If you’re wondering why I’ve sat back and allowed Jon DeVore to use HA as a forum for promoting the candidacy of State Sen. Craig Pridemore to succeed U.S. Rep. Brian Baird in WA-03, well, this video should tell you everything you need to know.
Of course, with a controversial and uncertain House vote nearly upon us, the politically prudent thing to do would be to keep quiet until the outcome is determined. No need to expend political capital in a losing cause, and all that. And that’s exactly the path that Pridemore’s main Democratic opponent, Denny Heck has chosen.
But not Pridemore. This is a guy who clearly wants to go to the other Washington not just to be a representative, but to represent the people back home. There’s an authenticity in this video that one doesn’t often see from politicians these days, and I sure hope Pridemore’s consultants don’t attempt to polish it out of him.
Yeah sure, Pridemore is the more progressive of the two candidates, and of course that helps earn my support, but I’m also a pragmatist who fully understands that WA-03 is a swing district in which sometimes the less progressive Democrat is the better choice in August if that’s the only Democrat who can win in November. But I simply don’t believe that Heck’s more “moderate” tack gives him that advantage… not in this race, and not in this election cycle.
Heck comes off as just another politician, and maybe that’s good enough in some years, but not in 2010 when there’s a backlash brewing against politics as usual. Pridemore on the other hand is a guy who I believe can genuinely connect with voters, given the resources and opportunity to do so. And that’s why I’m convinced that Pridemore represents the Democrats’ best shot at holding WA-03 in November.
But don’t take my word for it. Check out Pridemore’s website for yourself. And if you come away as impressed as I have, you might want to consider throwing him a few bucks.
Dear Horses Ass,
I just have a quick question for you but couldn’t find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger and the owner of the mahablog. Please email me back at barbaraobrien@maacenter.org when you get a chance. Thanks.
“uncertain House vote”
It’s not uncertain at all, it’s a sure thing, because if Democrats don’t have enough votes they’ll use “deem and pass.” Hey why not, Repukes don’t believe in majority rule either.
To THE DUMB BUNNY. To use Deem and pass they have to vote on that. If Pelosi had the votes she’d already call the vote.