As I’m sure you have now all been made aware by the 24/7 media coverage, Prince Rainier of Monaco tragically died yesterday at the age of 81. Flipping through the channels this morning, it seemed every network had preempted their regular programming to cover the death of this much beloved monarch — except, ironically, for FCDN (the Fox Celebrity Death Network) which for some reason was showing a documentary on Vince Foster. Even PBS Kids got into the act by rerunning a classic episode of Arthur, in which Prince Ranier helps Muffy set up a charity casino night at Elwood Elementary School.
World leaders are rearranging their schedules to attend the fallen monarch’s funeral this Friday. I think President Bush summed up our national grief best when he said, “Who could not help touch the man, or be touched by him? It’s sad… sad work.” With public sentiment like this, we should expect wall-to-wall media coverage to continue for days to come, pushing all other news off the air, and out of the newspapers.
FYI, I’ve heard a rumor that the Pope died. Great man with a complicated legacy. If anybody has any further details on his death, please forward me a link.
What’s with this news-clutter? Don’t you realize sharks are schooling off Florida? SHARKS!!!
Actually this is sad news. I grew up near Monaco, and although the Principality is hardly a world leader in anything other than anchovies and millionaire tax evading “residents” (Sound Politics would have a field day with that list!) Prince Rainier was always a respected figure, even while his daughters bounced from one fling to another.
BTW, the funeral is not this Friday, but next week Friday, so Prince Charles can make a Riviera honeymoon out of it perhaps.
I’d guess that Putin had him poisoned.
I’m thinking this posting is more about the character, or lack there of, of Goldy more than anything else.
Show some respect for both the Pope and the Prince.
prr @4,
Actually, if you had a shred of nuance or subtlety, you’d understand that this post is a commentary on the news media, and its coverage of the Pope’s death, and other similar stories.
Hey… and isn’t it the right who always complains about “political correctness?”
Goldy has a very unique talent, one I’m actually surprised he hasn’t capitalized on. He very deftly writes his little blog making controversial, insulting and ugly comments while not actually coming out and saying them. I fully expect that state dems will recognize this talent for latent obfuscation and recruit him for some politcal office.
Moving on…
The veiled insult that the Pope has usurped the coverage of Prince Rainier (please note Goldy, that’s RainIer not Rainer as you crowned him in error) is typical liberal style over substance. While he was indeed a gracious ruler he is only famous for being married to a Hollywood icon – without that bit of “style” he’d be unknown. I wonder who can name the not-married-to-a-star monarch of Liechtenstein.
As to re your poll: I just hope Tony Blair & Rob McKenna & Reagan Dunn don’t pass before their time. That’ll make me weep like my parents wept for JFK & RFK.
Good grief.
not Rainer as Goldy has in the title
Ranier as Goldy as in the poll.
ProudAss… thanks for pointing out my typo. I’ve never been much of a proofreeder.
And actually… no… my post has nothing to do with Prince Ranier. I merely used his death as a springboard for commenting on the blanket media coverage of the Pope. But read into it what you want.
Now your typing about “springboards” this is not supposed to be about Olympic diving events. have you no shame sir…There are 2 dead people in this world, they deserve the 24/7 they are getting.
Lets get back on the subject….You spelled Proofreader wrong @ #9…it should be Whaaaaa.
Goldy @ 5
Fuck Subtlety.
This is a 2×4 acroos the head.
Show some fucking respect.
Hans-Adam who is moving to vienna because his principality is too droll and banal for even him, who is serene but not that serene. but who cares really.
show respect???? Show Respect for two dead white guys??? Let’s see, where is the respect for the dozens who died last week from exposure to the elements? Oh yeah, not given. Where is the R E S P E C T for the iraqis killed in combat or the sumatrans killed in the earthquake, or the kids that were killed in Rio by the rogue cops. But please don’t ask for some special out of reason respect for two dead white guys who were appointed to their roles as two extraordinarily pampered and wealthy people.
