City Councilmember Nick Licata just told KUOW that he believes he has the votes to pass his ban on displaying the Bodies Exhibit in Seattle, yet his colleague Mike O’Brien can’t seem to get another councilmember to join him in aggressively protecting city taxpayers from a potential billion dollars in cost overruns on the Big Bore tunnel.
Huh. Make of that what you may.
That’s the last time I’ll vote for Licata.
At least they’ve managed to do something.
My wife and I both find the exhibit of partially dissected remains of Chinese political prisoners encased in plastic to be disgusting. It should never have been allowed to enter the country.
Evidently this is an issue Mayor Conlin isn’t particularly concerned about.
I’m with ArtFart…banning that misbegotten excuse for art is the right thing to do.
The tunnel thing is stunning, though. Maybe the Council is sick of rehashing the viaduct replacement…but the risks for the tunnel are enormous. I fully support the Mayor on this issue.
Give it up BeerNotWar- the Tunnel is the inverse Monorail-beloved of the downtown business interests and rejected by the electorate. Thus, inverse rules apply, 5 elections, and all the Tunnel needs is one victory and it’s DECIDED and the game is over. Now, about those elections….
I had to laugh at Ron Judd’s take on the tunnel issue in Sunday’s Times:
“And Finally, Some Good News: The state unemployment level dipped slightly last month. It’s due mostly to the tens of thousands of engineering consultants hired to create separate studies extolling the obvious virtues/unspeakable horrors of the proposed deep-bore traffic tunnel through downtown Seattle.”
Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....rap18.html
Cadavers Unite! Vote for Nick Licata, he is the Cadaver Rights candidate.
Bodies exhibit = easy appeasement without actually doing something; tunnel = done deal, dead horse.
I never knew that anyone was against the bodies exhibit until now. I regret not going while it was here. I don’t know if I see it as art, but it certainly is an opportunity to see the structure of the human body like you’d never see if you weren’t a medical student.
the bodies are more lively than the council stiffs and that is licata’s real problem.
ArtFart @2,
I find deboning a raw chicken to be disgusting. It should never be allowed to enter the country.
David …
I am pretty broad minded, as Deities go, but tolerating slavery and porn violates my few rules.
Do not do unto another as you would do unto them.
Would you like to allow the State of Washington to sell the body parts of indigents and prisoners for money? Or how about charging a buck to see a collection of beautiful objects made of human leather?
Is this OK if you can blame this on the Chinese? Hell, they do not even believe in Me so I guess that makes this OK?
Maybe you humans should do back to impaling the heads of the losers of your football games as a lesson to others????
Of course your friends the Christians seem to get a lift from eating my son’s body and drinking his blood, bit I think they do this with a wink, wink.
At least the Makah honored the conquered by ritual ingestion.
Even I have some limits.
Is that confusing to you??
Doing things to others should reflect their wishes, not your own.
The idea that someone can take another’s body for display .. especially when the dying people are prisoners, means their wishes are not knowable.
Of course one can argue that a dead body is just so much meat and bone. But who owns the meat and bone? Does the State?
Funny thing, David, as a writer you would argue for your rights to your writing, but not your body?
There is also a teaching in this exhibition. A terrible teaching.
I am that I am.
@11 &12;
While I completely agree that the bodies exhibit should be banned – how do you feel about the tunnel and taxing only Seattle for the cost overruns?
The tunnel ….
Answering that sort of question is difficult. Humans do take Me seriously!
Perhaps a parable will help?
The Teacher attracted many to live by him. Soon the small village on the shore of the Lake became a great city.
The city, built by followers of the Teacher had schools and theaters, stadiums for sports, streets with cafes and coffee houses.
The city even had a great tower built to evoke the spirit of the Eiffel Tower .. a symbol of light and gay times, even though it was said that the food served in Teacher Tower was over priced.
The city’s neighbors came there to eat, as if to learn from the Teacher.
Many more neighbors came from north and south to study at schools built by followers of the Teacher. Industries and communities grew to the north and south, soon new towns grew there as well. All was good.
Then the neighboring towns to the North and South said.. ” We need a road so we can rapidly go from Northtown to Southtown.” But how to build this road? The land between the Lake and the mountains was now the City.
The followers of the Teacher said, Teachertown can not be a highway. Build your road elsewhere or bury it as a tunnel under Teachertown’s streets and stadia.
Bury the new highway? What a good idea! But who should pay? Alas, now the Teacher had died so the decision had to be made by the Council of Elders.
The Elders, could not decide. Some argued that the highway would hurt the Teacher’s City unless it was buried. Others argued that that the people of Northville and Southville were more numerous than the privileged few who lived in Teachertown.
Alas, in this parable there are no miracles.
I am that I am.
I think O’Brien is having trouble rounding up any votes to support his anti tunnel campaign for two reasons:
1. his association to Mayor McGinn, who is fast becoming a national joke and the biggest gift to Republicans since Ronald Reagan and
2. all the other councilmembers were elected at one time or another in support of the tunnel, by much wider margins than McGinn, who had to say he would not stand in the way to get elected.
McGinn might be having fun alienating people on this topic. It is easy to kill things. Good luck actually doing anything real with McGinn as Mayor.