State Senator Craig Pridemore, D-Vancouver (LD 49,) will formally get the endorsement of the Blue America PAC during am 11 AM PST live chat today at the web site Crooks and Liars.
Pridemore is one of only three US House candidates endorsed by Blue America so far this cycle. The others are Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Florida, who has earned national renown for his blunt criticism of conservative lunacy, and CA-36 candidate Marcy Winograd, who is waging a spirited primary against Rep. Jane Harman, D-War Machine.
Blue America’s official endorsement page describes the group this way:
On this page are the candidates for office– the challengers and a tiny handful of incumbents– who we are recommending that our readers donate to. Each candidate has been interviewed and questioned about a handful of specific items: women’s choice, equality under the law for all Americans, campaign finance reform, issues of war and peace, and the bread and butter issues that seek to re-establish an equitable balance between ordinary working families and powerful Big Business interests. The Blue America PAC is especially looking for strong and independent-minded progressive leaders and critical thinkers, something at least as important as any single position.
The page notes that the national blogs Digby’s Hullabaloo and Down With Tyranny, as well as Crooks and Liars will follow the races.
So what does this mean? In a nutshell it means that regular people get to play, too, not just the wealthy and not just the insider elite. The netroots can be a great equalizer.
This is, in essence, bundling for the little people, and the fact that Pridemore is being mentioned in the same breath as Winograd and Grayson means he’s on the national radar big-time. It couldn’t happen to a better candidate.
Being mentioned in the same breath as a loud mouthed liar like Grayson. Well, there’s a compliment if ever I heard one!
good for pridemore but act blue raises money for senators pryor and lincoln, who act red. hypocritical, no?
@1 Grayson is a great man. You’re a little weasel.
@2 It could be worse. At least they’re not raising money for the likes of Bachmann or Tancredo.
All things considered, I like our hypocrites better than their hypocrites.
Indeed, RR is right, er, correct, again – Grayson is a great man fearlessly and with great comedy sticking it to the wingnuts. And @1 is a moron. Or is it moran?
Wrong act blue is only endorsing three candidates currently.
Grayson, Winograd and Pridemore. The only recent fund raising about candidates like pryor and Lincoln has been to run ads in their district calling them out for their bullshit positions.
@ 7 — Wrong. Blue America PAC is endorsing three candidates. They are one of many groups and candidates making use of ActBlue‘s online fundraising facilities.
The good news for Pridemore is that he’s in select company – with a probable one-term congressman (Grayson) and a protest candidate who will once again fail to make it out of the primary (Winograd).
Tea Partiers Win!
yo, ronk baby! you must be loving life with 1 of your DLC sell out boys running everything into the sewar – good old rahm-o-bama!
WHEN will I learn? we lost coakley, dukakis, kerry, gore … cuz DFHs scared the middle and then the middle voted repuke! We didn’t lose cuz millions of the barely awake listened to the DLC sell outs peddle dick cheney’s definition of everything 2 inches from dick’s left hand as communist!
Grayson is a 1 termer? cuz he stood up the lying fascists, instead of shitting his diapers like all your favorite sell outs?
@10 “yo, ronk baby! you must be loving life with 1 of your DLC sell out boys running everything into the sewar – good old rahm-o-bama!”
I’m not sure what you’re talking about as Obama and his crew just saved the world from the depression you rightwing fucks caused.
I’ve NEVER voted fascist. I also despise fascist sell outs, but, I guess that is too complicated?
I realize fascist lackeys complain about the DLC as DFH’s, but, fascist lackeys don’t have better allies in the Dim-O-Shit party…
well, except the toads that keep re-electing sell outs cuz the sell outs aren’t fascists!
I guess I’m missing all the great hope that I voted for? Are you 1 of the obama-bots on dailykos cheering the clinton III disaster?
at least with palin and mcslime we’d have real, honest to goodness liars working day and night on behalf of the powerful thieves out to screw all us working stiffs – rahm & the big 0 are only putting in 3/4 time.