime soon, so if you think that’s the shits all I can say is rub your noses in it!!
I suppose this issue does serve the minor useful function of demonstrating which wingers (including some of our HA trolls) are certifiably insane.
All we need to do is (a) read this thread, (b) seek judicial intervention, and (c) call upon the police to remove these dangerous characters from our streets to secure institutions if they refuse to go quietly.
@13 Given a choice between trickling down or trickling up poverty, I like our concepts better than yours. Let’s first take care of the workers who actually do the work and actually produce the goods and services, then managers and investors can have what’s left, instead of the other way around. That’s the way it should be.
Oh, and another thing, let’s enact a genuine flat tax. That’s what you yahoos have been screeching for, isn’t it? Well, let’s do it! Everyone gets the same exemptions, everyone pays the same tax rates, no exceptions and no special treatment. How about it?
There’s something I find slightly familiar about the spewage of some on the extreme right lunatic fringe, as little separated as they are from the “Republican base” nowadays. It’s like someone with Alzheimer’s who, having lost touch with all their memories, starts to fill the void by simply making stuff up. This is a little like children playing “let’s pretend” except what they imagine is composed of random snippets of their actual past, whatever they’ve heard and seen recently (my Mom sometimes thought she was a character in a popular TV show), dreams and deep-seated fears. Also, they can’t “turn it off” when it’s time to go home to supper, and in fact can’t tell the difference between what they make up and the actual world around them.
The really pathetic part is that the Republican leadership, desperate for any popular support, now panders to these crazies, and in so doing so is moving toward becoming one with them.
@15 When the Wingnut Supreme Court refuses to even consider the issue (multiple times), you know for sure it isn’t a respectable argument.
@16 Bingo. These insecure midgets need constant reassurance from each other that “I’m okay and you’re okay.”*
* Actually, they’re not. Just because asylum inmates assure each other they’re all normal doesn’t make it so.
Barbara Boxer: “don’t call me ma’am, call me senator”.
Carl the Truth: “how about I just call you bitch or c*nt instead”.
How ’bout we just call you the most obnoxiously stupid dumbass motherfucker on the planet and call it good…K?
why do elitist progressives snub their noses at the military?
Babs Boxer made and ass out of herself – and notice how all the progressives seem to ignore it…hahahahhahhhha, PWN3D….Boxer “worked so hard” – HAHAHHAHAHAHAAH, what a snobby, out of touch beeeoooottchhhh.
Rujax, shouldnt you be getting ready for the pride parade?
@23 I’d love to see you do that to her face, and then get kicked where you deserve.*
* Hey, just kidding! I’m audience-testing Ann Coulter jokes as a sort of literary experiment.
@25 Actually, to tell you the truth Carl, I love having slime like you representing the Republican Party!
Truther @ 25,
So…what you are saying is that you don’t understand conventions on proper uses of titles, honorifics, and styles.
Geee…I’ll bet you’re a fucking hillbilly!
Boxer is an elitist snob elected into office by a bunch of homos and degenerates. Not there to REPRESENT the people if you could call them people. What a CUNT and you tards love her? Liberalism is a DISEASE!
@29 “homos and degenerates”
I’m sure we can count on Marvin to be here any minute now to denounce Mark as being a hateful, homophobic bigot.
he will, as soon as you denounce letterman for making a joke about palin’s kids that in a million years he wouldnt make about obamas. you idiot hypocriticalasshole
LMFAO @ somebody with the name “Darryl” calling me a hillbilly…..oh the irony! hahahaha
@27, wrong again rabbit turd – I abhor the republicans ALMOST as much I do you degenerate, lazy ass progressives.
“Let’s first take care of the workers who actually do the work and actually produce the goods and services, then managers and investors can have what’s left, instead of the other way around. That’s the way it should be.”
– r. rabbit
Only if the workers are producing their ‘product’ with no purchased raw materials, intellectual property, training or tools. Fucking moronic communist.
Geez, it would seem that Marvin doesn’t have anything to say about Mark being such a hateful bigot.
Oh, Marvin, look @31. You have a new friend in manoftruth. I figured you two would eventually find each other. Two haters. Birds of a feather, you know.
Poor fool Delbert says:
and where do you think they got the “raw material” – from some other workers who went and got the material.
and where so you think the original intellectual activity came from – some other workers.
Are you that stupid you can’t even figure out the relevancy of your own comments?
Yes, some people and some companies have orignal ideas (or buy them). But in most cases the person or people with the ideas don’t get compensated that much – instead it is the business people that exploit that idea.
Look at Microsoft – they bought their first operating system – they didn’t design it.
Look at Amazon – they used the internet. Something workers for the government designed and built.
We could go on and on…but you have no argument.
Microsoft – an INVESTOR paid money for QDOS to build their company from. Stock grants to employees turned the early “workers” into millionaires.
Amazon – ditto.
These people then went out and used their money to build new companies, on their own, some succeeded, some failed. It’s called Capitalism and it’s the worst form of human economy – except for all the others that have been tried.
Piss off Commie.
@29 “bunch of homos and degenerates”
Geez, it’s sure looking like Marvin approves of his wingnut friend Mark hating on gays. Not a single word of condemnation. What’s up with that?
What’s the difference between mark and steve?
steve doesn’t have a “m” in his name.
They both share the same homophobic bigotry and disdain for women.
Not much of a difference between the words of steve and his sockpuppet mark.
He has more in common with you.
Check this out, bigotry, just like manotruth.
Like I said, you have more in common with him than I do.
Are you ready to stat talking about you being a racist or do you want to wait another couple days?