I understand those who are offended and David’s indirect criticism of the press was difficult for some of us to see at first. The Pope was certainly a huge figure in history and the spiritual leader of millions. At some level I am a little jealous of those whose faith is strong that they can be so grieved. What is it those millions have that I have not developed in myself. My own spirituality seems fragmented and complex. So I offer my respect to those of such clear faith and adoration. The press has a fine line to walk in such matters. I am relieved though that the New Yorks TIme has begun to offer a more balanced view point. I don’t think that takes away from the Pope’s many accomplishments, but shows like all humans he had a record that was mixed. In it’s editorial on infallibility the Times did examine his insistence that masturbation is a sin (I am definitely going to hell if that is the test!)and how his continued denial of condoms has sentenced African Catholics to death by AIDS. We can’t gloss over those facts. I also am pleased to see NYT editorial writer Kristoff saying that the world leaders gathering in Rome should be paying homage to the Pope by ending the carnage in Africa where even now kids are being thrown in bonfires–and not by viewing his earthly remains. Of course, they could do both, but to pay respects solely by pomp and circumstance surely is telling. Anyway–my sympathy to both those who feel so keenly the loss of either the Pope or the Prince. Danny
the celebrity of cult deaths… indeed
prr @12,
“A 2×4 across the head” of whom?
Seriously, for whom was I showing disrespect? The Pope? I called him a “great man with a complicated legacy.” How was that disrespectful?
Or are you concerned that I was disrespectful of Prince Rainier? This was a man who lived to a respectable old age of 81, in the lap of luxury in Monaco, enjoying his three kids and seven grandchildren. Plus… he got to fuck Grace Kelly!
I should be sad for him? I should mourn this man? Hell no… we should celebrate his incredibly great life! So I’m raising a drink to you, Rainier, you lucky S.O.B.
Goldy. purrrrrrrr should look at his own disrespectfull.
Proud to Be An Ass @ 6
It used to be Prince Hans-Adam II, but he quit last year, and now his son Prince Alois runs the country … I mean family business. Liechenstein’s main economic output is laundered money.
spyder @ 13
The Pope was wealthy? I thought he only got room and board.
Goldy @16
Plus… he got to fuck Grace Kelly!
I have a similar envy for JFK and his Marilyn Monroe fling…
Two million pilgrims have emerged on Rome and two million still expected. Rome’s population being approx.three million. A bringing in of all kinds of contagious germs and viruses. Takes a lot of stinky one or two hole crappers for throngs upon throng, unless they all wear Depends. They should isolate the travelers before sending them back here.
hans @ 13.
Hows this for subtlety?
I see your point.
Screw whitey, In fact let’s make an initiative where we give preferential traetment to everyoneone but white heterosexual males.
Fucking idiot
The only traveler they should isolate is lefty uber-hero Slick wags-his-willy Comrade Clinton. The man is as base and insulting as them come. I can only hope the College of Cardinals in Rome will ban him from the Popes funeral and that GW makes him find his own way back to Chappaqua or whatever desk he’s currently whipping out his wagger. The man is an American embarassment and a disgusting pig.
“President Bush’s decision to include Clinton in the US delegation to the Pope’s funeral has already upset many Catholics. Clinton’s presidency was one of aggressive opposition to the Catholic moral universe which John Paul personified.“
“ Clinton’s audacity in critiquing the pope – who will likely be best remembered for his indefatigable championing of the sanctity of human life – will strike many as especially insulting from a president whose reign was a mud-spattered catalogue of moral and political scandals. Bill Clinton’s particular legacy among pro-lifers is to be remembered for his repeated vetoes of the partial birth abortion ban.“
“Clinton’s indifference to Catholic sensibilities was exemplified in 1998, when he and his wife received Holy Communion at a Catholic Mass while on a trip to South Africa. This act, understood by Catholics to be one of sacrilege, occurred while the Clintons led the world in their war against traditional Christian morality. The late John Cardinal O’Connor of New York declared the episode “legally and doctrinally wrong.” “
Chee @ 17
I’ll apologize for nothing.
Goldy runs his mouth, uses profanities in his posts and I am responding in kind.
he is off the mark and out of line.
His blog is about washington politics and his mouth should be shut after that.
CHEE @ 17, just have patience, the wacko trolls get tired of reading the truth and usually head back to uSP quickly. Even cynicalidiot has gotten lost. Most are like Jeff B, come here, spew their given words for the day, and run back to hide with the shark. We do have some fairly continual pets….chard, ass, prr, chuckie,,,,,but not at all uncontrolable
Dear spelling/grammar/vocabulary challenged, Please correct and return to me for re-assessment of your now failing grade.
“fairly continual pets” – Tell me dear, what is it you are trying to say? can be your friend.
“uncontrolable” – Spelling, spelling, spelling. is your friend.
Could someone please muzzle your Comrade Me, M, MEEE?
Can he be more of a disgrace?
Can he be more of an ass?
Could someone please muzzle your Comrade Me, Me, ME?